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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 19 Oct 1882, p. 6

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 iteamer Lake Erie w»s ga^k l-. rith the steamer Northerti Oi2.* lichiiran, oppoeit* Poverty vS^ ' h of Nov. darincc a foa ^7^' The XorihTrn Quee^ ^^ ne 8*jm on abreast the smoked ck broke the steam-pipe %^ Ihe escaping steam scaldinTw* la deck uand, so severely that h T* â- onrs after the accident. The ik two hours after the colluioi' iter nfteen iniles from shor*. â-  Js and passengers on the Lake ten on board the NoHhtrn Q lie the latter.waa tnakinff the en^ sque harbour she otru k the niS?^ a wreck. ' bt the tug Prince J If red wag on iLlI im Goilerich to Sarnia in JuU A ?• bf the boiler tubes flew out, ca.^ â- th by scalding of a fireman, the** ugineer, Benjamin Filtean! 3SS of the sti.amer Waubuno on n. Bay in 1S79, with the conseanS e IS still fresh in the minds ot tSI ud the more recent loss of the t^l Zealand and Sirnroe in NovemW le former with all hands lost and tt' i h a loss of twelve out of a crewel •SS OF LIFE FOR TIT .EE YEARS. g the past tliree jrs the loss af Ki.! 3 Ontario, Erie, Huron, and Sunrt ugh accidents to steamboats \SI idsels has amounted to 470 persoutTl number thaa those lost durinjr ill twenty years preceding. Twenb ^0 there were but 4G steamer^ U Lpptr and Lower, and the nam wStH). Of course any compariaoB IS3 of hfe during recent years with reccdlny, without talcing into con )n this great item of increase m th« of vessels would be apt to m slead- loss of life yearly for the pastthre^ disproportionate to tlie rate of in large as it is. OTHER NOTi:S. (Ilowing is the number of vessels lost I sn up during last year .-â€"West On. Karon, and Superior District, H I 2 paddle and screw East OnUrio Is, all of them screw Montreal, 2 1 â- and 1 screw Quebec, 3 vessels,* 1 md -1 screw Maritime Provinces 4 3 paddle and 1 screw; Manitoba] 2 I both being paddle British Colu'nj- lessels, 2 paddle and 2 serf ^v. |ona olKcer who has sailea the lakes I â- n years, generally on schooners, 1 a illohe reporter last evening that his vessel recently owing to her |1 coud:tion. She ha3 been inspected Ivcrnment laspector who has heai- bout granting her a certificate, beiiu are of tne rotten condition of her I I, but his hesitancy disappeared as the I and part owner transferred some- j-orn Ids pocket to that of the Inspec- |o made out the certificate without ilennir. Tlie whole transaction was sd by tlie mate, who as soon as he I Ida wages left tlie vessel. The tim- in some parts so ilecayed that it was the touch and ivouid not hold a hicU defects were, however, covered ly and pauit s-j us not to bj visible. \itO (iitilif. Prayer. prayer is u wisli, but wishes are uot III tl:e heart of every prayer ia the |l need, lji:t a sense o: need is not I'rayeris a:.kii!g f r a lolt need; :ng tiie universe, iiut God. No one eiligentlyask who does not believe he |l may be heard. So one can perse- ,• ask, M lio thinks that asking will jtiiiniT. IV suns v.ho believe that :e iiillu-nej of prayer is simply the bt tneir own thDii^'iits upon them- I never pray. 'i licy cannot pray. Vx-M may utter right words; the heart li them, s .:ne prayers are not pray- thosf who say them ilo not really the tliin:,'s tiiey menti -n. But the ly Mitii stnie prayers is tliat there is l cf the idi-a ui '.Tlâ€" that is no ask- V-^k tiiai %L shall receive."â€" C'Ar/«ia)» A Heartless Joke. Y'.\' »a ly, \\;u) is v«:y heavy insured liiger* ia the matrimonial insurance Iks, Niys a southern paper, on the re- Cier apprcacliing nianiage, went witk ititi. a .hy-;j:ouds store last week. hv that tiie eitrk who was waiting on uivO.-ted a year's s.