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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 24 Aug 1882, p. 1

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 di^.inapin petthwrWeek int^re|^g it'^deiirab should apypear, and we pub- lish this \vfek just as we get half-way-through with our al- terations and improvements. Next iw^ek the paper will consist o| .8.p$t^Cji,vtliJLS.^e-. â€" THURSDAV, AUG. 24 WATTEB-CLOSET " SO ARE. Happily, it is seldom a police court Las to meet in MarkdaJe, still less fre- quent does Buch bungling work engage the attention of the court as was the case on Wednesday last. This in- spection, the mode, the report, the laying of information, has all been done in such an ignorant, and offen- eive manner that the inspector has brought upon himself considerabla odium, and also mulcteu eitber him- self or the yillage in unncessary ex- pense. That the Health Acts should be put in force in Markdale, no one can deny, the tilthy stat^ of many of the out- houses in the village au proven before the bench on Wednesday is evidence that the inspector has set about his work none too soon. Many of the neeessary nouses were sworn to be m such condition that the inspector's witness could not get within several feet of the building. To say the least of it, the existence of these places is a disgrace to the owner or occupier. In these instances, the scathing ex- posure of the inspector made publicly cannot fail to have a beneficial effect. No one attempts to deny the abso- lute necessity of having the outhouses kept clean, and those who escape the penalties, do so. in most cases, not because they have complied with the act, but on account of ilaws in the in- dictment. The cases dismissed were chiefly those m which the sworn evi- dence of the inspector directly contra- dicted the sworn information given bv the inspector. Iqnorantia legis neminem excusat is au old maxim of universal application, (Ignorance of the law excus^js no man and it behoves every ratepayer to become acquainted with ihe law, and not wait fur theiuspector to come uiouud to enlighten him. On the other hand the same rule applies to tlie inspector who should first learu his duty and then do it then he will meet with the support and encourage- ment of the peoplt. All honor is due the man who in- curs odium in the faithful discharge of onerous duty. Extract from Act bearing on these Nuisance cases. "The members of the municipal council, Township, Cities, Towns and incorporated villages the trustees of every police village shall be Health Officers .villiiu their respective muni cipulities uiiJcr the next 5 sections this uct but any such council may b}? bylaw delegate the power of its members as such Health Officers to a committee of their owirinimber, or to t?nch p* rsous, cither including or not riciuding one or m* rr} t,\t themselves, ai the council thinks best. The Health Officers of any Mun- nicipalities or police village, or any two ol t'lcm, may iu the day time, as often as they think necessjuy, enter into and ujmmi any iu the l-h»co for wliich tlioy hold office and examine such preiuips. If upon such examination the y find that the premises are in a filthy or uncleau state, or that any matter or think IS there wiiich is their opinion, uniy