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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 7 Sep 1882, p. 6

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 â-  â-  _â-  get any, which ibey. jnly sword in the vifi.^ imaged through long 2H Squire Hawks, who i»ZN I not chosen captain^ " minor parts of the p|^ Ibt, ard thus some of th«i or three each, as thero w*," 111 were told again to coX»' ready for rehearsal. «*^ tsday afternoon came, they leir parts, for the wordr** hard they could not remej" I seemed impossible even to faeph to have "Hamlet' i, the day annot aing of the show. S'o Shi briven up, and little Maud,, pthat he v/as not ha'f as good ^e. Struck with this id«i"' e up their search for the, wisely resolved to content [omething less ambitious. 1^ ull costume copied from 1 the rhymes as they were t by those who knew and lo )h resigned the part of ffai^ 'ohby Shaflw, and sweet X tears to the eves of all aa i lax-wheel in grief for the droi o returned triumphant in in a neat sailor- ait, wh have passed throu h tne al ired. Maggie looked and ac, ghter to perfection, and lit, lovely as the bride, in pok he rode proudly in the whet hosen bride of little Eddie,'wh • to the short, the greedy, ve girl of the period. The 1 f the delighted parents of hat memorable Saturday, j,,.,^ fee of ten cents each gave thl kins such a Thankseiving diaJ lad never had before. â€" 0, ^J T. Nkiiouvs for September. •â-ºÂ«â€¢Â«â-  ^OR SUNDAY CONTEMPLj TION. U fatigue ending in a decet Ins and forgets: woman pardoc lrn with men happy those withl I IS when we expect it the least! I the most. iianifest sign of wisdom is con- fulccss. |thful without loving is to have| sni of virtue. of our actions is rewarded or I ily we do not admit it. he tliemselves as much as they I much as they wish to. Irs sometimes into great souls ;| ' only from little minds. |tre is much pretension muchi Wrrowed nature never pre-! few people njore often in thel I those wlio cannot endure to bef 1 not measure tlic excellence of the ti:ij«l)!e it lias cost US to! [ature is so constituted that all â- jiidge4»ctter i:i the atlairs of oth-] |i in tlieir o\vn. discretion not to make too much I It the tirst bee .use one c aunotj 'It proj-orlitu. d to liave many good friends is aj ion or people wiio believe that lie atlVetiun of others, Kliile thou livest ill thou hasi| |. distractions, inconveniences v't tlie bweets anil true use of in Inimanity no mere to despis* :e mi.sfo.-tunes of the mind than the body, when tlicy are suchaal â- If. â-  ' scv ret in tbc heart which our! lot distl(se. The mosL consum- |;ite cannot at all times conceal rs of tiie mind. Irions are like our t*eth they ymler while they are coming, liiave come, and when we lose [y arc not less the smile of ourj grief is a tempest which makes old age it is cnly a cold wind, one more Mrinkle to your face [re white lock to the others, rules to form a young man are to to hear much, to reflect alone lias passed in company, to dis- ow n opinions and value others \e it. :ret known to but few, yet of no the conduct of life, that when a mans conversation the first [liould consiiier is whether he has lelination to hear you, or that hear bim. ikes us like new accjuaintances iiuch any wearinets of our old pleasure of change, as disgust suthciently admired by those as too well, and the hope of being [those who do not know so much man to be so free with you as to to your face; Your vanitv by I will want its food. At the same Ipassion for esteem will b--more ^ed men will praise you in their there you now receive one com- lu will then receive twenty civili- 'Ad saying that charity begins at this IS no reason it should not a maushouhl live with the world of the world he might have a for the particular quarter or even alley m which he lives, but lliave a generous feeling for the I the whole. re sensible rerarks. A pastor's with tlie souls of his flock, not ishion of their dress or the style »r. A girl who "bangs" her hair â- ery pious and modest young girl; who prefers her's straight with- t as likely to