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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 23 Nov 1882, p. 4

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 U I See Dunlop's The Standard. MARKDALE, ^0V. 23rd, 1882. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Strayedâ€" W. J. B. Ward. Music Lessons â€" Miss McDowdl. Estray Cattl*â€" John Batcliinson. Better than Bankrupt Stockâ€" W. F. Doll. Teacher Wanted- A. Murdock, flaikaway. Baking and Confectionery â€" J Moptgomery PRESENTATION. On Wednesday evening (15th inst.) a few of the Rev. N. A. McDiarmid's friends gath- ered at the Parsonage to spend a social ev- ening on the occasion of the birthday of the parson. A very enjoyable time was spent during which Mr. McFarland, on behalf of the congregation, presented Mr. Mcl'iarmid â- with a beautiful Astor Fur Overcoat, worth $40 retail. It was known that the reverend gentleman was in communication with deal- ers in such goods iu Toronto with a view to purchasing such an article, and it was tLought well to fore^^tall his action and pro- ciue a coat at a very much cheaper rate to himself. Mr. McDiarmid was completely taken by surprise not having the most re- mote idea that he was to be the recipient of s« valuable and appropriate a birthday pres- ent, and in his reply thanted the brethern present and through them those members and fi lends who had so cheerfully cortribut- Cd to the purchase of an article he had long desired to enable him to meet with comfort the cold blasts of our rigorous winters. Organs and Se wmg Machines b -^--^ r^nrchasing and save 25 per â€" â€"ZZZ-r n. A B. RAILWAY. I markdale mab„ Why then does Mr. Ward try to disturb the harmony ol our village by throwing the bombshell of leligioua animosity in themidht of our hitherto qui t commnnity That's the qnCKtion. Let him answer that. II the English church wishes the counte- nance and support of Presbyterians and Methodists then they should be willing to return the compliment, on the principal that he that hath friends should show himself friendly. But if Mr. Ward wishes to culti- vate an exclusive feeling in the minds of his people then it better b*. so understood by the pubUc, that they may govern themselves ac- cordmgly. Whatever money I give to any church enterprise I never desire to have it returned, therefore I do not feel free to send my name to the reverend gentleman, and must again subscribe mysell "G." W. J. McFarJan I took m week 2400 lbs of fowl. ©orraspandBTica* NoTics. â€" We wish it distinctly understood that we do not hold ourselves responsible for the ««inios expressed by our correspondents To the Editor of the Stand abd. Deab Sib, â€"The Bev. James Ward has seen fit to reply to my artic'e of two weeks ago in a way pecaliar to himself, he steers ;lear of the main question at issue. "Did he or did he not" advise his congregation to â- v\-itbhold countenance and aid to the church enterprises of the other religious bodies of the village It is commonly asserted that he did do so, and he fails to deny it. Instead â- of answering my question he flies off at a tangent and rides his favorite hobby, the Church of England, the only true and apos- tolic church. Now, Mr. Editor, I acknow- ledge there are different denominations, but I deny entirely that the churches represented in Markdale (other than the English church) â- â€¢â€¢are cut off from the old faith and church of the apostles." The original meaning of the -word church was a congregation, without re- ierence to the character of the persons com- posing it, or the purpose for which they as- sembled the apostles seized upon the word and used it to express a company of believers meeting together to worship God. Now, they speak of the church in the house of Priscilla and AquUla and give it a visible and local form and again, they used the word to express that company of believers wlio are invstically united to Christ by a tirm faith in wkfttever part of the earth they dwell, so that tlie church is either local and visible or universal t\m\ spiritual. Now, if Mr. Wa-d says that we are cut oS from the