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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 12 Oct 1882, p. 4

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 mm Ibscribe for the Standard ;et that splendid horte free. Commence any ING ISBELIEYING. Intlemenâ€" If voa want a firaf-clAgg |ggie or Wagon ilCKENNAA MASON'S RIAGE WORKS ARKDALE. x.aa sunjily you with anytliiiig froatt Lumber Wagon up to :ension Top Phaeton. To buy from them is to ' are both practical workmen, and emoloy none but [CTICAL WORKMEN Ther pnaTdntee t'lejr work id to none for Lightaess of Draughft. and Superiority of Frnish. ?e notliinj? i)ut Fir^. White Otit VVagons. and t'.uice Esiiii Second nowtb Hickoiy fo^ J'tlji wo"i. iTimt-nseaiToonni orwcli awned [cKenna Mason's shop !s sufficient of the wide renntijt'on iliey enjoy for doing pootl wor!c. :ST IS THK CH5As?FST J!» the ENI )r cheap work wc positively will not tato. |al att- ation f;iven tf TJe-lVimming paint ijj^ all classes of Caniage W-or5t^ sfHCtkn f^uarauteea (or No Pay) in RSESHOEINC â€" Od Mill Sheet opposite t Sproule's Fjotel. ENNAMASON. L.^K,Ii:T-A.LE undry -AND- .CHI!IE WORKS, MANUTACliJREKSOE' L MACHINERY, leam Engines, FTING, HANGERS, \l/eys, c. Land Rollers, LOWS! nd Plow Points limtlFiiiiiie ^one in a practical manner. ' also introduce our new lillic. This now macliine will mangle •nton, and Woollen Goods, giving -•autiful Hui-oth and flossy appear- also iniiauvcs the clothes, wherea» injure thtiu. AVe also manu-. fiiciuro :namental Cresting H depirriis for Bnildiufrs. Verandahs* )rnfiUj.iit,tiC;ist iron Chains, Pillars. Fincin«, Vintilators, juuuus. Iron lieains. Giatings for Cellar Window^;, c. )N Brass Castings: [.ry Description AI i,]o to Order. MOFFAT BROS. m\ MMBmUMATlShA FREEMAN'S RM POWDERS^ Pleasant to tnko. Cdctain their own^ re. I3 a safe, buto, and ettcctmU J ' ' "aortas ia Cliildren or AdolMk oooooooooooooooooooooooo BYBODY )0000O0000OOO0000000O000O §HOLXD SEE F. DOLL'S JEAUTIFUL STOCK OP kpQockSpJeiylr;, ILVERWARE, IeRTINAS. VIOLINS, e. If.' must buy, as the same quaUty of inot b« sold t 80 low a figure by ler jeweller. The reason is, [ports DIBECT BUYS FOR CASH by saving from 20 to 60 per cent. ele- The first story cf MeFarland's â-¼ator is np. Mr. Cornwall retamed from Dulnth on Saturday last. We will give report of Osprey fall show and prize list next week. Hill Bros, will be ready to buy an^ qiuuitity ol grain in two weeks. TheMarkdale Mslhodist Sabbatb School Anniversary will be held the 25th Got. on tlie lOth icst. Mr. Doll's business knied o!i at Markdale only, he hav- cut his Doudalk and Fiesherton I eiiable him to give the attention to {(iile business which it requires. tc» and Clocks Cleaned and Repaired. 1 always turn out as represented. I from? 10 t© $20 and biiy a good MACHINE from W. F. Doll, only Also two splendid ORGANS for Bss than half the catalogue price. ialo, Oct. 10th, 1882. 109 acal Items. tweed suit at Foster's for $4.00. ires have been raging round Mt. For- store is opened at Mclntiyre by Mr. iBrown willlsBat home*ud resum® on Tuesday, Oct. 16th. =v is making a move in the direction ling Eieaus of protecting from firo. i)rouIe, M. P., left here for Manitoba »day lust. We wish him a pleasant journey. is determined to sell cheaper than priest, and at any cost keep up the re- of Cheapside bargains. ilan Cameron, of Osprey, got his 1 threshmg machine at Mclntyre ^k. The foot was badly torn, Bros, have manufactured a 10 )war engine, which is now doing duty Foundry and machine shop, Mark- 1 E. B. Wood, Chief Justice of Mani- la attacked by paralysis while sitting t)tnch at Winnipeg on Saturday, and few hours. te glad to pee Mr, Marshall Beard ar- lain, after over three months' confine- the house; he is able to move about 'â-  aid A)i £ crutch. lohn Weber has purchased a fine Cols- lim from the Model Farm. The intro- of improved stock into the country »e too highly estimated. nooncement of the closing of the paguc fund has created a sensation in, aid people now want to know s been done with the money. Doll has sold out his places of bus- Dnndnlk and Fiesherton, and will Markdale store only. Read his ad- lent