be everything that not be. There is no saving power "*\g«rl"8 chances of salvation are ned by denying herself "bangsand ^nd besiiles, the girls'won't miiid» so Where's the use of anathema- WS IN A_NTJTSHELL. ,7S MXSVTtS'^^CT BlIADIMO. -« ^r voreitai. Domeatlo and W«r DUMKSTIC. J A. Chapleau has gone to Europe. new Steamboat Inspection Act passed lession has come into force. k.f.,3 Stephenson, Inspector of Coloniza- JLauds, has gone to the North -west. Ion Church, Monteal, has been rented J number of Jews, and will now be chang- [rem a theat.e to a synagogue. Lt Stirling, recently, Albert Tucker, of wdon, bit a piece out of the nose of orire R. Purdy, of Sidney. ^.,ne valuable Clydesdale horaea arrived iMontreal recently by the steamer Mimi- Van I r Messrs. Jeffrey Bros., of Whitby. rhp agitation ot the press has forced the kmiiiion (iovernment to grant vessel-own- the relief they asked ia the matter of kin shortages. ioseph Ostrong, of Rednersville, was fow'i :rom a waggon in Ameliasburg, and on I is head, producing concussion of the |ne. r,. t' e absence of Col. Gxowski the Do- Iniou matches will be fired under thedi- tion cf Lieut.-Col. Kirkpatrick, Presi- It of the Council of the Domimcn Rifle ksociation. ^he first sod of the Murr.ay Canal was irned Thursday last by Mrs Keclcr, Idow of the late Mr. Joseph Keeler, M.P., 1 the rresencc of an enthusiastic gathering J about 6,000 persons. It wo men in removing a dumb charge of Iwder from a blasting in Lacey Mav- k i nine near Sydenham, caused an ex- r,s-on, which seriously injured them. One )arly lost the sight of both eyes. UNITED STATES. I Tne Tercas cattle fever has spread intf lew Jersey. T^'c Dakota farmers have petitionee for Lfree entry of steam plough ta'fele for Ivc vears. The Lake Superor iron ore interest has oined the iron manufacturers in asking the Jnited States Tariff Commission for protec- lon. Farmers in New York State, where Texas attlefc^tr ravages have caused gre.atloss, re axioualy awaiting action by the State luthorities. ' The Citizen's Committi e of Y'ork County, kouth Carolina, have notified two Mormon Edssionaries to leave, with the alternative |f hanging:. At Philadelphia recently a mortgage was Iccordtd for .^160,000,000, executed by the hiladelphia and Reading Railroad and Philadelphia aud Reading Coal and Iron pompany. The New York Central Railway Co. con- lemnlatc building a fifth track from Buffalo lo New York, to be devoted exclusively to [he important and constantly increasing tattle trade. The Hiin'arian harvest is aa abundant mm bllJ. JlalUg, the celebrated sculptor, Is lead. The tlrst Chilian Minister to Mtxico has brosentedhis credeusials. President Grevy has gone to Jura and will kiuuiu away from Paris a month. I Upward of 500 natives were carried off \,y cholera m one of the Philippine Islands in two recent days. Sara Bernhardt, after performing at Brad- ford. Eng., was seized with a severe spit- Img of biocd. I Tlu' net debt of the city of Havre on July btwas «)l),503,00O francs, a decrease of f.S'.tii.OOi) compared with the same time last ?ear. I \t a meeting of 300 Dublin police, reso- lutions were passed expressing dmtisfac- kion at not receiving a grant similar to that feocived by the constabulary. The Irish constabulary at Cork have re- fa liatcd themanifesto demandingthelnspec- lor-« General's resignation and reinstatement It di.scharged constables. Fredrick Godfrey, the well-known Eng- lish musician, is dead. He had been band- Laster ot the Royal Horse Guards (the iUiiesl and he was a brother of Dan God- frey, the band-master ot the Coldstream X' tiards. There is no truth in the report that Herr Saruay has entered into an engagement with Mr. Xeuhioff, of the Germania theatre, s'ew "Sork, for a professional tour in the Jnited States. The performance of Gounod's neworat- )rio, 'The Redemption," the leading feature jf the Birmingham festival, came ofi" with «reat rrlat Thurday last. Among the vast fudienee of nearly 3,000 people were Car- ainal Newman and many leaders of society ^nd celebrated musicians. Gounod conduct- id the performance. The Springs Did No Good. 1 The following item is given for the con' jideration of those of our readers who are in parch of just such an article as that referred lo in th? following statement of Mrs. Geo. Y- Clark, a well-known lady of St. Catha- lines:â€" 'I cannot refrain," says Mrs. C, r from bearing testimony to the wonderful llfects produced by the use of the very best lemedy in the world, St. Jacobs Oil, for Mieumatism. I had rheumatism and dropsy Lnd dill not walk a step for fifteen years. 