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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 23 Nov 1882, p. 3

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 ^t. d forijE '^1 h hai-adotaq iol9c{ S9flxito.fiM snxv/aa hua i^ai'iio CDDS AND ENDS. that lastsâ€" The 1 jve of ir*».?y.' sn Etig'istman,has justTnarried. in be talf-aad-half. the moutli should loV' Beer, his wife w 11 ooJ swimmer shut. ^^ cmcii are seldom be kept l-R-imniei'S. T'jlar man iige ij t}ie heading to rap 1 in one oftho dailies. Thoagtt ^, a gimc that two played at. ,1, exceptional truthfulueas a _qu- ck offer truthfulueas â- pe-iDS his aJvertisement- '.Sic acTViccs to all who are so ua- t^'ajto require them." .Fr'Ech speak in the nos'i, the Gcr- ^rhe throat, and the I-higlish through i,"' Either of which is more agrce- la-i sptakiflg through the telephone. Le- «-atch ha3 bcfen C3hibrt€d*^y"a ' ,Ti*c'.!:n?ker. The pip^ is pre- .ac;! a manner that tlie watch is ,.â-  as itrviccable as these iu ordinary ]:,., H andP.ergca^t A -were ,~ ar,.: in-arm, a wag saiil to a friend, '"'tuii ^re just equal to one highwny- "'•\Vh â- ;" was the res-porse. " ]5e it i^ V. lawyer ard a doct A'â€" your •or 'jour life." npeai? from the annual rcturu as to the lioral acquii'ements of the non-coinreia- Iclhcurs aud men in the army that, t.vtnty years ago 35,0)0 could •read nor Miite, thfie are now only In th'^t iguoraiit condition. rcrsation turning one day on the sub- Icopper beeches, a remarked that \fea :n Ii'.r f-cliool t'.aya to be called â-  aril tangle " trees when another rc- â- Oii, but I can never romembjr the of th'ngs " |3 â- itclare^ that his' wife is the most I wnm II he ever knew. " Why, sir," lii'Jv exclaimed, "she has made ten |vo:"k ([uiltd during the lasi t^wo years them liorself, sir, ct of tha'satnples tf i :a har shopping touri during ne." IdJing a few drops of dilute sulphuric a mixture of equal parls of gl ccriue 'cd water, and then a little alcohol. by eei'.co pi liine Or lead will bo sho .precipitate. TJie'la^tcr i.-u«:c Wl. â- 1 Jphvdiic aciO, Itatc lilack. â- ,iisvil!e negro, aftcSS stealing a ge"tle- |clii,kei;s one nigb^, took them back i IP. r!ii;ii.' and sold th-mi to him at lit i;Mti' •'You see," he said to his \l ludn t want to deprive a geu'l'man thiikcus, you know. Dcy was hii'n, â- lov, cr ai'ir.ials ai*^ oasil; driven Rwjy 111 py tiic v.ipoT-3 of natJ^it'ii^iino. It Ea;iul for a long time a-s protection muti;.=, botl' iu museums, especially .t.o--..i cf bjctles, and in the house-, IlloL'entiy it liaa been usei with suc- jtho I' â- -â- ii, anil in gsueral it can beuded |k i:ds of vcnnia ac'd iQ»e^5, especial- I'.iPi.'tr. vitre talking about r.iuiio and the [at tl;c ti'.ble of their hott, who, as' i'.lrcady veil aware, owed his to !,!s oNVU uiiai'k'd exerti"n'-i. "You llossiui?' r.sked one of tin* r. " replied tho host. " No, sir, I do not m.anâ€" have shaved ears." vioi;ute!y'onizfd thi rrtl'.p forty tw msny cjondera arc tl ere?" asked |oo'.;r.a-tjr. " Three, sir," promptly I little bin J eyes â€" "masculino, femih- c»utor." " Give me an example cf fiii'l the nnster. "Why, you are iiu.' because you are .• man and I am l.C"ause 1 am a girl." "Tery v ell, •• 1 don't know," said tho little iru: I reckon Mr. Jenkins is neuter, ~a loid bachelor." tl:e tiir.e when it was founded by st;iou3 wirrior w.