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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 12 Oct 1882, p. 6

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 i^ii^ita liugton a d the barony of lesfcy aud Marshal Berecfl led tirst Baron Beresfonl of i ^arvan, and aftenrard Vigcc ot Bereaford. Sir Ralph At«, wa£ created Baroness Abccci tkir and Tullibody Lord n Hill of Almarez and Hawkc kdly Viscount Hill of Hai^J 1 Comberuiere, Viscount Combai Itpore and Combermere; Lord* I Baron Gough of Chinkeanfoo arajpore and the Sn tlej, and, bunt Gough ot Goojerat and L.â„¢ 1 Hardinge, Viscount Hardinge rfl [King's Newton Lord Harria, j^j lis of Seringapatam and Mysore |2r lent Lord Keane, Baroa K« lee and Cappoquin, and so forta her hand, Lord Clyde was made of Clydesdale Lord Raglan '» Q of Raglan Lord Seaton, Baron] pf eaton Lord Vivian, Biaron Vi lynn and Truro and Lord Airey a k' of Killingworthâ€" all peaceful' pi [e United Kingdom. But in the ^T tarnet Wolscley his peerage should J lestioniibly m ill preserve the memorT I of his exploits and the name of T^ |»eley of Tel-cl-Kebir and Coonii I the addition of some local desiimj*â„¢ III the Queen's dominions, will, no doul b- in the next editions of Sir Ber le's and Mr. Foster's elaborate co Ions.â€" .SV. Jainet',i Gazette. The Kins and Uneen of Italy. Ic long road that leads from the Pii L)uirinalc, in Rome, is all upset reds of workingmen are laying the'pii largt^r quantity of water. The rov ot tho (Juirmaie Palace seems to ^lad of this change in the street, becam •3 have been given to raise the new W e street to such a height as to 'y hide the basement windows. Whyj seem to be afraid of dynamite. A f« jhs ago the windows had been*suppli( a sort of thick iron shutter with hoi all as to give scarcely sutlicient pasej c air. ring the absence of King Humbert «„ u Margaret, several improvements hat made in the palace itself. The aparVl of the King has undergone a complete! â- tion. Indeed, it was in need of itl se when coming from the dining-roool ing had no possible access to his oi meut other than through the ante-l ber, generally crowded with the ladinl L'entlemen who were waiting for ail '^nce. The servants would kindly direct! ajesty to go back to his rooms by the| â- e stairs M-hen the hall was full and} Humbert did not wish to be seen l»| •eople in the ante-chamber. Even Kinnj bhgcd sometimes to obey the directioni! leir own servants. I e King is a good sort of a fellow, notl 1 sportsrcan .ii his father, but a good! r anyiioM-, and^ crack marksman. Hiij â- ite morsel is a boiled chicken or a piece) " ' 'J'he sou of Victor Emanuel has bad! and likes food overcooked. He ij| lond of a quiet life reties early when! n got to liis own apartments, and risal generally before takes a cup d\ utid liat'^j lor an hour and a half oif buck in tb.e inniHije of his own palace;! stldciu goej cut tor v.\i early lide, at now. receives people ol everj ilescriptiool kMth great alliibility. A Jew days ago workinoiuon fr-.m Leghorn came tol '-• to j)re.ient a ciuwn of flowers fur Vic- 'iiianuels grave. The King snent seme I with thtrii. and was so kind that the tellows were delighte.l. When driving wn horse thnaigli the new quarters of â-  where ii:.nv iitnv buildings are ia S n..tic.' I th:it Kiuff ii,,inbert i»| ysiiui.y to answer the saluting work- I'-i. v.liu 1 uw ut i,i„i from tiie hiyh scaf-, liiLT. and B Kivtnues he is the firbt to call atteiiih !i l.y taking oti' his hat. Since [iiiautcs uttiini.t, a miss is celebrated :av b.. y\v Kuyul Ciiaplain Auzino in the 'i- Ivin-r itgulaily attends this ajLcr t!.e i.icetiji,^ of the Ministei-8,| a bt-ms at 10 a.m. Sometimes the tnig 15 not o\..