(. II ' \\ i .1 1^1 f h i i t! I i' ,i \m aSLiT^^i^-^S'ds^ Our vith the ndMidy dfacd by Um Do- aiaaoB Oovenuaenl. •fireted «Ub weak ImftS, •laggiib Inrer. or deraugemcut cf the kidnej-H, sbenl 1 prccare a pack«;e of Dr Canon's Liver aud Lmig Cum- fatmi. Bach 60 eeot paeka^a aakea Ibraa pnita of byrop. It u a yalua- bla eoUectioD of rooU. herb*, and Wrkf and ita lesnKs are wondc-rfal. For rale by all dmcgista. Tomer, agant. kfarkdale Parians, agent, Dudalk. A UarkdaliieTisiUuBtljeZcK trod on tiM alligators tail to tee if be nras •liva. It was, dod the Glenel;;er soon foand Limself in the poud. Laving Item whisked tbitlicr by the caudul ttpfeaitge of the rep^e. He res- peela tLe alligator'n tail, and stands An boaest medicitie is the ooblett wwk of man, and we can assure our taiinjjlmt I'r. Fowlera Extract of WAi Strawberry m not only reliable. iMt is almost iufollable to cure Cbol* ara Morbus, Dyaeoter^.Caiikcr of tbe Stdmach and bowels, and tbe various Summer Cumplaints, whose attacks an often sudden and fatal. Kelhr, proprietor rf tba Tuam "Herald, lias boin prosecuted under tba Prerention of Crimes Act for pub- lishing an crticlij eiiconraglDg mor- der. There would be little or no sickness during tbe bot rooutlis of July and August if every 01)0 would take Dr Car- •on's Utomacb and Constipation l^it- tcrs, as they prevent acd cure ell de- rangemeniM of tlio stomach iind bowels Hold in large totf len at 'jO eeiiis by all druggists. Turner, Markdalc I'ar- â- ons, Duu^alk. It is understood that tbe llou. Frank Kmith Iws been bworn i i as member of I'livy C'uncil wiibout portfolio, Hon. 1 L. M.icplicisoii Lcconiiiii' l'rt.si'liJil of the Cuiiiicil. Wk bare made arrangements br »:!iicli we are en»bled to gire to every NEW SUBSCBI3EB to oar paper and to old snbscribers PAYING Uf ADVANCE, axopy of DB. KENDALL'S "Treatise on tie HORSE and His Diseases." This is a standard work, containing an Index of Diseases, which gires tlie symptoms, cause, and tbe best treat- ment fo^iacb a TaW gitfng 01 the principal tlrngs ussd for the horse, with the ordinary dose, efitflta, and antidote wlien a poiaon a table with an engraving of tbe horse's teeth at different ages, with ruka for t*llmg tbe age of the horse a valuable col- lection of receipts, and much other useful infarmation. It is a iock that sjould be in tbe hands of every far- mer and owner of a horse. Now is ^e time to subacribe, or for old robscribers to pay up, and get tjie. book. The Wild Strawlif ri y pliint pos-iOHF- cs rai"o virtue hh a cluaii^iuj;, cot liii!,' astrinjicnt, '.antes' plic, iiud licaHng medicine, and wlieu combiiie'l witli other valuable. v«Kfctablo