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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 31 Aug 1882, Supplement, S2

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 fuit6 a seTere ram bed 08 un Mondajr wi ig as beans. [bont 150 went to Nil louDced II gocxl, [all exhibition »ep. 26 Inox church brickwork coi u finished will he one ©f j »e county. H. Huuter, M.P.P. buil chouse. ^rite again. Address. Ha\nnc: started the iugeniaHouj to secure a share of public pal ItO 44 emendous itles 306 83 y y08- 51 802 37 ^lQ,m) 44 kfore the t the prica. \y,. j^^^.^ "y. Triui will canviuce. e sell for • Cash • U^' 1 ou n3; Oon't r^omet. bho. This new machine wiu Mton. and WooUen Goods, Jautiful Bmooth and plossv oj also improves the clothes, wl injure them. We will alao iaeture Iron grave tablei Ithout marble g]ab for name. I Railings, Pall Rjiarg and " |»«t Iron Chains for same, ab ^Unster Railings, House Fenc ornamental. Machinery 01 erery description, Brass large or small. MOFFAT BRO.^ N nobl: ARKDALE. IRIBLACKSMJ SESHOEI A SPECIALTY. Qoare suffering from the ftions ot youth, nervoua l««^y, loss of manhood, Iwwpe that will cure yon, IE. This great Beroe^ly wa« f mwaonary in SoQlh Ai ' M-addressod •nrekme f â- Lmwh,, Station J^ Stw -m Mm Wcay » Tb« efasrge of Ch^MO. MeFarlaad has JQ^t reeeired iOO pairs women '• boots i»ric€8 right, TftaikB ought to be bailt in eonj one* tion with the elevators. Mr Brown is about to rebuild the steam sawmill. The well has been deepened. Improvements lyillalso be made in his house, aud also in the shop used as Sbanahan's carriage factory. The Thorubury Standard says that Markdale possesses a tire engine cost- ing $400.00, and an efficient fire bri- gade Oh that the Thombury paper had spoken the truth just this once 1 We'd forgive it all the past The Meaford Mirror continues to improve. The station agent's garden has been altered and improved to such an ex- tent that a resident ci Markdale re- ruruiug after a week's holiday, actually laiied to recognise the place not till he had been trebly assured by the bus man was he convinced. Wm. Lucas Co, bankers, Markdale have $200,000 00 to loan on real esiate. fc)traigut loan system. No fines. Low interest. Moderate charges Look out for Wilson Benson's- new advt. next week. All eizes of leather belting kept ou hand at Haskett Bros. All kinds of Machine Oils for sale at Haskett Bros. They keep the best oils manufactured. Mr Geo. D. Howell, of the 0. Sound Times called on Friday. Eemember the cattle fair on Satur- day, Sep. 9th. Bring your cattle in car'y. The side- walks up towards the chur- ches is enough to take the sanctity out ot the most devotional church goer. The deil and the pathmaster must have eutered into a compact over the Church St. sidewalks. Only one out of six could remember the text when they got down to Brown's store. The sidewalk man and his horny colleague had left so niany "impediments" in the way. McFarland's tea Is valued by me It steeps well, It keeps ^ell, It swells well, Aod dwcih well, And fifla well That's why it sells well It savours Of flavours. Which all view as favours It regales, Aud prevails And strougly assails, When anything ails Try then McFarlai;d*a 8o cent Tea. The Markdale Standard is two years old. In takes a holiday this week, ani wiU appear as an eigbt page paper next week. The Standard is u uewity sLeet, and we wish it that 6ucees.s which earnest endeavor de- serves. â€" Meaford Mirror. Aithough