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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 19 Oct 1882, p. 7

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 tWm ii r| •â- ' 1 â- â-  f I m l I i-4ite'..«JW. JMJUIPE OF Y lUr fW C THE WEEKLf MAIL will b. «nt ., „.w «.W„-ber.*^^^r^^o UUn«^ «| ^e|J; Subscribe now and get the best weekly newspaper m DOLLAB. "OT»0 W#otoy Toronto. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. 1883. KENDILL'S SPAVM CURE. The most svecefsftil Bemedjr «^r discovered, as it is certain in its effects and does not blister. Bxad Pboof Below. ;.Kendair8 Spavin Cure. •! Haxsltok. Mo.. Jojoe U, 1881. B. J. ExNDALL Co.,â€" 4ent8:^-Thi8 is to certify that I have used Kendall's Spayin Care, and have found it to be all that it is recommended to be and in fact more too; I have removed bv using the above Callous Bone Spavins, Ring-bone, Splints, and can cheerfully testify and recommend it to be the best thing for any bony substance I have ever used, and have tiied many as I have made that my study for years. Eespectf ully yours, P.V. CBIST. FROIVl Col T. L. Foster, YouNGSTOWN, Ohio, May 10, 1880. Db B, J. Kendall Co., Gents: â€" I had a very valuable Hambletonian colt that I prized very highly, he had a large bone spavin on one joint and a small one on the other which made him very lune; I had Mm under the charge of two veterinary surgeons which fail- ed to cure him. I was one day reading the advertisement of Kendall's Spavin Cure in ihe Chicago Express. I determined at once to try it, and got our druggist here to send for it, they ordered three bottles; I took them all and thought I would give it a thorough tt' 4l, I used it according to directions and the i( Aiih day the colt ceased to be lame and the lumps have disappeared. I used but one bottle and the colt's limbs are as free from lumps and as ~mooth as any horse in the state. He is entirely curtid. The cure was so remarkable Ihat I let two of my neiglibors have the remaining two bottles who are now using it. Very respectfully, L. T. FOSTEB. Kendairs Spavin Cure. WiNOHAM. Ont., Jan. 17, 1H82. Db. B, J, KEND.UiL Co., Gents: â€" This is k certify that I have used Kendall's Spavin Cure, boiight from C. E. Williams, druggist, Wingham, Ont,, and do without hesitation pronounce it to be an invaluable remedy for the cure of Spavins, Ringbones, or Curbs. I iised it on a bone spavin of several years growth which it completely removed, and I can safely say it will remove any Spavin, Curb or Ringbone it properly used. I have also recommended friends to use it, who have done so with perfect success. I gladly make this public, and will aus^rer any questions or letters sent me. Yours c. GEORGE BRYCE. Kendall's Spavin Cure ON HUmAN FLESH. WestEnosburoh, Vt., Feb. 15, 1881. Db. B. J. Kendall A Co., Gents: â€" Several months ago I injured my knee joint whicli caused an enlargement to grow the size of a walnut and caused me very severe pain all the time for four or five weeks, when I began to use Kendall's Spavin Cure with the most satisfactory results. It has entirely remov- ed the enlargement and stopped the lameness and pain. I have long known it to be excel- lent for horses but now I Know it to be the best liniment for human flesh that I am ac- •quainted with. Yours truly, T. P. LAWRENCE. St. John, P Q Oct. 27, 1881. Dr. B. J. Kendall Co., Gents: â€" I have used your Spavin Cure with great succefson .spavins, curbs and (.phnts. I know it to be a good remedy for ringbones, bone spavins' cuts, galls and all kinds of lameness and other difficulties about the horse. One of my men sprained his ankle very badly. I applied Kendall's Spavin