extnicl -, as in Dr. Fowb.rii Extiaclof Wild Straw- berry, it is an unfaiiinj remedy in all liowel comi-laiiits. Immi'rati')!i n.tiui; frjni Kiuoidou Mail., lip to the 'iul of .Iiinc liow tlint up t) that tirai: upwards nf forty tbausiiiid pe'ijlu hal enttrcil lluni- tobu this iieuso::. Davy it riarli, |)rii,;;;;ists, Itonfruw, writf us .liiiic ;tril. "Wu liavo sold Fowler's Kxtr-iot of Wibl Strawl)crrv for a iiuiab r r;f yar.s ami tind m. til- ing; 'jiiul to if, f r the purimsi; tor j which it. i:i dcsi;,'iied." Dr. I'owler s- KxliMct of \\il(i Mr.iwl-'jiry cini all kiml.s of IJowcl compiaii.ts iurnlout to Hummer aud I'all. A farmfr on tlio iowcr Lnehino int tends siieing tlio Hociety fir [rovct- tlon of cruilty Id aiunials fur (lalu;i;,'es ' to' bis (Top liy l'.iiL;lili sjiarrowF, which til' SOCK ly imp ileii. A ll'IWMSOâ€" (»f on-: d i/iir "J'i;\!:l 1.- Hy' t' any on-; .•iin.liip;; tlii: b .1 roiii' line rbyiiio on'Ti.AiiKUnY,' tliolL-iualk- nblu hitli- 't'ln fur the 1'eeth and Hriiatli. A.sk your dni.L'^i t fur ud- drobs. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. Till- •ttinsi MK-cosfiil ICi-iufdy '•vc-r lii cuVLldl, Ui ill !.- ti.'ltaill .11 it- elli-Cls una does not bli;ti.r. lti;..ij I'li'tur JJixow. Kendall's Spavin Cure. 1I,i.-i;li' ;.. M...Jmj.- 11, 1«1. U. J. KiiM.Ai.i. v Co.,â€" (i, iitv: Tl'iis IS U, tMtif.v tii;il i l.iU' li-fc.l i;.iiil.ill's Spaviu (Jire, iiii'l Jif v r.iliiJ i" tu I -j ail tliat it is ri;'miii uli ' t'j 1j' 1.11! !u Inct in nc too; I liir.' nmoiiAl Ijv iiiiui" llic .-lijov.:: CiJIkus lioiK- S|iu%in-, !;i!!;.l. 1; â- , !~j liuts. :uiit can ilK.'OjJiili/ t.-.tify M.il iv't Ji'iiKti'I it to bo ll;i- !.ۥ t thin-' for iiTiyli.i '.i tanc- I li.ivi; ever n •il. ;:irl liavu tJil ui:iirj' ns 1 liave iiiiulc tl:;it iiiv nl lily fur y ais. J;- -^.. cU' .llv v.iiir. V; V. (i:isT. I'lcon Col T. L. Foster, V .1 N w:., (ibLsiiuy 10, 18S0. Ui. 1:. .;. i:. .....r .V (.....«... ;its: I hud a very \:i;ii.:lI-fl;util.lt'.oii;a!iciiU that I jirizcd v ry li;;-ljh ill- i;;Ll .1 '.11;' l.i.uc ]iaviii on onf jii.uC iiiiil a .-mail •â- uii tlic ntliir wlaeh liiii-Ic Jiiiii VI ly lunt; I Ii;h1 iiiu iiiiJir tin: t-li.'i;;" 111' two vcti iiiriry Mir;"""!!- wliiuli fail- i-il to rtij-r Liiij. I wx-i »tit-' iljiy rcailiiij; tlte .â- iilvi rti'(r.i.'!;t rf Kl'IhI'.M's Si'iviii Cure in till! (.â- Ii:'ii." /â- -.i/i.v..-. I ill !triiiiiitil at oticc il, iry 11. !t!i:I.;" nir iIuiKt'i..l 111 ic til SI ml fill 11, ti;iy 1 r.l' n 1 tl rcibitiii-: 1 took tliem all aii'l thipUi'l.t I v.uuIJ i^ivit it a llionmRli Ir' il. I. Hi lit.. c'.. I'lt; lodiiiit; ii a?i Itlif fi. irtli il ly 111' idit ciM.siil ti. 1.1' lain" iiiiil ll'i- liiMi| liavu dia|i|i'.