-r iintj !iall past 1. The t IS u'.ligca to wait, and Mgr. Anzino Mindavs i.w Mx^ci\ to say his mass at2, ' ter. I ho l,»i;.fi u luitiently waitiug, I' IOCS nut allow any one to have breakfast tlie mass is over. Jt tgk^s Mgr. Anzino luauites to go tlirough his mass, li li .^ei vc.l by the sexton of the Pied- v=e iuuvh ..f the t^u.laiio, near St '•a delh \ulle, Mg,-. Anzino beinT at I ^^;ni.e time rector of tha' church °and chapUiui. Duriii^- the mass the Queen i.e young Prince e i Naples kneel down, lie King keeps or. .taiu;ing all the time. at tlie elevatio iic bends his head t!v. King likes to talk Piedmontcs^, but "u.en ueNcr i,,jl,.Iges iu that oi lect tulKs the very bust Italian, and wants -ling I nnee to do the same. She gave therefore, i;om his early childhood « •n servant ta.,n Florence. Fbrentine. Imposed to talk the best Italian, thoujrh wxy have a strong aspiration t" yunni t Iks witli lier mother, the OSS o! (.eiiu. almost always in German, aialso spt^ak very good English and |t: rrench. Martini, a skilfnl Neapolitan, is the ^lan attendant on tne gueen, and al- .ol ows her everyu liere, and sits at the tab.e. directing her meals. He is a :empe,at.j v..xn, and has persuaded the and Oucen to cirmk water. The King drinks wme; the (,)u en sometimif a utt e .Sanhnian wine with water. oung 1 nuce is also brought up in tein- hab ts, yet wliui he can get it on tb« enjoys a good glass of claret. Jewish Persecution received in Vienna from PreiburjJ tSZ "'S""' ?^ anti-Jewish riots at Iplaee. 1 he mob broke tlie window, of Iv r'ittn"'f P";^ ' '^•^««- The militaij Iv restored order after making fort/ Ik, '"?..""";ary are contined lo their Iwl.oV ,t ""***•â- " "' Presburg decUrt J I) '• '""" "^°« »^ merely a pre- Ih^, J» • ' '""'â- '^S- The shops ind tZctfr. fl V"^^" ""^^^^ oustinate comn!^.t f """^^y- Similar exce«-i ^committed in the neighboring town of menthal, where three persons wer« .r- K;. '^^T^yaJ hundred Jews have fled » Uvr 1 Hungarian Ministry h»v» W I resburg under martial law. REMARKABLE FASXl e and N«*rly Fatal Mannoliia tten f^mmMm^ t* WwKiâ€"rh* ntaslMi ' â- â€¢'" itBpax^ by E«i*rt ru^es Fallon, a youn/j gentieman of tU hSi respectability, bookkeeper with «^ lS Munn, of Montreal, several f S^ag^was »eized wi^ the de«re to mt â-  H« explained to hw mother and ^tSat he hi^^areveUtioafromGod thij ter *^ " ^i^i^g AU the pemMion of r J u • Biflter'a argument! weigh with him. le wou d Sow nJnoumhment to be forced I.r him and beyond moMtemng hit bps ,ConSy^^tl» » "P of water nothing wa. ^fpd bv him to enter hia stomach. Dr. "°^ tin the f^Uy physician, was caUed "•^T^ndivoTe/ to persuade the yonng ^^ard the expert in mental diseases, was Xd He tound no insane symptonw, as Mion conversed upon every otber theme It^oalW enougn. He counsel ed the use J orce i cornel Fallon to take noansh- In' To this Dr. flingston entered the tongest protest. He believed that if left himself the desire to eat would return to is patient, while a resort to force might kill ,1^ as by this time he was m a very feeble tote The Rev. Canon Baldwm was a very trm personal friend of Fallon and to him »e fSily appealed. Unfortunately he .as out town. Days pa^ed mto weeks, and al'on crew so emaciated and feeble that his •iends despaired of ever seeing him recover ^om the condition in which h s stomach by Fiat time must have been. ALARMING FEABS. It was now the fear of Dr Hingston that ,he stomach would not be able to retam food umcient to nourish him. He had by this ime spent four weeks without tasting