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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 26 Oct 1882, p. 6

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 "W^^ft^ Tto Cultivation of Be«ixt] Beanty is aT:ner^^rfit]i^s, i3.'a D^J would say, ami hi tlifs respect, it pie emineuce ui tlie nneient Greek-' probrJ.Iy t!»e outc5int' of their generar^i calaii I iiu'!ital superiority to their fV nitii. tiiou^'h they themselves bel" tiie txiatenco of a chemical. Ban-c In the trial of tiie flrcb-quack Ca^ it cjuiie out tliat, iluiiug the twelv^ from J7U')â€" '77, he ha.l re.lized three lion francs lr»in the sale of his " ti^: Ikauty," a recipe which has bfen* eageily searched for than the philoso stone, or the secret of lonsjevity, Cisalpim.s made the notable discoverv an ointment of crashed locusts and toe-juice would tr ble the charms of f."!u St woman, "What must I do to very hcautifu'.? the damsel in uixote ' asks tl:c enchanted Moor's h, ' (Jn-t .«' 1 f. f/iiii/ /ion ritdu â€" be very co •vj.Iies th^ head. Paroc'lsus recommrJ i:. a«i..\v-dcw, gathcreti iu the mornino- the M ly -moon i:j on the increase and taigne m(];iiic-' iulo the habits of the weli-favorcd tribes of every country confesses tliUt the r.jbleni is rather evasive CUP, t.-j coast-dwellers of boingas .iistingi!i,si:cd for the comelinesn tin- h! of Ara,;'on, and the \1 nKin»Iy ciiler-ihiijkcr:^ net Tuscan wintj-drinkers, .., u„jy „._ fglNA NUT f^ tirr ,r forei ftflSiKCt «n. _f»af«*" enjiw coal of Doveptle mmA .^ac -L the cotin rithyi and Fo4*t^ ' f oxag^e ..leath of Senator DOMESTIC. Schultz la reported f^ '^Mf'^MpUau will not return t* the jLnber. ' ' •" converted into fives are in' ..JoHar bills â- fcri^p at Kingston. j J^ .^^ '^,!L House of Comiiions tlwre. e:, t' cxait ination for thaOivJl ^; at Kalifa-^ on jNovemtfer: r, p'vn.l,. will, it is gen rally be- ;.;d Hod. Adam Hope in the sic ,amed JohttCotigtilhijrVaeJ the Ka 't;-s than His only gei rule, !,owcvcr, still lioMs goo.l that o« door dwolki-sare "ever wholly iH.favc nor K' door workeis iltogether'lovely • we might sny the ^ame of alcohol-driiik and iotal abstainers: the ichnapn, » shippmg natives of the 'J'yroleae hist' make aiaejids by t'icir active ou^-dooi finite- 1 ^^' ^iZ the roadside nca? Walker- 'rSl'morni«g in a dying state. •' â-  letters l)etween leu Island and Kingston ee cents to one cent. .. rate of postage on I "".^pidaudCardeu 1 w mwt xntereated. TJood dS When the vote of credit for «•' ion ftftii ^/rTJ^%..^-*^^ war woul, cir- s4 over iy the l^^' ---- '0«ld be tatiqit^y as usual, "H;Hd |Pt-2^Ja£^i"l^^^^*^'" I belies Xhis Jve that 'pUepsy (rits) auccesafally treated. P, lars one atamp SAKY AlKDlCAL ASSOCIATION, BuflFalo, NY, Pope Leo XIII. ente at leisure, it ia said, by Vatican gardens. -y. Il«eaae8 of Woaiea TiOK, Buffalo. NY """" ^^»•^^- h Ti" "^^^^n^'l^^^^^V ?f P""ce Feramorz's wv ASMAUj WAT€WIUCK AH D -^^V«fWgcr«2 Tonge St. roronto. has J?"*?** »•• "ptwail Juu, and greatly increased ma stock of gold and allver jewelry, plated ^nue, cutlery, chcks. watches, etc. Fine stock » K«« 2. â- "' *H,** gamet jewelry. Goods imported w nen i^ireot. Eveer kindivCjawelry repaired prompt- ly, n^tly. -^ " -^" n«^;^- V,:,«-^i u " J*"' *°** garnet jew apMf h mMJf whenUireot. Kveffkindiii© jfi° W « *^* By nytly. tM ch Jy woaxea. " *^*rE. 