«eJ. I u.--e 1 iiilt one lK)ttl :!:;'l '•(! M.lt's l':!!:.-! r:ii: a fn e from lciiii|i.i ami a. .-innolli iis :iiiy Imrse iu tlie xlati' Jli- i.i iiiiiri i.v ciirnl. liio eure was -I I iiiiirk.liio t!iat 1 !• t tv.o of niv uei;'Ubors liiivr O.K- niuil'Mi ri ilv â- (. 'Vl! ::t\vi l.ottln Avlio ate uow rc-)«ctfiillv, f.. "r. FOSTKIl. Kendall's npavin Cure. It iM iinccrlaiii ni pri' iit win ther 'I'lllllider IS.iy Ki'i-timi of llu- '.ili;n!;i racifn/ will br opcii'^J this BtUMin. At present the frnd n wi the hiiiiils of llic coiitiiiL'tiii' wli'i refii.-cs to allow ir^inti to pMhs over it. Tbe lirm of f. Sc S. McK.ub; n. Iin^'bi.-i. wrili'S ii« .lmn! 1.1, Bavin;;, "Th'.To IS not aiii'tliiT prepfiratiou c cm recoiiiiiji'iid wirlt mo ii.iich cfiil":- deiM-i' as riinli);k llluod Hitters, us it inviiriiibly ;,'ivi- s Ibo bisf, ,f sntjsfaf- tiiiii." r.ilnlooi; I'locu' I'litters ciin s all ili.scii-jcs id IWood, Livvr an I Kid- li.ys. 'Wh.it Ciiii 1 do for you to iinliico you to go to bed. now •.' a.^keil 'a Lo- well lUitnm of her live-y',ir-olil boy Moi:day i veniii,;;. 'Â¥011 e:in hi ms set up a little loirjier,' v.as tlio youtuj^lcr's response. As a rcuicly for Si;i Sifluie.vs, Tor any irritation of the ^toinaeh and bttwels, lor eauker of iht' bl»iini(-!i and mouth, for piles aiiil heniorriiL," and for all variclii of bowil complaints. Dr. h'owlir's Wild Strawberry is na- ture's true speeili.-. A whole l;in:i!y were p.iis(iinil last wrck by eatui„' strawbernis that liad boon {^rowii near some currant bushes on whieli some hellibore had been sprinkled. W. ri. "r..ekir, I ni:,'gi4, of Water- down, un.iir diti- of .luii-^ 1st, writes that '-Ih. Kowler's K.xtract of Wild! Strawberry cannot be surp:ised.wlien all ntinr relLlMh^ t.ill thil: it coi-ies ti till' rrsi lie. an 1 tiinl fin- i;:il. .!., 1.1:1. li, 1S82. 'â- â- •.. til i.l J This is ••' ill i Iv :iiL-iirs Spavin f. i:. XViUiams, ilnii;t,'ist, â- 1 il" MitU.'iit Ip ilation Mriiiv.tiii.iMi; ii nil iy for ' .jyl.'iiii 1. or Ciirlis. i "IJiiviii iif MVeral yufiis I'l:. I'.. ' ' |.i Ml--' â- :ii i: â- I an-. tii;i;:!i' fr..::i Will; h.ii.i, Oi.i., :•• [â- lii'aii.t!"!- il ill f.i- lliii â- •:i.- i.f S|V:v;u- U. 1 I il I'll il lone j;iii.vl'i -vloe-i -i i..;if,kl(h- ii.;uovc(1, anil cm afilv ;i\ it will, iiin -ve nv.y Sjiavin, (lull or liin !•• no il iiM|icrly ii-eil. 1 have â- a' i, n â- â- •â- Miini 11 !i .1 fr;i ml-- Id ii e it, wJio have iioii" Ml V. itii |i iti 1-; -iiiet.i. 1 j-ladlv make this jiulilie. anil will ansvver an. iiiieatiou:i or II til .