on head of local column and see has to say himself. â€" W. J, Bellamy, of Fiesherton, says leud you money, insure your buildings [lives on as good or better terms than Hit in the county. Short date insar- (specialty also accident insuranee. Beaver Overcoat for $4.00, at Fos- The who best Davis and Charles Crowe, of En brought in last week each a load of Bat weigliiag 02 bushels and 50 lbs. Ibushols aud 25 lbs. respectively. ?loiif,'od to Mr. Wnu Summers Hill Bros. American AgricuUnri«fc is the |tiral paper in America. There is a huprovemt in it for 1883. Subscrip- l.r.O. We have made arrangBments wo can supply it with the Standard »w to the end of 1883 for 12.25 cash. a splendid ofifer. ^WKWARD Cdstomeb. â€" The clerks in Davidsou Co.'s warehouse on street, Toronto, were considerably and j^urprised yesterday morning to â-ºrge bull coolly walk into the building. â- ino, which had comeout of a iroveof ivivt n along the street, made things k-fore retiring. Commercial." â€" ^We have received the imler of this journal which ispublish- uuinpeg,Man. It is entirely devoted to kwucialra, ercantile and manufacturing Jtsof tjie North-West. It is a want It sujiplied and will no doubt be well ted as it deserves. W« wish the pro- is every success. goods in great variety at Foster's, cts. upwards. ti-ts aud astronomers state that the kdl fall into the sun in October ,1883, speedy termination of this mundane prophesied. It is a matter of mu- firatulation, however, that there is a ^e of opinion among the learned men iug the results of the swallowing up t'met by the sun. Lauder will hold meetings next las follows:â€" October 16th, at ;ine;17th, at Maxwell; 18th. Jiliianisford 19th, Rocklyn icommenciDg at 7.30 p. m. IS Five dollars saved by ordering yonr Winter Baits from MoFarland. A four-year-old son of Mr. James Elliott, of Arteme.sia, met with a very painful ac cideut on Monday, (9th). The little fellow was near a cutting box, which was in motion. By some means his hand got caught by the cog wheels, and bruised between the wheels and the iron casings completely severing the first, third and fourth fingers from his ^Eind; the second finger may possibly be saved. Mrs. J. L. Browne, of Markdale, died at her father's residence, Egremont,on Wednes- dpy, 4th inst. Mrs B. had made many warm friends in Markdale during the short time she lirel here. Her disease was inflamatory rheimiatism followed by dropsy which has tened her to a premature grave. She diedt as she lived, rejoicing in a present Saviour.. We (xtend to Mr. Browne our sinoere sym- paty in his present bereavement. The great sale of $7,542.95 worth of goods, parchaped at 47f cents on the dollar, is going on at W. J. MeFarland's. Broken Leo. â€" Mr. Malcolm Qaean of Osprey, bad the misfortune to get his leg broken while retarning from Colling wood Exhibition. The ac- cident occurred between Nottawa and Duntroon, aud the man was conveyed to his mother's residence in Nottawa- saga, where he io slowly recovering. Take our advice and don't purchase a dollar's worth of goods without first looking through MeFarland's im- mense stock. The Cattle Fair. â€" The fair last Satur- day was a decided improvement on any for- mer one. It was, however, only the third regular fair held in this place. There were some 75 head of cattle on the grounds at ten o'clock, over 40 of which changed hands at fair prices. The market last week at Toron- to was exceedingly flat, owing to the supply exceeding the demand, and as a consequence buyers were csreless. It is hoped there will will be a few outside buyers seouzed to attend the next fair. We overheard one lady remarking to another, "you need not go into Me- Farland's store if you are in a hurry, as his store is always crowded with customers." Come, Mc, get some more clerks. Mr. James Carter, Lot, 6, cod. 12, Olenelg, will have an extensive credit auction st»1e of stock, implements, and houshold effects on Tuesday, the 24th Oct., commencing at ten o'clock. Mr. Carter has sold his farm and will set! bis chatties without reserve. Having a large stock of young cattle and sheep the sale will no doubt be largely attended. Hugh McKay, Auctioneer. Mr. Hill, tailor, is turning out first class work. Leave your order with him if yon want a nobby fitting suit. Booms over MeFarland's store. Mr. Bobert Kinnier, Lot 19, con. 6, Osprey, has leased his farm and has favoured Mr. Perigee, Co. auctioneer, with instructions to sell by public auction, on the premises, his entire stock, implements and household ef- fects, without reserve, on the 24th of October. Sale to commence at 12 o'clock, noon. Terms, 12 months credit on approved paper for all sums over $5. 