^^â- ^V^^TW^"'i^f^H '^^^^W^-^^WW^^ :i:°asrc ta- lodeni dress! '*•• it Was include htH- â- ^:S5' Ssf" ndings. but «J! id children J?*' not tkJI ^if«n Who" iy attracted iiL- je stiff rilfc T,-" rarving, tliere u a ptos- "'" our best circles, within » custom of nuJung the tJjat in he, i^head-dresa j^- ^^1 lien of that i_ iave walked ^1" Blaider'sschorff se all social 1 hat would oe» custom and "might be u] QOt know it," IS should be ored the tea^ as to 3h„,3^ those used fc, l^e population b Dot walk on "' its limbs tal tha^ the Ct tion to the rest ^xactlyimitatec; ir^V."^^ did v^ e did our k, nd distort the e could to hampe? nkle. A greater^ '\^f ""â- a point, -ho could not ills presuming j srson of ve^ ' irce of dyspe'paj "^° ^ho co^ 'ject to disease \^ e did, too, all' byapplyingii f. the hod|, lish nation,"' shing at s vvhich young ^I'y too much clothing of nnier fond moi lo scantily, a •â- lace looked pi nfantile nudity iter sumptuona a baby if it rn and plush, lector go â- egret and di make a rule low- the man he prisons in ent tc contain yrdom "'ij'kiln.dried poultry at din- '• extinct, and that a servant '!T on'a small telary wiU take a ^a\ can of nitro-glycenne and ":main3, thus civing the host a "'It with his guests instead of them with dressing and casting J "-V over the company. move for which 1 have long con- Mt fhces the manual labor of a Ihere i= belongs, and relieves a man " rrivp his whole attention louW Itertam inment of his friends at table. Id not expect^ y?"^}°f}^J^}t °? 'kill the fowl in ibow you that your presence in it was all on the I 1 i' I's not customary to require 'f.tor of the house to peel the pota- able for his guests to prove that nn put-up job about it. Tre I claim that the lamented hen thoroughly shattered at a aide table Ihlete at four dollars per week, and I faith towards the guests be main- If auy one be doubtful or suspici- Lette will permit them to stand by f the liireiiug carver and witness I 't Still it would be better fun for lit at the table, aud if the parts given I not satisfactory, he can put them in shoes pro tem, and casually throw L the back door while the other Ire listeniu least sooner DRAMA. of Modjeska, Jrawing-room, recitation, iinenced. Ab ;d to flash fire, ^spellbound bjk ^hey presumed! â- ing the aspu^ti freedom and 'f Poland, andi s rewarded her. ^hat she had lumbers froml about to eoM T of Pamell, -•i, and bronghtd 3 first appean winning con lanchester, successful I 1, in " Hamleli '57 he appeared! ind madea toor^ ars in Au J, and pli iementi. fiei cuous decli ince. He wilH 1 a seat in tiie Tomboy," i| ith, the actor-i 3 success thron drama, En Jennings Ca,^ lite above ceptionallyg ;3 are quite i riety enterti has been inf bodies' in iversity of opi I that three I gularly pr lumen, and analyses g (8 per it. of pepti the amoaotd t equals ti*tj 3 formed e process; iling temp destroyett that in " it that on long! 3r more ito pept»y 3h as po«" heese. fto the " Maiden's I'ray- tie parlor. .,, the new deal the host wib. enjoy ber much more than he used to with nb cut oS and a quart of dressing in Xo man feels perfectly at home if lo wrap up his c.it finger in a rag and top a handful of dre sing out of his cket aad return it to the platter. 1 \t3 cool enough to do this, hearlilv all the time and tell- miitii-picvoliing anecicta mean- i'so annoying to hive twenty guest3 •â- the licirK meat, please," -when ire only thiej animals cooked and ' oue of them had a particle of dark )oi!t liar person. Lately I have adopt- -lan of segreeatiug the fowl by main 1 using the lingers when necessary, rn wiping them off in an ofif-hand on the table-cbth. Then I ask the to bring in that dark hen we order- that we might have an abundance of \eat. If the servant says there is sinlj an 1 tell the guests that the chicken, by some oversight, has tteu in the kitchen, and I shall have them such relics as may be at hand. ililies the inatttr, aud places me in 3i( re agreeable place relative to the ly. My tirit success, however, in is mainly confined to the water- Tno ^^ate^nelon does not confuso [always know where to find the joint;, ie who do not like the inside ot a iielon can have the outside. Now, rry tiuublc with fowls IS, that one day i [ubraska caicLen and tlie next day I to assafsicate a Mormon IShanghai witls hitdi, expressive hip-bones and lampiletot. This makes me nervous, e tliey .