-tvin^s in a policy "liiiM-niainagc. White examining â- t :Ik she said to her friend, in an [ileetly audible to the clerk " Since 'ement isdefinitely broken ofi"Iwill t.ouss, an to buy. 1 tlunk I might 'i^- \\re!i .slie turned to ask the Y price, iie hatl f.iiiited. |ie foundation walls of tlie new Eng- Meli in Rome, tlie corner-stone of |v;is lai.l i„ April List, the entire of the oiil convent have been re- [lul many loads ot mortar and brick 'U. 1-roiri the chajdain's recent re- [ne tmaneial state of the church it that a fcum of 17.000/ has been t.iat thegrouml, with legal expenses, I ••,000/; that tile removal of former |s touiulations and lawsuits have :!jer 0,000/, an.l that there remains o.OOO/. the latter a sum that the Is, which aeeotding to the contract fuushcd by .January next, will ex- |i he work imist then cease unless tunds W provided. Besides the [ow m hand, there is required, says ' J" *^^ r»llais of the clear»story, p """ "t)tJf, lieating apparatus, and a fiutlier sum of 5,000/ at least 'ul.lbear in mind," said the chap- Ithat tlie room outside Porta del whieh we at present use for divine r'L 1 1 '" '*^""^^" ^^'^^ ^^y a rent of 100/ â- - hehl on au nneertaiu tenure. Un- Inew eliureh be soon completed the fition aiay HikI themselves withont i:i N\ 1^ to meet for public woi* B*-*-*. '•â-ºâ€¢Â«â-  ^^u -^^-^^*'-^'*t\vH-â€" The NcUionai \uu^ "ill discuss Debrazxa' ntn the Congo River chiefs during and Its ratification is asauroil. Vional understands if the Queen of Mcar does not formerly recognize th» r \r?"ce in the Island, energetia -8 w»u be taken with a vie.v to their ktion. ruiKi to kotabls Foun. »• days ago Victor Hugo presiled at JtSen^t Veules, in franco at his fn eichty poor children, many of U'ere orphans of drowned aiUon, and I ,; Jt took pUce at PeUetier's i The dinner was followel by a lot- I All the prizes were in moiey. There %)daiiks. and the bigh#3t prize was Ijics Victor Hugo, in iddresaing the Dlk told them lo b«lieve in a just iJve each other, ai4.not fear death ^,1 anywhere else to^hich duty called Florence Dixie has issued an ap- assistance in raising a fund for the destitute smali faricers and cottiers estern coast of Ireland. The object .md is, first, to give assistance to e fanners who are under the threat ion for non-payment of rent, and are ._ take advantage of the Arrears Act "j their inability to produce a year's condly to assist those who have been for the non-payment of arrears of hich misfortune has rendered them discharge and, thirdly, to tender the destitute cottiers, and enable s in the case of the small tenant similarly situated, to come witl in ins of the Arrears Act. rchibald Alison, who commanded the d Brigade at Tel-el- Kebir, is eldest le late Sir Archibald Alison, SheriflF rkahire, and author of the history of He has been deputy Adjutant- in Ireland, 1874-77 Commandan rst Staff CoUfge, I877-7S and was lit (^iuartermistpr-(ieneral under Sir Wol.seley when tho war broke out. veil in the Crimea in^ the Seventj Highlanders in India as military y tc Lord Clyde durintj the campaign â-  ')S, and as Brigadier and second in (1 to Sir rnet in the Ashantee war. an rm ^t the lelief of Lucknow. tine-looking soldier aged 57. Gen. who commands the Irish Brigade the Royal Irish to the charge, is an :• otlicer and also a Scotchman. avy blow and £jreat discouragement ;n upon R. C. Tichborne Castro, the y baronet at Dartmoor. His stead liberal friend, Mr. Guilford Onslow, 'I'hat gentleman's fanatical belief at imposture cost him from first to ,000, not to mention an enormous itiire of time and trouble in the en- to work i;p influential sympathy for ,ptive. There is nothing fjr the t iinv bat to sufler his durance as can. He will be out m spite of them ept. 1, 1SS4, which is only two years tliere