1 '• f1 .f 'i/ I' i ^l' :i|r !»! At* a|M«dTeH*a* .. Moibus, DkrhoM Oholic, Cnnps, SiA Btomaflh,"'**^ of tho S^madfaCaad Boweb, •ad-all forme of SttiBaMr OdnjilaintB, tb«re is no rame^ ante xcMa^ thaiijpr. Fowler** KxteMt ot WM aircirUfigr. ' pealers who Mllitandtiboifr l^'btgritan ea Aaftaal .gnraads ia fnnfldeboe of it* xteilts. WwtcE o» «»**Botoir."â€" The mc- oident to ti^e Pie«o«*tbjr niBiiingrMlKve at BoBcUair Feint, vbiok 119 meoiioii- «d last week, leenif to'bav« o6cnzred, «• Capi. Dmn zieportB, from the com- pM8 being mdnj She s a total vieek, having anee hr«acen up. Meet of the car«o. whieb W9a.Ux jnerohanU lure, haelMeneaTed. Now iha{ ahe ib gone, lit if repotted that she too, ^was etaxtiog lo ran without a proper oertifieato Inroector Bial^refoeing to eommieeioii her for Oeocgian Bay wiihoat eobimttiqg to another exam- ination by a competent man, and she started off without it. â€" Timet, The Mail or Globs to the end of 1888 for f 1.00. Leave yoor nibschp- •iion at the Stamdakd office. Subscribe -at once and get the balance of this .year free. ABEMABKABLB CASE W. A« Ednen, of FnmkyiUe, Buffered from a disease of the Liver and Kidneys, that Imraght him so low that his life was despair- •ed of he la^ for 10 and 18 days without an '• operation of Uie boweU; after ia}an^ me bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters he was en- â- abled to leaye his bed and drive out, three hottleb more completed a cure, and he nys that he is now a better man thaa he has been for years. FiBK IN DuBHAM. â€" About half past nine o'clock this morning the bell of Trinity church rang out a fire alarm, and on looking out we noticed tiiat hn^e volumes of smoke were crossing Garafraxa Street. On proceediDg in the direction indicated we discovered that a large wood shed, almost close to the residence of Mr. Alexander Bobertson, in rear of the Town Hall was all ablaze, and it looked almost •a if there would be a gener^ con- flagration of a large portion of the Town. Fortunately the fire was not far from the river, and a line of our townsmen was quickly formed and pails supplied from the neighbouring etores, a strong stream of water was soon being emptied on the fire on that side, and a similar line was form- ed on the other side to Mr. McAJis- ter's pump, and by the combined efforts of the two lines and the ener- getic way in which ^e men wmrked the fire was principally confined to the «hed in which it originated, although it burned very fiercely for nearly an dour. The comer of the house and a shed belonging to the McAlister House was much charred, and were often blazing up, bnt the fire was at last subdued. Mr. Bobertson was ly- ing sick at the time. A quantity of the furnibure was removed from the house, its self was not seriously dam- aged. There is some insurance on the place. We did not learn the amount of the loss, bnt should judge it not to be over $230. Il was gratifying to see the manner in which the fire was subdued by the residents of the town, thus preventing what might have been a great calamity. But it was a n,^r- row escape. As far as we can learn we belieyetbe fire was started by some small children at play. â€" Rtview, â€" â€" • â- It has been remarked that the qcotaticn, 'that it ij better to give than to receive," applies to medicine kicks and ^vice, bnt this rule don't apply to Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. Those who receive that, get a reliable and iniallable remedy for Cholera Morbus, Cotic, Dysentery, Canker of the Stomach and Bowels, and all Summer Complaints of Infants and Adults. Mothers! Mothers! Mothers! Are you disturbed at night and broken of jour rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciatinff pain of cutting teeth! If so. go at once and get a bottle of MBS. "WINSLOWS SOOTHING SYBUP. It will rdieye the poor little sufferer immediately â€" devend upon it there is no mistime about it. There is nbt a mother Upon earth who has «trer used it, who will not tell you at once tiiat it will regulate the bowels, and give resk o Ae motiier, and relief and health t.