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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 3 Aug 1882, p. 4

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 Si S: \V B' 1 r. -I ill- 13 PIDLISHED „. FRIDAY MORNING V^ tj ufc^t "" ""•^ '"^â- ^' " " ..., VI J P.ovincial Provin- â- "" ""l fuio;i:' ne.:. County Bnai- J •'•'• .kIi AUUcrsona au Instructive ^tli*"' '.l ",0 ;i ll'J^e months, 52 il all :. iiif tlif puljlisner.and â- j.-r: wiiiiout paying up „.,*:l.i.- for the y«ar» sub- with the rules. u:it.i ih.vcou ADYKiai-SlNC; ^d Toba i.i-r. .• ::,ii.rtiOU .. rlfijl! tii^t iii-trtiun.. i':l hiiion w^: line .S50 00 27 00 15 00 8 00 i UO 50 13 K^i„,. ,D.I ur... ' fr n iml- r .•/ lit.44" '-^ r«coned l,y tlie |#^.' Viv ;I.-Li:fc«ts witlnit Kpccli; .•â- .ll:-litHl tijlfjorhij and '.JM tt«M»rv â-  Wedues jsj^ pi tc«edini{ VOL.a .--No. 4^^B (uii to d(U) •*i to w • f tan J,T B?ifyTrhlt][)ffiiri| Wm. Lncas Co., BANERS, TWirew^MmaT .econto^'iy '.^oentinnisthe"' on. â-  ceo. Meoj caJ 'tc^' OiJ Cak Sail pr.. |n»ui«' piiywciai^ ejust 'eceiv Ac- 'â- " ^, I 1:i.m1 'Uall rcsldeilc'at 17, ISSO. l-v **«• ALE \or Fact •^W 13ATT0NS. FRAMf |nd Shinglei ^iomptly Filled. MMt. •• '•' M«rkJ»le and â- 'icinity, h, I '1 fnt «n.l i.ope« by do., ..^nu., 'â- â€¢â€¢p n rmi Stock or mberI |orth Shore. ND UNDRESSED 'S. McNEA. S7lf i{. lot, get OH, flEM .V' "-Pijotogriphio/ grapher, Kesherlon ""*•' â- '""â- ^"'•rg.nKMb.reiofof. "" Low Prices, CtUml •it'.WK,.JI,v your old /ri..nd. BULME^ CARDED 1882. en Mills. et Yours uut will H pleasa to eidl ud PETERSON. 67-*/. ?EHOUSE ots ajid Shoes, Gr9- lept full and well ;eived every • flA repleiv'sbed with ek. I 1 or l^roduce. e p'sLctory operapoc. f la^ for Sal« Hoaa. y Cameron Knight, M N 11.1 i N. oxvi:?; -SOI xu, (;,.I.l h ::'i;' ;» fVfi-inlty, nml I'll opera tioio'i â-  'â-  jrft.-iit, .:â-  Ti,. rii')!itli tlMrO!i;;lily nud ooiu- I- if^ruH •!. \lr\ K ii'lit ttill iiinkc ngnlar trips to il%:k^ '•-â- â€¢ '»*' TuvMl«y iv ciaryTaonth. I4Mit:il Jn.rl. T. F. Brown, Sl.'K'.r.ON l^LNTIST, Dr OfW ..i,I»ti«-k. !,; oil -I Illy J I xi:: 1.1 at :.iai;kd.vle li«r (Jlli; V â- . ili. Tilth (il!'1 w'rh fioliliinilAiiiMttafn. .* T' • th in- it' d I'll I! il.l'cr IJa^c. N.itir.,! ..i.^/tMiiMHi '• Fit, £riv/.!: 1 ':isli:i:s. \\\ AiroKN'r.VS-AT t.av., S"1 â-  il. 1 III • iiamiry, kiimv .-»:i' ir-, .V ••â- vcMi .S"i;t'i, havi- resnininl at K|i'tn ft"ii, Ortin- I :ii:ii tvcry Thursdny, as l, Ai.fiiKi. rii'.-T, .I.AV. Fn'isT, LL. B. r., »'r"V.ri .\tloriii V. 1 .1. n%*»M'^, \i;i;isTKi!. .M\sri:i; ankdkimse*; 11: li.iiif IV, Ni.tarv I'lil lie, Couvtvan cr. â- \' t!i. Pnul.I! SI.: [kii I • Mi'li ID Li-.M) AT SIX I'F.i: I iv\, il .1:1:1 1, ill YirKi' ami 111 .M: im i'li-iay CKNT. rh l.ili-, ovir M l-'iir ail I Satuiihiv uvt rv .-.:.h X .i:.ii-. iV l'i'cu»oi'A .Ylurris4»ii. rKI..--.M.I,!( UdKS. CONVKy. AC. Ui-m Ks III i«. â- ,.i w K. w. ;.'â-  iiiiil, I'lilTi-riii li' :;ii'l in Llocii riiur-iLiv S! MARKDALE-. ivir \V. .1. Ml! iii.iin!' I^.iiii' ill ;ii. I I'miiiy t,i â-  ;,ili »,i-^. Ls'Fiiii.U 111 hiil-'ii n;i-iii:.l!«- ti r;ii^. J.MIN 'i:r'i.-.. I.VO. I'inlXN 1Ibi:i .MuikJiUi. .Miuc^i Li.ia^.. yj-K- .Al«xsin«icf iro«rii. 'SSt'El; i' Mmriiic Liena I'iBc aBf- l.;i'i) In lu-u'iet A^tont, I iimiiii%ioni la 1' R. A' 'ouvi ui"r a»il Lii4ciiS0(1 Anriiiiiieer forUi'sVu'iiityof ?rry. FahueiR, M.-r.-li«nt^, anil TMnl SM. l'.iii(i«»i«n»*t- ii'iiili-u t" and rli:iiL" s \i ly muiiiiatc. Pii.-.ivill.' S. |.t, 17. Is^lt. " l-v I A ijotclo. ITIll.K' MI'.l'.TiNy if '.n« UatJlijA^^i'Vs i.f Marlclil. v.llani'-\*iilhi iioW li»'q|ip-f^ fiTin Iliit, I'M K:il:iT. irh-tnomiwlox-Aihtj;)!*- I'.it.-lit ..iloik, f'T ihi 1 iiri" !• of'j the aihi.iUili. of li'lii-l':lr-iii« a .\11U£Elfi;iNE,;_r â-  OtlnT i!i:itti •â- - nifl al-o 'â- â-  (.Miisuttrrl. i full att»iuhiii •!.