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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 31 Aug 1882, p. 3

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 ' THURSDAY. AUG. 31 Ontbe THE STA KDAKD^ The Flesherton AdTanoe whiin» thafc it had not received the minutes of ^Osprey conncil for Ust week's issue. The editor knows very well what the understanding is between the Osprey clerk, and four district newspapers, each of which was to "receive the mm- tttes in turn, and send early proof copies to the rest, bo that the minutes could appear simultaneously in all fourpapeis. Nothing could be more fair to Uie papers concomed, cr to the ratepayers of Oi^rey" than this «ur- rangement. It worked well till the Flesherton Advance man got hold of the copy, when the proof arrived either the same day or a day afUr the arrivl of the Adyance containing the minutes. We received the August minutes Thursday noon, but would not take any advantage by publishing tbem. We posted the Osprey minutes to the three papers concerned on Sat- urday. That side- walk promised to sfcalion has not been built yet. Probubly the village police have been too busily en- paged looking after the back yards. Why not levy a rate and finish the side- walks When will the inspector or path- master look after the cutting of the Canadian thistles on some of the vil- lage lots When tho'ye done seed- ing. It will soon be necessary to appoint a police magistrate hero. Too man; j^oung people congregate upon the steps of the churches, pass remarks on the people as they enter converting the church entrances into bummers roosts. The army worm has settled in this section of country. This is a terrible rcourge, and the only cure is to cut off the branches and burn them tosjether with the net-work, e^gn, insects, c. Many of those who went to Manito- ba ipbecime millionaires have return- ed. Chickens always come home to roosc. A train of 5 or/ cars containing the Owen Sound Methodist and Presbyte- rian Sabbath Schools rolled into this viUrtge last Friday morning. The jncnieers wandered about, and seemed to forget what they came lor. They ha.i no picnic worth mentioning, and fvhere the pleasure came in we failed to see. It takes Markdale people to get up a picnic. Some of the Owen Soun 1 picnicers seemed to have expected to find a lake Superior at Markdale. Numbers of the visitors from Owen Sound last Friday spent the greater part of the hot day in the heated cars en the Biding. This was an Owen Sounders idea of pleasure The Methodist Sunday School has in course of preparation a sacred can- tata, "Under the Palm," a perfor- mance of which is expected in Octo- ber. Mr Bowes will wield the baton. Mr Wm. Lakins, Mulmer Tp, has a cherry tree which bears fruit thrice a year. Bev. N. McDiarmid has been off for a week's hoUday. Who runs the police trusteeship of Markdale The next time the police get a law- yer to defend their cases, it would be Well to have one who has some little respect for a minister of the gospel. When did the police trustees hold a meeting ♦ Batepayers ivish to see minutes of their recorded vioceedingn. Some people say nu meeting has yet been heid. The police iospec^^or is aXonfi m the rPspom«ibility of hia inspection tour, the issnin? of tlM oummooses,^ the en- gaging of a lawyer to add insult to in- jury be li»d uo autU^rity fiom the other trustees^ The question arises, Who'H have to fay the piper Mr Chisholin has bees driven from I U Mealed ♦•Vivator scheme by ihe Menfort Slockhecds there is some 1 r(.bA*MUty that Thornbury wiU bene- tit mX Meaford's expense. Soma of the Thornbury people went for a vachtiug t?ip the other eveuiog. Import says they Vwk abHodnnce of relieshuents, and they lost their way. ExteuKvre pn^arations are being made to M-bnild the elevators, aud the erection mmI •ouipfetion is beiug proceeded wita s{)0«dily^io »djer to be 1 repared for the Call trad*. ou*t draic on a mi aerable exii tmoe when yov can geitUj S^mdara lot $1 wiwl itevs of BCiws we were to yoo, lo. ftKraat BoiM dktattfcoiow oogitatkns. I* was what MHoneaH 'Jnnwy.