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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 10 Aug 1882, p. 1

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 i T. C. B. RAILWAY. TIME TABLE. Change of Time. OOIXO BOCTH. Exp. a.m. Oueii Bianil, dep. i.'M • 'hal-irortli '.51 V.iUiaiu f.r.l fi.'« Bcrk.l.* »i.l6 M«ikdiile H-'J Kl.-shfrt n C 13 I-Ttiton «-"7 l-uiidalk "J^ ;r.rii*itu '.n ^.i.laiji tlio:! '•â- 'i^ Kh.ill.nrn- 7.34 if reaaoDskla piv^Mon bad bM fur it. At to Um qneKtion «f haw the appantoseonld be obtained, th«t«*e auotber natter. Ho«e Midtbat i«t» could be lened for this pnrpoie, and ar,me aaid not. If it ooold be done by rate, so mneh the better, beeaaia mors eqnitable. bat if not, wh* let the ucee^axry •ppUanee* be porebaaed by pablie nibsehptioa rather tfaM fo ia for iocorporatJOD. It wa« apity there wu nt a greater nomber praaent at at tlie meetiop. Some of tham would probably remember a crowded meet- tbey Itad tome few yean ago, when AB tfwMMkbara, aad ntb«rs _cto jeia aierevaatodto tiM Ddteia Hrfl, m Twaday imt Belt, ai « oelo^ aharp. By ocdar «f Capteia A. MaDoogaU. Tmm. tumt. Sec. MxJ. S(«it a.m. i.m 1.3.' SAH as-t 4 I" 9.C8 «.37 y.2-i 4 48 j 'Dg y 1' "iO-'l ;ije resolntiou to boy ao enyiiie waa lo.HT si' I l»«t 'y »l»o«t 2 or 8 Totea. Had it 11.1 J 5.4; ' fben beer, carried, tbe coat of the ea- M.-Zd 6.5' I 1 .4:» C.f^ II. .-,7 c.i: Ur«iiyt\i)l lep. H.37 IJO 7.15 .M.,niitKc,rCTl..l2.»-s 8.^ Hi.rrisU.n 12.55 9.15 "1 Hw«ti-r 2.25 10.1;- M.ji... Uo»a yi3 2..50 7Ji l;.,;to!i 'J-25 8 2» 8.14 K!i-ii1«-;' '•'â- â- *" 3 43 8.2- AV,„i;,ri;-- 'J.5a 4fl7 8.:vj I'ark'lult I'l'-iS 5.25 'I'.roii'.o .•..1".35 y.2o O'.INO NOKTH. T..r..-. 'I'P- "•' 4..^5 i-;„; ::l. 7.45 K3.-. 1.43 \V„.,',liU" ".^O -.1 52 5.1' Kl^ii.l,irj{ ••^•' 1((.13 5»' noi'oii '-^" m .15 5.311 MoiK. lt'--'l '"Jl i;.o5 5.54 IVefc wHicr 5.15 3.10 Hi.i-ri-H.M *.li 4 25 M ii.t loii- i.. "..37 4.55 »);,,j,-x;ll- H"iO i.'fi T.Ofi ^,^l^!•,^â- '•'il• 10.12 2.-.i3 7;!" M. likiiClU'ii I'l.'^l 2.12 7.47 r ;.;...:. 11.'« :S.12 7.... :i.-.;o :;.r: 11.12 1 1 -5 H ::â- .( 1 â- 'â- ' i-.MOi.ii.5 2;; I 21 5 iO ij.'ii c.o-* ..I J Th« War llew»- Tha ln» •erioâ€" a ug^ g e â€" n t od band between tbe Bntiah troopa and AtM oeearwd on Saturday. A le- eoonaiMMee waa made from Ak-xan- dria ia atrength for tbe parpooe of dataraiaing Arabia exaet poaitwn and stealth. The troopa behaved with a eoolneM aad eoorage that would have delighted the heart of WelUngton. Tbe action, wbteh waa gallantly and â- aeeeaafnllT iba^t, brought forth nnmero'U daeda of bravery which re doood to the credit of the Britiah Army Our loaa waa emailâ€" four kil led and leaa than thirty wounded. Tbe only officer killed waa Laeut. Vy of tbe 60th Riilea, a promisiu* young officer, wlio ia highly spokea of by general Alliaon FABM TBAMSFEBS. aom no rucBa. Maitland acrid a fifty-acre farm in Pilkingtoo. to Johnston, for $S,660. Grey iold a farm of 160 acrea.Weet Oxford, to W. Francia for $9,920. '.jine would have been aaved tsaay timei oTer now inertic Beened to bare come over the people, and inte- rest flagged. Mr Brown said that he aroae on a point of order. Before any diaena- .iion took place, reeolutiooe should be before the meeting. Hd therefore re- quested tbose who bad been named by the chairman to step forward and they noald soon submit resolutions to the meeting. So one came bowcTcr, and Mr W. Brown then propoaed that the police trustees be requested to set about pro- curing a fire engine immediately at a being $62 per acre, coBt of from $120 to $160. Andrew Bell sold hia farm of 100 Mr ]5f jwii said that they had rea- j acres, Vespra, to James Kirk, for ..ou to regret tliut the re««.lutions re- 1 $7,000 casU. Mr. Bell reserves two ".:$" I ferred to by ir Sproi ule had been lost «='«. and two dwelling bouses. • 12 t*.!' y.07 y.2i T!!1I^ Al'Ci. TO I'LIil.l' Mi;r.iiN' i».