food. "he Doctor objected to his patient been ir- itated either by religious discussions or by oo presnng invitations to take food. A set- led melancholy seemed to have seized Fal- lon and he sat mo?t of the time m the house as' week Canon Baldwin returned, and had .ot been very long in town when he was at he side of hi3 friend. Fallon was glad to ee him, and conversed freely on all subjects, ,ravin with the reverend gentlemen most levoutty. By this time he had been wcntv-nine days in hi« fast. In vam Cnon iiahiuin pointed out that God men calthv bodies that they might nourish lien. ' Falloa would rdterate his Divine couimund, and refused to depart from it. Jhe case was made the subject of prayers by the Young Men's Christian Association and Itiie prayer meetingof the Cathedral. Canon iBildwin still continued his ministrations and was by the side of Fa'.lon at every opporta- kiity. -HE 11 \LLrCIXATIOX DIST^ELLED. \t length, en Saturday Jasi, Mr. Fallon mm'-Y (luietly turned to his mother and re- Larked, "1 believe I will eat somethir.g " The loy of his-mother may be imagined, fthe lent immediately for Dr. Hingston, and the fiatttr oi-dered such as he believed would Ibe t'.e safest food for the h-ng empty istomach. The latest news from Fallon is Ithat he is recovering slowlv. Kev. Canon llialdwin says that the steadfastness of tai- hon in his belief was wonderful. He believed Ithat severe elomestic affliction weighed very Iheavily upon Fallon, and inel-jced a tettled Imelaucholy that may have had the result cf lleading his mind into such an halluciuation. IHe could not account for the idea of Gallon |in any other way. The surprising part of the whole affair is that Falbn was able to survive for thirty-three days without having taken an ounce of solid food, and that his Bto.Tiach was able to resume its functions o. [nourishing the nearly famished body. He Jliad grown so thin that his clothes hung lunon him, ani his suit shirt looked many â- sizes too large for him around the neck lAltogether Mr. Fallon's fast shows how much the human body can endure of starvation without actually permitting death to destroy its vitality. "No Craclty in Our Place;" lo there no beating or whipping of horses, ao cruel driving, no overloading, no neglect to water and feed at proper intervals, no un- -comfnrtable and painful check-reins, no *:y- jiug of animals for long periods in the hot iBun, no trying of them in the storm and nn- Isheltered for hours at a time in winter no Iworkine of poor, old, half-starved, lame and Iblind animals? And for cattle â€" is there no [starving in your town or country, no hungry- jeyed anmials looking over the fence at green tields beyond their reach? Do not cattle- trams pass through your locality with crowded creatures desperate from hunger aud thirst and weariness? Is there no proilding with iron spikes or horrible twist- ing of the tail when they sink from exhatis- tioa Do their groans of suffering never dis- [turb your comfortable slumber on soft couches? Are there no err el boys in your community who stone buds, drown kittens ••for sport," tie tin caiis to dogs' tails and cause them to run until they are dead, or ncaily so' Are there no children learning to lo ciiiel by pulling off the legs of living in- sects, or iinnaling them on pins for the "sake cf science?" If you can answ-ir "No" to these inquiries, you certainly live in Arcauia. iH'ino'iK Humane Journal. *== rdiousuess, Indigestioji.