il. I I I ,t' ,1' i R HAS BTOOD THB TEST onuB. I it baa pr»- ofail lUj •« wdOTfiiDg tb* mnt ti c u tl b«iiiif hb Ir m Mlher, â- • h* â- TI«, •*WbT r.'Mfwi o^t ^aoi to bmIm â- oeh a fms. I don't mm wd 07 vbtn ay Wtr is fcaiag eoab- •d." "Ym" (Mad tfa* ywth. -bat jfMr bur UBt bitflb^ tvyow bwd." Too HMD DT MOflepUaioal) « Sni cCliHiM ItBMybaaowB h itffl OM of Ike BMOt of TmiM»«. Tho viaUr ij ba Mwn M late aa 8ep Tba Dcam wa follow nature in the treatment ot diseaae, tba man aa a eea a- fnl we are. Dr. Fowler 'â- Extract of YIM Strawbetry ia Nature's Specific tot JEittgKik IfflVMi, Dyaastery, Ch^Pf aad aU forms of Bnnuaer Cifcliiiitfc ttiMadily anrea Oaa- be^fc tba a inii a f h or boiw lB aadia aafe Mr Mmita ae waR as adaita. Tbey were standing near tba gate, â-¼ary cloae together, and perfectly ob- briooa to aiU :ar(Qii^ tbem. Tlus is wbat^Miy report, r iieaid ae be was passing: "Ub.Oeorgedoesyoannoas- taebe f»el aa nice to yon as it doee to me 7" The best erideoea of the snperior merit and virtues of Dr Fowler's Ex- tract of Wild Strawbeiry, for the care of Bnmmer Complaints is that its popularity and demand is greatest where it has been longest known. Mr. W. U. Campaigne, of the little mills, lost a pane coutaining $60 in money and some notes, recently, while CD his way to Flesberton. Mr. Granger (ound the parse and promp- tly retamtd it to the owner, who re- warded the finder handsomely. â€" Ad- tonee. 'Bogenia House, The Falls 'i- ^A. pr o 1.- 1 pf ** «ilk BPBCKLBD nOUT M. B. msBON can saWy -- tba pobiia that ha ia datarmioad to do hiarteoatto plsaasand aeecaasodate The board asd aeeommodatkm Aall be tf the beat, and ba k aapalied with tba very bast brands of LIQCOBB, bsTing naolTad that Uia Bar abaU be inoperly attended. Also Good Stabling. L DUNPALK BOOT AND SHOE FaSKSSi^*** lM«s.TMniar^a*^ r«(igr.fai ijmOuna^^ltihn pastairtM^'I^** Our Fremiiun «v«a»» Wa have made arrangements by wbiah we are enabled to gire to every NEW BUB8CBI3EB to onr paper and to old subscribers PAYING IN ADVANCE, a copy of DB. KENDALL'S "Treatise on the HORSE Tlie safest. Lest and cheapest medicine in the world is Dr. Carson's Ktomach and Constipation |Bitter8. Sold ui large bottles at 50 cents by ali druggists, Tarner,* Markdale. Psruons, Dandalk. The Poultry Yard recomiLeuds cof- fee grounds for fowls. 'Ihc prescription of a Bkillfally phy- Eician, and composed of vegetable drugs of grent remedial power, Dr. Carson's Stomach and Constipation Bitters purify the blood, pve tone and vigor to the Bvstem, cnres Dys- pepsia and indigestion when all other medicines fail. Have you tried it? Sold b Druggists .00c a bottle. Tur- ner, Markdale. Parsons, Duodalk, An average 2-ycar old steer will ca' its own weight ot different mate- rial in two weeks. ncrufuU is a depraved coudition of the s^'ste^ia otlen lureditary, and ulia- tacterizod by indolent tumors, glandu- ular iiffectiotis, bad blood and a low condition of vitality that tends tow- ards cunsumptiuu, whieh is really Scrolula of the Lungs. Burdock Hlool Bitters cure Scrofulous disea- ses from a piiiipic to an abscess, by