\i.i:. AT M.MiK 1-iuK KNTiiNi: io liE noroiiT. ril;l. COMl'ANV roUMKU. 1 UK ' wl.l NT BKIGADI' -viitiii;; last. iiiiPtin;,' .1 ill lilt DiifT.rin Hall, i .?â-  i!;..i.ur["se of cnsiiler 1.1:1 i-lia.s;!!;; V i :iU"-iiv â- : M i â-  llH 1 lliir rn!i li.. ii;;;:t r mi '!it. I '.• lit CI .-.-.ill y h!' 1 i.i-- wi..1ms iif tl;' 1 They Lad now seen tbe confluences I of their o*u ueg'igence. Tbe speak- I i.r iioiute;! out what Markdale woulJ ' hiive Llcu had the wind been iu the w est wIku iJiowu'B saw mill was des- iroyed. He also spoke of the great uuhle of labour, and waste of water, ill ;^';iiiiding Mr Lamb's proi'erly and ilit stible whereas, bad tuey bad an i 1: jiiic OP liable tf throwing water even ,0 yaids â€" ^ji'st to the spot where it was '.»}ost re- i.ired â€" the gieatest good couiJ 'je doue with the least expendi- tun; of energy, and a big fire prtvent- td fiom spreading. They wanted a well oieanised company, with some- one at their head as captain to direct and uiRke the most of ibeir combined ener-iert. He thought $12C or $160 would buy a siiilablo engine. As to tlic method ol paying, all taxpayers likely to need it should be liable to share its expen st. If it is for public lis.-, surely tbe public should pay for it. If, liowever th" police trustees i iiad )io ii\ver to lovy a rate, then be j was ill fayour of raisnjg inonev by sub- scription. lr Spionle seconded the motion, af t-r tlic limi'iiig the amount to Si.jd had been struck out. Hemaiu- iiiuicJ Ihitt an engine t. nfeet the re- ijiiiiciiiexts of .Markdale would cost at 'east i^'loO or $3C0. or with plenty of SKIOO. Dr hjproule proposed that a fire ei'iupauy be organised, and that the .is^'*es j'iocure tlie necessary appli- :iiices for the use of the coujoany at â-  iii-e. Tliis was Rccoiuled by Mi* Brown, A'iio s.ioke of the advantages of such out a con I'Miy, nnd its preat value to it.paviir-. Hf I ihc \iiiii.e. 1 he motion was carried. iii\.l. li lliii.^e I'll sent t.) ex Mr Il.iiwn then spoke of the advisa- r Mtw.s. I liility of organi.sing the company im- ..VII. Il.-j.. 1. I'.. !-aul that n.ediately. Ho therefore proposed liit li.iii,' lo Ix" done 'hat tlu' eompany be formed to-night. I,., ion 1.1 a niniiitci' to ' .is was seconded by Mr Grant, and ii • uo!iitioiis to put be ea'ied. The elmiiman then called for Tolnn leer iiifinbirs of a fire company, when uauies were baud- Mr Kd«:rd Pavi^, eliaiiiiiaii of the .•i.-i Iru-tii-^, Win Diected fo p.iili 1 1, 'v 'riti'I tiiat rceeiillv n {."'ii- lye. iu, f' â-  ^^!!" â- â€¢ t" '"'• |./.. Ini.'.liiK aii.l M'tiie .f the â-  'r r'j:.|uc"'i" ;iie sale ol or eoiMx- the tiii-tces :!n'.tliir' in trie luilt 11.- -arir;!..!! .if the riile. I, ii' 111' ;... ' t!i' tni^^ticM V t'l ' vv 1.1: 1.-, for tiiis .i'..'il.of tlie poI'Cr ...V. 01 â- ! I...