Ions to timsf wJio are hmi }srnastotiro-8V|Sio ii|^iil in lovf- anf« bfUow ttaF»" ' k«;kled troc?. ' can safely 'asaofe ' is Jf tftimined to do iseand acccmmodiite jcJ f^cconamcdation |e brsf. and he is ' vn y !.t«t brands of ig rpsnivpj that the [pr\v,i!!e.ided. Also stabling. Bros^c n \i.K dry! ND- f OEKS, ' GHINERY, ingines, dangers m s Poiats \ci\ niriuner. kc our now lANGLE ^.acliino will mangle |!lLn Cioods, givinj^ Lul },'!.) -«,y appear- iie clotiios, wbereas IN c will also manu- TABLETS l;il for name, c.\ |l'iiiars and Orua- ' r s inio, also all m 11 US3 Fencing â€" |\';n)iiniry Brass "11, I'vass Bells, all. fr Bi^os. 'BLE, LE. ;ksmith EINC I V |frora the crrois nervous weak- iianhood, ttc. I |Luie you. FKEE Itmody was dis» ioutii Americg [j'lope to Be\. ' D, Xew York •^^ ii«fore tl;e cnii make â- Hi woik for I' 'n;.; .iot nee'J- â- l:iy aniJ np- use j., us-. Me |» -• el • ahce ' i vo i;a vTori I' "111*!!- time to fi -u;. 'â- ftnd do 'I pay you u u)fte ei •t.f'v. Costly |t iuado iat-' 98 Tbub t Cf 'msf^^mfwmm mmmm. AN AMAZON. • T On Tuesday last at lue Beveee House, before justices Brow p. Elliot t ftndRae.^ie^ifi^ 'f^CHjfS Hrising o#t cf «'cbarge lal**fc^ *IF mer. Tlios. Dipoa of the J^wnshi Holland againit bis; wif^ cqiTse of iil:4irefit»iei^ »^ cage onipi3cl| die atfeeitiort lor «ae*ttfo ;. hoii^, apd •ntercrtiij* and amtiBii^.' Mrs. 'DmiiDa was fined costs or 80 days. John receipt o' to pay costs. Edward Large,^ pleadod Dot goiUy. non rcMseirt of Dotice. case adjourned. street on ac- coant of infori^^lUv in snmmons. McEennaAwtharawn, plain $10 and irii:: o MARKDALE CfR€tJ3. ^4 GREAT ONE-MAN C0MBINATI3N TROUPE. •» FABCICAL EXHIBITION. â- .- First, Last, and ONL Y Per- formance. I'OSITlVELi^ ONEDAY ONLY. sworn, that it was not delanmental to .^blic health, although he had on his oath before the majistrate in laying lb£^nti»ti«n n i|ii|L4 «pd«i^ffi|-ed fi^;ptiblicldiM.cdeSEli¥£rplfin. tiff to pay costs. Susan Noble, withdrawn. -^ James Noble, withdrawn.^"' ';** ' B. S. Bae, street obstr action, case withdrawn. Dfi.iT...Spieia«»;I4.fbia8e posif- .p»ned. • » .• .-!'». • ♦• *,\*i Fred Sargeant, pleaded not gailty, DO closet on his premises at all, no notice, casu dismissed. After hearing all the evidence the of the grayes in tW-chnrehyard bave b^nvd»cgMtt»(iiwth Hciwwiwg jiJaTrfa, ai)4'4^til»«nriatriiMt^ kapt. ^ioii w^jDo^ tor U dftaa. .jiB^ifuiaisadeyHWta e^^dten of tlii%8teai often bflriNKIaky, t^eba- rMtiraad by indolabt fMmM. ^fi^Aa- alar affeetioiiis, bad blood" tad a !oir' condition «l vitality thaH Undl low* aids consnropttwi' ' wbkfb ii #eplly Sorbtals of tha Xa^gs^ Bar lock Blood 3itt0n outs Serofnloiie di*: ea- ses from a pimple to an absMM; by porifyii^ the bloo4. coffi-efing tara Orations j^nd giving aJisa^thy tone to. Oacb orgM. a ... '..'i')! 'â- • •"» " SmLEN BnxtwCiMtSiuiltiicMr.