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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 5 Oct 1882, p. 3

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 ""l'llisi""'"I|ii' '15R"" P I II iJ I The Stttttdatrd. MABKDALE, Oet Sn, 188S. SA8T GBEY FALL EXHIBITIW. The Above «shibitioQ was haU at llasbtf- ton on \he S8th and Stth Septembar. The weather during the two daj» on which it was held was lorely and eTsnrthing seemed to tend towards making it a soeoesa. The hone ling WkS the eentre of atteaetion, and the speeding much ei^ojed. The rarioos aectiuns were well filled with entries, and the animals shown were credit to tho ex. lubitors as wdl as to the district. The ex- hibit of stallions was large. Cattleâ€" the unmber of thorooghbreds was not yerr large, yet 3ome fine specimens were shown. The^f were exhibited nnder the register of the Herd Book of 1882. H. D. Irwin of. Artemesia, and B. Black, of Proton, shoired one and two year oiJ Durham bulls respect* ively, both very promising animals. J. B. Trimble, of Markdale contributed a very fine cow. as also did B. Lever, of Artemesia. Trimble Baskerville, of Artemesia, showed only Ayrshire entered, a bull calf. There was a herd of Devons on the (H'onnd, the proper ty of Bobt. Oliver. Artemesia. This is the first time that this breed has been shown at the fair, and they attracted verj- general at- tention. Of grades there was a large num- ber, many of them remarkably fine animals. The exhibits of sheep were exceptionally large, embracmg not only the long woolled Cotswolds, Leicesters, and Lincolns, but also meritorious specimens in the fine wool- led Oxford and Soathdowas. Of the latter varieties Jamieson and Fee, of Collingwood, were the largest exhibitors. W. Buchannan and H. D. Irwin, of Artemesia, also exhibit. In the coarse-wcoUed kinds Wm. and Ed. Fawcett, of Euphrasia Jas. McMorris, of Osprey, and Wm. Shepherdson, of Colling- wood, were the principal exhibitors. Swiue â€" the number in this class was very small, but were fine specimens. Poultry was very fairly represented. Grain â€" the exhibit of fall wheat was the laigest we have witnessed at a county show and, without doubt, the best quality. Spring wheat very good, but the number of entries were small. Barley and oats were also a good sample, but Utile of them. lioots were fairly represented, there being a large number of entries, especially of pota- toes, othe roots were medium. Fruit was well up, though the season has been rather unfavorable. The finest display of carriages that has ever been at a county fair in Grey was to be .seen at this one. There is a great improve- ment in thi.s line, which fact speaks well for the prosperity of the county for if there wore no uemand for such thf: mauufactuiers would not risk so much capital ami pay so much attention lo that line of business. The domestic manufactnrrs and ladies' work was scarcely up to former 3'ears in re- gard to the number of entries, yet the quali- ty was good. Mr. Bulmer had a tine display of photographs. The show, on the whole, was a 8ucces«- and Inking into consideration the exceeding- ly large number present, it was the best ever belli by the society. The Board of Manaji^e- j ment may justly feel i)roud of the success which has attended their earnest efforts. Wo arc indebted to the efficient and court- eous Secretary, Mr. S. Damude, lor tho fal- lowing prize list which we give below PlilZE LIST. 