1 kried nearly everything our most «kiliful bhysioians prescribed, â€" Clifton Springs, â€" t't. Catharine Springs, etc., residing with a kelebrated German doctor,, who pronounced vy case incurable. Thinking everything of ko use I was induced to try St. Jacobs Oil, knd it has certainly done wonders for me. I heartily recommend it to any who may be lutferlng as I did. I have not had any use Y my right arm for more than a year â- ;- now, owever, I can raise it very nearly to my ead. ^.. ^^ » » â- *, ^* In the annual report qf the BiS^tisb j^oaJl- lastw-Gencral just received in "Wa^migtoii, 13 stated that the United States sent to kcAt Britain 9^ million newspapers and r^- ^ived from there 7^ miUipas daryig tiie "Bt fiscal vear. '•Kloetrie do more for humanity than dmga can do and are not danxeroos. Their stimuUting reenperating qualities are truly wonderfoL WoiMui and JLn Dtoe aiea 18 the title of » large illustrated treatiae, by Dr. iL. V. Pieroew^uflWo, N. Y.» wnt to ai^ addreaa for three atampe. It teaches rae- cessful self-treatment. Warning. We regret that it is necessary to wa n the public against so-called respectable druggists, who for a few cents additional profit, are palming olf a dangerous and flesb-eating sub- stitute for that great remedy, Putnam's Painless Com ExtKKtor. As Putnam's is a simple, purely vegetable compound, and noo-poisonooa in composition, no surprise need be felt, that serious results have at- tended the ose of caustic applications sub- stituted as above lor the genuine "Com Extractor." N. C. Polsou Co., proprie- tors, Kingston, Ont. ** Tbrew Away Her Supporter." Db, Piekce â€" A neighbour of ours was suffering from "female weakness" which the doctors told her could not be cured with- out a eupporter. After considerable per- suasion my wife induced her to try your "Favorite Prescription." After using one bottle she threw away the supporter and did a large washing, which she had not done in two years b^ore. JAMES MILLER, 4246 Jacob Street, Wheeling, W. Va. Kowit The purifying and healing properties of Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry impart a healthy tone to the diseased muocus surfaces of the Stoniach and Bowels. Its cooling, soothing properties counteract pain, its antiseptic properties correct canker and foul humour, and its tonic astringent nature corrects all exhaustive discharges â€" Such as Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Cholera Morbus, and Summer Complaints generally. â-² Word of Caution. Beware of Opiates and powerful astriagent drugs in the treatment of Bowel Complaints, they may lull the pain and check Diarrhoea, etc., but are liable to prodnoe inflammation, Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry is guaranteed safe and reliable, even for In- fants, and is a specifice for Cholera Morbus, Dysentery, Colic, Acute or Chronic Diar- hoea and Summer Complaints generally. Dyspepsia is the most common of all d'seases, and under ordinary drug treatment the most dif- ficult to cure, it is a chronic weakness of the stomach with indigestion. The sensitive mucous membrane coating the stomach be- comes irritated, and nearly all that enters the stomach continues to add fuel to the fire. Heartburn and Sour Eructions, Belching of Wind, Nausea, Headache, Variable Appe- tite, Costive Bowels, etc., audits prominent symptoms. Burdock Blood Bitters is a pos- itive cure for this miserable disease. â-  ♦#-4- •â-ºâ€¢â™¦I A Clergyman's Testimony. W. E. GifTord, Pastor M. F. Church Bothwell, was for two years a sufivirer with Dyspepsia in its