't. ifcllOTrS SHpernlators* Mart, 48 Adelaide St. East, Toronto. All kinds of real estate sotdorexchau;^ • edon commission. Money loaned on all kinds of real estate at lowest rates of interest. Annlir a- tions for money from farmers a spcf'ialty. Rents collected and estates managed in town'or coun- try. N.B.â€" Bcdt of references on application. ^r â-  " *»• -v-. »*,â- â€¢.. .. .\ .... ^. ... .... the Indig^n Contingent, which will be over t^TQmmioni,^afn(^J)a^tJf^•hi^^h will almost certamly have to te bbrhe'by ' this country .-.^oun^ and middl from nervous debiUt loss of aged men suffer in 7, premature old age, W.wrSl^' ^»^*1 kindred symptoms af4s909igionJfri â€"Lgnfton, World, by â€" 1- ' â-  ^,. importer of the Japanese wa-e 1- '"T ,f-„*„„.,l li.i.s satisfied 1 recent- Iv a z- lim lja.t: acnt Slontreal has satisfied the De- f Customs that no fraud was in- lienu! ied. lohn and Lady McDonald go to Lon- it on Tuesday, to be vre.ent at the ;;a."" ^,:„ CatHutT, da'a;/nter of the â- 'iS L'AVfll fjv iuctoiy-;7..-ls by their tpetotalisi] i.cre ,. a .;ood deal in race, thoa vi/v-./ .v„-.vr- ,,./. A,r;;i" i'ope.Stepit III wr.,t iwrct'.an a tiioiisand vei.-/ to Aic! Cnlhb.rt, " " ' I)at h of Anglc-.Sa.xun tra e Of tl'e .same ..cgelie feat be iccogni/vl ani'on^' V. c A rain irriage of _Mi^s ;r-(Jenera ^ivinsrtiic iiama of Jp.mea Ander- sentl 'f inajiy a whert' sou v.lio had neophytes, and •ires may {.-lloibtcin coast-vill m.n subsist on liandy, ryc-i.riad, Tli " among t-. Ie.sw little c;ieese ";ir iiij-hbots, the Poi 'Kunans. arc ama :l.d if not celestial eZ au' spite of their dreary moorland ve;y :o,H 3r out-door srort.. 'jat fartj ta.~t .\^.aie succ.unbs to art, and ti northern Kussiat:« are about n. " Ken arrestcl at Amherscburg for â- â€¢â- ^-li/'liiir.?-!' t-» be a travelling cor- 'V tp'tl "' i iio'"t o: the Cliicago Times. CENEK.^T.. ' af r.-iU io expected botwcen Afghan- ii lie Usbesks tribes. The Bey of Tunis is seriously ill, and his '.iiion causes :nach an-xiety. 3 said to be '.v.;u tlioposcd 3.- j^i- Aliouso 1? saui .o be ,rds a Ubfi-al Spanish policy Vfonso has arrived at Sara gotsa. rajreous nd a nia' uiiprej)Oj)i;e.i.siiig ecmbi nation of all .^c the image of tlie Creator mi'.-t. though, .uul t.'ieir K: ' onor ol the li'j ly-orijow) tho hij,'hlands " about aa oai "S indoor-] vices coa ExtremJ mperor has ts a:i-- I niit^^d in i'agli'.-sLaii. V am i3i!.s hav d.. H "• '" eoMuanding twelve reeiment^ n ost 'o,Il,ke men of ti,e present "worlc tiia.'sier.s ol' the ..hlands of Los'^hia Xearlv all th^ n a lives of i .1 H • V"""'fe""'^bof.utvwK â- â€¢"'mK- "" I"'l thcfavo.ite h.nUingrC â- " the harvm-ai,' ;,t.c, an.' thi; i^av • the (? pretext !ov ttcating it as " .-antciact the .: nnbinu.l inlluence of Cauca.s!ai. clmr.'e, hardy i ab,ts, tempcrani u.a.t teetotaler.sby rel-gionand vegeta ;Miu milk, being the i'Juv arc |il.vsi,-.ill ley-ca staples of their diej p'.ysicaliy stlt-made inon fr iangu.i-e ])ioves tn.-it their i'uiatiiiins til i...mads vi the MvUi:„U:in v-c(»us:ns of ' i'lillhJh.,:i'r I iinosltk^ I'l ltd' /• or thd ai;cestora wei the owl-fa steppe. â€" I f"l lJi. L. "W'v MovUilu fvr Si â- *l»k^ •« £« A^u' Difanco. A C A ab s c .mphuty in t:;3 June mass. ere f.ossddy insui!i.ient t. but tiicrv it. rather tlwin itt.V- doubt til secure conviction ani V 'olselei t "not provei r, f f "" t:uilty." Mill hetue ve: d e-t of i.Pp:ut.aI n:.nds. The 800 do.umen: M t.:e ef.nvsp,.ndcr,co between Arabi """"" ,l--r-s..n. ,i,i,., .ei,c'ral ^•â- iptuieuntter t!ie battle o; TeIebK»b l-UTe:u-h.lth.|.or..ign;,nee. AttK^p •••tei...