-1 lit 1.1" V iirj ,\c. '.lUUKii; BIlYCE. Kendall's Spavin Cure o ill .j \-^ b'!,i;mi. AV: I I :: :i.V!., I'l li. 15, 1.X81. "â- â- â- 'â- I.' \:'.,\ 1 .1., iiiit-i:â€" Soveral "•is ;â- -o 1 irj'iri'l itiy Uihc joint which â- I an tn:.:!;,. iiu-Iil to â- •lOW lh .-ize of ti;;' iii'l ai.--:i'3 ill!' viiy "^i ven: I'liia iiU nil f'l fi I'r or livi wick-i, v.hi 11 I bej'an e iMiii.iir.-. S|:r, tn Cliri' with the Iiiost iiii-n: cauN. .1 \. -O the to 11, .srit;.-;;.U.)iv ri -.itt. It-h.i, i.itiiily leniov- I d tin- inlf.i;'e'r nt r.:i *oi.|.c tii" I imenesa a;. 1 1 Mill. I havi li n;; Uin.un It to be exeel- Iriit liir ho'jv â- l.iit hoifri Kno„- it to he the lust lininii'.nt for hitman !le=h that 1 am ac- iiuaiutfl !:l!. iiir- tiulv. r. 1' LAWItr.NCE. :i.\-, I'll (lit. Si. .f. !l.\-, I'l^l (lit. 27, InNl l':^ r, .1. K:;\i.Ai.i. .V Co., (ilâ- „l^; I l,ave Um d your S|MV'n Cure with ;,'ri at success on |i.iviii.^, villus alid L|ilini6. X knew it to be a ;;â- .,.! iimiy f,,i- rii- lioiiei, bone !-)aviiis, eiit-. '..l an 1 a!l kinM--if laiiiraessi'-dothtr ilillii iill.is al out the hiir'e. One of my men -jii.' 11.1 his aiik'..- \iiy li.id'y. i iipjijiod Kiinlall's Spin ill (;:r. iiul I ne.ii awauy- liiii';; Work Jiko it. I.i w is v.Ul i:i :: f.w iljyM. 1 kii.iiv il ti. Ik ;;... I lor lii.iii Uo v._, il ,is beast. I |ui".iiii,il one..l vi.iir'In.r.i-e.iii till- Horse, by mail for a.'.it-. aiid"l think it was the larans cf f .u i ;/ lai- |0(I on oiic horse that ill/ to the ilii clioiis 'iveii in (laciii stilii*. Voai- tiu'v, \:i.J.rEAi;SON. 1 tivated ail your book for lor i'.lii traU' I Circular, wliieh lM...iliv.' plool of its virlurs. an 1 1 tjml tlie sales I larije and mcriiisin ' â- Wild Straw-' rcsi lie. berry i»ositively curi\ plaints. all ImiucI eoiii- Srnii ariille v,e li.i'il {.'iv. No II Ml .: h ' 1 VI r nil t with su.li uii|Ualiti I 1 s'Hi-. .-s to o:tr knowledge, for beast as weli a; la.iti. Ijiie ;1 jir b.ntle, or six bottles for S" .^ll-ilriiu^'ists lm\e It or nn (jet It lor you, or it v.iil il- .- -it t a'ly t.blr, .-s on rin-jitof irueby the vrojiriitors. lin. 15. J. Kk.nhai.l A Co.. i:no..biii!.Mi Kall-.Vt. Soia by all Druggists. LYM.VN. SOXS I'c CO., M.iitKiil, P. Q. Wtiole.sde A;'i nts .\ melancholy afTair happened at Aytou in connection with tlio excur- sion at the ojicning of the new rail- way to tfii- (lior^jian 15ay. .Vmoug tbe returning excursionists were a mother and daughter named lrnui- raoud. All went well til! Ayton sta- ticu had been ias«el a short diotance, when the mother fell oflf the platform on which they nad been staudiug. The daughter jumped to her assis- tance and fell underneath the wheels of the car. She was instantly killed. The mother was seriously icjured BIUOUSNESS. A farrcd toncue, bad taste iu the mouth, nausea vomiting, variable a^ |»etit«, nlternate diarrlnea and coctivo- ness, faintness, wcariuees, yellow ca.