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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 2 Nov 1882, p. 5

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 lOOOO 30000000000 B YBODY BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO §HOULD SEE F. DOLL'S BEAUTIFUL STOCK OF SILVERWARE, ICERTINS, VIOLINS, c. Lein.r must buy, a- the same quality of fcanuPt be sold at so low a figure by DT Other jeweller. The reason is, IMPORTS DIRECT BUYS FOR CASH Lreby savinj; from 20 to 50 per cent. ler the Ifith iust. Mr. Doll's business L canit^l oa a. Markdale only, he hav- toiil cut iii.i Dundaik and Flesherton B to eiiLibli; lim to givn the attention to IfuikJi.'.- buf-iiit'ss which it requires. -0 Itclics riiid Clocks Cleaned iiiiC Kepaired. licoilsiii^.'ay^ turn out as represented. |TP f'tmSl'i to 5:^0 and buy a good riV(r MACHINE from W." F, Doll, only ir. Alsc two s:)le2idid OEGANS for Li less thaii ^lalf tlie catalogue price. arkJa!.' Oct. 10th, l£i--:'3. 109 M Iimediately! ^Fi)K !iii Brss.' Ik^ Elsvator, kfliuiir'n-ls "'i eat. i MKiO bushels B;,rlej, SO.O'iU bushels Oats, 2.3,000 bushels Peas, wliif!i the- lii;:h33t market prices will be illC-!!. lll-tf. which th^wiU«iia MMOMM^bS for Gov sowmoTs, AarmtA, BBoScRttso^ Ac PtotiM wMhing the Prewr^tiaii. «ffl St. WOlttnwbnrgh, N. T. fs-irt I terns. p, I: "r,;i;-;sl;iad'3 is the best place in to L'-j. lualuury. iv-_' yo;; niol it If not do so at once â€" Fuilaiil'i iJ'J ceu: Tea. G. Irv.-Es:. iiu.'nn maker, is doing a good ;!n ;-. His I'urups are ha^d tobeat. \t hocr bus riz, but not MoFarland's il.s, tl.vv fre â- lovu, down, down. llcKt'-iua I'c Jfasuii arc getting up a uum- lo/ liii.' wlut-jr velui-iei. I'f fainiiii's arc moving into house!) are being itjTj' vaei^:;; 111 :lii,l luriir v.i'l out. So will the fact that [â- ';-.r.:,u.l mU, tiie :be«ipest Hats, Dress )i.-, ^i:j\v;s, ClL'tiiing, Dlaukets and n.o-;. rfpXin lias turned oixt a large quan- I'f di\'-- ;-il luuibor, sashes, doors, casings, |mi?, l\-c., I'jis Season and is giying satis- ^Ir. .!. hu V.'liitc. Lot 22, con. 10, Glentlg, It i'.i I'l-.r r.ii-, last wuck two potatoes which |!-'i:-' !•";â-  a:ul a half lbs. They are of iu.-L- variety. Beat this who can. ' f th.e C. 0. 0, F. was organized 'v 'â- :â-  ii.e 24th October when the 'â- ":: -L'rs Were elected and installed. T. lluudle, L. M.; W. J. Hicks, • M:;liieton, V. G.; .J. Symington, S..i,:hu!t, Vv\; J. Blacl:, 0.; J. 1 J. Clark, 11. S. X. G.; J. C. •â-  i'.\ F. r. Teeple, E. S. V. G.; 'U,L S. V, G. .â- V X.' "Uarki: â-  EsciFE. â€" Ou Friday last Thos. vas ascending McFarland's eleya- HiisseJ his hold and fell a dis- ^Hf of ahout 21 foet. Mr. Alex Ertkin, of liipLris:;' and 'Ir. McFarland were on the "Jii'i a:il broke bis fall sorcewhat, other- -â- â€¢â- 1..; u;._-;,t of been seriously injured. We 'â-  "la.i to be able to state that our respect- ii^-cu r.v rjjvj is not much the worse. ^ir. Ci. S. Brown has been making marked ni'rovennnts in the premises formerly oc- ppiea oy A. E. Noble as a carriage shop and l«th;!!g house. The dwelhng house has Tfeu raised about four feet by a stone Pu-adatiou being placed underneath it, and pe eud turned to the street he also in- â- Â»;d3 vereii'ing it next season. The car- P*ge shop has been laised a story higher, an I'^d.tion built there to.and a stone foundation I'iilt under the whole with the intention of avmg it veneered next summer. Gar enter- pnsmgtownsiDan, Mr. D. J. Shanahan, who P«s occtipied the latter the past year, has «8ed It from Mr. Brown for a tenn of years Id has now the finest carriage establishment "Ttaps, m the county, and has on hand the "â- gert stock and best material ever brought â- ^to Markdale for the manufacture of ear- '^es of every description. Mr. Shanahan Pwinilt up a fine business during the short Finae v^e has been in Markdale, and judging V^ the class of work turned out and tke T!,^'"°°* he is now making, wiU then "P*? kia feusinefB dijpins fte coming jt$x. ._., _^ __ Am'tyoafai A lot ot miVimaia)U^bmp^^ M»thewB' also fbie Bobea, ^^ ' Ifr. G. J. Blyth. of (hren 8o«d, ga^ „V eaUUst week while in town.