-, igati.nstf lebel prisoners, m,Je,tionedin .,ard tut vents pn :• tu tne outbreak, Ara ;P^-. .aby that they were covered I iau-s that the June mis.sacres were prea t.u- i ;,..-::,.. „ the British flee: 'i^ '•«. no way rej,p..i,sible for the I -u .AKxumlna bondMrdment, iu fact, w '••^neaitera Uie.o twci.y-four hours' notice, Mlweh XV as entirely too sho;t to allow thi people te remove tJicit their i:uirm. invali.l. „;,ed, children, ai^ P.' "'luecd a t, eluigof uncontrollable indigi ..on among the natives, who believed U • hrK.tians were in determined league to d troy theeo;:..Livand dep,.- date it of its Ml |t c p.ople. Ara'.i alleges that he and hi .t^rorll ' '" '""' ""-^' " J^eep und •ntrol .Ins iian-. ron.s feelin.' and wouL iite(l iUd lit la-*' .,iras're:eivedw!th en husiasm. "trial of Arabi ia not expected to take Iti Mtil after tt:c festival of Bairam. North West mine makfrs have l._^a to n.ett the miner.;, andwili raise the ^jileoiwa-cf. 7^. lious-liold Cxvalry have arrived in 'j.oiion ihc-ir i-eturn from E^ypt, and Ixi.rercaived with enthusiasm. Taepreliaiiuary elections for members of e I'msian Diet has resulted in an ov^r- |«:mii:g majority i jV the l^rogrts'sionista ;.;.SA'esjionists. Saltan Pasha has been appointc ;. Knight iLGnmaader of tha Biitisli Order of ^t. iciiael and bt George. The krJ Lieutenant cf Ireland has com Triteil the deaih sentence cf Walsh, con- ioteias accessory to t!:e murder of Co;;- '.•jbleCavacagh, to penal servitude for life. Tlie British brigantinc -St. George, Capt. .feziiiilof, is .sl'.auled off Ballyannta, Ire- Lei!. The crew has landed.. The St. George irriveii at May;^o t on. Sept. 29 th from "3fbec. Ailaiirai Seymour lias been directed to r.zi a vessel to enquire concerning the T:ereaboat8 of IVof. Palmer and his party, iio,it is supposed, werj murdered by the 3ctiouins. LouJo.n, the delegated hooted at the Irish ja:erence, says he always thought Ameri- Jss sabsciibcd to assist the victims of the :rra3Ey of t!ie landlords, not to give bloated iiliries to Iri.ih members of Parlianiant. CNITEU Sr.\TES. Fresideut Arthur has arrived at Washing- ro.H!Raster-Gencial ilowe denies that he .-tends to resign from the Cabinet. There were 53 new cases cf yellow fever "si'ensacolo, recently, and nine deaths. The chances are that the Democrats will ^pture tne Governorship and Lieutenant- UvcmorshipofMew York. ^Oa Thursday evening Julia Wilson and •«)saBjylas3 of New Orleans fought about isim with luiives and Julia was killed. Dr. Uamilton, of New York, baa sent in *:!i:nifortv,enty-tivetr.ouband dollars for ^ro.essional attendance on President Gar- '-P«c als from Louisiana, Mis.sissippi and ^«43 report '•â€" • â- â€¢ -• --- " "^W3, do-ncr .TO!). hca.y rains for the past 24 much damage to the cotton li.n e stieeeede I i I preventing the outbreal I Adm-.ral cymour had not been in suci .ffrlY )V"'^^.*'l" ^*^"""'Oa belief among h •^atr that ti.e British were we!l informed c -le daugcroue temper of the populace, an^ kn ^^ that bombanhnent un-ler the cii ?-auee=} would drive the Egvgtiana â- en-: AnJ.i said all bloodshed wi .aised by a .Maltese stabbiu- an Arab, ^h as denoiaiciug Admiral Jjeymour's con riict. in contra.iiction of the charges of ^dlion Arabi produced evidence that hi ""f u"'"?