ii :f I '4 I .!i ill' The Standard- MABEDALE, OCT. 2m, 1883. A BEASTLY QUABBEL. A MAM tTABBKO. On SatordAj night laat, abcui 10 o'clock, a qoftnel aroee at Mrs. Caswell's boarding honi* in this pbM between George Beatt of the 9th line, Eaphrasia, and some of the boarders who work on the ballast train, one of whom in the row, picked ap a earring knile and stabbed Batty, who cried oat \I am stabbed,** when he was at once taken to one side and Br. Armstrong called in. On examinaticn he was foand to have a wound •on the fM'diead and an ugly one in his back wliieh bled profusely. They are, however, not of a serious nature. Thefi^wing day a warrant was issue! «ad one Jdin Doyle arrested, and on Mon- day a Magistrates court held, Wm. Brown, £sq.. presiding. The prisoner. Doyle, is from Toronto where he has been a lesident some 18 years. Mid is a yonug man, very little, if liny, orer 30 years of age. His chum, who it is said was the chief cause of the row, dis- appeared on Sunday, and has not been seen around heie since. The prisoner at court did not deny the charge, but set up self de- feuee as a plea. He was, howerer, com- mitted to gaol to stand his trial, wbicli wiU take place next week. Beatty is laid up for the present, not being able to attend the trial, but will likely be all right in a few da^s. IMPEOVEMEKTS. Hill Bros, have their elevator dosed in, roofed and painted, and are njv ready for grain. The Presbyterian church is roofed and ready for plastering. Mr. Reynolds has removed into his new residence, Mr. Dunlop's new brick building is now occupied by the new baker, Mr. Clark. The new sidewalk is neariug the station. AS20.00 BIBLE RKWARD. The publishers of llutledge's Monthly offer twelve valuuble rewards iu their MontMij for November, amouy which is the following' We will give #20.(X) iu gold to the person telUng us which verse iu the New Te-:taiueui JSeriptures (uot the New Revision) cotituius tlie greatest number of words by Novcmbc*r 10th, 1882. Should two or more correct an hwers be received,the reward will be divided. TJie money will be forwarded to the winner November loth, 18t*2. Persons trjing for tlje reward must send 20 cents in silver (no postage stamps taken) with their answer for which tl»ey will receive the December Month- I II, in which the name and addiess of,tbe win- ner of the reward and the correct answer will be published. This may be worth $20.00 to you Cut it out. Adtlress Rutledok Plb i.isHiNa CoMl»ANV, Easton, Peaua BALE UST. Mr. Joceph Brown, of Osprey. (uev Blew- iter's Lake) will sell his farm atoek, imple- ments and hoasehold effeets on Wedneadfty. Nov. 1st, by pablie auction. Terms â€" 14 months oredit. Mr. Brown has a lai^e stnek. and havung rented his farm and bound for Manitoba he wiU sell without leserre. For particulars see bills. Ira H. Ferigoe, Aoe- tioneer. Mrs. Coatts, lot 23. con. 7, Osprey. will sell by pablie anetion on Tuesday, fist Oct., all her stock, implements. e. Terms of sale â€" 14 months' on approved paper. Sale to oommeuoe at noon. Ira H. Perigoe, Aoe- tioneer. i %m* â€" â€" â€" Mr. Geo. Beatty who was stabbed is now in a critical condition, and his wounds may yet prove fatal. Alex. Hannah's "LitUo Pete" won first money ($75) for trot, open to all, and two straight heats in first trot, the third heat being disputed by the judges, though he claims to have won it fairly at Moun^ Forest. A FACT. If you suffer from Chronic Disease, and hive Uttle faith in advertised remedies and have sought vainly for a cure, consult your