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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 5 Oct 1882, p. 7

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 «a*ip «pi mmmmmmn^ pn^iMiilipiinini c •; li k'^^^ v.. MABKBAIiE Sash and Poor Factory SASH. DOORS, MML eT«r diMorered, m it u otrtain in its «ff«eU and doM not Uuter. Bead Pboov Bsuow. Kendall's Spavin Cure. HMMjunm, Mo.. Jum 14, Ji881. B. J. KxxDALL A Co., â€" Oents:â€" Thig u to certify that I have nsod KeodaU's Spayin Care, and have fbimd it to be idl that it ia reeonunended to be and in fact more too; I have removed bv uaing the above: Callous Bone Spavins, Bing-bone, Splints, and can cheerfully testify and recommend it to be the best thing for any bony subetance I have ever nsed, and have tiied many as I have made that my study for years. Bespectf ally yours, P. V. CBI3T. FROm Cpl« T. La Foster. YocNosTOWH, Ohio, May 10, 1880. Db B. J. Kendall Co., Gents:â€" I had a Tery valuable Hambletonian colt that I prized Tery highly, he had a large bone spavm on one joint and a small one on the other which made him very Ivne; I had him under the cluf rge of two veterinary surgeons which fail- ed to cure him. I was one day reading the advertisement of Kendall's Spavin Cure in the Chicago Express. 1 determined at once to try it, and got our druggist here to send for it, thev ordered three bottles; I took them all and thought I would give it a thorough tr »1, 1 used it according to directions and the tf arth day the colt ceased to be lame and the lumps have disappeared. I used but one bottle and the bolt's linjbs are as free from lumps and as smooth as any horse in the state. He is entirely cnmd. The cure was so remarkable that I let two of my neighbors have the remaining two bottles who are now using it. Very respectfully, L. T. FOSTER. Kendall's Spavin Cure. WiNOHAM, Ont., Jan. 17, 1882. Db. B. J. Kendall Co., Gents â€" This is to certify that I have used Kendall's Spavin Cure, bought from C. E. Williams, druggist, Wingham, Ont., and do without hesitation Dron ounce it to be an invaluable remedy for the cure of Spavins, Ringbones, or Curbs. I used it on a bone spavin of several years growth which it completely removed, and I can safely say it will remove any Spavin, Curb or Ringbone it properly used. I Lave also recommended friends to use it, who have done so with perfect success. I gladly make this public, and will answer any questions or letters sent me. Yours Ac. GEORGE BRYCE. Kendall's Spavin Cure ON HUmAN FI.GSH. Wbst Enoseuboh, Vt., Feb. Id, 3SS1. Db. B. J. Kendall A Co., Gents :â€" Several months ago I injured my kuee joint which caused an enlargement to grow the sixe of ft walnut and caused me very severe pain " the time for four or five weeks, when I began to use Kendall's Spayin Cure with the most satisfactoiy lesults. It has entirely remov- ed the enlaigement and stopped thehuneness and pain. I have long known it to be excel- lent for horses but now I Know it to be the best liniment for human flesh that I un ac- quainted with. Tours truly, T. P. LAWRENCE. St. John, P Q Oct. 27, 1681. Db. B. J. Kkndall Co., Gents:â€" I have used your Spavin Cure with great suocepson j apavua, curbs