is reason to believe that after ation he M-ill start a public house â€" (lea, for a man with such a career in acter of a British Boniface would fortune in a few years. \ingcf Holland, notwithstanding his city, may fairly claim that his con- a proteat against the luxury and ef- y of some persons who lay claims to acy. One of the Great Roman alter leading his country to victory, the material rewards whichagrate- e ctlered him, and retired to his cottage to live as a common hus- n. Tne King of Holland cannot of having achieved any military s, but he exhibits the same indilfer- pninp and grandeur as the illustrious \Vc are told that instead of dining usiy every day he personally super- !ie trying of hi-; own potatoes, which, â-  with a lew glasses of beer, cocsti- Iioinely repast. imily to which Prince Bismarck bc- l remained members of the nohlei^se, I order of nobility, from the days s ancestors with King Henry origi- ;eied the Alt Mark of Brandenberg the 15th of September, 1S65, when to was created Count for his services ing in his struggle with the Prus- iamenfand for the way in w hich he ied Prussia through the Danish war. ollowing year the sharp and decisive li Austria took place, and four years e uigantio struggle with France. In for his share in the splendid success ig that contest. Count von Bismarck fined upon him the highest honors I the power of his sovereign to be- e was elevateil to the rank of nnd Avas endowed with a for- I'l estates commensurate with h s P' 11 kg and middle-aged men, sutfering 6r 'ous debility and kindrad affecti us, A memory and hypochondria, should hree stamps for Part VH. of "World's l^iry i)ime Series of pan-phlets. Ad- 'oKLT)"s Dispensary MEDirAL A.^^so- \, liuinio, N. Y. ston clergyman's wife being over- by a Budalo hackman for the trip two railway stations, had him ar- ia ppea red against him, saw him fined and got back in time to take the I If tiiis is the genuine Boston, " cul- :eoplt will want more of it. y\. (iifford, of Port Rowan, wa^ jy years a sufferer with Liver Coni- Uid a serious complication of discaseti. cent letter she says that she has only wo bott es of Burdock Blood Bitters, nearly recovered her health, and "s u- to use her name in adv rtising ring humanity. "J. |i" marriage two years ajio, Mrs. Harris said " No," when asked if she iioiior and obey her husband. The ;ui stood aghast. "Never mind," i-g?, "drive on. I'll make her aiyhow." And the other day Mrs. hot and killed him because he was flog her with a horsewhip for roast- Ucken when he wanted it fried. improvements have recently been Caibo!ine, a deodorized extract (f ini, the great natural hair renewer. It is absolutely perfect as an ex- and del-ghtfully perfumed hair and restorer. Everybody is de- n ith it. Sold by all drugjists. ^ntain in a publ x square of San ko Deeded painting. An artist afln*eed lit for nothing, provided he could Imuch time as he pleased for the job, ^t a fence to protect him from idle B' while at work. The contract was P those terms. Bnt it seems thkt ^er has sold the surface of the fence iisera, and nobody knows how lon;g -c painting the fountain. A4vlMt» On the 9fip«mnmK» of the figrt symptomi -as general debUity, loaa of appetite, pallor, chilly aenaatimis, followed by night awMta and ooagh, inxMopt measarea of relief s'^onld be taken. Gonaomption is a acrofalooa dis- eaae of the lun^; thentfore oae the great anti-scrofalona or blood-porifierand atreogth- »«atorer, Dr. Pieree'a "Golden Medical Discovery." Superior to Cod liver oU as a nntritive, and unsurpassed as a pectoral. For weak lung*, spitting of blood, and kin- dred affections it has no equal. Sold by dniggitts. For Dr. Pierce's treatise aa H)n- â- nmption send two stamps. World's Dra- PKjfSABY Mkdical