local and visible Church of England I tjladly apree â- with hiin, but if he says we are cut oS from the Apostolic Church, the church of whicii Curist is the head and His apor.tles were the ministers, I must politely inform him that though ranged under a difiereiit ienomina- tioiial banner the other churches of Markdale still cling to the "one Lord, one faith, and one baptism," and are as, if not more, the churca of Christ than the English chuich, which, while professedly united is, as every- â-  one knows, rent into factions. Under the banner of ttie English chuich everything is tolerated, from broad church Eationalism to high church Romanism. Dr. Piisy on the one hand and Bishop Colenso on the other will be fitting illustrations of what I mean, and the only bond between them is that wrett^hed figment of the imagination "apos- tolic succession" which will not stand for a moment enlightened investigation; and if Mr. Ward thinks it wiJl probably it would be well for him to ponder carefully the foUow ing sentences of Bishop Hoadly, one of the most eminent ministers of the EngUsh church. "I am fully satisfied that till a consum- mate stupidi.y can be happily established and universally spread over the land, there is nothing that tends so much to destroy all due respect to tJie clergy as the demand of more than can be due to them, and nothing is so effectually throwing contempt upon a regular sucjessicn of the miiiistr3- as the calling no succession regular, but which was unit«rrupted and the making the eternal sal- vation of Christians to depend upon that un- interrupted succession of which the most learned must have the least a^sarauce. and the unlearned can Jiave no notion but through ignorance and credulity." Space this week will forbid my enlarging on the subject of dencminationalism, but if Mr. Ward desires I am wiUii.g to discuss this matter with him in a friendly way through yoar columns, inasmuch as I nrm-y beheve that he has not the shadow of a shade of prooi lor his dogmatic asseriions that he has been making both in his pulpit ,ind through the press. But quit-tly leaving ihese thiugs to be discusstU at anotiier liuie, 1 '?»»nt to deal with Mr. Ward's lack of courtesy iu his remarks about patronizing church enterpris«8 other th^ui those for the benefit of the Eug ish churou. Everybody knows th It v,e are cousideiably oivided on rehgioxis questions iu this village. We have three ^ctiunh^-s very well lilkxl (svery Sab bath, each church has its ad.iertn;s and his- toric associations, v,re are neighbors and friends desir'ng to live in peace with each other, we have hithtito fraternized ia social aad church relations. After Mr. Ward iin.l ibe other iLiiuiaters v.Lo may be here now arc gone wc hope to live together and por- j)etuate tLe f :Uaxs c: amity that qot? exist. pBiciviix*, Itth Nov.. 18£2, Dkab Sib,â€" Please inform teachers and trustees of our schools that the School Sup- ply Depot of J. B. Carter, 216 Ter.iul«y st., Toronto, has been transferred to the School Supply Co., 31 King st. East, Toronto. Liquid Slating for bhickboards may be had or ordered through this house. Trus- tees' orders should be sealed. Also that the W, J. Gage Co educational publishers, advertise a 1 arge assortment of school maps. Tours truly W. F. Feuodson, I. P. S. P. S. â€" The pattern dra-\ i igs iv the Mark- dale pupils are receiving v.ry flattering no- tice by the teachers and pupils of many other schools.â€" W. F Febgcson. Let kings enjoy their viands grand, Prepared by skilled and costly hand Of all famed dishes old or new Give me McFarland's JAPAN TEA. Let Irishmen enjoy their potheen hne. While Scotchmen hasgia says divine Go through t'le dainties of every land. But leave me McFarland's twenty cent Japan. Wanted. â€" A second hand box Stove. Ap- ply at the Stamdabd office. Cnatsworth fire brigade will have a supper at Mathews Hotel on Friday evening, the Ist Dec. Mr. Doll is having the rink fitted up in good style; it will be warm and comfor- table. We bespeak for him a generous sup- port. The Markdale lodge of A. 0. U. W. have decided to give a literary and musical enter- tainment in the Dufferin Hall en Friday, Dec. 8th, of which further particulars will be given by posters. The Committe are de- termined to make it a rich treai. BIRTHS. Taylobâ€" At Dromore, on the 9th inst., the wife of A. Ta\lor, merchant, of a son. Scott.