' «n i'l jii • J tr '1 !i â- » I I • ijgiah OtenlgeofTiine. • â- • nam. dOOM-K txp. MiA. Maa. ftJU. «JB. PJ* Owen 8naad,4«p .t.-M 7J5 S.4S Chstowortb .S.51 •M 4 1*- WiUiaoaford..... .tM •J» «.r VflBnSCP s. «M»« • a .CIS 9M 44e .r.8» «.4» 6.0? nxXte .6.67 10.13 10.37 6.1S 6J8 DoaMk...,^.. .ijan 11.13 6.41 CorUtfaW .7.17 11.2« 647 .7.57 li.tt •jM Bhdborac .7.M 11.67 6.17 Ont^fitia0..*t^9n IJO 7.16 MoutFoMt. 13.18 HM HwrirtoD MJiS f.is TeOTwater ... tM lais Mom BobA.... .. ».1S %M 7.68 BoltOD .. 9.U S-QO • 14 Uimbvc Wontfbridg* .... 4.W 8.37 B.89 Pttfkdal* .MM ..lOU tM •.16 •^ TmovI* oono w Toronto drp. 7.M 4J6 Pwnaal* .. 7.tf 816 4.43 Wo«lbnl«c .... .. 8.90 9.63 6.17 Klaiobiug 8.33 10.16 •• haua .. 8.45 loss 6jy Mom Bm4.... «.01 i:.05 6.64 T«M«at«r .. .. 6.15 S.IO Harriaton .. 6.16 4.36 MMint Parwt .. 6J7 4.66 OfM«*iU«.... .lOM 1.00 7M 8k«Umrae .10.42 3.2J 19S McUoctbon .10.6J 2.42 7.47 Corl«tton .11.09 8.02 7.67 Dnndalk .ii.ia 3.20 8.04 PlOtM .11.36 8.47 8.17 FlaakOTton .11.89 4.15 8.3(J M«rkl«le .11.57 6.02 8.45 Brkele« .12.10vin5.58 8.07 WillfsnKford.... .12.21 S.40 9in CliatMiroTtb .12.40 «.0« 9.24 Owtn Boaod 1.15 7.00 9.55 OWEN^UU.ND Higlj Be This Sci^ooi re-of Septemlifer, with a " ' r i e nccd THURSDAY. AUG. 17. ODR ANNjVERSARY. Two Years Old. We are about to enter npon onr third year of exigteoco, and one' 3 birthday is certainly an opportune time to take a retrospective and proB- 1ectiyo view of one* work, and its resuItH. Vio Lave to Uiaiik our patrons for the measure of fuccess we liave met witli in ilio jiast our Bubscriptiou liat has been largely iucresBcd, and our advertising aud printing patron- age continues to grow satLsfuctoriiy. Thid sucL(j u doubllcsB accounted for by tlio fact that we have studied to give our readers a good local paper, free from the heat of politics, and un- trammoUfd by Bcctariauism of any kind. l^joking forwarJ, wo have to consi- der lu what way Wo enn furtlier bene- fit our Kub.icribcrs, and iiicre;ise then- nnrnbors. With the liiHt number in our next volumi,\vtc(inttni].Litj making a very great alti.-ratiou and im;)rovemtnt in (ade. ^Z-44 ]()H7/I BwlliiiiiwMrftlMfti est Higji Setwoi Baildinc* in tfia Fro- riuM, and iutty eyiipyeS. 6p«ei«l atteoooa giren to the Pjeparatioo of StadMta for Unireni- -.y^ TeMbera' Pj-*CrMino«l Eotnbce, *aA lateraMdi*t« ^-^Tir'rntr"Tr Good Botfd and OoBifortaMe rooms can beoMained by Stadenta far froai fS to $8 per veek. GEO. INGLIB. Chainnaii. Ang. 7. 1882. Board offidocatioo PrOTICE. It vaaa bnDkat day ia tlia mfA of Apnl- C FOUB HEAD of Y'oug Cattfo hara beaa broucbt to Pound od lot 28. eon. 11, £b- phnuiia, namalT Pteer. 2 yean old, dark red,sta« bead. Ueiiar, 2 jean old, dark red, 4 whit* feat, whit* atar on locebead. Orty BUT. 3 jraus oU. i^oMad Heiier. THOMAS BBADT. Dundalk. 1,1 1 uliilifiiH ttia aotwoM, flia evly apring KM ' lw W K* Searswood Hafl." aune. .. .-^^i "k,c Lady Ce«il aatn tbapark. Paiwy and Pearl'wwa'ptojfag â- •«" I«^ Cecil sketched a httle. and tboogbt a IcreatdaaL She tfioaglit of Sir Artliar. who 8 months ago had aakai her ^D be hi* wife. One* had (bey met sinee, bat what a cbanffe ' She wen knew that his heart was Katherin's, that he lored goTcmess. Sir Arthor â€" ere he Jefl Englaod â€" risitod Eathenne. h« knew not why. He ..new be loTcd her.that ever wooli krre bac But be was prood â€" pmad of hia no- bility, proad c^ hia «M Jiawage. of his â- potless name She might be Earl Bnysland's daughter, but she bad