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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 9 Nov 1882, p. 4

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 'VitV*PP^!9^'^^*pP'^w99!!i!PPPiPPPIPf9^^ i â- il iii The $te| «tai:4. MAILED ALE. HOY. 0th, 1883. GEEY ASSIZES. Thi Awiaw ftw the Coantyof tegyo p ait i «n T«esdi7, itie Slat of Oetobw, before Hon. Mr JostieeOHneroii. The docket wm heavy botb in foelitT nd noinber. There are twenty-two eiril reeoids and nine i*™»i"*l 'casea. Two eiyil eases haTo beeo allied. True billa were found by the Grand Jvry againat Samnel Carleton for the lareoay of a aaw from one Kennedy, in the townahip oi Derby, and againat Adam Minard for atealing a cow from Jamee IGllman^ in the same township. Wm. J. Montgemcry, et al t. Jchn Hall, acticn of ejectment to reooyer posseasion of lot 9, on the sooth west side of Oarafraxa street, in Owen Sound. Defend- ant claims by length of posseasion. John Crrasor, Q.C., for plainti"4 James Masson for defendant. The jury found against de- ieodant, ^milton rs. McNabb, a boondary fight from Derby township, was not finished when the coart adjourned. WBDNESDAT. At the Grey Assizes to-day tbe following â-  -cases were disposed of â€" Mrs. Ellen Hamil- ton V. George MacNabb. The plaintiff oc- cupies the north half and the defendant the south half of part of lot four in concession one of Derby township, and the dcspute ia about the boundary line. Verdict for the plaintiff establishing the boundary she claims and (^ving her $5 nominal damages. Mr. Masson for the plaintiff, Mr. D. A. Cressor for the defendant. Wm. H. Fawoett V. Mrs. Kerr,â€" This is an action fcr libel, 'the facts didclosed in which are somewhat • extraordinary. The defendant is *he mother- in-law of the plaintiff, and before the trial ' commeuced the plaintiff's «ounsel, Mr. Pol- iiard, offered to settle the suit if the defen- 'dant wwild apologize, withdraw the libel, and pay costs, as ha was unwiUing to drag family disputes before the public. This the â-  defendant refused through ber counsel, Mr. Mobprley. The libel complained of is writ- ten on a post-card addressed to M' Richard Marsh. Meaford P. 0., and is in the follow- ing words :â€" "February 8, 1882. I write these words to you that if you do not punish W. H. Fawoett for stealing grain out of your gransT on October 26 I will punish you, for his wife can prove it, for this is what has made her without a bonse to-day. She never was brought up in that way nor was not go- ing to live out her life in that unlawful way, and W. H. is the biggest bloat in the town- ship." It bore the name of the defendant, Mrs. Kerr, but it was written by the plain- tiff's wife with the authority of Mrs. Kerr, the plaintiff's wife had, at that time, been living apart from her husband since the previous October or November. Mrs. Faw- cett is a young woman, and has been mar- ried only four or hve years. She and her husbaod had two children. She suddenly left hi.n and the children one mo-ning with- out a word. Her explanation of this extraor- dinary conduct is as follows :^Her husband and Richard Marsh had been changmg work backward and forward, and Fawcett was of opinion that Mnrsh owed him $7 or $8, but did not want to claim. Marph was remov- ing from that neighbourhood, and Fawcett said he would repay himself by taking grain from Marsh's barn. Mrs. Fawcett protested in vain against this, and shortly afterward^^ she saw Fawcett twice take an empty sack from his own Barn in the direction of Marsh's and return with it full of something. Sub- sequently Fawcett told his wife that he had done as he said he would about Marsh's grain. Mrs. Fawcett gives this as thu rea- son she left him, but in cross-examination it turned out that there was a further reason, namelv.that Fawcett disapproved of a hat or bonnet that she had bought, thinking it too exjiensive, and told herto take it back and change it. Tnis was three or foi»r days after the alleged