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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 14 Sep 1882, p. 3

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 Sak I.' Wh« ^lita^tto^ti =pn :iUBKDAL£, SEPT. Uth, 1982. 3OTABA81A COUNCIL. -i2 *- LATEST WAB NEWS. -H •c, KoUusf TCiiy impMtent has tmospixed the -past week, but a general adyanoe of tbe British was expested to take place yestarday. The British troops are reported in ezoellent apirita anl tidinoa of a heavy engagement is .«Kpected shortly. OBITUARY. It becomes oar painful duty this week to â- chronicle, the death of a highly respected farmer, in the person of Mr. Samuel Donnel- 'ley, who departed this hfe on Wednesday the ISth Sep 1882, at the age cf 45 years. De- ceased has been in poor health during the past year. His illness developed into con- sumption which hastened him to e. prema- ture grave. Mr. Donnelly moved into the township of Glenelg about twenty years ago, and has since made many warm friends has filled the office of coun- cillor with acceptance, and also other positions of trust. He has long been a coii- siatant and worthy member of the Presby- terian church and elder of the same. He leaves a wife and two children who, with a wide circle of friends, mourn their loss. We extend to the sorrowing family our warmest sympathies in their present affliction. Conneil mfl ^eft* 1 fi^embers «fl present Mioates of last seBBion read ^moA confiriaecL' i Mao 3.1 »»• The school i**e wm levied Mr T. JordftD was appointtd collector for the five easterly cons, of the township at a salary of $50 7. Manary in tbe 7 west cons, at $55 per annum, and by- laws passed accoidingly. The collectors to submit names of secnrities to reeve and deputy -reeve not later than Sep. 15. The report of committee on 8 4 8. line was adopted work to be pro- ceeded with forthwith. Mr J. W. Knott's proposal, re the crosswaying ol aide-road in con. 7 was accepted. Dep. reeve to atteud to it. S7.60 was granted Wm. Stewart as balance in full of payment foi devia- tion road. Ml Stewart to hold the original road allowance until it be re- quired for pubhc travel by township. Chas. Pawcett to expend $10 on side road 12 13, con. 1, as equiva- lent to work performed Wm. Faw- cett, commissioner to iiippect. Council adjourned till Oct 6. Maxi BASE BALL. The following is the result of the return •match between Markdale and Dundalk, which came off on the grounds of the former on Saturday last. Markdaleâ€" 2 2 2 13 4 5â€"28 Dundalk â€"2 3 7 5 12 1 11â€"32 Majority for Dundalk, 4. â- â- ft VENNOR'S WEATHER FOR SEP- TEMBER. Harvest is about all over. Such lovely wool goods at McFarland's. Mr. C. A. Owen has removed to Streets- ville. Mr. A. Butter removed to Owen Sound yesterday. For bedsteads, spring beads and mattrasses po to Grants. Mr. James Keid, of Mount Forest, was in town on Tuesday. Scarlet fever is making sad havoc among the people of Artemesia. McFarland's 25 cent Diagonal Seigc Dress Goods takes the cake. The foundation of Hill Bros, elevator was put together on Satuida\ There is said to be an open well, on a va- cant lot on George Street, Markdale. A. Mclntyre is away purchasing a stock ol goods which will arrive in a few days. Mr. Grant Markdale, has a fine assortment of cofins, burrial rober., mountings, c. Mr. Kough, of Owen Sound, is, fitting up his brick house on Walker St. in good style. Correspondents will please forward their fouy in time to reach us by Tuesday's mail. T. E. Davis (builder and contractor) finish- id the brick work of the Presbyterian church this week. A brand new Toronto Tailor, first class cucter. newest styles, coming to