^^mw- :k« k *i. 'â- â-º • Jlj»!!i i'""' ^» »'i « Wj«Bru B»-. ETTER -THAN â- glRllPT STOCKS. _THEâ€" ;3 500 SALE ^OF-- •^^ CLUCKS, ^^^tLa'TRO-PLAIED WARE, T,a Setts, Cruets, Cake Bask- .Hutior Coolers, fruit Dbhes. ta »t«^ i g fc 4%J^J^ i4"^rijW «-',).: Mcnieipal elect ton ressooal^ term* at Clark's. """" «n Biscnits and ConfeotionerT in mMt v^ri-t, l ^^^^f th^tdread duease. Consumption, at Clark'B, sica of the iSlL *^ ^^" t"^Pi« r'^^^y- i« ««i««« to makf kn^wi CIS. etc., etc., etc. XMAb TOYS, c.. c.. c. re deci'ipi to leave Jtarkdala about the oi .Jaiuiiry to go into ^,i;erv l,u.-ne.-s in loronio the TFholesale and will com- ijriEgSalc enlst Dec. FOR 30 DAYS. ^hfs Giioi'.s w ;i h is a f:L'rn;ntj solii at and under ?alfi as I am obliged tj rt-duce iiiy stock. |ll;j-re:i;'ah'i"'UliP services of a prac'ical ;ikfr"to t;iKe char-e of the business ;,t or .Jsnurtry. F. DOLL. luBiediately I FOR i Bros.' New Elevator, iba^hels Wheiu, 4i),OoO busiicls Burlei 8(1, ODD b'.iKhels Oats, â- J-",|'00 bushels Peas, hi Iii^'liest niarktt prices will be red flag. McFadand commenced taking grain into his new devatw last Saturday. An immense quantity of grain ^3 been marketed in this place the past week. aJ^ l«a*»of farm prodacewaa sold in Mark dale on Tuesday and 86 on Wednesday^ A new DreBB Mflking eatabUsbment wiU be opened in about a week in McDongaU'i block. Bheiimatliae, the uniyenal cure for Khenmatiam, at the Msdical Hali, A. Turner dc Co. A lot of beautiful Dolls just opaned at Trimble d Wright's for the hcUdaya. See them. Look out for grand stock of Christmas and fancy goods to be opened at the Medic 1 I Hall next week. One thousand good Tamra?k Pump Lotis wanted at the Markdale Pump Factory. J G. Irving, Prop. There will be a credit auction sale at the R«vere Hotel on the 6th Dectmber, (Fair Day.) See posters. New and lashionable goods arriving daily at Trimble Wright's. Haven't time to write paniculars this week. All wool Canadian Tweeds, pure stock, no shoddy, at 50. 55, and 60 cents 1 er yard at M. Richardson's, Flesherton: There are 62 subscribers to the Standabd who get their papers at the Flesherton P. 0. and new names added weekly. Mantle Cloth, Tweeds, Velveteens, Prom- enade Clouds, Ladies' .lerseys. Shawls, fec., all at a big reduction at Reynolds Son. Another Boat Lost. â€" The Collingwood went down near St. Helena with the whole crew, tall of souls. The A. O. U. W. concert will no doubt be largely patronized, W. J. Speers is coming and is a whole team in himself. Remember the date, December Sth. J^ple remedy, is anxious^t; m^rC^i to his felTow sufferers the means of cure tS â„¢!li° J" '*- ^® ««°d a copy of the presmption used, (free of charge.)*^^ Ve ^^^^^""^^ """ Ctja/for CoM- BUMMIOII. .\8THlfA. BaOHCHmS. C. l-artiM wiahmg the Prescription, will 8t..Wilhamsburgh.N.Y. 75-127 A^EISITS WAKTED. -Big pay.- Light Wark. Steady Emplo^ent. Samples free Naussau stree Address, M. L. New York. BYBN, 46 20 VALUABLE PROPERH FOR SALE IN THE TOWN OF DUBHAM, IN THB COUKTT OF OBEY. which were lost except three â- «• ~J;C! Ul-tu Laoal itam 8» ,, i k. Nc-il"t^-n, of Proton Station, want \i-mu to cut 1200 cords soft wood. Ilcas CarJf from New York, the finest rer slioivu in Maikdale, at W. F. tbi-imaf r.'ay falls on Monday this year, tje manicipal nominations will be E'.bt) Friday previous, taaratioLS are being made for the j'-.st tci-meetinf; 011 Christmas day. ".ffias wiJl be tlirec weeks from next " iilM to ri^rit HPxt door to wurk.s su table ir shoe- SHOll I'i' ..â- a'^iii';-' ' re-iicike ic. Apply to D. J '.:i. wli I will til ii up to suit tenant. • ia Mar.-;;!;ili' w iutervtj ux Ull called at the Stan- ei jlr. Eutledge. [I' -1 printing cf2ce, and very j,ooJ work. â€" Meaford 2Iirror. 