- Canstipationâ€" all torms of Dyspepsia yield at once to a few- doses of Zopesa, the new compound from I'razil. A 10 cent sample proves it. IxcREAsixe: Naval Fobcks. â€" The Spanish Minister of Marine has drafted a bill for presentation to the Cortes, roviding for a grant of 300,000,000 piastres for the increase of the naval forces. Young, middle-aged, or old men, suffering from nervous debility or kindred affections, should sdelress, with two stamps, for large treatise, World's Dispessaby Medical Association, Buffalo, N.Y. Presburg, Hungary, where there has been rioting against the Jews, has been pro- claimed under martial law for a month. Count Eslohasy has been appointed Gov- ernment Commissioner for the whole dis- trict. la\ y Clark, Drnggists, Re few. writes 3 June 3rd. "We have sold Fowler's Extracts of Wild Strawberry for » number I ot years, and find nothing equal wo it, for the purpose for which it is designetL" Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry cures J.11 forms ot Bowe complaints incidei.* to 'â- Sumnaerand Fall. zttau It has fijMlly fiiiMd its pomt ui 1 no fetn a peraomage than the Sergauit-at-Anns of the House of Comm^^ns, Mr. D. W. McDon- nell, Ottawa, thus indofses the Great Ger- mMi Remedy: "St Jacobs Oil is asplea- did remedy. I nted it on my let% hand and «rist for rheumatism, and found it all thai it is claimed to be. Mrs. MeBobtiell used it for a most severely sprained ankle by the •teadv «M of ibe article for a few days a ooomleto ebaofte was effiscted. St. Jacobs Oil does its wodk^wvaalisCacfaodljr and a so npidly such «k least is-my opinion. ' «u â- " â€" =â€" J;=â€" â€" â€" The grand jury of Oarjetqp uoontr have retmrneda true mSL againkt Maria Spearman formoideir. • Greatest Diaeorery daee' IMS. For coughs, colds, sore throat, bronchitis, laryngitis, and consumption in its early •tsgta, nothii4| eqorJs Dr. Pierce's "Golden Medical Discovery." It is also a great blood-purifier and streagth-reatorer or tonic, and for liver complaint and oostivH condi- tions of the bowels it has no equal. Sold by diuggists. :o: At AU SeaMOs of tlM Tear corns are troublesome, let the weatheJ be hot or cold. Rain relieves not the pain, the sun may shine and all else be fair and lea8ant but their tormenting presence fol- ows the victim always. A certain, a prompt, a painless, a radical cure is always insuredby tie use of che great and only remedyâ€" "Put- nam's Painless Corn Extractor." We warn the public against dangerous substitutes and imitations. N. C. Pousox Co., Proprie- tors, Kingston. bad Blood. The blood is the true essence of vitality, without pure blood there can be no healthy action in the system. Boils, blotches, pim- ples and the various humors and blemish es of the skin are only symptomatic of bad blood â€" that needs purifying at its fountain head, to render its tributaries pure. Bur- dock Blood Bitteis effectually cleanse the blood from all humors, obtains a healthy action of the liver, bowels, kidneys, skin, etc, and strengthening while it regulates and purifies. (1) What's Saved is Ga'nod. Woikingmen will economize by employing Dr. Pierce's Medicines. His " Pleasant Purgative Pellets" and "Golden Medical Discovery " cleanse the blood and system, thus preventing fevers and other serious diseases, and curing all scrofulous and other humors. Sold by druggists. Ladies should know -that Ayers Hair Vigor is a superior and economical dressing. It has become an indispensable article for the toilet. Montreal has sevea Protestant church edi- fices for sale. Veoetine does not act as a cathartic to debilitate the bowels, but cleanses all the o gans, enabling each to perform the functions devolving upon them. Diphtheria is said to be very prevalent in Pioton at present. The moqbiug sun