been lb adren- toreSH. She miirht be of noble Uood, but ahe had plotted and woiiced forre venge. -_„ bhe had been an actress. She An exciting story, abound- had been at the altar with a worthless ing with interest will shortly wretch is in rapid progress in be commenced. Subscnbe^ at once. Crops'have a very promising appear- ance, the raius of tlie past week, to- gether with the warm weather have improved (hem much. BuilJmg DunUaJk. The brick work id be^n. on the ilaubery Block. The steue woik of G. R. Middle- ton's new store is complete, and the friimern aru at work, on thtir part. J. C Iteid will iioon have the inside of hib iicw Hotel completed. A. G. Hunter is building a printing office which will be iu full running order shortly. Should he be first to blot his fanuly escutcheon No She should nerer be a Tre ganna I Thus determined, be left England But he could not lorget het. Three months later be wrote to her from Constantinople he confessed all his scruples, all his love. Would she be his wife Her answer was a refusal, she was unworthy of him, her life had gone wrong from first to last. He wrote her again and again, bat she was very firm. She had atoned in a great measure for the past. Bhe had written Sir Pe- â- ter, returned liis money, and as all the blame of Lady Dangerfield's con New Story, full of interest, duct at the ball was hers, she asked rilt (sTA.SlJ.MiO. Instead r,f I pugcs, as at present, wo intend increa-sing that number to 8 the pages will be smaller than tli..y ar6 now instead of 512 columns, wo intend incrci-ing this to IC columns: and a ;,'reat portion of the paper will be printed in smaller type. By this mcan.s, wc shall, hcnecfortli be abl.; to devo'.e a larger spiicc to news. We 04iinot lohc sight of the fact that our subherib.TS desire to have weekly view (.f t!ie world's (loiiif,s. The lim- ited space at onr disposal has com- pelled us to make tbn view a very contrjieted one. Al' tiiis will now be changed. At (he .s;inic time, no panis will be •;)ared to continue to give full local in- formation. Our correspondents ivre being increased in nnmlcr, and at the same time, increased in value. This alteration causes us to eulist a few BJore subscribers. In our cndoa- VBur t3 improve Tlir STANIl.'VRn. we hope to receive e\ en greater sup- port, iiiul the earnest co-operatiou of our subsehbers. Our Holiday. TO OLU UEADKRS. will shortly be commenced in this paper. Subscribe now, $1 per year. A great number of men are work- ing on the Melauctlion drainage the works are progressing rapidly, under the management of the Uifferent cap- tains. The Dnndiilk Drainage has a poor show.- We hope that the oaptains will put at least ono ili-ain through the villiigo this season. The Hate- payers and others ought to see to this business. iSiimuel McCiillough has returned home from u trip to tiie North West, lie i.-t not favounibly impressed with the countiy, preferring IJuui'alk with all its defects. $5,000 to It lid immediately, on I'liul security, at the office 01" A. G. Hunter. Loan Agent, Duinlalk. A thrillinj.^ story will short- ly be commenced in this pa- per. Now is the time to sub- scribe, ^i per annum. that Sir Peter and Lady Dangerfield might be united. Ituysland had gone abroad, where hving was cheap. Lady Cecil remained and acted as governess to Pansy and Pearl at Sear- swood. It is now a time-houorcJ custom for the country j^apir to take a Christmas holiday at .Midsummer. All around \u the papers .suspend opei.iuno for a week at this sca.