ASSOCIATION, Buffalo, N. Y. Tea merchants of Kioto and Osaka have resolved to rebuild a templ-^ Nimed d6wn at the former place last year. It was erected 70C years ago by Meiker, a priest, who in- troduced the tea plant into Japan. :o: AFMt. r if you suffer fiom Chronic Disease, and have litt'e faith in advert sed remedies and have sought vainly, for a cure. Consult your druggist, or address T. Milbum Co., To- ronto, for pr of positive regarding the merits of burdock BIockI BitterM, the Great Regu- latiug Blood purifying Tonic, that acts on the liver, kidneys, stomach, b wcls and skin. 1. It is probable that the military authori- ties will arrange for a review at Windsor or Aldershot on the return of the main body, BesTof AIL Oar risorous and changeable climate, and our mode of 1 f e induces frequent colds, that often lead to severe Coughs, Bronchitis and other lung troubles that are 1 able to end in Consumption. The bcdt and most pleasant remedy known for the o difficulties is Hag- yard's Pectoral Bals an, to be obtained of any druggist. 2. 'â€" :o: â€" â-  Mobs have attacked the Jews at Febei*e and Gihaza, in Hungary, and plundered many houses A large number of persons were injured before the rioting was* sup- pressed. :o: Better than Gold. A good name, good health, a good com- panion and a bottle of Hagyard's Ye low Oil are among the fir^t requisites for human happiness. Yellow Oil cvirefl Rheumatism, Spaius, Lameness, Bruises,V Burns, Frost Bites, Croup, Sore Tnroat, and all pain and inflammation. 4. :o;- The Prime Minister of Italy has announc- ed that she had always remained faithful to the European Concert, and the future relation i witd England would be excellent. :o; Never Neglect It. If you suffer from a cough, never neglect it, it is no trifling matter, and might lead to a speedily tatal disease of the lungs. Hag- yards Pectoral Balsam w ill allay all irritaticn of the mucous membrance by iti soothicg healing power it cures Pronchitis, Astliira and all throat and lung complaints, tj. :o: A trial has been made of a Siemens and Ilalske's telephone, laid under ground be- tween Cologne and Elberfeld, with very fa- vorable results, every word being distinct. :0: The Weaker Ses are immensely strengthened by the use of Di-. R. V. Pi rco' " Favorite Pr-scriptio.," which cures all female derangements, and gives tone to the system. Sold by druggist?. :o: The autumn session of the Ontario Veter- inary College, To onto, begins on the 25th October. Adam Kirpea liaa a beard tw Ivefeet long and proportionately heavy, and by means of it he has not only lived twenty-two years without work, but has accumulated consid- erable property in Chicago. He travels through the West selling photographs. The best preparation known iu market for restoring gray hair to its original color is Hall's Vegetable Siellan Hair Rsnewer. Try it » A leader in the anti- Jewish riots at Balta, Southern Russia, has been sentenced to t vo years' imprisonment, and five others to shorter terms. Poor Mrs. Jenkins can't be merry, For her mouth shoA^s bad Teeth and Breath But let her use the great "Teabe-ry," And there'll be danger of laughing herself to death. Successful experiments were carried out a few days since at Aberdeen harbor entrance with the oil apparatus invented by Mr. Shields. It is the intention of the Local Harbor Commissioners to continue the ex- periments during the winter, more especial- ly during dangerous storms. They expect that the oil system will minimize the danger to vessels entering the port. Vegetin'E. â€" When the blooil becomes lifel Si and stagnant, either from charge of weather or of xjliniate, want of exercise, irregular diet, or from any other cause* the Vegetinr will renew the blood, carry off the putrid humors, cleanse