• 1- ri'oi r-ti'd, K. .I\V1S. fhairuiau l 1' jlieu Ttastocs. siSraa'at.K jio. loo. â- 1, â-  bad pat a detective on her track considered heradsriDg, daogeroas wo- ^- f^fij i^n CARRIAGE WORKS, ,*«i i- i o."si Tlio subaciihcr is preriarfd to snpj.!y public with WAGGONS, DEMOCn.VTS, LL'GGIES, SLEIGHS, • CUTTERS, Together with al! kiiil^i'f n ptiiri in wood or uoa on bh( rt nutiui at lea.simubli.; rates. r. r. TEEl'LE. Dnnaalk. Sep*. 211,1. 19S2. i Iv HAIR OUTTING. Aim .SHAVING 0^ Every Worliing iOay, tSr Orflc -.s TiEtd furTromb Stuncs. Marliaalc, July 21, ISSl. 4r.-3m. GEORaE NOBLE, INSURANCE AND LAND AGENT, LICENSED AUCTION KER l-V-r the Ciii.uty of Ciirv. AoF.XT fur the following rili:ih!i; CVmpauics CITIZ !•:" S-, of Mniiliial, Ail:ICULTi;i;AL, of rtown, and TiiADi: A CUMMt-llCK, (Mutual) of r..i..;iiu. A nniiilMr of C"-- ^i^ I'.iiiai f..r :a!i. aKo Villat.rr I.i.t., AuiiUou Salca eouJucltd iiiTuwn or Conu- try im SIi"rti--it Ni.'i.i 'U"'-;t^ i-.o'lcniti, Hill-, Dl:i- Iv Nu:i llil.l Si ;m.. \-'.i tid. GEO. NOJU.E. M.U.KI.ALK, Muv 2 Hi:. ^1. 2('.-lv $2 Wax -nrn, mf-hv^ fhlcr.if-f.fl. VMtAtr.^ralTTontlniSrsM •PLAIN :af-ftailAMi.Ni-.;i ' i» r^ 'b??j: lii: k, in sji^o't.iitbi »i. 1-. ^All worU t^iujaiitci .1. Tliai'Jjo?. iiioiUratL' hiiln in. â-  K- â-  .â-  ^*l • t .^^ti ,f,«.(i 1).. "J 'â- "â- "H O-ood T77-ox3s:, MODERATE PRICES. l.s Jas uiotto. All the Popiilhr fefyics piadc by J. L. BROWNE. Orcr flic Standard Officf Markdalg. EOBT. ASKIlN^, ll^is cp^nodoat ' l;irs^ Furnit*' ' UNDERTKING ESTAfillSHMENT, Anil till reforc ha= .su^ipUed a want Ljugilclt, Vi' ii^l"""-dly iu ti(i; UaJfcjrtakiug Liue. COSklNS, ' j-!^ CJSKEIS^ i ^* snuorDs, and aU FCNiEAL FURMiSHllfGS, suiplicd on the sUoi-tis notice. • ••' .. .. 3BX»-;: â- ) T.»f:;* RlKUMiTISM, HwiralgJa, Sciatica, Lumbaga, Backaohe, Sorensst •f te Chest, Goat, Quins/, Son Throat, Swoll- ingf and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily *Fttins, Tooth, Ear anil Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and iches. Vo 'mention on rarth aqtial. Pt. Sinem On u » tafe, tmrr^ «Vt»/{« and rhcof. XzIwimI Rfiariiy A trial eotaik but th« compumliTalf triOiiig outlay ..f 50 Tent*, and evary od« .ufTcrlng with pain caa hare cheap and poaiUTe proof of ita daima. DIractloaa In ElcTsn Language*. BOLD BY ALL DSUOOI8T8 AHO PF- At-f^ IB USDIOIHE, â-². VOGXXER CO.. EUGENIA Grist, SawandLath Mills' Hivin;.' iiiado (qtensivc improvements in my Of iB* H il l I -faU- a it iifiilpnt Ixmt give Kuwd sati^f,.ctiol:. GGODJ^LO'JRALvVAYSONHAND. C'nJpiii^ Done Every Day, CuVlolu Sawii;;: shortest notice. and Bills FUled on the LU^^MBER AND LATn ON HAND. ALWAYS A. iKiWletaiiar.»ftJ2^r HO '.tiiii .ii'ra:-.' latiS. ]MailiUil' 1».0. T-113 SAVI*J. REVERE HOTEL, .11 AICKO %o.i::. T. SPROULE. Proprietor. rim IS po).iilar 111 til has had a lar^;i' ad- 1. ilitiuii udihd 111 i:,'iKhly nlittrd, and I't «"»• ^ei'oii.l lo uoiic m the cuuiity. ItooJ .stalilint; and iittiMitivc iwUer. First- cIujis nfoi'iiiiii."d:it;o;i !.•: io;;im'roial travel rTH. Tcriii!* Sil.OO i»«T «lar. IT-ly COMMERCIAL HOTEL PKICKVILLiE. Out. TTJlJJ£lt A- COyXPACTOli; (Htpj»o and y ;!ri.k|. Af,. r I'limplrliiis 1,1 liUiUUiiL:s lus soavon is slid on ihi- iiai-k and i .«iiil \Tork, p^i^rttit- Jf ton..;. Tli-. wlio ci^htifiiii'aU'liiitFWi" WUflii.l il ic lUcif !i:ivanlaK« to 'iv^: him .n tail. ' llfsidi'ucf i-orii. r oi Urown and Sproulc Stetcs, Ma?.ki- U.E. lO-y Liir.;o and pnmuio.l;ii.-t S.implo, Koomti B.xl Kooul-' Ai\ The 15»r rind larde wi'U sui'lliid w-iji t:i.' I' fords goodSt li.lli^: :iTid:itt TUOS. ATKlXi Oitob.r 31.-t. l-^.'^.i. inark.^t «f %â- â-  lliistli-i's S(.N, rrojriet«r iat*rdlut:ta(i«. II. .n. »ibi'aitl* ArcTuiNri'i; anp ciknki'wVL land Anflit. \\'.iii-f.'id Stalii.n. Auctiou Salc attPBdid ui !illj'art..f tlu? (jiunty. lioodn sold in ooninifesioii;' l«t«.