â€" In Glenelg, on the 10th inst., the wife of Mr. Andrew Scott of a daughter. Ginsox.â€" At the Rocky Saugeen, on the 9th inst., the wife of Mr. Joseph Gibson ot a daughter. Gbau.\m â€" In Artemesia, on the 28th Oct.. the wife of Mr. Robert Graham, of a son. Davis â€" In Euphrasia, on the 6th inst., the wite of Mr. John Dayis, of a daughter. Walterâ€" In Artemesia, on the JOth inst., the wife of Daniel Walter, of a son. marriages- Gibson â€" Hill â€" On the 14th inst., at the resi- dence of Mr. Thos. Christmas, CoUing- wood, by Rev. Mr. Sallows, Mr. Joseph Gibson, plasterer, Miss Ehza- beth Hill, of Artemesia. Goonâ€" Christmas.â€" On the 13th inst., at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. Mr. Sallows, Mr. James Good, of the township of Collingwood, lo Miss Jane Christmas, of CoUingwood. BovDâ€" DoDsoN- At the Revere House, Mark- dale, on tne 22nd inst., by the Rev. J. S. Corcoran, Mr. James Boyd to Miss E. J. Dodson, all of Euphrasia. REMARKABLE CLUBBING OFFER THE STANDARD AND The Farmer's Advocate AAD HOIfU: MAGAZINE from now until the end of 1883, for OI^TT^-g- $1,351 By special agreement with The Farmer's Advocate, we are enabled to offer that well- known agricultural journalâ€" a 36-page illus trated monthly, and reaUy the best agricuf tural paper in America, for Canadiansâ€" to onr readers, clubbed with Thb Standakd for the pum of $1.85 in advance. The regu- lar price of the t*o papers is 52. At great expense, we have also secured for each subscriber who accepts this offer oup plant, C to 12 mches, of the Russian Mulberry, introduced from Western Russia by the Memioaites. grows vo^ ra:id, is a handsome ti«^. and iHjara fine fruit, eqnal to cor boRt Raspberry or Biackberry. ^tls ^^K and very smtable for streets and la^-ns. and obtain Koveml^r and December numbers of The Farmer's AdT«K;atc ri:EE. "â„¢'*^8 DIED JoNSS.â€" In Markdale, on Marthft Jane, youngest Jones, (blaeksmitb.) Coo«Tâ€" In Artemesia, on the 2mh inst., youngest child of W. J. Cooey.aged 6 mon one day this T. C B. RAILWAY. TIMES TABLE. Change ot Time. • On and after Mond»y, Not. 90th, 1882, trains will mnâ€" follows: OOIMO BOUTH the 17th inst., child of Mr. A. JNO. MONTGOMERY, B ^^ k: K i* Begs to tender his thanks to the inhpbitants of Markdale and surrounding country for past patronage, and to intimate » them that he 18 prepared to aupply the public with Fruit, PoBRd and Plan Cake either Tpliin or iced and ornamented. Also Brides' Cakes got up in the best style that can be done this aide of Toronto. Bread, Buns and Cakes! in great variety. AU these are manufactured on his own premises by himself, besides Bis- cuit of every description from the best man- ufacturers in Ontario. CHOICEST CONFECTIONERY in great variety. Tea Meetings, Socials, and other parties supplied on the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. JOHN MONTGOMERY. Markdale, Nov. 22nd, 1882. 116-3m OOIKO N'TH. Kead Dtwn. 7 30 9 U5 9 56 13 20 12 55 2 2." 11 50 1 30 P.M P.M. 4 25 R 00 6 45 8 41 9 12 â- cO 15 .0 9 55 P.M. TOBOHTO 10 45 Stad Up. P.M. 9 10 Cabdwei/I. Junc. Obanokville MonMT FOBKST.. Habbistoh Tekbwateb • 1" S8HXBT0N .. OW 'OUMD.... 9 05 8 27 6 30 6 a5 5 00 6 43 5 15 A.M. 7 31 6 50 4 30 4 00 2 4.' 4 47 3 10 P.M. A Mixed Train will also run hetweea Tor- onto and uwen Sound. See Time Table. D. McNicoix, Oen. Patt. Agt. Edmund Wbaoge. General Manager. Teacher Wanted FOR S. S. No. 3. Holland and Euphrasia. Duties to commence the 2nd day of January. 1883 Apply, stating sahiry, to ALEX. MURDOCK, Sec'y. 115-4W. HarkwayT. O. MISS McDOWEUU OF FLESHEBTON, BEGS LEAVE TO notify any who would wish to receive instructions on the Piano or Organ that the can be constilted at Mr. Jamea Trimble's, Markdale, on Mondays and Thursdays.. November 22nd, 188S. n5.4w. STRAYED FROM THE PREMISES OP THE SUB- •cbibkb, Lot 20, Con. 8, Euphrasia, about the Ist Sept., one steer, red, and 2 heifers.spotted red and white, all rising three years old. Information that will lead to their recovery will be thankfully received. Any person harboring them after this date wUl be dealt frith according to law. W.J. B. WARD. Rocklyn P. 0.. Noy. 17th, 1882. 