-it of eyes 'and counteuauce, indicates serious bUiary trouble. Jaundice is a dangerous disease, it is in overflow ot bad bile in the circnlation, any of tb«se symptoms should be rmedicd witlioat delay, aud Burdock Biood Bitters is the remedy npou which j'on oay itafolrreiy. Messrs.Heron Hamlin H r.iir.; -I ii uj -.i.e Eugenia House, Hope to .s;i-iro a .share of (itiblic patroDage. The Ka-;eiiia House bciiiR close to The Falls Offers Croat .ittri.ction? to those who arc fond of SCENKUY. «a well as to those who di light in A» Iho river Innii aWve and below the Falls abounds with Sl'KCKLEl) TBOUT. |i BOOT AI«D SHOEJI UlHAiaD«*"T ^«flIU»flie*w«iUi the costoiDsrs ftr |Mt Jhtffot ^trsfeflt^ i|AOft«^^^^ NEW GOODS ARtlVmt DAILY C»U and e«e TheBa. Boots, eithw "ewed or r«gEe«. • yfOtaj. Repairing promptly attended to. All Custom Work Warrapted. I keep the Celebrated Wm Sewing Machines which sre tmrivaUed in besnty of t«i« and power. An kind, of Fsna^oJaTuken in exchange for goods .t theDondalk Boot and Sbeo 8to'« THOS. HANBURY. Dtuidalk, September 2nd, 1691. -;i »««.. Wa* L*»**. Tow* «r Villags Pro»»rty. «» SHOULD SEND FORs i is' Hamolli Upe TAILOR, SYDENHAM STREET, Markdale,July7, 1831. 43 Cm. » MM I Hi m A. M'INTYRE TEA! TEA! TEA! A. M'INTYRE :r^lO"LXr, E^lOVLX, ^lo-o-x- McIXT\RE'B n McINTYRE'H LIQUORS I^IQUORS McINTYKES Cigars, Cigars. MEAL I MEAL I MEAL I McIN TYRE'S Pork, Pork, Pork. McINTYRE'S 'X'en.ss, Teas. And evorything^cpt n in a first-class Grocery aud Liquor Store, always on hand, ciiu.u" rou casu. MiINTYRES OolTee, CJolleo. H tt in HARVEST TOOLS i HARVEST TOOLS Harvest Mitts. H. J. SPROULE, FLESHEETON. Has just received the balance of a very extensive Stock, and is shewing Bixford's Celebrated Scythes, The Hamilton Patent Thumb-and-Pinger Barley Forks, The celebrated Wrastin Grain Cradle. A complete Stock of Forks, Eakes, Snaths, Scythe Stones, Scc. All Goods marked at lowest figures, and WAEEANTED of best Manufacture. One Ton of Preserving Sugar now received. The price will surprise you- .Messr-. Herou Hamlin qjin salclj assure tlia pnbliu that they are deter- mined to do their ptaio6ttoplea.se and acccmtuodatc a.11 comers. Their board and accommcdation shall bo of the best, aud tbcy arc sap[)liel with the verr best brands of LIQUORS, having resolved 4hat the Bar shall be properly attended. Also Good Stabling. Bona fide sqnatters in Qa^ppelle will have justice, but biackmaif squatr I ters wdlbecvictcJ. Grain, Butter, Eggs, Wool, Sheep Skins, or an other produce bought, and highest market-prices paid. I want a large quantity of Butter and Eggs.