A. B. Fawcett's name appears in the Flesherton Advance as its editor, the schoolmaster abrjad or Rev. Mr. Bray, of Montreal, seems to have written the leading article uf last week. He uses the big "1." â€" Mea/- ord Mirror, Wesley's Hymns were used for ad- ministeriug the oath at Bevere House yesterday. It was too bad of constable Noble to prevent the inspector toothing his out- raged feelings with a gentle smoke in the court house during the sitting of the court. Mr. D. J. Shanahan is visiting his friends in Penetanguishne. Mr. G. S. Bowes leaves on Friday for a visit of about three weeks, to visit Milton, Hamilton and other llacfe8. The Misses Grier of Thornburry are spending a few days with Mrs. Wm. Brown. Miss Maude Madden of Port Perry, has been engaged to teach the third form of ouf public school. Mr. »Y,F. Doll has returned from Nvw York, Coney Island, Manhattan beach c diC a, Mr. W.J. McFarland ia oamped at Bella lake, and purposes enjoying himself wich a rod and line, or poai- bly a uet, now boya look oul for some tall fish stories. See Mr. Doll for bottom prioat m Watches and jiewelefy. Straight forward, gcods pniduMtd ftTMs W. F. DoU WiU b* (oQ^i 104 M Prise List. fifMui Ganeml PnrfBM Spaa Carriage Horsaa Buggy Hone Saddle Hone Mare, fool by her sida Spring Colt Colt, or Filly, S years old Do. 1 do S.M S.60 1.50 1.60 2J00 100 1.00 1.00 Sad IJfO l.ff 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.50 0.50 0.50 Srd 1.00 1.00 I 11 I €!«•• •.-Cuttle. Boil, over 2 yrs old S.oo l.oo Do. ander 3 years 2.oo l.oo Durham Cow with pedineel.50 l.oo Ayrshire Cow .. a.50 l.oo Cow, giving Milk, grade 1.50 1 oo Heifer. 8 years I.00 50 Heifer, 1 year l.oo 50 Spring Calf. .. l.oo 50 Yoke of Oxen .. l.oo 50 Pair Steers 2.yr old l.uo 50 Do. 1-yrold I.00 50 Class S.-rSliee|^ Aged Bam, tborooghbred I.00 60 Bam Lamb I.00 50 Pair Ewesj-aised lambs '83 I.00 50 Pair Ewe Lambs .. l.oo ^50 • â- Â» Class 4.â€" Swine. Berkshire Boar, aged Berkshire Spting Boar Berkshire Sow, aged Berkshire Spring Bew Soffolk Boar, aged Do. Spring .. Suffolk Sew, aged Do. Spring .. 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 Class A.â€" Pvaltrjr. Psir^Barnyard Fowls .. .75 " Geese .. .. .50 " Turkeys.*. .. ..50 " Ducks, large .. .50 ' small .. .50 Leghorn Fowls ,50 Brahma " .. ,60 Spanish " .. .50 Bambusg " .. .50 Class 6*~Graiii. A' • t .50 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Bushel Fall \\aieat Seneca or C'awson 1.50 Do. any other kind 1.50 Do. Sp. Wheat, Wh Buss 1.50 Do. do. any other kiui 1.50 Do Barley .. l.oo Do. Beans large 1 .( o Do. Peas small white 1 .00 Do White Oats l.oo Do Black " .. 1.00 Half-bushel Timothy Seed l.oo Six Ears Indian Com 50 Peck White Beans 50 l.x 1.00 1.00 1.00 5u 50 50 50 50 50 25 25 Class v.â€" R«ots. Bushel Potatoes early rose l.oo 50 Do. any other kind l.oo 50 6 Swede Turnips 50 S5 6 Tnruips, any other kind' 50 25 6 Mangold WurtzeU 50 25 6 Blood £f«i»ts .. 50 25 6 Field Cirrols .. 50 25 6 Earl J Horn Carrots 50 25 6 Parsnips 5f 25 5 Boots Celery .. 50 S 2 Heads Cauliflowers 50 25 2 Cabbages, Early York 60 36 Do. any other kind 50 35 6 Tomatoes .. 50 35 Gallon Potato Onions fO 25 ** Onion8.any other kind 50 25 3 Squashes .. 50 3« 2 Pumpkins 50 25 6 encumbers, pickling • 50 25 3 Citrons 50 35 3Wat«rl(elods .. 50 85 Class 8.â€" Frait. 6 Winter Apples « 50 86 6 Fall Apples 50 S» 3 var, Apples, 8 f each M 35 13 Crab Apples .. 50 35 4 var. do, U of each 50 35 • Pears .. 50 35 3 Bunches Grapes.. 