-ire so dissimilar and their are iu ditferent places. The Mormon mnd-aUouldered and her collar-bone re on tli3 bias than t!.e Nebraska fowl. ;ivc-3 a totally ditTerent expression to itures iu death, and, as I have said, )ys tlie symmetry of the carve. igau my education in this line by cary- litter in hot weather, and gradually led jthe quail on toast, i i carvlngthequail, nortgagft your home and set the quail. [uail should be c oke I before carving, before the chronometer balance and organs have hee;i removsd. Place Iquail on the toast in a sitting position, Ipaajint; the di.siectiug knife down bc- the shoulder blades, bisect the polon- lother method i;; to take the quail by linJ leg aud eat it, asking the guests to te same. This breaks up the feeling of S3 that is apt to prevail at a formal er party, an 1 while each one has his or pose immersed in quail, good feeling can- iiil to show itself. An Atiiletic Empress. lie llmprcss of Austria has spent the ler at Isold, upper Austria, in a regu- ourse uf training for the hunting eea- whicli, according to the present ar- enitnts, will be spent in Hungary. has risen at G, then exercised in the nasinm for two hours, then taken a and after it a simple, hearty breakfast. I this succeeded walking, riding, and Iy, indeed, she has been running for two rs a day but that was deemed tame [k until 'â- ome beagles arrived, which her jesty hunted on foot. Much of her time [been spent in training horses in her own [school. Her usual walking costume, Nc or cjld weather, is a long wnterproof Kmaiket coat, brown straw b.-^t, end ^y laeed boots. Whether the tempera- • fce h'..t cr cold, her throat is always |e- But, although so fond of field sports, f-nipitss is no stranger to domestic arts. ' 13 a capital cook, and has lately invent- loue or twj new dishes. Her outdocr [has p eserved her youth, and, although raiidni jthcr. she still looks a compara- p-y young woman. Her figure is perfect. "â- 0 Frozen Corpses. ^very corpse that is taken to the Paris frgue IS now quickly converted into a block *ost as hard as stone. This result is ob- Ded by Carrie's chemical refrigerator, uch is capable of reducing the tempera- te ot the conservatory, where each body pici out on something closely resembling •amp bedstead in stone, to 15° below zero 'grade. At the back of this room is a of stove like compartments, in which i corpses are boxed up and frozen hard pore bemg exposed to public view. As an Pstration of the intense cold thus artifi- m secured, a Paris journalist, in desrib- a recent visit t +he Morgue, says that opening one of t^e compartments the at, t^^f^.took the precaution to wear a glove r "s tand should be burnt by contact *n the cold iron." The corpse which was nlh °^ '*? ""eceptacle' had been there hours. The doctor who accompanied visitor struck the dead man on the breast a stick, and the sound was just as if he ' "nick a stone. Thefts aiii'f do bettlii^up %. thinm " ""v- "^^ overland jooiiey's a fwad nothmgbnt^a fraud. Sir. Ld you ougffto know It Don't teU me. It's » SuidL This nng mast be busted up. Where are your bnfialers Perhaps you'U teU me that them cows is bufEalers. They ain't Where are your prairie dogs? They aiii't does to begin with they're squirrels. Ain't you ashamed to ca'l them mean little cuies dogs But where are they There ain't none. Where are your grialies? You might have imported a few griadjes to keep up the name of your railroad. Where are your herds of antelopes scudding before the advancing train Nary an antelope have you got fur to scud. Rocky Mountains bir they ain't rocky at all. They're as flat as my hand. Where are your savage gorges I can't see none. Where are your wild Injuns? Do you call them loafing tranops in dirty blankets I juns? My be- lief is that they're greasers looking out for Ml engagement as song and dance men. They re ' beats,' Sir, ' dead ' they're 'pud- cooks,' and you oughter be told so." I didn't know it