Markdale. Boys wait. Is it possible McFarland will sell all his boots he has just received See his wonder- Jul assortment. Messrs. Trimble Wright have moved to Markdale and both families have taken rooms in Keid's block. A typcgrnphical error mnde us to ?ay last week that Mr. Webster.of Priceville.sold his mill for ?1,000, it should have r^d 911.000. Mr. John Mercer, will give a special prize cl SI. for the lest .Jersey Pig of 1882, at the (ileuelg show.Sep. 27th, 1882. Never knew anything so cheap as McFar- Liiul's 10 cent black lustres, 10 cent striped lustres, 20 cent table Daiuask,all pure linen. TLcy are selling fast, A credit jauction sale is advr'-tised for the 2nd Oct., on the farm of Mr. Kobt. Timson, Holland. Mr. T. is giving up farming and will sell Without reserve. Mr. John Boland and sister left on Mon- day on a trip to the Prairie Province. Th^y I xjiect to return in four or five weeks, \Ve wish them a pleasant time. There i^ not as great a breadth of f;iU v.'heat put in ihis season aslant. Seeding is also about two weeks backward, owing to the lateuesb of harvest operations. "See, mamma " exclaimed a little child, fs puss, with arching spine and elevated rud- der, strutted around the table, "see, kitty's eaten so much she can't shut her tail down!" Wm. Lucas Co, bankers, Markdale liave $2009000 00 to loan on real est.iile. btraigUt loan system. No lines. Low interest. Moderate charges. OrR ratrons neecl not be nfj-pid of insiuiiations or offensive personalities ihrou«.^h the columns of tlie Standard lu future, as the cause lias been re- moved. The kdvanee devoid .1 column of space last week in abusing the (;ierk ct Osprey, ;:nd ourselves, wikhout making a point how- ever. We do not thiuk it worthy of reply, it is, in our opiuiou, a ix)or p. licy to ea- (leavour to raise one's self by speaking evU of Miss niibandean. »er«nd teaclrer in the Markdale sehoo' w«s find $10 and costs on Monday last Jor«faastiai]i|;n pupil tooseverely. J( a^peiu-8 fonr children were being panished alike for miitcoodnot bat one of them being determined not to obey was dealt with accxr- 4iug}y and the rtault was as aboye. r.i].. Mr Vennor'B piomises the following weatlier for September There will be excessive heat again during the lore- part of September where heat was experienced during the last of August and entry of July. The month eaters on a Friday â€" an unlucky day, for " so the story goes." Stormy weather probable on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. Sep. 1 to 7. loggy weather along the North Atlantic coast and Gulf of St. Lawrence, with thunder-storms and probably sultry weather over the North Atlniitic. Sultry and showery up to the Cth diiy. Cooler change night of 6th or 7th, with possibly frosts in New York State and Quebec, Canada. Sep. 7 to 14^ Cooler and pleasant weather. Days varying from warm to sultry evenings and nights general- ly C03.1. Favourable week in majority of sections. Cola in mountainous re- gions Probably ram in Quebec and Lower Proviucies. Sep. 14 to 21. Kather stormy and unsettled week, with frequent rain- falls. Windy weather probable iu Gulf of St. Lawrence and North At- lantic. Fair seasonable weather in majority of sections. Wet in north- ern sections about 20 and 21. Stcrmy and cold weather in England and in Scotland. Sep. 21 to 28. Temperature pro- bably fall-like. W^indy|with very cool evenings and nights, probably frosty, in north and west states stormy and wot in Gulf of St. Lawrence and on the North Atlantic coast. ^ep. 28 to 80. In all probability ^yet and stormy in majority ot sec- tions. Crop report less favourable than expected. Wretched weather