-- llll ct- III 01 III r that In; ili-iii-.s! d, and talvili to eall John Maitland sold his farm, in Nichol, composed of 110 acres, for $6,000. Mrs. Jame Chesney has sold her farm, Tuckersmith, to F. Elliott, of Westminster, for $6,000. The farm contains 100 acres, 90 of which are cleared. â-² FLOWSB IN A DEAD BABY'S HASD. Aft^aMoft^UU bad died aad h.JKa Sn ^a Auburn. Ifawfcyfago,altiaak«l w« ploek. ZTSmn WM pbeed ia one of tha Hide., little haoda. A day « dapaed between tiiia modait and tbe fa^ ceremaoy. Ia tbe interral the lOMbod m tbe hand ofclayw«e«« ^omdnally unfold. When tbe aer- Tiee waa held ^e bud had become a bioaaom. Tbe P^^'^.f*" -eeoliarpJeaaurbtotbe aflietod fam- uTa^d waa Tery prettily "ferred to by the clergyman, who compared tbe unfoldina ot the roeebud to the Moa- heaven of the cbild. Dye SbaSi. Indigo, Madder, Logwcxxl, Fustic, Camwood, Cochineal, Bluestone, Madder Compound, Copperat, Bichromate Potash, Cream 1 artar, Alum, and many other Articles used in Dyein Ml Baitay Oats iMuijm im. da.lJdtaLU SCRi.p« "*• Pori(.df«««d, Ibb ,...•••••• «••••••••• •M 'g- MARKDALE CATTLE FAIR. The cattle fair last Monday was fairly attended, considering the sea- son of tbe year â€" most of the farmers being engaged at the fall wheat har- vesting. Quite a number of cattle were on the ground, many of which changed hands at good prices. Several head of cattle arrived too late. Farmers and others intending to make sales of cattle would do well to have them on the ground not later than 9 o'clock, as buyers calculate on having tbeir purchases all made be fore 11, and Uke their drove away forthwith Also, a large variety of the best Aniline DyeS;. Medical Hall. tfiiiti OraMtaad, •• Hay W4m4 ** ' OrMBApplas.lM' JjAfd •* Tillow DrrCordWoirf... DCKDALK Ml, Ra. 1... t... 1... 1... 1... ••••• •• ••••••• A •J*** •J* " •lM vn " Baikgr Ftas Oata Potatoes Fock Hay L»te IM • •*•♦• It .7110 .n 75 to n »M to OM TjWUUMX. FLESHEBTON. LSD to 1.15 •• iCtrneUd w«eMy /•- tk* StrnmitFi », «. SprtmU. FUthftm^ Flcur.perbW. tf?? •» f* Spring Wheat p«r taab., rail do. doi. 4o. Bailey Poaa Potatoes Butter, per lb. ....... Bggo, per dea. ••..... Poik, dressed. ....... B«e( • Hides H»T ....... Timothy seed. Wool IjliTtl ....... Tallow •.40 •.74 •.75 0.U •.15 0J» 000 7.«5 i9.0 «.fiO 0.S3 0.10 0.05 IM 145 •.•0 0.40 0.75 0.76 0.1« OM OJOO 0.00 7.60 i4.e s.oo 0.00 0.18 0.07 S"WsS^mi PIM PLBS Ta jesifit^si a* '-^-^ barber •»*»»• ^.f^eUrto grinding 'too â€"y "^^Z McFarl^ 'ureaa ia reduced to U Ho lapidly work, lU. rull ialwaia that isModdl Mat INK AddiM. M Con FPrtlaa^ Maiaa arot4y year span aaiaUr ' Tf CMSOHmVES. TORONTO. ill,' KO tiiat t.oiiie ill li 'iiviil at, mill tin-' I'fl •i.lit.'iiii'i. I iiisliii- 1 soiiif iwtiity four II l".nn of a tnotion niidi rd in. Mr M it, w.i.s till- •1 piMcii-leil lo \i t' ill aft soiiii- nil .•\ nii'i'tiiig of tbe fire company was ' tiiin called, for the following Tuesday vi 11:11 JJ. .Xiter a vote of thanks to tbe chair- 11 an, the Uieetiii" closed. r. I Ml M:l'.. ai.'i and said 'â- '.â-  V. .IS not ilcMraiili' to Mil I !i!i;; 111 w tliat it had Ill ciiKr tliat tliis 1 ;!:i (ir.if't out r«-Kolutioi) Ill lual till' only thiii;,' ' Ill' lliiii wa.s the di^- .i\ ivinl ..liu;: li. and to â- :â-  .•' t! v p.M;'lo a- to ai..l \:'.:.i\ .â-  • Wi-n' \.!1..::.-. ..... i'V :i i;.sT MKKTINC. OF THE FIV-E JiUKiADK. i lie liist rc^ iiiectiiiji of tbe fire !