grain stealing, and Mrs. Fawcett admitted that if the bonnet matter had not occurred she would have overlooked the grain matter, and not have left her husband with two helpless httle babiee on his hands. The jlaiu tiff when in the witne*H-box to-day de- nied tlie grain stealiug story in toto, and called as a witness Richard Marsh, who said that he ha-l not missed any grain from hia larn. and did not thirk any could have been stolen without his knowledga. The exp.a- peration of the two women against the plain- tiff appears to have been caused Ly Fawcett advertising after his wife left hhn that he would not 1 e responsible for any debts con- tracted by her, as he fonnd she had be^ linying property on hia credit after she bii»d left him. Another post-card of a .^till more iujurion» character -was written to Marsh, but Wis not produoed. An altercation took place betwe«i the parties uninde tbo Court House this morning, in the eonrse of which Mr:. Fawcett sljjj^W her huphand's fa«'e â€" alao a lagitrate, and dinotar of the Twonto. Or^ ± BnjM Bailw^. Tjw de-^ featdant is the poet maater of tba TiHage of HopenQe, ia Proton Towo- diip. The two are on the oppovte aidea of polotiae, aad have generally been oppoaed in manieipal aflaira, and a bitter feeUng ap: .peais to have exiated between tham for aoine time, Thia feding brcAe oat in an alter- cation between them in Ooidon'a Hotel, Dnndalk. The plaintiff aweara that duing thia altercation the defendant aocosed him at a most abominable and deteatable jcrime. alleging that he ooold prove it. T. Hannen J. Hannen, and another man wete present, and all three positiTely confirm Mr. Middle- ton's statement. For the defence Mr. Mc- Ardle admitted that he made a charge of the nature stated, bat swore positively that he alleged it against some persons whom he un- derstood were friends or relations of Middle- ton's. The thing appears to be based on some twenty years old story atwut some man in the neighbonrhood of Rice lake. Verdict for the plaintiff damages f 500. T Hodgins, Q. C, for the plaintiff; Mr. Joseph MacDongall for the defendant, 'hompaon Ellis was indicted for r^e npon Elizabeth Ann Smith in Bentindc on Aognst 3rd. The girl Smith ia of aomewat weak intellect, and the ease was brongh^ to a premature doae by her answerinK ' 'nb" to the question if the prisoner, wa^ the man who committed the offence. ' Verdict, "Not guilty." True billa were found against John N. Snake and Charlotte Beatty in each ease for perjoiy. The Grand Jnry brought in their present- ment. They expressed an opinion strongly in favour of the continuance of the grand jury syptem, in which view His Lordship concurred. Wm. Totten v. Jas. Sutherland â€" Action to recover the price of a number of ties made by the plaintiff for the defendant in Keppel township. Unfinishei The court then adjourned until next Tnoaday morning at ten o'clock. ^atvBSptxu^BncB Notice. â€" We wish it distinctly understood that we do not hold ourselves responsible for the oinions expressed by our correspondents A WARNING. To the Editor of the Stand abb. Sir, â€" It is asserted that the Pev. James Ward of Christ's church, Markdale, during his sermon on Sunday afternoon, the 29th ult., warned the congregation that they were not to attend any other church or Sunday school unless they saw him doing so, and in 'Vno case" were they to contribute to any church but their own. Now, Mr. Editor, this don't peeni very like a Christian spirit, for the Bible teaches us that it is more blessed to give than to receive, and it must be very unpleasant for the parties of other denominations who con- tributed so liberally towards the building fund of Christ's church. Had he refrained from mentioning anything about contribu- tions this never would have appeared. Why does Mr. Ward lower himself by accepting subscriptions from outsiders? (But I sup- pose he wotild not if he could get along with- out.) If he would take the trouble to look around at the garden parties and concerts got up by his congregation he would see his own flock were few and far between. There is one thing certain, Mr. Ward has never been seen at any entertainment belonging to other churches. In tnis enlightened age such a feeUng of selfishness and bigotry you would suppose did net exist. T}ianking you, Mr. Editor, for the above space, I am, yours truly, G. Hill Bros, have have purchased a fire en- gine for their elevator. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best salve in the world for Cuts. Bruises. Sores, Ulcer Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands. Chilblains, Corns and all S\in Ernptins, and Positively cures Piles. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, cr money refunde»l. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by A. Turner Co. Owen Sound, Nov. 5. â€" The propeller Jo$e- phine Kidd runniuK letween Owen Roimdand Lion's Head was burned off Capo Commo- dore last night. She left here about ei 'ht o'clock in the eyening with a fnU cargo of merchandise, including a Itir^e quantity of mill supplies lor Lion's Head. After calling at Presqu'iile. where she tooV on board fifteen tons of hay, she proceeded on ber way to Wiarton, tlence bound for Lion's Head. When a few miles from Cape Com- modorajfire was discovered in the after cabin. Captain Thorbum first made an effort to ex- tinguish it. but finding it gaining too much headway headed the vessel for shore, where they succeeded in beaehmg her. The crew attempted to nse the pumps, but were drivmi from their posts The la lies' maid had a narrow escape. The vessel and cargo are a total loss. The crew were all picked up 6af ly by the steamer MyrtU. that happen- Myr 1 Wia with l:er gloves, ti she c^dains. The jurr found a vei-dict for the pbuutifi, (tamagcs S:"'0. In the ejectmort case of Cameron v. (.ame'oa, a verdict by consent was taken for the piatntiff with costs. THCESPAT ' • ' • " The Assizes to-dey opened with an aefio^ for sliAuder, J. J. Middleton v. Joseph, ^e-^ Ardle The pi intiff resides in Dnndalk,and has been rseve for Proton for seyerul years. by •6.000, wa.s insured, but at sannot be aacertained. «irtt9ed t^ ii« Ja^ week. Lose N0Q.MO. ' • |OIiL«H»€HVE» AWATit- .ij ICflBbtiaoflyiCtlBaofDr. King^We#1^' MMij gonaomittion. Coo^ •PiS? v hate been givwi *wi^y aa Trial Botuercrwa Urge aiae. Thia enoiiBoaii o trtMy woold-^ aiMwtrbiu to the proprietors, were it no* far the rare merito poaskaed by the wondotol medieina. CaDat A. Tamer dcCo't Drag 8tote andget a Trial Bottle /ree, tad try for yooraeif it narit faila to eare. Gtmnnndnun â€" Sappbse voa had a bear by thelMliriietlMr wooUit bebeai to let go «r hM OB f My wife has got aamplea of Tea from all the stores and findf McParland'a the beat and eheapeat. McFarland wiB (qwrate hia monater eleva- tor by ateam power. In a few days 8559 poanda of Tea to ar- rive via. steainship Yorkshire direct from Ja- pan for" "J McFarland. Kelly's IsUnd, Ohio, March 28th, 1880.â€" I have,n«ed\Kendall's Spavin Cure on a bone apaviii, and am pleased to report that it haa taken the enlargement completely off. took only one bottle to perform the care, am confident if properly used it will do all yon claim for it. Yours traly, C. M. LiitcoiiH. TIME TABliB. OOINe BOOTH. Bzp. a.m. Owen Sovnd. dep. 5.^ BCaikdale 9.*9 Fiesherton., 6.» Toronto... ^......fl*'-^ OOnfO MMtTB. Toronto drp. 7.S6 FleaherUm HI® Markdale H-W Owen Soand l-I^ llzd. Mafl. a.m. 7.S5 9.4r 10.12 4.16 £.03 7.00 pjn 619 9J26 4M 9.46 9.65 BIRTHS. SiODDABTâ€" In Glenelg, on the 8rd inst., the wife of Mr. George Stoddart. of a son. Ellioitâ€" In Euphrasia,on the Slst October, the wife of Mr. James Elliott, of a son, BABciiATâ€" In Glenelg on the 3rd inst., the wife of Mr. Robert Barclay, of a daughter. Blackâ€" La Dnndalk, on the Slst of October, the wife of Mr. John BlAok, of a daughter. OALBB/aTHâ€" In Williamsford, on the l»th ult.. the wife of B. M. Galbraith, of a son. MARRIAGES Edok