- BSoflfta*. I'ianos. OruMo-. iin.l S«i\nu»; fc»eUui«^..Al9p Kruit and Ornanuutal lr.s. Vinos, .\{;ricul- tur*l Iiiii', an 1 Machiuiry of aU kiniUoti'Mle. ' " i â-  " â- â- " --â€" â- â€¢ SALESMEN WANTED. Fonthill Nurseries. l.AB€iEST ty CAXADA. Hbap 0«ic8--T0T^tTNT0, Osi' Bbajich 0«uks-MONTHKAL, P. Q..' ST.PALL,3tw I NURSERIES, FONTHILL, ONL and Wc can force 100 Additionall GanVaewietrt,' Ad I vaDtrDv^ti ^o cw give fulLtime to the •riM t^IsiM^aiLJiitni i^|fMM'L„ wha; vour previous occuj-Wiion has been, A I'ciii.ic MicfcTiNa slidu'.l be cnHcd of the cilizeus of cverj; city, town auJ village in the Doininimi, to consider what slioulil bo done to prevcut the hair from tiiiiiiii^' (iriiy â€" and fulliug out. If this jinportaut question rcei'ived their eurucst con- sideration thoy \Vuu!d niuuimiuutdy decide that snence Imd -at last dis- covered suiucthiuj^ that would answer this purpose â€" and iartliermore would recorumeud Hair Reuewer as being this souicti iiig fir restoring the hair to its natural culor, and pre- vent its falling out. 50 cents per bottle. For sale by all Druggists. SEEING ISBELIEVING.] OENTLEMEX.â€" If vou want .1 :^:-cl;X.s3 Buggie or Wagon MGKEHNA A-MASUN'S CAMIAGE WORKS MARKDALE. ' Th«y^idkD fnppiy you V itli a^hin^ from a lip to I " 'T'oiniVT'rbm tRc'm is to FUBLTITUEEl â-  • t »• r Fitiiii ;li.. (â-  i;!i;H'« t.. the Best and Latest St^ib, Ciill, in avc-.ythiug in tlialme. KOBT. ASKIX. Chcrrv, Butternut, White Ash, Black, l!^piOiȤi^O'+l*W*c?«OK» wanted. Cyiy. M. AKITT, Eugenia. WARfdING! â-  Ukrp is pit it d:;ni;er of tak- ing-' 11" 1 iiMiii .vet fiL-t. If you yv:ilii, ij" Guard Against Sickness! !Keep yonr frft drv and warm I y proeuiiiig ymir â€" raoM â€" KAY THOMAS. wan. terest, and he determu)^ i^ )«ero aU be could from tbQ £arl, and encoura- ged the noble lord to iilwbVielt hit plan to bim. )i!i- ti i His Iord^i|).|J))«ii proceeded to dell tbe captahi that Mis Herocaetle, trljen abe lef^,'««r*ifoods)looked to London bnt got off at tbe next stHtion, and tdl- lowed by tbe detectiv^^. w»UwA,'^o a place .called Bracl^eu HvUow. Davis remaitaedWl ai^ht, got int brough,: and next morou)£ came and toldwbat be bad seen, ' ' '^- Next day I went to soe Sir Peter, and foapd bim determined to separate from Gbevfa. 1 set Davis, tbe de- tective, 10 watch bis moyements for a few days. At nigbt Sir Peter went to Doburg's gambliLRbonBe. There he was met by a visitor, who had sent in bis card (which was picked up by Davis,) who wished to have a private interview. Tbe Laronet naked tdio yisilor what had brought him to Castleford ' I heard of this ghost story.' said be, ' bef ides, I want to find Mrs Vava- •our. But,' eoutiuued-thovibitor, 'let ns hove a game at ecarte.' They iJlayed" (ill after r.:idnight' and as they left Sir Peter said to Dubourg, •I've'wouJlOO from this gentleman to-night, and mean to win as mncb a- fiaiu to-iuor^oTy .night.' ' /â-  ' Don't forget, Dantree, tomorrow night, at ths Scarswood Arms, i rivate room,' 'Dantree !, exclaimed ODonnell, iu terruptifeg'fli? eaH.'wio continued the detective's story. Next night Dantrep and Sir Peter met and played for high stakes, and Sir P«ter lost $40,000. Davis track- ed Dantree, and this w»s â€" Bracken Hollow 1 Davis then concluded that Dantree and Helen Heincasfle were one and the same. ' Impossible ' s-iU the fxcilcd cap- tain. 'I've seen Dr Graves.'coutinned the earl, 'and the result is that I believe the idiot at Bracken Hollow to be Dantree.' 'Wtllj next night which waa last nicbt, they played again. Daatree Ron $80,000. Sir Peter was nearly mad, and flew at Dantiee's throat. Dantree inillcd a revolver from bib pocket, and held it .at the baronet's head till the cheque was signed, when be pockoted both.' 