^oec name it bears, i.iria has endured more sieges than [phcci v,hich date from mtith earlier The attack made upon it by our Iccontly was the last of fifteen or six- rents of a similar nature which have Celebrated in history, without men- tlie mmor fcieg s from which no im- cunsequences resulted to the world era!. A Tough Bear Story. fucsday evening George Trero?, while tliniii.'h the woods to his home in Mtiild, N. B., was attacked by a very ir. Having no other weapon than a lorparaluue oil, ho struck the bear rokc the bottle of oil over him. The ten sprung on him and commenoed bg hiin, when George had tVe presence Id to lii,dit a match and set fire to him. liast.tnt old Bruin was all in a blaza ft CO of hi'D, and in 1°S3 than fivetnin- dl consumed but tho head and lets, (icorce then commenced to cax- Iter m his hat to quench the fire to Qe fnout, 80 as to get the loanfty. If Irovnrj i;:'.d never before had any not- ll' ntiiuis with bears, his friends might Iclincd to doubt the accuracy of this re- I but ^vhcn they remember that it was r cently rode liome with two deacl bnd a live bear, a paw clasped' in Isrid, the f will Fee there is nothing ix) !3el at in this his latest aehiere- to a me. LDisG A rvRA3JiD â€" The great Pyra- |f K^ypt, whose base extends over acres, and which rises to a height of required 100,000 man for twenty to build if; while a Bteam-M^fw I consumption of only about 7C0 oh»l- |of coal, would h ive lifted every stqne ^to i s p'ace. fve stolen a coat," eaid a man "andlwan't you to defend you can prove me innocent?" y^s. We can prove that yon were adjoining township when the coat â- en, aud that the prosecution is ma- low much V.U1 you charjie " hat sort of a coat is it V Nt rate never been worn any." 'ell, I wont charge you anvthinff. live me the coat." J » fgestion, oostiveneas, or constipation, pmediately cured with ZoPESA from It stunulates and gives activity to • " increases the dissolving inices aomach, and cainu.« +h» Swv,i tn Indispemsablk. re««di« ifaDsp...Sri."u:r^cg^ Among these, the experience of years assni^' iWri ^tatoos. we have found It of great value; especJaUr ^^^CQllMng ofir^i W||prs!iy_tS«,» hi. i| can we recommend it for co?di thexanaiaBm' ^^^^ tUb' or nervous complamts. I -^-^r "" " T rrVjinlj •aggy goods of aU kinds inbrtttni, Awn " color, dark green, dark blue, or in plaids ok S^^^Sir '"^^^^^^" Mr. J. R. Seymour, Druggist, JSL Gath- .annes, writes that he fint^ an ever-increas- ing sale lor Burdock Blood Bitters, and adds ' that he c^, without hesitancy, recommend It. Bardock Blood Bitters is the craud specifacforan diseases cf the Blood, Livery, aud Kidneys. 9. Embroiderv is still largely employed for dresB-tnmmiEg, being used in all manner of materials, fromtne ladies' cloths to Batin and gaizzes. poo; tuffering Kotbint; ..BL"?*»y,r^o daily sitfer agony from oamg. s,lwhen.4he moans oi' W4^1?utn«iu comniands the conriden'co'of every druairist iu Canada, as all can testify that Putnam-fcorn neglects this 6ugp:c8t:on to try Putnam's Fi- u^^'^?.^H4^f^^U»^-£«» '-fe^ aStfcfe u» •9g«©irFl«aI»-fleStro9atogf-anddan!?^roua substitutes are offered as a substitute for Pu^ n,um3,,,0f such beware. ...^^ .. • Pr jtty bl*cfc silk wrts, made Tn-the new style, with chicofee rucljef, ara- sellia* cheap. -* â-  "' 1"' 'â-  ' -;. ♦.â- .:.» ° Mrs. W^i.- AlW,^j^^A :tqn, says sho has never bep« »*fth|iiif» ji ^botfle Of Ha yard's Yello.