^^Tho Syracuse Journal waj-ns it« leiniter^ to kkui onl for tan ddla^ biiK on tHe Consolidated Back of'OaA;Nj». " It i«i belioTed that a Urge r»n'h*^r rt tHfem have been eirotriated di' ^g tno Us*. week, and it should be burub fi In jd thit all ten doUar biUs oi tbiA B^ak are worthless, as th^ Ivtfro «; V#n t»u- aigned and* the signatnios f 'gf-d. ' The indications of the approaching seasoQ seem to threat^i an :AoaBuil tare Dtrttj, Iwk*".-^ r iMTlnt triad l3 %9ir «-«« tfiipwa toldi PIMPivEF^ I wiU midl (Fre«)ita4 rtuf for a' liuttpl^ YxoKTAui Bat.x tbft wfU remove Tah- FR£(jELlfiS, PIMPLES and Blotchss, Imto in in of Co.«5, enol( A'.dre 5 QmA ehanoe to mske jB:»'.if' ni"'«*v tr [fresh Meats! |-{ on hand, the liowesi Liiving Prices. plaintiff's councU (Eeid) an^ei^wed ^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^g ^f ^^^g, A CLEAN SWEEP. At the Eevere HoriPe,.oi». Wednes- day last, before A, Elliott, Esq., J. P.. and Jas. Struthers, Esq., J. P., a batch of titled and untitled ofienders against the health a^ts were brought to the bar of justice by police inspector Reid. The summonses in most cases were of the same wording, and changed. Uje, defendants with having on -^iiipj^ai^ init., upon their premises, Jffithy •'watter-closet," thereby endangering the health of the inhabitaiite ;«io soni^ instances this wording was variedwith ♦'sloppy yard, filth and obstructions on street," c. M J^.'s, J.P.'s. Ite^s.^^^ttdicinnstables were all pluced in tjba«ea]|lc J(^. and a big "Jny's work was^^ro"ndtH for the bench by the inspector. The first case called was W. Brown, Esq., J. P., who pleaded guilty, but denied knowledge of the eiistence of tJie nuisance, fis the house has heen unoccupied some mouths. Judgment deferred. Geo. Noble, constable pleaded giiiity. Judgment -deferrad. Thos. ^Jnllarky, police trustee, plea- ded guilty judgment deferred. Hv 1). Irwin, Esq., .?:P.,'lft' Ben. Coleman, and Mr J. Lyons, school trustees, pleaded non liability on ac- count of not being notified by the teacher or the inspector. Judgment deterred, Mark Armstrong pleaded not guil- ty. Jud^'ment doftrrtd. E. Askin, case withdrawn, iafotr mality in summons. ' Wilsun Benson, pleaded not guilty, and that he received no iibtificatiuti from the inspector. Judgment deter- red. Eev. S. J. Corcoran, pleaded not piilty, and wished to ha-v.e.tli^CKut re^^f under which he waa-' bunnaoucoj and by what authority. l:^e ^saldv^^th^ used disinfectants. The planitiff's council made iusultmg' Oiiid personal remarks in this and other cases, hud. rightly securedfor himself the censure of the bencli, ai.d several smart raps from the defendant. Judgment de- terred. AYna, Douglas, sloppy yard, pleaded not guilty, and watt of notice. Judg- ment deferred. A. Duulop,- guilty judgment !de- forred. Thos. Foster, represented by wife, wished to ai'journ the case. The place to show what the inspector had done perfectly riglit, that the notice in the Mar^le Standard was correct, and a sufficient uotict' • ., Mr. J« Ly.aafl, wiUi the oonsant of the court defended himself holding tha*i the notice was not a legal and