purifjiiifj the blood, correting the sc- rrctioiis and giving n licoltby tone to each organ. This is a standard work, containing an Index of Diseases, which gives the symptoms, oauce, and the best treat- ment for each a Table, giving all the principal drugs used for the horse, with the ordinary dose, effects, and antidote when a poison a table with an engraving of the horse's teeth at different ages, with rales for telling the age of the horse a valuable col- lection of receipts, and much other useful information. It is a book that s'jould be in the hands of every far- mer and owner of a horse. Now is the time to subscribe, or for old subscribers to pay up, and get the book. lAptilmslSeledo NEW 800D8 ARIIVIIS BAILV C?»U »»^ ^^^ Xliem- Repairing promptly attended to. AU C».tom Work Warranted. I keep the Celebrated lamer Seiing IicWneJ CcMtaaUjon hand, which I seU veiy eb«p lor iom:inioiv oroanb whieh aw narivdled in b«nty of t«i« Md po^. -^ in kind. «*?.rmftoduo. taken in exshan*. for good, at theiand.lkBeot «-»»«» sto'o TH08. HANBURY. Ooodalk, September »nd. i88i. • TAILOR, SYDENHAM STREEiT. SHOULD SEND FOR Davis' Miii Farms for Sate and to Let. UkeFnfsstta tolfsfiii « pay. CATALOOOTSmrrWJAFPUCAfKW. Mr Ikawe D««4s. ewcrr 'wmmnmmg,mA'mm hei(^aNdt«J^Mito i.As^AaMneat|7aadean«si«r. AdTieeo«#i|lpea AH^toatti***»sn«iiedigâ€" *t*»ga rtwnn« s«rfmyfciih»«e^ of aiy buriMss av motto U TbotM^- â- and rair Osaliac CHASOES I.OW. ROBT. DAVIS, ConTaYmncer. Comini*«on« in B3.. BetJ Bstote. Lo«x A Iiuurwice Agsnt FARMERS tt MECHANICS' ESTATE, LOAN AND Ontario. DUNDAliK, Markdale, Jnly 7, 18S1. 43-6ia. The average quantity of milk re- quired by the crcamrries, to make a pound of butter, is about 22 lbs. or lU to 12 quarts. A hen is a most incousiJcratc and uuaccountuble creaturp. Now that she can lay ei^gs worth 3 cents each, hIic takes a vacatiou itnd refuses to have niiytliiug to do witii the business My-and-bye wlit'U chii-keu-secd are down ti 10 cents a dozen, she'll put "on extra help, anl eyen work at night to tloid the market. The ini'licatious of the approaching season seem to thriatcn an onusual amount of the various forms of bowel complaints. Our readers -would do well to supply themselves with some rclialilc remedy like Dr Fowler's Ex- tract o( Wild Strawberry, as a safe- Pfuar.l :i;^«inst sudden attacks of Cho- lera, Morbus. Colic. Dysentery, /cc, ' at unless promptly treated are often siiddeuly fatal. • \\ hile Clirii. Johnson and several other laborers wore enfrngod in un- Inadiiii:: the scliooncr Todman^'at Owen Sound on Monday, a chunk of coal about the size of a wheelbarrow struck Chris, on the head. It broke the coal all up, but after indnljring in a fev quotations not found in the re- vised edition hris. resiimeJ his work as if nothing had hnppcnea. N C. Poison Co., drugpi( Kingston, express themselves prised at tlie sale of Burdoci Bitters in that locality, whe medicines are hard to introd say they.