in Maritime ports and also at Newtound- land. -4«» EISE IN PORK. It will be good news for farmers, perhaps, but bad news for people who have to buy their provisions, to know that pork is still on the rise that the article is still very scarce on the Wes- tern markets and that for the first time in the history of perk packing the mammoth concerns at the Chicago stock-yard of Fowler Bros, and Atkin- son and (3o., packing provision compa- nies, are shut down through the scar- city of hogs. Ov«r 2,600 men are out of employment in consequence. The cause is attributed to the high price of corn for the past few months, farmers selling grain instead of feeding it to their stock. There is not more than halfacropof corn this year in the West, and this will lend to still fur- ther increase the price of pork while the scarcity of pork will cause a great demaLd for beef, which will be scarce for the same reason. NpTica.-Wawiii'it'dirtilwQyaWaw*^ thai we 4« »6» How ooraelres TaipWM^Me wr tbfrOiMiuonit exprtartdby our correapowdenta To ihfl Editor ol the Standard., ,, 8db,â€" Mow that the hoUdaya •«• arvi, 1 would like to draw attentioA to th« Icngtli of tha school vacation aix weeks being hx too long. This matter should he fixed by law, i^nd not left if the trustees, who don't care to incur ihe frown of the teacher. Two or more of the Artemesia teachers have been away sick for fonr weeks, which with six weeks vacation makes iO weeks hdiday, yet they demand full pay. and one is talking of another week's holiday arid a rise in his salary 11! It is said that the reports of a school in Artemesia are not reliable, and trustees should compare and examine the half-year- ly reports. A B^TKPATKR. ON OUB TABLE. daairoM of towaWthe he^ ^ystem^ hand oannot do «^ than ord« thia vrlt. " tbraratem ia Fitima'a. hot with snch im- J:^tll. provenu9hts aa the heat Anierican Sten«ria- idbnr ean aocgfaat. WooicotV* PrinUnGautU ia inll a( mat- ter intereativ to the craft. OwrLMU Oiw« keep* waU to the fore ash children's montLfy. u j' KendaWs 2Vea(ue ought tolie^^4^ ii of every owner of a horse. 15 cents at the* Stakdabd Office. The Farvurt AdvoeaU is profnsely illns- trated and otherwisa more than usually in- teresting it is the heat AgricuUural Journal published in Canada. Subscriptions %1 yet year, received at the 8irxsrAUJ Offioe, FAUi EXHIBITlGNg. ^S^ fOfiowwjb-Btpi: tr to »^ of snort- _. --'ijtriLf^ M. ' PsoTBveui.i^A'^aigstcm, g^^ B.Gmt.â€" Durham, Sep. 264 E.Qbsx, â€" ^Fleaherton, Sep 39Ui. QuuHEua, â€" Markdale, Sept.^/ CoLLiNGWOOD. â€" Clarksburg, EoBEMONT. â€" Holstein, Oct. 4. JaiupHRASLk.â€" Bocklyn, Oct. 4. AaiisifBSi^ â€" Priceville, Oct. Proton. â€" Dundalk. Oct. 5. Melancthon, â€" tibelburue, Oct and 4 HoxxAND. â€" Chataworth, Oct. \\ X,aoal Jti ^_,towalMJlis| pdly. riuU A**" become of 0, To the Editor of the Standard. Deab Sir, â€" For the last few months I have noticed some very slanderous remarks by the Flesher^on Advance on our Council, and especially on our hi/hly esteemed Clerk, Mr. Milne. I thought to have let the matter pass without interfering, but suchEdouderous reitoTations I can bear no longer. The cause of the dispute, it may be weU to notice, is because the Advance did not get the Township printing. I understand from one of the councillors that the Advance puts in a tender, stating he will do the general printing for the Township for a certain sum. Another printer puts iu a tender stating what he wiU do and at what prices. I would like to think as some do, that it was ignor- ance of the A-dvance that caused him to put in his tender in this way, but he is so quick in calling others crafty and wily