^Hr. KlGN ino itre. s â- 3 b^nt^J'^Sjk doci '"meat. Were notii, ourteen Tele.?raph System. oi the iountry and the ex- rofftti *• ^jje constantly in- i^f'"" Son the facilities of â- I ^fThv r7\ and water, by post '"""" and we should now add by :il^f*^' other of these systems, it is "'• i of greater importance to the :^"*-" n thin the telegriph, which ;ejs '"^^j go great a development as .«â- ""^^.^ijle to commerce aud the ^*Tmeans by which telegrams can '""'•"' =ent and answered is a matter â- j3P"y^ ° „.»rn to the manufacturer, "^;nr^d the shipper. We look ' \t therefore, upon any move made â- ^^"â- 'lor its object the enlargement of â- "' for rapid inter-communica- '.;,;c)nne' ti'in ested One on rrp A^^'^^^i OQtradiotsthe, berate the CaV â- 'â- orfnendjv -ourse. '"" ti^at the p„. o appoint a Co! ie Chemical wJ idmanypfrso^l ' students enf tion in «(;_ p* [• The troop, diversity st^J the information given -â- nieetuig of the Great North '"Vele 'raph Company has an im- â- "^•'nirifance. Cauadahas been well 'â- 'â- ^he matter of telegraphs, :^d it is t^, t-;.;d that we are mov/ng with ., i„ all that relates to modern \];ic3very nud invention. The Juring th e year of the company •yoo a uetermination to be np to cuts of the growing traffic. re leased from the Montreal Companies have, it appears, a "thorough Ai an instance of this, the the Cieaeral Manager at the ;ire:i: lilt, repairers term K.t-'.:^ „,,_.;l 'ea'i totheBrL tlie cost of tie] t»i^ trial, fc^l r of a great i • publicans have J rnnciples, ^A "â- aft a manifj '•t that the GovJ ty of 160 oa I ManiniaofQae, lice Dixie, a i •r fortieth yea' ' exactly half'l trade atachi wife was pjd 1 decided tosei â- y the ceded t sort on its res. itied the treaty! igo Chief Ml' ;ee dwelt upon^ 'eBrazza's er, sptl a bill prol(^ imission to i t] and Amerii lined during Frauco-Prusii KK.'VIANY. ayence hasvjj to the ISI e sufferers fcyi ,â- embankmenti has given 'pingcoaimimii have reacheJSj iug. The brii at Coblenz, greatest o: i uesdayHerrV| from ths that the v^i I sides into I boat bridge [possible toBiJ if err Von Pil( au audience! hought itaes le scene of i stories of river is ' iOUBLES. in Farisastoi] voys will ,;, referrii?! nvovs t« â- ood may iH e accrediteJl d WasbinS' ms.K by :iil)es a journey made, by one aph irspsctors, of 1,400 miles k-lx-ard, tliroogh Quebec, New aiiil Nma Scotia, in the course soi!!-' -JJ (iiijers wore visited, :-.-i rc-ict ur renewed, insule- tlie lines remotlelied, the batteries aud connections at -arraii;,'ed, especial attention â- ivea to t!io t.hrough wires orer '-1-C biisiniss of the Eastern prov- â- 'j^j,l ;;iecali!e Inisine.-s of the D minion 'M=init:ed. All this lias resulted in the "p.'i.iiho liries of that district in a con- â- '" tiii-itiiUvV to v.hich they had for vfcirs been strangers. ';heOta\va and in Northaru Ontario, 'â- j !,ollev of supervision and re-con- â- iun iu=, we find been pursued, notably ;3';ton, L'nilsay, and other important V;iL-i'.-' a large number of wires con- ;. or at repeating |,. o nts at Tihich ivie • is a prims requisite. In the iurL:i-el ae-oniodatiou, both with "t; (.i;i-':-.s an'l wires, liave been found ..\. iLii'i .-uei-j-jsful efioits ha^e been ;ii,iiniili ii:- Not only in Toronto, â- !.;â- :viiii';!eil!'.ig of the liead oifije of i!iilv.:iy bus given iuereated room to ji'a.i't niiuli greater convenience t ,[\\ liir: at M /iitreal, Loudon and awiinpriive- ;;' tiif ' lii ;e in C*i-'ebec, ami vaiious •y.ii arj in progress at other poiiits. .npM'tait .su'iiject oi insulation has !,',.;',;c:i attention at tiio liands of ilie r.nar.\'i- elcjtrician;; dl.e I'oiid composite Livgcly inirj lUuL 1 a fe.v years Li; piiioas of tiiG lines, w.t proving -::i::"" are huiui: replaced by glass or â- ,;iMi, fcri-'e e i traj:s for the newest :;..