'The names are given in the order of ir^erit without usin;; the terms Ifet, 2nd and Srd.] Houses. â€" Agricultural, S. Sttx;ks, J Bol- and, Alex. Mercer; Itoadster, (j. Wright, J. iV5 W. H. Johnston, J. Soott Carriage, W. Wilscn, Dr. Sproule, J. Marquis Buggy Horse, A. Hannaii, J. Trimble, W. McMullen; Saddle Horse, R. Davis, J. McGee, A. White; Brood Mare, S. Stocks, b. Patlon. T. Mann Draught, '2 year eld gelding or filly, A. Faw- cett, A. Mercer; Spring Foal, S. Stocks; General Purpose, 2 year old gelding or filly, A. Morcer, D. Stinson. E. Butledge 1 year old gelding or filly, W. Walker, .1. McGee, D. Madill; Spring Foal. Thoa. Mann, W. Walker, J. W. H. Johnston J. R. Trim- ble's sixcial prize for Clear Grit, I year Ad, J. W. H. Johnston, W. Williamson- Spring Foal. Tlios. :Mauu, W. Williamson; Heavj- Draught Stallion, 2 years and under, Chas. Theakstou Roadster Stallion, 3 years and under. J. Trimble; Roadster Stallion, 2 years and under, J. W. H. Johustin, D. Madill; Agricultural Stpllion. 3 years and over, J. McAlear. H King; Agricultural Stallion, 2 years and under. C. Theakston, J. O'Brien. CTTLK. â€" Durham â€" Cow. J»s. Trimble, Trimble A' Baskerville, R. I^ver; B nil, two years and over, old herd beok reg., R. Black; Bull: 1 one ycur old, reg. in new herd book, H. D. Irwin, S. Arnott Bull Calf, reg. in new herd book, R. Lever; 1 year old Heifer, K. Black Ayrshireâ€" Bull Calf, Trimble Baskerville Gradeâ€" Cow, Trimble fe Bask- erville, A. White 2 year old Heifer, James Trimble. T. Mann 1 y,Mir old Heifer, Jas. Farn3 J. Sluart; Heifer Calf, Jas. Farris, Trimble Baskerville WorkiuR Oxen, Ir- win Fawcett, Alex. Fawcett, D. Stins'on; 3 year old Steers, A. Holly, jr.; S year old Steers, J, Tlulmudeau, T. Kells 1 year old Steers, G. Swanton. R. Oliver, of Artemesia. showed a herd of 1 evons, consistiuc of one bull, on^» cow and bull calf. No prizes being «)ffered for Devon." the judges made snecial mention of them. Hbeep.â€" Leicester or Lincolns, sged ram, W. Shepardiou. W. Buchannan Sheariing Ram, J. H. Stewart. W. Fawcett 4V Sons Ram Lamb, W. Fawciitt Stms. W. Shejdiaiilson, Wm. Fawcett Pair Agetl EweH. J. :\IcMorri8, W. Fawoett Sons; Shearhug Ewes, W. Fawcett A Son, Wm. Shepherdson, do.; Ewe Lambs. W. Fawcett Sons Cotswold, Aged Ram, J. Hickhhg, W. Fawcett .t Sons; Shearling Ram, W. Shepardsou. J. McMoriis Ram Lamb, W. Fawcett Jc Sons, J. McMcrris, W. Shopard- .son; Aged Ewes, W. Shepardson, do; Shearling Ewes, J. McMorris, Wm. Shepard- Kon, do Ewe Lamb W. Shepanlson, Wm. Fawcett A Sons, J McMorris: Southdown, Ageil Bam. J. Howe; Shenrhug Ram. W. Buchannan. sr.; Ram I.amb, H. D. Irwin, .lamesou Free, do.; Apotl Ilwes, Jamewn »tFree; Ewe Lambi, H Huid, J. Howe. SwiXK.â€" Black, Boar Pig of 1882, J.. John- ston Sow, of 18?2, H. Muthewson Suffolk or White, aged Boar. 1). Stinson, A. Stuart ftgel of c/ 188 J, D. Stinson, R. Lever, .J.F«rwl|i;I B: Lar« s OBdUa ;CkiMB, Bar M^Dowaa ;ljiabH7 Doaks. W. J. Coosgr, H. ]SthmB;OdMr Iaek8,A. Staart. Jmms BiodM Tvk^rs, S. Sloeks, B. Lavar QMta, S. Stocks, J. Baaweft QaAnr.