shines brightly for that man cured cf that relentless tyrant â€" Dys- pepsia. Biiggs' Botanic Bitters were never known to fail when faithfully used. There is co siderable speculation at Ot a- v.a in Regina lots. Many sink an ea'ly grave by not giv- m'i immediate attention to a slight cough, which could have baen stopped in tkne by a 4 }-cent bottle of Dr, \\ istar's Pulmonic S^-rup. Loudon's oVer drawn bank account amounts now to §190,000. Everybody is pi ased with the improved Carboline, a deodoriz?d extract of pe«;roleam. It is as clear and limpil as spring water, and was originally intended by nature as a pan- acea for all diseases of the scalp and skin, and as a natural hair renewer. Visitors returning from abroad, as well as recent emigrants, will find Ayer's Sarsapar- illa helpful in avoiding the hardships of ac- climation, and in removing the boils, pimples and eruptions consequent upon sea diet. Its blood-cleansing qualities remedy such troubles promptly. "A. P." 94 A REGULAR CIRGUS. 23 If there Is one thing In all the world that allures the average boy and de- lights people generally, it is a well â-ºmanaged and tboroughly equipped circus. The children of a city ortown seem to know of its coming by a kind of intuition, and prepare aecordiEgly. The pennies, hitherto dropped into the missionary-box with conscienti- ous regularity, are now falthfUUy di- verted into an old coffee-pot in the cellar corner for prospective use, and scrap-metal, o'd paper, etc., do sub- stantial service in the way of securing Jie amount of an admission fee. But for all that, we believe fully in the properly conducted circus as a means of amusement and diversion, and are happy to state the gratifying fact that the circusâ€" or rather its proprietors and employesâ€" exi)erimentally be- lieve In St. Jacobs Oil, the Great' Pain Reliever of the age. Hon. P.T. Biimum's Greatest Show on Earth and Ck}up's Monster Show can be taken as tyiri«il cases. The former says " We take g^reat pleasure in stating that St. Jacobs Oil is in use by many ring ar- tists now engaged with P. T. Bamom's Greatest Show on Earth, united with the Great London Circus, Sanger's Royal British Menagerie ontl the International Allied Shows. From Its happy effect upon those who have occasion to employ It, we have no hesitation In jffononnclng St. Jacobs Oil the best liniment which has ever been brought to our notice. It is wonderAilly effica- cious in subduing pain. (Signed) BABNyji. Bailey HcTCHnwoK.*" i The Press Agent of Coup's Monster Show r z.yT, "In cases of rfaeumatisin or complaints of that klndoorartlsts know how to cure tbemselvesvery speedily. St. Jacobs Oil is a very popular rem- edy among our people ibr ifaeunmnc pains, and as longasther can get it they won't suffer much." MrTrtank I. Frayne says: "I have sufTcred terribly ttaok. rheumatism in my right shoidder and ann, and at the same time I had severe pains in my chest 8anetlme since I read scnnetblng in a ne ws paper aboot the remarkable cures of ST. Jacobs Oil. and I thoo^t I would try that remedy. I tdQ you I am nJjghty glad I did, for alter using one or two bottles of that preparation I idt no pain whatever, and have hadTnonc since. I am firm bc!iever-ln St. Jacobs Oil, and I want eveirbody In my compary to keep it near tlicm." V i T\ o V»r fiOdhi Mseaaeflb twnbled wttbabaA TOBOHTO. Anc SSk ISn. H. B. Sfravsm. Bw^t .DearSix'.-HavfBs.k nin ill sBaaB. dbb^pINE oat iaW-littl4^ abras vttf ftZJaSBi 2la* I^M nooaiealiit* tak» vKOKl'linE. IianhappytbinfoMToathatit has com^et^ cured me after taldac three Yours faithfully. CHA8. K. BUTT. We hereby certify that the above tnsHmnnial The CABcer lltedlt^liie. KKWMARKn*. Ont, March 21. 