eudnugerthe pu.dic health, (hey or any two of them, may ordtr the pvoprii3tor occupaiit of the pn m sos to cle.uue the same and to ivmove what is so found there. Such Health Officers, in case the .propiietor or occupier ot ine premises neglects or refuses to obey the direc- tions may call to their assistarce all constables and any wther porsoug tiny think fi*, and may enter on the premise} and cleanse the same and remove therefrom and destroy what i'l their opinion it is necessary to remove or destroy for the preser- xaXuiu of the publip health. summer and autumn months co: round. Toil becomes pleasure rious climbing becomes pleasan t re -CTfeStiffn r and household 'Tlredgery is known by auoth derlaken j^' ^T^nic The Masonic Lo3ge ,me avT Gi.K2^L0.4-Markdale, Sept. z f • lS»n- N.«Jl^Mo«t.â€" Holstem, Oct. 4. 'r^' •^•^i^m9m:â€"l)niid\k. Oct. 6. ousenoia aruugetj ler name whoj^ pp- Qic. J ^* i r: oace'ofMarkdale ar- sutlliy ly uUer.'rJiuil^^c^ side-llie meandtr turbaltmt wali^rflL Here afrif*^, tl»e^eMlale|»J ged their living freight and baskets, which we will imagine con- tain the iroD Jnstrumejite for initiat- ing member* ili|^ *be /tp'cient secret druidical society. A^we icontemplated this mystenotts «erei^on^. lo, a seer, doubtless some P.M.*q[5W.B.M of4be order, kindles a fire^,4l^6moke where- of ri^es to the h^aveaV" W« iavoliln- tarily exclaiiri.^^Holt the'" fir^ and the wood, but where is tke lamt ft^d the grean pe^s?" Then frtffli the se- cret recesses of the tnyfitellbtt^ bas- kets are brou^lprtb gq^ things i»- nun^erabley • bo^ ' smiall' rad ^^^at. Tl^ ceremcMty rf plearing a tablof^s adojrte^^tii* i^oiPj? j^' ^s^- ***^ least oj It, i- *^iy ik^(ik^l ^efc«^ this occasion; kftei iifisAt^ |5g «%»â-  sing of tlieir deitv thorT work was made »«t i^ r^ 4im^-vB0(ro*. wished could-l^s» f(»f ij^er^itkwiif 'Mim* msom are, m a rule JbiwttpleB o(. Jl^piGMiaiis). The .aftetnooto.- was ppetit as s««ned best to ilie eoitopaHV, m»By.iEf whoiii adorned .,themi^v«8 pith •ferns and flowers emblematic of n^any vaaious virtues suppoead ,4o be possessed by the order and in gaUiering tne wild berries of the grpve iifter the, manner of the ^u^ientsi Some venture^ be- neath the cascade, and nymph-like, but clothed with the newest and most recently patented Tiaterproofs, laved in the spray of the rflyer waters. Others like mermaids, sat upon the rocks in the.jnldst of the i^urbulent stream. .( •: Thus passed the d,ay till the pnioke asetendiug from the historic camp fire betokened that the high priests of the order were about to offer tht eyecincr saciifice. The people drew near, and with one voice rent the air with their invocation. Berries, from the wild^ fastnesses of the woods gathered by Mason McTarland and wife, and by them decorated with the leayes of a cryptogamic plant, commonly known, as a polypodus, adorned the grassy table. This Adamic ceremony, gen- erally called bv the order an innei i-e- fresher having been successfully per- formed, and a blessing in a tuneful strain hymuel'for tht- matctnel parent' of the hcj^d of 'the or4er,-the assem- blage dispersed. Thirteen chariots conveyed them to their habitations. Tile whole of the arrangements were satisfactorily carried out, i^nd When next the masons air them- selves. May we be fliere to see. Mblaikjthoh,â€" 4ihelbnrner -Oct. and 4. fqoiy.Ai4).