druggist, or address T. Milbum Co. Toron- to, for proof positive regarding the Merits of Burdock Blood Bitters, the Great Regulating Blood purifying tonic, that acts on the liver, kidney's, stomach, bowels and skin. ManitowaniDg is now well supplied with churches. Episcopal, 1849 Methodist Presbyteiiau, 1877-8; Bap- tist. 1882. Mrs. B. M. Gifford. of Port Rrowan, was for many years a sufferer of Liver Complaint, and a serious complication of diseases. In a recent letter she 8a3-s thit she lias only taken two bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters and has nearly recovered her health, and authorizes us to us» her name iu advertis- ing to suffering humanity. Four years a*»o there were only three mnnicipalitics on this Island now there are seven. Four years a;o we only had two aoricuitunil societies; now we have five. â€" ManitouUn Ex- positor, C. F. Knight, dentist, will be at the Mark- dale House on Tuesday next, the Slst, when BIRTHS. â- '-J ?ACKao«.--Itt Holland, on the Slst insk., the wife of Mr. William Jaeksoa, }r^ of a Daogbter. MARRIAGES. Bomxâ€" Baboatkl. â€" At Durham, Uet. 10th. bj the Bey. Wm. Park, Mr. Asa Bohin to Miss Jane Dargavel, both of Bentinck. EnoKâ€" EcTOB,â€" At Durham, October 18th. bythe B«T. Wm. Park, Mr B. Edge to Miss Liszie Ector, both of Olmelg. Spbkbs â€" Rku.â€" -By Bev. N. A. McDlarmid at the residence of the [bride's brother Listowell, on the 1 9th, inst., Mr. C. W. Speers of Markdale, to Miss £. I. Beid of Listowell. Downâ€" Tabob.â€" On Oct. 18th, by the Bev. W. Ames, of Oxford Centre, at the resi- dence of the bnde's father, Alfred Down, Esq., of the township of Artemesia, to Miss Lizzie S., eldest daughter of Henry Tabor, Esq., of East Oxford. TriiMilWriglfiMMM.1 ""A^^^^Zr^ DIED- Nason. â€" In Dnndalk, on the 33rd inst., Elizabeth Nasou,aged 2t years. GoRDOK. â€" In Dundalk. on the 23rd inst., in- fant ehild of Mr. Bobt. Gordon. E8TRAY CATTLE." CAME INTO THE PBEMISIES OF THE undersigned. Lots 37 and 38, IsC con cession W. T. S. Boad, on or about the 12th of October, thr je head of cattle â€" two steers and one vow. Steers are about three years old. The owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses and take them away. JOHN SABGEANT. October 24th 1882, lll-4w,* Consumption Cured, An old physiciaTi. retired from active prac- tice having had placed in his hands by an East Indiana Missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Cotisumpticn, Bronchitis, Cat**rrh, Asthma, aud all Throat and Lung affections, alM a positive and radical cure for General Debility and all nervous com- plaints, after bavin;; thoroughly tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, feels it is his duty to make it known to his fellows. The recipe, with full Whining Foe. The Egyptians have fallen, and their death cry **peccavia" (or I surrender) is heard bnt the wretched creature Arab! Bey. who was only the to(d of a Machiavdle behind the scenes, has been treated by a magnanimous generosity by General Wolsclcy and the British Government. ITenoe we wish five or ten thousand men and women, and as many boys and girls, to visit our new, fashionable and incomparable stock of goods, and we feel sure they will, onto and hU, pry 'paccavia' and secure to tbcmsclves bargains not to be had elsewhere in this country, consisting of tPECUil UNES IN mED CLOraNG] GOOD TWEED SIJiTS from t^4.75 up to $15, worth from 99 to 924 a suit also the largest, best assorted and most stylish stock of Tweeds in the country to choose from. Pall Whent. lO.so to «0 90 to $0.95; Barley. dOc; vZi^i^ju- Ikiuer. 