that I cannot but thiuk he intended to have quite a nice bill of extras when the account would be sent in, and because our Council was too sharp to be duped by him, hence the abuse he has been hurling at them since. Because the Clerk happens to be a Qrit he comes heaviest on him, doubtless thinking the Conserratives of Osprey would be pleased to see a Grit slandered. But. Mr. Editor, I am proud of the Conservatives of Osprey, as they speak of it with supreme contempt. The unfounded statement made by the Ad- vance that Mr. Milne had the promise of 15 per cent, discount on the Township printing I am hapny to say is received as utterly un- trfie, and many I have heard speak say the Advance must have intended to make it a matter of consideration to some of the Coun- cil or he would not have thought of charging Mr. Milne vith any such thing. The old adage may be very well applied in this case, •• evil to him that evil thints." The editor of the Flesherton paper seems to consider it a crime to be a Grit (of the hrst. water) as he puts it. Does he think the people of Osprey did not know whit Mr Milne was before he was placed in office, and that by a Conserva- tive council Did not one of the councillors lose.hi.« seat in the Council for one year be- cause he voted against Mr. Milne as Clerk? I say such is the ease. I would also say. the people of Osproy have known Mr. Milne longer than they have known the editor of the Adranc* (or ever wish to know him, from what I hear), and they have found him a gentleman in every particular, and as for his honesty aud integrity, I venture tc say not one in the Township doubts it after all tbe Advance has eaid. The people ot Osprey know full well it the Council gave the con- tract to a higher tender than the Flesherton paper they had good reason for it, especially if the Clerk had anything to say in the matter. I will now conclude, hopiiig the Advance will perceive that his letters so far from changing the confidence of the pet^le in the Clerk is only strengthening it and lowering the editor of the Advance. I am sorry I cannot consider the editor of the above paper a brother Conservative of the first water, nor of anything but dirty water. Veritas. A doctor will sit down and write a pre- scription time, five minutes paper and ink. cent, and the patient pays 91, $2, %5, |10 as the case may be. A lawyer writes ten or twelve lines of advice, and gets from 910 to $20 from his chent. An editor writes a column puff for a man, pays a man from 50 cents to SI for putting it in typ3, prints it on several dollars* worth of paper sends it to a thousand people, and then surprises the puffed man if he makes any charge. BIRTHS. BicHARDs â€" In Jtfarkdale, on the 7th inst., the wife of W. G. Bichards (builder con- tractor) of a son, St )Rmbosk]E â€" In Artemesia, on the July 29 the wife of Mr. Thos. Stormboskie of a sou. 6E0RGE ROBLEp INSURANCE AND LAND AGENT, LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the Ooun^ of Grey. AoKXT for tbe following reliable Companies CITIZENS' of Montreal, AGBIOULTUBAL, of Watertown, and TBADE A OOMM EBCE, (Mutual) of Toronto. A number of Choice Farms for sale, also Village Lots Auction Sales conducted in Town oi" Conn- try on Shortest Notice. Charges moderate. Bills, Blank Notes, and Stamps provided. GEO. NOBLE. Markdalb. Mav 20th. 1881. 