^ '" "'^â- "â- ' f^'^Jtv to the Sultai 1:hI Khedive. A Pitiable Heir to Greatness. Jn^V' *^"^^« child in England whom Uia I ^^^^^^' ^itli exceptional cruelty. a boy who can neither see, talk, hear, riiere is scarcely hope, if it should ^rwalk. W Wolseley aad Soyxaour. oiaeley is an umleV'rown and spare mai'J uteni-jawe l.with shoVt i^rey hair and bloni lousta^' I.e. He wears a yellow sun helmet' ound about with a handkerchief of whit- I'd violet eheok: his red coat is open^'d heehe.stan.ispjted with many htains ease, lye has a variegated necktie.a wooUe lit or loud pattern, grey checked .rs, yellow ruling boots and spurs, a oper ;iu83 with a yellow case an.l strap, a yello* evolver belt, with cartri.'ge caSe, yello* ;auntle.. a violet pocket handkerchief stucij n us red coat a gigantic pair of black spec t^^'ff ?u '?v^' "'" ^« flourishes a fan H eep off the flies. Admiral Seymour is thick-act, of midaii eight, and comfortable round body,* 18 appearance at once suggests to the sp :*n i 't "1^^°^ I'vingSid little exe' piJ^^'^^u.^^'P- «« ^ears a white elmet a blue coat, white trowsers, y- dtflT^' *v°*"y '^^^d. a drinking I dirty Imen haversack, out of whifh a piece of cheese, and carries a walki ^^w to manhood, that it will be little more I -e"!f? 5"'"^^ted clod, with some intelli- â-  'nlnv c"""' ""' ^n-'ihlti to take its part â- aS' ^l^ activities of life. Yet thi.? "akeiln ^^ L^^ *^ ^^' ^^^^ ^^ ^^^ premier 'h I)n'"" England, and when its parents, '^itSh "chess of Nor -dk are dead, By t p t^^^T possessed of immense estates. -ecitv f-. ' ^^ '^^' ^^^S^ portion of ?ven I " "" will be his, as the lea.se8 it di\i° ]*So will then expire. His wealth, •*«uie3 M ^^"^^^ enrich' ten thousand tune that fk*^^ ^^^^ strange freak of for- ^ilies aean^S^^^if^^^iappy child, without »ny Jround f'i.!^'""""^^ating w»th the world f*ftv ani " "'"' Le in possession of pro- '.hem ^1 f *f Which, if he could use 'fu!nri,i P^r' him one of the mostpow- '"^â- ^'esoithiscentiry. Oae A Fable. '^ouch'th/" "^l^ "^W took a Walk *«^Kettb,l"'r'^°^ *° 8ee how the Crops ^J»sC?Var ""'"§ Hornet's N^t ^^ HaU ' ^^^ Fondly Imagined she '*^DponU°"^^^" Contents. She .at "'^^inahonw^l'^*^ Hatch out the con- "^^ she sS I(? Seconds. Five Minutes *^? W Bm ?K ""^.^itl^ Humiliation, Run- '"*^P^inp to r.8h her Feathers and At- "inher^r J^^^ ""'aber of Perfora. ^»Nulf'^^*' ^liich looked very much '«t^heT^'\*!'" The Moral of this Hle'ap:'!," .tliat Squatting onfotlier that the?;'*y» a Perilous Proceeding; ^1» «^not W SaTupon """^^^ Institutions Who ShoiUd Suffer, The many who daily suffer agony from coma bunions, callous lumps. wheS the mâ„¢ana o( remedy can be so easily procured. Putaam^s great remedy for corns is the new article buTi? commands the confidence of ev^ry druS in Canada, as all can testify that Putnam's Corn Extractor 13 a sure thing. The i^n who neglects this Buggestion to try Putnam's Ex- tractor oucht to suffer. Use not "the art^^e just as good." Flesh-destroying and danjeroul substitutes are offered as a substituto fo? Put^ num's. Of such beware. A Question for a Young Men's Debatincr Society ?â€" When a man's feelinzs are so c;reat thnt he cannot express them, has ho better send them by freight? Mr. J. R. Seymour, Druggist, St. Cath- arines, writ's that h i finds an ever-increas- ing sale for Burdock Blood Bitters, and adds that he can, without hesitancy, recommend it. Burdock Blood Bitters is the grand specific for all diseas -s of the Blood, Liver tn 1 Kidneys. 