-: p. I'lf'-t l'.:i^:l;.!i jiatter-i having ,_;.• !i ^â- ".;;. 1 lie nil ealjle Ijoxcs prov-. :.,;i\i':(l ii:-o(hieti\L- ofwari^e of current, ' 1:1.111 iinny ei'ts roplacetl. Aerial .â- • :e i e.ii;- iiiti c U; ;ed wlicre a larre â- â- .V o: 'a;:v- 1?- t und unwieldy :;f:.i:,c;iMr, aivl â- .Mrinus contrivances :.; "ir t:ie;r nlijae: the perfection of "jii [v.id the ec: noir.y -f battery :â- ureb. i!i„' .racliia iy but steaeliiy :ei. ill a v.-('id, modern iilca.s appear e 111 u.L C.iiiipanys administration, :..; :.;v.o,-L ai. I mo it iervieeable ap- '" â- â- :'-â- '--.'iit lor the placing of its ri.i ;:; :;.e i.iu=t eonipletc state of etfi- InfV ♦ ^^'^^ ^^ inhalf-doz^and dozen lots at great discount. Cattle Shipments. -The Hon. M H Cochrane recently shipped U cars of .atS^ from Compton to Chicago fair. OneTnor! Sit^ds:^- ^^^PP^^ -^i^i'^^ -rTy Weak lungs, spittiug of blood, consump- tion, and kindred afTections, cur^d witSt physician. Address for treatise, with two stamps. World's Dispensaey mIdxcIl Association. Buffalo, N Y. -^'^it-AL Cnnf^'V-?""^-"^* Bamston. Mr. Peter Gooley killed a seven months pig a few days ago which weighed (dressed) 335 lbs., and Mr. Silas Hill killed a 6^ months one which turn e 1 the scales (dressed) at 346 lbs. " A Crop of Joy la Every Word. " Dr R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. â- Three months ago I was broken out with laree ulcers and sores ou my body, limbs and face I procured your' "Golden Medical DiscoTery-' and "Purgative Pellets " and have taken s X bottles, and »o-day I am in good health all those ugly ulcers having healed and left my skin in a ratural, h»althy rendition I thought at one time that I could not be cured. Although I can but poorly express my gratitude to you, yet there i, a drop of joy in every word I write. Yourstrujy, JAMES O. BELLIS, Flem- A Bts Inrestneat. nearly sixteen years, and the sales are steadi. iver'^sjrrtfies^f" '""' hT^SS^ friendf \T """" '°^^"«" H^S. t'^*â„¢ ^ilwav division from" sS "th^ Suspension Bridge by No. 502 ^ast ^1^'"'°°'^,"'"" °^ '«- 3 express last Tuesday week. The distance of 43i Sfn^ accomplished in 55 minutes, in! eluding one stop. onYnS^^*^^oyf^- ^^' medicine to keep ehiJi?.nH°'"p^""" ^°"g^«' ^^t"" B^" chitis and Pulmonary troubles generally, is Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam. It wil/^o^ cure Consumption, but it will cure tbose^tj-oublesome conditions leading there- of ^1^1^°"^?'° I^EAâ„¢.-Mr. John Coa.ins, of Bolton Glen, had a child two and a half ears of age, so badly scalded the other day, by sitting down in a bucket " " " water, that it rery " sold by drug- ington, N. J. " Dii gists. Lightly Taxed.â€" The total rate this year in Shelbourne for municipal purposes is only ten in lis in the dollar, notrwithstanding the expenditure incurred by" the hours afterward of boiling lived only about thirty-six A Secret. The secret of beauty lies in pure blood and good health, without the one"' ' additional building of the" town hall. â€" the other is impossible. Burdock Blood Bitters is the grand key that unlocks all the secretions opens the avenue to health by purifying and regulating all the organs to a proper action. It curesall Scrofulous Disease'-, acts on the Blood, Liver, Kidneys, Skm and Bowels. a,nd brings the bloom of health to the pallid h*k. 14 A MrTUAL Improvemes-t Societt has been farmed a.z Coaticook. Rightly con- ductei it may become a power for good. mHOSB^ WISHINQ TO DISP6SE OF OR â- jmrenase a business ef any description in ine city or elsewhere should call or send parti- cuUtfs to C. J. PALIN, 53 and 55 King^tteet iiast. Business Agent and V ainer. SUBSCRIBERS