'I shall cash these at the Castleford babk tomorro^y.' said Datitree, ' and remerabtr, I carry a revolver,, don't you be seen out of doors.' Bat Oladaffl ka^Do wiafa i»go in }^ Hetak«l«H»r kw i a k m^ tJfl fSgro wiUr-Mie EM t»SMl M iW tJH»«w*n Iwr !*«*, Hemcastle..ndtre.tedthemattert*. i3^^i%V^l!t. Tbis awakened Poncilrilra in- tJ â-  •â-  â-  Jt, .*â- 'â- ' -J..' ji â- '• i ^Ttisfactiiir. Guariintetd. Med- jiat.-d '•,?. • U' :ill -ize:^. kept ^u' hand. Beuituiiljer the idice pppo^itc the in-w Si.Ou)*iiD Office. 49 Ail work mauiiiiictured from First Cuss Material Iu the Latcat and Best Improved Style, and fici.-ihcdTritb ' Eng-lixli Vn,rnipli Painting Trimming Rigs will receive promjjt attention. oaHk'« .Corner A f.Jt^TIGNAL bONG. First plo'lfjt ttn Q«eoii, this enlemn night, Thru diin1Ji|*Kli»and".i 'very gniist, ,That.uuiu'ii tl^c \iect Cu.suiL^iohtc, ATho. Io(fc. till naii^' countijf liest May iit.-dv_.Ui's oa'v f-ii" fV,r liv«, With larger Iif... from day to day That Luai.'d Iho irue coijH'..i-,,»iive Who Ions tlie uiou'dtr.^d brumhaway. " t^0.^AUAiiJITo|Ui;Jv^S1 ^i _;^ Ooi th • iriitor'.-; hope confound. To the ' i'cat caue of Freudom drink. Myfiicnds, And I'll ^roit ii:,mo of Enghind, Houud and roitnd, All Ecpairs ^^eout^d io !t|cC shortest pvi.^oiblo time couei:it^ut ^Yit^ gooiWorI:maK|*hip. Good Wosjv a ^^I^iJ^ity. Homenibcr the Sho;j, oj'j csiie the Chcapsido D. J. SHAiSTAHAN, .^.;! Markdalc, Tec. 2ud, ISSl. Proprietor. 61. ' ii' T. B. Gilliland, PROV'NCl LARD SURVEYOR, EUGE^'IA P.O. They arc both practical worknitn, snd emplov none but _„ ...rwiV'.,-. .-i ' .wtfXJr-i 1 ' â- Â» « -I- XT fal and external. It cures pain in th or .\che. "It wiil most snrely qoicko They cnaiantee their work Second t-tJoiH fjif IilfeLtuess of Draughlj bad boyeriorit]! lOHFiaiai). T)i«y U5« DotiiJug but ^irst-cl;^ Wiiite Oak for Wagons, niid thrice 'Extra fiJcond r Growth Hiukury fatlijjUt work. Xiie,immeiiseaaioiiiit of tetk. tuojaiU ottt of ^^tKdn!lil *^Mascta"ssbop is swfBflen' '•pi«oi of tb*'«id»T«viiitCtiaa.lliigi Ci^oy for doing good work. ' S;-*:.J-.1 I ';â-  J^-.'.-'i r The BBSt'M'nni OHRAPftiyK i^tHBe £.» start iujiJvlltion topur alr eady ^» ^^ J Poor ch eap work we positively wU not take. â- Jii-J â- '-^pct^attention given tn rc-Trimriine and Bepainting all classes of Carriage Wtiki* most cortait(. A?pl.v f I t STOXF- .1 WXLLTSGTON-, N ut»«;r\nicnj Toronto, Ont. 80-UO â- j'ntcai i^rriâ€" »'bJ retcrinary • Sproule's Hotel. .5,^^ i ri Q iprompiy MiAiVi iaa»\l fUbhtU l-_.i McKENNAMASO^. /o^ 1 1 I'V'i iJarflOliice. llari? 1^^«S ^cei^prol lp|p4^ntion. â-  ' 1 .:/.(ij /I b3J0ft 1 REST ANi: COMFORT to the SUFFEEING Br*iv«'» U«ws«lt«M Puni has no eija:U for relievin.j iai:i, both,] nal and external. It cures pain in the I umat To all the luyal hcarl.s v.holoug To keep our English Empire whole To itll our'uuLio sens, the strong New Englaiid.of the hontheru Pole To Engliind under luiliaa skies T those dark million:! of her rcaim To Canada, v.hoiii v, e love nn 1 prize, Whatever statcaruen hold the hilm. Hands all rouud Ciodthe tr^tor'a hojic confound I«thc-gTeat nam* of England drink. My frikiids. And all her glorioas Colonits, Bound and ronnd. To all onr statesmt-n, so iLoy be True lead'.rs of the land's d»sirc To both pur Houses, may they see Beyond tfa* boroaf;li and the shire 1 We saileA •*terev^f ship could sail, We founded niaiiy, a uiightj Btatc ria.^ Gjd ouj i..reatuecs may not faU i Throtigh craven fears of being great. Hands all round aoi3HVi::A?f; t/-i 1 drink, inAei,' Brfiev/ er, and of double the strength of any otliei' ElixQr or Linimeiit in tjie world, should be' m evcty family bMdy for nse when Tanted • won- Bonnd and round _. lAe^ " •! ' I ii'l I 111' i|i Ml ' I ,. _-| as it reaHr Ji the bd|t reiiibdy i id8,'MlM#^o# bmgKi'*^M^««aU« bottle. i^ij l' l ' i fl XWlal J *. j » W » tI e worid s and by' an $0-lv '.flll»,9|(4^^'l* f ^V, «P. Steinliorf;^;' ' Dundail, Oc t. 12. 