* the child, operating like magic. It is perfectly safe to use in all cases, and pleasant to the state, aad is the prescription of one of the ol dest and best female physicians and nurses in tho United States. â- Sold everywhere at 25 cents a bottle. 75-137 BOOTS SHOES JUST ARRIVED AT THE BEST OUALITY AND LOWEST PRICE. â- â€"â€" oâ€" â- STOCK COMPLETE IN Dry Goodla aa^ JjroQeries PRICI^S ALWAYS RIGHT. TOmiNTO HO FLESHEBTQH Stock FdIIj Â¥Bget€. ;*. OUR THIRTY CENT TEA Is the wonder of the day A trial solicited. FITS EPILEPSY, Or FAIXUfG SICKNESS Pkbmamsxtlt Curxaâ€" No HuicBiTa â€" bt okx Kokth's csasi of Db. Gouijian's Cxlxbbat- ta Iktat.tjblb Fit Powdkks. 'J o convince Ruffe^ers th^t these powders will do all we claim for them we wUl send them by mail. po*t paid, a free Trial box. As Dr. Oonrlard is the only physician that has made this dis- ease a special study, and %b to our knowledge thousands have been permanently cured by the use of these Powders. We trill gkarantee a psrmanent cure in every case or nfMnd'foH aU momey expended. All snflercrs should give these Powders an early trial, aiid be convinced of thek curative powers. Price, for large box, |3.0y,^8ent to any part of the United States or-Canada, by niaU •on receipt of jtiiee. JUk 4c ItoWMBS, intf 160 Fnlicu St., Brooklyu, N. T. ICarkdale. Oct. 11th, 1882. WM. BROWN. TAILOR, SYDENHAM STREET, A. M'INTYRE TEA! TEA! TEA! A. M'INTYRE McINT^RE'S MEAL I MEAL I MEAU McINTYRE'S Pork, Pork. Pork. McINTYRE'8 rFeas, n7ea,s. And everything kept n in a first-class Grocery and Liquor Store. always on hand, chxap roB cash. McINTYRE'S UqUORS I_LIQUOKt McINTYRE'S Cigars, Cigars. McINTYRE'S Oofiee, Oofiee. TEACHERS WANTfib FOB MABKDALE iSCHOOLSâ€" THBEE â€" one for each Department. A male for first department holding second class certificate. Female for each of the other departments holding third class. Apply to G. 8. BOWES, Sec.-Treas., Markdale P. 0. Sept. 27th, 1882. 107-8t STRAYED IpBOM THE PREMISES Oir THE SUB- ' scbibeb. Lot 2, Con. 6, Artemesia, on the 21st inst., one gray Heifer and one red and white spotted Steer, both rising two years old. Any information that will lead to their recovery will be thankfully received; and any person harboring them after this date will he dealt with according to law. STEPHEN KELLY. Artemesia, Sept. 23rd, 1882. lU7-8w. FARM TO IRENT. BEING LOTS 58 AND 69, Ist RANGE 8. W. T. A 8. Bead, Township of Holland, 100 acres, 70 of which is cleared; there is a good b^^ring orchard, also frame bam and log house on the premises, well watered. Will rent for a term of years. For particulars apply on the premises to JOHN GILLESPIE, Berkelev P. 0« Holland, Sept. 27th, 1882. 107-4t* ' 30 MEN WANTED Immediately for ballast tram on T. G. B. Ry. Apply at Markdale and Flesherton Stations. B. Tansley, foreman. BEMBE NOBLE, INSURANCE AND UND AGENT, LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of Grey. AoKtrr for the followuig reliable Companies CITIZENS' of Montreal, AGBICULTUBAL, of Watertown, and TBADE A COMMKBCE, (Mutual) of Tomiito. A number of Cbjoice Farms for sale, also Tillage Lots Auction Sales conducted in Town or Coun- try on Shortest Notice. Charges moderate, BUk, Blank Notes, and Stamps provided. GEO. NOBLE. 