in Manufacturing Company established tour years, to extend the business have been unable to supply the demand big profit on Kfwds. Address MANUFACTURER, 35 Adel- aide Street West, Toro nto. ftR nnn nnn worth of farming WW«IIUU«UUU and other property in Ont- ano for sale by the CANADA WEST LAND AGENCY COMPANY, 11 Adelaide-st East. Toronto. Send for list AGRICULTURAL FOUNDRY FOR SALE in flourishing town of 4,000 population: Buildings, of stone; machinery and tools very complete. Present lessee would take half in- terest if desired. Price 87,S00. convenient terms. MACKIN^OSH^ PET ERS, T oronto. FARM FOR SALE â€" BEING LOT 106 Gwillimbury, adjoining town of Holland Landing 212 acres. Northers R. R. Station sit- uated on comer of this Lot. the !and is high rolling clay loam Brick boiisn frame Bank Bam. J. W. G WHITNEV. Eitate Agent- 25 To ronto-st Toronto. GOOD INVESTMENT IN THE CITY OB Brandonâ€" new^ store and d'welling above, for sale excellent business stand central be- tween freight and new passenger depot, two blocks from either; also four lots in block: most desirable spot in city for residraices. Address Box 218. Brandon Manitoba. CHOICE FARM-lWACRES-48 CLEARED 20 more could be ready for spring crop and Slumped; clay loam; no stone; nearly level; well watered; large frame barn with granary, log stable; log house; all in flrst-class condition: best cattle and grain farm in the district; school store, post-office about one mile: immediate possession; also 212 acres; 17i cleared, large fraaic house with outbuildiugs.stone cellar and foundations; now barn with loft and shed; all above built 1881-2. situated on lake shore, hard- wood bush. The two y;.reels will be sold as one farm or the former only. Box 3, I'ort Sydney, Ont. ^â- WU *tl !â- â- leats hivebeen mat' J Piaiis ue lea u, f jr enlarging and •u-i -It the \i ill s al, 1[ 'ireat Xortli- Western euustaiitlv working, lifax. St. John, Port- ifC'.n .Mont â- â- " -t^.iiairlX, \v Vork, â- â- â- â- :ii u'.jo Chicai^o. It ha duplex " «rk!iii; hftwf u M'jut eal and .St. -â- ^- o. Montreal and Quebec Quebec -^:. J'lhn Montroai and New York; â- â- â- â- 'i';i;'..l(i:t i\v.i Torouto auiKJttawa -t' and L'jnloii Toront i and Toledo "jaiMlla::'.il:.j:i Toronto aud Buiialo. •â- -^i-i^eaic (luuiiniplcx instrumei.ts in Montreal and Turonto, and ,. A, ^^^^J,,^ .,u.K,-â€" -.â€" â- â€" ..troduction 1 intermtdiate into a family of a bottie of PvtiKnn'.t Pai'nlcss Cor;i A'^f^rae^or would be the means of restoring peace and prosperity. Corns arc painful, and the constant consciousness of this upon even the best naturcd produces nervous depression, Ai • •'â- tea ' a:ui 1 â- iterib 1 â- ipptar.^ â- :ne,, 1- â- â- â- -' ,-*' Tha erection of new a I'.raii'ion, Itipid City, Minne- a;;! the rebuilding of those ^:. 'i:iccnt aud Portage la Pru,i- ai'ije-, aud t!ic other woik doue • 1 la the Xortli-\Vf;st are iia- â- le year's operations. the company, upon the I bo well maintai:.ecl, and U e!i telegraphic corres- leted, while satifactory to e, retlects credit upon tl e 'lo are responsible for 'I,' LUIKl'U V 'trii Tunes. --nglcr of the 18th Koyal S=gimeat at Tel-cl-Keier. Irish RAXCE. y surviving^ arrested on the robbeif| is ^^fl" ;cted *!«" 3,1 France. )rshaverei' dagascar»J ^mt --" ;he Mad* je Freoch" rderedto« â- â- ;:""i--te;-, :\ m^re lad, Vv-as breast to ';*ui: M.ijur Hart at the head .of the '•â- â- i iiT.c.s at Tel-el-Kcbir. Turning ManiMed up the face of the works ";-.'CHetll, a hostile liJie butt struck ;;^-'ii'i hetumb ed back into the ditch. "-V-^l t I Ids fuet, p eked up his bu- ;•" ij.luwed the red wave which had ynward (hiring his disaster. He got ..'