'â- -" Juculatiou of tlif Standard iias in- *-iii;!"ll s...!fs this fall; nearly every lit' i.pighbnnrhooJ takes it, and i-'-u.o don't read their neighbour.s' copy. I^-' P.oljt. Cl.apman, pumpmaher, of fi'9, 1:5 TTorking up a good business fe"'V;ng satisfaction. He has erected " "'f'-ilin' Ibis season and removed -^^'inuftl scbool meeting in the various ""' '"iil take j-laco on the last Wednes- 'â- ' '"'â- â- uib^'v. I'linted notices at the "is-Oiiicf suitable for any school seo- "â- â- ;a':y 10 cti. a set. ';â- - ' I'C, Heudiic vs. the Grand Trunk, ^â- 'â- 'â- ^ who shall control the Toronto, â- ^ Bi'ice railway, w'lieh has been pend- ^^f a year, wTll come before the Court ' "â- ' 'I'e rjili ui December. ;-;'3\n,^hs,ilsfirmof David Amott â- I'ln.urn, li;i^ recently failed and ;- f'f th-.:r stock of fre^h goods, 'â- '" '0 5l:ri, '()(). is being sold by ' â- J "d'a'!;-),; i:; attending the '•"•"-•'â- a li i:i hi, pocket. His cus- .il;iV io 1^ Boots, Boots, Boots. â€" Our stock of boots is now complete in every department. You can save from 10 to 25 per cent by purchas- ing your boots from Reynolds Son. We haye 31 bona fide subscribers at Van- deleur P. 0., and the number increasing that speaks well for the intelligence of the people in that section of the country. For a cheap' overcotit see McFarland. For a chgap suit see McFarland. For a cheap hat or cap see MoFarland. For a cheap pair of hoots see McFarland. £Uen Bayes, a young woman of St. Yin- csent, attempted suicide recently by taking Paris Green. Ttie stomach pump had the desired effect and she will likely recover. The Standard is only $1 in advance, and is the leading local paper. Subscribe at once and get the balance of the year free, together with a splendid horse book of oyer 90 pages as a premium. Billiard Parlor.â€" Mr. D. M. Hogan pur- poses opening a biUiard parlor in Markdale early in December which will be conducted on stiictly temperance principels. Cigars and soft drinks supplied. Parlor next door to Trimble Wright's. Business, Business. â€" We mean business. Having ju.st received a new and complete ;toclc of Hats and (;aps. Muffs. Eeady-made Clothing, Boots and Hhoes, c. Intending purchasers will do well to give us a call. â€" iiEyNoLDS Son. Fast Thbeshino. â€" John Williams thresh- ed on Thursday last at Sheppard Boyce's farm 200 bushels of fall wheat in one and a quarter hours. The grain was the product of four and a half acres. The truth of the above ia vouched for by parties who were there. A Bonanza.â€" Andrew Meldrum, son of Mr. Henry Meldrum, agent at Flesherton Station, who left this part some two years ago has. together with three others, discov- erea a rich mine in Colorado. The bed is rich in silver and lead, and has since been disposed of for »125,000. There is great ex- citement in that vicinity owing to the valu- able find. BUCKLE N'S ARNICA SALVE. The best salve in the world for Cuts. Bruises. Sores, Ulecr Salt I^«"'?- ^«^'J Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands. ChilblaL-s. THE following valuable town properties will bt sold on reasonable terms or will be rented for a term of years, or exchange for farm propeoty. Ist, Lot No. 1 on the west side of Gajafraxa street and south of Hunter street, opposite Mr. J. H. Hunter's store house, well fenced and first class frame buildings, good cePars, hard and soft water, a most conveniant resi- dence and would make a ^ood business stand. 2nd, That most desirable property being park lots Nos 2 and 3 on the north side of George St., 8 acres more or less, well fenced, front fenced with pickets, one and a half acres of a thriving young orchard and very conven- ient to the railway station. The east half of the west half on lot 18 on the west eide of countess street with a new frame house and kitchen, good stable and wood shed, well fenced, front fence paint- ed white, hard and soft waier on the prem- ises. 4th. Park Lot No. 8, Wm. Hunter's, Survey. .nth Lots I and 2, Presbyterian Survey. 