-Soiia, Ddhi or Flint, R. Baitevaa, J. Caamon ClawsoM. J. Oiasn, W. Fawaett A Sons, J. Staart Ti aaiwall. J. B ase r a ft J. Camtfon, J. Osaen Other 'Variaty, J. Oraen, J. Farris, B. BnthTan Spring Whaat. Oenssea, J. M aOirr, W. Clarke, J. GaiMnm Glasgow, J. Cameron, J. MeOinr, J. Marquis; Bnssian. J. Brodta, N. Claika, J. IfaCUrr; Other Variety, J. Brodie, J. Marqoia, J. Green Barley. J. Brodie, J. Cameton, W. Fawcbtt A Sons Peas, small, J. Cameron, J. Brodie, A. Carr; Paas, large, J. Dsodie, J. B. Anderson Oata. white, D. Stinson, M. CUrke, J. Cameton Oats, Uaek, D Stinson J. Beeeroft Tunothy Seed, J. Brodia, A. Carr; Indian Coin, white. W. Buchannan, J. McGee; Indian Com/ycdlow, J. Cameron, W. Buchannan; Collection Beans, J. Brodie, J. Farris, C. BeUamy. Boots.â€" Cap Potatoes, J. Abbot, C. BeUa- my; Early Rose, J. Beeeroft, J. Thompbon, D. Stinson any other variety, J. Johnston, D. Stinson, W. Buchannan collection Po- tatoes, J. Brodie, D. Stinson, J. Fariis; Globe Mangolds, J. Thompson, W. Bulmer; lionff Mangolds, W. Fawcett A Sons, W. Buchannan Sweedish Turnips, J. Ford, W. Buchannan other field X nmips, G. Swan ton,H. Mathewson; Table Turnips, J. Farris J. Milnor Long Blood Beets, J. Cameron, J. Thompson any other kind Beets, J. Milnor, J. Thompson Field Carrots. J. Thompson, W. Buchannan; Early Horn Carrots, W. Bnchannan, E. Rutledge; Parsnips, B. H. Stinson, J. Cameron; Onions, from Uaek seed, J. HickUng, J, Beeeroft Potato Onions J. Farris, J. Cameron Winnisteadt Cab- bage. J. Thompson, W. Bulmer Drumhead, J. Thompson, W. Bulmer; other variety, J. Thompson, W. Bulmer; Cauliflower, J. Thompson, J. Farris; Celery, white, J. Hickhng, J. Farris Pumpkins, J. Farris. J. McGirr Squashes. H. Mathewson, M. Pow- ers Citrons, W. Bulmer. H. MathewMn Tomatoes, W. Bulmer, J. Beeeroft Water- melons, W. Bulmer, J. Thompson. Fbuit, â€" Crab apples, H. Mathewon, B. Gilray fall apples, 3 varieties C of each, J. Beeeroft, J. Brodie winter apples, J. Bee- eroft. J. Marquis fall apples. 1 var. J. Mar- nais, J. Brodie winter apples, J. Graham, A. Fawcett fall pears, H. Mitchel, J. Hick- ling winter pears, J. Hickling, J. McGee plums, red or Blue, J. Marquis, R, Stinson plums, v-ellow or g:-een, J. Marquis, H. Mit- chell ki'ape, J. Graham, J. Hear 1. Duftv PnopucK. â€" Hocey, J. Hfarl 5 lbs. • ute ••, J. Ford, J. Abbott, Wm. bnchannan, A. Me'cer CO lbs. buti«r, J. Ford, J. Ab- boti, J. Far. is, E. Rutletisf 10 lb buiier, Mr. i^aies svticial, rockiuf/ ch!ir,J. Camevnn; el'eese, J. Cameron, J. Mi'uor brcid, J. McGlr, N. ClarVe. AGPicuii'jm ' ^Mpi,KWF.yTS,E( ooi'rs,dc. â€" ileap^r and M^wei. Mwssje mai-i'facniVr, ibe .?n]y mach'Pf orf p:'-tUi.u; -hey h* dne beeu i'j tbJs stc.-oi- ihe Moiors will decide if premium ^v • n" Hw»»,ru.-i' o" not hcrse rake, Massie n»f»iufatti • Vant'inseu Sboain exb'bitors plo. A. M«G' • lum- bpi- waggon, An«-ock Fleming «'einocrat, T. Wilson, G. C- uIcks^auK bu^gy, ove e*!. H. Mitchell. R. fio?jj buf ^y, oyeo. J. Heard, T. Wilscn cutter, single, J. Heard, i^'k'ock Fleming tents' fine sewed boots, \V. Bamliouse gents' stogp b^ors, W. Ba:-u- 'uouso Uulies boots, W. Ba^nhouse. Domestic Mancfacttjre?. â€" Pair of blank- ets, homemade, J. Cameron, J. Hickling 5 yd?, fulled cloth, iiome made, N' C'arko J. Miluor .5 yds. flannel home matie, li. Stui- son. N. Clarke; 5 yds. flannel, union, home made, J. Miluor, R. Gilray 2 lbs, stocking yarn. J. Cameron, J. Abbott 