â- â- ^^r.; while ,he rank and tile were at- :;S' "ecnsmy with the bayonet. Here ^a brazfu note, hut in the midst of \voneted in the sh' ulder by a 1 '-e lad had lost his sword in his :^' r.o had his bugle aud his fist and 'Wbc he joined battle with theArabist, '6 ?.it down in no time with what is â- "ne '-nail. 1,: What is beautiful U"hy, Carboline, a deodoriz d extract of petroleum, as now improved and perfected. Clear as sprmg water, delightfully perfumed and will not soil tne finest linen fabricâ€" a perfect toilet preparation and absolutely makes the hair grow on bald heads. BrRXED i,v Soft Soap. â€"One day last week Mr. R. Little's boy, a chiM of three summer acciden ly fell into a tub of soft soap. The little fellow fell in head first, and would soon have een smothered had he not twisted himself into a sittiug posture. As it was his eyed were ba;lly bu.ued. â€" .1/^ Forest Advocate. E.N'TERPRisiNG â€" The St Cath'riues (gen- eral aud Marine Hospital is out of debt, and has som thing of a surplus. A hard strug- gle has been the exp-ri^nice i I the past. The trustees of St. Andrew's church. Wind- sor, have deeidcd to erect a new edifice to cost not more than .?!),000, coi"inencingworlc iu the spring.â€" â€" Belleville atanls in a fair way to be pfisscs^'ed shortly of an ex e"ent museum. The Murehison L'hri) has deeidcl to talvc the ma*"*er in hiuil, au 1 the Albert College authoiities, already owniiig f|uitc a valuable colleciioii, have ofTerel to provide the re uired rooms. Davy k C!a k, Drugi.:ists, Renfrew, date (if J ne ;]rd, write," liurdoc'i I'dood Bitters tliough comparatively a uev.- preparation, has taken the lead in thii locality as a blood purilier, our sales of it being equal to that of all other medicines used lor ths purpose during the lost year." IS. Dry Rot is damaging potat 3S, ly " Early Rose " variety, in t!ie hood of C t ook. A Bleseine in Dtsgulse. No one would supi)Osc that the cspecial- neiithbor- ill temper, recklessness.leading to a desire to spend their time away fro n the bosom to their family. In order to avoid the evils above men- tioned alwavs keep a bottle of Putnam's Corn Extractor on hand. ' FOFR HrSliREU other day by tjold everywhere SiiAD were cau£;ht the three gentlemen ot Philips- burg An Admonition. Toncglcjt a cough or c Id, is but to in- vite cousump ion, that destroyer of the human race. Ilagy ird's Pectoral Balsam will cure the cough and allay all irritation of the bronchial tubes and lungs, aod ffectual!y remedy alt pulmonary complaints, such as Asthma, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, c. 17. AL\R'-.E Saw-Mill has beeu built by Messrs. Buck Stevens at Bolton Centre. iNDLSPEXSABLE.^There are some simple remedies indi?peusable in every family. Among these, the cxperienceof years assures us, should be recorded Briggs' Electric Oil. For both internal and external application we have found it of great value; especially can we recommend it for colds, rheumatism or nervous complaints. A Chess Clcb is talked of at Water'oo. "A. P." 102 m Ire! reland 'au4ini a hand and a foot." .,j. J'ver the prostrate captive, ;;â- 'â- triumphant blast. The drollery '-DiiniVu'i"""""' "^^ ^^^ soldiers laughing "wa the carnage. ives 'f^"'~^ man named Paquette, l"""'fLak^'^^tt" ""' ^^ the ether side of ^^.liT,o the fou'^^'" ^^' canied with a "pime I-*' Tom the lak "'"° exceedingly heavy aste vfl hia »* hi8 0*»i theP"" d. â- ot'in, -A n'""' ^° "® " home â€" 100 l^'lilU.^ K '^^ codfish, 2 lbs. of tea, ^^cflfi;,; /,°"'"°. "taking in all 154 lbs. r°' thp'ft^' '"®"'" procuring qualitiep, m r"« effel f '^."'