«'on of the year, aud next week wc intend to observe the custom, and print no p:'pcr. Our subscribers will be bu.-y hiirvcstiuj, â€" may the weather fayour them,â€" and they can belter Fpare the pajior than at Yule-tide. KIMBERLEY. From onr own Correppondent. Hay was very heavy, and is saved in good order. Fall wheat all cut. Yield will be 35 to 45 bushels i€r acre. This is above average. Spring crop* good on the whole. Roots suffered from drongbt, but the late showers are bringmg them sound. To laach rain jast now for the ripe iraiu. Mr Howell is fitting op a siore for llr Bell. Steps ara being taken to bare thia pMt office removed into a mor* een- tral phice iu the village. Mr ricwcs id overhauling bta gtM nin, and pnttiog in anotbar ma at atonc:^. Mr Geo. Graliam aold 40.000 tliin- £• to Mr. W. J. McFarland, Mark- la, for his uuw tkrator ou Monday iMt. li. H. Emerson, a Montreal Journ- •alift. while walking along Jurors street perceived a savage dog rusliiiig down the street, a group of ehildreu wiip in the wav and although the geiitkmau could Iiuve eas ly avoided the animal, he Jeterrained to save the cliildivn. Accordingly he gave the brute a severe kick us it passed, which unfortunately did not disable it. The U'xt inslauf the fangs of the animal were fastened in his leg. He shook the dog off and i)icking up a stone, killed it on the fpot. He next pro- ceeded to a druggist aud hatl his wounds cauterized. Forty cents will pay for the Standard till the end of the 3caF. On Saturday night burglars broke into E. 11 Gulled;je'ssaddicr shop and boot and shoe store Oakville, breaking open the front door. They then at- tacked the cash drawer bursting it ojHjn and robbing it of its contents, about $8 only. They afterwards oper- ated on the safe. lir.st attempting to pry open the combination. Hnving failed iu that they attemptsd to drill into it, and had succeeJcd iu drilling a hole about half au inch d.jep when they were dibtureeJ. A man named George Hunt, em- ployed by J. O. Wisncr.Son, Co., as nirrht watchman, A. .IS on Friday morn- ing souteuced to thirty days in gaol for ste.iling postage stamps, screws, bolt?, etc., from the prcreises while on duty. A few days ago a little son of Char- les Bagness, of ilahifax, while attend- ing a Toinperersce Society picnic, at Me.\ial)'s Lland.was asked by an un- known man if he woiild take a piece of cake, at the same time producing some. The boy took several bites, nuU soon became sick, vomiting vio- leutl}' Since then he has been con- fined to his bed, aud to-day is repor- tel to be in a bad state, suffering ter- rible pains in the body, and hi« face being very much swollen. Yester- day several of his teeth eame ont. Another boy who was with Bagnass say the man was a straiger, and that be took one of the early boats to re- turn to town. Bagness snltering is apparently caused by mercurial puiaon- ing. .\ young Toronto couple were en- gaged to be united in wedlock on a certain evening. The license waa bought, the ring procured, friends in- vited, and all preparations made. But alas for the fickleness and uncertain- ty of the course of true love, snmetJiiDg oeeorred ef which she did «ot approve, and straiffhtway re- fnaed to take her part m tba ceremony, and rqaotad the proferred hand of ber lover for eyer. Nor did it end then bot taking back to her heart a former lover, the two agreed to be man and wife and the Bast