â- . iiU' wjis hclu on Tue.sdav- evening 1 111 iMillfun inai, Mr. v\ !;' r.i i«ii, -I. 1' was elpcicd e !ai :i: â- . iiu.i M. Tli.iiiiiis lleiiiy, SICil" I ii. iiiifiin-ss of ilif lucci'ing was to u ii-.e the voluiiiieis into 11 coiu|a- CUATSWORTH. It is understood that Mr Hopkins will build a large brick hotel on the site of the one recently burned down here. Although it was at first denied that tbe Bain pioperty was iuaured, it turns out otherwise. ' Our citizens should provide them- selves with a fireeugiue of some kind; and that manufactured by Mr John Dobbin, of Owen hk)uud, is probably tbe best that could be bad at a rea- sonable price. Mr Dobbin was out here last week trviug to efi'ect a sale, but a number of 'lie properly owners seem to be very indifferent about it. This is great sbort-si},'litedneKs, for as they are at present fixed they can do littfe or nothing in the way of pieven- aug fire from spreading. 8omo of our best buildings are attached to rows of miserable barrack, and tbe one is sure to suffer with the other. Tbe Hidland show will be held here Tuesday, Oct. 10. The number cf members is greater than in any pre vious year. The next sitting cf the Division Court will be held here on Thursday, Oct. 26. 12.80. Insurauce agents are doing a good business in the village since tbe fire. The number of buildings not insured previous to that disaster was same- :hing startling. Mr McGiil has sold upwards of 200 horse rakes this season, and tbcy are still in demand. A. Turner Co. ff For Sale. Lot 6, Toronto St., acd lot r\ Eliz- abeth St.. Markdale. The '-ove lots are very conveniently t' -xitea the former with a comfbi table dwelling antl blacksmith's shop the eon, and a building suitable for a ciiri;aj;e ^hop. The latter is a vacant lot. Will be 8ild cheap. Apply to Mis. Richard- son, Markdale. 100 3 CAME into my premises on Saturday, the 22ud of July, a led and white tow with a Dioce oat of her left ear. Anv persou provini; property and paying ezp«use9 can take her away. GEO. CBOUTHEB, Holland Centre. Aug. 2Dd 1882. 9'J.4f* Wtieat.fall, per buRh ...H *^ " •* *? Wheat, gpring. do !£ *** A ft Barlev do M to 65 P«a8, do 8S to 85 Bye do. ....... 70 to 75 CloverSeed do. 4 70 to 4 90 lr««sed hogs, per 100 llw... Beef, hind quarters H """?)! Beef.fore quarters ' *** X JUI Butter, large roUs "® " J! ?, Butter, tub dairy 1* K •' 1^ Butter, store-packed 00 to 00 Eggs, fresh, per do» o 17 to 17 Eggs, paokedV. o 00 to 00 Apples, porbrl 50 to 4 00 Potatoes, per bikg 1 60 to ISO H«T ..rrr io6oui4oo Wool. 00 19 to 00 80 Mothers! Mothers!! Mothers t Are yoa disturbed at night and broken ef yoar reat by a sick child soflering and crying with the exeraeiating pain of cutting teeth t If lo. go at onee and get m bottle of MBS. WINSLOW\S 8*X)THINO SYBUP. It wiU reiiere the poor Uttle sufferer immedi- ately â€" depend upon it there is no mistake about it. There is not • mother upon earth who has ever used H, who will not teli you at once that it win reg-'^te the bowels, and give rett to the mother, and relief and health to the child, operating Use magic. It is p«.r- fsetly sate to tisa in all eases, and pleksant to the state, and is tbe preseriptioo of one of the oldeat and beat feoMile pliysieians and nnrMi in tbe Unitod Btatea. Sold every where at » eents a bottle. W-lv Hoy "Wanted, A BOY WANTED TO DBTVE AND take care of a team. Steady employ- ment. Enquire at the Duiidalk Livury. G. B. 1'HIIJ.irs. Dundalk, Aug. 2nd. 18«2. 4" 2* MARKDALE POST OFFICE. The Mail at Markdale Post Office closes as follows Toronto Mail closes 7 00 p.m. Going South 4 SO p.m. " North 11 80 p.m. Owen Sound Mail 7 00 p.m. Church Directory. Chbist Chohch.