86.1f ^ttmtm » TAILOR. Oyer McFarland's Store, MARKDALE; Special attention to CottinK. â- I »i ' ,ii â- â- ' '• T l'i â€" O- VERY ATTRACTIVE^ AND CHEAPER TMN THE CHEAP â- *o- Variety an d Value Un »urpa88ed. DBY GOODS DEPAEME 1b £is tewon very complete with a very largo stock^ ol-D/ees Goodi, pcUij^ i9 part Cashmeres in all colors. Worsted Wool Gaoda" endless variety. Boot and Shoe Department. Would call speciri it*fetitiOii of dose buyers es my stock is unusuaByl, from the beet manafacturera and at rock bottom prices. OEDEEED CLOTHING. Has been exceedingly brisk this season, on accoont of which I have lai^ the largest and best 8t«)ck of Tweeds, Coatings, Trowserings, and Ovetf inffs in this section of couptry. As I have always led the trade in thu^ psrtment buyers will find it to their advantage to call before pur-^ elsewhere. â€" 0- Millinery Department. Under the able management of a first-class milKner, with plenty of m J ance, will be found unasuallv attractive with the prettiest and most fas: able, and cheapest stock to be found in the county. Ladies, it woiu yon good to call and look at Ihe stock. o Sash a SASH, Hardware and Grocery DepartocDt. Is always fully assorted and complete with the best goods, at the lowest sible price- â€" o IS- 1 am the only constant Rnd reliaLle buyer of Grain and Farm duce in Flesherton, and for which I will pay the highest price in ciui| any quantity of good dry, sound grain, which I woald specially ask fan to^cle^well. A call eolicited. 4 UOOKS SB, T. Flesherton, Oct. Srd, 1882. Lumber Always oi The SulscrnH»r wishes tl very libeial i»atroiiiige thojl busiues* to merit « oo:itin| 1 have uow extc'Ui OH, HEAR. OH, HEAR. OH, MM i PIN Squander your money if yen want to. if not, get yourPbotogtapUs ol W. BULMER, The People's Photographer, FlesherLc Who IS agaui preparea to take Picttures, and do Copying and Enlarging as heretofon j We arereeeiring ' large stock of MOTTOBS and Motto and other Frames, and In Fixings, which wc v..ji, and mean to sell at Beinarkably Ljow Prices, CU secure bargains. Bring along your pictures and have them copied acd enlarged by your old friend. BULMEI Flesherton. Match 10. 1881. Diret A.LL SIZiil Markdale Mav 27th. 1 SJ Gottnty Crown Attorney H '~~ J. l?IA«SO.ll â-º ARRISTER, MASTEll aJ " in Ciiancerj' Nofcai^y- 1 ul nr c ^ONEY TO LEND A.T ST Officesâ€" Owen Sound, in Poulett St.; and in MurkdalJ i's Store, on Fnda? and â- on If you want a Perfect Fit leaye yonr Order witL A. HHiL. September SOth, 1882. 106. THE KEY TO HEALTH. ICABXsaui. Mar VHk, 186L Uidoda all the dogged avenues of die S«w«li, Kidneiyi vaaJAwn, cMnyiag off nadoally. witboat weakcnfaig the tptem^ all the imptnities and fool hnmors of the tt er etiotts at the nme time OORMtiM Addtty of Htb StomaelL auing Ult. oimien, Dmepcia. Haadachw. Pit- He«rtlnmi^ ganntfjatton, -_! of the SU^ IMoMtrXMiiir _L^JsioiL Jaimdifie. WIUe«]% STmbMi SixoAda, TlnttaiBff of we Haart* Verroonan and doMnl BdUUir an the« and nmir other ami. lar Com^unUyidd to the haroy inflnowfr •TBIJKDOOK BLOOD BnTEBI. Smpile BoMka 10e;XecidarjiMfl. Fbr sale by an atalen. ARTEMESIA WAREHOUSi Dry Goods, Hardware, Crockery, Boots and Shoes, G: cedes, Provisions, c. Stock kept full and well assorted with new goods received every week. My BRANCH STORE at EUGENIA replenished New Goods every w^ek. For Sale Cheap for Cash or Produci My Saw Mill and Shingle Factol At LITTLE FALLS are in operation. Lumber, Lath, Broom Handles for Sal Wm. HOGG. .A^ •'f â- •rt •I XV A •-^ IN large or Bmall amoant good mdorsed n«te^ Markdale PUMP Factorj IHTEREST AT 6 Allowed on Saving^ MAKER0FALLPD8 0FPUMP8, DBOP TALYE PmiPS, CYLIiiDER PUMPS, CISTEEN PUMP force pumps, ubo, all kinds of iron pomps supplied. Sfctirfacti o n sraanateed oa all my work tho proof of it is fonncltoj ^f** tf»|* I »« doing s larger bnameaa now than ever was done in MarK^*" the Pomp Iranaeas. Kemeaifari; tiui stand, 1 door nerth of Bntledge's Sydenliam Street, Markdale. isimed and C pointa, at lowest rates. Beptember 23, 1880. IK all who are aaff ad indiiteretiona ot ji early decay, loss ^wiH M»d a reoeipe that lOFCHABOE. Thisgr raced by a missionary A aelf-addressod T. IniAX, ^Uti