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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 7 Sep 1882, Supplement, S2

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 LLL EXHIBlTICKs: Into.â€" Sept. 5 to 20. \ciAL.â€" Kingston, Sep' i|, tY.~Durbam, Sep, 26 ft 27 by.â€" Fleheiton, Sep. 28t|| .â€" Markdale, Sept. 27tli, Igwood. â€" Clarksburg, 27 ** foNT. â€" Holstein, Oct. 4. »siA. â€" RocklvD, Oct. 4. ssu. â€" PriceviJle, Oct. 5. .-. â€" Dundalli. Oct. 5. [cTHON,â€" SbeiburDc, Oct. Ind. â€" Chatsworth, Oct. IQ I Having started ihe genia House, â- cure a share or^ublic patror Jp.'titrcniH House beinpr close to |The Falls ut attructions totliosewho are foi ^NEKY, «s well as to thopfc vvho tWliglit in IV ii I. I I\ «, ler both ahsve and belorr the Falkl VI9 with SI ECKLED TKOUT. HERON can safely assure! lie that he h determiued to dol I 1 1 DAKD, .-(|. ;. 1SS2. plit'v'hi.s uiu »i-iri(lge e tnktn. l)M\vti- 1 1st .Ian. L l.jtli Aujj. I. iiiev duck. M:ttk duck, jmuniir bui-k \iui\ not be |t\vti]i Is^ Jan, .V I "-t!, Auj?. rspl.tiiv of th( •♦b"ve men- rh Mn;kti: ]n;. .»*(.!• nifjbt 11 bt u«.;.i lor tiKii)^» any -«•. 1 1 t'.)uk -It .. I, lime. or ru-r-j sli.ili I M t hr the \i Fi;},iijL: LMnif r»(^ Ht any |.--i:a'.l u ' In- tit, i; b*-(ween •iuh ji.l 1-t S ?•: |ji4il no: l rjikiii l"i\\.eu the :ilul l.-t -t. J 1 US. iM-- n â- â€¢â€¢^ t.. ime the I C[T l""'i- '• V.'i. .MM make ^^9 llioli. V ivi-:;, I :,l \voik for 'o.ii ;: JM (â- -. ;,] not need- Ill .-:;.i' \t. I. Mj |j,v Hud up- â- 1 â-  iH'iiu- 1 y ;i i''it.iis. Men, 11..' -.ii,., v.-mn «n )iere to .\«.w ;^ t);. ttiii. i.H .•;«n work j:. •! I;. 1 iv'iv. â- ..i!i him.1. time to [- ' 11 (Ml. :.-, .. ;,: ;,..|ii. -nd do N.' t'lT-tiu-i!;.-. v.u i.av vou • '1. • !â- !â- !:.;•â-  iiiiike en- •• t-.v liiv-iij;.. J,: ...... ^ostlj' ' tc*:;.- tit-t. Mrii.v ii,;..{t« fust, I'^iu'iaMy. A.l.j-. I ..I K Jt Co., ":iMI.'r i-.-iv, -I IF F.KING |i *i lloii*i(Ji4»ld l*;auaceH l'» :•• :••..!.- 1; ;. '...;h iuter- i'vuu:. I: .•;.ri- I:.;.: ;, rheSide, I' V. i .*».r i';. ;i,, ,,iuiitism, F-innl'.(;.'i. a..,l ,i,.v .,,., u.' a Pain i: ^vi.; Hi. t .iirtl; .(iiU-ken the I »:«â- .. :i ;t» avf.ii;.' i .. ,-i js won- l-r..wns .i.v l-Hiiacea," l-\' !.••-.•.•:,. tiu ^ laiu Ktliev- r,i.Ietht siniijrth ..:/;.iiv other -iinui.iii ir tuf w(.i; .. .-honld be Imily :.;.:Mvf,,! ;i,,. .vi...i, wanted I'V i- the 1.^-; r. laedv t, ihe ^vorld T»i li.. ^Jii;.:u":). ;j,i,i i-.,;ns and '-.â- â- ;.!;.i ij. f,.; .1.. i,v all MOFFAT BROS. â- IN NOBLE MARKDALE. mmcmm 'SESHOEINC A SPECIALTY. ^vho a,e sufiferin- from tLe error* ^retions o| yoath. nervous we*k- l.^"\^ ®' manhood, Ac. I frr'^T,"'" '^^ "'•^ y^" PMft^ J^t- This grert Epmcdy was ««• Llf"'°°"7 "' «^ntli Amerio.. 8ei»-»dIrea.«M'd envelope to Bbt.' Facts a nd F ancies. standard till 'Xmas 85 cents. Rev. Mr. Torrance, Wisrton called ou Friday. Harvest is late, later than than for many years. Miss Wilson hats (Tone to 0. Soand High School. Mrs McMea is spending a few days ftt CoUingwood. Oar village bu still a liberal supply of grass widows. Mr Shanahan] has Jretnrned from Penetanguisbene. Numerous loads of apples axe daily brought to market. Saturday next will be fair day here. Bring the cattle early. The manufacture of potash is to b« cai rietl oa at Shelburne. Trimble and Wright are busy open- ijr out in the new block. Mrs. J. F. Sproule is moving into apartments iu Reid's block. Mr Owen, tailor has returned after taking a few weeksjholid ay. Machine oil of all kinds at Haskett Bros. Tbey keep the best. Tomatoes, water melons, apples, orwiges, c., fresh at Mclntyre's. Mrs A Chellew of Collingwood has been visiting her Markdale friends. Mr Butter has taken a situation at Allen's clothing store, Owen Sound. Mr Mrs John Sproule, and Mrs J. F. Sproule visited our yillage during the week. ^Ir W. R. Walker, has opened out at Cookstowu. May success attend lnim there. John Kay is home for a few weeks he has be^n to Toronto to learn shorthand. "\Vc are indebted to Mr McFarland for a fine troutj which when cleaned wei;4hed 2 lb. Mr Thos. Strain has moved back from Mauitoulin, and is prepared to do plastering. Leather belting, all sizes lace lea- v.ier at Haskett Bros. Threshers, don't forget it. Mr McFarland has had a week out camping near Bell's lake. Brought some tine trou*. Mr McFarland, and Messrs Hill are determined to have the elevators rea- dj' for the fall trade. Many of our subscribers are com- plimenting us upon the great improve- ments in the Standard. The school attendance is not what it should be. Many play truant of- tener than is necessary. Mr Geo. Richardson, 9th, Eupbra- f^ia, is building a handsome and com- modiouo dwelling house. So thick are salmon in the eddies of' t^«7*'«"""^*'^*'^yf"^.