2 pis. woolen mits, A. Cair, J. Magee 2 rs. woolen sock, J. Cameron, J. Abbott 2 prs. woollen stock- ings, J. Cameron, S. Stocks ))atchwork qudt, K. Gilmy, Miss Madill quilt, any other khid, R. Burk, R. Gilray Bcrlm wool work raised, J. Milnor. Miss. Vardusen collection Berlin wool work.Mrs. W. Haskett, Miss Gilray braiding in silk, Miss Gilray, J. Miluor braiding in cotton, Miss Gilray, J. Milnor cmb. in silk, J. Milnor emb. in cotton, Miss Rutiiven, Mrs| H. Mathewson erab. in worsted. Miss. L. Armstrong, Mrs. Milnor crotcliet in cotton, Mrs. J. R. Trim- ble, Miss Gilrj»y in wool. Miss L, Arm- .strong, Mrs. J. B. Trimble point and Imni- ton lace. Miss Rnthven, Mrs. Milnor fancy knitting in wool, J. Miluor. Mrs. R. Stinson; woollen work on canvas, Mrs. J. R. iTimble, Miss L. Arm.' trong neetllc work omamen- t il. Miss L. Armstrong. Mrs. Milnor man's shiri, Mrs. H. Mathewson, Mrs. Stocks rag mat, Mrs. Powers hair flowers, Mrs. N. Clarke feather flowers. Miss Gilrav. Mrs. R. Stinson leather work, Mrs. R. Stinson Slippers worked. Miss Damude, Mrs. Milnor tatting. M)ss Buthveu. Miss Hickling; wax fruit, Mrs. Milnor wax flowers, Mrs. Mil- n«-r collection photos, W. Bulmer pen- manship, R. Davis crayon drawing. Miss McDowell Pencil drawing. Miss MsDowell. Miss Vandusen water color paintings. Miss McDowell. Miss L. ArmstrouK. Plantt t Flowsrs. â€" Table boquet, Mrs. Jas. Beeeroft, Mrs. Vandusen foliage plant. Mrs. Vandusen geranium, Mrs. Vandusen fnschia, Mrs. Vandu-en calla lily. Mrs. Damude begonia. Mrs. Bulmer, .1/rs Vandusen collection flowers Mth. J. Beeeroft, J/r.-i. Vandusen. VTBECK OT THE ••ABIA:* Oet. S.-Tha tag An mifdlMWlMMmghilMtafwiin.lMttiag «a boM Mm foUowiag bodiaa lost «• tha ill k*ad itwaiw Aiia:--^Jolm MtiSkmgaa, oi OwM Sooad. 1^ was parser; B. Sparks, of Ottawa; Jaeksoa saopoaad to ba a htmm from Mar Liaidwal; Jfo. Kirk,froto Clofar HOI Bhappaid and ooe nnknown snppoaed toba BOaa Besaid. Two unknown bodies warn pMtad «p I7 tha staamnr Africa, and thraa by the steam barge Bnterprise, near houtij Island, and sent hwpe by the tng. Captain NoMa. of the tug Ann Long, reports that a larga number of bodies are floating aroond near where these were pidted np. and eonM be easily reooTered if a tug with appli- ances for the purpose were despatched at once. THE PVBSKB's rClTKBAL. The remains of Mr. J. JfcDougall. purser of the wredrad steamer Asia, were interred this afternoon at four o'clock. VnuotmB tail omi be Men Aboat 8 o'eloek tbeac moraiogt. JBBaâ€" â€" â€" fcwwâ€" â€" â€" sâ€" sâ€" â€" â€" â€" i MARKDATiF. MABKETb. Fkn Wheat, fl.^ to #0.00; 8pri^ fOjOO to tOOO; Barley. fiOe; Fsaa, 66t; Oata, 40e; Bnttar, 14e; Eggs, ISe; Potatoes, Me; Hay. |W». FLESflEBTOK MABKETb. VaU Wheat, f 1.0U to 10.00; Spihig, M.UO to #0.00; Barley, 60e; PeM, GTc- Oats, 40er Butter. 14e; Eggs, 18e; Potatoes. 