^^ ^ed thU w^ at W. P. DoU' ^ock of No. 1 vwlins and ooncertinaa BiS^!ir^-?J;^;:««ofthe WhoTl be the next one to purchase one ot those cheap suits fromMcFarhmd Mr. mchard Douglas has pundtased Mr. Henry Wilhams farm near Vandeleur. Get your Horse Blankets and Bobes a* T M a theiTO' the cheapest and best m town. ' Next Thurs^^y. the 9th, is Thanksgiving Day, and also the Prince of. Wales' birthday. Eemeipber W. F. Doll has the only first- class stock of spectacles between Orangeville and Owen Sound. If religion does not make a man heart- some and pleasant at home, it is of no par- ticular benefit to his family, A good stock to select from. W. F. Doll's stock includes over 300 gold and silver rings over 100 gold and sUver watches. Mr. Sparling, of tlie EcHpse Saw MiU. has purchased a 40 horse power engine and boHer %and will seU the old one, it being too small to do the work of .his increasing busi- nefs. At a meeting of the Trustees.of Mar'Kdale Public Schools, on the 30th Oct Miss Fanny Ford was engaged for the second department and Miss Theresa Lyons for the'thurd for the ensuincr year. When you meet with ah accident, get a sprained ankle, or are otherwise injured, don't go to the expense of sending for a doctor, but apply KendaU's Spavin Cure.and you will experience instant rehef. Have some style about you and get j'our business and address nicely printed on your envelopes and note paper. You can have it done at the Sx.iXD.iRD office, with material provided, as cheap as you cai buy the bare paper retail. When your only and beloved son comes liome scarraJ up as the result of a Juvenile fight, apply Kendall's Spaviu Cure, and the pain will cease and the intellect will be great- ly strengthened, and in all probability he will soon be in the Wliite House. Head ad- vertisement. Considerable cross-firing is indulged in between Colliugwood, Thornbury, Owen Sound and Meaford papers lately in reference to the merits and dements of their several hamlets. "The Commercial," Winnipeg, is publish- ed in the interests of tlie Financial, Mercan- tile, and Manufacturing class of the North West, and is lull of valuable information. It is published weekly by Steon Boyce at S2per year. NEVER NEGLECT ir! If you suffer from a cough, never neglect it, i*' is no trilling matter, and might leed to a speedily latal disease of the Lungs. Hag- yard's Pectoral Balsam will illay all irrita- tion of the mucous membrane by its soothing heahng power it cures Bronchitis, Asthma, and all throat and Lung complaints, VVm. Lucas Co, bankers, Markdale bave $200,000 to loan on real estate. Straigiit loan system. No fines. Low interest. Modtrateyliaig s Rheumatism. This painful disease that so often cripples for life, arises from poison circulatiug iu the blood, aud often from he excess of acid. Inflammatiou is developed in the iJuscles, ligaments ami joints, by coids, damp clothin;;, itc, Linimenisjare ser- vical)le to relieve, among many, Hagj aid's Yellow Oil is preferable. To dadicate the rlieniijatic poison from the .system, uothiug can sui'i^ass Burdock Blood jJitters. The Mail or Globe to the end of 1883 for iJl.OO. Leave your subscrip- tion at the Standard office. Subscribe at oDce aud get the balance of tbs year free. A FACT. If you suffer from CLronic Disease, and hive httle faith in adve. tised remeuit s s.n 1 have sought vainly for a care, cimsult your druggist, or address T. Milburu Co.Toioi.