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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 30 Nov 1882, p. 3

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 • a, Wear •onded, afford jit « Little] ti'ttak ilii, I, the farmer sat, •^rV^Sidrelse to share. Hvoof you, child," said he- iol^^^o to welcome me. laJd b« t;^;^^ the field at night S^pe home fjd home bright ddffl^^'p^v with his children four, es4" ",^"«ler"HadIoi'emore, ^% children W greet me here." °° „ 'neath the old elm tree. ,brtieftf'°/andshe 2iVaited alone ^^^u heard, l^fflH^rfthe blushes stirred. "fititT chee" ' (J u j^er down, =!'«'^?^Hth*twas old andbrown- Bsedtfe"fAetwoifyouwill g-rdaS:^^tcr still. ch her 'd start) ew n: y by «etl ention lomsheej Via goij ndinothe] cause 1 imangayj ae.xt carl ;d ' "I see at uight. ,:o^*°!!^oldma^brisht; Fn'jiit' 'l p " "1 see '^mebody- e^se^ ^j-o may somebody be :dSpi« h^wShM at hide and seek â- ^'"'tfshe turned her head- Say^ children, sir, L'athe fanner: "make it plain. ri--; on the aged hand, ^;^^?nle^toande^and- '^/,^^ •There can oe but one t'dtorV.y heart till lifo^sdonc." ♦♦-«• she said jponH-^lKG SUDDENI^Y WHITE. when is countei ' Riding would old lad' i some ear her iding Hl all8; tb nken m; unterfeit ^nts in to her lier for ith theoj reader; ge or her I 1 signal a mything is full" Hoods, Id. ]g anim efore s an inci led inki ternperal ry farmei cnows. r ccmin of seven an abu mingfoi ill wai f con ne to â- ho lo nd their cf a Sin?Tilar Phencnononâ€" part Hair Dyes Hava Borne In L Noted Metamorphoses. I â- â€¢-.lowiB? is from Xotes and Queries " "lail to be lugged in a discussion I,. jesTTili bat such is the case with I never wrote one syllable about L;' of this note, and yet Mr. tniblinstwo notes together (pp. 85, Jtesasifl had. and tells me that, be- pliv-i:ian, I know that a hair is a ,.»;â- " etc. I am a physician, un- '.]}\; though I have long ceased to e juthlo not kno'.v, and I do not in- " bow, tint a hair is a secretion, t-;:;h "without any real vitality of its ik upon bile, saliva, etc., as tos 0.- excretions, but i consider hair iiroirth, and as such I consider it to lioiwetl wich real vitality, just aa much ikin is, of which it is, perhaps, like J. Iijt another form. Tne outer lay- Lai.' like the outer layers of the :r.'e or scarf skin), and like the bark iree :or I see cousiderable resemblance iK3 36 trunk of a tree and the hair), Jjooubt but compara^'ively little vital- biit this 13 not the case with :jvirs. I :iltoi:ether demur to Mr. .•ii.nim that a hair has not the povv- :::r:il or the coloring matter already :ti in its sal'itance. If so, a hair :eid- iwyin to get gray at the tip, ;*: evtryboJy abnost who have ar- .: midJle a^e, must have noticed H 'etting gray first, and I have it!v notiue I it myself upon my own )e warmi a saving t. Mnc: â-  keepi ind iden air. where almost iter nighi ge crac' the dr ing the little ej its good at the :hen she her roug )w of a i mply thi keeping iturna. )owna )rdnotto oi eat a that is Iter tha the coa practici ;hi3 be a ,y profit andsavi for yo the farm dast3;hi :::r.a;r tur.iir.g suJcleiily white â€" the •of its iloiiu' so is certainly not a.imitted by medical men who !ij attention to the subject. I, my- J:J' a lady ^a French woman), who tliat the hair of one side of her head t ;ray in a single night on the occas- ;e death of lier husband, which had liiiilJenly anil under peculiarly dis- lireunistances and when 1 first ::, though yern-s had elavsed, the ~i m color between both sides, not- ing that iuth were then gr;iy, was ffiiirked. And my wife has also "-an ahnoit pre ;iely similar case. A iwife was the tirst to see one of her Es ricks on rii'o. The shock was in- iw very- shortly afterward (it may â- Â« the next inornintr) she noticed a '-ite band running across one side of sj. My wife did not see her till vtars afterward still then she was *â-  and her hair was perfecfly 'â- 'â- '11 the exception of the broad white tee 'â- ears ago I remember reading in a *2 medical magazine a paper by a Ger- ~^"s;cian, in wliich he described similar 'Mi had come under his own notice. -! nad gone further he had also ex- ••he hmrs under the microscope, and *:Madthat the coloring matter was "^ff.