1881. „.^^^ ^-^ j ^^^ HORSESHOEI iP(4.M^BpflT8 ,9Mfa^slrg^ nUyed ^bo^t. when abO ffigbuT .It t » I'lT'.a'v init liw b-rt ^1 • I 'il.' •• "fT V Ifr#NnMtii«l liMf ftajFakal, ait- Ucg,«iit«»'^W^V* i*^ ««{ b'Don- flffl Mi^ |iIfa^^««)iUt)«itt-«iM night Ch-^teb XXV. THU: LAST LUIK. On this self- came uiglit, there arri- ved at Castlef' rd station a little lady, dressed in black silk. True her dress was shabby, Sbe took from her breast a letter, it was signed by Lionel Cardonnel, who stated that hifl wife had died at Qne- bfiQ, that be was. on a vi^J to tbe Earl .x)t£uybbuid,.aud tbati^e longed to be with her, as be was 2-1 years ago, and would Ehe meet bim at Bracken Hol- low on tbe night of Atig. 8, at ten of tbe clock. • And 80 this lady â€" Mrs Vavasour â€" liad come from France, and was now on her way to meet ber old lover of years ago. It was \ery dark and as .she neared the bouse, she was startled by a voice, saying, • Harriett, is that you ' ' Lionel I ' She doubted whether it was he. but be persuaded htr to come with him to the house. He took off his coat, and she saw â€" uDt Lionel Cardonncll â€" but Otis. 'Why have you brouj^ht me here ' she cried. ' To tell 2ne â€" about â€" tbeâ€" children â€" you â€" changed â€" at nurse â€" 20 years ago.' 'I know nothing of it. Let me ro, or I'llâ€" • She never finished tbis sentence, for a figure had crept into the room, and the gho^t of Katberiuc Danger- field had made ber fiiiut in a heap right away. 'You're a useful ghost, Katherine,' said Otis to Miss HerucasUe. for itwaa ber. At length sbe recovered, and Otis wrung from her ' tC leugthy written st^^pi^t, ip wEicb she confessed that slie cha'u^^tlife babe left in her care ^•ifli^'wn, that the Cecil fetched by "tne Earl of Ruysland was ber own 'daagkter and not that of tba. Countess who died in ber arms. Tbe countess' â-  dangkt,er was fancied by Oolouel Dan- gerfielcl, bnd sbe was by bim adopted as bis own. When sHe bad finished, cdd Hannah took ber to the room prepared for her and here for tbe present she was kept a prisoner.^ Mr Otis intended to band Harmaa in gfcdoTLer t(rfly wliile^ tliefe jft^i^^ time •â- â€¢â€¢' i/. itTm..;, 'It isnot tSJTlSte'yet, as yet jrou baM^tUdguR^iiniy.^ittSaiies. Katfa: erine' â€" ber face^ushed as he pronoiiir red tbt'flUM, •ad^knU out bis baaid;: 'Katherine, .for-what I have said and idue m tbe. past, tor^ve, I^me be, ".Ton* friiuii, yw«ibtoi*sr i- .i Iff* tak? Mg Ros^ .to prance. Come with »*(! You k'npw Tips6'» stoiy, liotii 86tbjro«i Ifves Lave beieli 'wreckoi b* tbe santA band. •"'•'â-  «-'i^-^' ' Katberine tfeem weirt IhrottgB bet e- ventful history, she broke down at last however^ • • c 'Give up,* siaid O'Donnell; 'pive np this dangerous way, aiad be true to tbo noblo nature that Heaven biis gi ven to you.' • 'I will,' sbeanBiPered.' 'A,i»d you, â€"whom I thought my enemy â€" shall save me. I giye up tbe reyengo. And for tb^ love you bear J|»er, â€" for your sake, â€" I'll (jpare hee.' O'Donnell i^ked at ber in mute as- tonishment, She then told bim tbiit abcbad dig- covered her parentage, but that as an- other WHS ill lior place, and as ber go- ing to her father would bring t bame and disgrace upon ber usurper, sue would not go to bim. 'But right is right,' said tbo cnptaiu •and even if the Burl of Buysland' were yonr father, and though Lady Cecil Were in • yoir plaoe^ still I • ay. Go, tell the truth, whatowr tbe cost may be.' But he saw not lior secret, some men are blind. She said that he could not love lady Ctcil.ol- be -((oiiU not Speak thus of her. • • 'I I'lVe her and leave ber.' 