115 3w STRAYED I"^ROM THE PREMISES OF THE UN- dersigncd Lot 3, Con. 7, Euphrasia, about the last of August, one Steer and one Heifer^ all rising two years old. Any person giving such information as will lead to their recovery will be suitably rewarded. JOHN HUTCHINSON, 115-3W* Vandeleur P. 0. TO SELLOR RENT. LOT 15, CON. 12, HOLLAND. 122 acres, lOU cleared, good buildings there- on. Terms easy. Apply to James Logan, Postmasttir, near the premises, or to M. S. KELLOW, Tara P. O. November 14th, 1882. 114-tf. ESTRAY. CAME INTO THE PREMISES OF D. McMillan, Lot IC, Concession 3, S. D. Road, Artemesia, about the 1st of August, a Shearling Ram. The owner is re- quested to prove property, pay expenses and take him away. DONALD McMillan. Artemesia, Nov. 10th, ]8t:2. 114 117 Teacher Wanted. FOR SCHOOL SECTION No. 6, ARTE- ME8U, holding Second or Third Class Certificate. Duties to commence on the sec- ond day of January, 1883. Apply, stating salary, to JOHN HAZARD. Sec. k Treas. to Trustees, 114-117* Flesherton P. 0. To all who are suflEering from the errors and indiscretions ot youth, nervous weak- ness, early decay, loss of manhood, fec..I will send a receipe that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great Remedy was dis- oovered by a missionary in South America. Send a self-addresst-d envelope to Rev. JosFPH T. Inman,' Station D, New York City, l.^^^â- ^ â-  ^â-  T â-  ^l^^â- ^l.l.t^^. TT gâ-  JAK^^^^*T^r^â- s5aaiga^m^A«AtJa» J. L BROWNE â€" IS â€" Better than Ever â€" ISâ€" Cabinet, dkrd or Tablet. a LaBoa sxocs or FRAMES SKWBST DCnORS, CBU». Fust Arrived A LARGE STOCK OF NEW AND FASHIONABTE Boots and Shoes, NEW OROGERIES, At prices which will astonish you. Call and see. Highest price paid for Butter and Eggs or any kiud of FomI at the Chkap Stobe. JOHN DOUPE, Fleshertou Station. Not. 15th, 1882. 114-3ic. SOTICE TOJMMERS. BUSINESS STILL INCREASING WITH Wu J, ROWE â€" AT THE â€" Ssizzln.esid. :i^/£H 1 UNDER THE OLD PROCESS. Gristing and Chopping done every working day. Farmers from a distance can have their stuff home with them the same day. All ordeis for Flour and Feed promptly fiUed. W. J. ROWE, "Barrhead Milb." October 28th 1882. :i3-126 $500 Reward We will pny tiie above reward for any case of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Head- ache, Indigestion. Constipation or Costive- ness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely Vegetable, and never fail to give satisfaction. Suitar Coated, I^arge Boxes, containing 30 Pills, 25 cts. For sale by all Druggists. Beware of counterfeits and immitations. The genu- ine manufactured onlv by JOHN C. "WEST CO., "The Pill Makers," 81 83 King St. East, Toronto. Out. Free trial package sent by mail prepaid on receipt of a 3 cent stamp. For sale at Turner Co. Drug Store. Consumption Cured, An old physician, retired from active prac- tice having had placed in his hands by an East Indiana Missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma, and all Throat and Lung affections, also a positive and radical cure for General DebUity and all nei-vous com- plaints, after having thoroughly tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, feels it is his duty to make it known to his fellows. The recipe, with full particulars, directions for preparation and use, and aU necessary advice and instructions for successful treatment at your own home wiU be received by yon by return mail, free of charge, by addressing with stamp or stamped, self-addressed, envelope to DR. J. C. RAYMOND. lf»4 Washington Street, Brooklyn N Y 110-62 Health is Wealth MARKDALE Map^v^ Fall Wheat. »0.83 to $o 85 to »0.