worst form, until as he states "life be ame an actual burden." Three bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters cured him, and he tells us in a recent letter that he considers it the best family medi- cine now before the country for Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint. ^*»^- Thc introduction of electricity as a medicine is causing the wise heads of the world to look about. The demand Briggs' Electric Oil is truly wonilerful. A Durban despatch eays :â€" Besides Kafiir chief Secoenceni, his son and fourteen followers were killed. The killing cas done by Memper, a chief put into his place by the British. for the "A. P." 89 FACTS ABOUT UMBRELLAS. Antiquarians sav that the umbrella was In- vented shortly aller the Hood, and has been the least improved upwu of all appliances for human comfort, the shape being now as it was in those youthful days of the world. An umbrella is much like a pigeon as to the question of posses- sion â€" the la^t one who gets it owns it. Tne fol- lowing facts about umbrellas â€" especially the last one â€" may serve every reailer a splendid purpose sooner or later: To place your umbrella in a rack indicates that it is arjout to change owners. An umbrella carried over a woman, the man getting nothingbut drippings of the rain, indicates court- ship. When the man has the umbrella and the woman the dripping, it indicates marriage. To carry It at right iingles under your arm signifies that an eye is to be lost by the man who folkAvs vou. To put a cotton ura brellabythesideofalnice silk one signifies that " exchange is no robberj-." To lend an umbrella si ^nifies that " I am a fool." To carry an umbrella lust high enough to tear out men eyes and kHOck off men's hats, signifies " I am a woman." To ^o without an umbrella in a rain-storm shows I am sure of getting rheu- matism, and will have to use St. Jacods Oil to get well." To kcjp a fine umbrella for your own use and a bottle oJ St. .Lvcobs Oil always in the house, in of rheumatism or accident, would siguify that you arc real philosopher. 1^ c^ ^V Ayer's Ague Cure is an infdiibie eore for Fsver and Asu» in all its forms. Thaj| fa prietors warrant it, and their w gtiPy good as a U.S. bond. Trial provee ill. Colds. coaghai«n4 each ti'«Qsei M lead, to cfmsuMjiKeB, m^y'lie che(^;9d,'aad often cored, bgAha n«s of »e 2S cent bottle of Wistar's Pulmonic Syrup of Wild Cnerry and Horehoond. It is worth a trial. VEormrx is oomposed of tha beei'v^eta* ble ingredients the diaponsary of Katore fur- nishes. Their juioes are extracted in a way which preserves their undiminished medical properties, making it one of tiie greatest cleansers of the blood that can be pat to- gether. If your lungs are almost wasted by con- sumption Dr. Pierce's "Golden Medical Dis- covery " will not cure yon, yet as a remedy for severe conghs, and all curable bronch- ial, throat, aud lung affBctions,it is unsnrpaas- ed. Send two stamps for Dr. Pierce's fa-ge pamphlet treatise on Consumption and Kin- dred Affections Address Wou's Dis- pensary Medical Association, Bufiialo, N.Y. Robert A. Wilson, Dispensing Chemist, Brookville, says, under date of June 5th, '82, "1 have not the slighest hesitation in saying that Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw- berry has given mv customers more satisfac- tion than any medicine in my store tor the cure of Summer Complaints, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Pain in«the Stomach Sea Sick- ness, Piles, etc. You can use my name, etc." J. B. Bond, Druggist, c Schomberg writes, "I have sold medicines for over twenty years, and no medicine could give better sat sf action than your Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry." This medi- cine is the old reliable cure for Cholera Mor- bus, Dysentery, and a 1 Summer Com- plaints. Vegetine. Chronic Headache. GENERAL DEBILITY CFRED. Toronto, Ont., Nov. 25, 1S79. II. R. Stevens, Esq., Boston Sirâ€" I have much pleasure in testifying to the virtue of your Vegetine. For years past I have suffered exceedimfly from chronic AeadacAe and general debility, from which I obtained no per- manent relief unti 1 1 was induced, about a month since, to try the Vegetine. 