* j«»t n»ha mg|ita*TBmO*SliaitterwM out in, wb»na CJhiel mighi ewfly nnderrtan' The Deil had husiiieBa on hia ban • AhoatlOo'doekwehewd theieportot a gan, and thought that Bome p«r dog had got more within him th»n he bargained te, rtiU bang, bang, bwig. went the cannoni., fol- lowed by somfi unearthly 8ounda.a« if Arabia Bedouin troop* had retroalod hither. We beUeve Eugenia cmi stump the eoun- try round tor a genuine Charivari. Ui Heron of the Eugenia House is domg ail he »y8 in his •dvertisement for th« com- fort and eonvenience of yisitors. In the course cf time Eugenia will profit by this en- terprise. People would go oftener to Enge- nia if they knew how weU the bodilylwants of man and beast could be attended to at this hostehT' LOCAL DITTIiiS. "It's where, and it's where are my little dollars goue T' â€" John Beid, Markdale expects that every man will do liis duty."â€" ZWiott. ••It makes a man look such a fool." â€" Lav- yerReid. " 'Not guilty,' bui don't do it again." â€" Chorus of Magittratet. •'Oh, dismiss us with thy blessing.â€" D fendantt. " I'll ask th'attorney and lot you know next We'n'sday afternoon.â€" Jadi^« Elliot "I really know nothing at til"â€" Police lufpector. "An alibi, Sammy, there's nothingets yer hoff likes an alibi." â€" McFarland. " The father of the viUage, Sir, am I."â€" Armatrong. " Myself will see the Act. â€" Corcoran. •• Jogging along together my boys, My 10-ft. poleomd l,"â€"Beid. "I'll define to yon the smell, For as near as I can tell, It was juat seven- eighths, and one, and half-a-quarter." â€" tlaintiff. " Yon should look it up in Dickson's Johnscn-a-ry." â€" Htnry. " Alas, alas, we'll never look upon the like again." â€" General Public. •• Oh, what a day we're having." â€" Audi- tory. "Therein I would not care to sleep," â€" Mullarky. These songs io be had only from the au. thors, post-free, 00 cents. Wheat Buycra* Scale. At a recent meeting of millers in Toronto the following buy iug scale was adopted Wheat 60 lb to Bushel. Market Price. 59 58 57 56 55 54 63 5i 51 50 61 63 63 1 cent less • • 2 ,, 3 „ ..5 „ • o »» ..11 „ ..15 „ ..20 ..25 ..32 1 cent over, 2 „ S ,, Get KendalFs Horse Book, and learn something you do not know about your Horse. 15 cents. Osprey. The Eighth Meeting of the Osprey Council was held at Singhampton on the 15th inst. Members all present. Last minutes adop- ted. Communications from county treasiirer re lots 1 2, con. 10 co. clerk, co, rates, 1882 clOTks of Melaacthon and Kottawasaga res-, pecting work on towulines C. W, Butledge a/o 13.00 B. lattie re pt. lot 10 is 7 trus- tees S.S. 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, A 10, estimates and I requisitions for school moneys ;: and from 31 overseers of highways, statoite labour re- retumvB, 41 still unretum^d^ The following motions were carried That C. W. Butledffe's a/e $3.00 be paid. Tha^ttlObe granted (equivalent to Col- lingwood grant) to npair town-line at lots 26 27, 28. Commissioner of No. 4 to att«nd to the work. Tliat clerk write re error in enumerating children in munioipality. That S» be granted N. Mdntyre for build- ing a oolvert div. 5. That B, A B.committee get 93 00 each for their services. By-law 309 to as/tess and le»y rates, and by-law 210 appointing collector were passed. Rate, exclusive of special schocl rate 8 mills. Collfotor, Wm. Sngvitt. That J. Banseir get 190 for worik on town line, at Singhampton.' Thnt J. MoPhersou be appointed gurdian of Annabella licUougsll. J.Oiles ra^igned. That J. Spepoe get 96 for lepeiri^ ,on uderoad35. Cmt»^ a^ifHvnea' tot Oct. 18. FALL Bxmam^Ns. TOBONTO.