^' Oil in the houso for the last twenty years, and would not bo for ten times 'the cost adding that fhf. hasnever known it to fail for Colds and Coup, Sere Throat, Stiff Neck, Barns, Scald:;, etc., Sho concludes byssymg, «^;f any ne doubts' its efficacy, refer them to me." 10. Lovely little toques and turbans ma ?e of featliers are sgain imported. With these come gracteful'lit'tlo mouch6ir muffs made cf feathers to mstch-. • ' Deafrtess that is caused by colds, inflkm- matiou of the membrane of the ear, and Ear- acho,: is iii cured by .Eagyarti'a 'Xftllc»v- Oil. ,th^ rf^Jt ejctMnal had interaarrwiaiy for WLBfin/ stiottfles*,^ tod »Jbfls»nin%li6*, Rheumatism, Burns, Scahls, Frost Bites, Sore Throat, Croup, Contracted Muscles, etc. Never be ^rithbut^t, 12.. • ' â-  ' Dorsay rcdingotej are ipiportcd made of black t^MiA-4^f^,d^^nmtSfMith a magnifffcent appUqite woVk of black em- broidery and jet. They are fastened down the front from thi throat to the bottom of the jBkiit«-- ^«ih postly „ co»Ze^er£* and liaudsome cut jet buttons in raedalliow dr- "A. P." ICO Five Doctors Did Not Cure. Dtrect, isept 13, 1S79. Clinton Toronto, Oat. Mr. II. R. Stevens â-  Dear Sir,â€" I hereby certify that I have been sick for three years, unable to sTct any relici' whatever. I have been, uncle]; five of thoJbeljt pby«lcvfin^'e^h ((nKfi^yit^ aiy ill- ness a different nami?. "File m-sl7B,M Cfnerai Debilitii; the second, iu:J7i(Xie //eiiZu'j/ and Im- poverished b'iood the third, Liver Complaint and Dvj'pcvsia tho fourth said I was iu Con- sumption the fifth said, Neuralgria on the lunrrs, and was certain I vroukl never cn-joy good health, so T concluded to givo up doctors an«! commenced taking Pa!crtf Medicines. At this time I was very weak. I had pain in my side, back and chest, slept very little, and the food I ate caused me pain. I was a burden to myself and friends. I was persuaded to try Vcgctinc. A friend g.-tve mo a bottle to try, not thinking it would do me' any Rood, as I liad no hope of ever getting any better. After using the llrst bottle mv head was better, and I could sleep better. The next two my appetite came, and I was able to enjoy my food. I have now taken five bottles. I have a good appetite and sleep well, have no pain, and am able to do most of my own work. I pronounce your Medi- cine far ahead of any other, add can cheerfully reconmend it to any one in need, of such a medicine. Yours respcctfnny, MRS. E. ALLEN. Ehcamati"m Cured- Toronto, March 29, 1879. Mr II. R. Stevens Dear Sir,â€" I was troubled with Rheumaiism in my knee and hip joints for nearly a year. I tried a number of medicines to elTcct a cure, but none gave me any relief. A friend re oni- mended me to try your Veaeiine^ which I did. and after taking; two bottles of it I found relief. I took four more bottles, and the pains com- pletely left me. I feel satisfied it is a cure for Rhiumalism. """ ""^m^aLLKN C Rossin House Block, Toronto, Unt. Vpf'ot'ne.â€" For eradicating all impurities of the b?ood from the system, it has no equal. It has never failed to eflecta cure, S-ivrng tone and strength to the system debihtated by dis- ease. Vegetine PREPARED BY STEVENS, Toronto, Vegetine is JMiyilL: H. R. Ont T^^iiRRFK i^TAWPS.â€" iDDltE^SK. .ELCrOX RTS^Eairror^^g^itt^^^ TfTAJfD 8T iljL desorftt TlHOLBYfc ATCHKJiiepat: ETC.. of^everv ^lu»e8.' KENYON, ;T Mfg COj. Toronto. WM A.BAI.tABgr.g] Trn^ work a special gSSst^hJ^orroto lUrrHter. .*.iirt«r. Etc. 9 Tk!«w»ggtt i Ma-rlUg C"8end for free illlwtFa*?lSiS' Christies. New X^^^f^^ and other Cards, at .H. J^f^ SiXkBaos^artdepoi^won" C^ONTO. Studentt^nent^frotaOoto b^ untU Jannarr. I*5^',i„7iSc ^in. p^^-ii^l- ^eea. fifty doUara. __ -rnffVTS" WAN FED JfilTHJCK "L" CARDS nobook for circular Box 70, ShalroB.