16c; Eggs, 20c, Pot;^^^, FLESHERTON~MARK£j« Fall Wh'^at, t0.80 to »0 90- b to$t».95: Barley, 6iic; Teas er-?^ Butter, Itk; Eggs, 20c; Pot'atoeT TORONTO MAKKlsiTg I Fall Wheat, 90.00 to »1 o. «. • I to n 06; Barloy, Mi, toMgc- OaftL Peas, 74c to 7f«; Hofjs, 98.(»0 to?;^ toes, per bag. 75c to «0c; Buttpr7*il to 2K5; e ;t's 23c to 2 4c. " ^*m Blacksinithr tKMO: Flesherton Stati I BYBO DI l0OfTL.D SEE F. DOLL' LUTIFUL STOCK OF ILVERWARE. (TINAS, VIOLINS, must buy, as the snme quj »t lie sold at Ko low a ti; ler jeweller. The n•a^ou toBTS DIRECT! BUYS FOR C| ' saving from 20 to 50 ptr lOl Tlie subscriber beys IGth inst. Mr. Dolls be tarried on at Markilalo only. ,^ " aimonnet mM cut his Dundalk and t'l inhabitants of Fl shertoi*, Maildal»«al» Viable him to ^^iv,' tlu- iitt.j Pneevillp, and Knironn.ling conntn t ll«di|hile business vhu:h it n-nxii has commentMx] bnmness Kt Flosluu "" ' ' ' tiou, where he hopes bv satisfaiton! and moderate rates to secure n^llar«J^*^*^' nnd Clocks VU lie patrouagB. nnd Repnirod. Oesds always turn out as rrprof H0R8E-8H3EING A SPECIE* And guaranteed that in a case of inter^hl^ from $10 to $20 and \m\i horses he will cure the defect in i^'tfiyO MACHINK from W V. U ings or no cha^fe .viU be mad fortli,fW ioP^ .A.l80 two splemlitl OIUJ oud shoein;,' i aft laie than half the catuloguo he will be prepared to execute all work en- particulars, directions for preparation and trusted to him in a satisfMctory manner. He will in future be in Markd»le the last Tues- day in every mouth. Mr. Masson has returned from Manitouliu court, and will be in Markdale on Friday and ♦Saturday. Oue khousand women war ted to try McFarlaud's tJiiity ceut t^a it is pericction. Takes to the City.â€" George Hareourt, tUc T. G. B. baggageman who accidently .shot Mrs. Taylor while shooting "divers" at the Queens Wharf a few days since was taken to the city from Owen Soun J on Mon- lay night in charge of Detective Brown. He was admitted to bail. Mis. Taylor is im proving. The verdict of mofit of the people of this section ia that W. J. McFarlaud's Teas aie the best and cheapest On a car being opened at Moncton, N. B., a few days ago, which had been sealed iu iorouto, a tramp was found crouching bo- iween a number of sewing machines. The fellow had been locked up in the car for six days, the time occupied iu Ihe trip. He had torn the paper from the machined and bnrn- id it to warm himself, and the smoke had almost suffocated hiiu. He soon recovered and wus allowed to go. Quality is the true test of cheap- ness in that since McFarlaud's tweeds are cheap McFarlund's dress goous are cheap; McFariands shawls are cheap McFarland imports direct. lUioumatism. This painful dsea-se that 8 often cripples for life, arises from poison cueulatiug in the blood, and often from uc «'XceM8 of acid, luhamiaatiou is developed 'J the Muscles, hgaments and joints, by olds, damp clothin;,' A-c., Linimenisiare'ser- V icable to relieve, anion- manv. Harvard's Yellow Oil is preferable. '" ' On Friday evei'ing, 20tb inst., at the rais- ing of a log bam on the farm of Mr. Felix Fard!u, Glenelg, a log fell from the building. All managed to get clear except Mr. W. Web- ster. The lo a '.ruck him dislocating his ankle and fracturing one of the bones of the leg. All persons Ruflfering from 'outjlis. Colds. Asthma, Bronchitis, Loss «)f Voice or any af- fection of the Throat and Lungs, are re- quested to call at A. Turner A- Co's Drug Store and get a Trial Bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, free of charge, which will convince theui of its won- derful Merits and show what a riH,'ular do lar-size bottle will do. Call early. The British Government insists that Arabi Pasha shall have the beueiit of a tiist-cia^^i English lawyer to defend him: bnt the Egy- ptians, who did nothing to put down the re- bellion, keeping at a safe distance while the EngUsh did the fighting, now claim the right to deal with the rebel leader, and would hang him right off, without allowing any defence. However, the British Government is in a position to dictate, and will sec that he is properly defended. BEST OF ALL. Our rigorous and changable climate, and our mode of life induces freiuent colds, that often lead to severe Coughs' Bronchitis and other lung troubles that are liable to end in Consumption. The best and pleasant reme- dy known for thcf^e difficnltics is Hagjard's Pectoral Balsam, to be obtained of any Drug- gist. use, and a'l necessary advice and instructions for successful treatment at your own home, will be received by you by return mail, free of charge, by addressing with stamp or stamped, self-addressed, envelope to DR. J.C. KAYMOND. Ifi4 Washm|?ton Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. 110-62 MEN'S OYERCOATS! A TRIAL 80UCITEO, "'*^'°' "" • """ "" Flesherton Stotion. Oct. 17. ]88?. Immedia -Fon- from $2.00 up to $14. We will m»ke a spe- cial display of overcoats on Saturday. Every coat will be marked in large plain fignres that wih astonish you. Dou't fail to call and see them. Bros.' New Elevi teshels Wlieat, Oo.OOO bushels Ri.rlei aO,000 buslieU Oiit^ 2.'KJ0 bu^j « wliich the highest market prit dineash. llltf. REMARKABL E CLUB BING OFFER THE STANDARD The Farmer's AdYOcate AIVD HOIVIE IfIAGAZIIV£ from now until the end of 1883, for 1 By special agreement with The Farmer's j Ailvoeate, we are enablel tti offer that well- known agricultural journalâ€" a 36-page illus trated monthly, and really the be.-t agricul tiual paper in America, for Cunatlians â€" to our readers, clubl)ed with Thk Stanoabo, for the fcum of1.85 in advance. The regu- lar price of the t,vo papers is §2. LADIES DEPARTMENT Is replete with Merinos, Cashmeres, Lustres, Alapacas, Silks, Satins and llibboiis of the richest colors, rarest quality. Velvets, Vel- veteens, all shades' and all prices. Also a largcstockof Crapes just to hand fresh and new. TAjLOR Oier McFarland's Sti! MARKDALE. I^acal Jteni At great expense, we have also secured for each subscriber who accepts this offer, one plant, 6 to 12 inches, of the Russian Mulberry, intrtiduced from Western Kussia by the Mennunites, grows very iiUid. is a handsome tree, and Iwars fine fruit, equal to our best Baspberry or Blackberry. This tree is hard and very suitable for streets and lawns. BOOTS SHOES $1,000 worth of Boots and Shoes opened to dfiy. Dou't go around witli hoies iu your boots when yon can get a Ho. i poir at a very small price. Siibsci-ibe IVo-w X and obtain November and December numbers of The l^ariner's Advocate free. AUCTION SALE -OF- I ae(ia.atic poison from can surpass Burdock l}h,od liitters To e.aixicate the the system, iioihing The Fasmkr's Ai»v.)catk is still improring nd is without doubt the best agricultural IMper published in Canada. We cannot but .ndmire th*! independant course it has pur- 'ue«l during the ten years w.. li«ve r^ad it. Having ma^le ammgeuienU for dubbing our fapjr with it,, we -vrc in. a position lo hm.i)ly lue two to the end oi \6Si Iw $1.8.3, caU, i.) advkuce^ The Markdale Methodist S. S. Anniversary was held yesterday evening (Wednesdav) in Dufferin Hall. The evening was very 'fine and there was a crowded honse. Tea was served in the basement, after which all ad- journed to the hall. The children's platform, which extendel out about 16 feet and across the fullAvidtli of the hall was handsomely deccratetl, having very striking imitations of palm trees and Jewish Tents, laden with harvest fruits and flowers, illustratmi the Jewish Feast of Tabernacles. Tht Cantata was rendered in a creditable manner by the school and choir. Dr. Armstrong took his position at the organ and acted his part in his usual easy and masterly manner. The .school gave evidence of being thoroughly trained, rendering the various parts through- out with marke«l abihty, and reflecting great credit on Mr. Boives, (the Suuerintendent) whose untiring efforts and maicldess patience and perseverance in tiaining the children may chiefly be attributed in the grand suc- cess of the entertainment. The best order ' °^^ o'clock in the afternoon, at Itntledge's GROCERIES. We have constantly on hand (never jnst out) a large stock of choice fresh Groceries r.t rock bottom prices. 160 chests of that notorious 30c. Tea telmnd. • A trial of it free, or your money rehnidt^ if it don't suit you. There is no equal for it. Try it. Foundry YaluaWe Farm Property in the Township of Artemesia, in the County of Grey. There wih be sold on Thursday, the 16th day ofJWo- vember, 188:1, Wc hare purchased another BANKRUPT STOCK at 42^. on the dollar. Now look cnt for greater bargains than ever. It is only a cash system can accomplish this. ^e buy for cash, we sell for cash. quantity of Any the be-U '"'MS Thos, B, McCmnb wlialia- removed two builairgs in fcliis place with his nu»vii.|E^ap immtus and prevetl iiiniM-lf fnliy ':oini»et«nt tc.v the business, s i,ow at i;)»eVty and lemovc or rai.se builtiin^'s uf any s.ze. 1 crsou wishing to eiiauj." tlw Km ntion any of their bn'iihi:},'s w 11 ho weli to com W.nvacate with Ijjnj, .^I.a'orti V o^ prevailed thro«ighout, which is n itself worthv of commendaiiion. '1 be receipts amounted to about 850 net. During the intermission a beautiful easy chair was j.resented to the suiH-rintendant by Eddie Keynolds on half of the school, of which we wih give ther particulars next week. SUDDENLY SEIZED. Mr. Artliur Fisher, of the Toronto Globe observes -On my last trip to the States I eanght a very bad cold fiom a severv wet' tuig I recti ed one night in the city of Ph^la •le'p. 1 ., which settled into a ver\- bad cse o* ri^nmaiisni, aid made n.e m.*st m e abl ^.^l"li""l '""' r'"" fo do for it, anu eonld aot think for a Ipng time, until I Wthonaht me that on previons visits to that dd.-. I hml always b. ugh t for Mr.G.y. of onr pap-r. a w.uple of U.t.l«» of St. Jawdn OU I re- membered also, fortunately, tl,at the last tMo bottles h.1,1 cnre.1 that Kentlotnat, f the wi.l j theumat.sin and so I rcolve to puwdjase St. Any I Jacobs OF for n y own nse. I went at once of j t«. 1 drug store and made tlie imrcbA*.* t»,nt Hotel, in the Village of Markdale, By virtue of a power of sale contained in a certain mortgage,, which will be produced at the sale, the following pmperty, under mort- gage from Bobert Moitow, Lots Nos 129 toud 130, in the 2ud Concession West of th Toronto and Sydenham IJoad of the Town^ ship of Aitcmesia, Cninty of Grev, contaui- mg kW acres, more or less. The foliowing imprtivements are said to be on the premises :-76 acre* cleaml. havinc erected them-n two dxveUhic houses, a cedar log barn, with a brick yanl, situatetl 5 miles fiom Markuale. «*"oo BUHER IND EGOS WANTED We will jiay cash or tra«le. »••••••• TEBMS.