^^g and powerful cur* "'"'tthev r"' '"'T Pectcral- I '^^ iiseasp= â- ^ ^^* remedy known for mi GREAT AN RE Rheumatism,"weu?alda, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache. Headache, Toothache, "Vegetizxe Five Doctors Did Not Cure. Clinton Street. Ar. TT T c. Toronto, Ont., Sept IS, 1S79. -iir. Ji. J,. .Stevens _l)ear Sir -I hereby certify that I have been sick for three years, unable to get any relief ^^.â- latever. I have been under the care of five ot tlie best physicians, each one giving my ill- ness a different name. The first said General Uebihtv the second, Fcvinlc Pcbililu and im- povcnshed blood the third, TArer Complaint. and Dypcp.tia the fourth said I was in Con- sumption the fifth said, Neuralgia on the lunga. and was certain I would never enjov pood health, so T concluded to give up doctors an«I commenced takinpf Pa'c« MTedidnes. At this time I was very weak. I hafl pain in my side, ba-k and chest, slept very little, and the food I ate cau-ed me pain. I was a burden to myself and friends, I was persuaded to try Vcijpti»e. A friend crave me a bottle to try, not thinkini:it would flo me any srood, as I had no hope of ever gcttinj; any better. After using the first bottle my head was better, and I could sleep better. The next two my appetite came, and I was ab'e to enjoy my food. I have now taken five bottles. I have a trood appetite and sleep well, have no nain, and am able to do mosf of n; own work. I pronotince your Wfr.'j. c'nr far.-ihend of any other, add canchcerfnllv recomiiieud it to any one in need of such a medicine. Yours resviei'tfuUv, :dliS.i:. ALLEN' w ANTED PARTIE.^ OWNING A PORT- ABLi? Saw Mill to tender for sawing the lumber off 200 acres of bnsh land. For parti- culars address, AUTHORS fc COX, Manufact- urers of Artificial Limbs, 91 Church street. Tor- onto. _^ WMTaSHALL, \VAfCH maker AND Jeweler, 262 Yonge St., Toronto, has en- larged his premises, and greatly increased his stock of gold and silver .iewelrj, plated ware, cutlery, clocks, watchet. etc. Fine stock of jet and garnet jewelry. Goods imported direct. Every kind of jewelry repaired promptly, neat- ly, and cheaph' LADIES TBEWARE ^^S^^^cSnT corsets will not break, or lose their shape. Wear corsets made by CromptOU COFSet Co. Toronto. EC IfUflTT'C SpiralalorH'lInrt. • d IVI1U I I 9 is Adelaide St. East, Toronto. All kindsof real estate soldorexchang- odon commission. Money loaned on all kinds of real estate at lowest rates of interest. Applica- tions for money fromfarTers a specialty. Rents collected aipd estates manaaci in town or coun- try. N.B.|-Best of references on application. CHRISTMAS Â¥NEW TEAR'STARDS In assorted lots, specially selected, for 25c. 50c, 75c, §1 and upwards. Free by mail on receipt of price. The \ewest Styles in Kirtbday 'nrds. Booksellers Stationers, ,311 Yonge-st, Toronto. CHEAPEST MUSIC IN TEE WORLD RhcUii^ntism C ured. Toronto, March 20, 1S79. Mr. II. It. Stevens: Dear Sir.â€" I was troubled with i2/iC!£7un'/(',s)7i in my knee and hip joints for nearly a year. I trii d a number of medicines to effect a cure, but none gave nic any relief. A friend recom- mended me to try your Vcic'inc. which I did, and after takinc two bottles of it I found relief. I took four more bottles, and the pains com- pletelv left me. I feel satisfied it is a cure for Rheumaiism. Yours resnectfnllv. M. ALLEN. C Ilossin House Blor^k, Toronto, Ont. Vegetine.â€" For eradicating all impurities of the blood from the system, it has no equal. It lias never failed to eli'ecta cure, t'iving tone and strength lo the system debilitated by dis- ease. I'RF.rAr.FD I!V H, R. STEVENS Toronto, Ont. Yegetine is Sold by All Druggists. CHFtlS.SHEPF.VllD. MannfrofMasonicand other So ;iety Jewe; 3. 151 ICing E..Torohto. W ty. A. Ball VUKV. S ivin^St. E..'l'oonto flC PER DAY han be made by agents, male 50 or femtle. C. W DENXIS Toronto. MTcil K repairo 1. IV ado work a special RIBBKB .STAttP!