«Ont. SPECiHlSJWWY !; requent'BeSda'che' mbSTlT'tastes appetite, ;itta^j c^^eV yduj^are Iromtcrpid liver, or " bilionsnees. Will cUce yonto speediijr atui pennanentl^ M Dr.Pienee'a,' OoWen.MedicalDkoowery.*' By all druggists. j j â-  The mofitMttxurions pettictats afe iiiade of colcfed satia pr black, with ei'Jfcr-«b»n lipgeafcli^n^iulSlW^^ cost S14 each in New York. Who h»«' hot seen the fair, fresh' ytjung girl transformed in a few nonths into^the pale, haggard, dispirited woman The sparkling teye; are dimmei^and the ringing lingk hejrd iij rt ore. Too- ofteiv the emsea are disorders of the system which Dr, Pierce's '• Favorito Prescription" Would remedy in a shm t lime. Remennber, that the *• Favirite Prescription" Will tiBfailingly cure all "female weaknesses^," and restore health and bpa^iity. i^ all drugtrists. Send t*^i^ t«i»p3 :ffcr«ri HarcJW'uiiiilise on Discisc on Women (96 pages). Atldress U'orld's Associat.'ox, Buffalo, N. Y. Talc pink .ind silver, end white and gold pekins, with alternating stripes of satiu ad pioirs, are very pretty and verv fashionable combinations for young ladles' evening dresses,.. ., â-  ,. â- . ^. â- â€¢.- Ayei*sC!iehy Pectoral ;s' a'reiJIy lera^ik- able and lime-hoaorcd ir.eiicne. It i« the bestiemedy known ior all diseases cf*the thiott ahd li;ng8. Lai;ga liaen collars aud cuff* emhroidered upon liie material in fine open-worked pat- 'â- ^"4$^fWmC^^^m e^FllMln'broi- deVvd upon the mttei-ial. Thousands will bear tfestimohy (j,ii4 A it voluntaril _) that VEGEtVxE is'thebesi'medi. cat cohi|f6Trhd yet placed before the public for rcdovatiqg add liurif^ine; the hlood, eradicating all hiinidrs, im\Mii'it?*^' cr'pois- •onous secretions frbm tlie syst^ti; irfvigorat- ing and streiigthcning t'le system debilita- ted by dii^gW 11^34' i|*8 aa many have callodit, "Idle Great He;athRestorerj." ^or evening wear tan;C'»loreJ Sie^e aftyes, trimmed with large satin "bows and bucK.les of Eliine pebbles set with silver, are onsid- ered very chic but, ulihss the feet are very tmall, there 'are fears thai thi-i adornment will cause thcni to assume the appcai;ance of " bedtte-crushers." ' ' Thoro who use Gar'oolLne, as now improv- eel and perftjctod, the great pctrol^uin hair; reueuer, are always distinguished by the beautiful s#ft te)^ii}fei'oftfi,to"hair produced by the use ot '"that most exquisite of all toilet preparatfotia, f Polka dpt ted fa,brio3 are a feat'ijro. I'he spots t;ciur and recur in every possyje size and variety, from a dot the sizfe oF' a pin's head to a spot leseniblii'g ;i tiale dol- lar. Th?y may be interwov' n with the threads, or else aj)pliqiitd, tufted, or em- br6ilered. »l»n[r causes the food to 'ry^?^Msl«-.4et.^Srtre.»- GRICULTURAL FOUNDRY FOR SALE â€" iu raiiidly growing VVestem town; premises commodious, and plant very complete two competing railroads price, 51,800 terms to suit, or won Id lease for live years. MaCK- INXOriH PETERS. Toronto. TIN "and" STOVE BUSINESS FOR SALE in live village on the C.Y.Railwayâ€" doing good trade: stock and tools about J500; low rent. MACKINTOSH PETERS. Toronto. IHOSE \VI8HIN TOr D"16P0.5E"~0F OR purchase a business et any description in the city or elsewhere should call or send parti- culars to C. J. PALIN, 63 and 65 King-street East. Business Agent and Valuer. (OH REMOVAL-THE ENTIRE PLANT and machiccry for manufacturing Ameri- can oil-oloth a Cduipetentniaaager "could be engaged to carry on the bu-ined.s: price $5 OGO convenient