and t,pUnts. I know it to be a good remedy for ringbones, bone spavins' *^^' »" " kinds of lamenessand other difficulties about the horse. One of my men ».prauied his anUe very badly. I applied Kendall's Spavm Cure and I never saw any- thing work Hke it. he was weU in a few days. I know It to be good for man as weU as beast. I procured one of your Treatise on the Horse, by mad for 25cts. and I think it waa the means of saving me »100 on one horse that I treated aooording to the direetiotui iriven in BLINDS MOULDINGS, HOLLOW BATTONS. FRAMES Lnmber, Lath and Shingles, Always on Hand. Orders Proinptly Filled. The SnMeriber wishes to retnra thanks to the people of Ifarkdala and TidBity, for the very liberal patronage they have giwn him in the past, and hopes by dose attention to bosinass to merit a oontiniianee of the same. I have now extended my business 4^nd will in future keep a full Stoek of P INE LU Direct from the North Shore. Alili SIZ£S, DBBSSSD AND UNDBIBSSED. .AJLl lOncls orPlAin and Fetrtcy ITur'iatingr TORONTO HOUSI FLBSHEBTON. â€" .0- Mt Mf (!omplet«. [fiOSSJ BER Done in a first class manner. •MarkdaleMay 87th,.1881. THOS. McNBA. TAILOR, SYDENHAM STIUBET, VCRY ATTRACTIVK, AND CHEAPER T HAN THE 6HEAPEST â-  â€" Variety an d Value Un aurliassed. DRY GOODfe DEPARMENT. Is this seasoo Tery complete wiiJi a very largo stock of Dress Goods, con^ prising in pai t Cashmeres iu all oolms. Worsted Wool Goods in endless variety. Bgpt and Shoe Department. Would call special attention of close buyers as my stock is nnitsnally lar^e from the best manufacturers aud at rock bottom prices. ordered" bliOTHING. Has been exceedingly brisk this season, on account of which I have laid mi the largest and best stick of Tweeds, Coatings, Trowserings. and Overcoat- ings in^this section of country. As I have always led the trade io this de- partment buyers will find it to their advantage to call before purchaiioa elsewhere. OL. 3.-No| tilt %it\Ut |ui 18 PUBUSHED rjiY_TlJiiiXiriA V c\/| Supplemi A. M'INTYRE TEA! TEA! TEA! A. M'INTYRE McINTYRE'8 LIQUORS UQUORS McINTYRE'S Cigars, Cigars. McINTYRE'S OoBTee, Ojofl^e. McINTYRE'S MEAU MEAL! MEAL! McINTYRE'S Pork, Pork. Pork* McINTYRE'S And everytLing kept n in a first-class Grocery and Liquor Store, always on hand, cheap roa ciSH. g s « Millinery Department. Under the able management of a first'elass milliner, with plenty of assigt- ance, will be found unusually atiraotive with the prettiest and most fashion able, and cheapest stoek to be found in the county. Ladies, it wo«M do you good to call and look at the stock. Hardware and Grocery Department. Is always fully assorted and complete with the best goods, at the lowest pos sible price, o- I am the only constant and reliaLle buyer of Grain and Farm Pro- duce in Flesherton, and for which I will pay the highest price in cash for any quantity of good dry, sound graiu, which I worn id specially ask farmers to clean well. A call solicited. Flesherton, Oct. 3id, 1882. ;, T. I your book for dis^aoed stifle. jToon truly, Wm. J. PEARSON. Send addresa fog^lhistrat«lCiKalar,vUeh we think pmB podUva proot of its wimta. No i«nady has ever OMt with sMh WMvalifl. ed raooaia to oar koowladica, forbaMtM w«U as man. Sold by all Dnuftfiata. [.YMAK. 8^8 A CO., lloSSaL p! Q. TEACHERS WANTED FOli MABKDALE SCHOOLSâ€" THBSE â€"one for eadh Department. A aiale for first department holding second class eertifieate. Female for each of the other departments holding third class. Apply to G. S. QOWES, Sec.