*.â€" ADDRESS R. H. COX f King St. East, Tfetonto.-^ Agents wanted- T»KlSrTO. i{arri«tcr, â- Mr. If. H. nayitc ^inpbrll, Sitlicltnr, Etc.. » Tlclur ii-st lirATmiFC Sendforfree illustrated cata- W A I unto. loguetoRYRIE,theJ.wcler, l:i Yoa^eStreet- Toronto.^ nilUO" Riftesand Ammunition. Fall pric UU No listready: sent free on application. W McDOWrtLL. cor. Kmgand George sts. Toronto HT\D^8TAMHS. SEALS." ETC.. of every description and for all uses. KEN\ON, T1NGL8Y Sc STEWART Mfg Co., Toronto. TiRIC R TI CKETS; SHOW CARDS, vvlN- â- DOW SHADES. Newest designs. S^d for price list. F.JVi-LLiAMS^K^ing_E^'rormito. n A n n n "Christmas, New Year, Birthday HA Kills and other Cards, at H. J. Mat- UHIIUU THEwaBHOS. art de pot. Toronto GEVrsTVANTED EVERYWHERE FOR our Family Bibles ana popular subscrm- tion books. Send for circulars. C. R. PARIbH Co., Toronto. s CHOOL DESKS-THE LATEST, CHEAP- EST, and best truttees should send for mv catalogue and price list. Ont. W. STAHL- Full size sheet, best print and good paper. Send 5 cents for sample copy and catalogue of COO pieces of latest instrumental and vocal music. S. C. BKiFOKD, 23 Kins Street West, Toronto D?alcr in ijicturc fr.T.mes and fancy goods. "Wait Till the" CloMrRoll By.' The latest New York sensation. Everybody i Singing It Send five cents for copy in full size sheet music form. S. FRANK WILSON, Pal»Hs^»er, ;5J lilelaide .St. Went, Toronto Xmas New Year Largest and Choicest Selection In the Dominion. Assorted lots sent free by mail on receipt of $1 or upwards. Lyon Alexander, 110, 112, anrt 114 Bay Street, J. G. WOODLAND SCHMIDT, P reston •¥â- n ri Patent eyelet, smooth surface, I' A I X heavy and very toueh. Send for 1 M U new price list. J. G, "^- CO., Printers, Toronto. SHIPWRIGHTS.-WANTED the Owen Sound ployment until spring. ^^NT\RIO VETERINARY COLLEGE TO y) RONTO. Studente can e .ter trom Octo hSr until January. PROF. SMITH, V. S- Edin. Principal. Fees.hftv doll.arg. FORTY- AT Steady em- Wages t wo doll ars. Electricity feeds the brain and musclea; in a xcord, U is Nature sfood. The Electric Oil possesses all the qualities that it is possible to combine in a medicine, thereh.v giv!n? it wide range of application as aninternal and external remedy for man at^dbeMt. The happiest results follow its use,and m \ES«OIJ^ 01SEA8ES, Such as rheumatism. Neuralgia and todre'd dise^es '^^^ ^^^"^^^^^ TIIKOAT AXD LI!JIC DISE.4.SES, ByWEI. rOMPlAIXTS, ET€., it is truly a marvel. The Oil besides exciting appetite, promotmg di- K^on, and checking fermentaUon on the f^ach, antidotes w counteracts the effect of the^id which produces rheumatism by de- 8m)^the oxolateand phosphate of lime in ?h^We». and the memfiranes encloni^ the ftto. !lS. Proprietors. (Eclectric is not Electnc^ XMAS PRESENTS. Our New Catalogue for 1883 Is now ready It contains over 600 illustrations of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Gold and Silver- Watches. Gold Guards, and Vest Chains, Plain, Band, En- graved, Gem, and Diamond Gold Rings. An elegant selection of English aid American Solid Gold Sets. New and beautiful designs of triple-plated .Silverware, etc. In our new Catalogue will be tound something to suit every intenaing purchaser, suitable for Xmas presents. We guarantee all our goods to be of the quality represented. Send six cents for our catalogue, it is worth ten times its cost, and it will help j^ou to make a judicious selection and give you its actual value and save your money. Annexed are a few selected articles :â€" Gents' solid Gold Watches, with genuine American movements, $30. and upwards. Gento' solid Coin Silver Watch, with genuine American movements, $13. and upwards. Ladies' solid Gold Watches, $15, and up- Ladies' solid