terms. MACKINIOSU PETERS Toronto. _^^_ ^UBSCUIliEUS WANTiiD J- OK SluCK in Manufacturing Company established T F^ 8^ four ye unable to supply the demand goods. Addres^MANUKACTURl aido Street West^ Toronto. profit on 3R. 35Adcl- F is^r: nnn nnn worth of farming 30iUUUiUyU and other property in Ont- ario for sale bv the CANADA \rEST LAND AGENCY COMPANY, 11 Adelaide-st East, Toronto. Send for list IARM~FOR~SALE BEING LOT 106 Gwillimbury, adjoining town of Holland Landing 212 acres. Northern R. R. Station sit- uated on corner of this Lot, the land js. high rolling clay loam Bnck liousn frame "Bank Barn. J. W. G WHITNEY, Eitata Ageat- 25 Tor onto-st. Toronto»' ' AGOUD INVEST.MENT IN THE CITY OF Brandon-^new store and dwelling above, for sale excellent business stand central be- tween freight and new passenger depot, two blocks from either; also four \oii inblock; most desirable spot in city for residences. Addiress Boi 218. Brandon Manitoba. ' NE OF THE BEST FARMS IN THE county of Bruce; containing 260 acres; 230 cleared; good- house and o^it-bnil^ings; aiso good orchard; a never failing stream Within thirty yards of the house; three miles from Tecswa"ter. the terminus of the T, G. B. Ry.: price moderate. Apply to C. STEIL, proflrie- tOr, or to J. M ARSHALL. Tecswater. Ont. LADIES ISEWARE ^t^i'^SSS^ corsets will not break, or lose theirstiRpe. W ear corsets made bj CPOaDBytonCorSCt Co. Toro^il^ lZ_J*f^ :â-  " Wait THI the Olonds Eoll ByJ" The latest New York sensation. Evsrybody is Singing It .s.- crJft fiJ^^tr ^* Scrfl flvte cents Iter feo|fyl»'ftfl rfsfe *»et nnisic form. ' »«i.H«fcer. M ManWMfAt. West, T«i CHEAP FAR NEAK HAKKETS. ""^IpSwiotalldinga dl paid tat, and jio iwertT Several Dimons o* acres SLSi: MlieriOfttenAaivy'AfitABmnBet e«.~VThtt raSar has tew eg-fegM *: PHUETtxaittiBlne* Bat v**^ descrwanMof Micb. hitd IWm of ^^ :ONER OF WTitinK to the COM- GRATION, Detroit, Wli.L CURE OR REUEVE BltlOUSMESSi BlZZfN^S, ' DYSPEfiSM, iNUGSSriQN, 4AUHaiCE. eRniPELAS, SALT RHEUU. HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, R0P8Â¥, fLUTTEfUNG QF THE HEAKT, ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH. DRYNESS OF THE SKIN. And every species oT tfl*e(u« aptefng from dUorciored LIVER, KIDNEYS, 8TOMACK BOWEL3 OR BLOOD, Zopesa w.f« ii^troduced In ,toierlca two rears ago. Largo quantitiee have been used for Dys- pepaia, and as a paaaeea fbr the Liver, aiid the manufacturers have yet tohear of a ainoU,caat of Dyspepsia or BaioUshess. when Zopesa Vas used as directed, in which it was not morwttian satisfactory. Many write that it is a wonderful remedr. vVe can sbow -where as hiafh is iO pounds were gained by its use in breaking up chrOni6 Biliousness and Dy^psia. Its friends increase, very fast, and aa.-wfaonaeasdireeted are surprised and gratified. jVEGETABLE SiCILlAK HA TM EZVUWER This st^dard article jscompoimded withthe'j greatest carcj ., "Its oafeet's aW as' wonderful and satisfactory aa eycr. ft restores' gray or fafted hair to its routlifxd color. It removes alt efuptioAS. Itchm^ and dan- dvuS; and the scalp by its nso beeomes white and clean. By its tonic properties it restores the capillAry glands to their normal vigor, preventing bald noss, and making the hair grow thick and'l' strong. As a drassin? nothing has been found so o fectual, or desirable.