â€" 8fl^ 5 to ««. PawTDiouL.â€" Kii«stoD, Sep. 18 to 8^th. _^ «#• 8. Gmt.â€" DarhMB. Sep, 86 A «. E. Gmw.â€" Fk«hertaD, Sep. «8th ft 89tii. Glkjikm.â€" Markdale, Sept. 27th. EoBEMOMT. â€" Holfltoin, Oct. 4. Pbotom. â€" ^Dundalk. Oct. 6. MixAiioiHON,â€" Shelburne, Oct. 8, and 4. HoLi*ANB.â€" Cbatswortii, Oct. 10. L NoMca.â€" We wish it distinctly understood that we do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions expressed by our correspondents Tlkk i$(tbe best local pa- per in Grey. Try it to the To the Editor of the Standard. The ^AdvaBce** SEEKS f OSprej C#«Mcll. Sir, â€" This is the answer to the Adranoe's question as to who runs the O^wroy Conneil. Someone skilled in physio ought u give tii Advance a soothing dose, or it will be in dan- ger of bilious fever now that the warm wea- ther, and green apples are upon us. Ever since the Advance was passed over in the Osprey printing contract, it has lost no opportunity of slandering the clerk, whom by insinuation it aocuned of receiving bribes from Mr Rutherford. This I deried, and again repeat the denial. Mr Butherford has not directly or indirectly offered or promised me any commission whatever, nor have I ever received any. Tlie Advance of tlie 17th wazeth wroth, and threatens dire vengeacoe. Because the notice of posting the Voters' List was not sent to the Advance, it states that thii dis- franchises every voter in Osprey. What nonsense 1 Further it states that "the sta- tutes compel him (the clerk) to send the no* tice to us. (the Advanee)." This is false. The statutes neither compels nor directs me so to do. I might have sent it to Owen Sound or Thornbury, Ac. The intention of the Act is to let voters krow when the List is first posted up, and I maintain that I toc^ the best means of doing so. The Advance neglacts to quote the section wliich provides that "the performance by the clerk ot the duties required of him shall be piRSCTOBT osLV, and the non-performance by him of said duties, shall not render null and void or inoperative any of the Lists in this Act mentioned." This is au important notice, and should it foil to appear in the issue immediately fol- lowing the first posting, Osprey would be dis- franchised, (nccording to the Advance logic) Now the Advance ieTnot always punctual in the 5criormance of its work. The Council of a Municipality "next" to Osprey ordered itH clerk to get schedules printed at Advance office, and the result was that the pathmas- t4rs"next" to Osprey got their lists on fools- cap ruled and written by the clerk I Fancy a Clerk having to work night and day writing 100 or more Boad Lists through the Advance's delay If the Advance ordered a new coat, and on opening the parcel tonnd only the lining,and pait of that old and borrowed, would he call that a new coat No more is the Advance, published in municipal ty next to Osprey, but only the Uning, and pieces of that old and borrowed. Whv does the Advance nse such expres- sions as "sweep," "nice man 1" wily clerk." Ac. Partly because the Council passed it by in awarding the printing contract. Let it shew when or where I trreatcd the council, individnally or eoUectiv«ly, with contempt or meddle with the Advance establishment till I was fdanderonsly attacked. In its issue of the 24th it asks, 'How does it happen that the Stakdabp gets Osprey mi- nutes to publish and we do not f Is this