50 3S 6 Blue Plums 50 25 (i Green Gages 50 is 5 Phuos. any other kind 50 25 I lai I Class •.â€"Daily. 25 Best Tub Butter, 50 lb S.00 3.00 I'O^ 51b.lhitteT,roUs 150 loo 50 Cheese, factory made, 4(Hb .1.00 50 Do. Home-made 10 lb. l.oo 50 100 lb. Best Wheal Fkxir 1.00 60 2Loav«aorBMad.bdb«n 1.00 60 Do. hoana-mafda !.* 60 6]b.]lsvlaipfar 1.00 60 flkof HaM7 1.00 63 Wtpi, Ma^ Wpmif loq m io. 3.00 S.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 S.00 1.00 1.00 1,00 Uw 3.00 60 50 S.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 ' 1.00 i.00 loo 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Work. 60 60 ff 76 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 76 60 60 60 Class IS.â€" Extra Prizes. Sin^Cuttar .. DM. Set Team Hamaaa. IMS D«^ Carriage do. do Fair MoB*s Booto, Coarse .. Do. do. Fine Sot Horse Shoea, unfiled Puiip • .. .. i^peotmen Cabioet Wark 'OS PsnelDoor, ttS Wmdow8ash,'88 Specimen Coopor Wan, 'OS Do. Tin Wara. '83 Da. Marble Work. '88 Do. Penmanship Do. do. under 16 5 yds Full Cloth, home-made Satinet, hoi|iie made 6 yds Fancy Flannel Plain do. PairBlankets Do. do. Horse Class*!!.â€" Indies* Isl Sad 1.00 1.M l4io Vi 60 75 1.00 50 OO 50 60 1.00 85 35 1.00 50 50 60 50 BO 50 50 50 60 60 Pair WooUen Hits Pair WooUen Socks Patch Quilt .. L3g Cabin .. .. Embroidery in Cotton Do. Wool BetVn Wool raised Do. flat Fancy Knitting, Cotton Do. Wool .. BraMing in Cotton Knitted Lace Oolleetion Berhn Work Hair Work .. Gent's Fine Shhrt, hand-made Bag Mat Any other variety Ibt 5 yds Bag Carpet 85 25 60 50 25 S5 35 25 35 85 35 36 36 25 60 85 35 3; By Ml. W.J. MoFarland. Best 50 lb 1* irkin Butter. Ladies Shawl |3 Best 5 lb Batter Counterpane By Messrs. HiU Bros. Best Bushel Spring Wheat any kind except Wliite Bu3»ian f2.00 By Mr. H. Fostar, Best 2 loaves home-made bread $1.50 By Mr Bobert Askin. Best Sofa Pillow, Sewing Booking Chair.. .. 1130 By Mr Geo. Grant. Hand-made Shirt Photo Frame, or Boston Bocker 91 80 » MABKDALE POLICE COURT, Fatcical Finish of a Farcical Fellew^s Funny Farce, THK CLOSING OF THK MARKDALE CIRCUS. Who'll pay the Piper At the adjourned court held at the Bevere House, yesterday, Wednesday, before Justices Elliott, aud Struther;, decisions were given in the cases in innpector Beid had proceeded against a number of people for vielatii^g the Health and Police Acts. All the cases under the former Aet were dismissed or withdrawn, but in two cases, Wm. Brown, J.P., and W. J. McFarland, the summonses were under the Police Act, which provides for the cleanliness of the streets they were each fined $1 CO and costs, total $4.10. We will refer more fully to this matter next week, and also to Mr, W. Brown's expressed method of admin* lateriniC the law. We had the pleasure of a chat with our Townsman Mr. W, F. Doll, who baa just returned from a two weeks visit to New York City and Coney Island what with comming in eontact with the bracmg air at the sea beach and the wide awake business men of New York we expect to see a big Boom in the Jewelery Business here for some time. Quick as a wink is the way photos, are being taken at Browne's jtallery. Mr. Bellamy, Flesherton has pur- chased the good will of the loan, in- surance, conveyancing business lately cirried on by Davis k Belamy. Mr. Bellamy wiU ende^vonr by low rates, and close ^rsonal attention to hnsi- ness to merit pnblio patronage. Mr. Storey, a lively gentleman U oonsid^erible ability is pualiing the in- surance and kindred