- » « Dr. A. A. HayeSi State Assayer of Massachu- setts, says of it "I consider it tlie heat prepar atton for its intended purposes." Buekingham's Dye, FOR THE WfliSKEBS. This elegant p^etparation may be relied on to change tho color of tho beard from gray cr any other undesirable shade, to brown or black, at discretion. It is easily applied' being in one pnepamrton. and quickly and eflTectually pro- duces a.pemuoient color which .willneither rub nor wash offi MANUFACTURED BY 5 R. iP. H ALL CO Soll b'j all Dm ijiits ani D:z'.cri in jfz iiu'i OfllAPEST MU8IC_ni Ml WOMJ). Full, size bheet, best print and good paper. Send 5 cents for sample copy and catalogue of 600 pitccsof latestinstmmental and vocal music. S3 KtuK Street West, Tu^to. Dealer In picture frames aqd fancy goot^ peat Seduetionin PrwB of Imm^ Vfe will sell for the next 30 days at the follow- ing reduced prices :â€" Our $:.'5 Ea^ish Keftuinn twist 'double ' barrel breech-loading shot srun for § 18 00 Ot(rS30 EngUsb «e^ine twist'doublo barrel breech^oadi])g shot gtm ifor....- .25 CO Our flO KngUsb genuine twist-doublo barrel breech-loading shot BatiTor. • 39 00 Our S15 double muzzle gnn. gcntrlno twist barrels, for ..::.......' 10 00- Our X20 double muzzle gun. genuine twiot bari'ets, fine front action locks.' beautifully finished, for • •â-  iH 00 Joslyn carbine ride reduced to.. ~. 7 00 Evans' 2^hQt repeating rifle; roducetl to 18 00 Zidu single barrel breech-loading shot â-  ^n reduced to .. Climux single barre' breech -loading shot gUQ rod'iced to Pioneer single barrel brcech-loa^dUng shot gnn reduced to '•.. •.. Spencer repeating â-  rMe. long barrel, 7- shot. reduced to â- ;...-.... ....i^ â- Winchester, repeating rifle, IStshot, re- ducedto.. 350 6 00 C 00 15 00 18 OO Parties desiring to inspect these goods before ptirchasing can no so riy sending us $1. 'Wo will express :he6unC.0.D. Ifnotsatisfactory youhave the privilege.ot returning it. If the $1 more than covers express charges, we will renr^'t you the ditTcrenco and this rule applies to a 1 floods in our catalogue. Send 6 cents for our 95 page catalogue, containing over 600 illustrations of ElrcariBS, Watches, Jewellery, Silverware, etc. Cttas. Starb, 52 Church street, Toronto. LAD â- *.â- â-  i;c: u- -:J»v.^v«{«.?«WA-»» ?E r^5f».V- WiO»»;-'l^ â- I Uf -.C in' Why pay from two to four dollars per year for American fashion magazines T\hen you can get the " Ladies' Journal " monthly for one year for fifty cents A sixteen-page paper, con- taining the very latest and best fashion articles beajitifully illustrated also, one piece of full size slieet music â€" always the latest pop- »lar soHg" or" instnrmental piece going. This feature aione is xvorth five times the subscrip- mm pride. Ai^, short stones, useful recipes, and other masters particTilarly interesting to »' indies. Send fifty cents for a year's s.ubscrip- tidri.- In chib'g df five, thirty-five (35) cents. Ia.cluba.9f teji, thirty (30) cents. Get ten of your friends to subs'cribe and send three (3.00) dollars, together with your own subscription, and I'll mail yon a handsome triple-sil- Yer-plated Butter Enife with ivory handle. Or get 20 subscribers a^ thirty (3Q) S' -rTi '-dBcntseach aiid«endme si?: 3.t)0) dollars, and I'll mail vou, postage paid, an elegant ;^^^^|i^v^' Bbman Necklet, with lf'l1^oiric^(533|ieliattached^^^ Sample copies^ five cts. """"'t^Sl^l^^LMK -vraOiSGN^ Publisher, 33 's;"i j'l^i aaid 36: Adelaide St ^VJ^t, Toronto -I -^**' .-â- ipi^w^ A «^- ^^*; Vf%? A-'v » SaS ©t^* -?3-/ j^. k H;' i I' m %^ "1' i--' !•-/ ^- i: y\ M 3- â-  1 'â-  â- ' V" 1 ;^ J .. â- ' â- U'A M^Mm mUL i^mm

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