46c; Hay, PiM. • â- â€¢ Trimble Jt Wright are seBinir millinery. I mantles, and mantle cloths at fity cents on the dollar. An extraofdiDary thing iu ladies* boQuets â€" a cheap one, MofiiAt Bros. Markdale, are making a specialty just now of Plow Points. A printer standing at his case is right in his oomp. position. Plough Points of all patterns made of the best material, at the Jfarkdale Foundry. Some men, otherwise steady -headed, •ail never Iteep their balance in a bank. Silks and satins, velvets and relveteens below wholesale prices, at Trimble di Wright's McFarland's imraeuse establish- ment is crowded with eager customers after the bargains. His competitors are disgusted and say there is no use competing with Mc. We would direct the attention of our readers to the advertisement of B. J. Sproule, FleshnrtoD, which appears on our eighth Piige. lie has a large and new stock of everything usually found iu a fir^t cIhss store and at low prices. He is aIso prep^ed to pay toe highest cash price for wheat aud farm piuduce. Vigilance constnnt and sleepless vigilance is said to be the price of liberty. In the same way only can success be obtnined in commercial life. W. J. McFarland is ever on the look out for bargains for his thous- ands' of customers. He has recently purchased over $7,000 worth of stock at 47^ cents on tli3 dollar, which will be sold at unheard of x^rices. ON THE WATEB AS WELL AS ON THE LAND. T. C. B, RAILWAY, TlMS TABIiE. GOING SOUTH. Exp. a.m. Owen Sound, dep. 6.20 Maikdale.. ..(i.29 Flesherton .^. 6.43 Toronto 10.35 GOING NOn'J'jl. Toronto dop. 7.86 Flesherton 1 1.39 Markdale 11.67 Owen Sound 1.16 Mxii. Mail. a.m. p.m 7.35 .).4» 9.45 5.02 10.12 5.19 9.25 4.35 4.15 8.30 6.02 8.45 7.00 9.56 BtRTHS. Hill â€" In Markdale. on the 23rd September, the wife of Mr. S. Hill, (merchant,) of a daughter. Lake â€" In Eupnrasia, on the 29th Septem- ber, the wife of Mr. James Lake, of a son; still born. Elliottâ€" In Cihatsworth. on the 2nd. inst., the wife of J. W. EUiott, (druggist,) of a son. FALL EXHIBITI0X8. EosBiiONT. â€" Holatein. Oe«.4. EonRAsaiuâ€"Boeklyn. Oct. 4. AmT^mtiiia. â€" Prieewille, Oct. i, Pbotox.â€" Dnudalk. Oct. 5. MMUMcrnon, â€" Bbelbn.-Qe, (U •ad 4. HoLijUTD. â€" Gbaisworth, Oct in smhgTsMieyI GENTLEMEN,â€" If you want a fii si-cla„ Buggie or Wagoj caUat MGKENNA MASON'S CARRIAGE WORt MARKDALE. They can supply you with anything tna Lumber Wagon up to Extension Top Phseton To buy from them Ih to SAVE ]VtOIVE\ AttOTHIR I n_i I I I I I I I IWELB ri 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 MARKD. .G.TRIMBI to open out a new Jeweller int the 15tli Octi Look out for advertisement. R. G. TRIM. Lacal Hem Db. ScHtLTS is to be called U ilw They are both practical workmen, end :« •representative of Manitoba. employ none but PRACTICAL WORKME! 'i*hey guarani;ee their work Second to none for Lightnem of Drstiglit aud Superiority oi yini»h. MARRIAGES- Camfaigme â€" DoNKiN. â€" On tlie 2nd. inst., at Kiverview. by Rev. Mr. Snowden, Mr. W. A. Campaipne, of Little Falls. Artemesia, to Miss M. Doiikin. of Biverview. nt Forest races are expwAinl I about the niiddlc of the njontiil unday school boy was askel i^ [vras a Christian, "Yes sir," he I he is not waiting at it mucii.' farmers around Wiarton g of the yield of the (all auc t crop, it has not come up to tions. Cincionati, Ohio, 912,000 wnrt| « and jewellery were stolen frc DIED. M«-NicoLL â€" In Artemesia, on the 30th Sept., Mary, relict of the late John McNicoU aged H3 year.s. Speers â€" In Artemesia, on the 2nd inst., Elizabeth, beloved wife of Mr. William Speers aged 40 years. They use nothing bat First-cIasH White (k for Wagons, and thrice Extra Second Growth Hickory fo- light work. The immense amount of woi k iiunoil out ot McEenna Mason% shop is Hiiflicie fwoof of the wide reputation i!iev eiijov fordoing good work. The BEST laTHnCHEAPJCSTix the EVihilS in- the exposition building Poor cheap work we positively will ._. 