1 am now better in health than I have been for the last four years enjoy my food better, am much stronger, and quite free from my old enemy, the headache. Hoping that my testimony may induce others to try the same remedy, I am Respectfully yours, MRS. D. A. JOHNSTON, 100 Lippincott Street. I have verj- great pleasure in endorsing the above statement of the benefit to my wife's health, since she commenced the use of the Vegetihe. D. A. JOHNSTON, Late Minister of the C. M. Church. BtSHriisi OHEEBFVLLY BEGOHHENDS IT. Bbocicville, Ont., Mar. 24, 1880. Mr. H. R. Stevens Dear Sirâ€" I have taken several bottles of your Vegetine. I consider it an excellent medicine, and most cheerfully recommend it to those suf- fering from General Debility. I remain yours truly, MRS. M. A. SMITH. Ottawa, Ont., Mar. 8, ISSO. Dear Sirâ€" I have mnch pleasure in adding my quota to the already immense volume of certiiicates so deservedly eulogizing Vegetine. It is as stated a purely vegetable compound, and as an invigorator. purifier of the blood, and regulator of the action of the liver, lias no equal. As yet I have never known it to fail in curing any of the many diseases for which it is recommended. It is rapidly becoming a popu- lar medicine. Those who use it once, when necessity requires, call for it again. • W. A. JAMIESOX. Vegetine thoroughly eradicates every kind of humor, and restores the entire system to a healthy condition. The foll.wing communication to the editor ol the .«alem (..U.i^^.) lirqi^er shows hpw an artist treated IfUvVsirolr; "I woiihl JUftt««*"«^ Ptei}?U' kiml iiutwtion te #l*t yhxk\t Iduf newfoattters witfi plea*itte lH*i6,thi*hlw *)t«jfty olrtjfeniy, Mr .heuniatism, pounced on me so suddenly. He jiTived last Friday, and, .without stopping to senci tip his cafd, rushed in and grasped me by the hand witli such a grip that in a few hours my hand aud wrist were so badly swollen and painful thar I felt as though one of Mr. Hatch s coal teams had run over me. Mr. Rheumatism has been a cjjnstant visitor of laine for several years he al wavs swells and put on a great many airs, making himself at home, devouring my sub- stance and leaving me poor in flesh and pocket L« m w int er he c t ime aud a t a r e »twro months. I then decided that the next time he came I would change lis diet. I was somewhat at a loss what ' ' wil^^ut flnallflMicluded to ' e dbals a daflTBT. Jacobs ire he is â€" leave uj «*r«." â€" -jys hectfinoTT stop any longer, as he has presalM buslnen else- where. He ia a treacherous fellow, and he In- Ive Tegetine is Sold by all Druggists. t :^ d!§g?: OlJIt CIRCITLAK SAW, manufactured by the »I310.\DS PATENTKU PK«t'KSS, having given such general satisfaction, owing attheir VNIFOBMITV OF TEMPEK, we have to a greatexpense applied the PKINCIPLE to the TEMPERINC of €BOSS*CVT SAWS, hav- ing frequently been asked to do so and here- after our Cross-Cut Saws will be ETCHED and KNOWN as such. Those who like a nicely tem- pered Saw will do well to give them a trial. Ask yoar Hardware Merchants for the Slmonds Saw, and see that it is etched as such R. H. SMITH CO., "S^^rKr- Mmufacturers for Dominion of Canada COMMEEOIAL COLLEGE. WOODSTOCK, ONT. A most thorough, complete, and practical course. Fees very reasonable. Send for circular to N. WOLVBRTON, B.A., Principal. Woodstock College, Woodstock, 27th July, 1882 WHAT IS OATIKKH Catarrh is a muco-pumlent discharge caused by the presence and development of the vege- table parasite amoeba in the internal lining aaembrane of the nose. This parasite is only de- veloped under favorable circumstances, and these are mJrbid stote of tff^'\)lood. aa Uje bUgil)fX c|r|uicll$ dbCii^rbrd,tIe geMffbtean ofs3ffi^^J»etcvs,tfa/Kmea.,K0T3i rf ttfttbdit of the effeted matter of the skin, suppressed perspiration, badly ventilated sleeping apart- ments, and other poisons that are germinated in the blood. These poisons keep the in^i^nal lin- ing membrane' of Che nose in a Cdnstant state