'But would'you leave her if she was within yonr reach ' 'I would still leave her. Poor or rich, gentle or simple, who am I that I should marry a wife I would not like a wife to rough a sjldicis life with me. She rose, and took from her pocket a folded paper. She then lighted a candle. 'Captain O'Donnsll,' she said, 'you have done me a very great service to- day. I have a whimsicul fancy that you should burn this.' He read the Hnporscnption, 'Cou- icssion of Harriet llazmau.' 'What is this ' ask he. 'Somethi'ig that concerns onl^my- self. He then held it lu the flame of the caudle, aud reduced tbe document to ashen. 'I thank you, you baye saved nie from myself. They parted, he to get ready to de- part for Frpuce, but first to persuade Lord Ruysland not to follow her up to-day. 'Farewell,' she said softly 'farewell for ever. If Henry Otis bad been to me what you are, bix years ago 1 had been saved. [to be costinueo.] Brsiprscr. Dcsp! Su-L'in. .ari requested mm to tcU bim wbat b« Commnnioattioti Aao from Co. tre*- Bifi^ filot r, Sv^OB. 1«, aa4 arretfd d£i famditeoieenpibit. BepoH- Nc: -?. rtNict-ffiid ivid^ com- ' ^O'i^wi gifcu lB icrtpait wage at. iakm, ooo. ^».. ... LBm^tb^ npan td B. B. ftdopted. wliicb recommends new bridge on 30 B.r, con. 8 s, Bridge on 5 s.r' to b« shbrfcntfd, nfted and repoind. The i»fidt«ion ««. 10, k)t 18, to be sliort- isnod amed aad rep«ir«d. â- ! $10 W.II granted- for bridge, lot 60, Jifpijt^Sj B. B. on petition of F. Wnewjll, re opening town-line on accotibt of low Stat of tfuanccs, coun- cil cannot take any action iu matter. $$ cnMit^tej.lMi4d,ft.wUMrt oppo- 'Htetotitd^^.a.'*,,:., ..:,.;â-  .,. Report, fiflauce conimitlee redueed Qie followiijg accounts â€" Brown Son $1.50, J, Paul $2, C. Beaty $8. The account for pick was struck ont. These items were ordertd to be paid. Tbe Co. treasurer to charge taxes returned agauist the N J of these lots, and return said taxes to tbe clerk foi collection. Tha clerk was paid $6 for postage. The clprk was instructed to commu- nicate with Melauethou re opening T. line, lots 7G aud 77. N. McKiunon to be commissioner to expend $20 between G. road aud 18 s road, iu place of J. R.Siug who refuses to act. Council adjourned till Aug. 16, at Siughamptou. $1.00. The man who says be is not able to pay for his local newspaper ought to go at onco to the County Court, and have his wife ap|)oiuted his guardian. Remember that a newspaper is worth more to a family than three m')nths' school. Tbe family, taking a paper, live as it were iu a bouse set upon a hill, from Whose windows tbeycan see all tnat is going on iu the world. Do not say you are not able to pay for your paper. Say j'ou don't like the paper. Say you would rather live in ignorance. Declare you don't want your children to learn anj'ihiug. But don't say you can't xmy, for that is to say you lack in true manhood, and ought to be in the poorhouse. Aboye all, don't borrow the paper's, that a bit mean. HOW TO GET RID OF AN UN- WELCOME ViBlTOR. .He,meOIiss Hemcastleln the pas- vS|a«e*£D«o\(ei»B^Uaid. 'T1m world Fball know you as vou are at bA^tJ»t*11IIJhe first to o^. yoB by yoiir true came â€" „ IiADT^Im^njTB.' .•â- ^â- ,^Tte. "1 J •d* .. •â- l l «jd « x 'i !m/. t3lb .V I !â- * 'H ZOgJl'.V Bi;TZD sown. EarJjK^ext mtmiagt oaJy ««"^fetr liours idCter Lo: d BuyFlaud bad tprcu "Eheumafism" says Mr. A. Mcfanl proprietor of the City Hotel, Kingston " used to hold its own pretty well, but 'the days of that here arc o'er.' St. Jacob's Oil, the Groat German Rem- edy has completely conquered tbe rheumatism, and no man need suffer from it any longer. I bad it badly until a short time ago, but I used St. Jacob's Oil and was cured, and so can anyone be cured ift a similar man- ner. ' 'Hollaod township is infected with sbeep thieves. Look ont for a fellow who ie selbdg a wwder to mix witb eeal oil. It id- wtftthtcs*. • .! He worked at a mH), and through htndling soffie bca-ds on whicli some glandered botsca had dropped the fa- thl poison, be eftnght the terrible di- sease. Salmon wai four cents a pound at Montreal on A^g.' 1. Thecoviuiti mat at MeZntfre, July iff" ^emheiM M'»pi(MtA. '^Minutes ;maaiS^- ad»pteff: "" â- ;â- ' ' ' • .