t'ne stomajh, regu- late the bowels, and impart a tone of vigor to the whole body. Seeki"g Oil. â€" An oil company has been formed at Gladstone with a capital of ^10,- 000 or $15,000. The proposed operations â- will be conducted within the Corporation of Glatlstone, and the indications are that petroleum can be secured at a depth ranging from 300 to 500 feet. Arrangements have also been concluded with a contractor to sink three wells, if necessary, at a distance cf 500 feet at a cost of S8.000. Rheumatism. This painful disease that so often cripples for life, arises from poison cir- cula iag in the blood, and often fr^m an ex- cess oi acid. Inflammat on is developed in the miEcles, ligaments and j in s, by colds, damp clothing, c. Liniments are servicable to leLeve, among many, Hagyai-d's Yellow Oil if preferable. To eradicate the rheu- matic poison from the syst m, nothing can eurpais Burdock Blood B.tters. 5. The International Getreide Zeitung, pub- lished in connection with the International Seed fair lately held at Leipzig, points out that enormous fields cf ceresus in every stage of cultivation have been left untouch- ed m Russia because of the partial exclusion of tin Jews from the cereal trade, conse- quent on the persecutions. The agricultu- ral cacseo cacnit get advances on their grain. kilt^t4. «iGaiini«a. Beware of Opiates and powerful astringent drags in the treatment of Bowel Ciomplainta, they may lull the pain and check Diarrhcea. etc., but are liable to produce inflammation. Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry ts ffuaranteed safe and reliable, even for In- lanta, and \» a specitice for Cholera Morbus, Dysentery, GoUe, Acut« or Chronic Diar- hoea and SammerComplaiiits generally. Agarian outrages on German landlords by the Slavs are increasing in the Baltic Provinces. Buckingham's Dye for the whiskers is an elegant, safe and reliable article, ohem, and convenient for use will not rub Try it. Mirrors 45 by 62 feet and weighing from 1.200 to 1,600 pounds have been lately placed in the Paris Opera House. " Men must work and women weep. So runs the world away T Bnt they need not weep sj mncb if they nse Dr. Pierce's ' Favorite Prescription,' which cures all the painful maladies peculiar to women. Sold by druggists. The steamer *• Nurban," which sailed for the Cape of Good Hope recently took Prof. Newcomb and party sent by the United States Government to observe the transit of Venus. Is your hair falling out or your scalp dis- eased? Caiboline, a deodorized extract of petroleum, as now improved and perfected, is just the article you need. Buy a bottle, and, like thousands who are u.t ng it all over the land you will valuit as the choicest of all toilet preparations. All the powers have assented to tlK; claims of Greece to send a commissioner to Egypt to assist in the deliberations of the Commis- sion to fix indemnities for sufferers by the bombardment of Alexandria. Great Britain took the initiative in urging Greece's right to be represented. Robert A. Wilson, Dispensing Chemist, Brockvillc, says, under date of June 5th, '8^ 'l have not the slighest hesitation in saying that Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw- berry has given my customers mor satisfac- tion than any meilicine in my stori for the cure of Summer Coinplainti, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Pain in the Stomach Sea Sick- ness, Piles, etc. You can use my name, etc." It is stated that §5,000,000 will barely cover the damage which the Italian Govern- ment must ms^e good in the imundated districts in the form of roads, bridges, pub- lic buildings, without touching the question of aid to the sufferers. Electric (not Eclectkic) Oil. â€" The two words have very difiFertnt