3G-ly WILL YOU EXCHANGE a casd of Dyspepsia or Biliousness for 76 cents? It is awfdUy nnwise to apToni^e un- der the many ailm ent 8 arising from Dyspepsia, Indigestion. Disordered Stomach and Ijiver, when this offer is made to you in y^our own homo in ail sincerity, with an absolute certainty of caring you. ZOPESA (from Brazil) cures Dyspepsia and Biliousness. A sinsrie dose relieves a sample bottle convinces; a 7u cent bottle cures. It acts directly upon the Stomach, liiver, and Kidneys. Cleansin?, Correctingr, Kegr-. nlatingTy Zopesa gives energy and vim to the Brain, Nerve, and Muscle, simply by work- ing* wonders upon the Diges- tion,^and giving activity to the jLivcr. Cat this out, take it to any dealer in medicines, and get at least one 75 cent bottle ot Zopesa, and tell your neighbor how it acts. It is warranted to cnro Dyspepsia and Bil- t onspcs?t. SEEING ISBELIEYIN6. GENTLEMEN,â€" If you want a first-class Buggie or Wagon MGKENNA MASON'S CARRIAGE WORKS MARKDALE. They can supply yon with anything from a Lumber Wagon up to Extension Top Phaeton. To buy from them is to MARRIED. A copy of tne first issue of the Dundalk Herald, under the new proprietor, is before us. It is a 28 column she^t printed on double demv. If is very neatly got up, with « good advertisiag patronage, and is independent in pohtics. We wish the proprietor every suc- cess. The Presbyterian Ladies Aid Society in- tend holding their Bazaar on show day, Sep. 27th, at the entrance into the Agricultur al grounds. There will be a variety of valuable articles ofiered for sale. Lunch, at 15cts, will be served during the day from 11 a. m. to 4 p. m. In the evening there will be an McKechine â€" McDonald. â€" In Artemesia. on the 5th inst,, bv Rev A. Wilson. Mr. Alexander M-^Kechinie of Glen elf to Miss Annie McDonald of Artemesia. Knowles â€" CoNNiHQHAM. â€" On ihc 13th inst.i at the residcnc s of the bride's pai ents, by llev. A. "Wilson, Mr.^ Knowles cf Se- veren Bridge, Muskoka,to MissM. E daugh- ter of Mr. W^m Cunninjtham. Artemesia Tp. DIED- MiLLEBâ€" In Glenelg, on the 6tk inst., at ihe res'.dcnce of his stepson, Mr. Thos.Colher, Robert Miller, agad 80 years. Deceased was a native of Fifeshire, Scotland, and resident in Glenelg over 30 vears. Laudeb â€" On Wednesday, August 2nl, the result of an aeddeut very saddeoly, Wm. Lauder, of Pc«lohill, Bewcastle, Cumber- land, England, i^ad 58 years. Deceased who was very much re-spected, was brother to Thomas. Lauder, Esq., Begistiar for South Grey, and Mr. A. W. Lauder, M. P. P. East Grey. entextammentintheDufferinHaU, consist- 1 I«^»m^yâ€" la (Henrig, on the 18th inst.. They are both practical workmen, end employ none but PRACTICAL WORKMEN They guarantee their work Second to none for Lightness of Draught and Superiority of Pinish. They use nothing but First-class White Oak for Wagons, and thtioe Extra Second Growth Hickory for hght work. The immense amount of work turned out of McEenna A Mason's shop is sufficient proof of the wide reputation they enjoy for doing good work. The BEST is thb CHEAPEST in tee END Poor cheap work we positively will not t^e. ing o auart gdlerj. masio. a Ta^iety of scenes, and artistic work. Doora open a* 7.30,;A(liois8iOu 15 c«uts.. Special attention given to Re-Trimming and Repainting all classes of Carriage Work. Satisfaction guaranteed (or No Pav) in HOR8ESHOEING SHOPâ€" Oi Mill Street opposite tj $prou]e's Hotel. McKENNA MASON. I^io i V Mr. Samuel Donuelly, agad. 4S yaani, 7 month*. llieiniieral will leave hlalatcf resideaM on Friday «»1 o'clock p. m. .j,-,, â-  â-  â-  '♦ bm Having started \he Eugenia House: Hope to secure a share of public patiQ The Eugenia House beiuR close to The Falls Offers great attractions to thoge who arei of SCENERY, as well as to tlios.j wt delist in A IV Ci J^ I IV o, Aa the river both above and below the F^ abounds with SPECKLED TEOUT. r f M. E, HERON can saiely asr the public that he is determiued tc his rtmost to please aud accgumoi all comers. The board and accommcdat shall be of the best, ami \n' BOpplied -with the Tery best brands ' LIQUORS, having resolved tliivt; ' Bar shall be properly atteuded. 