-Treas., Markdale P. 0. Sept. S7th. 1882. 107-8t STRAYED FROM THE PREMISES Oir THE SUB- â- CBiBKa. Lot 3, Con. 6, Artamesia, on the 21st inst., ooa gray Heifer and one red and white spotted Steer, both rising two years old. Any information that will lead to their reooTery will be thankfully reoeived; and any person harboring them after this date will be dealt with aceording to kw. STEPHEN KELLT. Artemesia, Sept. «lrd, l«e2. l(»7-»w. FARM TO iWilT. BEING LOTS M AND 89, lax BANOB 8. W. T. A 8. Bead, Towwditp of HoUaDd.lOOMns. 70 of whisk ia deared; then is a gnod baaiiiig ordiaid, also frame bam aad log hoosa on the piwuaea, weU watand. Wffl nat lor a Wm d yaars. For partieafawa ayply on the preniaes to JOHN GILLESPIE, BerkalsT P. O. Holland, Sepl. 27fh, IWl. 107-4t* A^ ttKXsSi» TAILOR. OH, HEAR. OH, HEAR. OH, HEAR. Squander your money if you want to, if not, get yourPhotographs of W. BULMER. The People's Photographer, Flesherton Who ia tgiin praptrea »o t4ke KetnjM, tad do Copying ud Enluging u herelolore. FRANKS AI*«1 mA-lVlE FIXXIVCiS. K^tJI^^V^ '*^ 'J^°' MOTTOB3 md Motto ud olh«Fr»m«, md Fiu» S^ilSto.!"'"' "** •' »«»"ka»ly I«w Prices, Cdl Bring .long yonr pietnru and hav. thm «,|id ud enkiged by yonr old friend. BULMER. Om IcFarland's Store, MAmCDAUI. Spwial •titatioo to CaUiitK.^ Flnherton. Much 10, lUl, ARTEMESIA WAREHOUSE LYICAM. Wholesale AflBota AjBTEjasu T0WK8RIP Show was held to Fnceyille op Tuesday, tiie weather was dehghtfnl.Jwt the fair was not as successful as could be desired. No proper place was convenient for the whole exhibit. As a consequence the horses were exhibitedv^in one place, the cattle and sheep m another, the implements in a tbird, and the grain roots, Wlies' work, Ac, in stiU ano- ther. However, things passed oflf fair, ly under the «it cnmstanoes and a fair exhibit was made in many classes; we will give the prise list next week. Oont forget the eattle fair next R-itnrday at Miritdale. Bring your stock m early. u-.moeroi ' v^aats yet aoaetil- \. if liOV .^ ay, paid by tJjg JQj^Jj oftiii«nirtjU c«ift» will bepJ»,5ed ia Onhcr hand* t» 'W*eotwix.â€" A. Mcl». SOMKNWANTKO Immediataly lor ballast' tnun en T.G.4 B. By. Jtpply at Markdale and Fiesharton Staliooa. B. Taoaley, foreBMii. liNIEMILE, INSURANCE AND LAND AGENT, LIC£N8Ei AUCTIONESB For the Oooatgr of Oiaj. A«s«T Urr the followiaff nliabla Coaifaaiae Cr.i'iZEM8\ ot Montreal, ACi;iGULTI7BAL, ef Watertown, and TBASm A OOMMBBOB. (Miit«»)) ' af Toronto. A number of Choiee Farms for aa^ a%io TBlaceLota. Anetim Bales eondneted in Town or Co«b»- trjroa-ttMrlest Notiee. Chai)gei moderate nUBfc Kolas, aad Blaaq^ ptovidad. If yon want a Peiafeet Fit IttTt yonr Order with A. HUiIi. toth, IMt. OEO. NOBCifiJ. WILL CUHC Oil RCUEVC tUMQEtflOM, JAVt/mC£. MALT RMiUtL ftiAirrBvmi, MtAMCMi, T. iiLwim I ca, ninrTERuig dctoirr OF A TffesrojiatC Mrtr£$8 ^^1 OPrHEJKuC â- I Diy Goods, Hardware. Crockery, Boots and Shoes, G«»- cencs, Provisions, Ac. Stock kept full and well assorted with new goods received every week My BRANCH STORE at EUGENIA replenished with New Goods eveiyweek. ^•^ ••!