^bnt that a quantity of bubbles of |«^ introduced themselves into the out- 'â- â- â- s c. the hair, and produced tne ap- J'e ot whiteness. Yet, though the '^= was thus really due to whatmight 'â- jnexpec|-c 1 to be only a temporary ;-e whiteness persisted undimmishtrd ' is the cas?s remained uuder nis ob- -5 aad seemed likely to be perman- ;eem3 t!iat a eertain number of a'.r are always presc'it in every '1 that the color of the hair, to a cer- "'7 'leptnus upon them. Thus in "au.nan anil Comparative Physi- ,-?\^3"^l"""aiu .Society's trausla- •â- 'â- ' I lind the following f^'!} "'"'â- ' presented by the (rsi "\f'^y on the pigment contained â- ..^•^eds, that either exists in the .-^nu es, or 13 equably diffused. But ' °^ .the ha;r also depends on small club, h#ai""""^l""'er occur between the " Sij. !u """" '-^ medullary cells, or ^Jttun then' interior." and' »a'?°' "' ^he observations of the hsir?"""' this sudden blanching ^^ m comparatively yoan? persons ^Hf" °"^^^ production of these ie Antoinette's hair 1. The ytheVH ge and' ;lede«i ars, nioi 3 lookuftsoi e of the e enti* nds, to r it ««! a d and men 1 ert fflf i " ended d incjfkiir" placed and CO Bear, ren b«I( was kill • at th^ here. I c am.iia by his B DUDgstei uin, aPP !ef«5, iddenly One tried) scene to UsnM â- " " K' ^^' ^- ^-' explanation ^Jchiugof Alari â-  â-  â-  I)os5iv°'S"*V^^^°"°* "I'nit it to be •«• Marie Antoinette was only 01 her death. â-  f iilS' "' ?«â-  death, and she had 0"' Drown hi'i- T.. â-  "«ofmen â- . I It 13 rare, even in jray at?.' ^^" ^^ this color to be- '"â- "^oubSirrpf •"" â- ^^^' 'i soman's 'ormnoh il^ '" 't» abundance and ^S^L^^'^^'^toi'^ette had dyed *y«. neitw °° '°°Ker able to apply " Culdt°°ffi"^3htoramonthof gray n^T fâ„¢=»ent to restore the "'»iH be MA ,?°™Petent hair-dreasar, „„ anolon-,,^°'l*,?e same thing. When ha^* ^coKtf!'^^' thehairresamesita a Tii*it»bleti„*^th. roots only, and a con- ^oiWbei^. ^V« ^fore the new ^lon-^ enough for their natowl libit rk. «»t, colpi: to __ {Mtrk^oftlM irrald i^^ft^""' •»dfeCdaS?'£j won, 1 ao aot beheve that he did It k.. beenanaiwnaement of mine for imevi^ n*'l?'5J^^« nothing bSL~rdJ!S tii'eTc ^L^f"*^**' atevening^j! ^V'J '-T^ ^^^7 peoiJe'a hair and%M whether it^js dyedfofnot^ andl h"e 2f ^Slt"rS"~H« ^^rieix^e. It ia ve^ ?S tu^**P *^« «»*8 thoroughly w3 dyed as they grow a little overy^S ^d whire anH^S. ^^ or white roots some- wnere, and these would be apparent even in mS°^r^- Then,again.TSec^^U "owTi?.T* T^^'^y complexion, without color, like Lord Beaconsfield, whei the hair grows gray the complexion, ka a rale grows ^^^•^"^^^ and'^consequentl^ if the hair 18 dyed dark brown or black (ihe color Lord Beacousfield's) the hair Lo longer tnSvn'fTP"^^°°- Nowlhadanopt^r- tumty of closely examining Lord Bea^ans- field from a short distance at a public meet- mgsome four or five years before his death and I saw nothing of this sort about him! Besides this it was stated by at least one newspaper corrrespondent who had seen l^rd Beaconsfield after his death that there were a few, very few silver streaks in his hair. Now no silver streaks can possibly appear m any hair that has been dyed. F. Chance. The following story was told me by one convinced of its truth A young lady went tolerance as governess, but endured some cruel treatment from her employers. She ultimately succeeded in getting away, and came to her married brother m Eogland Worn out with fatigue, sorrow and anxiety, h«r relatives begged her to go to bed at once, and defer until the morrow the account of her sufi-erings. She yielded to their entreat- ies, but on entering her bedroom the next morning they found the poor sufi"erer dead. Mie lay on