9. Classical Instructor in Latin. â€" •' Miss B., of what was Ce^es the goddess?" " Miss B. she was the goddess of marriage." I?.. structor "Oh, no; of agricultur. " Miss B, (looking perplexed) " Why I'm sure my book says she was the goddess of hus- bandry." Mrs. Wm Allan, of Acton, says she has never been without a bottle of Ha:.yard'3 Yellow Oil in the houss for the last twenty years, and would not be for ten times the cost adding that f^he has never known it to fail for Colds and Croup, Sare Throat, Stiff Nec'v, Burns, Scalds, etc. She concludes by saying, "if any one doubts its efficacy, lefe.- chem to me." 10. " What are you going to do when you grow up, if you don't know how to cipher?" usked a teacher of a rather slow boy. "I am g ing to be a school teacher, and make the ticyi do all the cyphering," was the re- piy- Biliouanesa, Indifccestion, Canstipation â€" all foinis of Dyspepsia yitdd at once to a few tlosos of Zopesa, the new compound from Brazil. A 10 cent sample proves it. A father complaining of the way his chil- dren destroyed their ciothitig, taid: "When I was a boy I only lad on« tuit of clothes, and I had to take care of it. I was only al- loweri one pair of shoes a year in those days." There was a pause, aud then a lit- tle chap spoke up, ** i say, dad, y. u have a much easier time of, it now you are living wi^hus!" â-  A GohI Investment. â€" Twenty-five cents expended to youf druggist foi a bottle of Hagjard's Yellow Oil will allay more pain and cure more diseases than mmy dollars spent for ordinary medicines would do. Yellow Oil cures Rheumatism, Burns, Scalds, Frost Bites, Sore Throat, Croup, Stiff Joints, Contracted Cords, aad all Lameuess and In- flammation. 8. A Ghastly Joke. â€" Wnere doghoa's come from Proni gncme man's land. Deafness that is caused by colds, inflam mation of the membrane of the ear, and Ear- ache, is often cured by Hagyard's Yellow Oil, the sc'cat external and internal remedy for all Pain, Soreness, and Inflammation, Rheumatism, Burns, Scalds, Frost Bites, Sore Throat, Croup, Contracted Muscles, etc. Never be without it. 12. A Manly Virtue. â€" "Generous to a fault,' may be said of the majority of menâ€" at least they are generous enough to their own faults. "Vegetixe.â€" This preparation is scientific- ally and chemically combined, and so strong- ly concentrated from roots, herbs and barts that its good effects are realized immediate- ly after commencing to take it. Sailor's Wit.â€" A lady at sea, full of ap- prehensions in a gale of wind, cried out among other prettv exclamations ' We shall all go to the bottom. Mercy on us how my head swims 1" "Afadam, never fear," said oneof the tailors; "yoa can never go lo tiie bottom while your head swtms. Murder will ontj so will the fact that Carboline, a deodorized extract of petrole- um, the natural hair renewer and restorer, is the best preparation ever invented, and and excels all other hair dressings, as thous- ands of genuine certificates now in our pos- session aV^indantly prove. "Yes," said the burlesque actress, "I Ihink that editor is the meanest, most con- temptible wretch in existence. He doesn t want me to succeed." "What has he done'" "Done! You know that scandal about me inChicago?' " Yes did he prmt it " " Print it No he wouldn t that s Have Yoit Tried It?â€" If so, yoa can testify to its marvellous po^vers of healmg and recommend it «P your fnends. Wo re- fer to Bricgs' Magic Relief, the g™°^JJ«^»- fic for all summer complaintsâ€" diarrhoea, cholera morbus, dysentery, cramps colic, sickness of the stomach and bowel com- plaints. A Local Witest.- A dressmaker who was at the point of death recovered, and the lo- cal paP headed the item. "Survival of fie Fittest." Victims to Constipation and its untold miseries can keep in Srd.