-.r« At.icqnwmmeaJ^on wp# fmid froin Provio»iai BtMMoiSealtbse^c-eting cheek- or: fipRfld «( 'contagiosa of^hi-' Kactims diticaMk. PrimitiTo lfttl„dL.t fteld 4i7. Am- Olerpymen. if tbey are (o cb sood, Sf«cliJn«ry ofla ot Tarion* V«»d* ebeap «t t^ Macical HaU, Mirkdale, Kwdil/a TrealiM m, «,« B,m* and it» DiaeaMe at this ofike for li cents. ly ya numbem of orttls are being: ««Tled off by cr.ts £soase ki Nov# Seotia. Sixteen cases of amidl pox baT«- been reported at \* imiipeg. Ei^bt wer^ fatal. ° Buy Kendall's Treatise on Hm Horse and save your beast â€" 15 eents- at tbis offic«. King C«Sewayo, who is in Ecglnnd^ expresses iiopes of bis restorattow r tbe Zulu tbroucr California editors use $50 gold bits lor paper weights, and yet they are no happier than ue fcUows who usa brickbats. Apply pounded raw onions to a do^: ite or snake bite, aud iha wound wilt heal speedily. Shelbnrno town council liaVe decid-^ ed to proceed with tbe building of tbo town ball. WARM. WEATHER. The directors of the Melancthoii' .\gricultural Socioty met recently- lo- a range Kr iheir fail show. 'Pretty warm.' «aiJ a' farmer from Artemesia, as be called for bis paper last Friday. 'Wbafs warm ' said the mau of types. 'Why, the weather.' 'What weather ' 'Why, this weather,' said the .\rtc- mceiuu. 'Well,' said the printer, 'how is this weather different from any other wea- ther ' The fiirmer began to get nervous, and said. 'It was warmer." 'How do you kuow it is ' The wood-cutter begnn to wi-li he had let the fixer-up of letters get on j with his work, ahd said he hadn't heard how the â€" 'Isn't the weather tlie same every- where 'Why, no, some pkces it's warmer, and some colder.' 'What m.ikes it so ' enquired the type-Hclter. 'Wijv, the sun. â€" the heat, tbe .sun's heat.' 'Makes it colder in some places and warmer in others ' queried ths lite- rary man. 'Never beard of such a thing. 'No, no, not that,' said the Arteme- sia controversialist. •Well then, what does make it colder ' The farmer wiped bis per.spiriug forehead, and be guessed 'it was the ice.' • ' 'What ice ' 'Why, the ice â€" thatâ€" was ab â€" fro- zen by the frost.' 'Did you ever see any ice that was not frozen " said the man of letters deritiivcly, 'Why, no, that is, I believe I bare not.' ' Then,' thundered the type-fixer, what are yau talking about ' The farmer said that he had been trj'ing to talk about the wea â€" ' Just then a subscrihcT entered, and tbefaimer took advantage of this to go and op. 11 up a lively couversation with someone else about the wea- ther. The Melancthon Agricultural Soci- ety is said to be iu a very prosperous condition. Kendall's Spavjc Care is highly re- comnicnded by Prof. Williams, tha wonderful borsetumer. John Edge was horribly mangledbjF' the bursting of a griwdstone at tlio Ontario File Works on Fridjiy iiigl«t last. Why will you let your horses suffer from lameness when you can get Kendall's Spavin Cure llcud their advt. The bush fires iu New Jersey caused daiiinge to.the cxletit of a quarter of a millliou of dollars. havor iK'ar' Cust.on)s ofliccrs have caj'tured an illicit still at Canning, Kiu;j's c uiity, aud seized a scnoouor upou wliich lU.: still was secreted. Tiiere is good reason to believe that the Melati'^thon Fail Show will Iu su- perior to any held under the ausiii%.i of 'Jiis Socioty. Over COO cxcursioniirts visited Tor onto from along the lino of the,- B. ou Friday last. Tl«cy visi^redtbo Zoo. i^TIic Rons manufacturing company,- of Walkerton, has assigned. Another bouused institution "burst." TIm* creditors met on Tuesday last The army worm is committing great damage to the crops iu Anna- poli.s county, N. S. Farmer.i arc very much troubled about their crops. A little boy disputing with bis sis- ter recently cxclainn d ' 'Tis true, for ma says so and if ma says so it'tr so if il ain't so.' '1 don't meau to reflect on you,' said one man to another. 