188L Mr. H. R. STKTBfs: Dear Sir,â€" This is to certify that I have used your Vegetine for Cancer, and can oheerfulljr say it did more «ood than the doctor's medicines or any other remedy I used, and I would recom- mend It to every one troahled with Canoer or Cancerous Humor. Yeurs traly, TH06. OUiL. Yonge St. I hereby certify that4 know the above i»arty, and know hja atatenaeat to be trMb â-  JA KELMAN, l^rugglst ^or Cieiieral Debility. Ottawa, Ont, March 17, 18S1. H. R. Stkvkns, Bsq. Dear Sir.^As I nave used your medicine, Vegetlne, for some time, I have pleasure In recommending It to sufferers from Goieral De- bility and diseases arising from impurities of the blood. Youn r«epectfally. HORACE MERRILL. Sn.. liomber Merchant; It Exceeds Every thing. H. R. Stevens, Eq. St. John. N.B. Dear Sir,â€" I take great pleasure In informing you that the sale of VEOETINE has steadily increased for the last year, and that as a blood purifier It far exceeds anything yet offered to the public, as many of my customers can testify. R. w. Mccarty, Druggist, Cor. Brussels and Hanover Sts. All Hamors Eradicated. VEGETINE thoroughly eradicates every kind of humor, and restores the entire system to a healthy condition. Tegetlie is Sold by all Druggists. LADIES I BEWARE :;£/r'd;;^.l.T corsets will not break, or lose their shape. Wear corsets made by CromptOU CorSCt €o. T oronto. "FARMS FOR SALE Wear the rollowing places t St. ThomaSj Coliingwool, Barrie, Ferprus, Hlyth, Parkhill, Rockwoud Station, Dundalk Station, Shelburne Station. Southampton. Also, a largo number of excellent farms in Manito- ba and the North-West. Settlement not re- quired. Saw Mill, Lath and Shingle Machines for sale at Henfryn Station, Co. Grey, Ont. Engine, 35 horse 2 boilers, 60 horse. All in splendid order. For particiilars address «. A. SCHKAM, V 4 Kinq; 9t. E.i*«t, Toronto, Ont ' 2 o i«^teM Tnady fte seed. Apply SfAlTGB a MOWAT, Pgftf^Fs la Prairie. BE aOYAL tMPBRIAt DllKiH B06C FortAe TeDw and Book of Fatst Kapo- leoa's Oraonlnm. Palaestry. etc. OLOlfomItt DIGIKE. •RAO. •i:!::^ Wi^igj^ -n CD cV?on-JBRAINNERVEFOOD.j^FV£^- S. Is a sure. Prompt and Effectual Remedy for Nervousnrsa in ALL its stages, IVeak Memory, Loss of Brair Power, Prostration, Night Sweats, Weakness, and Oencral Loss ot Power. It repairs Nervous Wast'^, Itcju venates the Jaded Intellect, Strengthens Enfeebled Brain, and Restores Surprisinc Tone and Vigor to the Exhausted Organs. e^ With each order for twelve packages, accompanied with fire dollars, we send our Guarantee to refund the money if the treat- ment does not e fleet a cure. It is the Cheapest and BeKt Medicine in tho marKCt. Full par- ticulars in pamphlet, which we mail free to any address. Sold by all druggists, one package .50c. 6 for S2.oO, or sent by mail on receipt of price, by addressing HACK'S nAG?nETYC .VEniCUE CO.. ^VindHor, Ont., Canad.1 SOLD BY ALL ORUCCtSTS imonds OtK CZSmAn SAWS, manufactured by the SinOXDS PATE.\TED PKaCCSS, having given such general satisfaction, owing to their i].\IFOKlIITY OF TENPEK, we have at a great expense appliel the PKINCIPLE to the TEMPEBIXG of CROSS-CVT SAlf" S, having frequently been asked to do so and hereafter our Cross-Cnt Saws will be ETCHED and KXOWN as such. Those who like a nicely tempered Saw will do well to give them a trial Ask yonr Uardware Alcrrliants for the Simontls Saw, and see that it is etched as such R. H. SMITH CO., " Si'tS"" Sole Manufacturers for Dominion of Canada -V V» YELLOW GIL CURES^^HHEUMATISM FREEMAN'S WORM POWDERS. Are pleasant; to take. Contain their OIVB Pnzgativei. Is a safe, sure, and etteetnM degtraxar oi ihumm in Children or Adults We Are Sending My To our numerous customers tliroughout Canada FIVE LB. CADDIES AND DYER OF OUR ii (INRiVALLED PURE TEAS To your own door without extra chaise. Send for Price List. VICTORIA TEA WAREHOUSE, • 93 Klas Street East, Tsroala. Norman'aEUetrieBeU Itutiiutiom {Est'b 1S74) 4«irBBI STKCrr bast. T«Ktf.