â€" Sunday next, at 10.S0 7. ^uday School 2 HO J. WABD, Incumbent. Methodist Chobch. â€" Sunday. 10.30 7, Young People's Pryr. Meeting Mon. 6. General Prayer Meeting Thnrsdar, N. A. McDIABMlD. Pastor. Pbesbttebun Chcbch.â€" Sabbath 10.30, 7 Sabbath School 2.30. Bible class Friday evg. 7.30. Flesherton Town, Sabbath 3 30 SabUth Sohod 1. A. WILSON. Pastor a week in your own town ia outfit flee. No risk. Everything new. Capital not required. We will fnrni.-h you everv- thing. Many are making fortunes. Ladi." a make as much as men, and boys and Riiin ' make great pay. Header, if you want a bu i- j ness at whicli yon can make preat pay all tie time you work, write for particulars t- H Hallett a Co., Portland, Mana. T^T .^^ ItT T S 3D, 5,000 CORJS HEMLOCK BARK. THE Undersigned will pay for all su. U Bark, delivered and piled on line of T.. G. B. Ilailwny, $3.25 per cord, measured ,1,1 .,• » .1 Ti 11 J 1 "I'l paid for at iioiiit of deliverv For oar- The directors of the Holland show t.^uUrs and contracts, apply to" have their eye on a certain tarmer of i n. l." van vlock. For Sale. A Good Ono-horse Spring Wagon, nearly new. moveable spriniis. iron axles. Cheap for cash. A))ply to A. TURNER ft CO., 100 1 Medical Hall. GEORGE WILSON. Wholesale and Retail .11' I i.:t'i iir ;. ;o I :.!(â- : lilt \. u;ii,' ;i i .;. I iu)t ^Cl• i i'.lV. IT ;u .:. • v.t i vc- ;n'V»ti'.it til' !oW- Wv's 111 tllU .luv iiii!d use «'i- liu' iutcii.--:s t'f the j Imvuilt the iiecessaiy otticeis 'o oil ii.-. wcik svsteniiitic.illy iiu.i .-^ ii: ciiiisliMiinii (J' .1 biindar siicie- the totv.iship. Said iarmer is eiiar;. ed with having shewn the same buxij- el of Deitil wheat at the show t'ur a uuiaher ot yettrs, taking tirst tuoney eveiy time. To put the diiecturs utt'j their guai'd, he occasuiiiully lends it tu a tiieuti. wiio bUew it tur huu. Liibl year 11 i;ei;;iihour tiiicA'eii it, ..iia l.Hik hibl p'ize tiii» yt.ii il is t.'X|iuct.- i eii hu will shew It UlUitclt. 1 P. O Ad'lriss, 2I.J Jurvis st. Tmonto. .March 2.1. 18H 80-lOi Maikdale Hotel ( \ff.i:!! i.B'M ,111 fiir T--Te' p â-  11- t.i Hii mil ail i.n- (In-; ' ,ti- Maiki.ale. A. IJfino. k. BUTCHER!! BEEF. PORK OB MUTTON SUPPLIED, friim I Hii.|jle pound to a rhole carc«s I at the lowest market prices. FISH FOWL m THOt SEMON Farmer PlRS to l 3 Burns' Block. .Markd.i aviDR Fat Cattle, Sheep, o;- ' e of will do r.ell to call at N. â- :ock, opposite the new Unioi Oct 2.';tli, 1«81 One day iist week wLilt- Mis Itou aiUs auu AJib McNea oi Ma i,iiile v.ei'e on I heir way iioiiie I"oiu M' J. ' .Me.'iiiu.'.i K, wiiiic thev I ,..u bet 1 i eiieii_v-|ii. .. i..,,. Weil- ;h;MW ;,- )..j iul-J ""'oo.' *..d.*t Iv • â- Dl'l' MlltilCVs' CO Jci j OH c II. 'Z, aii^. n.i. .oivly i-m.. ifu •â- â€¢. biou riiid, it was decided to ii- ^eM.)Uf, y ii, i, ,;.;. ihu c:'.j., w.s u{.6et and ojii liu.ics ti. i}\w uui. cue oi liiem ve;^ ikiu' h '.u'^c stoiiu wiiica b â- â€¢ iy the '..... .»'e. Ai'er umi uj" Tke a^wtiae*. iMTiaC •••â-  p«r»M»nuy «vad ot thatdraad aiMase, CoosuqttkMi. by aaiaalerMMdT.iiaaxkMiato mke knowii toUsfaUowraaer««tbeMeHaa«d«we. To aIlwhodesir«it.hewiUMiid a eofj «* the preseriptioB oaod, (fnw of ekaiRe,) with hi Siraattoaa for ftmfMag and aaing the aame whieh tbejr will fiod a soac Cvma for CoM- svitmoif. AsTHiiA. BaoHCHiTia, *e. Parties wishing tbe Preseription, will please address, Be». K. A, WiWn, 149 Penn it.. WiUiamabnrKh, N. Y. M-ly JfinKing»ton- ^, Paraon- new aivt. Too-«»y'^»'^pr.