^"^l^""^it moderate use of Ayer's PiIIb, the surest, safest and most reliable Cathartic. w^n^^-V' '" --^^'^at » it to Uell, It is a great deal lik man e work ?o real men, are so very few. A. P." 96 ll'eakness €nred. ilR,ST£v^ .Woodstock. N. R, .Juno 1. im that I eo.*d k^^^Jko'^J^^l^^^i^;:^,' out becommf completely cx^iaustel T^ri^rt Pâ„¢to"§er.^l"'Mr^^^°^' any ben^t. hip^ fheweaknpL^r!*f°"^°^y°^'"7E«'^TiNE through the wKo hnf?///""" "" '«^fo"c I had used and aUhm.crh" vas very much improved, ana aituough I cannot say I am coinDlptplv cured. I am satisfied that your TfiOiSiMg ^s sesscs very valuable medicinal quil tiLTit having acted so magioally in ray c^c.' F. T. 13IIJDGFS. €ooil fop Indigestion. Mr T? !• «f Toronto, Oat., Oct 3, ISTDl air. u. 11. Stevens: ' fJ^^L^'^~h, Jordon Fletcbei*. of the town of Bowmanville, having been troabled with indij^estion, used the Vegetiae. aad. produopd. remarkable results from the same, and woi2d n^*5 P'caBUre in reoommending it to the n «'ra-i'T. • ' ^*- FI.ETCHER. u. biUl r. Urujgist, Ljwmanville, Ont. General bebiU:yCiir^. J^^ Mr u P «f Yarmouth, N. S., Aug. 4, 1830. Mr. li. R. Stevens, Boston, .vlaas.: IJear riir,â€" In the summer of last year I was seriously afflicted by that disease known as ireneral ebility, and having received medical advice wijtooutgeUing relief, a,frie%a of mine induced tue to try Vc^jetinOk wlticli J did. arift tho li^t i«*ttli8 .followed.. Shorty. .after Using It I was iJnabledto resirftie my wofk, and I would recommend any person wlio arc afflicted as I was to try Vegetine. JAa ADAMS, Sai!-makcr. Aroused to Action. Voaretine is nourishing and strengthening; purities the blood, regulates the boweis. quiets the nervous system, acts directly upon the secretions, and arouses the whole system to action. 'â-  '-â- *â- ,' Yegctfti^i s Sold by All firusirl^^ m»a0XT0. Mr. 4. U. Mayiic I'amphell, A. RarrLstcr, !i*llcUir, Etc., 9 VJctoria*»t LADIES BEWARE ?i.'"'ToSc°^ corsets will not break, or lose their shape. Wear corsets madejjgr CromptQn.^^Or^Ct Co. T^roHto.y L ^â€" r â€" râ€"^ "f â-  â-  ' ' JP PIlMQ Rifles and Ammunition. Fall price UUIlO listready: sent free on application. VV* Mc UO W aLL, cor. King and George sta. Toronto Full size sheet, best print and goou paper. Send 5 cents for saiuile copy and catalogue of 600 pieces of latest iascrumental andvfitjITthusic, S. C. BIGFOKD, g^GMi«fe|^rect West». X»rontu. E! Dealer iu picU|te frfmks and fancy (opds. 5^A^MS FOR SjSjfi" \car the fullowlng places St. Thomas Coliingwood. Barric. Fergus, Hiyth, Parkhill, Rockwood Station. Dundalk Station. Shelburne Station, Southampton. Also, a large number of excellent farms in Manito- ba and the North- West Settlement not re- ?iuired. Saw Mill. Lath and Shingle Machines iir sale at Henfryn Statjouj Co. Grey, Ont. Engine, 35 horse 2 boilers. 60 horse. All in splendid order. For particular..? aldrc3S a. A. SCHIt.lM, 4 Klug iit. Ea^t, Toruuto, Oi»« FRESMAH'S WORM POWDERSa Are plcnsont to take. Contain their om| Pursative. is asaft, sure, and ettpetmt^ €egtrajvt ot wonw in Children or AdTdtn A fmir Kzohamce. Will you exchange a chronic state o? Dyspep- sia, or agree to break up a Bilious Tempera- mentâ€" to give your torpid Liver activity, and thus strengthen your Digestion, regain energy, comfort, health and spirits, all for 75c J A single bottle of Zopesa will do this. A few dosfs surprise those who try Zopos.