of irntation, ever readr^forthe deposit of tba seeds of theiae gertns, which s^bread up the nostrils and, down the faupes fi bacK part of the m(}nth causing ulceration of tilie throat; up the eu- stachian ttdiee^cauainff^leabieM; burrowing in the vocal cords, catiaing hoarseness, usurping the proper structure pf tJie bio^Guial wlMfl ending in pulmonary consumption and death. To effect a ci|re tlia j^anislt* ipnagbe removed or destroyed, hence inhMftnt^ aftu gnufb are ^%fe»#» w^ lg«qrn^hytej»n of, tion of ingredients, which never fails in ai lutely Mq.permanently e r» 4 cafW M tl»ia horri- ile diaeate nMft^ ,Y%M4iliS'fraJn4 jnm or fortj years. oommnnicaJt^' A. H. Dixon, 307 Kins St. West, Ttwonto. and fcei treatise free bj enclosing stamp. Askjonr drogRlstforit aSSfSlMnilSueTlUe Bar Qointe; BbAJUCOM, F 1 •|^IL«UTffl.L. SAW MILU AUD WOOLKN iobatedinP«terboffO. ^JUHngs stone imdiSridt; ma gn i f icent water power. Very Carorable terms. MACJONTOm fc PB TBBg. Ttomto. FARM FOR SALE-OB EXCHANGE FOR Onrario property. One quarter section ll^ ?P^ "^^ " North Hisaissipiti, 16 miles by rail from Memphis, Tenn.. offerSs special faciUties for dairy farmiag. AddKw R. CLELAND. HatoUtoo, Onk^. ^^ jfiK^RAL BUSINESS FOR 8ALE-1N OX- \jr FORD countyâ€" doing safe paying trade, wUdican be largely inereMedj stock about ^rfea. ^S5ig »»*i'^iAdKiKT06H m i tCIOR sale or t6 "RENT-THAt VaLIJ- JP ABLE hotel property known as the Paisly House 4n the county town of Orangeville, ul in flrst-olasa order, newly furnished, bath- rooms, hst air furnace, and all modem con- venience; large, extensive brick sUble and sheds, and the aest position for business in the town two railways, centre liere immediate^ pouession. For full particulars, apply to JOHN PAISLY. UraageVllle.^^ *^^ "DRICK CARRIAGE SHOP FOR SALE 15 J3 OannmgtoBâ€"Room tor six bmohes two toryres good trimming and show-rooms, two and a InUt stories high ;4good outbuildings. No opnoeltion of any account within eighceen miles no better cnanoeJji^he Dominion for a man with small caidtio. asCannington is situ- ated in one oi the beet farming districts of Canada. Will rent for (150 per annum. For fuU particulars apply to R. F. KTT.T.AT.V Cannington. FLOUR AND GRIST MILL FOR SALE or to rent.-^The Ektrid Mills, situate at Strathbum, 2^ milss south of Glencoe, in Middle- sex, are for sale or to rent. The mill is brick, on stone foundation, nea rT new. There is good water power, steam enguie, throe run of stones and every convenience for first-class wwrlc, all nearly new. The mill is in good running order is situate in the heart of a splendid' ' wheat ooimtry, is surrounded with good gravel roads, and has been doing a profitable ^business for over 40 years past. There is no other mill nearer than from 6 to 10 miles, except at Glen- coe. Easy terms for purchase. For further garticulars apply to McLEAN MILLER, larristers. etc.. St Thonw. Ont. Pu« Bark Tanned. Star Hlret LEATHER BELTING The Best in the Dominion. Send for Our Friee List. F. K. BUON ^»COw. fti CalbvnieWtreet. TarvnU AS SOON AS YOU ARRIVE -IN- TORONTO GOTO A.. B FLINT'S AND Bny All lour Dry Boods. IT WILL PAY. WH. A8HALL, WATCHMAKJiU AND Jeweler, 262 Yonge St.. Toronto, kas eularsed his premises, and greatly increased his stock of gold and silver jewelry, plated ware, cutlery, clocks, watches, etc. Fine stock of jet and garnet jewelry. Goods imported direct. Ev^ry kind of Jewelry repaired prompt- l y, neatly, and cheaply. ApCUTC 111 AUTCn EViiiKi wiiiijtti!^ MUCIl I O If AN I CU to sell the best Family MnltCing Machine ever invented. Will knit a pair of stockings with HEEL and TOE complete in 20 minutes. It will also knit a great variety of fancy-work for which there is always a ready market. Send for circular and terms to the TwomblyKnlttlng Machine Co., 163 Tremont Street, Boston. Mass. (CHARTERED l'}74.) F!RE INSUflAKCE ONLY) 3 5 Col borne Street, Toronto. Mack's ntaznetie Medicine, A uthoriz^d Cujyifal, $500,000. 