nor could I discern why I ought to be told so. But there was no pa- cifying the Implacable man. Sometimes he would confront me with an open guide-book, and, pointing sternly to a page, would say,' "Where are your coyotes, Sk? I'll trouble you for a pack of wolves as makes night hideous with their howling. Did any howl last night, Su:, except the wind Where are your pumas and your cougars? Show 'em to me. There's nothing in it. Its as easji as going from Jersey City to Philadel- phia, and the whole thing's a fraud." â€" Ameyica Bevmtedâ€"Sala. Get out of Doors. â€" The close confinement of all factory work gives the operatives pallid faces, poor appetite, languid miserable feelings, poor blood, inactive liver, kidney and urinary troubles, and all the physicians and medicine in the world cannot help th^m unless they get out of doors or use Briggs' Botanic Bitters. " What station is th's " asked a lady pas- senger of an English tourist near by. Look- ing out of a window and reading a sign on the fence, he replied, " PuDugh on Rat?, I guess, mum." Go out in the damp air, or sit unprotect- ed in a draught, and your throat will feel sore and your head uncomfortable. You have taken a cold, which you can remove as promptly as you received it by using jr^yer'a Cherry Pectoral. Adam's fall occurred before Eve was cre- ated so it is useless to twit woman with be- ing the cause of all our sorrow. It was when he fell mto a deep si ep prior to losing a rib. It stirs â€" The dormant energies by aiding digestion and giving the Liver new life. ZcjpESA (from Brazil) cleanses the system of all impurities. Try a 10c, sample. Astronomers continue to assert that there is something the matter with the comet's head. Men who are up all night, as the comet is, will know what it means. We can insure any person having a bald head or troubled with dandruff, thatCarbol- ine, a deodorized extract of petroleum, will do all that is claimed for it. It will not* stain the most delicate fabric and is delight- fully perfumed. When a man says he is satisfied with his lot, you may be sure of one of two things, either he is a very unenterprising specimen of humanity or he is lying. Robert A. Wilson, Dispensing Chemist, Brockville, says, under date of June 5th, 'S2, "1 have not the slighest hesitation in saying that Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw- berry has given my customers more satisfac- tion than any medicine in my store tor the cure of Summer Complainti, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Pain in the Stomach Sea Sick- ness, Piles, etc. You can use my name, etc." Philadelphia boasts a man who tried to poi- son seven people. In a man who isn't a doc- ter this seems extraordinary." A Reward of |10 is offered in good faith for a hard case of corns that has stubbornly refused to be relieved by the use of Putnam's Painless Com Extract- or, the great corn extractor. Thousands in England, Canada, and the States testify to the efficiency of this celebrated com cure, and the proprietors are anxious to hear if there is a single case of failure. Address N. C. Poison Co., Kingston. Use Putnam's Corn Extractor, sure, safe and painless. When a man gives up a house, what rank would he hold in the army That of a left- tenant, of course; Mrs. B. M. GifTord, of Port Rowan, was for many years a suflFerer with Liver Com- plaint, and a serious complication of diseases. In a recent letter she says that she has only taken two bott'es of Burdock Blood Bitters, and has nearly recovered her health, and authorizes u% to use her name in advertising to suffering humanity. 3. "Will the coming man use both arms " is asked. He doubtiess will if the coming wo- man is able to drive ths horse. Never Nestleot It. If vou suffer from a cough, never neglect it, it 13 no trifling matter, and might lead to a speedily fatal disease of the lungs. Hag- yards Pectoral Balsam will allay all irritation of the mucous membrance by it) soothing healing power it cares Bronchitis, Asthma and all throat and lung complaints. 