^ ui T- 2.^ 1. -I amiss to let the public ot Markdale and sur- tho Frasor cannons that canoe navi- ,oanding country know that For 16 y«an has a tpan of bonea and Telade been ronoBig between Flesberton and Dontrooa it is now reduced to one hone and a backboard. Many and kmd are the complaints of Ibe paMeoffers. A pairty of fi^e spmt a day oi' 24 bra. 48 mins. between Markdale and Owen Soond jail on Sondav and lion day last. Sleep prevented their plea* snre continuing longer. Nei^olitaine and Julius were of the crew. 7ho day was most enjoyable, though spent with one 'Misery.' An old time resident of Markdale has returned to scenes of bis yonth. Having lately developed a taste for travel and business combined, be set out for Winnipeg, forwarding cattle but the air of the prairie was too much for his delicate health, and he will probably winter amongst us. We refer to Bill â€" beg pardon, Mr Wm. Scott. A farmer, whose funds were too low to pay o£f his harvest hands, brought a fat cow hither to raise the filthy lu- cre. Not meeting our local butchers running with dollar bills to meet him, the noble yeoman turned the cow mto a pasture, and hunted for cattle buy- ers and butcUers. Returning, he was surprised to find the animal impound- ed. He can truly say, *I was a stran- ger, and they took me ... in.' We hope our correspondents will now make a " big push " and send in their weekly budgets promptly and' regularly. We do not like to miss the newsy notes of our assistants at out- side points, and we hope they will put s new energy into their pencils, and send us in live and pointed items pretty steadily. Send all the items that can be gathered; people like to read them and we like to get them, we will be happy to furnish enveloj^es, paper, etc. to intending correspondent, and will send the same to all parties who will use them. A buggie load comprising Mrs R. Brown, her three children, and her mother, and Mrs C. W. Rutledge and child, seven in all, were c.rossmg the railway track on Tuesday, when the horses took fright at an engine, and suddenly turning round upset the buggy .throwing oat all the occupants, The team broke loose from the car- riage, taking with them the pole and whiflletrees, but were captured in the village. The train hands assisted in gathering up the wounded, who were scratched and bruised, but fortunately no one was seriously injured. A few dollars spent on the buggy will reme- dy whit might have been a very seri- ous accident. Re-Fresh-ing In the cool assertion of some people tliat c it may not be The poaitMii as asgards the T to, Grey ft Bruce and Northern Nottli "Weatem rqiads remains unchanged, so lur as IS known to the pnblie. These seenu to be no dosbt, however, that a straggle for the •posseosion td the Uali6 is now goitqif on betweent'ttie Syndicate and Grand Tronk. We were infonned by a weU-kaown Bail* way man last week that there was scarcely a doubt that Ilia Toronto, Grey Brace would go to the Syndi- cate, and that only a few days would eli^Mse till the arrangement woold be completed. Our informant seemed to think that both the Northern and North Western would also become Syndicate roads. Should all of these lines go to the Syndicate our position would be better than that of our rival OoUingwood and for the r(«ason tiiat we can obtain a branch from the Grand Trunk by a short line of 12 or 18 miles, while there would be no chance of a competing line being built to Collingwood. We trust, however, the result will be that the lines lead- ing to Owen Sound