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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 9 Nov 1882, p. 3

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 -^r^.VT^7"-^^ â- ^l-l4j4'^SJ»ll|. 1^1(11,1 1, "â- f*i "'â-  #W-.!i-HV*IJi' It.- ^W ^^ ^:- â- WM mm imagine what'i-j a mother rega^ij [, sninfflary of News from aU over • the 'World-, -m 16 reived ia Alexajidria from r 'Tr's a severe outbreak of cholera hundred failors were drowned during, ,ect storm in Manilla. ^. of tiie Cubans surrendered by â- ibrruar aathorities to Spam will be terprise for Noi like' ' hsrer m'auis oi mentled, eastward It may bc^by ^a^lmuada, father lesi tlVaiscussed, and decid-i with the Ire to show the friendly feeling of ,nis;ry toward England. Tewi-li riots occurred on Tuesday in 'L Weiselberg, Austria. A woman ot and several houses plundered. (leorfe Critchett, the celebrated Eng- uILt,'"is dead. been decided that the force of' \,, left in Ej:ypt for garrison pyr- I'uH nuuJjBr 11,000 men of all four ,j,£So: I'-ie terviceaâ€" infantry, cavalry, 'ryander.giueera. .â-  'J said evidence ^vill be adduced to show i^rabi saved tlie I'ie oi th« midship- h, i-;air aijainst the wishes of Toulba in.i f t^ ipped that massacre at Alex- l.'v telegraphic crderr-. The prose- wi.l ur^-e'tliat it is impossible to bc- t'lat Arabi, who held this power, liot have prevented the massacre and liariiiii had iie so wished. Ihard Pigott denies Egan's charcre that iViorence Dixie's allegations of dibcrep- ni the accounts of the Land League Viistigated by him. Is understood that one of the men t,l with tke murder of the Joyce fa- aa turned Queen's evidence. „Ie addressing a lar2;e number of far- 'at Xewtridge, Conntv Kildare, on esJav. Matthew Harris, a member ilateLsnd League, and othero, were |eil under the Cnnios Act. Great ex- tent ensue !. Groans were given for the Itrates and police, and a colligion be- the people an i police occurred. Salvation Army was treated with frespcct as they paraded io Paris on ly. kerlin despatch announces that the iun- Ih has prohibited the importation of. lean swine and pork. operatives at the Merchants' Cotton [Montreal, are on strike. They claim vance of wages to §1 per ctay. bther person injured by the explosion jA'j/r//*!/ has succombed to his injiir- friiis makes the fifth victim. \s.t excitement has been caused at Mil- bvtiie defaulting or feter McGeoch, oatuiahi dealer, upou half a million lis of wheat. I Spaids 1 (i jvernment, it is reported, tot foci called on to release the three^ees delivered up by an English ll a; (iiliraltar. liplaint.s ar â-  made that the fishery re- loiis are g'oiftly violated at Ptideau where largo tpiantities of fish are I captured during spawning season. r.ovv comes from Jolette, Qn., con- thc mysterious disappearance of Ihas U.iphis, a wealthy resident of St. le?. wl'.o, it is feared, has been robbed pui'dercd. |a meeting of tho London Board cf I i: was stated that freight rates bs- that point and Toronto and Hamil- been increased 30 per cent, recently. taii-m has not made great advancesdp Jim. Louise Miche} attempted to lec- |at Ghent on AVednesnay night, but busded from the hall by indignant lb. be alarm is felt in South-Eastexn Eu- bonscipicnt upon the fresh outbreak on lidgaiiun and Herzegovinian frontiers repeated concentration of 100,000 an troops in Bessarabia. ksiau insurance companies, acting upon puL'i;e3t!on of English delegates, have tiy had to raise their premiums forty tnt. by reason of the great increase in air.her of large tires in the country. 