139 chests fine Japan Tea to arrive in five days, direct from place of growth, for W. J. McFarland. DUNDALK, Oct., 1882. Messrs. Tbiscble A Wbioht. Gentlemxn. â€" We received the two ehests of tea in good order (116 lbs. nett at 28 eents per lb.,) and after giving it a fair trial we have much pleasure in stating that it ts bet- ter than any 50c. tea that we have hitherto purchased, and we can recommend it to any person as a good flavored strong tea. and more than value for the money. We have given a number of our neighbors samples of it, and each of them express their mtention of proeuring a chest of it. Yours respectfully, John Wm. Atchkson, Farmers. We noticed in looking over the prize list of the provincial exhibition held a\ Kingston that Mr. John Ford, (Mount Royal Farm,) Artemesia, was awarded the prize for East Grey for the best managed farm. The piize consisted of s bronze medal. We have lince had the pleai^ure of seeing the medal, which has eui^aved thereon "Best managed farm in East Grey, John Ford, Artemesia, 1882." The above iaxva consists of 100 acres, and is situated S§ miles from Markdale. The place is comparatively new, having been cleared up chiefly dohug the last fifteen years every department however displays tante and good management. The fields are well laid oat, the soil well tilled, and free from we ids and thistles by thorough culture aud rota- tion of crops. The buildings are la"d out with due regard to economy and conyenience and their surrounding kept neat and trim. The stock show good breeding and proper care. "A place for everything and every- in its proper place" is Mr. Ford's motto. BUCKLEN'S ARNIC SALVE. The best salve in the world for Cnts, Bruises. Sores, Ulcer Salt Rheum. Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Corns and all Skin Emptins, and Poaitive y cures Piles. It is guaranteed to give erfe. t satisfaction, or money tefnndcd. Price 25 tents per box. For sale j A. Tunae • t Co. Ths Hxbodib. â€" Miss Morrison ar- rived in town on Thursday uigfat last, and since that time has been atoppmg at the residenoe of Mr. G. Moore. Sbe is rapidly z^ainiog her b«alth, and ia daily visiteo by nrmbers of admirers. Miss Morrison is a young lady of med- ian» size, and one can hardly realise tiiat so comparatively sk^t a being eoQld pass through the frightful or- deal she so courageously endured. At the enquiry she told her sad, pathetic story, in a modest nnassuming manner, that added to the interest of as terrible a tale of human suffering and humftn endurance as ever was recorded. The stoty is well known by this time, and there is no occasion to repeat it. Last ui^ht Mrs. Palin and other ladies pre- sented Miss Morrison with a compete set of clothing, the gift of some of our storekeepers. â€" EnterjtriM^ m^ FREE OF COST. All persons wishing to test the merits of a igreat remedyâ€" one ^iat will positively onre Oonsonption, troughs. Colds, Asthma, Bron- diitis, or any affection of the Throat and Lungs â€" ^are requested to call at A. Tamer A 6o's Drug Store and get a Trial Bottle of Dr. King's New Disco-^ery for Consumption frte «f cost, which will show you what a regular dollar-size bottle will do. Dye Stnfb. Indigo, Madder. Logwood, Fustic, Camwood, Cochineal, Bluestone, Madder Compound, Copperat, Bichromate Potash, Cream 1 artar. Alum, and many other Articles used in Dyeing. Also, a large variety of the best Aniline Dyes. Medical Hall. VALUABLE PROPERH FOB SALE IN THE TOWN OF DURHAM, IN THE COUNTY OF OREY. THE following valuable town properties will be, sold on reasonable terms or will be rented for a term of years, or exchange for farm propeoty. 