and Collingwood will go into the hands of rival com- panies. â€" Advertitcr, This one fact is being brotight before ihe minds of the people of the United States. Kendall's Spavin Coie is not excelled as a liniment. Bead advertieement. The police trostoes bad a meeting, ouoe KIDNEY COMPLAINT. The secretion from the Kidneys is often loaded vt'Ah foreign and poisonous matter, a thick br'.ck dust like sediment or a mucous collection forms. The Kidneys are often in- flamed and congested, causing pain and weakness in the back and many distressing symptoms, Diabetis, Brights diseases. Dropsy, and all urinary Complaints are promptly cm ed by that grand combination of diurwtics, alterative tonics, q. Burdock Blood Bitters. The chairman of the police trustees has called a meeting. Now we'll have something done. It is a fact that horse dealers tire buying horses with rjugbones and spavins because they can make money by nsiiiK Keudall's Spavin Cure. Bead adveilisements. Early iu the seasotj some people com- plained of the scarcity of house flies, if tbey are still in demand, we have a full stock now on hand, which we are prepared to sell cheap. They are warranted healthy soimd, able-bodied flies. Says one, "Kendall's Spavin Cure is the best liniment for human flesh I ever used," and thousands have extolled it in similar terms, yaluablTproperty FOR SALE IN THE TOWN OF DURHAM, IN THE COUNTY OF OBEY. g.ition is rendered difficult. At Maxwell, Messrs. Hamlin Co. jiro having a great clearance sale for "ScptQmber. See their bargains. Always on hand at Haskett Bros, a large stock of genuine white lead, tur- pentine, varnish, oils, and oaiuts in all shades. Canada thistles are flying in every direct 1)11. A few cases brought before the J.P.'s Avould doubtless be benefi- co the community. Ford's mill is now in full running order. Bring the grist along. See description of improved machinery iu atiOther column. Next week there will be a rusli to the exhibition at Toronto. Return tickets single fare after the 8th. Look out for pickpockets. \V m. Lucas k Co, bankers, Markdale have $200^000 00 to ^oan ou real estate. Straight loan system. No lines. Low interest. Moderate charges Ou the way from Europe new dress goods, new mantlen, new shawls new tweeds, new carpets, new laces all for W. J. McFarland, the only di- rect importer in Markdale. D. Spry, Esq, P.O. luspector visit- ed Mamdale last week. He compH- lueuted our P. M. McFarland on his conveniently arranged post o£Eioe, and Miss Rorke oa her efficiency. The leading breeders of thorough- bred Durhams in Huron County have had a somewhat unusual coincidence iu the reproduction of calves, as near- ly adl these bom this year are males. Arrived this week Diagonal coat- ings, new Scotch tweeds, new Ca- nadian tweeds Silk sash ribbons Black watered silks, and W^ool break- last shawls at McFarhuid's, the leading house. In this issue we direct the atten- tion of our readers to theadvertiseoient of our townsman, Wilson Beason. He deals with first elass bonses, and he should be able to fulfil 8|I t^ Us fljlyertisement pays. ,, Vil*^oii Benson, ..f the "BELFAST HOUSE." MARKDALE, can sell " cliea^p^than the cheapest," and "better than thoBitt," all kinds of Groceries, Liquors, c. Cousicitiug oi TEAS, TOBACCOS, SPICES, CANNED FISH, ETC., And for those wishing pure Wine for soc- ramental purposes, will find a brand that will equal nnything on this side the Atlantic. Other Liquors equally pure. Special! Pure Holland Gin. Cheese from the best manufactories. Our Whiskies are from the firm of Gdbd- erham A Worts, Toronto, aod the public may rely on receiving them as they are sent. FLOUR, POTATOES, and everything in the household line kept constantly on hand. Henceforth my Store will be suppUed with Fruits of all kinds, such as APPLES. PEABS, PLUMS, Ac. FRUIT CAKES of aU kinds always kept on hand. Essences, Hair Oils, and Perfumery of the choicest nectars. TOILET FANCY SOAPS, better than the best. CANADIAN WESTERN PORK, of first quality. Everything in the Grocery Line kept on a fuller and moro complete 8««1« than at any other place iu ICarkdale. WILSON BENSON. THE following valuable town properties will be sold on reasonable terms or will be rented for s term of years, or exchange for farm propeoty. Ist, Lot No. 1 on the west side of Gajafraxa street and south of Hunter street, opposite Mr. J. H. Hunter's storef house, well fenced and first class frame buildings, good cePars, hard and' soft water, a most convcuiant resi- dence and would make a good business stand. 