-T-CbatBWjfrt Oct. 10. «. iben PAYING -IN ADVANCE, a copy of ...DJLKENDAXJUa fMtue 01 the HORSE Fieshcrton BSsbed-for-**twr,"tno,mt«» TnifiMK^n tJie ifch ist'.rthe'^JSr^ li «^dti«'«»e 2«l iMfiU th%Mi m Mji. Bichard Askin of adai^ghter.^ Mr. Joseph DonflV,. offcio^i ^^ In Glenellf orv*he a^. ImL, tMrwili ol Blr. Ge*i Bi«keta, of a iWJit '"â-  ^: ' v-v?i MARWAafeS. \^ Shulwiâ€" Habdt.â€" Ak Hanitowaalng, .fn ou fckt ;6th inBt, by th» Bet. B. Hill, Charles Shield*, of ffillj Gtotb. to Jesty, daughJftr of Qmarge Har^yr^' l|M"*»wto*»- ' ' '"' "'â- â- â- â-  "" •^♦ Mr E. Purvid has erected a resi- denge »»d. is pushinj? it towardsr com' j^otioD. • It is situated ik George iU Don't drag on a miserable exigtenoe without the local paper. The Meaford elevator project hai fallen through. The jealousy of some of the village merchants killed it. New cashmeres, new dress goods, new satins, and new bfaclr, w^ere^ silks, very fashionable; just received from England by W. ^Farland, the only direct importer doing busi- ness m Markdale. Mr. Samuel. McCullough, DuAdalk, has advertised for tenders for the erectiojaQf»,lWfig.McX hotel JLa tbftt place, to be completed by the 15th of December next. W.' J. McFarlaad. shows special value in creium aBftiaiean^ostricirSik thers, direct inipiiMipiii.^,y^5 Capt, a. :|e Batchart^m*KD Sound died iri Manitoba hiftt jn^^lay. Mr. Trimbie, pf tbei«n of Trimble Wright, is now in Loudon packing theyr large stock of di y gp(ds, for; shipment here. A union excursion of the Sabbath Schools of Owen ScUad, comes to M«rkd^^^9.d^3^ ^r^a^., J â- iDpenel t|i»itfe^,|i|^ |Kia| Mste^ coatiugs $1.90, $3.5o, and $4.50 per yard expellent v^ue dii-ect from English makers, at McFarland's. Miss Latt:e Allen |)f Allen ford is spending a few weeks with her frienos at Markdale Trimble Wright have purchased tlie ta^kru{it atOf^k^of G. Q..^ t^tM|(^- lan^" 'Co, London, auiouiffftig (to $10,360 44 and will have it to hand in a few days. Mr. Town send, of the (h^ey Review was in town lost week. Trimble Wright's new stock of dry goods is the largest ever brought into Markdale at one time. Mr; J ij..; ilrtbjiing t ^almer*M)Ji, gave us a call last Friday. Trimble Wright, have lease! Reid's new block, and will remcve next week Wm. Brown. ^|4|. of. ^his-place has returned from' a trip to Manitoulin Is- ^anci, ahi ieporte the, ercpa exceid' "ngly promising on' the Island. All kinds of Machine t)ils for sale at Haskett Bro's. They keep the best oils manufactured. .. Mrs. J F. Spronle-, returned from Winnipeg laot week. She intends spending the coming winter in Mark- dale, owing to poor health iu the Prai- fie Province. Ml*. Geo. Haskett, is spending a CAME into my premises on Saturday, th# «2nd of July, ft red and white cow witt a iilece out of her left ear. Anv person provmg propCTty and paymg expenses can take her away. i GEO. CROUTHEB, Holland Centre. Aug. and, m^. 99-4f »nK dose to e ]Fall« Offers great attractions to those wlio are tamA of SCENERY, as well as to those who ^,. ..