°S At McFarb xal Legi« t^mwt in October. ^, Qoebec Loc«J ^egi' „peel*i SPKCIAL NOTICES. NIL DESPERANDUM. lUrt trEOFie MEMCML THE OBEAT ENGLISH REMEDY, an unfaUinj enre for Seminal Weakness, Speruatorrhea, Impoteocy, and all diseaiMx that follow as a aoqueDce of Self- Abuse as losK of Memory, Universal Betet TddHb I'" tode, Pain in the Back ihmnesa of Vision, Premature old age, and many otner Diseases that lead to IniAnitjr or Consumption snd a Pre- matofo OraTO. i^Fnll partiealar* in onr pamphlet, whieh we desire to send free by mail to every one. The Speei6e Medicine is sold by til Druggists at •1.00 per package, or aiz After Takug. packages for tS-OO, or will be sent free by mail on receipt of the mon«y by addressing. THE tlAT MEDICIIIE CO., I-lr Toroato.Ojt., Canada or Printing, (whichever you ^i At Shortest Notice t| Orders by Mail or Wire promptij executed. "STANDARD" OFFICE MARKDALE. ^^ manv abawle. mantle*.! too B»»°y «• j^t McFarj -nd fnn8«« ,. „, " T^'S till Sept. 16. ^Io»inion expenditure ^^^Skdthe revenue by f 1 -.^.-eott hop growers .„^-^, An excitinR story, • Vwith interest will ,ngwitn ^j |je comntenccu. at once. The oat crop in tie -^.c.o.t Jnt U Lkely to be the ^veral yews. I Mr. Smith the baibobi' »„di. now very c...,ve...e.. 1 next door to Tlie Toronto Kxl biti"' r are 10 b« *2hlel w.ih u lig""*- Xboa«e*nJUr..r^|o., t Ma:"' %1.'" foMhcoinLi-.T.'-iI'tl"-.^' ,8 cben :i'K la t we«K. T'.-. f, â- ,idji'"-»"«"^il" '• ei..-:.Sisl: :d^ ;•"' •J" uc.wtcpusliHif. ward. ifc. .. ;,• iiMH. â-  â-  •"â- â- 'â-  The l"" ' wii: be a «ev rL. .1,1 ,tsn--U Mrs. ScovilU- has ajidui voice on the .A. Oood Ohance. HOCSE and lot lor saleâ€" lot 13â€" corner Mill and Wellington Streets. Markdale, will be sold at a bargain. Apply to George Walker. HoUand, Markdale P. O., or to C. W. BUTL.EDGE *93 3 Stanoabd Uillce. Notbing Like Leatber. M. M. M'LEOD, MABKDALE. NOTtTO BE BEATEN! Ml thoae wlio may have had the misfor- tune to have been bom barefooted will bear in mind that we haye just received the larg- e«t and best stock of leather ever before brought into Markdale, consisting of Spanish Sole, FrwDch Kip and Calf, and are now pre. pared to manufaeture Tiadies. Gents, /onths and Misses boots and shoes, from the stoga to the finest k°°d and prunella. Sewed Work a Specialtir. All work warranted. Invisible patcliiug altc done here. M. M. McLLOD. Markdale, Hcpt. 19t:i. \H •â-  IN Hardware ^^w^WW^VI'WW^TVV^^V^W^WWPWWV^^^PTWWT Gardiner still draws tJie crowd for Harvest Tools and Harvest Gloves Machine Oils, c., at prices that will not be undersold. J. ^-ARDINER, Dundalk. NEW STOCK .4 OENTS WANTKD. -Big pay.â€" Liulit W«rk. Steatly Emplovment. plesfrt*. AiUress, M. L. BYHN, 46 X«us;iu stioe New York. 20 i Ilic •iilr-cri..e- hii just p.. St t'i of iba c'"i a '(. rill i-;! lii'o bii. ou the buiuc iia- j lie iccfc -iig then proceeded to I'l-' • ri-« !iich refiilted as fol- l.i/ 11 e p being koen contests f'lr vT. •â-  fill '•(• dtticcB. exci'emeut run- «â-  â- ^' II 'ic-i :-.r captaiucy, lieuteuan- i-y, auJ secictitiyship. jn-.j'u-. r:'t I \;Hiionco I'lovcJ 1 1 u::ti:v lui.llir.s C':;iiciIs wore «\ :.â-  v.ij::iit hfvllis. (.):ic Ci'Ulu-iili'i.- w.i,i' cJ li.:^ lioiic ill his pnYt of the town. • ii.ul iiK'lliM- wai^tcil Jvi:o, and ..t iist."\«..- wrro coiiUiiually gi iug up, iii.J iiiver c-o!i;iiig ilonii. Tbe l)r iu- t;..:.-.o.l ^lâ- .".bnrno. a s ill place \.i.\ I' t ris \\o:e \\i;. I:i i. iiiiJ ^^ill • !.:â-  1: i. 