^TO, •NT. NERVOUS DEBUiITy, Rhenmtism. Lame Back. Neuralgia, ^ralysis and an Lriv» and Chest CemplsAiAi idmiediately relieved and permanently cured by using these BELTS, BANDS Alfo INSOLES., â-  „„„ Circulars and Consultation FREE, jmtr BMOUsa __ a^opwardiotond^tBonsaadpraqti- oal reoeiptB how to eure everything, new to do ever ythin g oloth extra, SI nudlcd tree. CKiQUQBBBBROa., Bookselfcs. Toronto. MOOBirS UJ^IYBRSAL ASSISTANT IITB Complete Meehaaio; one milHoa indas- faots. reoeipts, calenlations, o.. in everr hoainMs: 600 Ulustrstions: cloth. ^M; mailed (r^ J^IiOUGHER BROS.. Toronto. TjlNanrB-BOILBRS-AID ALL TBB MA- GHCNBtur an extensiviysMh, door. tuid nOBitafe flsctsryyer sal%aBMiatd^ or in bollCi ttionitomW. CURRIEB, SSS^l rer licatioulb waWmmabbk WH. ASSAU., WATTMMABBK AND Jeweler, 262 Yonge St.. Toronto, has enlarged hia premises, and greatly increased his stock of gold and silver jewelry, plated ware, cutlery, clocks, watches, etc. Fhie stook of Jet and garnet jewelry. Qoods Imported direct. Every kind of jewelry repaired prompt* ly. neatly, aaa cheaply. 0H8AFffiT'in8n_n[lltS WORLD. Full size sheet, best print and good paper. Send 5 cents for sample copy and catalogue of 600 pieces of latest instrumental and vocal music. S. r. BI«P«BD, ts King Street West, Toroafw. Dealer In picture frames and fancy goo ds. 32 CALIBRE WINCHESTER The 32-Calibre VVinchrstcr, now offered for the first time, IS intended to meet a large and growing demand for a repeater of small calibre. It is a modification of the Model of 1873. using the same frame, or receiver, but with a lighter barrel, and majrazine of smaller diameter. It is considerably lighter than the Model of 1873, and is designed for small game at short range, and will be found the most accurate small-bore rifle in the marlict especially valuable for hunt- ing squirrels, eeese. c. The standard length of barrel is 24 inches. All the guna of this calibre will be made with rifle butt stock with solid butt plate, and without the cleaning-rod usually put in the stock. Prices and extras same as model 1873. The cartridge used with this arm is centre Are. and contains 20 grains of powder and 115 grains of lead. Parties desiring to inspect these goods before purchasing can do so by sendins? us ?1. We will express the gun CO.D. If not satisfactory, you have the privilege of returning it. If the $1 more than covers express charges, we will remit you the difference aud this rule applies to all goods in our catalogue. Send 6 cents for our 96- page catalogue, containing over 60f) illustrations of Firearms, Watches, Jcwellcrf .Silverware, fcc. CHAKLF.S MTARX, o'l I'hnrrli ^t., Toronto Agent for the Winchester Repeating Arms Co. Importer, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Every Description of Firearms, Gold and Silver Watches, Gold and Silver Chains, Jewellery, Silverware, c. Gurney Ware's STANDARD SCALES For Railroads, Rolling Mills, Grist nulls and Elevators. Scales for everythingâ€" Hay, Coal and Stock. All sizes of Warehouse Scales. Counter Scales of all kinds. DAIRY FARMERS' SCALES. Fish, Pork and Wool Scales, Butchers' Scales, Scales and Beams for Pedlars' Waggons, All sizes of Railroad and