• Ohaap faf Caah ar i»f»d uce. My Saw Mill and Shingle Factory At LITTLE FALLS are in operation. Lumber^ Lath, Broam Handlea for Sale. Wm. HOGG. Markc Utle PtJMPF actory. r.u.r.rr "A"" ^f *LL WND8 OF PUMPS. DBOP VALTE PDMPB. CTLttDEB PUMPS. C18TEBN PUMPS. K)BC£ PUMPS, ^W^ â„¢"8 OP IBQN PUMPS S»PUKIX tt»a Pump botln^f hS^wS^^ *^ •^^ d«ie in Maridale i» P««^. ««»«iib«r the 8ttti4,l door north of Bmtladgt'B Hotel. Sydenham Street, Markdale. ON OUR TABLE. TH» CoKSCLTINO EN(iINEK^J the titlefWa «w mouihly ihed ii^Xgip*i*'*I* is entirely* mstruetion and working of er .^a.lj got up an ahoukl be pati ivo have^uyttimg ko do witn iipton* 'one dollar per year cents. PlCTOBESQCE CANADA â€" We ll arts 11 and 12 of this valuaM lustrations, •fcich are btantil umerous. oo»rwe Rcenes o akes a«d ia fh» ^orlh Wesl leatly aiJ* tastefully printed «.( .he eugraviugs alone are wi i the book, which is only W\ 'riuted by the Art PublishiuJ York St.. Toronto. ThK AKEWCAN AciBICULTlKlj an unuBually attractive and 'er of this old, reliable and U e notice important chan^'e^ andsoue cover, hue paper.| nish on the mauy eugraviuiih le nun:ber,coi:taiuin« a large M^tillel with many desirable nrtj fe who make up clubs. ' Among the leading c.^ntri^ ' Jacobs, ott poultry keeping, ft !#J. N. MesTEY. on feeding h Thubbeb, on Gladiolus, Sknl and other lants Prof. Buc der plutns L. D. Ssook, on vices X. A. Wni.ABi», on Butter Pn.f. W. H. Jokd.*! Limestone Col. M. C. Wi:ja Corn Foilder Mr. OKANiK and Prices etc. aud D. L i ing Corn Fodder. Guenon's coTcry Farming in Egypt Humbugs Exposed, are all the eighty iliustraiive engitj large ones of "October " 'F' woi-ds 'â-  Camp Tip- fop â€" a Prize House! ians Keil P«»l| a long list of farm, :;arden, aud houselu)ld,l Roller, Loading Corn, MenI Hack, Fence l\»sts, Poor liatcl Bin, Cold Cellar, Filter, Sho^ The Children's Columns are tve' reading^The Doctor ta\ kinds of Nats. Galls, etc. ()l PublishemNew York. ^\.iA single number, 16 cents. Sodpen1)eath â€" Yesu-rdaj a very large number of peoi street, while Mr. Edward At was driving his team jui? House on Lambton st.. hel suddenly fall »ver in the wi taken out of the waggo chair in the Middaugh lloi summoned to his aid, but ii after Jami*»80u's arrival Mr. last. Aftit lla was dead deceased yi«.K carried into I although .the place hid b^ members iifnimty Church* Bazaar was ll^Qg held at family ofthe deceased were the show. Mr. ».^.rd wa ^etive member of tJu- Agri i^n olds.itt e. aud highly re- rchants, and Land Sales, |d^ ^o and charges made vi ?riceville, Sept. 17, 1880. Wm. Lucas banker! large or small amounts at good andorsed notes, or •ity. TERE8T AT 6 PEl, Allowed on Savings DeJ 'Drafts ieaued and Collect points, at lowest rates. W.M. ptember 28, 1880. A. car: fo all who are suflfering indiscretions of youth, », early decay, loss of maj J???d a receipe that will cu/ jCHABGE. This great red by a missionary in Sc » self-addressed envel «fH T. IsxAM, Station I

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