Cure and I never saw any- thing work like it. he was well in a few days. I know it to bo good for man as well as beast. I procured one of your Treatise on the Horse, by mail for 25cts. and I think it was the means cf saving me SlOO on one horse that I treated according to the directions given in your book for displaced stifle. Yours truly, Wm. J. PEARSON. Send address for Illustrated Circular, which we think gives positive proot of its virtues. No remedy has ever met with such unqualifi- ed success to our knowledp^e, for beast as well as man. Price 81 per bottle, or six bottles for 85. All druggists have it or can get it tor you, or it wih be sent to any address on reeept of price by the proprietors. Db. B. J. Kexdall Co., Enosborgh Falls. Yt. Sold by all Druggists. LYMAN, .SONS CO., Montreal, P. Q. 'Wliolesale Agents BE0R6E NOBLE, INSURANCE AND LAND AGENT, LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of Grey. Arosre for the following reliable Compaoies CITIZENS' of Montreal, AGRICULTURAL, of Watertown. Contains more Cable and Telegraphic News than ary other Wf ekly in the Dominion. Contains during the year 200 Colums of New and Interesting Stories. CJontahis over 200 Cdumnfl of Agricnltural matter by the best writers on Dairying and Cheese-making, the care of Horses and Cattle, Fruit Raising, General Agriculture, etc. "•= -o fitted for Reliable market Reports Noted for able News t Noted for Sportinir News Noted for its i^eiraf^aestions and Answers Questions involving Points of Law and of Interest to the Agricultural Community are replied to and explained by ably qualified practitioners, and the rephes published by lUft T^EKLYMAIL. o- â€" ^*â€" IS-FUT-TEEIV IMOr^TiaS FOR, fl,00..^ No extra charge for sending THE MAIL to any Post Office ad- dress in Oreat Briaain or the Ignited States* TfiADE ± COMHISRCE. (Mntoal) «f Toronto. A nnaAer of Choice Farms for sale, also 'Village Lots. Auction Sales conducted in Town or Cnoa- try on Shortest Notice. Charges modenUe. ^ills, BUnk Notes, and Rtamps provided. GEO. NOBLE. |fi.,T.iT.« Jlay 20tlh. 1881. 86-ly Every subecriber to Thb Weeklt Mail for 1883 will rereive a valuable Supplement entitled *^Chart of the Age of Domestic Animals,** By A. LIAUTARD, M.A.. V.S., Containing 42 Engravings of the Mouth and Teeth of Domestic Animals at various Ages, with Descriptive Letter Press. The Daily Mail, leading Canadian Newspaper, S7 a a year. Address all Communications to " THE MAIL," Toronto. BOOTS SHOES JUST ARRIVED AT THE BEST QUALITY AND LOWEST PRICE. Dry STOCK COMPLETE IN Goods and Groceries! PRICKS ALWAYS RIGHT* OUR THIRTY CENT TEA Is the wonder of the day A trial solicited. WM. BROWN. Markdale, Oct. 11th, 1883. m A. M'INTYRE TEA! TEA! TEA! A. M'INTYRE McINTYRE'S LIQUORS l_LIQUORS McINTYRE'S Cigars, Cigars. McINTYRE'S Coffee, Coffee, McINTYRE'S MEAL I MEAL! MEAL! McINTYRE'S Pork, Pork, Pork. McINTYRE'S Teas, Teas. And everything kept n in a first-class Grocery and Liquor Store, always on hand, cheap fob cash. H n tl MARK DALE Sash and Door Factory SASH, DOORS, BLINDS MOULDINGS, HOLLOW BATTONS, FRAMES Lumber, Lath and Shingles, Always on Hand. Orders Promptly Filled. o The Subscriber wishes to rotom thanks to the people of Markdnle and rioinity, for the â-¼ery liberal patronage they have given him in the past, and hopes by close attention to business to merit a oontinnanee of the same. I have now extended my baaine88,and will in future keep a full 6took of PINE LUMBER. Direct from the North Shore. AT.T. SIZES. DBESSED AND UNDBESSEB. -A.11 lOzuls -^rP^lain and Fancy Turning* Done in a first-elass manner. Ifarkdais Mmf 87ik.:t881. THOS. MoNEA. 