ano- ther dodge of the wily Clerk We pause for reply?" This statement is false. I offered to send minutes in rotation to Standard, Beview, Ad vanee and Messenger the paper reeeiving to •end proof sheets to the others, so that all might pnblish at the tame time. On the 5h June the minntei for Slst May and Court of Bevision were in Flenfaerton Post Office lor Advauoe. How is it the minutes were so long in appearing in Advanee aad how was it the others were onaMe to publish till the following week Why does Advanee seek to create discord in OTrey bv introducing poli- tics into the municipal oontest I pause fpr a reply. The Advanca lets the real secret of its tem per peep out. "The Clerk is a Orit " Oh, horriUe erime t And "of the first water 1" Worse 1 1 And witboatJeave of the Adyanee. Crime of erimes 1 1 ClJUUE or OSPBST. Aug. 88, IMS. Mr. Greiflrhtoo. of ibe O. 8. Times, and Mr. Little of the Advertitter have both joined the prf«a assoeiation ex- cmaioa to ICanttoba, Mr. Bntherford b away aft the Sanlte. Owen Sound just now most be quite a literary de- sert. Mr. Samnel. MeCa]toH«b, Dmidalk, hae adrerttf'd for tendera for the ereetioii of a large bnck hotel in that CaiTBWOKrH. Mr €ha* H. Matthews, speaks of b^idiog a ikatmg rink. Desirable aoqumtiMi* Some of our yonng meo are away on a fishing trip at Wiarton. Five years ago Mr B. Shaw, lot 0. oto. 7, Holland sowed two heads sil- ver ohaff wheat, now he has ninety bo^^s. Mr Allai;i Morrow, has purchased Hopkin's hotel site for $1000, He has oommeneed preparations £or boild ing brick hotel. Notso mnch ground is being prepa red for fall wheat this season as last year. Crops all saved, spnng wheat har- vest commenced. The airitation for fire engine seems to have died oat. I ete MEAFOKD ROAD, ♦ Splendid harvest weather. Mr Jas. Sparlir-. Eclipse sawmill has secured contract for 50,000 feet of lumber for McFarland's elevator. This speaks well for our enterprising mill man. It has all to be eot from the forest yet, as he has no suitable stuff in stock. Threshing operations have already commenced. The late rains have so improved the pastures and root crops that the loss on barley will be nil. Mr Wm. Bowler is getting a new threshing machine. Gilbert Bros, are doing good work. Mr Thibandeaa has been roand. bayinsf largely and paying good prices. SEEM IS|£LI£YIN6. GENTLEMEN,-^ If you wa nt a fir st-clase Buggie or Wagon caUat MGKENNA MASON'S CARRIAGE WORKS MARKDALE. They can supply you with anything from a Lumber Wagon up to Extension Too Phaeton. To buy from them is to They are both practical workmen, and employ none but PRACTICAL WORKMEN They g^uarantee their work Second to none for Lightness of Draught and Superiority of Finish. They nse nothing but First-class White Oak for Wagons, and thtice Extra Second Growth Hickory for light work. The immense amount of work turned out of McKenua Mason's shop is snfficient proof of the wide reputation they enjoy for doing good work. Thk best is thr cheapest tm thb END Poor cheap work we positively will not take. Special attention given to Te-Trimming and Bepainting all classes of Carriage Work. Satisfaction guaranteed (or No Pay) in HOR8E8HOEI NC SHOPâ€" On Mill Street opposite ij Sproole's Hotel. Mc KENNAMA SON. NEW STOCl The snbeeriber has just purchased a New Stock of ' Liquors, Of the best brands. Liqnmr in its purify it a benefit to the invalid bnt the enrse of Aloo* hul oonsisus in its adulteration. I have now on hand a quality of Wine, Bum, Brandy Whisky Which cannot be eqnaOed in Markdale. My Bum cannot be excelled this side Toronto Those wishing pore Wine for Commuuimi Service will please give me a call. Teas Coffees, Sugars, Raisins, urrente, o., PORK, tti