â€" EcTOB. â€" At Durham, October iSth by Rev. William Park, Mr. Robert Edge to Miss Lizzie Ector, both of Glenelg. Abustbomo â€" ^LocKHBAKT. â€" By the Bey. T. Snowden, at the Methodist parsonage, Dnndalk, on the 18lh of October, Mr. R. Armstrong,to Miss Jane J. Lookheart.both of Proton. Atkinsâ€" GoDDFKLLOw. â€" By the Rev. T. J. Snowden, at the Methodist parsonage, Dnndalk, on the 18th of October, Mr. Charles Atkins, to Miss Eliza A. Goodfel- low. both of Proton. LoNswAT â€" Bbooohton. â€" ^By the Rev T. J. Snowden. at the lesidence of the bride's mother, on the 30th of October, Mr, John Henry Lonsway,to Miss Mary Ann Brough- ton, both of Melancthon. DIED- Martin â€" In Artemesia, on the 2nd inst.. Mr. Terrance Martin, aged 47 years, 10 months. Jokes â€" In Markdale, on the 5th inst., Eddie James, only son of Mr. Andrew Jones, (BlackBmith,)aged 5 years, 8 months. Akron, Ohio, May 7th. 1880.â€" Some three years ago I had a horse become very lame from a spavin. I treated it with Kendall's Spavin Cure with marked success. Since then I have sold a great many Bottles, and have heard of cures resulting from its use. I am frank to say I can cheerfully recom- mend it as an honest remedy. Yours truly, A. M. Armstroo. iiiss'wEtsH Dress and Mantle Maker Ghwves modemtc. Satistectioi ipiaran^eed. HILL'S BLOCK, SYDENHAM ST. Markdale, Nov. 6th, 1882. 113-126. NOTICE. Tyi OTICE is hereby given to all parties in- i\ debted to the esUte of the kte N. B. Grier, of Pnceville. either by note or book account, are requesteJ to settle the same on or before the 20th Novembei, 1882, or costs will be incurred. E. J. GBIER. Priceyille, Oct. 24th, 1882. sA^^J.'«^.v.•»a^ J. L BROWNE IS- Better than Ever I -IN â€" =»k:o'tosi Cabinet, CiiHI or Tablet. A LABGE STOCK OF FRAMES NKWZST DKSIONS, CHEAP. Consumption Cured, An old physician, retired from active prac- tice having had placed in his hands by an East Indiana Missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the epeedy and permanent cure of Cousnmpticn, Bronchitis, CatPrrh, Asthma, and all Throat and Lung affections, also a positive and radical cure for General Debility and all nervous com- pldints, after having thoroughly tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands oi caaes, feels it is his duty to make it known to his fellows. The recipe, with fuQ particulars, directions for preparation and nsti, and a}l'nece^8ary advice and instmctions for successful treatment at your own home, wDl be received by you by retnrn mail, free of chnrge, by addressing with stamp or stamped, self-addressed, envelope to DR. J. C RAYMOND. Ifi4 Washington Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. 110-62 AUCTlON~SALE~ YalnaWe Farm Property in the Township of Artemesia, in the County of Grey. There will be sola on Thnrsday* the leth day of No- vember, 1§8S, at one o'clock in the afternoon, at Butledge's Hotel, in the Village of Markdale, By virtue of a power of sale contained in a certain mortgage, which will be produced at the sale, the following pmperty, under mort- gagfi from Robert Morrow, Lots Nos 129 and 130, in the 2nd Concession West of the Toronto and Sydenham Road of the Town- ship of Artemesia. County of Grey, contain- ing loo acres, more or less. The following improvements are said to be on the premises :â€" 75 acre cleared, having erected there* .n two dwelling houses, a cedar log barn, with a brick yard, situated 6 miles from Markdale. ed to be CTi roi/t from Wiarton to this place, and taken to Wiarton early thia moming.' The cargo is valoed at upwards of M.00O, and not insurM. The Jotephine Kidd is a smaH proT-ellcr of 108 tons harden, -boilt at Port Stanley in 1879. She was owned Kidd(t Co., i)f Goderich, valued at rlassed A 2. She present the amount nor the company. NEVER GIVE UP. Tf you are snffering with low and depri^ss- ed sjirrits. loss of %ppetit«, general debihty. disordered blood, weak conRtitntiim, head- ache, or any disease of a bilioos nature, by all mean prooore