signification?, as w;l' be seen Ly reference to Webster. The Eclectric Oil Has no claim to Electric pro- perties only by tlis picture on the wrapper, which looks lie begging the question. The popularity of Briggs' Electric Oil is sucli as to induce unprincip'e IpersonatJ appropriate all the law will allow them to do. The proprietors cf the original Electric Oil have no claim to ihe words " Eclrctric" or "Thomas,' but to the words ' Briggs' Ee. trie" they do lay claim, by right, a34;hey have mad:^ them of value to themselves. The sal s of Electric Oil are increasing daily. A despatch to the London News from Con- stantinople reports that the Sultan is ex- tremely vexed at the departure of Baker Pasha. It is stated that the Governors of Smyrna and Rhodes were ordered to arrest him, and the Khedive has been commanded to send him back. Vege"b±3=Le Pleurisy, Liver Complaint. Yarmouth, N. S., June 11, 1880. H. 11. Stevens, Esq. Dear Sir,â€" Last summer 1 was troubled with Plcuriity and Liver Complaint, was unable to work for seven weeks. 1 had the advice of two able physicians and took their medicine with- out getting any relief. One day your ajjent happened to r-ass my doer and handed me a circular, wh'ch I read, and at once cone uded to try your Vegetine. In three days I was like a different man and was able to resume my work in a short time. Have since enjoyed the best of health. 1 have recommended Vegetine to several of my neighbours and know it to have accompUshed wonderful cures. Yours truly, P. A. VANHORX, Foreman of A. F. Stoneman Co.'s wharf. P.S.â€" I consider I owe a great deal to Vege- tine. I sincerely believe if it had not been tor it. I would have been laid un for months and perhaps years. P. A. VAXIIOUN. I Have Xever Knowu Such A Tsc- ful Remedy Placed Before the Public. Montreal, Jan. 29, 18S0. Mr. H. R. Stevens Dear Sir,â€" I do not like to write testimonials for advertised medicines, but the great beneflts that so many of my customers have obtained from the use of Vegetine, compels me to say that with an experience of over twenty-flve years, both in Great Britain and this country, I have never known such a useful remedy placed before the public. J. D. L. AMBROaSE, Astiibtant of the Apothecaries' Company, of London, Memberof the Pharmaceutical Society, of Great Britain, Licentiate in Pharmacy of the College of Physicians and Surgeons. Cor. Notre Dame and McGill streets. Pain and Disease.â€" Can we expect to enjoy go.Td health when bad and corrupt humors cir- culate with the blood, causing pain and disease, and these humors, being deposited through the entire body, produce pimples, eruptions, ulcers, indigestion, costiveness, headache, neuralgia, rheumatism; and numerous other complaints? Remove the cause by taking Vegetine. the most reliable remedy for cleansing and purify- ing the blood. Veg etine is Sold b y All Drogpts WM. ASH ALL WATtOMAKE* AND Jeweler, 2S2 Yonge St.. Toronto, has enlarged his premises, and greatly increased his stock of gold and silver jewelry, plated ware, cutlery, clocks, watches, etc. Fine stock of jet and garnet jewelry. Goods imported direct. Every kind of jewelry repaired prompt- ly neatly, a nd cheaply. DOMINION BANK.. Notice is hereby given that a DlViDJCNO OF FDOB PKB OZNT. and 'a BONUS OF ONX PXB CXNT. upon the capital stock of this Institution has ' been this day declared for the current half-year, and that the same will te payable at the Bank- ing House in this city on and after W(iiC8^, \h First ^ay ef NtTtmber next The tTMsfer books will be closed from the 16th to the 3l8t October nexL both days indnsireu By or4ef al the Boainv R. H. tiETHtJNfi, Cashier. Toronto, Sept. 27th, 18S8. I Garney Ware's STANDARD SCALES For KailrMds, EoIUbs Hills, Cirlst Hills, and