6th, Lot No 15 on the North side of Mill street in the village of Markdale close to tbe rail- '.vay station, with good frame house thereon. If the above properties are sold the very best title will be given free from all encum- brances. Also the Fcliowing Farming Properties. wiU be sold on reasonable terms of payment. 7th, Lot No. 22, Con. 9 Glenelg, 100 acres more or less, 3J miles from the T. G. B. R. at Markdale, 75 acres cleared, a new frame house and two log bams. 8th Lot No. 93 in the 3rd Con. W. T, S. R., Glenele. 50 acres, about 45 acres cleared aad good log buildings, about 2J miles from Markdale station T. G. B. R. 9ih, The west half lot 17, Con. 4. N. D. B., Gleneig, 50 acres 4o acres cleared, good rough cast hou^e and orchard oa the pre- mises. Thehoueaiid one acre will be re. served during the life of the occupants who art now between 80 and 85 years of age. 10th East part lot No. 1 con 2 Normanby, 63 acres, about 50 acres cleared, situation about 2 miles from the town of Durham. For further particulars apply to FINLEY MicRAE, Durham. Dated 15th August. 1882. tf 104, 7^ 3:1a:, iT'u «,e «., I'.it i( r something startling 0. ciKap f.;ooJi upon his return Corns' and all S..in Eruptins, and Positively â- 'o;,„. It is guaranteed to give per{«;t Price ISip.r, ^°'"-^c,; DusiNEss.â€" Atathresh- '^i-t ortwo north "'" cf whisl,- ^^-1^ that â- ^^"'ahs' of Durham a bet of ^vas made with one of ^p couhl not swallow five °f effgs in iwo days. Bil- "'tr.rs W'ars tl: tli, 'r' '"' managed to swallow 32 ' ' â- â- day leaviag 34 for the second. ^r.- a • 'C " ^•^" '^^ ^^ 'aa to take iacei.t 'â- ' "' P"es«'nted to him. A • \von f ^^' intermixed, just to ""lithe'"m "" operation, but those "' ijid A ^^^ 11" lern ores were suck â- 0"il wrv f'P""" ^it^ perhaps an »ell ^,*"*^ «o Billy got along "'io nntnkl ^^ ^aJ nearly gulped "•J th^ fPecified, when one was '"' an obi'^*'""^^' ""^^ developed- '5*aton. ' °'^,'"a8 naade at first to cures Piles. â€" „ satisfaction, or money refundcct. cents per bix. For sale by A. Turner Co- M. Richardson, of Flesherton. is doin? a large trade this FaU. His store is dn y crowded with customers who can gen"' .^ rely on getting the article they want n stock being sc complete and replemshcMl «^^ week. His prices, qualities considtr.d, W be found iow as the lowest. He is in lor».. this week attending the If g« ^rade saj! ' D. Amott A Co.'s stock and of Hughes Bros. Miss HolUngshead's stock is being rt»he-l by W. J. MoFarland at redicutonsly prices. Feathers for 5 cts., worth 60 cts FKiwers 6 cents, worth 40 oent» 2o trimed Hat8,$L00. Mis€ HolUngshead's pnofi «2.«0 • 700 yds. ribbon, 2 cents, 6 ceBts,ana 10 cea'ts, worth four times the mon^ sa- tins, laces, silks and ornaments ahnostgiven a^y for next few day, at McP.rl«a'.. FBEE OF CQST, niGUSH nmcT of BUCHU OIE OF THE lEST DTTESTIGATOBS DT USE It is aspectBc in the cure of an diseases I of the Kidneys, Bladder, Proetatic Por- 1 tioo o« the Urinary OrgaM, Irritaaon of the Heck of the Bladder, Burning Urine. Gle5, Gonorrhea in all its stMesJIucons I Diseharees, Congestion of toe Kidneys, I Brick Dust Deposit, Diabetes. Inflam ma tion of the Kidneys and Bladder, Dropsy of Kidneys, Add Urine, Bltwdy Unne, Fahi in the B f.^et«ir'i;;„l*°*..t^e prof=pect of kxnnff '^e^t^"" ^^ cWckeny e^g neai I l«U)wli v°^ ^t^ the tetft but '^. """»' He got the bottto.â€" ofi low All nersons wishing to test the mmtiof a 5?^, whibhwffl -tow yop what • ««»l»r jteDMf»berPaP'"^*^^ mencing Peoea#0r l*** Id iBe ioim a^lertion of some people that they can sell below cost, Jkc it may not be •miss to let the pnbhc of Markdale and snr- roonding eonntry know that Wil«?ion Benson* •if the "BELFAST HOUSE." MABKDALE. can sell " ehe^per than the cheapest," and "better than the bett," all kinds of Groceries, Liquors, c. Consisting of TEAS, TOBACCOS,* SPICES, CANNED FISH. ETC., And for those wishing pure Wine for Sac- ramental purposes, will find a brand that will equal anything on this side tbe Atlantic. Other Liquors equally pure. â- Special! Pure Holland Gin. Cheese from