87-ti FLESHBBTON Stock Fit Complete. VERY ATTRACTIVe^ AND CHEAPEB THAN THE €HEA?E mi mwn muK m Variety and_Va[ueUn8ur passed. DBY GOODS DEPARMEN Is this season Very completo with a very large stock of Dte$s Gooj; prising in part Caubmeres ia all colors. Worsted Wool Goods endless variety. -0 Boot and Shoe Department. ' Would call special attention of close buyers os my stock is unusual!: from the best manufacturers and at rock bottom prices. ordere'd~°glothing. Has been exceedingly brisk this season, on account of which I have the largest and best stock of Tweeds, Coatings, Trowseriugs, nm\ (h ingH in this section of country. As I have always led the trad' m u partmenc buvers will find it to their advantage to call before pa,; j| elsewhere, ^\ Millinery Department. 31 Under the able management of a first-class milliner, with ple-jty of a ance, will be found unusuallv attractive with the prettiest aud most ft g able.' and cheapest stock to be found in the county. Ladies, it wc you fc,ood to call and look at Ihe stock. â-  Hardware and Grocery Department U ete with the best goods, at the loffe- ' Is always folly assorted and complet sible piice. O t^ I am the onlv constant «nd relialle buyer of Grain and Im duce in Flesherton, and for which I will pay the highest rice iuci any quantity of good dry, sound grain, which I would specially ask h to clean well. A call solicited. ZE5i« w • Flesherton, Oct. 3rd, 1882. OH, HEAR. OH^MR. OH, HEi Squander your money if ycu want to. if not, get yourPhotograpb W. BULMER. The People's Photographer, Flesher Wlio is again prepared to take Picturcfl, »B(ldo«€»pying and Enlarging as herek We are receiving a large stock of MOTTOES and Ifotto and othei Frames, anc Fixings, which we can, and mean to sell at KeinSiiriEably LiO'W Prices^ C secure bargains. Bring along your pictures and have them copied ard enlarged by your old hie. r«A* A «• • Cr^aU Frost Fro«f, TEB8, AND ATTORN 1 ftelicitors in Chanctrv.| », Ow«n Sound, have res OAce open every Thull ,„. J.W.Fbo.1 Crown Attorney. Flesherton. March 10. 1881. ARTEMESIA WAREHOU J. Iff AASON, ITER,MASrEi: AN1»L eerj' NoUrj- rublic, TO LEND AT SIX PER] wen Sound, in Vickej 111. and iu Markdale, ov( on Friday and Saturi a«*rJfc Morriftoi TERS,SOLICITORS. fy VMliinOwcn Sound, Duffer Dry Goods, Hardware, Crockery, Boots and Shoes, ^^"^^^^^q;^^^^" ceries, Provisions, c. Stock kept fusil and weMf-' ^ic»^'ftfia"d"« ^^i-r^^'" -J. J -i-i- J • 1 Fri4»T of each week. assorted with new goods received every arfttodstoiendonreiisonabk' *^^^"" UrW^e, March 15, 1882 My BRANCH STORE at EUGENIA replenished New Goods every week. For Sale Cheap for Cash or Produ My Saw Mill and Shingle Fact At LITTLE FALLS are in operation. Lumber, Lath, Broom Handles for S( Wm. HOGG Alexander Brow Ulttl of Marriage License^ Iuurance Agent. Co ttc. Couveyaucer ani r for (be County of Grcy| aud Laud Sales, Pui aud charges made verN-l e, Sept. 17.188( Markdale PUMP Factor Lucas anker: or small amounts, at indorsed notes, or i t 4^ €♦ tttVtVfCf MAKEROF^LL Kir 8 OF PUMPS, DKOP VALVE PUMPB, CTLInDER PUMPS, CISTERN P^ FteCE PUMPS. Also, ALL KINDsloP IRON PUMPS SUPPLIED Satisction OTarant«ed on lU my work the proof of it is fonD^ feet that I am doing a larger buinesa now than ever was done in Mtf«| Uie i:'ump bnsmess. Kemembe the stand, 1 door north of Butleag* » Sydenham btreet, Markdale EST AT 6 PER owed ou Savings Dejx^ *;;â-  lft« iRRued and CoHectij at lowest ratci*. W.M. ^ber 23, 1880. ^vho are sufferinK froi retions ot youth, uc decay, loi^s of maul receipe that will cure IGE. This great llei a missionary in Sot Tself-adilresst^d envel» Inman" StoUon D,

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