Elerators. Scales for everythingâ€" Hay, Coal and Stock. AU sixes ci. Warehouae^ Scales. Counter Scales of all kinds, DAIRY FARMERS' SCALES. Fish, Pork and \rool Scales, Butchers' Scales, Scales and Beams for Pedlara^ Waga:on8. All sizes of Railroad and Warehouse Trucks, Alarm Money Drawers. Every Scale wamutted. All asakes preaipt- ly reyatred. Send for illnstraxed catalogue to QURNEY WABB, HAHILTON. Cures Chohra, Cholera Morhu8,Dy' sentery, Cramps, Colic, Sea Sioh* ness and Summer Complaint also Cholera Infantum, and all Com" plaints peculiar to children teeth' ing, and luHI be found equally benef.c'.aJ for adults or children, F3*"J CALl DY ALL DRUGGISTS. T. EVatLISU^SN CO., Proprietors, Toronto. This standard article is compoxmded with the en'catcst care. Its cSects are as wonderful and satisfactory as ever. It restores gray or faded hair to its youthful color. It removes all eruptions, itching and dan. druff, and the scalp by its use becomes white and clean. By its tonic properties it restores the capill'\ry glands to their normal vigor, preventing bald ness, and making the hair grow thick and strong.' As a dressing nothing has been found so e fectual, or desirable. Dr. A. A. Hayes, State Assayer of Massachu- setts, says of it "I consider it the best prepar ation for its intended purposes." Buekingham's Dye, FOR THE WHISKERS. This elegant preparation may be relied on to ehange the color of the beard from gray cr any other undesirable shade, to brown or black, at discretion. It is easily applied, being in one preparation, and quickly and effectually pro- duces a permanent color which will neither rub nor wash off, MANUFACTURED BY 5 R. P. HALL CO NASHUA, N. H, Sold hu all DrvLQuists and Dja'erj in Mi dicin WJLL cutis OR FJELIEVg BILIOUSNESS, Dfr^/NESa, DYSPEPSIA. DROPSY, INDIGESTION, FLUTTcRiNQ JaUND!CE. Of TUE HEAR:. ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF SALT RHEUM, THE STOH/iACn. HEAffTBURN, DRYNESS HEADACHE, OF iHt fKlfJ. And 9vefy species of disease arising from dlsordMMt LIVER. KfDNEYC. 6T(M«At,^l% BOWELS .^r' BLOO'3, 4UST RECEIVED. James laut Hasjust received a consu^ment of Sam- EXTBA OHOKfe T. HYSON AND JAPAN TEAS, direct from places growth. Qualitia the tMune as used hy the natives of Chi na and Japan. This TEA has never he fbre been Impprted into Canada; and in order to give our friends and customers, living at a distanoe, a chance, u) procure a Caddy of this Deligiited BeVeraetcr, w« will send to anv ad- dress in Canada, express paid, a 50* Caddy of this TEA $3.55, just one -half the cost of impor- tation. JAMES LAUT, 123 YONQE ST.. TORONTO A WmMx KxclMBce. Will you ozchahge a chronic state of Dyspep- sia, or agree to break up a Biiioos Tempera- mentâ€" to give your torpid Liver aotirity, and thus strengthen your Digestion, regain energy, comfort, health and spirits, all For 75ot A single bottle of Zoprba will do this. A few doses surprise thoee who try 2Upe8a. For Bil- iousness and Dyspepsia in their many forms Zopesa is a Panacea, and is warranted to cure them. It acts speedily and pleasantly. Tiy a 10 cent sample. OK«NTO. â€" Mr. J. II. Msyn.i Canpi»ell Barrtster, S eHcltor, Etc., 9 Tlctorta-st llf ATPUCC Send for free illustrated cata- ff A I UnCOa logue to RYRIE, the Jeweler. 113 Yonge Street. 