2nd, That most desirable property being park lots K08. 2 and i) on the north side of ireorge St., 8 acres more or less, well fenced, front fenced with pickets, one and a iialf acres of a thriving ycung orchard and very conven- ient to the railway station. 8rd, The cast halt of the west half on lot 18 on the west side of countess street with a new frame house and kitchen, good stable and wood she«1, well fenced, front fence paint- ed white, hard and soft water on the prem- ises. 4tb, Park Lot No. 8, Wm. Hunter's, Survey. 6th Lots I and 2, Presbyterian Survey. 6th, Lot No 16 on the North side of Mill street in the village of Markdale close to the rail- way station, with good frame house thoreon. If the above properties are sold tho very best title will Be given tree from all encum- brances. A1m the Foliowiug Farming Properties. will be (told oa roaaonable turns of payment. 7th, Lot No. 22, Con. 9 Glenelg, 100 acres more or less, S| miles from the T. O. 61 B. R. at Markdale, 75 acres cleared, a new frame house and two log barns. ath. Lot No. 98 in the 8rd Coa. W. T^A 8. S.. Olenele. 50 acres, aboot 45 acres siesfed SM good log bvildings. about 3| mtlas tfSSi Ifarkdale station T. O. k B. U. 9th, The west half lot 17, Con. 4. K. D. B., Qleueig. 50 acre* 4o acre* cleared, good rough east house and orchard on the pre- mises. The hoa^e sad one acre win be re. served daring the life of Uie oeonpants who art. now between 80 *ud 85 years ol age. 10th East part lot No. 1. con 9 Komanby, M •eres, aboat 60 seres elearad, sttoation abooft 9 miles from the town of Durham. foK farther partienlsrs t^ftj t^ FINmT MacAB, Iii|i|aa»- about his dvky k«S vinal irs do oeis, he is the first to M^ HOWITWORES. the parifriag and haslhi« ptoperttss of Dr. Fowlar's Extreet of WUd Btaawbssry impart a hsalthy «mw to ths lihsoal aa- «ms sarlSees of the Stomaah and Bowols. Ita oooUag, aootUng properties coontsract pftin. its antisqttic properties correct canker and foal hnaaonr, and its tonic astnngent nature ectreets all szhaostivo diseharges â€" sndi as Dnenterr, IMarrhsa, Cholera, Mor- bus, and Mm^gBsr complatnta gokerally. ICr. Thos. Mollarky has set a good exsm pie to the property owners on the n. side of Mm St., by putting in a sidewalk opposite his property. If each would lay out a few dollars in this way we would soon have a good sidewalk to the station, J. R. Bond, Druggist. Ac., Sehomberg writes, *I have sold medicines ft» over twenty years, and no medicine ooold give better satisfaction than your Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild strawberry.' Tnis nJedicine is the old rehi^le core for Cholera Morbus, Dysen- tery, ^nd all summer oamplaints. BIRTHS. At Kuaberlqr ok tfio filst Annst, the wife ol Hr. ThoiMB Lewis, ef adMl Dye Stuffg. Indigo, Madder. Logwood, Fustic^ Camwood, Cochineal, Bluestone, Madder Compound, Copperat, Bichromate Potash, Croamlartar, Alum, and many other Articles used in Dyeing. Also, a large variety of the best Aniline Dyes. Medicsa~Hall. At MarUsIt «b the tad DmIimIiii, tfee irifaoff Ifr. Hsory Abbott o( a dai«blaij At IfsAdsle on the aid l«it.. the wils of Mr. IVte. Xajt Xsnsion Hoass, of a doogbtor. DIEO. Psrites.â€" Joseph Paikes oaths Wthvlt. of Art«mesia sged 78 yosts. MABgPATiFi Meat Market. A constant supply o| Fresh Meats! on hand, at the Xjcwesi Xiiving Prices. Orders solicited, and deliv- ered free to all parts of the Toyn. Farmers having fat stcck to dispose of, will please leave their addresses. TERMS, STRICTLY CASH. FRED. SARJEANT. Markdale, March 28, 1888. 