1st. Lot No. 1 on the west side of Qaiafraxa street and south of Hunter street, opposite Mr. J. H. Hunter's store house, well fenced and first class frame buildings, good cel'ars, hard and soft water, a most conveniant resi- dence and would make a good business stand. 2nd, That most desirable property being park lots Nos. 2 and 3 on the north side of George St., 8 acres more or less, well fenced, front fenced with pickets, one and a half acres of a thriving young orchard and very conven- ient to the railway station. The east half of the west half on lot 18 on the west side of countess street with a new frame house and kitchen, good stable and wood shed, well fenced, front fence paint- ed white, hard and soft waier on the prem- ises. 4th, Park Lot No. 8, Wm. Htmter't, Survey. 6th Lota I and 2, Presbyterian Survey. 6th, Lot No 15 on the North side of Mill street in the village of Markdale close to ttie rail- way station, with good frame house thereon. If the above properties are sold the very best title will be given free from all encum- brances. Also th e Following Farming Properties. will be sold on reasonable ttxms of payment. 7th, Lot No. 22, Con. 9 Glenelg, 100 acres more or less, 3} miles from the T. G. B. R. at Markdale, 75 acres cleared, a new frame house and two log bams. 8th, Lot No. 98 in the 3rd Con. W. T. «k S. R., Glenelg. 60 acres, about 45 acres cleared and good log buildings, about 2^ miles from Markdale sUtion T. G. B. R. 9ih, The west half lot 17, Con. 4. N. D. R, Glenelg, 50 acres 4o acres cleared, good rough cast house and orchard on the pre- mises. The hou'^e and one acre will be re. serv^ during the life of the occupants who ar«. now betweeli 80 aud 85 years of age. 10th East part lot No. 1. con 3 Normanby, 63 acres, about 50 acres cleared, situation about 2 miles from the town of Durham. For further particulars apply to FINLEY MacRAE, Durham. Dated 15th August. 1882. tf 104, A. Turner Co. Re-Fresh-ing -^ â€" â- - the cool assertion of some people that they ean sell below cost, c., it may not be amiss to Jet the public of Markdale and sur- rounding oountry know that "Wilson Senson* of the "BELFAST HOUSE." MARKDALE, can sell " cheaper than the cheapest," and "better than the best," all kinds of Groceries, Liquors, c. Consisting of TEAS, TOBACCOS, SPICES, CANNED FISH, ETC., And for those wishing pure Wine for 8»e' ramental purposes, will find a brand that wil) equal anything on this side the Atlantic. Other Liquors equally pure. Special Pure Holland Gin. Cheese from the best manufactories. Our Whiskies are from the firm of Good- erham ± Worts, Toronto, aod the public may rely on receiving them as they are sent. FLOUR. POTATOES, and everything in the household hue kept constantly on hand. Henceforth my Store will be supplied with Fruits of all kinds, such as APPLES. PEARO, PLUMS, c. FRUIT CAKES of aU kinds always kept on hand. Essences, Hair Oils, and Perfumery of the choicest nectars. TOILET A FANCY SOAPS, better than the best. CANADIAN A WESTERN PORE, of first qnahty. Everything in the Grocery Line kept oi^a fuller and more complete scale than at asy other place in Markdale. WILSON BEN^N. MAEKDAi;,B Meat Market. A eonatant supply of Fresh Meats I OD hand, at the Xiowest Living Prices.. Orders solicited, and deliv- ered free to all parts of the Xown. Farmers having fat steck to dispose of, will please leave their addresses. TERMS, STRICTLY CASH. FRED. SARJEANT. Markdale, March 23, 1888. 80-]y llHOS. MATHEWS, EanesS slaiEskeaT 1 MARKDALE. EVERYTHING IN OUR LINE KEPT ON HAND OR MADE TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. LIVERY! IN CONNECTION. ACJENTS VV^ANTBD.â€" Big pay.â€" Light W«rk. Steady Employmeiit. Samples free. Address, M. L. BIRN, 46- Naussanstree New York. 20 "v* PIMPLES. I will mail (Free) the recipe for a simple Veoktablb Balm that will remove Tan- FRECKLES, PIMPLES and Blotchks, leave ing the skin soft, clear and beautiful also instructions for producing a luxuriant growth of hair on a bald head or smooth face. Ad- dress, enclosing a 3c. stamp, Ben. Vandelf Co., 5 Beekmau st.. N. Y. 75-1S7 ERRORS OF YOUTH. A GENTLEMAN who suffered for years from NERVOUS DEBILITY, PKEM.