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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 31 Aug 1882, p. 4

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 Ha un Mo«i •s beftns. rat 150 went to m )unced it good, exhibition aep. 2*- iox chnrch brickwni^ finished will be one^ county. [H. Hunter, M.P.P. boii lonse. rite again. Address. m* Having star ted hm lUgeniaHot I to secure a shore of pabliei le Engenia Hou^e beingt The Palls I great attri.ctiou8 to tboae Wh© m ISCENERY. as weU as to ihsj! I (ii-'igbt in jV Ca I^ I IV river both above aiid belov; junds with SPECKLED Tl E HERON can safely iblic that he is determiu lost to please and accci lerB. board and accomou be of the best, au led with the very best |ORS, having resolved lall be properly attended^ ood Stabli undr AND .CHINE WOR] flANUFACTUEERS OF I MAGHINEI |eam Engim iting,Hang( PULLEYS, c. ILOW nd Plow Points mim^ )one in a practical manner. e also introduce our new ILY MANGJ Supplement to the " Markd ale Standard," August 31st, 1882 =»=«*= THE EASTERN CAMPAIGN The results of the engagements of liiirsday and Friday followed by the fvere fightmsr of Saturday appear to ive been more important than was tirst anticipated. If our men were jughly used the Egyptians were bad- cut up and then rout was complete. [lie enemy fled in disorder, throwing fiH.y their -aims and aoooatiements. lir (jaraet Wolseley is determined to live the enemy no time to recover from lis reserves. He will divide las force, saving a brigade under General Gra- lam to invest Arabi's stronghold at ?el-el- Kebir, and will himself ad- ance with the main body of his army ^pon Cairo. Priceville. A sort of volcanic eruption taken flace in a certain portion of our town iteky and threatening the overthrow |f blacksmith shops, private dwellings, iicket fences, side walks, and various ither property, the strangest feature \i the affair is that the crater of this rolcano should bo a notorious "jar of )reserves" which was thoughtlessly Removed from its cool cellar home, md placed in such a high temperature, luring the summer of 1880 thart vio- lent fermentation has been going on 3ver since. The editor of the Chesiey Enterprise is away at Colorado, Gone for a rest, he, says, but writes a few columns for his paper notwithstanding. A man woo is owing us a little bill said he would call iast week and pay us if he was alive. He still appears on the street but as he did not call ,it is naturally supposed that he is dead, and walking round to Mve ixauml e^- penoea^ .4 On Thursday, fvemng, 24th, Fltit Grand 3eo», fiowrkitj^ililtii tii6 assiat-f ance of the officers of Georgian Lodge, Owen Sound, had the pleasure of ope- ning a lodge of the CO. 0.F, in Meaford. A large number of gentle- men were initiated mto the order, aiid the lodge promises to be very success- ful. GrandMaster Samuels, Toronto' has granted two dispensations ior new lodges, one in Thornbury and one in Markdale. Cook's Dock, Manitoulin Island, iti becoming quite a shipping port. The steam barge Enterprise was there the other day loading posts for an American port. IT HAS STOOD THE TEST OF TIME. For 25 years has Dr. Fowler's Ex- tract of Wild Strawberry been before the people, and its popularity is today greater than ever, because it has pro- ved reliable in the treatment of all forms of Bowel Complaint incident to the Summer season. Mrs J. L. Browne has return- ed from Mount Forest with recruited health. k»i~ WKil^° ' d) I .a*' irf A Quebec bishop says it is a sin to wear curls. Does he refer to the spit curl, the bang, the ugly things which hang on the forehead, those made with a red-hot poker, or the natural curl Peop]e whose hi^ isatarim^ curly should 86i;id their heads throitgh a plaining mill. The safesit beet' and cheapest medicine in the world is Dr. Carson's Btomaoh and Constipation Bitters. Sold m large bottles at 50 cents by all druggists, Turner, Markdale. Parsons, Dundalk. The Clerk of Osprey gives the Ad- vance a well-deaerved drubbing m this issue of the Standard. The prescription of a skillfully phy- sician, and composed of vegetable drugs of great remedial power. Dr. Carson's Stomach and Constipation Bitters purify the blood, cive tone and vigor to the svstem, cures Dys- pepsia and indigestion when all btber medicines fail. Have you tried it? Sold b^ Drugtfsts 50o a bottle. Tur-. uer, Markdale. Parsons, Dundalk, Teacher Irving has most mysteri- ously disappeared. Many creditors mourn his absence, and heap their curses thick upon his head Where he's gone, and how he fares. Nobody knows, though somebody cares. The j^bultry YiS^dreeomiuends cof- fee grounds for fowls, Composed of powerirl drugs so sjin- poundedas to produce uliuosi luix-auu- lous cures is Uie history of Keudail's Spavin Cure. See advt. Letters arrived at^arkdi^ on the 28th, which left StaflEorilshire. Eng.on the 17th inst. 11 days only. '^hy will men allow themselves and their noble hdrse to sutler when Ken- dall's Spavin Cure, properly applied, will remove all suffering from man and beast? Read advertisement. Tansley, while getting car on track at Fieshertou, smashed the' end of his thumb, on Tuesday. When you see a promising colt with a splint, curb or spavin forming, thus spoiling its sale, go at once and pro-^ cure a bottle of Kendall's Spavin Cure. One d3llar invested in this great rem- edy will save yon hundreds of doUai ii. It has noequal|4|s a lBumeqt^fi»|^^ man or beast. ' ' "' *: Conductox' Crate is on duty again. Does not appear over bright yet; Miss W^illiams takes charge of the ' Orange Valley school for two or three weeks. Mr Gimby takes Markdale school for the present. *% • V lor. The public are desirous of seeing minutes of Marklale Scho j1 Trustee t Hi meetings. 3h*o. This new machine will tton, and Woollen Goeds» dutiful smooth and glosaj also improves the clothes, injure them. We will also iaetuTO [RON GRAVE TABLI [ithout marble slab Ust Railings, Pall Hilars and »»t Iron Chains for saae, palhiflter Railingtr, Hoqm P( n ornamental, Machineiy I of every description, BxMS large or small. MOFFAT BROS N nob; [ARKDALE. IR'LBLACKSI SESHOEI A 8PECULTT. La. CAKr rho are vaSmiatt^ iiom tt*"i retions ot yonth, nervoaal i decay, lojiaof manhood^ IrNcipe that will evf yo»*H pE. This great Bemo^^ 1* U misskmanr in 8oa*h **• Nf-«ddr«8S(Hi tnwiopr X n

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