1 1 â-  not taieT **"*â- â€¢ ^^^^^ '"""^^urely kept in a she I *fMan in/», I'ui engaged â€" will bo Special attention giTen to Ee-Ti-immiufon Honilav â€" c.wi usjour blessiug and Repainting all classes of Carriage Woi^, i hi is ],ow an iudeien(it«ir u ^. "T'j/ X- « «i ^f the nt t iod broke the inttU Satisfaction guaranteed (01- No Tav) in i ^^ ., HORSESHOE! NC '^^"S ^^^^ P**^"' momh ten conv dienrissetl (l)e penitent iai^-,.!!,^ SHOP â€" On Mill Street opposite :cort|'leted tf -ms. S"x were sent u Sproule's Hotel. o«Br, twofor KLenli.ig Uorses or fill McKENNA MASON *«««»'^^'s'"'^- T^fe SorHi «rcy I cnaallB at Diu-liam on How is it possible to prevent a good thing from being known, is the question now agit- ating some few inlividuals in the Dominion. Therefore larger numbers although not suffer- ers from rheumatic troubles, are of the opin- ion of Capt. Barry of Kings ton, owner of sev- eral lake vessel and himself sailing master of one, who says: "I, too have been cured of the rheumatism by St. Jacobs Oil, the Great German Remeily and I know of sev- eral others besides myself who have been cured of that drea«lfui aibnent in the same manner; it is known upon the water just as well as on laud, and is considered an inval- uable remedy everj'wliere. Spanking bar;aiDs are to be got ftt McFarland's, Overcoats $4.00 a 'ood suit $4,50; pants $1,25 Hats 50 cts. all purchased at 47^ cts ou the dollar. Ml Sow, I). St'nsou, A. Stnait; Boar Pig lfiS'2, \y. William.sou. IX. Lever Sow Pig, R. D. Irwin, teacher, is in Town. Just to haml a large stock of new BUek Cashmeres at Trimble «t Wright's. Fall in the price of bread â€" the large loaf for ri^ts, at JJontgumery's Bakery. Euphrasia Show came off Wednesday at Rucklyn, and wa** well attended. We will give a report with prize h«. mxt week. See Trunblc Wright's dress goods at SJ cents per yard. Something, we l)elievewcll worthy the at- teation of dairj- nien, was shown liy ifoore and Cruickshnnks.of Heathcote, hi the shape of a donblc action cbnrniug machine. It is the best iatJM3t we have seen ia that Une. We Lad a call from Mr. Cliaa. Mat- thews, (hotel keejH-r,) and Dr. Ben- nett, of Cbatswoith^ on Tuesday. Gloves and hoisory at your own prices, at Trimjile Ji Wright's. LOYAL MARKDALE LODOE. Of C. 0. O. F. No. 78, will meet in their ha 1 ou Monday evening, October 16th, at eight o'clock p. m. 106 W. L. YOUNG, Sec'y. Consumption POSITITEI.I UCJltCD. All sufferers from this disease that are anxioue to be cured should try Da. Eif^sxEu's Celbbratep Consuimpxive Powbers. These powders are tlic only preparation known that will cure Consumption and uU diseases of the Throat and Lungs â€" indeed, so strong is our faith in them, and also to convince you that they are no humbug, we will forward to every sufferer, by mail, postpaid, a/r0« trial box. We don't want your money until you are perfectly satisfied of their curative pow- ers. If your life is worth saving, don't delay in giving these Powdert-tk trial, as they will suiely cure yuu. Price, for a large box. ^.00, sent to any part of the United States or Canada, by mail, on receipt of