3.: Kong advices repr sent that the lias applied to the 'United States Go- i-'nt to use its good offices towarcis a Inien: of the Loo Choo dispute China is.-ing troops upon Russian frontier. Ihending encroachments by that Power r'rance a secret dynamite factery has iiicovcied. Hnnri Rochefort, who re- the permanbiit garrison at ilontceau- linejas provocative of a freshoutbrcak, lone thither to relievo the p isonero |ing trial. IV ,â-  Hoods have caused great loss of k1 property in the central provinces in 1, and in the south-west cattle plague ling tho cattle. The financial posi- |of the island ij exceedingly bad cy is at 60 per cent, dinpunt, Md b1 national banks have failed^ and ^e ct ot trie whole banting t\Memji»^- ' with suspicion. ^he Imperial Parliament Mr. Gladfltoae ited that Kgypt would be 'aslced to be expense if the British oceupation. 'afferin left Constaittinafje for ChM' mutually satisfactory intervipwai' with ranch JVIinistry has decided to ••»; the abolition of the joint control in !•- B. toady's extensive mills in the Hull were destroyed by tiie. The fhicli is supposed to have originated the electric light, spread with ai^aziog pty and in an incredibly short spaQelirf I buildings, which covered ten ttcriear'hf d, were reduced to ashes. The loss liou^ly estimated from half a million to Tion dollars. mania for carrying out great engi- pg enterprises in England, according F London correspondent's letter, ap- I to be fast developing. Nothing daunt- " the suHpension, if not .utter defeat, thannel Tunnel project, public aV Pn 18 now being turned to several Dig undertakings whose inflaelUM, |h not faternational, are none the leal T to prove of lasting national b«wiH. promoters ot the scheme for connecting |heaterwith the sea by a ship canJ gofously pushing on their preliminary neaandMtijnatea, while a couBter eo- Fbrtime may be made by hard work, but can neither 9 .made, or ip^yed' without health. To those Icsading; sedentary lives Dr. Rl V. Pieroe'a "Golden Medical Discovery" i? a real f riehd- n stimulates the liver, purifies the blood, and is the best remedy for con- sjimption, which is scrof alons disease of the lungs. By all druggists., ,, Victor 'Hago lately gave a banquet to eighty children of fishermen at Ventiles, the Norman watering-place where he has beeh staying, MfeMwa^ky o^i^tt^^^.^v^^^ o- my i»r. Pier6e\"*tf%*o?y'^e8M^i'*^^ )|**ay3 be3Jmetfhe^^favori±eitftnfdy of thos^ mo try it. • Itwip 4. jtf^dU *)r, U\ fem'afe weaknesses" and derangeinenis, briacriii^ strength to the limbs and back, and color to the face. .Olalldnrggista.; ».,.. Under the patronage 'of a Berlin mer chant, Wilhelm Schoulenck, Baron NordcnskjolJ is getting ready for another arctic expedition from Stockholm next summer. Being entirely veMtabW .t «ka particular care is required whHeT«iilgDi' Pierce's '•Pleasant Purgative Pellets." They oper- ate without disturbance to the constitution, diet, or occupation. For sick headache, constipation, impure blood, dizzines?, sour eructations from the stomach, bad taste in rainth, bilious attacks, pain in region of kidney, internal lever, bloated feeling about tjie stomach, rash of blood to head, take Dr. Pierce's "pellets." By druggists. It i 4 a carious iac^ that the only, desicend- ants fif Daniel Webster should be alo fhe de- scendants of the father of Napoleon Bona- parte. Sir g a son^ of hair oil. Pocket minus chink. Four and twenty editors Spilling Printer.