1,. geats are free ia i\x charoh. re are 25 lots in ra for taxes. 10 Tara cemetery isj itmeut. â€" Leader. Wyonch recovered wa )m Hickts, Euphrasia. A Tara cheese factory small milk supply.] Business is a little l)ri« IGLS are responsible for Gonsiderable grain haj on the Sabbath this M There is a prospect o^ jjniug a nice little inlaj Half the afieuts on il] iive in a hand car h( jar. Thimble berries plentj lian reserves natives per paii. The Methodiiit mii Owen Sound disUict n Flesherton. Mr Caesars calbroujr large sjxake last WcJiu had not kil'ed it. A few books to haul At our churches wouldl ivpayiiig investment. The Euphrasia co Good Stabling '^^ -^o^* "^^^^f ^^^ ^^"" ' \^KJ%JKX ^VCliKJ±±n.^, township busuices. The Mirror is in M0Mmi Sr^is rM7VTtK;TAT^li Foundry J l-yX'i -AND- MACHINE WORKS, MANUFACTURERS OF MILL MACHINERY Steam Engines, SHAFTING, HANGERS ,.4 4IR Pulleys J c. Land Rollers, ^k PLOWS And Plow Points mmi mil Done m a practical manner. We also introduce our new FAMILY MANGLE! to the pubhc. This riew machine will mane Linen, Cotton, and Woollen Goods, gi^^: them a beantiful smooth and glossy appes ance. It also improves the clothes, where hot irons injure them. We also mar facture Ornamental Cresting of various designs for Buildings, Verandal Ac. o^^^^^^^al Cast iron Chains, Pall Pillars. Fencing, Ventilators, Columns, Iron Beams. Gratings for Cellar Windows, c. til 'It 4 4 i. 'It â- â- 6 1 .j_^Iron Brass CastikgsJ Of Every Description Made to Ojier. MOFFAT BROS. JOHN NOBLE MARKDALE. GENER'LBLACKSfflIT! .i HORSESHOEIN A SPECIALTY. To all who are Buffering; from the crro: and indlHcretioos ot youth, nervous weai^ ness, early decay, losa of manhood, Ac J will send a reoeipe that will cure you, FKE' OF CHABGE. Tbia great Bemedy was di covered by a miaaiooanr in South Amerio Baud a aelf^dr«aa« d envelope to BC J«wro T. Ikiu», FtatioH D^ Hev Vo City. cri the nuisance cases I c| they were dismissed. Hugh Johnstoa im Oraham family row, with a $2 tine. The attention of tlj called to the thousaiil different streets g:oiu^ Moffat Bros, jire in their foundry cai| anything up to ft. n Mr Train *s new bi ford is making headwj out 20,000 ft. daily \\ The Oscar-Wilde Meaford, Owen Souui •own village. This is) terly utter. Section mon get 5?| foremen $ti 50, c; C" kill thems-^lves wirli D. Wilcox. A lam]) exploded church, Oollingw'iodJ aiid set fire to the Shearman put it out A Chesley gill vi^ displayed her uius throwing a man ag| l)roke three of his ii| Mr. Yandusen, hi Jiappened to open a «d 5 lb. salt packed that the tar.ter wuulj The Flesherton M pointed uphers to fil ^ers ni church 011 iale religionists mi^ advantage. Twelve factories atListjvfcl cbec e were offered, but ^ive enougii. COOl *4old, ll^c. Quite a numbtr imastcrs have n;t, â- regulation respect ji cards. "Tit coutra cards on the let-tcr A Reward â€" Of by' to any one t^'Mii line rhyme on'Tn cible little gem foi 13reath. Ask vo; dress. Wilcox is maliin on the 11^ operator at Stlkij boys have to rci| Muuroe and Mall section. The Grahr.m liave been airi.i the police court. fined $10 for ab; who was also fiuci Jam%8. The attention called to a hole hi «ite the Enghsh Irian who unv.aril is apt to use worj by strength than The safest, medicine in the Stomach and (J Sold in large hot All druggists. J:'arsoD^ Dundt •'*-"' iTS'H' V-lii.»a. ., â-  " k '"^^t 1.) ,. ..'1 Hi Af-^^^ i'*( -Ui... • '•: m-t

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