business at Flesh- erton. Messrs Trimble k Wnght are deter- mmed to do an extensive bnsixMss, if an exeeediagty large atoek, and iow prioes will do it It is rsmariable the distanoe nway ooms to make poreha- sas, sndrsten saytng, U pi^loloss a iim m oiim to |^ Cold PIMPLES I wiU maa (Fr«0 tha recipe lor a aiMple â-¼â- oKTAaui Baui that will remove Tax- FBECXLK8. PIMPLES and Bborcna, laave lag ^e skin soft, elMw and boantifal also inatroetioas for produeine hix;iriaat growth of hair on a bald head or smooth faee. Ad-, eaeloeing a 8c. stamp, Ben. Yaadslf A A* A« 6 Bee-l kman st. N .Y. Great dkanee to itoa£e anmey. Those who â€" â€" â-  always take advantage orti.« good chauon for making money that are offered, gimeraUy become wealthy, whfle those who do not improve such chances ro- main in povarty. We wai»t many men, wo men, boys and girls to wwk for us right in their own Wjoalities. Any one ean do the work properly from the first start, ilie bus- iness wiU pay more than ten times ordinary wages. Expensive outfit furnished free. No one who engafes faUs to make money r^idly You can devote your whole time in Uie work, OT orly vour spare moments. Full informa- tion and aU that is needed sent free. Addres. SmsoH A Co., Portbnd Maine. Meat Markei AooD piyol Fresh Meats I TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser, havmg oeen permanently cured ot thdit dread disease, Consumption, by a simple remedy, is anxious to make known to his feBow sufferers the means of cure. To aU who desire it. he wUl send a copy of the prescription used, (frte of charge.) with he dkeotions lor prepairing and using the same which they wiU find a soax Curb for Oom- auMpnoa, Asthka. BaoKCHins, Sto. Partiea wishing the Prescription, wiU please address, Bev. E. A, Wii»on. 149 Penn St., Wmiamsbtti|{h, N. Y. ao-ly Xjowent Xiiving Prices. Orders solicited, and deliv- ered free lo all parts of the Town. Farmers hagring fat stcck ta dispose of, will please leave their addresses. TERMS, STRICTLY CASH. FRED. SARJEANT. Markdale, March 28, 1882 804y jm. MATHEWS, MARKDALEa EVEBYTHING IN OUB LINE KEPT ON HAND OB MADE TO OBDEB ON SHOKT NOTICE. LIVERY! IN CONNECTION. SPJfiCIAL NOTICES. Mothers! Mothers!! Mothers Are yon disturbed at night and broken cf your rest by a siek child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth If fo. go at oiioe and get a bottle of MBS. WIN8L0W8 SX)THINO 8YBUP. It wUl reUeve the poor Uttle sufferer immedi- atelyâ€" depend npon it there is no mistake about it. Tbeie is not a mother upon earth who has ever used it, who will not teU you at once that it wUl reg^'^te the bowels, and give reet to the mother, and relief and health to the child, operating lice magic. It is per- fectly safe to UAe in all oases, and pleasant to the state, and is the prescriptiou of c^ne of ihe oldest and best female physicians and nursrs in the United States. Sold every- where a4 25 cents a bottle. 90- Iv NIL DESPERANDUM, SRAVS SPECIFIC MEDKINE. IHE 6BEAT ENGLISH BEMEDY, an unfaiUntt cure for Seminal Weakneits, Spermatorrhea, Impotency, and aU diseases that folow as a sequenpe of Self-Abane as loss of Memory, Universal Betoe TaUl^ Lasdtude, Pain in the Back Dimness of Vision, Premature old age, and many otner DiMeases that lead to Insanity or Consnmpticn snd a Pre- mature Grave. I^Full particulars in our pamphlet, which we desire to send free by mail to every one. The Specific Medicine is sold by all Druggists at 91.00 per package, or six