sufficient one. He also submitred to their worships that it was perfectly w«^ili stlw power and jumdieciMi tiffed ^viitii the cases, and^l^^iTip notoeoeeeary- to submit th^Hsridenoe- to the county attorney. Mr W.J. :^Fzlalld ^JSicl tl»a;ilk.. so far as the inspector dia his duties he had his support and that of most of the inhabitants of the village. He •rCTTiise?. ^lle'^idTiifft otnnirfaints. Oar reaiers w6ald do well to supply themselves with some reliable remedy l^e lr Fowl^s Ex- tract rf Wild Strawberry, as a aafe- guard- against sudden attacks of Cho- lera, Morbus, Oolic. Dysent^y, ttd.j that anless promptly treated areoftefi suddenly fatal. '"'â- 'iHI"""'^^ •'â- â- III' g « So. stamp, Ben. Vandelf ts«„,.«' Farmers having fat stock to dispose of, will please leave IHeir addresses. "'"' ' ' IRMS, STRICTLY CASH. tQJtUESUNBTHK^ I MARKDALE. •J he n oared OWEX SOUND High Sehopi. T-t premise?. "ne^raiaTiiffB iWf/t^ haa be^n gi*eat partiahty shown, and that Ihe rrispectDr had acted spitefully to- wards him ftud others. Mr Ths. Hen I y said that bethought nct one of 4he delendatris had a word to say against Mr Eeid so long as he kept within bisliAe trf dutj'j what he oljecied to was the modus operaiilii of the whole troceediog. The law,d^ ned the duty o^ the inspector VV^ry clearly. Ho also maintained that in a legal document liko a sdmmons This/Schoolre-operison ist September, with a complete Staff of Experienced' Teach- ers. ' ' The New Building is one of tli^ 4°: est High Scuooi Buildings hi th^ Pro- vince, and fully equipped. RS" Special, attention.g^««i| to tbe Preparation of Students iof Vnicersi. ty, Teachers' ProfessitAal SntiraiiCei and Intermediate Exam^nAtipos. Good Board and i^omfc-rtable noms can be obtained by Students for from $2 to $3 per week. GEO. IN( LIS, Chairman, jAug. 7, 1882. Board of Edaeatlou a iitnjf^t tkil io hin lel c 'â- *â- I. all irj-n «'r' e „. »psc. ..• jm-.' t iv"'j •( • e( •• 's .;«. « Sl^PiiON. As. -•.••. Z ArtPS » *• St., W» • "T- â- â- 'â-^^^, 4«v t (T • »J â- . K Ittti. • ' ii â- • ;, V. :». o r^: v^ fr t5ei ' r s e saoiei '• ji'i 1. will EV^fiYTSINq 1^ OUR LIHB i\ KEjE^r'oN H4Sp ^t)H M^i;f ** t6 OilDfciR ON SHORT I V ^: NOTICE.^ It Sr^Ji;^ IN CONNECTION. Errors of Touth. McWe9T*l»rotliersll*"Moth^;D8' 1- _^. r -r JLT^jtua (Hs«CDi« 3 i ri'r^t hhi broken cf • ' GENTTTEMAK \flio sufferred for year- aad all the.reff9^ «f joiUtv» .^ will |orth« aic» of MifitesiDg u free to all wtio, neod jt, tittt e .â€" ' .^'fer'i' /^Cipe apd dixectioi^ for makiag tbe pimple • :,'?;,( I 'i era edy I \7 wLich he was cured, Sufferers • â- ~.i.'.i i «-'*l'iii?i to pro§t Ly the advertiser's experi- :• euue caa o so oy addrefwing iu p«rf«ei cou- .!. 