eraning were quietly and luropily locked ia Hyman'a Holy bonds. The couple departed by -the evening train to spend their hooey- moon leaving the rejected lover to UMium iu anjjuish his bitter lot. Sir Arthur returned and agam plea- ded with Katheriue, aud for a long time she held out. She said, 'She who was once Heleii Uerncastle can never be Lady Treganna,' aud thus she nobly refused him having won his affection. At last, however, she consented three weeks later she waa his bride â€" his V, ifo. Thus Ruyland had Treganna for his son-in-law after all. O'Donr.ell returns from New Or- leans after his rich grandfather death, finds L-idy Cecil sketching his head â€" the face sUe loved â€" under the King's Oak. After considerable parleying, she at length consented to be his wife. Pansy and Pearl stood petrified to see the embraced i)air. O'Donnell was happy. 'lake one last look before the scene vanishes. Sir Peter and Lady Dangerfield are dragging out a married existence at Searswood. Lanty Lafferty and his 'Shusan' are the happy possessors of the Silver Rose. Henry Otis is a prosperous London practitioner. Squire Talbot is about to unite him self to Rose O'Donnell. Ciiptain and Lady Cecil O'Donnell are happy beyond all that I could ex- press. Lastly, Sir Arthur and Lady Tre- ganna, still travelling on the continent happy in each other's affection. They will soon return t.) their Cornish man sion, where for 400 years worthy mis- tresses have ruled, none of whom were more beloved, or honored than she who but rfcntly played the lole of He- len Herncastle. Her face floats before me as I write the words, noble, tender, peaceiul,and happy â€" at last. Li t the name that began Uie story end it â€" it. Baehards. AD tlie -«*««. «d'»»«^J^ iac to join are »cqaes tol ♦y^*'*^ WK mat, at »V«lookah«rp. ^^ Bj«d«ro£CaptainA.ll«B^- Dye StaSi- Indigo, Madder. Logwood, Rustic, Camwood, • Cochineal, Bluestone, Madder Compound, Copperai, Bichromate Potash, Cream lartar, Alum, and other Articles used in Dyeing. FlMT VaU Oat* 4e. 'v ^^^.^ »«! " luiNG [SCOVERYI ucrronâ€" FotaSaaa. lb. 0.76 " «•» 'dfWH La«i PrtOrtdWaad..- ^SusB, PMPiaS and B Lorons s lox^ Riant mw «,„4ur awoAh f;«»^,X: Sa. atafl4.»n. yvOHm i:in 6 Baa-l kman at. M. Y. Bade Peas Oats Bottar EfOO Potstoas s.. J.. -I.. " 1.. ^.|lJ6to|l.W 5S to -M X,n to .n ,40 to^ .40 .iMe .ie M M 75 ta U 0.00 to 0.00 7.oft*oi#.a. y/^SHBBTON. /rt«««:teJ weUlM for the StMU'd tjf S Oaia Pass Fbtatoea t^ Butter, par lb. 'Egg».P«r*«»»' Poik, dr€«»e4, ' Beef Bidea Hbt Timothy teed. Wool Lara Tallow .i' a ^a •* a* 0.T5 BJff O.IC Oxeat chance te aiaks BMiMj Thqae irilo â- sMv* tskeadvaa^gs M^^t^ dMoaa loc aakfaic «»|»l-yjM are ««5e4oersay baeoma *«J*yj»* ^tia ia povwty. We wart many â- en, wo â- ZZa ban and girU to work for oa xtf^t in rr^L' M 1 aMtlir Anj MM esB do the iaaM wiUpav acre than ten tâ„¢""*^ MM. Etpenrfve ootfltfnrnlshed free. No «oa who eBffagesiailf to make money rHMV Toa ean ievote y«nr whole titne ia the wark. or ofly your sp«e manftnta PnU lw»»J*»- tjon and all that ia needed sent free. Addrae. Snasos A Co., Portlaod Maine. 