6. The shell always has the bulge on the oys ter,and would win if some one with a knife didn't help the oyster out. Rheumatism. This painful disease that so often cripples for life, arises from poison cir. culaiing in the blood, and often from an ex- cess of acid. Inflammation is developed m the mnscles, ligaments and j -in's, by colds, damp clothing, c. Liniments are fervicable to relieve, among many, Hagyards Yellow on is preferable. To eradicate the rheu- matic poison from the system, nothing can surpass Burdock Blood Bitters. 5. ' ' A bird in hand is worth two in the bush," and one on a bonnet is worth generally about a hundred times as many. Best of AH. Our riBorous and changeable climate, and our mode of 1 fe induces frequent colds, that often lead to severe Coughs, Bronchitis and other lung troubles that Ixe l-*"**© end in ConsumpSon. The best and most plewant wmedy known for these difficulties is Hag- Jlrd's Pectoral BaLim, to be obtained of any druggist. 2. Go.den Medical Jimoverj ' approMhina UunvaUed in Jffioos fe^eSfi^ blood, and consum^lian, i^liu^s acrafrikntt disease of the luag*. r*"^**^^ T ^* ^^^ ^^«y»*«« publishes a letter from lAdy Florence Dixie, demar ding that, a statenient of the Land Learae funds ahtf^d be made by some eminent firm of public ac- countants. The Express says it is estimated that altogether £200,000 have been raised, wid It asks " Where is this enonnoaB sun? Scarcely the smallest fraction of it hM been accounted for." Get the Original. Dr. Pieice's " Pellets " â€" the original 'Uttle Liver Pills" (sugar-coated)â€" cure sick and bilious headache, sour stomach, and bilious attacks. By druggists. Twelve hundred head of sheep sold in Eng- land lately for $16,850, the highest price paid on record at a large sale. Young men or middle aged ones, suffering from nervous debility and kindred weakness- es should send three stamps for Part VII of World's Dispensary Dime Series of books. Address Wokld's Dispinsaky Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y. " Where do the hats go " an exchange asks. Some of them go to the theatre and obctruct the view of the audience. A Word ofCantion. Beware of Opiates and powerful astringent drugs in the treatment of Bowel Complaints, they may lull the pain and check Diarrhoea, etc. but are liable to produce inflammation. Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry is guaranteed safe and reliable, even for In- fants, and is a specifice for Cholera Morbus, Dysentery, Colic, Acute or Chronic Diar- hcea and Summer Complaints generally. An enterprising foundry-man has named an economical stove he has invented the "Semi-coal-'un." Better than Gold. A good name, good health, a cood com- 1 anion aud a bottle of Hagyard's Ye low Oil are among the first requisites for human happiness. Yellow Oil cures Rheumatism, Sp aius, Lameness, Bruises, Burns, Frost Bites, Croup, Sore Throat, and all pain and nflammation. 4. When the plasterer is ii t work upon a. ceil- ing, it may be sa;d that he under-stands his business, A Fact. If you suffer fiom C ronic Disease, .^nd have litt'e faith in advert sed remedies and have sought vainly for a cure. Consult your druggist, or address T. Milburn Co., To- ronto, for pr 0! positive regarding the merits of nuniocli Blood Bitters, the Great Regu- latiug Blood purifying Tonic, that acts on the liver, kiduej's, stomach, b;wels and skin. 1. Friend â€" "Madder, what is the matter with your note " Madder â€" "The only chance for an arlist now is to paint quickly and cheap. I wot k with both hands aud blend with my noe3." A. P. 97 j^ V"ese1:l3ZLe PieurLsy, Liver Complaint. 8., June 14, 1880. Yabmouth, N. II. U. Stevens, Esq. Dear Sir,â€" Last summer 1 was troubled -with Pleurisy and Liver Complaint, was unable to work for seven weeks. I had the advice of two able physicians and took their medicine vrith- out getting any relief. One day your agent happened to pass my door and handed me a circular, which I read, and at once cone uded to try your Vegetine. In three days I was like a different man and was able to resume my work in a short time. Have since enjoyed the best of health. I have reeommended Vegetino to several of my neighbours and know it to have accomplished wonderful cures. Yours truly, P. A. VANHORN, Foreman of A. F. Stoneman Co.'s wharf. P.S. â€" I consider I owe a great deal to Vcije- tine. I sincerely believe it it had not been for it, I would have been laid un for months and perhaps years. R A. YANHOIIN. I Have Never Known Sncta A Tse- ful Remedy Placed Before the Public. fioNTREAL, Jan. 29, ISSO. Mr. H. R. Stevens Dear Sir.