*' the gross last o; few days since, will convinci the demand is good, and giving satiafaction to oar c Xry Kendall's Spavin Cure, a sure remedy for spanns, cnrbs, ringbones, ot any enlargement of the joints. Bee advertisement. Mr. Wm. Ranson, af Sodtb Kor- wirk, sayt; Forsixtaaa Jfisars I puffer-, cd from Hillioasness. D«T«r bad any medicine do me any ^armaoent good until recommsoded by onr (bvgiata. (J. Wedey Fish A Co.. OttorriHe.) lo *»r Dr. Carson's Stomach and Consti- pation Bitters, wfaieb havo done ma more good than anv madiaioe I have ..ever tdtsn. I wo«Id. witb the â- taoat KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. Tbe moM auccessAil ReHsedy ever discovered, as it is certain in its effects and doe*) not blister. Kead Piiooy Bu/OW. Kendall's Spavin Cure. HjkMiLTON, Mo.. Jane 14, i88I. B. J. Kendall 4 Co.,â€" Genta: â€" This is to certify tliat I have utied Kendall's Spavin Cure, nnil have found it to be all that it is recommt'iidcd to be and in fact more too; I Lave Temoved bv using the above: Callous Bono Spavins, King-bone, Splints, and can chei'rfuliy testify and recommend it to le the best thing for any bony substance I have ever used, and have tiied many as I have made that my study for years. Ilespectfully yours, r. V. CKI3T. FROm Col T. L. Foster. YorsosTOWN, Ohio, May 10, 1880. Db B. J. Kendall A Co., lients: â€" I had a very valuable Hambletoniau colt that I prized very highly, he had a large l)one spavin on one joint and a small one on the other which ma-le him very lune; I had him under the chisrgu of two veterinary surgeons which fail- ed to cure him. I was one day reading the advertisement of Kendall's Spavin Cure in the Chicago Express. I determined at once to try it, and got our druggist here to send for it. they ordered three bottles; I took them iiU aud th6ui;ht I would give it a thorough tr- il. I used it according to directions and the f..irth day the colt cea.sed to be lame and the lumps have disappeiired. I used but one bottle aud the colt's limbs are as free from lumps and as smooth as any horse in the state. He is entirely cured. The cure was so remarkable that I let two of my neighbors have the remaining two bottles who are now using it. Very rcspectfullv, L. T. FOSTER, Kendall's Spavin Cure. WiNcuAM, Out., Jan*-17, 1H82. I»n. B. ,1. Kendall Co., Gems:â€" This is to certify that I have used Kendall's Spavin Cure, bought from C. E. Williams, druggist, Wingham, Cnt,, and do without hesitation pronounce it to be au invaluable remedy for the cure of Spavins, Kingbones, or Curbs. 1 used it on a bone spavin of several years growth which it completely removed, and I can safely say it will remove any Spavin, Curb or Uingbone it properly used. I have also recommended friends to use it, who have done so with perfect success. I gladly make this public, and will au:3wer any qoettions or letters scut me. Yours Ac. GEOBGE BBTCE. Kendall's Spavin Cure O^ HimAlV FLESH. West Ekosbcboh, Vt.. Feb. 16, 1881. Db. B. J. Kendall Jk Co., Oents:â€" Several mouths ago I Jpjored my ku«e joint whkh causetl an enlargement to grow the size of a walnut and caused me very severe pain all the time for four or five weeks, when I tegan to nae Kendall's Spavin Care with the moat satisfactory