â- ^â- â- - dfcUgM. in As i\» river both afM^vf and below the Ft" Aound«Wrth*SPECrLED TEOUT. ' "TJrrC.'HEfiON ^can safely assure the public that he is determined to do his rtmost to please and accciumodate all comers. The board and accommodation shaU be of the bpst, an.) j,e j^ soppliea with the vory liest brands of LIQUORS, having resoIveJ i hat the Bar shall be properly atieoded. Also Good Stabling. «•» » THE EGYPTIAN WAR The Porte has once more changed front. It has removed the embargo upon the ex;iortation of mules for British service from Syria, in defer- ence to Lord Dufferin's strong protest. It is announced that he has also agreed to Ei]i,']and's terms for a Mil- itary Covention, which will be formallv sigued io-dfijk j Th|n:ebeh hAVft cut^ the f |?^i^i ^Viifc? Oaijal belvfeu Isjt maiiia ami Siiei, buV there ii%i fear i » _» i. ofanysofi(»u5.,r^ults^ AraUippearj few weeks lip West. the bauks along the whole length now being in the hands of the British. He is again massing his forces at Kafr-cl Dvvar,,wi ,U4§'*-*8htrenc!i- lueiits art' b^n^ fttl'aiglljtened, and at Tel el-Kebir, where his main bjdy is, Hod wbJBrer.tile'gf^i fetttM^of campfj g^^jg aign wdl be fought; •T'he a^surdH^'^l prevKHts iHniiixIrs 'â-  t6ti63ti:d'DS Arvttii'il' intentions are now Apparent. The reported rise in the Nile has probably hastened tbe • i|ko^idedt$ of iir Gar net's divisirtU»-'ihi(jl)'luv6.'alrea'^.y ad- vanced from Ismailia, and a track is beirig laid ai rapidly as possible to facilate the movement of the troops, nearly all of whom are now landed. SALESMEN WANTED. To begin work at onoe on sales for Fall of 1882, for the Fonthili Nurseries, TBI •' ffita^fJWhOTâ€" TOBONTa,t)W. Bbahch OrFWB«r*MOHTREAI*, F Q., and ST. PAUL, MiNM. NURSERItS. FONTHILL, ONT. We can stwrt in additioii to our already large' force 100 Additional Canvassers, And want men who can give fall time to the businesd. Steady emploj^ment and good sal- ariee to snoeessfal med. It does not matter M^U^i ^Tt' i\xj\ Tt Kr r.K (* Foundry! -AND- MACHINE WORKS, MANUFACTURERS OF MILL MACHINERY, Steam Engines, anes vo Booeessnu men. ii aoes nox maner nt • TT" â€" r what youT previous occupation has beeu, If oOa/ltlinS, XJ-ELnSCrS you are wiliinR to work yonr succesa is al- ..W... ,. W S you are willing to work yonr most certain. The best references required. Apply to STONE A WELLINGTON, Nurserymen, Toronto, Ont. 80-106 REST AHO COBfTORT to thb SUFFERING i Brown's Household Panacea has no equal for relieving pain, both inter- nal and external. It cures pain in the Side, Back or Bowels, Sore Throat, Rheumatism, Toothache, Lumbago and any kind of a Pain or Ache. "It will most surely quicken the Blood and heal, as its acting power is won- derful." "Brown's Household Panacea," being acknowledged as the great J^in Reliev- er, and of double the strength of any other ' Elixer or Liniment in the world, should be la every family handy for use when wanted " as it really is the best remedy in the world for (Jramps m the Stomach, and Pains and Achee of all kinds," and is for sale by all Druggists at 25 cents a bottle. 2d-lv And Plow Points Done iu a practical manner. f yf^ also .imroduce our now 1 j.t. -y FAMILY MANGLE (;â-  ^r You can, have this paper from now till the end of 1882 for 40 cents. Save your horse by reading and acting upon Kendall's Horse Book. Reliable and cheap. 