80-ly ^OS. MATHEWS, SanesS EslalilislinT MARKDALE. EVERYTHING IN OUR LINE KEPT ON HAND OR MADE TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. LIVERYl IN COl^NECTION. Cold. A, Turner Co. PIMPLES. I will mail (Free) the recipe for a simple Vegetable Balm that wUl remove Tax- FRECKLhiS, PIMPLES and Blotches, leave iug the skin soft, clear and beautiful also instructions for producing a lux'ariaut growth of hair on a bald head or smooth face. Ad-, enclosing a 3c. stamp, Ben. Yaudelf A'.d re 5 Bee-1 kman st..N. Y. Great chance to make money. These who always take advantage of tiie good chances for making money that are offered, generally become wealthy, while those who do not improve such chances re- main in poverty. We wai^t many men, wo men, boys and girls to work for us nght iu their own localities. Any one can do the work properly from the first start. The bus- iness will pav more than ten times ordinary wages. Expensive outfit furnished free. No one who engages fails to make money rapidly You can devote your whole time ir the work, or orly your spare moments. Full informa- tion and all that is needed sent free. Addres. Stinson Co., Portland Maine. TOrCONSUTPTlYlS. The advertiser, having been permanently cured ot thatdread disease, Consumi)tit)n, by a simple remedy, is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To all who desii-e it, he will send a co])y of the prescription used, (free of charge,) with he directions for pin2airing and uniug the same which they will fiud a sure Cube for Con- 8UMPT10S, Asthma. Bbonchitis, c. Parties wishing the Prescription, will please address, Rev. E. A, Wii.-t)n, 149 Penn St.. Williamsbnrgh, N. Y. 20-ly AQEl^TS WAKTJSD. -Big pay.â€" Light Work. Steady Employment. Samples free. Address, M. L. BYRN, 46 Naussau stree New York. 20 GEORGE WILSON, Wholesale and Retail I BUTCHEK!! BEEF, PORK OR MUTTON SUPPLIED, from a suigle pound to a whole carcasa, at the lowest market prices. FISH A FOWL IN THEIR SEASON Farmers having Fat Cattle, Sheep, or Pigs to dispose of will do well to call at No. 3 Burns' Block, opposite the new Union Block. Markdale, Oct. 25th, 1881 MAN HOOD HOW LOST, NOW RESTORED We hsye recently published a new |editiou of Dr. Citlvebwell's Cele- BBATES EstAY OU tlio radical and permanent cure (without medicine) of Ner- vous Debility, Mental and Physical incapaci- ty, Impediments to Marriage, (tc. .resulting from excesses. 1:9^ Price, in sealed envelope, only 6 cents, or two postage stamps. The celebrated author, in this admirable Eflsay, clearly demonstrates, from thirty y^rs' snocessful practice, that alarming con- sequences may be radicaUv cured without e dangerous use of internal medicines or the nso of the khifo pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain and iriEectual, by moans A. which every suJlerec, no matter what his condition may be, may^oore himself cheaply, privately and radically.' HTTUs Leetnre shonld be in hands of f««T jrooth and meg^ Qiaa 'vb^^ VmkI. Addrpos " Ti. "^!' ' Hm Mvarmli linM 00^ P.O. box 450 41 Jkmm nu IVew r«rfc Nothing Like Leather. M. M'LEOD, MARKDALE. NOT TO BE BEATEN All those who may have hnd the misfor- tune to have leen born barefooted will bear in mind that we haye just received the Inrg- eet and best stock of leather ever before brought into Markdale, consisting of Spanish Sole, French Kip and Calf, and are now pre- pared to manufacture liadies. Gents, /ontLs and Misses boots and shoes, from the stoga to the finest k'd and prunella. Sewed Work a Specialty. All work warranted. Invisible patching also 4one here. M. M. McLEOD. Markdale, Be pt.lOth, 1881. S TmRTLINC DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RCtTORED. A Tiotte cfjeattftil tini|nid*nce esottof Prem» ton Decay, Nenroos Debuitr, Xxwt Hsnbood, etc.. bmlng tmd in vain every known remedy, has dis* eovn««lattmpl«selfenr».irtiichliewin send FBEB ^â- ^ ^% ^% a week in your owb town: l|r»C»%|S outfit fiee. No risl. ^P %# ^^Everytbing new. Capital not required. We will furnish yon every- thing. Many are nakUiK fortnnes. Ladies nsdte as mveib as msn, and bovs and girls make great pay. Beader, if yon want a busi- ness at whieb yon can mako great pay all the time yon work, write for perticmars to H. HAU.STT A Co., Porttaad, Main*. Biinkfrk •#â- 

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