her side, and on lifting her head they found all the hair next to the pillow perfectly white. The medical men thought, had she been permitted to rrlieve her mind of all its sorrows immediately on her return, her life might have been spared, and her hair remained unchanged. Elan. I was intimately acquainted with a lady whose hair, when she married, at the age of 26, was raven black. When I saw her six months after, it was white as snow. In the interval she had made the terrible discovery that she had married a maniac. When I was in India and my hair was be- ginnihc; to fall ofi^, my native barber used to encourage me by saying "High cas" only go bald." Whether this was Hindoo folk- lore, or simply flittery to a sahib, I could not tell. G. L. F. Cliicago's First Citizen. The Chicago Tribune, in clos'ng an elabor- ate article on Hon. Cart r H. Harrison, Mayor of that city, gives the following as Mr. Harrison's opinion of St. Jacobs Oil: " Whea I first found myself sufifering from the rheumatism, my leading thought natural- ly was to call a physician, but my neighbors all advisjd me to try St. Jacobs Oil, the Great German Remedy. I procured some of it immediately, and found it excellent for that ailment. A German emperor made a visit to one of his towns, and was received at the gate by a long row of deputies. Just as they were about to address him a neighboring donkey set up a terrib e bray. "Gentleman," said the emperor, "if you wish me to understand you, you must speak one at a t;me." Mother Shipton's prophecy is supposed to be about tour hundred years old, and every pro] hecy has been fulfilled except the last â€" the end of the world in 18S1. Buy your Carboline, a deodorized extract of petroleum, the great natural hair restore-, before the world comes to an end. About six hundrei years ago a country editor started a joke about a printer who made a mistake in setting up a piece of copy. The next week the editor tried to set up a threedine editorial, and the priX)f looked like Alexandra after the bombard- ment, or a rubber overshoe after three years' service. A Cure for Croup. There is no better remedy for Croup than Hagyard's Yellow Oil taken internally and applied according to the special directions, this is the great household panacea for Rheumatism, Stiff Joints, Pain Inflammation c. 23. Overhead telegraph wires have been strict- ly prohibited by the Government of Bom- bay, though existing 1 nes will be allowed to remain till the present contracts have run out. W. T. Bray, Pharmacist, Wingham, Ont., writes that the sale of Burdock Blood Bit- ters has v-^ry largely increaied in that loc- ality, and a Ids that he 1 ens very favorable opinions expressed regarding it, and, if time permited, could send many names of benett- ed parties, 22. The total salmon pack from British Co- lumbia canneries may be estimated at 54,- 000 cases, while the canneries will carry over fome 26,000 cases. A Word of Cantton. Beware of Opiates and powerful aatriBgent drugs in the treatment of Bowel Compl^ts, they may lull the pain and check Diarrhoea. etc but are liable to produce inflammation, Dr Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry is guaranteed safe and reliable, even for in- fants, and is a specifice for Cholera Morbus, Dysentery, Colic, Acute or Chronic Diar- hoea and Summer Complamls generaUj. The works of the Channel tunnel are said to have extended on the Freneh aide di miles. VzsETiNB isagreatpaneaca ioronra^ed fathcR and mo hers for it gives them strength, quiets theirnerves, and gives them Nature's sweet sleep. It is Mtimated that the hnmbng m"" as-odatioiffl have .wept np »««2'i£?, »7 various parts of Texas, a sum more than aof- ficienttininthe pnbKc schools »mce the first association began buamess, Bnggs' Blsck Oahas stood J^e test of pnblic scrukiBy for over t'^J^'y W^' Wselhi better than anyothertaMB«tl Why Be:«u» it is the best md ckwpeBfc the Mood be impoyerished. .. mwii- ^e^Medxeri Di«xy«y.