-before tke 1st of August, for which I am prepared to pay the Highect Price. H, J. SPROULE, Toronto House. Flesherton. Farms for Sale and to Let. CkTALO^Vt SgXa OIT APPUCA-nON wUll I kare ^^^J^^mTvwvn Tfc«r«««y. and wiU be prepared to execute Deerffc Lewc, Mortgages. *e,4e..ne.Uy«Hi correctly. Adric. on 1^ poiol. iree. Also to attend to »U the dillerent departments of my bunnesf. lo every department of my baainess my motto i» Thoroufh- neu and Fau Dealing. year. No p*^ -_ a^an. sre pud loTthe year, snb- .^Uitlje mles. ^^VBBTISING- I'l; I*-- Jo ir,'-.(jino««aB»bif ao4»ft.*io3 'i^ ,„;,, 4U -ti;! '.tH ol if**it»»Hi M t J«(!J *if» " i -TO uaha J ooM9ho.'J ja.nl ""eWSTPRISlNV- .-.foiU 3«iain .Tt^rM V/JLO^T'CiPiMainlaai 0**1 /i l«^4i«V a«o\«J* ta 1 St.. 'ji»r'i imnr.\ iC3|Uf J»n»»Jji: •mJ l to« wl BM laa»»ogtfle |*lfli«Wi?Hinml that «« hm k lu. ' ,r.. ..a .««/«.' »:iiJA|B»3!fc- AMD FLOWEU SEtt)S ***!«•« ^if^Jr^.^ **al ^- s *tf- s r is. --^C •;.••â- ?1 ^aiiBsertioit i«*"*StassrtioBt • â- â- •:/;• Miltet, Carrot â- ^angii Com, c, u.) {»d i'!** amUm Sales e«»««cted. Beats, Accoaats, *c callecle* aa* prompt retarus nia«e. CHABOE8 I^W^-^.^ ;-. ROBT. DAVIS;-^^-^ Conveyancer. Commissioner in B.B.. Real Estate. Loan Insurwuse i^v\ FARMERS MECHANICS' ESTATE, LOAN AND O-era-exal -^g'exa.C3r. PUNDALiK, Ontario. ^â- -â- ^;^. .,., StatuBecy..Sci|ool BookKi Patent Medicines P,k' '• • i'a..( i::.ii-..Dye9tufl8;-P»i«ntb *4?fte, Toilet Soaps, FanVv r*^ PttPeEto^ Chemicak -T^ftr -Coffee, and Tobacco »f t .f T aril v; «â- .'??)â- i J" 'IMt I -J9 vAi ^ll^ne^jW iflo., Meaical Hali N.B.â€" A Quf^fc^ty 53! Jii^^elcbralcd Oil Cake Conveyancing done with care, neafness and despatch. ' A. G. HUNTER. OFFICEâ€" One door touth of Anglo- American Hotel. Dondalk, September Ist, 1881. I-IT. 1882. SPRINC 1882. Great Novelties. Wonderful Attractions. AT THE- TORONTO HOUSE, Prices astonishingly low in every Department. Highest price for Dairy and other produce. Markdalc. May Ist, 1882. Wm BROWN. Markdale PUMP Factory. MAKER OF ALL KINDS OF PUMPS, DllOP VALVE PUMPS, CYLlJSDER PUMPS. CISTERN PUMPS, FORCE PUMPa, Also, ALL KINDS OF IRON PUMPS SUPPLIED. Satisfaction cnaranteed on all my work tbo proof of it is found in tbe fact that I am doing a larger busmess uow tban ever was done in Marndale m tiie Pump business. Remember the stand, 1 door north of Rutledge's llotel, Sydenham Street, Markdale. »50 00 I 87 00 16 00 1 8 00| 4 00 60| 15 ^,^ftStin»«*^-- " ^^ without »pi"Cifi ,.SbedtUl forbid and «* ^^ AU transiturv ftdver -*»^' the office of publKution ' ^^Ndnesday preceediu.: '£ijS'^«€Cuted with. .dTaSlKS. at tbe Office of fâ€" Markdale. nSolusiMtts! QlHECTORY^ '«^t 17.1880. i- Ie iit»i cni-a .Wtill J "St recek .Mieron A Knight, ^IZ^^% .pecialty. and .11 â- .