\ TUBE DECAY, and all the effects of youth- ful indiRcretiou will, for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it, the recipe Pud directions for making the simple remedy by which he was cure«). Sufferers wishing tc profit by the advertiser's experi- ence can do so by addressing in perfect confi- dence, JOHN B. OGDEN. 75-127 42 Cedar St., New York. GEORGE WILSGN, Wholesale and Retail IBUTCHEB!} BEEP, PORK OR MUTTON SUPPLIED, from a single pound to a whole carcass, at the lowest market prices. FIM a FOWL III THEIR SEASON Farmers having Fat Cattle, Sheep, or Pigs to dispose of will do well to call at No. 8 Bums' Block, opposite the new Union Block. Markdale, Oct. 25th, 1881 Mtiig Like Leaner. Cold. Great cnanoe to make money. Those who always take advantage of tie good chaucus for making money that are offered, generally become wealthy, while those who do not improve such chances re- main in poverty. We wart many men, wo men, boys and girls to work for us right in their own localities. Any one can do the work pro))erly from the first start. I'he bus- iness will pay more than ten times ordinary wagos. Expensive outfit furnished free. No one who engages fails to make money rapidly You can devote your whole time in the wark, or orly your spare moments. Full informa- tion aud all that is needed sent free. Addres, SiTOBOM Co., Portland Maine. 71-126 M. M. M'LEOD,. MARKDALE. NOT TO BE BEATEN r All those wlio may have had the misfor- tune to have been born barefooted will bear in mind that we haye just received the larg- est aud best stock of leather ever before brought into Markdale, consisting of Spanishi Sole, French Kip and Calf, and are now pre- pared to manufacture Ladies, Gents, /ouths. and Misses boots and shoes, from the stoga. to the finest k'd and prunella. Sewed Work a SDecialty. All work warranted. Invisible patching also.- done here. M. M. McLEODv Markdale.Se pt.l9th. 1881. TO GONSUMPTIYES. The advertiser, having oeen permanently cured ot tli^tdread di«ease, Consumption, by a simple reined}' is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it. ho will send a copy of the prescription used, (free of charge,) with bo directions for propairing and using the same which they will find a subb Cobb for Cos- SUMPTION, Asthma. Broschitis, Ac. Parties wishing the Prescription, will i please address. Rev. E. A, Wiiuon, 149 Penn St., Williamfiburgh, N. Y. 75-127 MANHOOD HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED /^ â€" =^ We have recently pnblished a new i SEAIj jedition of Dr. Culvbbwbll's Cble- ""^^^^miATKD Essay on the radical and permanent cure (without medicine) of Ner- vous Debility, Mental and Physical incapaci- ty. Impediments to Marriage, c.. resulting from excesses. t^ Price, in sealed envelopts, only 6 cents, or two postage stamps. The celebrated author, in this admirable Essay, clearly dem(m8trate8, from thirty years' snoccssful practice, that alarming con- sequences may be radically cured without the dangerous use of internal medicines or the use of the knife pointing out a mode of cure at onoe simple, certain and effectual^ by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure hi^p^self cheaply, privately and radically. CS'This Lecture should be in the hand?; pf every youth aiid Hvery man in the laud. Address Th9 Culverwell ledica! Go«. P.O. box 450 41 Ann. St., New fork STARTLING DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A victim of yoattifal impmdesoe eaosiDa Prem» tore Decay, Nervous DebUity, Lost Manhood, etc., having tried in vain every known remedy, hat dl*. eorerrd s simple Retfenxe, wttich be win send FBES to his leDow-siiffererB, addxcsf « H. BEEVEH^ 43 OUUIUUM Mt^ N. Y. ' â-  $661 a week in your own town. 15 outfit! 'tee. No risl-. Everything new. Capital not required. We will furnish you every- thing. Many are making fortunes. Ladies make as much as men, and bovs and girls make great pay. Reader., if yon want a busi. ness at which yon cau.maJie fn'oat pay all t)ie time you work, writq for particulars t H. Haixbtt a Co. P(»4land. Main*. 71- 12G â- â- % ' •

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