1 oronto. PimC Hifles, Ammunition, Fishing Tackle. UUnO and all kinds of Sporting Goods. W. McDO\yALL, cor. Kmg^ George st ^, Toron to FOR SALE-TWO IMPROVED FARMS of 6W acres, or four of 320 acres, in Mani- toba. Half of each farm is broken, backset and rea^r for use. Apply STRANGE MOWAT, Portage la Prairie. CHEAPEST MUSIC IN THE WOm Full size sheet, best print and good paocr. Send 5 cents for sample copy and catalogue of 600 pieces of latest instrumental and vocal music. S. V. BICFOKD, 23 King Street Test, Toronto. Dealer in picture frames and fancy goods. QTEAM SAW MILL FOR SALE-ON LAKE k^ Muskokaâ€" in good running orderâ€" every- thmg complete for doing a good business. For particulars apply to JAMES feURNS, 81 Front Street East, or WM. THOMSON CO., Toronto. ,NTARIO"VETERINARY COLLEGE, TO- RONTOâ€" most successful VeterinaiT In- stitution in America. Students can enter trom October until January. PROF! SMITH, V. S., Edin., Principal. Fees, fifty dollars. o CORSETS unequalledfor health, comfort and drabilitv. Manufactu red by the CROMPTON CORSE TCO.. Toronto. EC If 11 ATT'C Specalstnrs' Mart, i â-  d IVnU 110 Adelaide St. East, To- ronto. All kinds of real estate sold or exchanged on commission. Money loaned on all kinds of real estate at lowest rates of interest. Apolica- tions for money from farmers a specialty. Rents collected and estates managed in town or coun- try. N.B.â€" Best of referen ces on ap plication. WHITE DRC.4S, rUE.Vf'H €AMBBIt.«, REGATTA. VL\.SSEt., 3I.(NlTOni 10 i YONGE ST TORONTO. N B.â€" Patterns sent, orders by post promptly filled. A FAUI.TLESS FIT. SHIRTS ORDERH-D AT Cooper's, Pare BarkTamicd, Star Biret LEATHER BELTING The Best in the Dominion. Send for Our Price List. F. E. li\O.V .V f O., 81 fttHiorae sSlrecl, Taral« Mack's ]!l2£;nctic .^ledicinc, •^Av eCFOHE T~AiM MAAK. CAfTER.^Q^ Is a sure, prompt and effectual Remedy for Nervotianesa in ALL its stages. Weak Mem- ory, Loss of Brain Power, Prostration, Slight Sweats, Weakness nnd General Loss of Power. It'repairs iVcrfous Waste, Rejuvenates the Jaded intellect. Strengthens the Enfeebled Brain, and Reatoi-es Surprising Tone and Vigor to the Exhausted Organs. jy With each order for twklvb packages, accompanied with five dollars, we will send o w GuARANTKR to Tcfund the moucy if the treat- ment does not effect a cure. It is the f'henpctt nnd Bectt Medicine in the market. Full par- ticulars in pamphlet, which we mail free to any address. Sold by all druggists, one package 50c. 6 for $2.50, or sent by mail on receipt of price, by addressing .MACIL'iiliAGBrETIC MEDICI VF CO.. Windsor. Out.. 4'una.l.-« SOLD BY ALL ORUCCISTS WHAT IS CATARRH Catarrh is a nmco-purulent discharge caused by the presence and development of the vege- table parasite emceba in the internal lining membrane of the nose. This parasite is only de- veloped imder favorable circunibtanccs, and these are morbid state of the blood, as the blighted corpuscle of tubercle, the germ poison of s.vphills, mercury, toxcemea, from retention of the effeted matter of the skin, suppressed perspiration, badly ventilated sleeping apart- ments, and other poisons that are germinated in the blood. These poisons keep the internal lin- ing membrane of uie nose in a constant state of irritation, ever readv for the deposit of the seeds of these germs, which spread up the nostrils and down the fauces or back part of the mouth causing ulceration of the throat; up the eu- stacldan tubes, causing deafness; burrowing in the vocal cordis, causing hoarseness, usurping the proper structure of the bronchial tubed ending in pulmonary consumption and death. To effect a cure the parasite must be removed or destroyed; hence inhalants and snutCs are Some time since a well known physician of 40 years standing, after much exiierimenting, suc- ceeded in discovering the uocessury combina- tion rf ingredients, which never fails in abso- lutely and petmajiently eradicating this horri- •ble 'If^MaA whether standing for one year or forty years. Sufferers should, without delar, comronnicate wi*h the business manager, Mr. A- H. Dixon, 807 King St. West, Toronto, and set treatise free by enclosiog stam p. Ask you r druggist for it â-  „ »

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