'i .le ohcr M'heuie â€" i U...: â- â-  h...:iig a ;i!e enj-i'io and a lire I k..-. • .iiiv. l.c I ' c'y iiTfi J wiili. A I I .;iii'aiiy»f lircuicii woiildl u;:i..iubln»;v bo IV .^ bouclit o the \.:".;r.e. Thi-ie l:;id been a g.oat ma- 1 1. .• vain M; rl.,' il.- I:o coi' J co" »t « ^.i\ scii ns li;v,s.i!:d lu.jjht .oly si.y t tl-aturtless U: 1 iOO.CH-i) Won i of j Theo. Hall \v J c. -b .d Iv. 1 d ..-.yo... Tine, j P- bailey i;.c v;.!. ,.c ;â- .... ..ot I t •" n.uou:it,| ^^"-^"^y'ls" f .rlhe li-- h..u ;u a measUiC i.ilieu on ' "• "'I'ls t..o ill. uiiiuce c .niimjles, ui-vcithe- .-- i' ic_).ci»enltd Uie I08.S of ao uiucii Wtr..:U to the couir,.y, auU a large ..cfiis u:'i'il i.;.vc bet u saved 1 iSE rKP.*RTSIESr. C".\i;«â€" Allan McDougall. 1 Lii.tTFN,. â€" T. JJuUarky. •2nd Li :, â-  A.-r â€" Geo. Giaut. 1st BEkt JM.i â€" J. McDoufeiU. 2.VD Cr*chma. â€" J. McEeria. Secf.etabt â€" Tho8. Henry, Ass/. Skc, â€" R. CunuiDgbam. lii^si.i. â€" Wm. N. Hasnett. !s £W\i;dâ€" J. Eiclitids. Liquors, Errors of Youth ".Of^"'l-^^"'^Hna,. Li.iuorM.iuruntvisa Af^om St^^D^^^^^^ Hfew ro.,. l, yot l..oith.,u nt k.,!:.- inv,i!.,I but ,.,e en.Lf A-co- T^fiDECAnndauES o^l^yoSih: ougi.V Piu s... itu liouitvs, s. b.u i,„ic^u^;^,i„i,^ ^j,,,j,.^^j^^^ I have now l'!!i°^'""»'°°""" for the sake of suffering on hand a quality of was soi'U (ij.£,ea. lievoiid a lew slig. â-  u.'jiiiits to iiic ol the tlie shafis f iiie biv^y, aud the geueiai ssditeiiug ol altti^e basket of cueuies tbe damage doue was eli;,!it. r iratn. Wm. Brown J. G. Irving D. .J. bhauabuu P. McAi-iUi' V. m. M- oj D.. Mc lho». McNea i;.S. Bae Jouu Mof at Tbo.s. Moffat Fied Moffat Jas Hogan A. Joje^ 1 hoe. SprouJe A. Mclnt- e Wm BicLaruaoc Geo.P.Ij»d3 METHODIST GAPDEN PARTY. The gurden par.y at the Methodist parsonage on Jjouoajr evening was very largely at euUeu. The grounos »ere euci. cleu with eveij,.-eeu8, ou which were huag several doieu Cui- nese and other lanterns, which gave the place a maguificeut appearance tbe illumination could be seen from almost any part of tlie village. The dining apartment was well palronis- ed, and had to be rtplenisbed with uesh I supplies from tbe bakers long betore I all wera t,e)-ved. I ice cream and lemonade were depo- sed of lei-dily. The organ and piano were each surrounded by a tlirong who discooised m.:oy popular airs, wbacb were evidently highly appreci- a'ed by tbe company. The Bey. Mr. LcDiarmid and his amiable wife did I all in thetr power in providing eoioy- I iCeot for tboae p.-eaent, and ware 'em- la^iitly aaoceaafol. I A.Aot250 W9ia pteaen;, and tiie J net proceefLs JMv.^.«d to f .3. i Wine, Rum, Brandy Whisky Which cannot be equalled in UmrM.i^ -My Bum cannot be exceUed this side Toronto huirinity. jend free to all who need it, the recipe and directions for making tbe simple remely by which be was eared, Sufferers wishing to profit by the â- drertiser's ezperi. ence can o so oy addreasing in perfoet eon- fidenoe, JOHN B. OGDEN, 30-Iv 4S Cadar at Xow Tork Those wishing m pore Wine for Coaaanumw Service will please give me a eall. Teas Coffees, Sugars, Raisins, urrants, c., PORK, And ereiy otlier article ia the freetry Bna k^ ooiirtant^y ou hand, and of the frtabaat variety entlbufct brands. WIL80H BBKBOR. Maikdala, May 34at, 1082. f MANHOOD NOW LOST, NWKSTOIEI We hare reeently pabUahed a Mw 8BAI, ^edition of Dr. CiTLTSBWBu.'a CsLa- HATKS Ea4AT Od tbo radioal aad permanent eure (without medieino) of Nar. voos Debility, Mental and Phyaieal