« 8dH^ S^men «obom slight. i^^«hieve Who knows that if the beautiful girl who P£L"^..^"« had been blessed ^Ih^ riOTce 8 " Favorite Prewjription" she mieht naye r««ncd on many another bright iSy- day. The "Fayorite PrescrH)tion" is a certam cure for aU tiioee disordos to whic* females are liable. By dmgjpsts. m."^*^*° " °" 80^' »»ted a gentle- man the other evening. "As soon as*U has a cargo, wis the prompt reply. ^^o* Progress. rv.;i!^f*?^*'*TS'^*^^y**»^o°ed with the completion of railroads, so the huge, drastic, catharic piUs, composed of crude and bulky ^f^'"' ^^ 'J'^^^y abandoned with the introduction ot Dr. Pierce's "Plea«mt Parpatiye Pellets," which are sugar-coated, and little larger than mustard seeds, but composed of highly concentrated vegetable extracts. By druggists. Twenty-nine cowboys, who lately visited lopeka, Kansas, represented over 403,000 cattle, worth §10,000,000. A Sure Tiling. In the treatment of Chronic diseass with that great system renovator and restorative. Burdock Blood Bitters, there is no uncer- tainty as to its action, its curative powers are speedily manifest by its marked effect upon the Liver, the Bowels and the Kidneys. Every dose performiag its work in a per- ceptible manner. 24. Ayer's Pills promote digestion, improve the appetite, restore healthy action and re- gulate the secretive functioos of the body, thus producing a condition of perfect healtb. A Wise Mazun. "A stitch in time saves nine," not only in making garments.but also in mending health. If Hagyard's Pectorial Balaam were used in the earlier stages of Colds and Coughs,maDy a "stitch in the side" and many a case of toru lungs might be avoided, that neglectei, rapidly devclope into irreparable Consum- ution. 21. A powder magazine at Scutari fortress, near Constantinople, was exploded by light- ing ths other day. Several soldiers were injured. A Kewara of $10 is offered in good faith for a hard case of corns that has stubbornly refused to be relieved by the use of Putnam's Painless Corn Extract- or, the great com extractor. Thousands ii England, Canada, and the States testify to the efficiency of this celebrated com cure, and the proprietors are anxious to hear if there is a single case Of failure. Address N. C. Poison Co., Kingston. Use Putnam's Corn Extractor, sure, safe and painless. We esteem in the world those who do not merit our esteem, and neglect persons of true worth bet the world is like the ocean â€" the pearl is in its depths, the sea-weed swims. Daughters, Wives, Mothers, look to your health The many painful and weakening diseases from which you sufifer, despairing of a cure, can be remedied by that unfailing regulator and purifying tonic, Burdock Blood Bitters. Ask your druggist for proof. 20. Ciemation has established a firm foot- hold in Italy. Ata convention just held in Modena there were representatives of twenty- seven cremation societies established in dif- ferent Italian cities. Keep it in your family. The be ot remedy for accidents and emergencies, for Burns, Scalds, Bruises, Soreness, Sore Throat, Croup, Rheumatism, Chilblains, and Pain or Soreness of all kinds, is that marvellous heaUng remedy, Hagyard's Yellow Oil. 19. Be noble-minled. Our own heart, and not other men's opinion of us, forms our true honor Robert A. Wilson, Dispensing Chemist, Brock ville, says, under date of June 5th, '82, "1 have not the sligheat hesitation in saying that Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw- berry has given mv customers more satisfac- tion than any medicine in my store tor the cure of Summer Complaints, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Pain in the Stomach Sea Sick- ness. Piles, etc. You can use my name, etc." A. P. 101 "V"eget3±2iLe The Barks, Eoots and Herbs FKOM WHICH VEQETINE IS MADE, In DPowder Form, SOLD FOR FIFTY CENTS_A PACKAGE. Prostrated from Weakness. Baltimore, Md., June C, 1879. Mr. Stevensâ€" Dear Su- I can testify to the Kood