7.26 '• J»J0 •♦ f*) •* 0.22 " 0.10 •' 0.06 •• IM Xl» ^.80 0.40 0.7S 0.76 0.i6 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.50 14.0 3.00 0.00 0.12 0.07 TD liONSUIPTIVES. The advertiaer. taaTUtg oeen permanently cured ot th*t dread disease, Consumption, by a aimple remedy, is aaxioas to make known to his feUow fofferers the means of cure. "To •U whe deau-e it. ha will send a copy of the prescription used, (free of charge.) with he iauouomm for prepairing and nsmg the aama which they will find a bdbk Ccbb for OoN- scMPTiox, Asthma, BBOvcHms, o. Parties wishing the Prescription, will please address, Bev. E. A, Wii«,on, 149 Penn a., WUUam»biwgh, N. Y. 2#-ly many Also, a large variety of the b€st Aniline Dyes. Medical Hall. TOKONTO. do. 62 to 65 It 48 to 50 do ...... 82 to 85 do." 70 to 75 do 4 70 to 4 90 Wheat, spring Barley, Oats, Peas, Clover Seed A. Turner Sc Co. For Sale. Lot 5, Toronto St., and lot 6. Elis- abeth St.. Markdale. The above lots are very conyeniently situated the former with a comfortable dwelling and blacksmith's shop thereon, and a building suitable for a carriage shop. The latter is a vacant lot. Willie sold cheap. Apply to Mis. Bicbard- 6QU, Markdale. 100 8 T)re8sed hogs, per 100 lbs... ,„ Beef, hmd quarters 4 SS "o 10 00 Beef, fore quarters 9 00 to 10 00 Butter, large roUf »» 9^ Butter, tub dairy " »» «" Butter, store-packed ?? '" n 17 Egg«.freshperdo.......... ol7to 17 "" 2 50 to 4 00 1 50 to 1 50 10 50 to 14 oO Eggs, pack Apples, per brl.. Potatoes, per bag. Hay Wool â- " ' """ 'â- ' â- 'â- •'â- 00 19 to 00 20 'Boy "Wanted. A^OY WANTED TO DRIVE AiTD take care of a toam. Steady employ- ment. Euquire at the Duudalk Livery, G. B. PHILLIPS. Dundalk, Aug. 2nd, 1883. 4»-3* a week iu your own town. *5 outfit fiee. No risk. Everytliing new. Capital nof requiitc".. We will furnish yon everr- thing. Many oie makii'.}; fortunes. Lidies make as much as meu, and bovs and girls make great pay. B«ader, if yon want a basi. uess at whiuh yoa can make groat pay all the time you work, write for particulars to H. Haixett St Co., Poitlanil, Maine. KATHERINE. THK END. MR WM. LUCAS ON THE GREAT NORTH WEtiT. Mr W. Lucas returned om a trip to the prairie province last week. He visited Winnipeg, Brandon, and other miuor places and in the course of his travels he has met with a few who have made their mark, and are satis- fied with the country and onr bank- er has also met with masy who. are ntterly disgnsted witb the country, who vow ther would lather live on one meal a day in Ontario than solfer th* hardships of Manitoba. La Mr Lucas's opinion some of the most serious drawbacks are â€" the shortness of the season for a^tricnlta- ral work the scarcity and high price of building material ani fael and the extreme hiat in cmBiner and cold in winter. The moaqoitoea ara extremely tRW" blesome during the aommer, ren- denng it almost an impossibility for either man o? beast to woi^ at times. Mr Losaa was aomerwhat sorpriasd to find so much posrtand, â€" the cene- ral opinion here hetug that the soil m almost unirersally good. Ha is of opmion that well nii{h two-tbirds of the land is tmfit for enltivatitm, far the present, being marsLy. aacdy or siony. Boms men, wba ware wril-tc-do tar- mers iu Ontario a jutr ag9, sa^ thHk they have endured buvq sofiariag and hardship doring their ttrief axwanee in the piairie provmee than w all their lives h a s i das Iu »«Ur to aoeceed, a Bian mast make ap lu» aund to en- dura hardahips and |Mifatiiie, other- wiae the north-vast fioaeer will be uiaappoHited. 