â€" I do not like to write testimonials for advertised medicines, but the great benefits that so many of my customers have obtained from the use of Vegetine, compels me to say that with an experience of over twenty-flve years, both in Great Britain and this country, I have never known such a useful remedy placed before the publia J. D. L. AMBROSSE, Assistant of the Apothecaries' Company, ef London. Mem ber of the Pharmaceutical Society, of Great Britain, Licentiate in Pharmacy of the College of Physicians and Surgeons. Cor. Notre Dame andMcGill streets. Pain and DiSEASE.^-Can we expect to enjoy good health when bad and corrupt humors cir- culate with the blood, causing pain and disease, and these humors, being deposited through the entire body, produce pimples, eruptions, ulcers, indigestion, oostiveness. headache, neuralgia, rheumatism, and numerous other complaints} Remove the cause by taking Vegetine, the most reliable remedy for cleansing and purify- ing the blood. Yegetine is Sold by All Druggists. fl»C PER DAY can be made by agents, male 9JJ or female. C. W. DENNIS, Toronto. T»B»MTO. â€" Mr. J. a. Barrister, Solicitor, Marne Csmpbel Etc., 9 Tlctoria-st Uf JITI^UCC Send for free illustrated cata- fVHI UnCOl logue to RYRIE, the Jeweler, 113 Yonge Street, 1 oronto. CARDS Christmas, New fYear, Birthday, and other Cards, at H. J. Mat- thews Bkos. art depot, Toronto. nunc Rifles, Ammunition, Fishing Tackle. UURO and all kinds of Sporting Goods. W. McDOWALL, cor.^ing^ Geor ge sts.. Toronto D"AYS"BUSiNESS COLLEGE-OPPOSITE Royal Opera House. Advantages: limited number, individual inj'truction by an experi- enced accountant rapid proRrew. entrance at any time. Mr. DAY. 95 King-st W. Toronto. 'T MURRAY McNJBaL. LONDON, ONT., giy^ written guarantee that his mons- taofie TdSe will produce heavy moustache in- side of 10 Weeks or money refunded price th Box 26i, London. WNBB3 OF FARM LANDS. CITY AJ^TD Town Properties, desiring to realize, will f n purchasers by sending me inlldescnptaons, loweeAprices, and terns rf i»yrt«it. J. W. G. WHITNEY, Estate Agent, 25 Toronto street, Toronto. AltAmUJI MBTDAI. AlB AMU^OATWl. Cooperation Mfo Asswi^ Great ta- dneement to proTidofor-ftuiimes in cam of death, at small cost. W. Pbmbxbton Paoe, Sec., 87 King St West, Toronto. Agents wanted. drufodst for It ONTARIO VKTERINAKY COLLEGE. TO- ONTO. StudentB ca n enter froiii October WQta January. PROF. SMITH, S.,V. PriapipaL jfe. flftrdollaifc TWOt Mba." JC^ a«tS^-TWO IMPROTED F. •fSMiisrM, orftnir ofSWacres. in__. "Halrof eaoh farm ia broken. backsetSMi readTfor use. A»ly STRANGE ft ICOwS^ Portage la Prairie. r" CORSETS unequaUedfor health, comfort ukfl ^^^^^.S»"**'t« red by the CBOMPTOM CORSEItCO.. Toronto. â- k. nnU I I O Adelaide St. Eaat^Tto- ronto. All kinds of real estate sold or eixohaaced on commission. Money loaned on all kfads of teal ertate at loweet^atee of- te t e ee t AppUoa- tions for money from farmers a specialty. Rents collected and estates managed in town or ooun* try. N.B.â€" Bastef referencee on application. ASBAIX, WATCPHAKBS AKD Toronto. tV Jeweler, 86^ Tonge St.. enlarged his premises. Md greatlr ineroaae4 »U8 stock of gold and sUrer jewelry, plated ware, cutlery, clocks, watches, etc Pine stock of jet and garnet jewelry. Goods imported direct. Erary kind of jewelry repaired prompt- ly neatly, and cheaply. British American Business College, lis ana 114 Klas St. TTcst. ToroBt«». Students may enter at any time. For information respecting the College address THE SECRIJTAIIY. ^ARTIFICIAL- MM; AUTHORS COX, 91 CHURCH STREET Toronto. Manufacturers of our celebrated Kaw nide. Willow .and Leather hfss. Tue best and cheapest made iu Can vda. First prize 15 years in succession, bend for reduced price ist. WOODSTOCK COLLEGE, WOODSTOC?:, ONTARIO. Instruction most complete in all branches. A most thorough and complete BUSINESS EDUCATION In the Commercial Department at very low rates. For circulars address N. WOLVERTON, B.A., Principal. FABMS FOB SALE Near tbe roUewlns places Thomas, CoJJingwood. Barrie, St. Thomas, ColUngwood. Barrie, Fergus, Blyth, Parkhill, Rockwood Station, Dundalk Stution, Shelburne Station, Southampton. Also, a large number o( excellent farms in Manitoba and the North-West. Settlement not required. Saw Mill, Lath and Shingle Machines for sale at Henfryn Station, Co. Grey, Out. Engine, 35 horse: 2 boilers. 