â€" Oiie-t^nth of the purchase wjuey to be paid .hwn on day of sale ^T baUnce terms will bo made" known at fhe -ale. For farther particulars apply to JONES Bnos. MACKENZIE boncitors. Masonic Hall, Toronto. •ei veiT .liyht I begm applying rhr(M!!*jLll'i^ °" *^ "" ^^""«. ^^^a-. Maikda! two wcvkb time Iwa-, aj well as evetv ' t «eji as ercR, Toronto, Ocobcr IGth. l^^i^ c. â- » Scarcely four months have elansed «««,. nee no firm in the county of Grey has h. i-ia« .neb «^nu;::sit't's,"M.i""^i;;s enwify in the tnXan, „ ,„ ijl i,., t„"7'« iTrimble:Wriglit Mettfoi'd «s to have a driving (m w«nt to buy or sell a fan torydcu. Euphrasia ploughing match to dl y) on l(»t oO, con.ti. The woik '»a the T. G. d H. rS* Special attention to Cultinj:'" **""' I'^scommen-.H!. If yon want a good 12 iK-rceiit. ply to B. C Bryden. If you %vant a Perfect Fit ,Mr. and Mi^. C. w. Sp(vrs euing train on \\'Hlue.sdav. yonr Order with .. t i c, i » " i *^ M*». John Stepi.ens starteil on •A-. xxlLi visit ker frienus in Le«vls e»uiit Ffp ember «Oth, 1882. 106. Sne^k thieves have be.-n ,| f^^i^^ .A..^ Z^Z^ 'eber'a uoighl»orlioMl, .\rteniesi; 9WOS#'ft V 1^93^ I^S^' ^*'"' " ^^luit Forest. shI ld of enUers to Manitoha lnt \\ Jl.A."K,Ii;rA.LE Mr- T^os. k^\M\yy, of BrntiiK f ttie roof blown oft hii* \nn\i i%x l^orsday. the 'Jth day of Nov^ }eu appointed as a day f gencj ling. Mr. Caswell, oi .eniea Ik 'Utlx a:id the Fiesl-erion )km ,j enisoM tor a change. No lees than nine persons nndalt for disorderly condui-i MANUFACTURERS UF wJ*r day, costing them J'.M-I Tfce World is a spicy daily ]• mm â- â- â- mm â- tf^naaaiWIl' '^*(Vtito, only^:; p-r year. o| M ILL MACNIillEr-' ""â- ^^ ""'"'«' -« ' Waa. Lucas k Co. hauKortJ Steam Engineseaiwrtatc. str'aigm io,ui nes. Lowinterebt. Mtdeii^ SHAFTING. HANGi:K^.;;7;t:T'n,;"ir^^ Mr. Uichard Dale, of Euphra Pulleys, c. Land Rolleri}'^J'^l'^JY^"^y- ^^V- ' icar almost tlady of sheep l»ei heae Animals this time ot yt.ii] •ften noticed that the )«»)n j nore 4oks they kei-p. Thti^Mail or Offljr to t| A^^ T31 r» *e -888 for $1.00. Leave vor And Plow Points i^^jU the Stanoald ofticei b:ll:ui -AND- MACHINE WORIS' PLOWS mmm Done in a practical manner. We also introduce our now ionm and get the free. ^MHiâ€" On Sunday, tl. 1. t. Thos. \Vi}»jins. of H heir Iwm by soni" was completely cons comprising; 'iO t'ui of oats. 1.U of v.hciit f»!!l""« nil' aud othei «evere as there ant!t was itMl FAMILY MANGLE-*^ ♦«♦! 1,. «, .„ "J^KE Paktt.â€" On Tu. s. to the puUic. This new machine «ill i" hntue number ot the eiti/.ens J iinen, (Cotton, and Woollen (ioo.ls. r«aiit the residence of Mi them a leautiful smooth and j-Iosm rto anion ur to Mr. \V. Â¥. Do It also improves th«^ clotlu-s. wtakmir up his abt)de in Mai k.h injure them. We aio i^trftrj* assembled at Mr. Hoo] ed by tAos «nd t'liee '1 October 9^»!,,lCe3^ m. aucu. liot irons faclure Ornamental Cresting of vaiions desiKUK for Hnildin^s. Vo!*" ^f" ocnarouutal Cast ir»u 'lini^'N r*II Pillars. Fencing, VeiitiUtO' CuluiuuH. Iron Beams, (iiatiuj." for Cellar ^Yindo\vs, Ac. """Iron S: Bt^ass C.vstinc- Qt Every Pe^crii-tion :.f ..i, r.. " rs, caiTyinp with tliu all sorts of good thin-. Isejtsion of the honw igaRod in social cJiat, and other jrames. Il:a0wheu lunch wail le company join-«l liaj fTCit gusto, -au'j lu,' Syne ' Tlien c| L»Uiiern." iift*'r \vliit/li wishn-,' :ir I).,]] Jdi-iiiut.