price. Address Afih A- ltol»l»iii8, 108 300 Fultf»n St., Brooklyn, N. T. Aftolful l^v^^- JXJV"R-Ii. r ALE Foundry •A 0- 2,000 empty flasks wanted at In 'y re's. Mo.. THE REASON HE WROTE IT. "I write this," says Mr. Nelson do Pew, of Napiersville, Quebec, Canada," to say that, after suffering six years with rheumatism â€" aecompanicd with the most intense pain with which any one conld be afflicted â€" I haye beeu completely cured by the use of St. Jacobs Oil. I thu« write because I consider it my duty so to do, and Iecaus4; I wish to publiih to suffer- ing humanity the wonderful efficacy of the Great German Remed When 1 remember that during six years in which I was bedridd- en with this awful disease, I tried all kinds of remedies, and exoended a very large am- ount of money with doctors of all schools, and nnderwe it all kinds of treatment, the feeling of gratitude at my marvelous recovery impresses' me to give the widest publicity to my ease," Over seven tbojHsand dollard worth of freeb, clean gixxls are being opeoed out by W. J. McFarland, purchased at 47^ cts. ou the dollar. Bargains may be expected aa Mc. is the boss, and don't yon forget it. A fraud, in tbe shape of a woman, selling subscriptiona for a picture called »«The Fruits of tbe West," is on her travels. She collects tlie money in advance but never delivers tbe pictures. â€" Shelbm-ne Frte Prets, A conteroporary states thatpnncbed silver is in many sections of tbe coun- try no longer current. People sliould tako care aud refuse coin when they find It has been puLcbcd. In some parts of tbe Unitetl States, and we suppose in Canad a as wel« the practice IS not unfrequent of filliijg the bole with seme bn^e metal, and pasping tbe coin so restore*!. We observe that Judge LoweU, of the United States County Court, has held tbe for- mer act to be connterfeitin?, and the -^. -.-«« «,*, latter passing ctuuterfeit monev. We l-P^' ' **** United Stat^ or Canwhi, by mail bn ve no doubt tbe same ^iew "would • "" '«^^o' Price. bo taken here under onr law ^nu ««« -^f^ Robbias, '*^ ' 1^ 3G0 Fuiictt St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Te^ishers Thursday ami jth(».l;iih aud 20th of October. Dr. of TIftronto.and Mr. Tait. ^fathemalj lerol Coll ingu oo'l Collegiate Insti takapait '0 the p -oocediugs. The Dominion (rove:umeiit li lavailed themselves of the pow«i s ;,'i| lundcr the Act i^assed at the ;: Parliament, and appointed an bails' and equipment of steame'sl passfngors in Canadian watei s, 0* enterprising townsmen, Med Parttoa and Hill Bros. lUttrJ havtlbc'is aew elevaters in roadiuel fall trade. The buildings w^ll 1, -- -^_-__ '""PWvementon ilie old. besides m Jlylll ^^Hl^IMitty of about doHble the auiouii age. A*iugi?terof Mr. John .lohustc e, St. Vinc-nt, while \\o on the 2CiL' last., had tlio MACHINE WORKS, MANCFACTUEERS OF MILL Steam Engines, ^it dtdkin » allf When le was u'ised it thai she l)«d bioken her cc undi-r the AGENTS WANTED â€" F0« â€" HEROES of the PLAINS. BT J. W. BUELL. Embracing the Lives) and Wonderful Adven- ' tares of Wild Bill, Itaflhl* Bill, K«t (Larson, Cnpt. Pnyiie,Cii9t. Jack Texas Jack, California J*c, and other celebrated Indian Fighters, Scouts. Hunters and Guides. A true historical woik of thrillmg adventures on the plains, and in western progress and oWilization. Fights with Indians Grand BofTalo Hunts Des- perate Adventures 1 Narrow Escapes Won- derful Shooting and Bidwgl Wikl Life in the Far West tar 100 Ulnatrationa 10 FuU-poge Colored PUtcs A graid book for Agents. Outsells ererythuig. 