20-lv 42 Cedar st New York BB^omm^MM^ such words should be used which could not be mistaken. Sttch a thing' at; a water-closet, iu the proper sense ot the term, did not exist in Markdale iiud it was folly to attempt to convict The Bubaeriber has juat paNhabd a New Stoekaf Liouors, a man here bii that charge. Tn law, siuch a term as half-clean, quarter-un- clean fere unkflO'wn.y' 4^ j|' ... ' --Mr Cdemat ' inainftfihed thit the i*P' ^V, ^^K '"«^, â- schocd trqsfiees were T|ot liable until vthcy Wdvbein.notitiBd. He also co- roborated Mr McEarlaod ;as to the language used jbyihe .injpAstor. The prosecutor's council went over the cases^but failed to adducfiany au- thority ju3tifyinp,the proceedings. ,r i;i»*bfn^ lequestf^^the audie^piftifcjfifc to 'withdra^w for a fewjainntes wmk** they delibiultd. itfteffiiAut hitlMld)i|^ -Which cannot be equalled in Markdale hour, they were re-admitted, and the jud^mente given asi|ibove. Plaintiff to pay costs m all (jases withdrawn or dismissed The evidence iu tht$ rest' of the cases has now been submitted to the county attorney, and the result will 1)6 kpowdf^ t^e* i^^ufned ^ujrti wiiWe|ae8da,y,.n(fxi. Js- ' '.\.) 1^4Jv« It was about 11.80 p.m. when the Court arose. IT ALWAYS ^TOHks j'OST THIS' RESULT. laqU'Tr 'n its purity is a benefit to the inVahd but tbe curse of Alec- hul conMd.B in its ad^lteratioJl. I havH now on hand a qaalitj. of Wine, 'i Brandy Whisky »â- j' 4 4f.. A f^ f •...j'^. il'jipksfciei i ly Jiimplovmeiit. ire**, «H. Ti. *UyRN, 46 9,!" N.nisi."abU"ee .New York. 20 »w iP^ifi .^E« • 'Sd » I';. ie'c» â- i • f» GEORGE WltSON, Wholesale aod Retail -A .[BUTCHER !j; 'sklDg* ' •' "i Vâ- ^â- !\ •• ?e rnn' 1.^ f-o a single pound to a vhole carcase, My Bum Cannot be ei'xcelled tliis siue Toionto Those wishing a pure Wme for «. omm'auioa Service will please give me s call. Teas ^i' h â- â- ii Sugars, Raisins, urrdnts. €.,... Befbra L».imL'es if Visjoa, P:e'.\iitu'»'e ol m-' " cirier .Diseastis ^at lead |o *y r'n/^' X one. Is So •; ,0^^ *r" »»• 1^1.00 pt^l I' (••»'"5V • pack«4jeB f/.|,i.(. •». c ' mail on r^ce â- it, tl « m i .». X f, ,^' atJ^Wie Jo A eat market prices. T HSH4b FOWL IN nHIR SEIttON: lurmais hating FhX i^CaltHe, Sheep, or â- Pigs to" dispose of will do well to call at No. Markda'e, Oct. 25th, 1881 ,.,TH|^JUl(lf|niMIE^CI;^ NothiM LiKe MW. M. mlcod; ,! MA Al ^i. NOT TO BE BCATSIN! • A--.eo J'-tl/'J^ «y b? at'-^essius Lot 5, Toronto St., and Jot 5, Eljz- alel^ StI. Markdale. ' Theiahove lat^ are "Very^-couybniently situated: the former with a copjfortable dwelling *arid blftctsmTtli's shop thereon, and a building snitab]^for a ctypage sho^i. ^C fitter i%,a^4cant -lot... Will be solacheap. Apply to Mis. Richard- io^i ^larkdalf. » M " •! 100 3 *\^:it" Mr. John Boiyier, propri «Wc was perf. ctly clean, cluiu^r' than tUejoeU^rated "il^ing at?ee»«ry^c inspector's, and 'twas a pit\'W(R3i(l) I aijUil^ttrts Fiifi-Ai^ffirig 'Wtote,' Toi had nothing better to do than looae â- .. her chickens out. T Know difference between and closet • • ' John Hill and Mrs. E. Eutledge were chaigei conjointly. Mr MdSfux l:ind represented Mrs EutlcJgeJ Pica not guiJty. Called witneepes.te ptbv.a ])lace was clean. Judgment deferred.. A. Jones, guilty, judgment defei' red. Tho!5. Henry,- pleaded not gpUXy. the oods oron- And every other arti.