a bottle of Eleettic Btttera Yon will be snr^iriswl to aee the rapid iml pmvM^ent that will feOew xj^m will be iu- Kpired with new ^e straigth and aetiviW wiR return pain and misery wil cease, a id hence.rth yui^will xeiuiee in the nraiae of ElectrlcJSittett Sold at flftv ocjATiihoti tk by k, ^J-oniS^Kft Ca.,Maifcdkl«. ^^ lr«Ta ha«^-* waakneaa lor a wcH-tttt^' -«ait-rrf cknhea or aratoaat aee MsF^nS- :Wratitw """r^ Th^^iiIinS«ttiiera9w«y ^tkm hsa ben^ ' repaired wh ch wa» dea r ly^a by fire at tiie I bomin; of the elevators, NOTICE TO FARMERS. BUSINESS STILL INCREASING WITH Wu J, ROWE â€" AT THK â€" TERMSâ€" One-tenth of -the purchase money to be paid down on day of sale. For balance, terms will bo made known at the sale. For further particukrs apply to JONES BROS. MACKENZIE, Solicitors, Masonic Hall, Toronto, or to Jons Lyons, Esq., Markdale. Toronto, October 16th. 1882. Til Health is Wealth I UNDER THK OLD PROCESS. i; P.^ (^Wping done every woifcug day. Farmers from a distance can have ^AJ order, fur Flour a ad Feed promptly ^October 2^;hfi^.^'"^;S',»J^." S500 Rbward I^ .?.« ^^y^7 fee aboTO reward for any case •552« Mi J^'"}^^ Vegetabli -Jritt^a «n»rantee to JXad to? 9m Dr. E, C. West's Nibve and Urai.v Thkat M^NT. a guaranteed specific for HysSil Dizzipess, CouvulRiong. Fits Nervon.^ ' ralgia. Headachy Nervous KSo^ ^Z' ed by the use of alcohol or toba^ x^^" Mness. Mental Depression. SofSg of Se Brain, resulting in lasanity and SSiSg to misery, decay aad death. Premature OwLh Barrenne^, Loss of Power in Either Ifx' caused by overexertion of tie brait? iS?' abuse or over-indnlgenee. One^^ Each box contains one One doUflLT a box, MABKDALE MABKETij. ifaU Wheat. |Q*86 to W-SO Sprincj to»(.9a;Barh7.W)e; Peas, 60t; Om, ;)Snfter, l7e; Baga, 21c; Potatoes, 30c- r .FLESHEBTON MARKET^. Fall Wheat. »0.80 to »0.90; Spiiu.. jn to #0.98; Bariey, 6»c; Peas, 66c; Oats Batter, I7c; Egga, 21c; Potatoes. 80c t. TOBONTO MARKETS. PaD Wheat, 10.90 to W.9C; Sjr to tH.06; Barijy, 56c to81c; Oai Peas, 74c to 7«c; Hogs, »8.00 to toes, per hag, 75c to 80c; Butte: to aOe; ejea. 23c to 24e. Blacksmith nsl Flesherton Station. Tlie snbseriber begs to annosnee to (l' inhabitants of Fl shenon, Markdale sajl Priceville, and suj rounding coTxtAry, tliatWi has commenced boaisess at E-i'uiiertnQ Su. tion, whesr he hop«s by satisfactory \to,jj| and moderate rates to secure a. Khao-e'of i lie patronage. H0R8E-8H3EIN6 A 8PECIALT!,| And guaranteed that in a ca^e of intprj'cr«iii horses he will cure the defect in two «lioe| or no charge will be made for the f^f^ oud shoeing. A TRIAL SOLICITED. HENKT WHITEi Flesberton Station, Oct. 17. 1882. A* Vf$t44 TAjLOR. OYer McFarland's Sto, MARKDALE. Special attention to Cultin^;.^ it.s If you want a Perfect Fit lesTi! yonr Order with A. HILL, September 90th, 1882, 106. M9Um.i ^T99 l7VTtK:TALE Foundry -AND- MACHINE WORKS, MANUFACTURERS OF MILL MACHINERY, Steam Engines, SHAFTING, HANGERS, Pul/eys,c. Land Rollers, PLOWS! And Plow Points mmmm Done in a practical manner. II cu e recent cases. month's treatment. aix boxes to five .toHara^i^rk-* ' *^' paid on ^eeipt'of p^' ' ^*gS^i"S ^v^hyTtoi,^!- WithlSTrS^ SlnuL^ 1"!!:^*"'/°!»»P«tod With tr^T*:J!!„!^- ""i**^e_ pnnAMer a noatj. if I. containing 88 PJU^ijWtees i^^'^hTTTnne^^^'!^ ??^2" y«rsaie;u'¥«;:ri^p»"^»»^*Xmp *^^-^^st adve ^--^^-^^I^^^Sj'^J^-i^^^^^^^ We also introduce our new nmVi MANGLE t|tlwpubhc. This new machine will nW'^l I^nen, Cotton, and Woollen Goods, gi^'J them a beautiful smooth and glossy app^^I anoo. It also improves the clothes, wbert*! hot. irons injure them. "We also niai"^f factnre Ornamental Cresting of VKdoQs designs for Buildings, Vcrandabij *c. ortiaraental Cast iron Cliaius ;,Pall P-Jlars. Fencing, Ventilfltors Coiomi^. Iron Beaiba. GiaticfiS ,; fc«f -Cellar Windows, Ac. tXl fe0N; g^ASS CaSTINGSJ^I Of JHjar? «e!«criptfoB Made to Ord« MOFFAT BROS. fci Hi it' I ij I -It litiAiah'n'.^ V'g 1 1

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