^' ink Now the pen goee faster, Wonder what they mean, Guess thcT must be writing ads, r For the Improved Carboline. ""•Rosa Bonheur lives the year round at By, an old hunting; lodge of Marie de Medicis, near Fontiinebleau, and drives herself out daily in her pony- carriage. The Royal beauties of Europe owe much of their personal attractivenesj to the influ- ence cf Ayer's Hair Vigor, which keeps tho hair fresh and bright. Mr. Tennyson s about tD sell his place on the Downs, and make Ferrington his per- manent residence, the air of the Isle of Wight suiting him better. Vegetise.â€" It extends its influence into every part of the human organism, commSii- ciugwith its foundation correcting diseased action. aLdr storing vita! powers, creating a healthy tormation and purification of the blood, driving out disease, and leaviugNature to pt.rform its allotted tas A piece of land at Niagara Falls, between Table Roc'.i and the Prospect Hous,' is own- ed by the PJght Hon. W. E. Gladstoae, Premier of Great Britain. Notice. â€" Each bottle of Briggs' Electric Oil will hereafter be accompanied by a cork- sciew, as it is important that the cork should be preserved and the bottle well corked when not in use, to retain the strength of the goods. It cures rheumatism, neuralgia. liver and kidney complaints, or of the urinary organs; curis jcomjilaints arisinar from colds, such as sore throat, bronchitis, diphtheria, cough and difficult breathing. At Tel-el-Kebir one of Arabi's tents was embroidered with forget-me-not. pomegran- ates, and other flowers and fruits, in cx- q-disite needle-work, while another was lined with crimson demask silk. 'Who Staoold Suffer. The many who daily suffer agony from corns, bunions, callous lumps, when the means of remedy cin be so easily procured. Putnam's great remedy for corns is lie new article, but it commands the confidence of every druggist in Canada, as all can testify that Putnam's Corn Extractor is a sure thing. The man who neglects this suggestion to try Putnam's Ex- tractor oucht to suffer. Use not "the article ust as good." Flesh-destroying and dangerous substitutes are offered as a substitute for Put- num's. Of such beWare. Bi conformity with the traditional cus- tom oi the hereditary Princes of Prussia, Prince VVilliam, the Emperor's eldest grand- son, is about to enter tlie civil service, in order to obtain a practical knowledge of the working of the various branches of the executive and administrative organiza- tion of the country. Mr. J. R. Seymour, Druggist, St. Cath- arines writes that he finds an ever-increas- ing sale tor Blood Bittars, and adds, that he oani withioni "h'^itaney, recoihniendr it Burdock Bloo*L-Bitt*»-i* the er^ BTi^itic for all diseas-a cf t^ Blood, LiTor. m^ Kidneys. 9. ^. ' ' ' jyi^ • '"««'»«»«i|i ^^B^ rVfivfery :^ the £aeat countiy iii-Uiii;|i Sands, sjj characte^'i Englishnfev -%aBt m|(i •Wofld." Mrs. Wm. Allan, of Acton, says she has licver been without a bottle of Halyards Yellow Oil in the house for the last twenty years, and would not be for ten times the cost adding that ^h« has never known it to fail for Colds and Croup, Sore Throat Stiff Neck, Burns, Scalds, etc. She concludes b5fsaying,"Vf any one doubts its efficacy, riper them to ibe." 10. Since 1831 gold to the amount of $lj4^- 001^000 haa besfn produced by theAastraban colonies. A Good Investmentâ€" Twenty-five cents expended to your druggist foi a bottleo* Hagjatd's Yeilow Oil wiU allay «no^^^ and cure more diseases tlian many doltaw spent for ordi«»ry medicuies wooW do. Yellow OU earea Rheumafasm, B^" ^oU^ Frost Kto?i Sow Throat, Croop, Stiff Jwnto, Srtr«^€ords, all Lamenee. and In- flammatioB. 