- to, for proof positive regarding the Merits of Burdock Blood Bitters, the Cxieat Regulating Blood purifying tonic, that acts on the h\cr, kidneys, stomach, bowels and skin. Arabi Pasha is now reported as saying that j the only salvation for Egypt is the virtual j government of the country by the British, j Mrs, B. M. Gifford. of Port Rrowan, was formanyyears a sufferer of Liver Complaint, and a serious complication of diseases. In a recent letter 'she says th-it she has only taken two bottles of Burdock Blood Bitteis and has nearly recovered her health, and authorizes us to use her name in advertib- ing to suffering humanity. The eighteenth armTiftl convention of the Sabbath Schools Asociation of Canada open- ed at Brampton yesterday. TBUE TO HEB TBUST. Too much cannot be said of the ever faith- ful wife and mother, constantly, watcbiuj; and oaring for her dear ones, never netilect- ing a single doty in their behalf. When they aie anaOeo^by dueaae, and the lystem shookl have A ^erongfa cleaning, the stomach and boifels rentjatad, blood purified, a ma- laiialpoiMm rtfanhinated, ahe nnst know thtU^eetokBTttiini axe «ha only inifip reme- dy. They aM this bert and purest medieuie in ^e wattAdni iOBfar eoat ^fty oenfa, i^Jd hyA.T»fti^, AC^BW'1'S WAWl'BD. -Big pay.- Light Work. Steady Em^o^t Samples free. Address, M. L. BYRN. 46 Naussaustree New York. JO • VALUABLE PROPERn FOR SALE IN THB TOWN OF DUKHAM, IM TH* OOCMTT OF 6BKT. THE following valuable town properties will bt sold on reasonable terms or will be rented for a term of years, or exchange for farm propeoty. 1st. Lot No. 1 on the west side of Gajafraia street and south of Hunter street, opposite Mr J. H. Hunter's store house, weU fenced and first class frame buildings, good cePars, hard and soft water, a most conveniant resi- dence and would make a good business stand. 2nd, That most desirable property being park lots SOS.. 2 and 3 on the north side of George St., 8 acres more or less, well fenced, front fenced with ptekets, one and a half acres of a thriving young orchard aud very conven- ient to the railway station. The east half of the west half oii lot 18 on the west side of countess street with a new frame house and kitchen, good stable and wood shed, well fenced, front fence paint- ed white, hard and soft water on the prem- ises. 4th. Park Lot No. 8, Wm. Hunter's, Survey. 5th Lots I and 2, Pre.sbyterian Survey. 6th, Lot No 15. on the North side of Mill .^itreet iu the village of Markdale close to the rail- way station, with good frame house thereon. If the above properties ar sold the very best title Will be given. tree from all encum- brances. -Also the Feliowiug Farming .properties. will be sold on reasonable ttrms of payment. 7th, Lot Ko. 22, Con. 9 Gleuel^, 100 seres more or less, SJ miles from the T. G. Si B. R. at Markdale, 7-3 acres cleared, a new frame house and two log bams, fith, Lot No; 93 in the 3rd Con. W. T, S. R., Gleutlc?' 50 acres, about 45 acres cieated and good log' buildings, about 2^ mdes from Markdale station T. G. B. li. 9ih, The west half lot 17, Co'i. 4. N, D. R Glcueig, 50 acics Jo acres cleared, food rough cast house and orchard on the pre- mises. The hou e and one acix? will be re. served during the life of the occupants who ar*. now between HO aud 85 years ol age. 10th East part lot No. 1 con 2 Normanby, 63 acres, about 50 acres cleared, situation aiiout 2 miles from the town of Durham. For further particulars apply to FINLEY MacRAE, Durham. Dated 15th August. 