;«♦' V IEI01U'S SPAVM GBK. "Tlie •«ec«ssAil Wtewm^^j « v»r disoorered, as it la certain in its ellecic uimI 4oe« not Uiater. Bbao Pboov Bsuifir. Kendall's SfMivIn Cure. Hahiltok, Mo.. June 14, 188I. B. J. Kekdaix a Co.. â€" Gents: â€" This » to certify that I hare naed Kendall's Spavin lure, and have found it to be all that it ib reoommendod to be and iu fact more too; I have removed bv using the abtive Gallons Hone Spavins, Bing-bone, Splints, and can (*heerfully testify and recommend it to bo â- the bext thing for anvbony snbstance I have ^ver used, and have tried mauy as I have luade that my study fur years. llespectf ally yours, r. V. CIII3T. FROIVl Col* T. L. Foster, YoDXosTOWN, Ohio, May 10, 1880. Db B. J. Kendall */(5o., Gents: â€" I had a very valuable Hambletoma^n colt that I prized very highly-, he had a large bone spavin on oAe joint and a small one on the other which nia-lu him very lune; I had Mm under the 'h.:rge of two veterinary surgeons which fail- fd to cure him. I was one day reading the Advertisement of Kendall's Sp-tviu Cure in the Chicago Expre*$. I determinel at once to try it, and got our druggist here to send for it, they ordered three bottles; I took them iiVi and thousht I would give it a thorough tr tl, I used it according to directions and the U arth day the colt ceasel to be lame and the lumps have disappeared. I usetl but one Itottle and the colt's limbs are as free from lumps and as smooth as any horse in the titate. He is entirely curvd. The cure was Ko remarkable that I let two of my neighbors have the remaining two bottles who are now using^it. Verj' respectfully, L. T. FOSTER. Kendairs Spavin Cure. WiNoHAX. OnU, Jan. 17, 1882. Da. B. J, Kend-vll CoJt, Gents: â€" This is X6 certify that I have used Kendall's Spavin Cure, bought from C. £. WiUiams, di^ggist, Wingham, Out,, and do i»-ithoiit hesitation rouounce it to be an invaluable remedy for the cure of Spavins, Ringbones, or Curbs. I usetl it on a bone spavin of several years growth which it completely removed, and I •can safely say it will remove any Spavin, i 'urb or Ringbone it properly used. I have also 'recommended friends to use it, who have 'lone so with perfect success. I gladlv make flHs public, and will answer any questions or letters sent me. Yours Ac. GEORGE BRYCE. Kendall's Spavin Cure OK humahi f£.esh. West Enosburoh. Vt., Feb. 15, 1881. Db. B. J. Kendall A Co., Gents: â€" Several mouths ago I injured my kuec joint which i;«U8ed an enlargement to grow the size of 1 walnut and caused me very sev^e pain all the time for four or five weeks, when I began to use Kendall's Spavin Cure with the most Matisfactorv results. It has entirely remov- «d the enlargement and stopped the lameness nud pain. I have long known it to be excel- Ifut for hors(!8 but now I Know it to be the best liniment for human flesh that I am ac- quainted with. Yours truly, T. P. LAWRENCE. St. John, P Q Oct. 27, 1S81. Db. B. J. Kendall Co., Gents: â€" I have usvd your Spaviu Ciure with great success on Hjiavins, curbs and tplints. I know it to be H good remeU}' for ringbones, bone £pavins* cuts, galls and all kinds of lameness and other diflicultics about the horse. One of my men prain(Ml his ankle very badly. I applied Kendall's Spavin Cure and I never saw any- tlung work like it. he was well in a few days. I know it to begooil for man as well as beast. 