8. Amant)ver«tyy«rf«of»gei» r«P«^ by the BrUUk M^ieai Joumca^to '-â€" '^~ f}ttk* memSipeoflSee^a^^: I 6f ttin cdred -Vj^ ""HiliyiSi'iYmt^ printi,9gF0ttkc»a^i;adi^,tp t)ie "»£• 1 J I Have Neti6r MaWn Snch a Useful Bemedy Placed Before, the, PuUlic 'â- *, Mostceak Jan^aO. IBSO U. R. Stevens, Esq.â€" Dearer: :Z4o no^like to write testimonials for advert. sed msdicines, but the great benefit «»at so ' " real MlMite kt lowiMijDBteB «(.i«tenrt. iktmaH- mo pi«9e»o()«test iyatro^n^U^^od ^fcjjjiquaio, l)eaiMr {»' pt«tar« Auaifes and. fa^crJgoodsi -TuU 8i«ei. 'Sena 5 c^ts COlEEiBE, Wi©ODSTOCKi ONTABIlJi /- iMEtrafJtiod most^omolete in all branches most thorough and complete BUSINESS EIyOAT»ON 'rT^'^^f^ --M*- many Of my tv CMtometS have obtained from the use of VoK^ **â€"e compels me to say t^i.with an experience Ter 25 years, both in Grg^t Britalp and this ntry, I haver never known- such a useful remedy placed before the puhdic, m 1 J. D. L. AJVtBROSiE. ikasistant of iho Apothecaries' Company of Jjon- d on. Mem ber of the Pharmaceutinl Society of WBeai 'SmaUr; tiiuu n Mum 1 1 1 phuii n n w y â- ! of the College of Physic -finajiiiil Surgeon?, Corner Notre Dame a' KiLll sireeid. Vegetiiie. Pleurisy, Liver Complaint. " Yarmouth, N. S., Aug. 5, ifSO. H. R. Stevens, Esq.â€" Dear Sir: Last summer I was troubled with Pleurisy and Livea- Oom- plaUit, was onahle to work for seven weeks. I ntid the advice of two able pUysicians and took their medicine without getting any relfef. One day yoiwrnoant hniynnnii„tftK»aaa ,(af flow and handed me a circular, which I read and at cnce concluded to try yonr Yegetine. ' In three days I was like a different man, and was able to re- sume my work in a short time. Have since en- joyed the best of health- I have recommended Vegctine to several of 'my neiglibors, and know it to have accomplished wbnderful cure?. Yours truly, P. A. VANHORN. Foreman of A. F. Stoneman Co.'s wharf. P.S.â€" I consider I owe a great deal to Vege- tine. I sincerely believe if it had not been lor it I would have been laid up for months, and perhaps years. 1' A. VANHORN. at Very low If tlie Ommcrrlal Drpariihcnt j«tet. Ftfr ciTcnlarS fidarcBi' ' N. V olte^rton; B. A. â-  Principal r rc l^'l 1' I OUR BIG OFFER. flcnflid Value. Bfecch'Lfmding DOUBLE GUN FOR SiaOO! Regular price, $S. Sent C.O.D.dn approbation tag- Send' 6c. 'for our new illustrate ,«ataJoi;ue which is ttie finest ever published in Cjuiada; just out. liie luwbonc iinn and Mauutac- taring To. (LlMillrd), 81 Yongc-st., loronto. Thousands speak. Vegef me is acknowledged and recommended by phy-iicifins and Apothe- caries to be the best purifier and cleanser of the blood yet discovered, and ihousands speak in tis praise who have been restored to health. YiOllQlL G aftE SKM^Etl^MAlH S1 FREEMAN'S WORM POWDERS. lopeaa, Zppesa was introduced in AmeticA two yfears $0i liarge qnon titles have becn'used for 'D.v8- pepsia, and as a panacea for the Liyer.