1S32. tf 104, Fiistic^^ â-  Caoawood, Cochineal, Bluestone, Madder Compound, Copperat, Bichromate Potash, Cream 1 artar. Alum, and many other Articles used in Dyeing. Also, a large variety of the best Aniline Dyes. MedicarHalL A. Turner Co. Re-Fresh-ing In the cool assertion of some people tlvat they can sell below cost, fec it may not be amiss to let the public of Markdale and snr- rormding country know that "Wilson Benson, of the "BELFAST HOUSE." MARKDALE, can sell " clieaper than the cheapest," and "better than the best," all kinds of Groceries, Liquors, c. Consisting oi TEAS, TOBACCOS, SPK^ES, CANNED FISH, ETC., And for those wishing pure Wme for sac- ramental purposes, wiU finda brand that will equal Anything on this side the Atlantic. Othef Liquors equally pure. Special Pure Holland Gin. Cheese from the best manufactories. Our Whiskies are from the firm of Good- erbam Worts, Toronto, aod the public may rely on recerving them as they are sent. FLOUR, POTATOES, and everything in the household hue kept constantly on hand. Henceforth my Store wUl be supplied with Fruits of all kinds, such as APPLES. PEAES. PLUMS, c. FRUIT CAKES of all kinds always kept on hand. Essences, Hair OUs, and Perfumery of the choicest nectars. TOILET FANCY SOAPS, better than the best. CANADIAN WESTERN PORK, of first quality. Everything in the Grocery Line kept on a fuller and inoru complete scale than at any other place in Markdal" WILSON BENSON. oil faaad. atiha Xiowest Living Prices. Orders solicited, and deliv- ered free to all parts of the Town. Farmers having fat stock to dispose of, will please leave their addresses. TERMS, STRICTLY CASH. FRED. SARJEANT. Markdale, March 23, 1882. 8b-ly SEEMISmiEVINl. GENTLEMEN.â€" If you wapt a 'first-class Buggie or Wagon C£kll it ' 'â- â-  MCKENNA MASON'S" CARRIAGE WORKS MARKDALE. They can supply you with anything-from a, Lumber Wagon up to. Extension Too Phgeton; r S To buy from them is to V E jVt O IV E Y I JOHKSTOirS SARSAPARILLAI Cold LI7E couFLAiifT, mmm^ And for Purifying the Blood. It has been in use for 20 years, and has I proved to be the best preparation in the mai*et for SICK HEADACHE, PAIN IN THE SIDE OB BACK, LTVEE COM- PLAINT, PIMPLES ON THE FACE. DYSPEPSIA, PILES, and aU Diseases that arise from a Disordered Liver or an I impure blood. Ttiousands of our best I people take it and give it to their chil- dren. Physicians prescribe It daily. Those who use it once recommend it to others. It is made from Yellow Dock, Hondu- ras Sarsaparilla, Wild Cherry, Stillingia, I Dandelion, Sassafras, Wintttvreen, and other well-known valuable Boots and Herbs. It is strictJy vegetable, and can- not hurt the most delicate constitution. It is one of the bestmediciDesin use for] Begulating the Botrels. i It is sold by all mvozistbto drngslats at on* dollar for a Qoart bottU, or â- ixbotUag I for five dollaxa. Those who cannot obtain a bottle of thii medieine'from their drngciat may iwDd ns one i dollar, and jre WiU aend U to Uksb. V. JOBSrerO^ A 80., ItanliutBiai Aakenttaqi; Oat 9ilntt H PIMPLES. I wiU mail (Free) the recipe for a simple Vegetable Balm that will remove Tan- FEECKLES, PIMPLES and Blotches, leave ing the skin soft, clear and beautiful also instructions for producing a luxuriant growth of hair on a bald head or smooth face. Ad- dress, enclosing a 3c. stamp, Ben. Vandelf Co., 5 Beekmanst..N. Y. 75-127 ERRORS OF YOUTH. GENTLEMAN who suffered for years from NERVOUS DEBILITY, PKEMA- TUBE DECAY, and all the effects of youth- ful indiscretion will, for the sake of puflfering humanity, send free to all who need it, the recipe pnd directions for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit bj- the advertiser's experi- ence can do to by addressing in perfect confi- dence, -JOHN B. OGDEN. 75-127 42 Cedar St., New, York. Theyare.both practical workmen, and employ none but PRACTICAL WORKMEN They guarantee their work Second to none for Lightness of Draught ' and Superiority of Finish. They use nothing Liut^ir^-class WTxite Oak for Wagons, and thiice Extra Second Growth Hickory for light work. The immense amount of work turned out of McKenna Mason's shop is s.ilficica .proof of the wide reputation they enjoy for doing good work. The BEST is thr CHEAPEST ix the END Poor cheap work we positively will not take. A Mothersl Mothei'sl Motiiersl Are you disturbed a ni.