*. For Bil- iousness and Dyspepsia in their many forms Zopesa is a Panacea, ana is warranted to cure them, it acts speedily aad p'.cisantly. Try alOceu sampiu. fBRAINANERVEFCOD-fs cpaNETIC MEDICINE, f ^^ o C "KiT TRADE CQ -£?oRcl tJRAIN WERVE hCODJs rife- §. Is a sure. Prompt and EfFcctual Remedy for Nercouhntss in ALL its stages. Weak Memory, Loss of lirair Poiver, ProntratioTi, Night Siceats, iy'eakn^ss, and OenerdL Loss of Power. It repairs Nercous lyastc, licju venales the Jaded Intellect, Streiisthcns Enfeebled Brain, and Restores Surprisinr, To/is and Vipor to the Erivausted Orfjans. tM With each order for twelve packages, accompanied with five dollars, we send our Guarantee to refund the money if the treat- ment docs not eflect a cure. It is the 'br.upe^t and Rest Medicine in the maraet. Full par- ticulars in pamphlet, which we mail free to any address. Sold by all druggists, one package .50c. G for ?2.50. or sent by mail on receipt of price, by addressing MACK'S M.l«Xr.HC MEDXCLXE CO„ IVlndsor, Ont., Canal.'i SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS J. lUATPIlCC Send for free illnstrated cata- ff H I Un lly* Jpifue to RYMU:,tUe4.weler, 13 gon geSt»e»t.fll)K)BtQ. MURRAY McNEIL. LONDON, ONT., gives written guarantee that his mousr- tuche recipe will produce heavy moustache in- side of 10 weeks or money refunded pAice $1* Box 2Gt. London. KTARIO YETeIrINARY ^COLLEGE. TC- RONTO. Students can e- ter frota Octo- ber until January. I'ROF. SMITU, V. S., Ediib Principal. Fees, fifty dollars. Gurney Ware's STANDARD SCALES For Railroad;;;. RoIlin«: Mills, Grist Mills anil Elcvatoris. Scales tot evepvttilngâ€" Iliy, Coal and Stqck. Ail sizes oi Warehouse Scales. CoUh ter Scales ol' all kinds. DAIRY FARMERS' SCALES. Fish, Pork and Wool Scales, Butchers* Scales, Scales and Beams for Pcllars' Waggon.s, All sizes of Railroad and Warehouse Trucks, J. AJ^iJ?*" Money D^^v'ers. ;i:vci}- Scaine wnirniut^. .illk^^liieA t^rampl- ' ly repaired. Send for illustrated catalogue ta GURNEY Sc "WARE, HAMILTON. 32-CALIBRE WINCHESTER WILL CURE Oi^ RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DAY'S BUSINESS COLLEGEâ€" OPPOSITE lioyal Opera House. Advantages; limited number, individual instruction by an experi- enced accountant rapid progress, entrance at any time. Mr. DAY, 95 King-st V/. Toronto. BUSINESS €H.iN€£S. A6IMCULTURAL FOUNDRY, PREMISES and Plant for sale in V^estern town of 5,0U0 population doing a business of $16,000 per annum can be increased to any extent nrice, ?9,500, convenient terms owner retiring. MAC- KINTOSH I'ETEKS Toron to. COUNTRY GENERAL STORE, WITH Post and Telegraph Office, for saleâ€" in sood village of 500 population stock about ^4,000; at reduced price and easy terms owner retir- ing on account of age. MACKINIOSH PETERS, To ronto. ONE SET WOOLLEN MILL (SI'EaM power) for sale in Coimty Middlesex ma- chinery complete and in first-class running order. Price 33.000 convenient terms. MAC- KINTOSH A PETERS, Toronto. DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, JAUNDICE. ERYSIPELAS, SALT RHEUM, HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, DROPSY, FLUTTERING OF THE HEART, ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH, DRYNESS OF THE SKIN, And every species cf disease crising from disordered LIVER, KIDNEYS, STOMACH. BOWELS OR BLOOD. T. HILBORM I eo.. "'"'igS'or.To AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, For Diseases of tlie Throat and Langii. uncli as agli.s. Colds, M hooplns C«)ush, Brouchltis, Aslhuin. and Consumption. FOR