Warehouse Trucks, Alarm Money Drawers. Every Scale 'warranted. All makes prompi- ly repaired. Send for illustrated catalogue te GURNEY WARE, HAMILT Oy. Represents Mo. 5 20-Hcrse Power --^:;r TtS\ -^ fe ,1:'» r\ â-  â-  yy AWBir yf in yon exciMDg9 a chronic state of Dyspep- sia, or a«ree to Bteak np a Bilioas Tempera- mentâ€"to give yonr torpid Liver activity, and thus strengtiien your Durastion. resnin enenry. comfort, health and ^rits, aU for 75o1 A single hottle ot Zopnaa will do tills. A few doses snl^prise those who try Zopesa. For Bil- Ipnsness aad Dyspepsia in thSr many forms Zopesa is a Panacea, and is warranted to cure them. It acts qieedily and plessantly. Try alOoen sampie. INDIA RUBBER GOODS The largest and only complete stock in the Dominion Also a full line of extra heavy Imerlcaa Oak Taaaed Leatker Beltlaa, aad rages mtcac Lace Ieatker. Fire Hose, Fire Department Supplies T. McILROY, Jr. fTarehoase 10 and 19 Klng-st East, Toroate. ar Write for Price List. B urdock Emm WILL CURE OR REUEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA, DROPSY, INDIGESTION, FLUTTERING JAUNDICE. OF THE HEART, ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF SALT RHEUM, THE STOUACH, HEARTBURN, DRYNESS HEADACHE, OF THE SKIN, And every species of dFsease- arising from disordered LIVER, KIDNEYS, 8TOMAGH. BOWELS OR BLOOD, T. HILBDRM i CO., â- ""•"^oToNxa Ayer's Cathartic Pills, -^- FOE All tli9 pTirposes of a Family Physic, CURING Cosi Ivenefw, J a a n • dice. Dyspepsia, ln« «ilKe«tlen, Dysentery. Foal titomack and Breatk, Hcadneke, Kryslpclss, Piles, Itkeamatisaa, Knip- tions and t»kla Dls- cnses, Blllovsncss, Liver CompinlBt, Dropsy, Tetter, T«n« ors and Salt Bkenm, Momu, Ciont, Neural* gla, as a Dinner Pill, and Pnrlfyiac the Bloo4l, arc the most congenial purgative yet per- fected, liieir elfocts abundantly sbow how muchther excel all other Pills. Ihey are safe and pleasant to take, but powerful to euro. They purge out the foul hmnors of the blood; they stimulate the sluggish or disorded organs Into action; and they impart health and tone to the whole being. They cure not only the everyday complairitdof every body, but formidable and dangerous diseases. Most skilful physicians, most eminent clei„jTncn, and our beat citizens, send ccrtilicates of cures performed, and 1 great benefita derived from these Pills. Thej are the safest and beat physic for children, be- cause mild as well as effectual. Being sugar coated, they are easy to take: and being purely vegetable, they are entirely harmless. PREPARED BY 4 Dr.J.C.AyerCO., LOWELL, MASSm PBACnCAI. ABTD AWALTTICAL CUESIISTS. SildbusM DrujgUifs an I Dealerx r»i Mz-ivcin FIBEPKOOF CHAMPION ENGINE â-¼ITH SECnOIfAL SAFETY 30IIiE:il. Build 4 Sizes Fire-Proof Champion Eifigines F: £ 1 '*^" "" ^^ SECTIONAL BOILER cir.p. 12 H, 16 s. 20 H» if so ordered. We are tettittg an Engine every day. Intending purchasers are invited to call at our Works and thor- oughly examine the Champion. We use KEUPP'S CELEBBAIED BOILER PLATE, Every plate tested. Every boiler tested to IGO pounds, cold water pressure. • OVER 600 SOU) in 5 seasons. The favorite eveiywhore. It has no equaL The sectional safety boiler is znanniiEtetared expressly tat tha ' North West" trade Th'.-s boiler is so arranged that it is zcadllj taken apart In lections enabling purchasers to clean thorooghly every part of it and prevent boznlag cat. ye»^g^|^re«. Largely nscd by the Padiio Ballway Cknnpaax nod all the laise OoU nlzation and Bonche Companies. ADDRESS WAT£ROU$ £?^QINZ WORKS CO.. BRAMT^ORO. CANAD/L mm

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