^ht and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the ezi:ruciatiu pain of cittting tewA If so go at once and get a bottle of IiCBS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHINO 8YBUP. 1^*31 relieve the poor httle sufferer in^mediatdyâ€" deoend upon it therd is no mistake about il. There is not a mother upon earQi irbo Htm ever used, it, who itHInot tell you at ooco that it will regolafe'the bowels' pad glya robt to the mother, i^)^ relief and lietlth to Qtfi child, optoatinft)|kenAgib. It ia p«rleoQJL safe to use in peases. unU pleti^puit' taste, andi»fl»e|»r e n rrj ai ti )n«rfoptfof the ol- dest and best female pl^oaiu and nvMa in the Uliit«d'1*tategf B«H eve^wlMire at 25ceutaa b^b. 79-i37 Great cnanee to make money. Those who Q always take advantage of ti o good chances for making money that are offered, generally become weHlthy, while those who do not improve such chances re- main in poverty. We want many men, wo men, boys and girls to work for ns right in their own locahties. Any one can do the work properly from the first start. The bus- iness will pay more than ten times ordinary wages. Expensive outfit furnished free. No one who engages fails to make money rapilly You can devote your whole time in the work, or only your spare moments. Full informa- tion aud all that is needed sent free. Addres. Stinson Co., Portland Maine. 71-126 IVlANHt)Oi HOW LaST, HOW RESTORED y^- â€" ::5v We haye recently published a new f IB AI. jaiition of Dr. CifLVEu well's Crle- ^i^Y^^BEATED Essay on the radical and pertnanoDt cure (without medicine) of Ner- vous Diibility. Mental and Physical incapaci- ^, Impedimeuts to Maniage, e.. roEuIting bom excesses. d^ Price, in sfwled envelope, only 6 cents, ox two postage staiops. The celebrated aothor, in this admirable Essay, dearly demonstrates, from thirty years' succnesful practice, that alarming con- mqjienees may be ladk^y cured without the dangerous use of interpal medicines or the use of the knife pointing out a mode of cure at once ^zapHe, oertain and effectual, by means gt which erei^ sufferer, no matter what his emi^tion may be, may cure himself ehoq^f Ittivatdy and'radically. l3*Thia Iieetnre ehoold be in the hvids of erayxoothaodAraiTmanin the land. Addraaa tiM Mfarwftll Itdicil Go,. ,0, box 430 41 JLmn » t^ Nrw T«rV Special attention given to Be-Trimming and Kepainting all classes of Carriage Work, Satisfaction guaranteed (or No Pay) in HORSESHOEING hJHOPâ€" On MiU Street opposite tj Sproule's Hotel. McKENNA MASON. THOS. MATHEWS7 MARKDALE. EVERYTHING IN OUR LINE KEPT ON HAND OR MADE TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. LIVERY! IN CONNECTION. GEORGE WILSW, Wholesale and Retail BUTCHER! BEEF, POKE OK MUTTON SUPPLIED, from a single pound to a whole carcass, at the lowest market prices. FISH FOWL m THEIR SEASON Formers having Fat Cattle, Sheep, or Pigs to dispone of will do well to call at No. 3 Burns' Block, ojjposite the new Union Block. Markdale, Oct. 2otl;, 18Sl â-  KolMng Like Leather. IM. M. M*LEOD, M ABED ALE. NOT TO BE^ BEATEN I All those -who msy lucre had the misforr tuue to have been boni barefooted will bear in minil ttiat we have jast received the Inrc^ e^t aud be^t stock ol Icntlier ever beforn brought into Markdale, cansuitin^^uf Spauixh Bole. French Kip and Unlf. and are; nos pre. pareil to manufactare LadifM, ticentib i«otha and. Misses boots and shoes, irunriii^ atoga to the fiueet k'd and pmnttla^ Sewed Woric a Stecialty. All wnrk' warranted. Itivisible patching alsf done hore. M. M. McLEOO, Markdaie. .Sept. 19th. l«6l. â- r " :i '.- r -J p if •H iill fill Ui

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