reaolta. It has eatiielj leatev- ed the enlargement and stopped the laaeaaH, and pain. I have long known it to Im exoel« lent lor horae* bat now I Know it to- -tie tne best liuimuit tor hossan flesh that I am ae* ted with. Tooistamlv, T. P. LAWBKHC9. St. Jan. P Q Oat. «7. IMl. »B. B. J. KsasAM. a Co.. Oeats:â€" I have owd jimr Spavin Care with peat saaeevaon spavin! enrbe and ksHata. I kaow it to he a good reaecty lor ibgbunea, boas taavina, cnta, gaBs and a Mattel let s m m and other difieoltiaa abont tbe horse. One of ay mea sprainod hia ankle rtarj badly. I apphcd. 2iMidall's Bpavin Cnie and I nerer saw sny- thiag work lika it. he was well in a few d^s. I know it to ba good for man a* well as baait. I miMwiedeâ€" at yonr Treatise on the Hasaa. hvail «ar Mela, aad I think U was the MMM c( mtttof m» 9100 on one hoiae that I Maatad aBeanUaV to the diieetiiaM gtvea in tiM^aiM3S^i A. MiNTYRE TEA! TEA! TEA! A. M'INTYRE TT-bVLX, Flo-CLT, novLX. McINTiRE'H McINTYRES LIQUORS I_LIQUORS McINTYRE'S Cigars, Cigars. McINTYRES Coflee, Coflee. MEALI MEALl MEALl McINTYRE'S Pork, Pork. Pork. McINTYRE'8 And eveiything^kept n in a first-class Grocery and Liquor Store, always on hand, cheap roB cash. HARVEST TOOLS ' HARVEST TOOLS â- Harvest Mitts. H. J. SPROI7LE, FLESHERTON. Has just received the balance of a veryextensive Stock, and is shewing Rixford's Celebrated Scythes, The Hamilton Patent Thumb-aDd-FiDger Barley Forks, The celebrated Wrastin Grain Cradle.. CMf tfaidic dont wHh care, ntatnatt and daipaich. A. G. HUNTKK. OFFICXâ€"One ioor mmth of AnfUhAmeriemn H«Ul. Dnndalk, September Itt, 1881. l.lT. 1882. SPRING 1882. Great Novelties. Wonderful Attractions. • AT THE TORONTO HOUSE, Prices astonishingly low in every Department. Highest price for Dairy and other produce. Markdale, May let. 1883. SEE W« imin to bfcmt the fMorinf; oommnnity that •. »J?* ft ehoioe stock of «»• 1k»i^ MiUet. Carrot, Mangel W urj^ COMPRISING Clover, Timothy, Hungarian Grass Tares, c. Corn, c We would alio nBind tba poblie InReDfiral that we haveafcj'i 1 GARDEN AHD FLOWER SEEDS. ^^ Stationery School Books, Patent Medicines Perf Dyestuffs, Paints Oils, Toilet Soaps, Fancy g22P 'â- Pure Drugs ChemicaiB. Tea, Coffee, andTofcacco. Wm BROWN. Markdale PUMP Factory. A complete Stock of Forks, Bakes, Snaths, Scythe Stones, c. All Goods marked at lowest figures, and WAREANTED of best Manufacture. eonfiilenee. raffninf; frotn B31 bT all dnxopata. lW«Ma. Doo^k ABa^aKDâ€" Of ooadoMS 'Tsaaaft- BT* to anv oDe aeodiiis the beet foor line rityme on'TaasviftT,' tberemark- •K\ Kttle Rem for tbe Teeth and Br* tih. Aak Toar ftrofigist for ad- for rdkCtota fiMaeadi ^aaaetimiy, addnva tenLtetratadCirvnlar.wUdb %mA addnva lirlluMratadCiTvnlBr.wUdb «B thtek oNeapaillMipMalof Iti liitaje %«Vi4T baa ew aart aritk aa* aa«a^ eiaMna la •« baMlriM, IvkMMaa «# :?.. Mige aittee Sold by all BlrosglBts. LTMAX. S0:T8 a CO.. Vaaliaia. P. Q- ^^^l..l«! ale .vsMits Oi^^Ton of Preserviog Sugar now received' The price will surprise yotjf Grain, Gutter, Eggs, Wool, Sheep Skins, or an ofher produce bought, and highest market