effects of your medicme. For several years I was afflicted with a severe cough and weakness, and was perfectly prostrated; bet after taking three bottles of your Vegetme, made from the Powder, I was entirely relieved. Very respectfully, Mrs. M. E. STREET, 51 Gilmore-st One Package In Powder form Cured Scrof- Ola. 86 Bremen St., East Boston, Mass. Sept 30, 1879. Mr H. R. Stevensâ€" Dear Sir: My uttle daughter Stella has been afflicted a longtime with Scromla. suffering everything. I employ- IS^ngthl She is now gaimng every dav ajd I ^Mdheerfully recommend your remedy to be the best we have ever tn^ Respectfully yours^^^^ Veaetine in Powder Form is sold by all drug- rfateW^general store. M you cannot buy it KSriHcloseSOo. in Posti«e stamps for one S^fcai^. or »1 for two packages, and I will gendit by return mail. k^ ' s .1' " • '"â- ' I H* R. STEVENS, Toronto, Ont Howoan tain-rdi«ni|g the atonaeh. and giyiag Mattby aetwa to tiie digesdve pwatea. It ought to be a eold d^.wlien awmaar I^sod yooBg sbsnld We "Ta^mam*^ T^«a_7Diir]aiii^ may be qntt« meriy I^:;i«»nt Breath AaU pass ronr Uim. And your Teeth shall i^iSseoUpeir The Kinff of Spain is reported t«i liMia re- lieyed his mother's heayy embamsnneata only on oonditim that she will not letnra to Parts. R' W STAnN.-ADDRXSSR.H.CO: 4 Ktaig at. East, Toronto. Asents Tiigi^e is SIdi by -^^^^' ,^- â- -•.'â-  ;!:Vf.-i.i?. .#-:â- â- ? ;--i '3«D ATcna repaired. Traae work a special- ^. A.BAijaBKT.8ging»t.B..TMPwito. CHRia SHEPPARD. Manufr of Masonic and other Sooiety Jewels. IH King K.. IPaWMito. MPER AT can be made by aseats, male or female. C. W. DENNIS. Toronto. **»nT». â€" Mr. JL H. Mayae Csmpbel Barrtoter. itolleltor, Ktc.. 9 yic» UfATAIICQ Send for free IHuStrated eata^ ffnlVnCOi logue to RYRIE, the Jeweler. H3 Yonge Street. 1 oronta â-²aro srAXP^. seals, $; oC every de scription and for all uses. KENYON aLBY STEWART MFg Co.. Tonmto. RICE TICKET!*, SHOW CARDS. WIN- DOW SHADES. Newest designs. Send for price list F. Williams. 1 King E.. To ronto. f\ A nnO Christmas, New 'Year. Birthday, ||nK||Nand other Cards, at H. J. Mat- V n 1 1 1/ w THEW8 Bnoa art depot, Toron to. PIIIIG ilifles. Ammunition, Fishing Tackle. UUnO and all kinds of Sporting Goods. W. McOUWAbU c or. King ^Ge or ge sta.. Tor onto GENTS WANTED- EITHER SBX â€" Ught, honourable and steady employment no book for circular and particulars address Box 70, Sharon. Ont^ TAGS-PATENT EYELET SMOOTH SUR- FACE„heavy, and very tough; prices- very low. Send for new price list. J. G. WOOD LAND CO., Printers. Tor onto. ONTARIO VETERINARYCOLLEGE. TO- ONTO. Students can enter from October until January. PROF. SMITH, S.,V. Edin., Principal. Fees, fifty dollars. BUSINESS CHANCES. TWO-RUN GRIST MILL FOR SALE â€" water and steam powerâ€" Durham county gristing about 18,000 bushels per annum good local trade dwelling and five acres of land price $3,500 favourable terms. MACKINTOSH PETERS. Toronto. AN OYSTER, FRUIT, AND RESTAUR- ANT business for saleâ€" establishes? ten years and doing a very profitable trade of §10,000 per annum no opposition in the town stock and furniture about $1,500. MACKIN- TOSH PETERS. Tor onto. GROCERY AND LIQUOR BUSINESS FOR sale in a live manufacturing town of 6,- 000 population doing cash trade of $24,000 per annum stock about $1,000. MACKINTOSH n PETERS, Toronto. A GOOD INVESTMENT IN THE CITY OF Brandonâ€" new store and dwelling above, forsalo; excellent business stand; central be- tween freight and new passenger depot, two blocks from either also four lots in block most desirable spot in city for residence. Address Box 218, Brandon, Manitoba. THOSE WISHING^^TO" DISPOSE OF OR purchase a business of any description in the city or elsewhere should call or send parti- culars to C. J. PALIN, 53 and 55 King-street East. Btislness Agent and Valuer. OWNERS OF FARM LA\DS.iCITY AND Town Properties, desiring to realize, will fin purchasers by sending me full descriptions, lowest prices, and