«0; Barley, 45c; Peas Butter, 20c; Eggs, 22c; PotaW; FLESHERTON MABt FaU Wheat, W.80 to §0 8.v c 1 to #0.90; Barley, 65c; Peas j! Batter. aOc; Eggs, 22c; Potaw »9.00; Pork, »7.00 to il 50 ' » â€" TORONTO MAEK^J Fall Wheat, »0.90 to S0.93; g to tl.02; Barley, 6tc to "ic'oau" Peas, 70c to 76c; Hogs, ?.7iotot»1 toes, per bag. 75c to fcOc; Butte,' to 20c; e.4ts. 23c to 2J.c. Blacksmith] Flesherton Stat The subscriber be.i,'s to annomJ inhabitants of Fl slierion, Mii[\ Priceville, and sni rounding conDtrrl has commenced business at FlesU tion, where he hopes by satisfsf^ and motlerate rates to stcui e a 1 lie patronage. H0R8E-8H3EING A SPEcl And gnaranteed that in a caste of iiJ horses he will cure the defect iu J ings c^ no charge will be made fol ond shoeing,' A TiML SOUCmil HENRY WI FleahertoQ Station, Oct. 17, 18«l| A* 'r^ ' tailor! Over McFarland's MARKDALE. IS* Special attention to Cuiti If you want a Perfect Filj yonr Order with A. HE-I September 90th, 1882, 1(4 i Iviolfftt ^ni I%±j^J1^KTAJM Foundr -AND- MACHINE WOl MANUFACTURERS oil MILL MACHIKeI Steam Engine SHAFTING, HANGEj Pulleys, c. Land Roll^ PLOW And Plow Pointsi Dr. E. C. West's Nbbve and Biuin Ttaur. MENT, a guaranteed specific for Hysteria Dizzii.,^8, ConvulrioM. Fits, Nervous N^-' .if\^^'^^:^ ^•^'^•^ Prostration Sus- cd by the use of alcohol or tobacco Wake ftOnoss, Mental DeprHision, Soffig^*^*' Bram. resulting iii Insanity and leKt to misery, decay and death, PrematnreOWAiw Barr enne,^, LoBs of Power m either IS' InvolunUiy losses and SpermatonhaJ! boxM to cure any ease. WithS^l^ antjee pssned only by A. Tamer dWJo^ C. Wert*Co. Bote proprietor.Torwito.CnC wmi m Done in a practical manner. f| We also introduce our ne» FAMILY MANG to the public. This new machine ^^ Linen, Cotton, and Woollen G»* them a beautiful smooth and filoss? wwe. It also improves the clotli«^ hot irons injure thorn. ^Ve facture 1 Ornamental Cresti^J of variouB designs for BnililinK^, J' *o. 0'"namental Cast iro" '^r^ Pall Pillars. Fencing, "'^^ll Columns, Iron Beams. Gi»""i for Cellar Windows, :â-  Iron Brass Casti^; Of Every Description Made to MOFFAiT B^i TTEI THAN taUPTJTO ^THEâ€" ,500 SA lES JEWELEERY, CLUCE tB AND [BLECTRO-PLArEI ITea Setts. Cruets, Cake I butter Coolers. Fruit D I etc., etc., eic, INS, NdKRTlNAS, XMAb TOYS, c decided to leave Markda Janaar- to go into tin busiaeos "u ioro.ito. a- ing Sale on l! FOR 30 DAY ^ass Goods will be sold at CUis is a geruine sale as to reduce mv stock. (e engaged the services of aker to take charge of 1st of January. W. F. DO [ted Immed FOB Bros.' Ntw Qe bushels \vTi'eat, 40,000 bushels Bi-rlej 30,000 bushels 25,0001 iich tlie highest market leash. 111-tf. Ltxcal Jtei BastaU and Brownell ^ville Advertiser to Mr. K. [Northern Eaiiway shed Is contents was consumt j dozen Sewiag Machines I to be sold at half the c ?. DoU's. [acknowledge with that Lm David Wark, Calke tiber to the Standard loi Janet Samsou, of Orai $2.00n, the amount of fciary certificate, from th IA Jv^o. 1 Apples. Breai ICakes, Coiifeetioueiy, rs bakery, Dunlop's b)o |Smith,(thc barbt^r,) is ai [liair or shavu, and if yoi r.^elf he can put your or sell you a new 01: ' chea)'cr than they eai I Eobert Wariing, of Van to his connections and tasion of his birtliday. ters, with their families, |had seen how the roast vl disappeared; but afte aught OH the apples, w. lid make complete havoc s. â€" We are sorry to ig-house and wagon a I belonging to Thos. Bi Corners, Glenelg, wer by fire on the eveuir [There was a Isrge stocl ae. Insured in the G We hope Mr. B. wH IS a good business man in that locality. The ^resting. â€" Chronicle. ' â€" Here are soaie facti ibers "A doctor in St 1 before death sent over ^or his account, stating lie easy unless the pi ler it was a desire si "clear sheet," o • Ae i i Devil in the world ed hinx, is not stated, satisfaction to not a f( I people ooastituted i take a notion to die." p's Cosac AiicAUAC een favored with advai ar annual, and have that if the rest of the aple submitted in 1 ographical merit, it cumiialyet issued, Every line is teemi etures are equal to the ac is to be considers Is fourth year, though ie in the price. I should lay by a qu [labeUed "for Grip's Mi»^ AifiTJaMnifr ' ' i"i-^'4'"' "

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