60 horse. All in splendid order. For particulars address «. A St'EIR.liH. 4 King St. East, 'I'oroiito, Ont. WHITE DRESS, FUEKt'II CA3IBRIC8, KKIJATTA. FLIWEL. M-t.MTOBA. 10 OnDEIlf.D AT Cooper's, N B.â€" Patterns sent, orders by filled. A FAULTLESS li'lT. The Toronto General Trusts Co. »: and 39 Wellington St., Toroulo. YONGE ST TORONTO. post promptly HON. ED. BLAKE, Q.C., M.P., Presidency E. A. MEREDITH, Esq., LL D., P'ice President. J. W. LANGMUIR, Manager. Thi 8 Company, which has been approved of by the Hlch X^oiirt ef Justice and the Lien- trnant Governor In CoancU, accepts trusts of every description, and acts as executor, ad- ministrator, c., and also as agent of existintr trustees, executors, c. $300,000 of Trust J'unds to loan upon real estate and mortgages. For further information apply to J. "W. LANGMUIH, Manager. THE BANK OF TORONm DIVIDEND^ NO. 53. Notice is hereby given that a dividend oT four per cent, for the current half year, being at the rate of eight per cent, per annum, upon the paid-up capital of the bank hiis this day been declared, and that the same will be payable at the Bank and its branches on and after Friday, tbe First Day of December Jiext. The transfer books will be closed from the 16th to the 30th days of November, both days inclusive. By order of the board. D. COULSOX, Cashier. Toronto, 25th October, 1S82. OUR BIG^^OFFER. Splendid "Value. An English Breech-Loadin DOUBLE GUN FOR $19.00! Regular price, $25. Sent C.O.D, on approbation. tsr Send Go. for our new illustrated catalogue, which is the finest ever published in Canada just out. The Bawbone Gun and Mannfac- turinjE Co. (Limited). 81 Yonsie St., Toronto. WHAT IS CATARRH Catarrh ia a muco-purulent discharge caused by the presence and development of the vege- table parasite amceba in the internal lining membrane of the nose. This parasite is only de- veloped vmder favorable circumstances, and these are morbid state of the blood, as the blighted corpuscle of tubercle, the germ poison of syphilis, mei-cury, toxoemea, from retention of the effeted matter of the skin, suppressed perspiration, badly ventilated sleeping apart- ments, and other poisons that are germinated in the blood. These poisons keep the internal lin- in£[ membrane of the nose in a constant state of irritation, ever ready for the deposit of the seeds of these germs, wnlch spread up the nostrils and down the fauces or back part of tbe mouth causing idceration of the throat; up the eu- stachian tabes, causing deafness; borrowing in the vocal cords, causing hoarseness, usurping the proper struoture of the broncmial tubes ending in pulmonary consumption and death. To effect a cure the parasite must be removed or destroyed, hoica inhalants and snulb are wOrChless. Some time since a well known physician of 40 years standing, aftdr much experimenting, suc- ceeded in discorerips tlie noeeeeary combina- tion ot iagredlentB; which never {alls in abso- lutelr and permanently eradicating this horri- ble disease whether standing for one year or forty years. Sufferers should, without delay, communicate wi'-h the business manager, Mr. A. H. Dixon, 907 King St. West, Toronto, and get treatisfrfree by ^oiofAag attunPt Ask your 2opesa. Zopesa was introduced in Aonerioa two years aga Large quantities hare been used for Dys- nepsia, and as a panacea for the Liv«r, and the manufacturers nave vet to hear of a single case of Dyspepsia or Biliousness, when Zopesa was used as directed, in which it was not more than satisfactory. Many write that it is a won- derful remedy. We can show where as high as 40 pounds were grained by its use in break- inpr up