5^000 CORUS HEMLOCK BARK. rriHE Undersigned will pay for all snch A. Bark, delivered and piled on hue of T., G. i P. Bailway, i'i.2o per cord, measured and paid for at point of deUvery, For par- ticulars and contracts, apply to D. L. VAN VLOCK, P. 0. Address, 2J5 Jarvis st. Toronto. March 2.S, 188 80-lOi NEW STOCK The subscriber has just porohased a New Stookof Liquors, Of the best brands. Liquor in ita purity is a benefit to the invaUd but the curse of Alco- hol consists in its adulteration. I have now on hand a quality of Wine, Bum, Brandy 8c Whisky Which cannot be equalled in Markdale. My Bum cannot be excelled this ride Toronto Xhoae wishing » pore Wma for Coinmnuion Service will please give me a eaU. Teas Coffees* Sugars, Raisins, "'-i' urrants, c., PORK, MARKDALE POST OFFICE. The Mail at Markdale Post OflSce closes as follows Toronto Mail closes 7 00 p.m. Going South 4 30 p.m. " North 11 30 p.m. Owen Sound Mail 7 00 p.m. SPJfiCIAL NOTICES. Mothorsl Mothers!! Mothers J Are yon disturbed at uight and broken cf your rost by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth If so. go at once and get a bottle of MBS. WINSLOWS SOOTHING SYRUP. It will reheve the poor little sufferer immedi- ately â€" depend upon it there is no mistake about it. Tbeie is not a niother upon earth who has ever used it, who wiU not tell yoi at ouce that it will reg-Wte the bowels, and give rect to the mother, aud rehef and health to the child, operating liKe magic. It is per- fectly safe to use in sU ca(c«,aBd pleasant to the state, and is the prescriptioii of c^ne of the oldest and best female physicians aud nurses in the Uuited States. Sold every where at 25 cents a bottle. 90- Iv Church Directory. Christ Chuhch. â€" Sunday next, at 7. Sunday School 2 30 J. WABD, Inciunbent. Methodist Church.â€" Sunday. 10.30 7, Young People's Prj-r. Meeting Mon. 8. General Prayer iloetiug Thursday, 8 N. A. McDIARMID. Paster. Pbesbtteriaji CHUBcn. â€" Sabbath 10.30, 7 SabUth School 2.30. Bible class Friday evg. 7.30. Flcsherton Town Hall, Sabbath 2 30 Sabbath SohoU 1, A. WILSON. Pastor For Sale. A Good One-horse Spring Wagon, nearly new, ccoveahle eprinsB. iron axles. Cheap for cash. Apply to A. TL'ENER CO., 100 1 Medical Hall. GEORGE WILSON, Wholesale and Retail IBUTCHERit BEEF, POBK OB MUTTON SUPPLIEP. from a single pound to a whole carcass, at the lowest market prices. FISH A FOWL IN THEIR SEASON Famfers having Fat Cattle, Sheep, or Pigs to dispose of will do well to call at No. 8 Burns' Block, opposite the new Union Block. Markdale, Oct. 2ath, 1A81 NIL DESPERANDUM. BRArS SPEaFIC MEOICINC. THE OBBAT ENGUSH BEMECY, an unfailing cure for Seminal Weakness, Spenaatorrhea, Impotency, and all disease;) that follow as a sequence of Self-Al ise as los.s of- Memory, Universal Before T alrlng. Las dtude,' Pain in the Bade Dimness of Vision, Premature old age, aad many other Diseases that lead to Insanity or Consumpticn and a Pre- mature .Grave. l^'Full particulars iu our pamphlet, wlticb we desire to send free by mail to every one. The Specific Medicine is sold by all Dmgpisits at 11.00 per package, or six Alter Taking, packages for $5.00, or will be sent free by mail on rcctipt of the mou«y by addressing, THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., l-ly Torouto, Ont., Canada A. Ciroocl Cliance. H' OUSE aifl lot for saleâ€" lot 12 â€" corner Mill aud VcUiiigtoii Street*. Markdale, will be sold at a bargain. Apply to George Walker, Hullai(d,M»rkd«lc P O., or to C .