^nd the maniifacturei's hare yet to hfear Of a singlt eiise of Dy^pensla or Biliousoess, 'wbea Zopesa was used as directed, in whiph it was not mcn-c than satisfifictorv. Many-write that it is a wonderful «medy. W^e pan show where *s hieh as iO pttunds'werc gained by its use in breaking up chronic BiiiousBcss and Dj-spepsia. :Its friends increase very fast, and all who use as directed are surprised and srratjfled.' Xmas New Year Largest and Choicest Selection In the Dominion. Assorted lot? -^ht free by mail on receipt of ?1 or upwards. Lyon Alexander, 110, 119, and 114 Bay Street, Are pleasant to take. Contain tholr( Pnrsativc. le a safe, Eurn^ imd cttectBtt dtatroi'vr cs worm* la Children or Adnltlt Yegetinfi is Sold H All Druggists. $5 1. BarrN PtiR DAY can beinnde bv agents, male I or f enmle. C. \V. DENNIS, Toronto. VTO. nr. 4. R. Ulaync «'anipb)"ll. tcr. Si»llcit'r. Btc « Vict»ria-st Uf ATPUCC Send for free; illnstrated cata- ffnl UnCOi loguetoRYRIE, the Jewelers U Yoa^ e Street. Toronto. Rifles and Ammunition. Fall price listreadv: sent free on application. W" McDOWaLL, cor. King and George sts. Toronto 1 GUNS McDOWa CARDS W Christmas, New Year. Birthday, and other Cards, at H. J. Mat- tuewsBros. art depot. Toronto. ,NTARIO VETERINARY COLLEGE. TO- RONTO. Students can c ter from Octo- ber until January. PROF. SMITH, V. S., Edin. Principal. Fees, fifty dollar.?. tl a gives written guarantee that his mous- tache recipe will produce heavy moustache -in side of 10 vireeks or money refunded price $1 Box aU London. ____^_ ©r; nnn nnn worth of farming U0«IIUUUUU and other property in Ont- ario for sale bv the CANADA WEST LAND AGENCY COMPANY, 14 Adelaidc-st Eat, Toronto. Ssnd f or lis! FOB"^ALft-T\VO iMPlajVED FA! CMS ot 610 acre® pt foUr of 3» acres, in Mani- toba. Half of each farm isnroken. babksirt. and ready for seed. -â- V.pply STRANGE MOWAT, Portage la Prairie. FARM FOR SALE -BEING LOT IOC Gwillftnbwrv, adjoisins towaWE -floH**^ Linding 212 acres, NorthcVhR. R. Station Sit- uated on corner of this Lot, the land is high rolling clay loam Brick house frame Bank Barn. J. VV. G WHITNEY, Eitate Agent 25 Toronto-st. Toronto. Gurney Ware's STANDARD SCALES For Railroads, Rollins Mills, Grist Mills and Elevators. Scales for evcrvthhigâ€" Hay, Coal and Stock. All sizes of Warehouse Scales. Counter Scales of all kinds. DAIRY FARMERS' SCALES. Fish, Pork and Wool Scales, Butchers' Scales, Scales and Beams for Pedlars' Waggons, All sizes of Railroad and Warehouse Trucks, Alarm Money Drawers. £vcry Scale warnukted. All juakca prompi- ly repaired. Send for illustrated catalogue to GUBNBY WAEB, HAMILTON. Great Reduction in Price of Firearms Wc will sell for the ncxtSJ-days at the follow- ing reduced prices :â€" Our 3-^5 English (genuine twist double ban-el breech-loading shot srun for S 18 00 Our ?30 English genuine twist double barrel breech-loading shot gua for. ... 25 03 Our :g40 English genuine twist double barrel breech-loading shot gua for. 33 00 Our $1.5 double muzzio gnn. genuine twist barrels, for 10 00 Our Si:o double muzzio gun. genuine twist barrels, line front action locks. beautifully finished, for 15 00 Joslyn carbine ritie reduced to 7 GO Evans' 2t-shot repeating rifle reduced to 18 00 Zulu single barrel breech-loading shot gun reduced to .. 3 50 Climax single barrel breech-loading shot gun reduced to â€" .. â€" 5 00 Pioneer single barrel bicech-loadingshot gun reduced to GOO Spencer repeating rifle, long barrel, 7- shot. reduced to.. .. 