00 FULL QOVcRNMZNT DEPOSIT MADE^ garplus to Policy Holders • • $149,;:e.76. This reliable Stoik Fire InsuraLoe Com pany desires first-class experienced agents at all unrepresented points. H. THEO. CRAWFORD, Manager and Secretary, HAMILTON m (BEFORE) TRAOE MARK* (A Is a sure, prompt and effectual Remedv for Nervousnesii in ALL iti stages. Weak Mem- ory, Loss of Brain Potcer, Prostraiion, Night Sweats, Weakness and Oeneral Loss qf Power. lt*tepain Nervous Wa^te,R^venates the Jaded intellect, Strerwthens the Enfeebled Brain, and Restores Surprising Tone and Vigyr to the Exhausted Organs. tV With each order for twelve packages, accompanied with five dollars, we will send our GUARANTES to rofund the money if the treat- ment does not effect a cure. It is the Cheapest and Best Medicine in the market. Full par- ticulars in pamphlet, which we mail free to any address. Bold by all druggists, one package 60o. 6 for $2.50, or sent by mail on receipt of price, by addressing MACriL'S MAGNETIC UTEHICKVE CO.. _^. _. ^^ Windsor. Ont.. Canadn. S O L P B Y A L L_P R U C C I 8 T S. AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, For Diseases of the Throat and Lnngs, snch as 'oughs. Colds, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, and Consunipllou. WILL CURE BILIOUSNESS, DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTIOfi. Jaundice, erysipelas, salt rheum, heartburn, headache, And every species o disordered LIVER, BOWELS OR RcLIEVF DIZZINESS, DROPSY, FLUTTERING OF THE HEART,' ACIDITY OF j THE stomach) DRYNESS OF THE isKIN, f disease arlsine fHm K'DNEVa 8TCM«A0»^ M BLOOD, trr\ PrO|Mrletor% Thefew compositions which have won the confidence of mankind and become household words, among^ot only one but many nations, must have extraordin- ary virtues. Perhaps no one ever secured so wide a reputation, or maintainea it so long as AVER'S Cherry Pectoral. It has been known to the public about forty.years, by a long continued series of marvelous ciu-es, th8.t have won for it a c6n- fldcnce in its virtues, never equaled by any other medicine. It still makes the most effectual cures of Coughs, Colds, Consumption, that can be made by medical skill. Indeed, the Cherry Pectobal has really robbed these dangerous diseases of the terrors to a great extent, and given a feeling of immunity from their painful effects, that is well founded, if the remedy be taken in season. Every family should have it in their closet for the ready and prompt relief of its members. Sickness, suffering, and even life is saved by this timely protection. The prudent should not neglect it, and the wise will not. Keep it by you for the protection it affords by its early use in sudden attacks. PREPARED BY 1 DR. J. CATER i CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical and Analytical Chemists. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AXD DEAL ERS IN MEDICINE. CORSETS uneuualledfor health;, comfort and drability Manuf actu red by flie CROJklPTON OORSETCO.. Toronta TORONTO M The thSnadnds of visitors from all ovct Canada are advised to go du-ect on arriving at Groands to i^ ii^: LAW SON'S Immense Candy Factory and Bakery which is to be seen in actual operation, supplying the crowds of people with goods made before their eyes. But the place of most interest to om- many friends is the Restaurant m same bmlding, re you may have the pleasure of drinking a cup of our unrivalled The Tea used at Exhibition can be had at our store, 93 King Street East, and we are sure that every person will at on cM S gr e an^My to tafce hona wit||henfc',i*?e have made special arransemento. for the benefltK. p|fronl, with tbe Aresajfompttnles. and will send a five SoMcSldy of our^irt.TeaS*^ exprfis odVe imi^chame), bv you sen^ng us if^O^ OriSr?or amoun£fc?SMu on!y«8et 24Mto for f4.0»' Ibricelbts of over 50 different ^ias ^be had^onrflCfreshment HaSl. and also^at our store, or they will be sent on applica- tira. Remember to go direct to JLfiwaonrs nad drink » njP o« To? before seemg Exhibition. Our baUdi^is close beside G. W. R:«ta1Mn ahdeasf of Main BuiWhtg. EDWifiatS!^ IiArWSON, Victoria Tea Warehouse, 93 King Street East, Toronto, c

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