1 procuretl one of your 1 realise on the Horse, y mail for *25cts, and I think it was the inesns cf saving me $100 on one horse that 1 t'*eiite«l awording to the directions given iu voiir book for displaced stilie. Yours truly, Wsi J.PEARSON. Send atldress for Illustrated Circular, vhich wo think gives )Msitive proot of its virtues. No remedy ha»« over met with such unqualifi- •tl success to our knowledge, for beast as well as man. I'rice $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $5. All druggists have it or c an get it tor j'on, or it will be sent t* any aldress on recepl of rice by the proprietors. Dr. B. J. Kenuall iV Co., Euosburgh Fallo, Vt. Sold by all Druggists. LYMAN, SONS CO., Montreal, P. Q. Wholesale Agents GE0R6E NOBLE, INSURANCE *ND LAND AGENT, LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of Grey. AoBNT for the following reliable Ccmxanies CITIZENS' of Montreal, AGRIOLTiTURAL, of Watertown, and TRADE A COMHkKCE. (Mutual) of Toronto. A number of Ohoiee Farms for sale, also Village Lots Awction Sales conducted in Town or Coun- S.""^^"!*!." ^**'**^- ^*^S» moderate. Ddls, Bhmk Notes, anl Stamps provided. GEO. NOBLE. Mabe»ale. Mar 20th. 188L S6 Iv TAILOR, SYDENHAM STREET, J. w. HAS RE-OPENED HIS Flour and Crist Mill IN MAEKDALE. ui BOOTsi SHOES JUST ARRIVED AT THE BEST QUALITY AND LOWEST PRICE. TORONTO HOUSE, FLBSH5MON, StMk Folly Â¥1^ _^ DMsnaliy ]js% VERY ATTRACnvit, AMD CHEAPEI TMjIi TWE CHEAPEST! Variety an d Value Un surpassed. DRY GOODS DBPARMENT. 1. thM sMsnn Ter» comiJrto »itti ft very Urge i.to«k ..1 IVew GoijdK, coJ irir« in p«t CftSmere. iu »l) colors. Wornted Wool Good» m 1 *^ endless variety. Boot and Shoe Department. Would call spedal attention of close bnyers ss my stock is unusually IftrgeJ irom the bent manufacturers and at rock bottom prices. i ORDBEED~GIiOTHING. Ha« been exceedmgly brisk this season on account of which I );ave hnd J the largest and best 8t.K5k of Tweeds, Coatmp, Trowsenug*. «ml (hccct- ingH in this section of country. Ah I have always ed the trade m this de' partment buyers will find it to their advantage to call before pfiicLa^in? elsewhere. Millinery Department. Under the able management of a first-class milliner, with pleuty of assist- 1 ance. will be found unusuallv attractive with the prettiest and most fashion- able, and cheapest stock to be found in the county. Ladies, it would do you Kood to call and look at Ihe stock. Hardware and Grocery Department. Is always fully assorted and complete with the best goods, at the lowest posl sible price. -o- Dry STOCK COMPLETE IN Goods and Groceries! PRICES ALWAYS RIGHT. I am the only constant snd reliaLle buyer of Grain and Farm Pro dure in Flcshertou, and for which I will iay the highest price m CHsh for any quantity of good dry, sound grain, which I wo»ld specially ask fiirmer»| to clean well. A call solicited. se, T- FlexhertoB, Oct. 8id, 1S82. OUR THIRTY CENT TEA Is the wonder of the day A trial solicited. WM. BROWN. Markdale, Oct. 11th, 1882. ^! A. M'INTYRE i TEA TEA TEA tt A. M'INTYRE W McINTYRE'S ft LIQUORS !_Li«UOilS W McINTYRE'S A Cigars, Cigars. McINTYRE'S J* Ootlee, Coilee, McINTYRE'S MEMI MEiai MEAL! McIN'lTRE'S Pork, Pork. Pork. McINTYRE'S Aud everything kept n in a first-claBs Grocery and Liquor Store. I always on hand, chkap fo^ cjish. MAEKDALE Sash and Door Factory SASH. DOORS, BLINDS MOULDINGS, HOLLOW BATTONS. FRAMES Lumber, Lath and Shingles, Always on Kana. Orders Promptly Pilled. o The Subscriber wishes t: return thanks to the people of MarkdAle and vicinitv, for tlit very liberal patronaye they have given him in the past, and hopes by ckise attention t» business to merit a continuance of