the best manufactories. Our Whiskies are from the firm of Good- erham Worts, Toronto, asd the public may rely on receiving them as they are sent. FLOUR, POTATOES, and everything in the household line kept constantly on hand. Henceforth my Store will be suppUed with Fruits of all kinds, such as APPLES. PEARS, PLUMS, Ac. FBUIT CAKES of aU kinds always kept on hand. Essences, Hair Oils, and Perfumery of the choicest nectars. TOILET FANCY SOAPS, better than the best. CANADIAN WESTERN PORK, of first quality. Everything in the Grocery Line kept on a fuller and more complete scale than at any other place in Markdalf WILSON BENSON. rrr- MAEKDAUE M^t Market A constant supply ol Fresh Meats on hand, at the Lo-wewl Liviiig Prices. Orders solicited, and deliv- ered free lo all parts of the Town. Farmers having fat stock to dispose of, will please leave their addresses. TERMS, STRICTLY CASH. FRED. SARJEANT. Markdale, March 23. 1882. SO-ly PIMPLES. I will mail (Free) the recipe for a simple Vkoetable Balm that wUl remove Tan- FRECKLKS, PIMPLES and Blotches, leave ing the skin soft, clear and beautiful also instructions for producing a lux- iriant growth of hair on a bald head ur smooth face. Ad- dress, enclosirrg a 3c. stamp, Ben. Vandelf Co., 5 Beekman st.. N. Y. 75-127 SEEING IS miEYING. GENTLEMEN.^ If Tou want a first-clasa Buggie or Wagon call at MCKENNA MASON'S CARRIAGE WORKS MARKDALE. They can supply you with anything from a Lumber Wagon up to Exiension Tod Phaeton. To buy from them is to S^^^Ii: IVtOIVEYI Gold :S«]» cam- urine. i»iu»~/ ^r'Jri â- »i« .1. „..e'R«Kion of the Bladder. PAIN IN THE BAC2 Urinary Calculus. Benal Calculus, Benal„ Colic, Betention of Urine, Frequent Urination, Qiavelln all itsfofmsTlnability to retain the Water particulariy inpe^nsadwiced to Ijf e. ffiS A KtoN^ nrVESnaATOE that restores the Urine to Its natural «lor, removes the acid and brmdngand the efFectoCtbeescessiTeaseof intoxicati n g drink. Prioe •!, or 8U Bottlejifor •». Thon who oaimot obtain a. bottto of tnu dollar and wo win aandlt totlym. ' sSd tor Cttwite. Bold l»r aft D™«««». W. JOHNSTON A CO. I uoaUSSOta, Ost IOTBOIT, lOek. I I tor the n. a I Mothai-sl Mothei-s! Mothers! Are you disturbed a. ni«ht and broken of your rest by a sick chiW suffering and o^mg With the excruciatin.r paiiJ offftrng teeth! If 80 go at once and get a botUe of MltS. WINSLOW'd SOOTHING STBUP. It will relieve the poor Uttl^ sufferer immeduitely- deoend upon it there is no »»"*t*'^^'"»' ^*- There is not a mother upon earti^ who has iTer^i^ ft, who^Jl not teU you once thatit will regnhite the *»*«1*' *a^ «P*f 'T^ Sihe mother, and relief »«^,^^«»J°^« Mfe touse in iJtci««a, •»! pleasant lo me deBt«M««l*â„¢'f P»|«j ^rtawhtn at ERRORS OF YOUTH. A GENTLEMAN who suffered for years from NERVOUS DEBILITY, PREMA- TURE DECAY, and all the effects of youth- ful indiscretion will, for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it, the recipe pnd directions for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experi- ence can do so by addressing in perfect confi- dence, JOHN B. OGDEN. 75-127 42 Cedar St., New York. Great cnance to make money. Those who U always take advantage of ti e good chanc«!S for making money that are offered, generally become wealthy, while those who do not improve such chances re- main in poverty. We want many men, wo men, boys and girls to work for us nght in their own localities. Any "ne can do tlie work properly from the first start. The bus- iness will pay more than ten times ordinp.ry wages. Expensive outfit furnished free. No one who engages fails to make money rapidly You can devote your whole time in the work, or only your spare moments. Full informa- tion and all that is needed sent free. Addres. Stinson Co., Portland Maine. 