^\,KUrLEI){iE '.)2 3 Stanoabd Office. Nothing Like Leather. M. M. M'LEOD, MABKDALE. NOT .TO BE BEATEN! All those who may have had the nisfor- tune to have been born barefooted wiUbear iu mind ttiat we haye just rectived the Urg- ost and best stock of leather ever bcl)re brought into Markdale, consisting of Spaui:h bole, French Kip and Calf, aud are now pru pared to manufacture Ladies ts, /outlit. ard Misses boots and shoes, muu the stoga to the finest kd and prunella. Sewed. Work a Speoialty. All work warranted. Invisible patching alao done here. M. M. McLEOD. Markdale, Sept. 19th. 1881. ^*ci AaSNTS WANTED. -Big pay.- Light Werk. Steady Employment. Samples free. Naussau stree Addre.sg, M. New York. L. BYBN, 46 20 Errors of Youth. A GENTLEMAN who sufferred for year from Nervous DEBILITY. PKRMA. _„_ Nervous DEBILITY, PBEMA- TLLE DECAY, and all the effects of youth- ful indiscrption, will for the sake of suffering i^ humanity, iend free to all who need it, the* **" recipe and du-ections for making the simple remedy by which he waa cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by ihe advertiser's eipvl- fin..j. n.n o BO oy addressing in perfect con- JOHK B. OGDEN. 5H vJ^!l»Mar at KewTork •fwyotlMr arliclain the froeety liaa kept eoDatantly on hand, and of the faeahaat variety and bekt brands. WILSON BENBOK. MarHhfc. Mey t4«t. IMa. [« MANHOOD Good oows araaoane eaoogb at tlka beat, and it is a pity tp aaa ekotea ijulkan givaD ovar to milk men, with a oeaiain^ ^at not on^ vill their pcogenj never help perpetuate the raoa uf cboiea «ovs, bat that they alas will after a few yearti «t moat. b« m kaA -*â€"' -~t«, losetd^thadary intereat ofta vma- mmam eTi^ «^ try, Wben a farmer getreiiroi tbf wbat l^i a eoaatioa aay beat flow* be rfM^d hsU te, or if lor '"" ""' aar nam ha iada^tt adviaridd f» mO, Sat Mm aril^ ana* [ft te^ m«r wbo wiU keep the aaat aa a bnadar. aad not sacrifiea bar to Um Imodem Molocb of tbe bovine M0# LOST, HOW RESTOIIEI /^TT^ We have recenUy pnblished a new IJi?^)**"**"' " ^- CcLvaawEix's C«*. ^-^ 5 ^-i^BBATM) Es'4AT on the radiaU an4 permanent cure (without medieiaa) of Her. vona Debility, Mental and Physical ineapaei- y,I»aaailn«iUto Marriage, ««., multinii tram ezeesaea. «^ Prioe. in aealed enveloM, onlj g «enta or two postage atmps. The 4eWkMt«d aatluw, in tlu. ateinUa Kaa^, claady demonateatea, tvm ttuitj y^w^Mcoearfnl practioMhat alanning^oi •aVMBMa naj he tadicaUy oniid wittoat the *n»wtmaBBeof jntcmal medicinea or the V^r^r^ • pointing out a mode of em m aMaaawia. oactaia and eOeottal, bj •nfferer, no ne, watn can VeivataiyaadiBtfea^ â€" -JSL^*^ «boaMheij» the haada e( ev^TTootn and e*ei7 naao in the land. THOS. MATHEWS, EmesS EsiaUubnTI MARKDALi;. EVEKYTHINQ IN QUB WNB KEPT ON HAND OR MADE TO ORiitR ON SHORT NOTICE. LIVERY! IN CONNECTION, .i TiMMfanMl Fi.hoatfO tl SC,K«wr« MAKKDAIjE Meat Market. A eonatant Mqtply of Fresh Meats! on hand, at the Lowest Living Prices. Orders solicited, and r^Jiy- Town^"" to all parts oflhe Farmers having fat stock to °;*f^ of, will please leat* their addresses. â- ^^'»*1«. 8TRICTLY CASH. FRED. SARJEANT. *^^js!ry ten Bring tbi (•â- \ WH*ne • '*°^"' '^^e indebted to M*«s ••^•Da^iuiy, Conn., 101 celebrated Daci •-p»KtoT."i^tive-;"^^°^ «.. u.rkdalo base bsll **?^^/?(J supper ornMVt of Grey for a^t- " to play «». Something rewj The ^^ cariosity kno«n or Printing, (whichever you will) At Shortest Notice Orders by Mail or Wire prompti| executed. "STANDARD" OPFICEJ MARKDALE. A. IN Hardwan Gardiner Still draws the crowd fo? Harvest Tools and Harvest Gloves Machine Oils, c., at prices that will not be undersold. J. GARDINER, Dundalk. New Goods. New Goods. Lop^qn House, Dundalk. WvS* Hewetson Cos Suuuuer Importations Borpaaa anything yet o%,Tod to the public for Style, Quality, and Cheapness. Pp;»t- XB^*!