15 00 Winchester repeating riflo, 13-shot, re- dueedto 18 00 Parties desiring to inspect these goods befor purchasing can do so by sending us $1. ^\^ will express he Gun CO. D. If not satisfactory you have the privilege of returning it. If the SI more than rovers express charges, we will remityou the ditterenco and this rule applies to all Broods in our catalogue. Send (i cents for our 93 page citaloguo, containini? over 600 illustrations of Eirearnis, Watches, Jewellery, Silverware, etc. Chas. Starii, f/i Clinrrb street, Toronto. C0T3W0T.D PvAMS FOK1?.\LE-25- CJTS- WOLD rams, ore year old pure bred bred from importerl istoclf: Ar aalo cheap. Also, a few pure-bred Durham yearling bulls- GEORGE MILLER, RiggCoot .Farm. Mark, ham, Un t _^_ 0~ NE OF THE BEST FARMS IN THE county of Bruce; containing 260 acres; 230 cleared; good house and out-buildings; also good orchard; a never failing stream within thirty yards of the house: three miles from Teeswater. the*^m*«u3fpfc theS' Or*; »»^y.: price moderate Ajftlyijrab.^WEHi prt»ric- tor, or to J. MARSHALL. Teeswater, Ont LADIES IBWARE SlS^^ corsets will not break, or lose their shape. Wear corsets made by CrODtptoaCorset Co. ToroatiK FABMS FOR SALE Viefix fl»e foUowlng places; St. Thofei,; Goliingwood. .3a»rie, ^r«i*ra8. Blyth, FaHdini, Rookwood SUUon, Duhdalk Station, Shelbunle Station, Southampton. Also, a large number of excellent farms in Manito- ba and the North- West. Settlement not re- •qtired. Saw MUl, Lath and Shingle Machine fdf sale at Henfryn Station, Co. Grey, Ont. Ehgine, 35 Yimrnfa-i* b^ersrjeo hBrse. tiUl m «plendid ordcfc '""I*^*'3*^"Ctf4*^' 4 Klnx St.* Ba«t. Toronto, On WILL CURE DIZZINESS, DROPSY, FLUTTERING OF THE HEART. ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH, DRYNESS OF THE SKIN, BILIOUSNESS, DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION. JAUNDICE. ERYSIPELAS, SALT RHEUM, HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, And every species of disease arising; front disordered LIVEK. KIONgYS, STOMAQH, BOWELS OR BVOOD. ProBTJeters, TORONTQ T. HiLBORN eo., AYER'S HAIR VIGOR, For Restoring Gray Hair To iis Natural Vitality and Color. Advancing years, sickness, care, disap- pointment, and her- ilitary predisposit- ion, iUl turn the hair g:ray, and either of them incline it to shed pennaturcly. Aykk'sIIaih Vig- or, by long and ex- tensive use, has proven that it stops the falling of the hair immediately often rencwn the gro^^'th and always surely restores its color, when faded or gray. It stimulates the nutritive organs to healthy activity, and presei-ves both the hair and its_ beauty. Thus brashj-, weak or sickly hair becomes glossy, pliable and strengthened; lost hair regrows with lively expression, falling hair is checked and stablished; thin hair thick- ens; and faded or gray hairs resume their orig- inal color. Its operation is sure and harmless. It cures dandrnfr, heals all humors, and keeps, clean and soft â€" under which con- ditions, diseases of the scalp are impossible. As a dreaaing for ladies' hair, the Vigor is praised for its grateful and agreeable perfume, and valued for the soft lustre and richness or tone it inijiarts. PREPARED BY 3 BE. J. C AYER CO., Lowell, Mass., Praclicaraud Analytical I'licmistJi. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEAL- EPJS IN .MKDICIXK. ^^DlTACHABi.E LINK BELTING, MAKES THE BEST ELEVATORS AND CONVEYERS IN EXISTENCES h»v« iwie' 156 milei in 24 hoiugi on a triple. A yonnger rival Sid I8S mUeim tli« ;;«l â- OH. Pleton. HA, fbr tmlMU*. l__^^ _^ ^^ «Wf- ' '• J "•i 'Hi •Hi? ,â-  it m

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