iiieai»ei. ty. Impediments to itlarriage, ttc. rwuftiac from ezeeaaea. Priee. is aealed enraioiM, iialy C ewlo, or two postage atampa. The eekfarated aotbor, in this adadiaUe Eaaay. daadiy deaonatiatea, boas thirty yean' wmBB rn fu l piaetiee, that alamiig 00^ •eqnewiee may be radiealhr eoiod witbovt Ike dangerova.aae of internal mtM^-inf, ot the aae e tbe kaife potatii^ oat a at OMO unle, certain aad means o( wiiah •vcn MiHwt.. wkat Ua ooMditiaB may be. mw M « teaf^ privately and ladieaHy. ^B'Thia LeetamhonU be ia the •very yeath aad a««7 ^Bn n AddTCM TlM OriftHMl MM Ot^ P.O. box 450 41 Jkmm Sc, Hew r«»k THOS. MATMEW3, EmesS Esia^liskeiT MARKDALE. JSiew Godds. New Goods. EVERYTHING IN OUR LII.'E KEFr ON HAND OR MADE TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. LIVERY! IN CONNECTION. MARKDAIjE Meat Market Aeonataat cnpply a| Fresh Meats! aahaa4.attha Lowest liiviog Prices. Orders solicited, and deliv- ered free to aU parts of the Town. Farmers having fat stock to dispose of, WiU please leave toeir addresses. TERMS, STRICTLY GASH. FRED. SARJEANT. LondoQ House, Dundalk. W. S. Hewetson Cos Summer Importations Snrpaaa anything yet offerad to the public for Style, Quality, and Cheapness. Direct from the beat mannfactni^ra in Europe c"""""L" PnnU, White Cotton*, Bradford and French OasliKeres, in "fo^VrhrKs" •lao a great rariety of Fancy and other Dress Goods, in all tlu latesi u" A large Maortment of Swies Lace Curtains, Edgings, c. The Enffliah Be«dy.Made OenU' Clothing, which was so suf»[l' '" tlM FsU sod Winter, will be repeated, in the latest London Stjle*. »"Dg with • kige Mao rUa ent of OeoU' f amishings, Ac. E*«y Departaent replete with New and Firat-class Goods. GiT* n« » Mtll. and M* for TonnelTea. 8OI0 Agrat for the Celebrated IcGiir I Ret M Baiar Glore Fitting Pattens .-.y tli; .•1^ 1. 'rounds •t tl and passionate auger of h New Stow, full f" will shortly be rem inj this paier. §ii i)ci year. tl.isweek.llan.l -i^ -t baud 1 'UV «"*^ ^^" r.-etU. MrTl..... H""» â-  'rf BiMpi-iui; tl'ctu t Dui block. We V ii.f" iw' Orange Vm"v clippt-d "• ' lamb. Rciwrts from tli. I^/»| States p. to -b..w tint IH babilitv that Uk- »1"«^ double tlmt of last yvar. It is IK" w â-º^taUd tliat ,11 rtmui" 11" *1 ..f til. Siibsci Louis.! Wl tbe .xi'ir*tiMn Lornes term .f '11h i.f The fall exhibition "1 agricultural s.*ictv ^^. 1 Pric. viUc ou '^luosaay, l^ October. ilcFV.b't'd do«.^ t.ol overa.b.n..r«».-»b.. .. ,n Older «*!'« ill â-  =^ for tlic U't Htd: AthrilHniT" V ly be c.:'n"i.-.M-.r.j V dltiOll'-*' SCf! .V l;il J It" • A dianiori'l cattle e.Kcl.dt;'!â€". hnibs, lias i-.rnt-d oft .^ bca.l i'l Oaiâ€"-' ijcot"' f, I,;- i 11 »' \,.t\- r.ln.ll.1 in? • -â-  «•!! t • â- ' ' ilV. " •••' III. ,1 v;i)il'l liiirv. N. '.. .... ^;-l" Several .\wi«"""' »'•"• found iu the .SUlo. Tlie mor .l' po- '*| p..v tivceeuls a "i "' tifieeu 'â- â€¢ "' •â- â€¢â€¢)•â- *â-  " •.•111' â- â- . ft »."" ""â-  "" •' sc enoir^'i it- own use. ;Vv. I». » 5- • " CVCUiil- Ul t .|r M.: \J; k.u «e. i '^- «-•" If ,e. i-ud both se uil ^^tqneiit. aVe 'i'ue Mic: 'â-  .k1 «" :3 1.1I it wiiaia a wet-.; t"c:- I I „ii«ii Owen jo 'il e:;cu •ter.oK- Ho.- " ^« "â-  :. ai y- â- OU'sl- «â- â€¢â- "' ".» :a." A eucct». •' 1"=J F.idav lu CO -.^ec'-ol batu.-vcbool,9l'.i"l Mr McLaren and r i-mn wc.« preHt-i- Bcbool. 'lliert^ to be iu a l-^ospe tiraa was sicut m MDMements, 1^ enjcyable d:'y wa'ij tending. frM.

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