^ ^*°» «e»t manufacturers in Emope coubUtinn ttmU, White Oottoni. Bradford and French (3a6hn:eres. in vanoufi sli^*. Jtooagtaat Tanet/ of Paoay and other Dress Goods, lu all th3 Utebt f»bn» Pnia.Maortmeiit of Swics Lace Curtains, Edgings. Li. tiw. i?^i* ^5*1^ EeadT-Made Gents' Clothing, which was so successfulj the PaU and Wintar, will be repeated, in the latest Loudon Styles, a.oo« WHO • latge aaMtrttaent of-Genta' f umiBhiugs, ic. Ewiy Iapartm«nt replete with New and First-class Goods. o«l, and M» for ToniaelTea. Giyeoii tfcriMi, free. Sole Ageni fet tbo Celebrated He? YorifBujirGloYe Fitting PattertJ- Pit aaara vaauej by making tmt family garments from ""'p^ •«fc«IA; fo^lW: l«w SiM. Cateloijues .pd Fa«b.on P-P^* Now. from H«^-"""=;^ £1 Vrtred at Jam^uca. J5,« ie a vc'" «t^ron2 cal ' new .^tock of fraracsj Ktest dcM^'Hs Rt the Standar.l office. ' Mr. G.IlowitirfOwen *ia,e8foralo.l?f^;;«; ?fj; be organised .U-. llr. For furniture, photo fnil ,^„«,aml-wirio,' ..ot..| ]y[axkdale. This IS thcK.'^t U'..' ^itna for sale. X pair of crol ^liivi* • 1 ^t Trimble \\ n " ' " â- Qo not spcn '• " ,|jfty animals. DA«n. Tiimblc «t NVi: in« iDomcu^;*' Af»eli I'l-l "f oovercd in N'v:i ^»' â- -• Trimbl- A Wiui.' • 'i cided ban;' i::- i" 1"-^ " and 8c Don't b;it.'^^ '\- when vou ^•:ui c ' i" for Si'r^-i'^^"""'-^ thnlliii'.; ^^'y 'lit .\J\ Jl' .,1.1 Im \\ 1 mencct now. See Tniulb' .v V.n bootBat».'ic« l.i !»"• Mr. U. NVn-hl thr. wheat on Tuob'.vii..' l-'l it scpiali'i .|""" bast ho tvtr raided. OiirAavii-.i"""V-"^;'"1 a chau',.'e i- a^ivl. v hauuiag M tin- o'l"' ill Mcl!lt1 •J.tUIUtl • '.i:l nil II c.iit Green npv One c:" •â- »:»' y:i.r-l~ dress g.^â- .ll^^. per ya,i'\, V' u\. TjaW n6. 'Moalor.l l(.....l. !.n:-...- ii:\\ Mr ,-ll.l':-. til' rcoiri't'P"i'i' 1 for this l^-ut!. watk. S.^.ll^•"U' "• â- ftll you canâ€" f' '" Aug. ai. Mr\V..i. y..!""" inEuropi'.wni t»-*i BcriplioiiH wci.: 'J.'V'i tOOV'.lu:."'ltiU-t'«""'-^"" trade .H"' tiiut l.o extra vain. t"i- and Winlc- hi; ments ar.: n'^^ Mr WiiflM meK^^i*" " '»â- â- '" " laid up. Sheep and "-I'l" "" the ^Tound. 4'i'!-'-J 'l' ' Mcalora K 'a»l Do;:; li"' '"• ""i "' to be f.ivfuni- p;v" the K"r-'"'i I 1" ' verb." 1'" '.â- '•â- *•'â- ""' BbouUn I ll'i-'-^ -â- "•' Txvopr-f'jul"" • 'â- "â- â- ' the naiiK- 'â- '^•"â- ' ' ,;'" been lUT.'-t. a at L-'l' pressinc S7st.»t,. r i.( York. 'I'i'V v.... money in a ' 'â- •'"' " ttoruif'SJ lli.'V V.' Itl' 111 â- rtl two m,i-M-t rates week. The^e i-npo-st. rflictel wiih fa':r ' Bantone â- • ive "i " but *ilb"ii -.I'""" tbe ui'i.'i-' unpofc'iii' • To o^^^' ' -sill â- ftl-.K-b f The ii-tc! iarful Woiuaii, aitraetive u k«:"1' " aomplcted. In our iKVli^-'V' " ad a new and iut.-ii"l rialetory by oin •: v writers of tl.-e Jay. 1 onaly written. t irawu. the p'"t' w. tha BOeuery elniruii:i-i| â- tory cauiiol lad " attentiuu f."iii '"" As this will i"'"l tnnUy for ntw .^ib- meuce, we inirl all iell their frieiuis Ui' atory for l-mn. 1' readers will n:-^'"""' friends to hub^cni' iothat-i'M lliCK.l- tion would b«' ""*• 1 doing our b.^^t to^pl you not do sometl von appreciate our V^ F.VLL l.N-lil TORONTO.â€" Sc] PnoviNciAi-. â€" Km: S6tli. •B.Grey.â€" i-il-^^ • E.GuEY.â€" il^^li^l S9tb. QutsELC.â€" M.irliJ £gamoNT. â€" lli'l^ •^jyDTaii.â€" Duuday CTHO.N, â€" iall H^yr-i ty|. â€" Chaul ,: J »,,,,:.tri tf'" 111 ' â- W â- lOVi â„¢ IMIII iriiil'll" " (MB