After Tskmg. packages for $5.U0, or wiU be sent free by inaU on receipt of the money by addressing. THE mAT MEDICINE CO., 1-'v loroulu, Oni.,c..aada T' Errors of Youth. AGEMTLEMAK who snfferred for year- from Nervous BEBILlTr, PBEMA^ TITLE DECAY, andaU the effect? of youth- ful indiscretion, wiU for the sake of suffering hnminity, jend free to aU who need it, the recipe and directions for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishmx to profit by the sdvertiser's experi- ence can o so oy addressing in .perfect con- fidence. JOHN B. OGDEN, 20-lv 42 Cedar st New York AQBNTS W^AliTBD. -Big pay.â€" Light Work. Steady Employment. Samples free. Address, M. L. BYBN, 46 Naussaustree New York. 20 GEORGE WILSON, Wholesale and Retail Ming Like Leather. M. M. M'LEOD, MABKDAIjE. NOT TO BE BKATEN I BUTCHEB!! BEEF, POBK OB MUTTON SUPPLIED, from a single pound to a whole careasa, at the lowest market prices. FISH a FOWL IN THHH SEASWt Farmers having Fat Cattle, Sheep, or Pigs to dispo^ of m\\ do weU to call at No. 3 Bums' Block, opposite the n^w Union Block. Markdale, Oct. 2th, 1R81 Lot 5, Toronto St., and lot 5, Eliz- abeth St.. Markdale. The above lo;d are very couyeuiently Mtnated: the iformer with a comfortable dwelling and blacksmith's shop thereon, and a building suitsble for a carriag' shop. The latter is a vacant lot. Wdl Ve srdd cheap. Apply to Mis. Biobard- tfon, Markdale. 100..*? AU thosa who may btave had the mi^or- tune to have been borh bfrefooted wiU bear in mind that wehaye just reoeivad the larg- est and beht stock of leather ever before iHxiught into Markdale, oonsi«tingof Spanish Sole, French Kip*and Calf, and are now pre- pared to manufacture Ladies, Gents, /ouths^ apd Misses boots and shoes, from the stoga to the finest k'd aad prunella. Sewed Work a Specialty. AU work warranled. Invisibla patehuag aiac done here. M. M. McLEOO. pt. 19th. 1881. MANHOOD HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED We have recently published a new edition of Dr. CnLvxBwau:.'8 Cxlb-^ BBATED EssAT OU the radical and ^lermanent cure ^wi^out medunne) of N«m;- vons Debility, Mental and Physical incapaci- ty. Impediments to Marriage, Ac, resniting from excesses. â- ^ Prieo. in sealed enveloiw, only 6 o«|kl|^^ or two postage stamps. ^vi^. The eelebntted author, in this adminiS^ Essay, eltarly demoostratu^ from tiwlir years' siiooeedni)|!ia(Qjtice» that alarming oeB feqnenoea may be tadlsaltv tnied withonl the daainnms ilse of interial medSieiQes ot the use qI the lOole pc^nting ant a mode of eon at Niee sim^l^, certain aad eSeetnal* by tiimam wittdi ev«y saffoeari no matter what hja eoediti^n ma^ be„ amy care himsdf cheag^yyrivaely aiMl n i i» aa liy .. srmOal^etave wtmji bain the handa of yeatk mad « iiy asaa m tha land. Hi f^bei^460 4 $66! a WMkinyoir o»H tv^u 16 outfit fiee. No risk. Kverytiiing new. Capiiai nor required. We will fumiRh you every- thing. Many are making fortunes. Ladies make as mudi as men, aod bovs and girla make g^t pay. fieader, if yon want a bosi- ness at which you can make great pay aU the time yon work, write for psrtieuLars t« H. Haixktt a Co., POTtlaad, Maina. DyeStufGs. Indigo^ Madder^ • Logwood, Fustic^ Camwood,. Cochineaf,^ 31uestoiie, Madder Compound, Copperai „ Bichromate Potash,. Cream 1 artar. Alum, and many other Articles used in Dy«iing. Also,, a laiige variety of the best A^iUiM Dje^. Medical Hall. SSiS!|aS7r^i A. Turner d;C^

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