15c. Mrs. J M. Lazier, of Belleville, is on a visit to Mr. W. J. McFai laud's, Mr, 1. A. Wilson, of Brampton, is spendiug his holidays in Markdale and vi^iuj^ ^- f^ ^.o :jj *^ Th^ mm^vi/Uc^,: vfi^em incorporation for that villajje. Sen- SEEIHttVM GENTLESfEW,â€" • ' If you want a fir st-clasa Buggie or Wagon CARRIAGE WORKS MARKDALE. Thej can supply you with anything from a Lumber Wagon up to Extension. Top 3Ffeitbn. To buy from them is to They are both practical workmen, end employ none but PRACTICAL WORKMEN They guarantee their work Second to none for LijditndsS of Draught and Superiority of Finish. Last week, C. W. Speers pnrcha ged from Mr. Jame«. Erskiqe, of Eh. phrasia, a jmir of oxen "for which he pai.l $180. He also paid Mr. Peter. Wilson of Holland Tp, ^8Q.for.*Ubul- lock. The aho^e three -cittl* w^sifhed 5,200 lbs, or an average of^over i,70D#s^«flji, r. T y A Mr. Mclntyre has just received a load of apples, which are going like hot cakes. C. W. Rutledge of the Markdale Standard, has purchased the nlaot of the late Cufpobd Arrow, and has disposed of it toeether with the good willef his bnjiness at Duudalk, 4o Mr. Theo. Hall, who will proceed at ouc^ ' puuiish the Hjirald in Dun- •: 1 k ' li 2 r, IV- .^ niber of which (under v- • â-  \^ pvo-'ii. tor3 -will be pab'ished ••!: the 8:u Svpt.-:ml*.r, • ' They use nothing but First-class White Oak for Wagons, and thi ice Extra Second Orowth Hickory for light wbrk. *• The immense amonn t of work turned out of MoK«niM» Mason's shop is sufficient proof of the wide reputation they enjoy for doing good work. • to the •i'lUc. This new machine will mangle i Linen Cottwrt, and Woollen Goods, givin;,' them a "eautiful smooth aad glossy apjjcai- ance. Iv fthto improvea the elotbee, whereas I hot iioas injoie them. We will also manu- facturfi CAST-IRON GRAVE TABLETS! with or without marble slab for name, Ax.; also Tojttb Railin??s, Pall Pillars and Orna- mental Cast Iron Chftins frr same, also all .• kinds of r.}»nubterKRili.i? Huuss Fencing- plain ».)•• ornamental, Mivchmery Brass Castings of evei-y dc^sciiption, Brass Bells, large' 6r fmall. MOFFAT BROS. JOHN NOBLE, ... ' MARKDALE. GENER'LBLAGKSMITH HORSESHOEING To all who are suffering from the crrovs atJd indiscretions ot youth, nervous weak- Th« BEI^Ttg tiR CHBAtESrW lii'l^iml' °T' ^l^^ ^^"^^^ |°' °!, â„¢a"l»o«^' *f-,^ Poor cheap work w Dositivelv wUl '" ^*^^ ' receipe thf t will cure .you, FELL », .^tSc^" ,0F CHARGE. Tliisgi^eat Remedy was di.- • ' ' .• 4 ctfvered by a missionary in South America Jn*^ml aH^ntinn «;™« *^ T m- • J Send a aelf-addressrd envelope to Ke^ SatijffactioD gufirantee^(pr NoPay)m â- ^ri !;.• ii !i*jH;. IPs' ww before tie HORSESWO^r'NrC »'A-'i«:. yo can make I •f~-:)^F;-tiiy Ml woik for c.Tr^T» rx ,, ^r"" " ^â- â€¢' *-^' ;-' ^-'â- - 'nith«n t^ /.. '\;.k J:\^. ' ' « a.Mi" -^ot neeJ- bHOPâ€"On Mill Street opto6ite tal*f r*^*ntiv.l*.,-. '.ifr?TrtAyan.i up- SproQle'8 lotel. »v*-«'« tna-iv;-. â-  .mf. 1. eu.."?usi;i.^ug. Me McKENN A St MASON, w*.'«8 inaiv ;â- â€¢ • •mi-, rt I. e !;•â- ? us i.;i'.»uf" ' wom»- 1. tio^ i .-'.„! ., ' .silQt^^. i-»ei' vhere wo»Ji -o. a» \ty ' -^Uuif.. you cai' wori. •U b iii^4)ii}t./4,i;Mli /^jve' ^.*ur ^Ut**- ime to t'le :iuMii)«s Y,,;, fl. ., vi^ .{u i ..uirt" and do the worn' No oibt? '!^' ;h pay you nearly w we-l, .So o -e .jan f- utake eiv ^r^A r.i 4-U ' /. i^^^"" ^y -^ t.Kafiingr.. ou.