terms of payment. J. W. G. WHITNEY, Estate Agent, 25 Toronto street, Toronto. UBSCRlBtfKS WANl'EU tOit Si'uCK in Manufacturina: Company established four years, to extend the business have been unable to supply the demarrt big profit on goods. Address MANUFACTURER, 35 Adel- aide Street West. Toronto. NE~"OF~THE BEST FARMS IN THE county of Bruce containing 260 acres; 28 Ccleared; good house and out buildings; also good orchard; a never failing stream withm thirty yards of the house; three miles from Teeswaier, the terminus of the T. G. B. Ry.: price moderate. Apply to C. S TE I L, proprie- tor, or to J MARSHALL. Teeswater, Ont. CHRISTMAS NEW YEM'S CARDS In assorted lots, specially selected, for 25c, 50c, 75c, $1 and upwards. Free by mail on receipt of price. Tbe Newest Styles In Birtbday Cards. Sc 00., Booksellers Stationers, 31i Yonge- st, Toronto. C.4!fAII43r BIITTDAI. AID A8l»OCI4TIO.V. Co-operation Life Assurance. Great in- ducement to provide for families in case of death, at small cost. W. Pemeerton Page, Sec., 87 KtogSt. West, Toronto. Agents w ante d. IDC t\t\l\ nnn worth of farming iDUiUll lliUUU and other property in Ont- tario for sale by the CANADA WEST LAND AGENCY COMPANY, 14 Adelaide-st. East, Toronto. Send for list. SPECIAL HOL]DAY NOTICE! NOW READY. Our three Mammoth Cata- logues and Price Lists, with full description of the largest Stock of Xmas Goods, Cards, Al- bums, Xmas Tree Ornaments, Scrap Pictures. c.. c. Sent free to any address by applying to BENNET Co.. Wholesale Stationers, and direct importers of Novelties. All goods sent same day by mail, 453 St. Paul-street, Montreal. WOODSTOCK COLLEGE, WOODSTOCK, ONTARIO. Instruction most complete in all branches. A most thorough and complete BUSINESS EDUCATION In the Commercial Denartmcnt at very low rates. For circulars address N. WOLVERTON, B.A., Principal. W hy pay from two to tour dollars per- year for American fashion magazines when you can get the '"Ladies' Jour- nal" monthly for one year for fifty cents A sixteen page paper, containing tbe very latest and best faSiion articles, beautifully illustrated also one piece of full sizb sheet musicâ€" always the latest popular song or instrumental piece going. This feature alone is worth five times the subscription price. Also, short stories, use- ful receipts, and other matters particulu-ly in- teresting to ladies. Send fifty cents for a year's subscrimion. In clubs of five, thirty-five (33) cents. In clubs of ten. thirty (30) cents. So get ten of yonr friends to subscribe and send three (|3.00) dollars, together witii your own subscrip- tion, and ril mail yon a -ka«ds*He triple* sUTer-vlaied Baiter Kmlfe, wttk trerr hSMdIr. ordinarily sold at one dollar and apbalf. 1 want to introduce tbe T«*it«s* Jodsnai. into every hoiuiefiold in Canada, and so make tiiese big offers. Remember, the getter-npof a dub of ten wliO sends three dollars (93.IW for the tea snbseribeiti, and thirty (319 cents f» her own subscription, will get this etegsat bo^er knife by retom maQ, and tbe Laqibb' Jovbxal for one year fnr herself and her ten friends. A IS- page fashion »aper, with fott tisedt. ptoee of moaio in each wunber. Sample ctqieB, Ihn â€" DoB't widtftHTthis adyeTtisement tb dppear I Zopesa. Zopesa was introdnced in America two years ago. Laige quantities hare been used for Dys- nepeia, and as a panacea for the Liver, and the manufacturers nave vet^to bear of a sinal* case of Dyspepsia or Biliousness when Zopesa was Qsedas directed, in which it was not more than satisfactory. Many write that it is a won- derful remedy. 