prices paid. ' ' I want a large quantity of Butter and Eggs, befan tk« 1st of Augtt^tlfor which I am prepared to pay the Highsst Pricb. ^fm H. ij. SFHO Toronto House, Fie n. ^« ci« tM^ tin tip MAKER OF ALL KINDS OF PUMPS, DBOP VALVE PUMPS, CYLINDER PUMPS, CISTERN PUMPS, FORCE PUMPS, Alao, ALL KINDS OF IRON PUMPS SUPPLIED. Satisfitetion flrnaranteed on all my work the proof of it is found in tbe fact that I am doing a larger bneiness now than ever was done in Maradale in tbe Pamp business. Remember the stand, 1 door north of Rutledge's Uotel, Sydenham Street, Markdale. Great Excitement in Markdale OTU THX UkMOM AUOTAU OV SPRING SUMMER Goods AT, "CHEAPSIDE." XMTOBTED DIHECT FROM ENGLIffl MAMTJFACTUJffiBS, ooHomo iir DresB Goods, Cashmeijes, Muslins, Allahadea. Altaolors. • Lfttaat Pattema BiiUiants, Diapers, Ciietonnes, Scoteli and Wes^ of Kngland ^Tweeds, Diagonal Coatings^ Dress shirts, Ties, Ducks, IeiiimM, Oxford Blftlrtlii|p*, A NOBBY STOCK OF PBLT HATS. STBAW HATB » ABUffl)AHCE. FuU Lines of GEOOEEIBS KMraaaFMh. Ate. •!«,. gink rf ""'^irABE. HENRY FOSTBB. A. Turner Co., MedicalHia N.B. â€" ^A Quantity of the celebrated Oil Cake just recek^ MA E K D A L E Sash and Door Factory o SASH, DOORS, BLINDS MOULDINGS, HOLLOW BATTONS. FRAMES Lumber, Lath and Shingles, Always on Hand. Orders Promptly E'illed. The Subscriber wishes tj rotom thankf, to the people of Markdhle sod vieinitr, for very libeial patronage they have given him in the past, and hopes by cloee atttntiM k business to merit a eontinaaiice of the same. I hare now extended my bnsiness.and will in fntnre keep a fall Stock of PINE LUMBER. Direct from the North Shore. K.^v ALL SlZIiS, DEESSED AND UNDRESSED. ' -A.11 XCinds of I*lain and I^anc;v 1*urmng«. Done in a first class manner. Markdale May 27t^. 1881. •THOS. MoNEA r-tf OH, HEM. OH^HEAR. OH, HEAR Sqaander yocr money if yen want to. if not, get yourPLutographi of W. BULMER, The People's Photographer, Flesherton Who is again preparer to take Pictures, and do Copying and Enlarginf; as heretofon. FJR.A.TVrKS A N I FR, ^\. ]Vr E FIXINtxS. We are reeeiving a Urge stock of MOTTOBS and Motto and other frsnios, and FitM Fixings, which we can, and mean to sell at Remarkably Low Pnces, CtU •â- ' secure bargains. Bring along your pictures and have them cuiiied ard enlarged by t9 friend. BULMER Flesherton. Mateh 10. 1881. » I GET MT WOOL GABDED 1882. W^ 1882. AT THE Dundalk Woollen Mills. Where do you get Yours P- 8.â€" Parties indebted h\ note or book account will please to call ••* settle at onoe. W. H. PETERSON. DUHDIU, Dea. M, IML 674f. ARTEME8IA WAREHOUSE m» O â- Dry Goods, Hardware, Crockery, Boots and Shoes, Gro- ceries, Provisions, c. Stock kept full and well assorted with new goods regeived every week. My BRANCH STORE «t EUGENIA replenrshed with • New Goods every week. For Sale Cheap for Cash or Produce. Saw MiU and Shiiigle PactgQr *t LITTLE FALLS are in operation- twMter, Uith..Biooat Haalleater^«- -Wm. HOGG. 67 ' • %-i -i'i â- y I I f^^^^^^H ^^^^MH||t' l^^l ^^^^^Kii*' ^B :^r 'jT^^^^^^H ^^^E ' ^^â- ^... 'i^^^^l P^^^^^^Bii â- 'S^^^^^H I^^^K .•