chronic Biliousness and Dyspepsia. Its friends increase very fast, and all who use as directed are surprised and gratified. B1JSI9IESS CHANCES. ONE OF THE BEST FARMS IN THE county of Bruce containing 260 acres; 230 cleared; good house and out .buildings; also good orchard; a never failing stream within thirty yards of the house; three miles from Toeawaier, the terminus of the T. G. B. Ry.: price moderate. Apply to C. STEIL, proprie- t or, or to J. MARSHALL, Teeswater, Ont. TWO RUN STEAM GRIST MILL FOR Saleâ€" Oxford Countyâ€" heavy frame build- ing, stone foundation; capital machinery; built 5 years; fuel costs about $100 per annum runn- ing steadily; price $3,600; no cash needed if approved collateral is offered. MACKINTOSH 6 PETER S, 20 Toronto-street MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS STORE and business for saleâ€" in town of 2.500 population; Kent County; doing very nice cash trade; stock complete with fall goods about $1,300, MACKINTOSH PETERS, 20 Toronto street. $5,000,000 WORTH OF and other prope ario for sale by the CANADA WEST LAND FARMING erty in Ont- AGENCY COMPANY, Toronto. Send for list. 11 Adclaide-st. East, CHEAPEST MUSIC IN THE WOULD. Full size sheet, best print and good paper. Send 5 cents for sample copy and catalogue of 600 pieces of latest instrumental and vocal music. S. C. BlCiFOKD, 23 King Street West, Toronto. Dealer in picture frames and fancy goods. niack's Dlasruetic medicine, Is a sure, prompt and effectual Remedy for Nervousness in ALL its stages. Weak Mem- ory. Loss of Brain Power. Prostration, Kight Sweats. Weakness and General Loss of Power. It repairs A'eryous Waste. Reiuvenates the Jaded intellect. Strengthens the Enfeebled Brain, and Restoj'es Surprising Tone and Vigor to the Exhausted Oryans. rar vVith each order for twelvr packages, accompanied with five dollars, vre â- will send o u GuARANTBB to refund the money if the treat- ment does not effect a cure. It is the Cheapest and Best Medicine in the market. Full par- ticulars in pamphlet, which we mail free to any address. Sold by all druggists, one package 50c. 6 for $2.50, or sent by mail on receipt of price, by addressing UACK^S JHAGNETIC MEDICINE CO.. Windsor. Ont.. Cana Ja SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS WILL CUrtii CR R£lIEVS BILfDi/SNCSo' DYSPEPSIA, INDIGFSTIOfi, Jaundice, erysipelas, salt rheum, heartburn, headache, DI77]!-1ESB: DROPSY, FLUTTEmNQ OF THE HEARTt ACIDITY OF THE STOaiAOH, DRYNESS V OF THE tKtN, And every species of d'soase arising from disordered LIVER, KDNEY^\ STOMACti BOWELS wt' BLOOS, â- f. mmm eo.. ilT Proprietope, TORONTCx Ayer's Sarsaparilla, For Purifying the Blood. This compound of the vegetable alter- atives, SaEsaparilla Dock, StilUngia, and Mandrake, with the Iodides of Potash and Iron, makes a most effectual cure of a series of complaints which are very pre- valent and afflictmg. It purifies the blood, _^ puivcs out the lurking humors in the system, that tmdeimine health and settle into troublesome disorders. Erui tions of the skin are the appearance on the sur- face of humors that should be expelled from the blood. Internal derangements are the de- termination of these same humors to some in- ternal organ, or organs, whose action they de- range, and whose substance they disease and destroy. Aybr's Saksaparilla expels these humors from the blood. When they are gone, the disorders they produce disappear, such as Ulcerations of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys, Lungs, Eruptions and Eruptirx Diseases of the skin, St. Anthony's Fire, Rose or ErysipeUis, Pimples, PvstvZes, Blotches, Boils, Tumors Tetter and Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ring- worm, Ulcers and Sores, Rheumatism, Neur- algia, Pain in the Bones, Side and Head, Fe- male Weakness, SterilUy, Leucorrh^jta arising from intertuil ulceration and uterine diseases. Dropsy, Dyspepsia, Emaciation and Oeneral Debtlity. With their departure health returns PBEPABSD BT 2 DE. J. G. ATEB ft 00., Lowell, Mm, Practical and Analytical Ckemlsts. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEAL- ERS IN MEDICINK :1 i^i til t!i M "â- â- I I .1 -.S'l :Mr