SALE- TWO IMPROVED FARMS of 640 acres, or four of 39B acres, in Mani- toba. Halfof each farm is broken, backset «h4 ready for seed. Apply STRANGE a MOWATJ Portage la Prairie. _. TTIARM FOR SALE BEING LOT 106 £/ Gwillimbury, adjoining town of Holland Landing 212 acres, Northern R. R. Station sit- uated on corner of this Lot. the land is high rolling clay loam Brick hous« frame Bank Barn. J. W. G WHITNEY, Estate Agent, 25 Toronto-st. Toronto. The 32 Calibre Winchester, now ofTered for the first time, is intended to meet a large and growing desland for a repeaterof small calibre. It is a modification of the Model of 1873, using the same frame, or receiver, but with a lighter barrel, and magazine of smaller diameter. It is considerably lighter than the Model of 1S73, and is deeigncKl for small game at short range. and will be found the most accurate smaTl-bore rifle in the market especially valuable for hunt- ing squirrels, geese. c. The standard length of barrel is 24 inches. All the guns of tnis calibre will be made with rifle butt stock with solid butt plate, and without the cleanipg-rod usually put in the stock. Prices and extras same as model 1873. The cartridge used with this arm is centre fire, and contains 20 grains of powder and 115 grains of lead. Parties desiring to inspect these goods before purchasing can do so by sending us ^1. We will express the gun CO.D. If not satisfactorv. you have the privilege of returning it. [f the $1 more than covers express charges, we will remit x^^e difference and this rule applies to all gbods in 6ur catakgue. Sond 6 cents for our 96- page catalogue, containins,over600 illustrations of Firearms, Watches, Jewellory,Silverware, c. Cn.lltLES STARK, 53 Chnrcli St., Toronto Agent for the Winchester Repeating Arms Co. Importer, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in P^very Description of Firearms, Gold and Silver Watches, Gold and Silver Chains, Jewellery, Silverware, c. The few compositions which have won the confldouco of mankind and become household words, among not only one but many nations, must have extraordin- ary virtues. Perhaps no one ever secured so wide a renntation, or maintained it so long as Aykk's Cherry PEcrroR.\L. It has been known to tlie public about forty years, by a long contirmsd series of marvelous cures, that have won for it a con- fidence in its virtues, never equaled by any other medicine. It still makes the most effectual cures of Coughs, Colds, Consumption, that can be mode by medical skill. IndetKl, the Cherry Pectoral has really robbed these dangerous diseases of the terrors to a great extent, and given a feeling of immunity from their painful effects, that is well founded, if the remedy be taken in season. Every family should have it in their closet for the ready and prompt relief of its members. Sickness, suffering, and even life ia saved by this timely protection. The prudent should not neglect it, and the wise will not. Keep it by you for the protection it affords by its early use in sudden attacks. PREPARED BY I DKJ.C.AYEII CO., Lowell, Mass., Prnctlcnl and Analytical ChemistH. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEAL EFJ8 IN MED'iCINE. cu DETACHABLE LINK BELTING, SHAKES THE BEST ELEVATORS AND COTdVi^YERS IN EXISTENCE. 1=r! ^^ KABTIN SON^MouBt Forest. J. H. ABIBBbSE, Pt. Hope» for'ault. B. CAMPBjBLL ft SON. Ploton, NJS., for tantark, aad otbers. !i 1 " •]. I f M â-  III I I

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