'We can show whereas liigh as iO pounds were gained by its use in break- ing up chronic Biliousness and Dyspepsia. Its friends increase very fast, and all who use aa directed are sunrised and gratified. "Wait TiU tie Clouds RoU By." The! latest New York sensation. Everybody is Singing It Send five c^nts for copy in full tize sheet music form. S. FRANK WILSON, Publisher, 33 Adelaide St. West. Toronto The Toronto General Trusts Co., 87 and 2« WeUlngton St., Toronto. HON. ED. BLAKE, Q.C., M.P., President. E. A MEREDITH, Esq., LL.D., Vice President. J. W. LANGMUIR, Manager This Company, which has been approved of by the High Court of Jnsllcc and the Llen- tenaiit Governor ta Council, accepts trusts of every description, and acts as executor, ad- ministrator, c., and also as agent of existin? trustees, executors, c. $300,000 of Trust Funds to loan upon real estate and mortgages. For further information apply to J. W.IiANGMUIR, Manager. WILL CURii BiUDUSN€Sci, dyspepsia, indigestion, Jaundice, erysipelas, SALT RHEUf:!, HEAPTBUHN, HEADACHE, And every species o disordered LIVER, BOWELS OR •^ELIEVf 01 Z? IN ESS, DROPSY, FLUTTERING OF THE HEART^ ACIDITY OF THE STOmOH, DRYNES8 OF YHS HKIN, f disease arising from KtDNEYiN STOMACt^ ,r. BLOOD, WHAT IS CATARRH Catarrh is a muco-puirulent discharge caused by the presence and development of the vege- table parasite amoeba|' in the internal lining membrane of the nose. 'This parasite is only de- veloped under favorable circumstances, and these are morbid state of the blood, as the blighted corpuscle of tubercle, the germ poison of syphilis, mercury, toxoemea, from retention of the effeted matter of the skin, suppressed perspiration, badly ventilated sleeping apart- ments, and other poisons that are germinated in the blood. These poisons keep the internal lin- ing membrane of the nose in a constant state of irritation, ever ready for the deposit of the seeds of these germs, which spread up the nostrils and down the fauces or back part or the mouth causing ulceration of the throat; up the eu- stachian tubes, causing deafness; burrowing in the vocal cords, causing hoarseness, usurping the proper structure of the bronchial tubes ending in pulmonary consumption and death. To effect a cure the parasite must be removed or destroyed, hence inhalants and snuflS arc worthless. Some time since a well known physician of 40 years standing, after much experimenting, suc- ceeded in discovering the necessary combina- tion of ingredients, which never fails in abso- lutely and permanently eradicating this horri- ble disease whether standing for one year or forty years. Sufferers should, without delay, communicate wi*h the business manager, Mr. A. H. Dixon, 307 King St. West, Toronto, and get treatise free by enclosing staii i. Isk your druggist for it AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, For Diseases of tbe Throat and Lnngn. sncb as Congbs, Colds, Wboopin;; Congb, Bronchitis. Asthma, and Consumption. The few compositions which have won the confidence of mankind and become household words, among' not only one but many nations, must have extraordin- ary virtues. Perhaps no one ever secured so wide a reputation, or maintained it so long as Ayer's CnEKRy Pectokal. It has been known to the public about forty years, by a long continued series of marvelous cures, that have won for it a con- fidence in its virtues, never equaled by any other medicine. It still makes the most effectual cures of Coughs, Colds. Consumption, ttiat can be made by medical skill. Indeed, the Cbebby Pectoral has really robbed these dangerous diseases of the terrors to a great extent, and g^iven a feeUng of immunity fiom their painful effects, that is well fbundzd. if tiie remedy !» taken in season. Every family should have it In their closet for tbe ready and promiit relief of its members. Sickness, s nfferfn g, and even life is saved by this timely protection. The prudent should not neglect it, and the wise will not. Keep it by yon for the protection it affords by its early use in sodden ettaeka. PRSPABED BY 1 D J. Gi ATIB OOmLowbU, Kass., Fmettetf aBd Aaalytf cal CiMBUsts. SOLD BY ALL DKUGGIST8 AND DEAL BBS IN MIDIONE. 'm^m- ^^ *„ -- ;.s,v. ..^i-! m i V if fli !â-  m^ m \v\ is." 'I i ii I ,1 m^^ •â- s**^** "

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