-e. Costly enact the year. Post free 4.0 ****** •"^^ ••'•^'«» f^ee- Aioaav made fa^' cents. ' T eawly Mid boao«a)l7. Addrew Tbui A Co 1 Aogosta, liaine. -- • This is the best local pa- per in Gtey. Try it to the MAKF cpAJ.:^ .TCI AN AMAZON. ^^^^^H On Tuesday last at ^^^^^| HooB«« before justices Bro^^^^H '-^ Bae,^ /exisiU^ tria^^^H BiDg oit'cf a chtMTgc lai^^^H er. ThoB. Diuna of tho ^^^^^^H oilaud ngaJnet his \viie ^^^^1 ewae of illvtroatmcat and '^^^H cape ccupiod the i|ttention '^^^^^H for «omc tvo hoiiirB, aud "^^^^^^| 'nterc6tiD(7 ati'd amusiu:. ^^^H Mrs. 'Dfmtna was hucd^^^H costs or 80 days. ^^^^| MARKDALE Cll^^f GREAT 0NE4UN COM^H TROUPE. ^M FABCICAL EXEIBFI^^^ First, Last, and OnI^^^ formance. ^^H I'OSiTivELi^ o:;eda^i^H A CLEAN BWEFP. ^^^H At the Revere House, ^|^^^| day last, before A. Ellioii. ^^^H aud Jas. btruthers, Esj.,.l.^^H of titled and untitled olVU'l'^^^| tiie health acts were br\)r^^H bar of justice by police iuH«^^^H The summonses iu m^^i ^^^H of the same warding, and "^^H defeO^Dts -A'ith hiivin^: »i^^H ioft., upon their proiui^' s^^H •♦watter-closet," thereby en^^H the health cf the inhubitunt^^H instances this worchug wjis ^^H 'sloppy yard, filth aud cb^^H on street," c. ^^^| UM.% J.P.'s. 1;6T?., acJi^H were all^^^^ ^^ ^^ buis^^^^H a big-'^y's work was pi'^i^^l the bench by the inspector. ^^1 The first case callc*! %v:is "^^^H Esq., J.P., who nleadtd ^^^H denied knowledge of the *^'^^^H the nuisance, /IS the houc^^H unoccupied some mouths. ^^H deferred. ^^M " Geo. Noble, cons: able ^^M guilty. Judgment •deferrod.^M Thos. :^Ju^arky, police tni^H ded guilty judgment del*. ^^^H Hv 1). Irwin, Esq., T.P.^P Coleman, aud Mr J. ^y"'"^!,! trustees, pleaded non li^bih^H' count of not i»eiug iioli'i-i^H teacher or the inspector. ^B' delerred, ^M Mark Armstrong ph!iulcd^|.,| tv. Judgment doftirtd. H R, Askiu, case witlidra a^B ' mality in summune. H Wilsvm Beuson. jdeudoJ nH and that he received no noH- from tlie inspector. Judgii:(M red. â-  Rev. S. J. C'.yciy:u], plcfl guilty« and wished to have tli^ under which he war* siinnncjH by what iMthority. He siidH" used- disinfectants. Tii^^ w council made iusullmg aniB remarks in this and oth^ r caH rightly securedfor himself tliJ of the bench, ai.d several hiB from the defciulant. J-i'^.-^'B lerred. â-  Wm, Douglas, sloppy yard! not guilty, arul want of ii"ii:l meiit defen ed. L A.^ Duulop, guilty judc^LH f erred. â-  Thos. Foster, rc])rosenicd â-  wished to arjourn the c.vsc. !â-  was perfectly clean, cltautr m inspector's, i^nd 'twas a pity \M had nothing better to do thI her chickens out. Thought ii m Know difference belwcca LM and closet I John Hill and Mrs. E. Il were chaigei conjointly. Mtl land represented 5lrs liut'cd^'J not guilty. Called witness s I place was clean. Judgiucutcl A. Jones, guilty, jalgmeni red. I Thos. Henry, pleaded no! He dCcil^dft-om tlie inspector d'd wiiere the place was. in fit] notbiug about it. Had markel but could not Fay whether il, dej r»\ to health, because he knew i about it. Dismissed, plaiutill 8.11 costs. Haskett Bros. Not guilty. Bed, plaintiff to pay costs. Thos !tiseljnejjleaded gu"t meot dtfarred. AltY. K^jj pleaded Dot guilt) ed that the place was regularly I, dismissed, plain tif to pay cof Wm. Kay pleaded not guilt) utted having heen notifie rnied.

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