- t^moath thoroMghlT ku.. .-^'n,- Sash and boor Factoi SASH, DOORS^: â- â- â- â- :.:. BLINDS MOULDINGS, ::!',.: :::;:M?.HOLLo\v i;attons. Lumber, tath and Shingles Always on Hand. Orders Promptly Filled. The Subscriber TridiEs t j retam thanks totlie peojiie of MaTl;ili.!.^ aiiil viLltT, lor j very libetttl patronage they ksvegiirEiibini in the i^a.^t, ami Ijcju;; ly doso attm basLaem tomerit'd ODtltitiiMiiceaf-thftMmp. ' ' X hwe no* eiteu J«d iB3rt)«a»na6s.auilwi{l,.iu fnliiio Llc;. .i full Stock uf P INE LUMBERir "-K^ib^t'" make r..:uUr u.y- ^Se iMt Tuesday lu v.rv ,.,..11 T. F. Brown. Surgeon Dentist, ,h filled withhold and A.j.d..-. Teeth iuaeru-d '!:"';.' tural appearanc- â- rf-* •' T^^Ex^ctedNVitlwut 1:,. Frost rro*i. »msTER8, AND ATT.i;N» N- ' *fw Sol.citor«i«Cha,.ov. «...-v "â- Z; 0«on Sound, h»vo r. a..i-l .a ke^ton! Office opeu every Thur- l.^ I olore. _ED Fbost. %unty Crown Attoruc^- RRISTEB, MASTi:U AMIF.J' Kl' ^ETTOLKSnATMXVr.KiT^vr l^ce«â€" Owen Soun L m â- •• •â- J- *,ttVi and in Markdal.-. ov.. M- 1 'â- o.â„¢ «n Friday and s^tml. â- J.W. Fnâ€" T.M I e, on Friday an All IreQt„frotn the North Shore. LiABwS^Bs.souai. i: ..n i anoe»j6kc. Ac. ncrfinOwen Sour. I. nuti-t.n l.- ^f/J. Wolfs Store hu.i m MARKDALE â- W. J. McFarland- S'...r. ••!. Tl.' •' 'â- Ji • I •. H Frid»y of each wwk. «-FundB to lend 011 rc:.«.'iia! 1. Mi.-. A-LLi SIZEfe.iraESSED AND UNDELSSED, ^11 I^inicl^ of*T*la,iil niiel l^"':^n«';v 'I'livnittig Done iu a-iii^t cl.iss uiai liii.- ' VTHOS. McNEA. Markdale Mny 8Tt!i: 188U' • ' :i7.tf iiU. Xarkdale. March lo. Is^-- ll_L OH, HEAR. OU, HEAR. OH, HEM. Squander j-Qur money tfycu want to. if uot, get vouiTliotogranhsof W.BULMER. • Ttie People's ' ' â- Photographer, Flesherlcn *•? :-.'T.-,t •,*»vfji:,'JjT*' ff.t CBa^BOB, Q-C. ^e, March I ASUEBof Marna^-f I.iiiU- -• I'"' ' ' ,Lile Insurance .Vgeut. t;..mim.s^.. â- J B Ac. Conv.yam.r u..d 1. ..'.. tioneer for the County -d 0;« y- t-'" ' "wt.. and Land Sa!-.. I'uwvtuall ji to and charges niiuie very ui-.i. i ioeraie. Sept. 17. !«'"•â- AME into my preuiis. s .." f-'";*'"' J «nd of July, a ud «nd vvl.^i. o.« '„i" out of her Ml .;â- .. A' '•••. Bring property and J...y";: • S' "' e her away. (.hoitJIIK l|.l!...d«-; Aug. tnd 18«2. 'â- ' ' '• Who is again iv;eBare(jt* tak^ Pi^tmt njand*' C'onyinn-iud Eii'.ri: j:'!il' ,1- luTctofon. F^RA.TWKH A li 1 I'^lt .V M t: I IXIXtrS We are receiving ^large stock of, MOTTbRS 'ind ^r-.tto and.o;iHr rmui.