English Gold Guards, $12, and upwards. Gents' solid English Gold Vests, $7 50, and up- •vrards. Solid English I5-krat Gem sets |12 50, and upwards. Solid 16-karat,3.stone,genuine Diamond Rings 97 M, and upwards. mi%. BTikmK, Vi Cliareh •street, Tarmtt* Brace rp â€" Your system for work. Zope.sa, the new Dyspepsia and Liv^r Remedy, at« tends strictly to business in Jcorrecting the Stomach, Liver, and Kifin3ys. Sample bot« ties 10 cents large bottles 75 cents, SPECIAL HOLIDAY NOTICE NOW READY. Our three Mammoth Cata- logues and Price Lists, with full description of the largest Stock of Xmas Goods, Cards, Al- bums, Xmas Tree Ornaments, Scrap Pictures. c., c. Sent free to any address by applying to BENNET CO., Wholesale Stationers, and direct importers of Novelties. All goods sent same day by mail. 453 St. Paul-street. Montreal. HAY BALE TIEST We are now manufactaring four kinds of these Ties, the Duck Bill, the Cross Head, the Adjustable and the Uouble Eje.from the best steel wire specially impoited for the purpose. We can also supply the wire in coils, or cut to length if derired. £3" Send for circulars. COOPER, FAIRMAN CO., 44 Foundling iitreot, Mnntrcul. Western Depot.â€" 11 Front Street East, Toronto. WORM POWDERS* Ate nlca!=:;nt totnhc. C ;i:t.'.in thoiroWB Partrative. Is a Eafo. F.-.::-e, râ€"d cffcctaMt tlemtrorst c-t worem in Cljiiidicn or Adultfc CHRISTMAS BOXES Nothing is more .appropriate for -a f'hrisfmas present than a live lb. Caddv Pure Tea from Remember, we send Tea to your own homo without extra charge. Send for I'ricc Lint and then order Tea to be shipped to your JCxprcss office. VICTORIA TEA WAREHOUi£ ».t King street. East, ToroMo. WILL CURE RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, JAUNDICE. ERYSIPELAS, SALT RHEUM, HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, And every species disordered LIVER, DIZZINESS, DROPSY, FLUTTERING OF THE HEART, ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH, DRYNESS OF THE SKIN, of dIse.Tse arising from KIDNEYS, STOMACH, BOWELS OR BLOOD T. MILBORN GO., '""'^l Ors, TORONTO. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, For Purifying the Blood. This compound of the vegetable alter- atives, Sarsaparilla Dock. Stillingia, and Mandrake, with the Iodides of Potash and Iron, makes a most effectual cure of a series of complaints which are verj' pre- valent and alihcting. It purifies the blood, purges out th e lurking humors in the system, that undermine health and settle into troublesome disorders. Erup- tions of the skin are the appearance on the sur face of humors that should bo expelled from the blood. Internal derangements are the de- termination of these same humors to some in- ternal organ, or organs, whose action they de- range, and whose substance they disease and destroy. Ayer's Sabsapakill.4 expels these humors from the blood. When they are gone, the disorders they produce disappear, such as Ulcerations of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys, Lungs. Eruptions and Eruptive IHseascs of the skin, St. Anthony's Fire, Rose or Erysipelas, Pimples, Pttstules, Blotches, Boils, Tumors Tetter and Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ring- worm, Ulcers and Sores, Rheumatism,, Neur- algia, Pain in the Bones, Side and Head. Fe- male Weakness. Sterility, Leucorrhcea arising from, internal ulceration and uterine diseases. Dropsy, Dyspepsia, Evuiciation and General DetnLity. With their departure health returns FBEFARED BY 2 DR. J. G. AYER CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical and AKalTtleal Chemists. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEAL; EES IN MEDICINE. 1 I 1 I f^i a ij â- "J ' -â- «.! 4.:. i-t: ' i 2 f *-â- 33" '1 111