548 pages, price »2X)0. Agent's complete outfit fi4i cts. Outfit ami copy for ♦2.»M. HT Write at once for agency, or terms and illustrated em:nlars to^i. I^.TWOllIPSOIII *CO, Publishers, N. W. Cor. «th aud Broadway. Nkw Yobk. 1()8 SHAFTING, HANGERS.: She ia doiu;.; nicely, Pulleys, c. Land Rollers, 'a«^s.-j//rror.* Work on a new steam fihin;;| Pm ^^ WM M JF% f^*** McDvnahl, was W{,'an ou I I EJ Wlf K HlftMeafcnl. She will be 53 " ^^ WW \^ â-º"f «*" cany a 10 horse power eni uiMBr, Mr. A. Morrill, of Colling And Plow Points "'â-  '° ^*^'° " »*'«*iy » about vhen the white fishing' season be^'j A Oatholic cler -ymau of Unode Ietwfced from Ireland, staled at a epti«»that lie had carefu^iv T^ *** addition of the Jrish peimloj Done m a p .-ctical manner. 10 aridence of either want, hung^ ry. thin is somewhat htartl dal^gside the eonventijual^ fifeUvthcEmc aid IsJc luirai iiiFii After \\ FITS EPILEPSY, Or FALMHrO SICKNESS PEBJ1.VNKST1.T CuBKnâ€" Xo HcMnuoâ€" BT oi»e Month's csaok ok Db. GocLJOin's Cei.ebkat- En INK.UXIBIJS Fit Poworbs. 1 o convince suffe-ers thj»t thene ))owderit will do all we claim for them wo will send them by mail, poat paid, a free Trial box. As lr. Gourhird IS the only physician that has made this dis- ease a snecial «tndy, aud as to our knowledge thousands have been pemumently cured by the use of these Powders. We Kill fnttirantee apermament cure in every ca-e or refund yt.n all taoneif expended. All suffenrs should give theve Powders an early trial, aud be convineed of their curative powers. Price, for krge box, 'd.OO, sent to We also introduce onr new FAMILY liAHGLE.^.,,„. i ^. V® '"st was in Pflh««;tiii« to the public. This new machine will man?, ^a^ jj Linen, Cotton, aad WooUen Goods, g^^^^l " **' '^• them a beautiful smooth and glossy appowrr^' P^**** ' interest he u ance. It also impioveo the clothes, when^ **• ••ding and asked "How u hot irons injure them. We also iuai"^rip^ '.Xen shekels!*' re^, ketare nil^ boatman. "Ten shekels Ornamental Cresting ka*Bireiier, "why. that is an of various designs for Buildings, Vorautabi*J^* "Well,"replied the shipj Ae. 0"iamental Cast iron Chaiu^ "** wey've been Pall Pillared Fencing, Ventilators, faahm« Columns, Iron Beams. Giatiuss ^er, *• for Cellar Windows, dc. ^^^ Iron Brass Cast NCst" Sll payin;{ ever ••Thunderatiou: • grow 'I don't wonder that Pet Of Every Description Made to Ortler MOFFAT BROS. any Mac YARDS YELLOW 01 CURES RhrUMATlSM WOBM t PQWDEBS Ar epleManttotaica. Contain their o*« ^^gatlve. Is a ni; nm, and ettecWt AaCiu/M •/ TTtii ia Children or AdaU^ SA»AcanEXT.-On Wednesday «r. mtxx. Conlts. residing near i\ from his waggon whiU ighampton with a load ot that he had not bound thj and it had worked forwa »)e lioises, causing them )w the old gentleman outj over him. The team dit »y were stopped by some who, thinking all wasi With the horses aud fui in uncou.scious state, Tiil is home.wherehe dicl til ^was highly respected, .so J .man, about 54 years 'idow and four children,! ^thy of the community lent.

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