-. andFn» Fixings, which *e can, dnd'aeah to sell at Remarkably Low Prices Ctil idJ secure bargains. ' Bring along yo«r-pIctures and have them ccxac J ard eulftrfe'nl by v,.iii n!.! friend. BULMER Flesberton. KuelilO, 1861. it D«trl«. I GET MY WOOL CARDED EVERE HOTEL, HIAKK""" t. SPKOULhT. Propric-lc-r.] Great Excitement in Markdale OVEB THE LABOE ASBITAT.8 OF SPRINC tc SUMMER Goods â€"AT ,-v.^ "GHEAPSIDE." IMl'OETED DIKECT FROM ENGLISH MANUFA-CT^JBiaitS, ji'-,] :i-'.:-."Ciy Dress Qoods, Ca8iH»ej»0#/ â- II All shades. Allcokot. ^)#fl^iiiSffibriu Brilliants, Diapers, Cretciii^ Scotch and West of Ehglanil Diagonal Coatings, Dress shirts/ Tk»,Di£H' A NOBBY STOCK OP PELT HATS. 8TBAW HA^TS « '^- i832.' ^mm' .COMMERCIAL HOTEL PRICEVlLil-'B. Out. Ijarge a-id commoliou H Su'Tildf 1! 1SS2. I Good Bed Booms *c TI,,,. ni " ' '»'â- 'â- "' -AT THE- frd. goodStaUmp and Mtenl.v.. Il-U- J THOH. A October Hl'-t. 1'^*" ^lord.; gooJ^lj^Ys" ATKINSUN. rro,.r,.tc,l DuiidaJlL,.W])ollen Mills. •:; "r..t.,--^ r, '-• ""' 'â- ' Wh^lplOrJou get Yours r.d (• 'Ctr 'M- -, r.rf) p. S.â€" Partie;j i^ddbtedjljfvaoteor book account will please to call wd settle at oQce. ' i-iV..! ^, ' ' '""'"â- â- ;: W. H.PETERSON. DUNDALK, Dec 28, 1881. """ ' (i7-tf. ARtEMESkft WAREHOUSE '.i I'lto toi .lehotBor oi^^ I •1! A. AKent.WiU.an.s^-^i^M, ..^^.__^^_^J Ule. attended m "" V*" ,{.t.r.-Jorat.f Good. «W 0° =«•"«;%?";„, M.cl.m. ,; :â- ! ^uitwidprnami-nUllr.-. ^^^^^^ Undaon sale. MfAVute. Doc. 2ud, l""!- -t •"^fMf^f^f^A^^^^.'Boots an.l Shoes Gro- f P^?s,. Pfmsfi^^Jgp. Stock kert full and well ".«* 1. .,«a r. w.ft8SftOUdbivntfa4jMtvr goods received every- My BRjUiCh' STORE it EUGENIA replenished with fm^mm':mwmt"'c»sh or produce, i ,^ Fuji lanes of QEOCEEIES' N«w«iidFredi. Also. Uige Stock of ' from beii Toronto M»niif«ctawn. ' CBOCIEBT. ^LASSWABE, LAMPS. ETC. HENEY POSTBB. Markdale. i Josepli Gibson PLAIN OUNAMl NfAl. I» I. A H T K it 1 1 %raiTEWASHIS(;-CAT.SOMlNlN' in Shades an.l Col.,r». AB-orkra..ranteed. Cl.ar.;o« n..^- T. E. OAVIJi, BUILDEB 4 CONTRACTOU (Stone a DricV). After c«n.vl«^t.np U l^ W-» Ua aeaaon is «*»'" "" " to do all kinds of *toii- and 111 pUstermg and tuck i«ititiii-. T iliw ^In q »r|3 ftH Tg-y^^ itd^ imi .nwoft gfthuh to •a. Brvoi' S.';-|ti""I ;£::i;AaWbu.ld,n«.lfind.t.c. to give him a call. ,uce corner ol Uro*n and Sr^ Mm^ftttSiTi^mgU Factory \iii»mC.3ai^ m^'mmes for Sale. -iroi tM»V» do»!oM im^eoij -^^V IU. JlLUU^vX. 97 .T«H Wm. Brown. ;e L?, JL^JJimi-ioner in B. B. *c. ^Ij " ^Wt«yM»cing in all its brancl.o •MMlad to and carefully executed e se â- =' «.«.-MoMytoLendonBeal^^ 8«pt. 17. 18S0.