th« same. 1 have now extended my baauiesg,and will in future keep a full Stock of PINE LUMBER. Direct from the North Shore. • ALL SIZES, DBBSSBD AND UNDKESSED. AM ICindi^ '»rir*la,iii and. Fancy Xur^Unjy l(me in a first-class miuiaer. THOS. McNBA. Uarkdale May 27lh.;ia3l. 87-tt OH, HEAR. OH^MR. OH, HEAR. Squander your money if yen want to. if not, get yourPhotograplii of W.BULMEB, The People's Photographer, Flesherlon Who is again preparea to take Pictures, and do Copying and £nlarging as heretofore. KRA.TVfK« ANr FK-AlVfE FIXITVCiS^S. We are receiving a large stock of MOTTOSS and Motto and other Frames, and Frani* Fixings, which we can, and mean to sell at Remarkably LiOW Prices, Call aui secure bargains. Bring along your pietures and have them copied acd enlarged by your old friend. BULMER. Flcsherton. Match 10. 1881. 'i^ ARTEMESI A WAREHOUSE Dry Goods, Hardware, Crockery, Boots and Shoes, Gro- ceries, Provisions, c. Stock kept full and well assorted with new goods received every week My BRANCH STORE at EUGENIA replenished with New Goods every week. For Sale Cheap for Cash or Produce. My Saw Mill and Shingle Factory At LITTLE FALLS are in operation. Lumber, Lath, Broom Handles for Sale. Wm. HOGG. I yOL. 3 tit Ma^^* ' 18 PUBLISHEJ ri/FRY Thursday! ,1,5 in three n»»*^*-ft A rtf the year. o ]?A i»'•?°i°l^^re paid A "in «f theTubUsher, an-i SE7orth.year. -bscrn -nlT with the xules. **^TEBMS OF ADVElj one eolumn one year. _a^ do. do. Wer do. ^»- Kkhth do. -do. • rW do. I SS ten lines, first inserno ilisubseciuentiuserUon.J Thenumbe^oflmestob .o.eeoceupiec^,in«*8"'"'^^ l Slvier Advertisements '^;^, .illbe puUjsheJ 2^t8 Diuflt be m tho Jonbyllo'clockouUie w in« iheir publication. JOB PRINT] Of every description aeatness and despatch ihe bTANDARD, MarkdiUl c. vr. RUT FROFESSfdNAL ANJ OIRECT liirs. Sproulc phybicisais. Surgeons OFFICiil Medical Hi liarVdaie House. BTotient, M,D., M. Physician aud Surut Graduate of Uuiver.sity. J Bon. Graduate, of tbe r^aii Avletii „ OptiialiaicJ JI«nberColl. PbvsiciRn^- Cameron 6l\ DENTAL SI IU Office over D. A. Camern Store, Poulett St., OWEN Every attention given to tl the natural teetb. Artiticia^ edon Gold, Celluloid, and Will be at Markdale tl. «Mh month. A. Cameron, M.D.. C. L.F.P. S. Glasgow, L.D.S.,Out. Frost v\ BAKRISTEES, AND Law, Solicitors iu •neers, *c.. Owen Souudj Hesherton, Office open htretoiore. •AxinKD Fbost, J. County Crown Attorr J. WASSJ "OABRISTER, MASTl-J J3 in Chancery, Notary «r.Ac. MONEY TO LEND AT Offices â€" Owen Sound, ^•lett St.; aud iu Miu-l ^•nd'8 Store, on Friday Markdale PUMP Factory. MAKER OF ALL KINDS OF PUMPS, DKOP VALVE PUMPS, CYLINDER PUMPS, CIlSTEBN PUMPS, FORCE PUMPg, Alac, ALL KINDS OF IBON PUMPS SUPPLIED Satisfaction. «Banuit«ed on alt'my irorit tti« proof of ills fonnd in the fact that 1 am doing a larger basmcss now than erer was aone in Marudale lu the Pttmp buBineas. Remember the stand, 1 door north of Rutledga'fi UoteU Sydenham Street, Markdale, €reaser y\^ B/^RISTERS,SOLl€| anees, Ac. *c. OinoEs in Owen Soun^ -0^ W. F. Wolfs Store OrerW. J. McFarlaud •*»d Friday of each wv^ek. •S^Fundsto lendon re| Jofti Cbeabor, Q. G Markdale March 15, \i â- Alexander IWtJER of Marriage Life Insurance Ag( •J» B. B. Ac. Conveva, AQctioiMer for the Count j JJ^|5*^*8, and Land St **|JM4 to and charges m ""^•â-¼ille, Sept. 17. 18*^ *o •!! who are snfiferj •aaUidiBoretiona ot yo\ "*•» early decay, loss it»}SS^ reoeipe that by a missionary Mlf-addressod ^j^-hT. Ikmam, SUt{ Subscribe for ^-get that ircc. Col tunc am^tm