tlM JTOO017 Has t^.Lj^y'^T^^^ *• wtt..ot;"~^':ifSi,TJ.:£^'~*- Quite A Mvere ram aai)^ Tinted ns ob Monctoj week. as big as beans. Abont 150 went to NiasBtt Pronounced it good. Fall exhibition »ep. 26 Knox church brickwork conhi when finished will be one of ^J in the county. J. H. Hunter, M.P.P. buil storehouse. Write again. Address. Having started^he Eugenia H0U5 Hope to secure a share of public 1 The Eugenia House being closet The Falls Offers great attruCtions to those who m of SCENEKY. as well as to Uiorc t delight in A TV CJ I^ I IV G. As the river both above and below \i abounds with SPECKLED TKOU; M. E. HERON can safely t the public that he is determined his ptmost to please aud acccmn, all comers. The board and accoramoti shall be of the best, and supplied with the very best brat LIQUORS, having resolved thi Bar shall be properly atteDded. w Wm wwy w ForcTs. has litt reoeired 800 • 1,0,^; prices right. Ttnks ought to be built )n with the eleTators. f Mr Brown is about to ateam sawmill. The wel deepened. Improvements made in his house, aud I shop used as SUanahai factory. The Thorubury Standai Markdale possesses a tire inc $400.00, aud an eflicii c^e ' Oh that the Thod had spoken the truth jusj We'd forgive it all the pa^ Tho Meaford Mirror Suppleme THE EASTERN CAMrAIG: Good Stabling The results of the engagement^ Thursday and Friday followed byl bevere figbtins: of Saturday appen liafe been more important iliun at first anticipated. It our lucu roughly used the Egyptians ^vere aB(Clff Aft fiscal Jy cut up and then rout was com, ^t^^W^mm^ '^^♦^l rf ije enemy fled in disorder, thro away their arms and accoutitim il.-A.'R.IiCT^LE Sir Garnet Wolseley is determine give th e enemy no time to recover his reserves. He will divide his fc leaving a brigade under General ' ham to inveat Arabi's stroughol Tel- el- Kebir, and will himself vance with the main body of lii»» ai upon Cairo.â€" FoundrY -AND- MACHINE WORKS MANUFACTURERS UF MILL MACHIMil Steam Engines Soafting.Hange PULLEYS, c. PLOWS And Plow Points r\ I i- Done in a practical manner. • We also introduce our new FAMILY MANGLE to the public. This new machine will mi- Linen, Cotton, and Woollen Goods, 1 ' thetai a beaotilol smooth and glossy ai anoe. It also improves the clothes, vhh^ hot inms injure them. We will also m' faeture CAST-IRON GRAVE TABLE1 with or without marU» slab for name, also Tomb BaiHngs, Pan PiUars and mental Cat Iron Chains for same, t!^ kinds of BaDiister Bailings, Hoose Fenr. plain and ornamental. Machinery I Castings of eroy deaeription. Brass B large or small. MOFFAT BROS. JOHN NOBL] MARKDALE. GENER'LBUGKSHl HORSE SHOEINl A SPECIALTY. 1 To an who an anllBriiiff from tbe «bA indhieretiona ot youth, nerroos «c nmm^emxij dee^» Iom of manhood. t win â€"rfafiiiriiit that will ewyoo,?* FCHAB6B. Thisgraatemodywsil ooivvnMlbjaMiHioaarTiB Soath AocA mmA a mU tiilM twi tmvlope ta JoNva T. LnMH,. SkitUm Pk. if*i» have written the leadind week. He uses the hi ord Mirror. Wesley's Hymns wci ministerius the oath at yeaUrday. It was too bad of con] prevent the inRpector ^c raged teclings with a gj the court house durinj^ tbe court. Mr. D. J. Shftuahan friends in Penetanguisj Mr. G. S. Bowes Ic for a visit of about tl vir»t Milton, Uamiltc places. The Misses Grier are spending a lew dJ AVui. Brown. Miss Maude Madden] has been engaged to t[ form of our public sch jlr. W.F.Doll has Nvw York, Gonay Xelai bcMteh c iid (*'• Mr. W. J. McFarlai Bella lake, a»d pari himself wich a rod aut b!y a net, now boys Ic tail fish afcorie?. Bee Mr. Doll for Watcbea and ^welery, BtraigUt forward. frx»W.F.DoUwiU

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