-v ••! kept constantly o-i ba.-*' r variety aiut be k'fH 9n- tij fine I i nbi, required. .«} :?' 7*-rf *»• 'Wfl.SON ^pvSON. Ma kd^j* Mry a44l. Mft) SON BpN r to do than looaejto, tells a moa? remarkable story of bought he ought tp the Great a^6rma£' Uemsdj^..^ ♦*fet ji- heuhouse cobs Oil cured me of a bad.^ase of' neuralgia, of fiv^yeiits standing, when I I had given up hopes of beiug .pured, au(l pa4 trief fil^y differeit^ ^o-cJilUd J remedies;. .1 how keep it a^ the time not onlyj at^ home^ 4Mc k^m ia my place oi,b.U3ine»b) it is an excelleui tnin^^mdi Bometking nobody should be without." â€" u r. lA. '-.1^ • -i---r".-i^.Mr-,4j|ie8)^Uf)t^||Jpi8/i^ef!^ He elicited from the iU8p6c|qt f^at^ifi! (k^ptfivieiWJoljkatir df :iiir-*4-ajeiftftJM ♦I'd w'lero the place was; iu Yact knew Customs at S.' to IVI a v»jA in J'onr own town. 85 outfit fiec. No risk. Everj'tbing new. Capital We will furnish you every V.}. thing. Mapy are makinx fortunes. Ladies 'r' V make a^ much as men, and bovs and Rirls 1 ' make great pay. Header, if you want a busi- ... tiess at whiuh yoa can make groat pay all tli© ... time you work, write for pflrticulars *• H. .^,a Hallett ' Co., PortUml, Maine. nothing about it. Had marked it "'" but could not Fay whether it detrimeu- '^l to health, because he knew nothing about it. ' Dismissed, plaintiff to pjy. all costs Ilaskett Bros sed, plaintiff to pay costs. Thos ^el^ue^j^leaded^u^'t?.^ Judn meut diff*irriBd. ';$ ' ♦" ' ' *^ Alsj. Kay, pleiW fejigftiif _^ ed thai the place was regularly clean- ed, dismissed, plaintif to pay cost^ ^\m. Kay pleaded not ^goilty, buit admitted having Veen notified, ad- journed. the port of Owun.bouittl, vice W. A. Stephens. E8q.,'8uperau- 1 uated, who hat been ouileciAir fur over thirty years. ^,^^^ ., j. Owen Sonn^d fait races will take; place on the 19th and 20Ui Septem- j Not guilty, dismis- 1 4^^j^ ^,. ,. â€" ^. N C. Poison Co., drug gists, c^ themMPes as s " stu â- imf'wqg of Bijdapk aht:^,^wBlre p«l«Ot medicines are hard to introduce, hut, saj they .♦ • -t^ • g.ro9s Ityst, ,oidex*i a fetr dUys i^nce, will ceatiode^ yod-that the demand is good, and thut it is giving satisfaction to our customer.s." h'yv. • .OA ""iUH'JoiljLil liurtl .â- dliifcnuU yuli' i .ha, r AP XT â- "9 b 7i '^•*f^ MANHOOD ^^'^^^^iPV"" E""**" ^^ t]«Q andj liltLCStOne, -j- D.:^ii MeUa) ant Physical uicapaci- Maader COmpOUnd. NOW ^ST^HMJEST I O' I»f. Co ./« »WI£tj';\.(^il]k-^ J perm A vons Ifxi.M" ty, lie 'd^ift^' " M Mioiriafse, d).. reeulting from f xrt f #- I or fc* yr^'-- " mesDv ffceapiy tS'TL.s Tteciare sbnatl 1/9 in the hands of e«ny jouUi a^id every man i%tfis Uidd. « Addtiss 4 ' ' Hm Mfirwtii â- •dieal Co,. P^O. box 450 44B9 ^U, New Fork ,.•1 tv- 'Uv Oo,V. *«a"" •. I'l-! *^ â- f' Copperas, Cre^m lartar^^l Aluoi^ and/' lany^dther' Articles used ill .. .: n^v5,t liV 4 c- oie Also, c. lar^e variety, c^f 1 1#% .. .i, .Ui ..^. ' ' ijffft(ji Oft 1 HaJl A.Tvirne?.C.a,