71-126 MANHOOD HOWL S ,H W RESTORED y^^â€"~i We have recently published a new 8K AIj jedition of Dr. Culveuwell's Cele- ^•^^'"ZP^-^BKATED EssAY^ ou the radical and permanent cure (without medicine) of Ner- vous DobUity, Mental and Physical incapaci- ty, Impediments to Marriage, c., resulting from excesses. Crf* Price, ill sealed envelope, only 6 cents, or two postage stamps. The celebrated author, in this admirable Essay, clearly demonstrates, from thirty years' successful practice, that alarming con- sequences may be radically cured without the dangerous use of internal medicines or the use of the knife pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. I^^This Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Address The Culverwell Medical Go,. P.O. box 450 41 Ann St., New Fork S500 Reward We will puy the above reward for anj' case of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Head- ache, Indigestion. Con^tipation or Costive- ness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions are strictly complied with. Thev are purely Vegetable, and never fail to Rive satisfaction. Su^rar Coated, fiarge Boxes, containing 30 Pills, 25 cts. For sale by nil Drnggists. Beware of connterfeits and immitatiovs. The genu- ine manufactured only by JOHN C. WEST it CO.. '-The Pill Makers," "l A 63 King St. East, Toronto Ont. Free trial package sent hv mail prepaid on receipt of a 3 cent stamp. For sale at Turner feCo. DruR Store. "ConsumptlorrCured, An old physician, retired from active prac- tice haying 1 a 1 placed in his hands by an t^adt Indiani Misnioaary the formula of a simple vegeuible remedy for the fpeedy and permanent cure of Consnmpticn, Bronchitis, Catfrrh. Asthma, and aU fhroat And Jiang aftections, alio a positive and radical onre for General Debility aad. all nervous com- plsints, after having thoroughly tested its wooderfnl curative powers iu thonsanda of cases, feels it is his duty to make it known to his feUowa. The recipe, with Iqll parti^iars. dncetions for preparation and 080, and aHdbea8aryadvioe«ndinstmctioB8 for soeeMsfol treatmeat at yonr own home, will be ree»«ed by you by retnm mail,- free 4 obaise, hf adthrwssing with stamp or KtaK|MdLaetfp«d(iiMMd.«iwelop*to v Jft. /. C. BAYMOND. IM Washinoton Street, BraoklTn, V.j. They are both practical workmen, and employ none but PRACTICAL WORKMEN They guarantee their work Second to none for Lightness of Draught and Superiority of Finish. They use nothing but First-class White Oak for Wagons, and thrice Extra Second,, Growth Hickory for light work. The immense amount of work turned out of McKenna Mason's shop is snfficicit proof of the wide reputation they enjoy for doing good work. Thb BEST IS THR CHEAPEST in the END Poor cheap work we positively will not take. Special attention given to Pe- Trimming and Repainting all classes of Carriage Woik., Satisfaction guaranteed (or No Pay) in HORSESHOEING SHOPâ€" On Mill Street opposite t Sproule's Hotel. McKENNA MASON. THOS. MATHEWS, hml EslailisM! MARKDALEa i;VEEYTHING IN OUR LINE KEPT ON HAND OR MADE TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. LIVERY! IN CONNECTION. GEORGE WILSOM. Wholesale and Retail BUTCHER! k B= EEF. PORK OR MUTTON SUPPLIED., from a single pound to, a whole carcasn^ at the lowest market prices. FISH FOWL m THglR SEASON Furmers having Fat Cattle, Sheep, or Pigs to di»poe of will do well to call at No. 3 Bnrns' Block, opposite the new Uniou Block. Maikdale, Oct. 25 tb. 1881 Kolhiiig LiKe Leather, M. M'LEOD, MARK1MLE. NOT TO BE^ BEATEN t All those who may have had the misfor- tune to have been bom barefooted will bear in mind that we have just received the larg- eft and lie^t stock of leather ever bef;r» bronght into Markdsle. coM»l»ti»go#flpani8li Sole. Frepoh Kip and Calf, and are wjw pre- pared to mftnn^^Betmre Jjadiea, 0«^t«* /outha apd'fiisses boots and shoes, from the stoKi^ to tbe finest k'd aiwl prnncQa. Sewed WorJc a Specialty. AD work wamuitatU htmtSbit'piiM^ae •»» ' dou*here. -.1 -„.-,«. -m m^m ;S:...l^i3^SPi#« ^â- ^'j 'W 'A ^â- ' 'Mi' â- •»; ^^W-i li' 4 1'l! i ni i"m " IB