'No,' was tlio reply, 'you ar.; not jKilisbcd enough to reflect upou auylKdy.' 'I told her I'd never smoke anoMicr cigar,' he said softly, and I won't. A pip'i's pleuly crood enough for luc' â€" aud he gracefully drew a match. FOUND AT MARKDALE. AFTEB MAVY OAVS. W. Nicholson, of Arran, bad chat- tel mortgage covering his farm aud farm goods held by one Mr. W. Van- duson. Nicholson decamped with a team, a colt, wagon, cow, and otler articles. Alexandria!) daily newR- papcrs 8 are priuted in French, 2 in .\raaic, 2 in Italian, 1 in (ireck, ami 1 in English. There are also week- ly uewspapors. The immigrdiits into tl.« United States dutuig the year ending Juue" yo uuinLered 7.S9,000, the largeKt number ever known, and 11'.(.0(Kr more than during the previouh year. Don't drive a spavined Lorse us long as von can get Kendall b .Spavin Cure Constable Briggs was set on his !for SI a bottl?. Asa j-owerful liui- tiack, and foll'AVcdhiiu toDobbuifon, 'inent lor dcej. seated paiu.-, on bollt where Nicholson had vaiulv tried to mau and beabtil iiaa in., equal. Sc» sell the cow. From thence be went to Desboro, the constable following him over the rough roads of SullivHii township, and advt. AJr. James Mcintosh, of Port Elgin, lias com raencnd sliijj»ing fruit at length arrived at the capital of the ' to Prince Arthur's landi.ig, head of Jjiike Superior. He pent two crates of striitt berries. » qituntrty of cur- towusbip But too late, tbt bird had flown to Chatsworth, whither sped the unwea- ried arm of the law. Again Ue was belnad, and being sure hn was on the right track, he pushed ahead to Wil- liamsford. Hero, for a time he lost till traco of tbe mi.^i-inc one, bnt presently heard that Nicholson had been SEEN -EAB MA£KDAJ.a, ra,uts andelicrries, and as the season advaiices will ship all kiuds of fruit. ^d thither, the Queeds representa- tive drove after him, but here again the fugifive'scemed to have eluded his A man fccedtly ditdin Lather tp. ^^rsner. 'Finally.' says tbe Tara Lcider. 'he procured a good subject, and after a I years of age little coaxing and several judiciously- 1 applied dnuks, Briggs got upon the right track, and accompanied by the Ou Sunday last ^^r. James Higgs. a pensioner of the Otli Qui-en'o Royal Lancers, threw liimsclf into the nvor at Siiult bte. .Marie and was drown- ed. The Lody was recovered soon aftorw.trdfl. A short time ago he lost bis wife, and has since l"^on oiceed- ingly low spirited. On Saturday he attended the narriage of hi« niece, and was last seen between ten and eleven o'clock in tli* evening, Hi» will was txecuttd by the Crowu At- t'ni«- on tlie I'ith lust. Ue was (i^ There is one young mart in Arrwt who will not 'tit up' so bite with U: Markdale peace-maker, fap rrpairel to j j^^.^ .^^ j^^^^^.^ '.^y,,,,^, returning the farm of Mr Fagan, about a mile frord the village.' Here be found tie team, wbicL ha yjng secured, be went again on the •war path, and found the cow on Mr. OMnpbeil's farm. But the wagon he could nq^here find, neither ilm man .^icbolaon. With tke recovered property be set .i rt u oiit for bouK., and safely arrived at| «t np alone new. w bieh wi.l be » b,^ Tara on iJainrday. liaving left there '"'^•"K »« "'« "l" f'"" «" «^' «»' *^ ite prtJ^JU6 1 IMS Jay, ' home Inst Sund y woeV, pretty l»:te at night, be cha«ed by a be»ir ii; Cordock'h Kwamp. Ife iiMid*' p: :d ij»e of his le,?« and escaped. He .• ti scared that his hair 'stootl en t and threw Ins hat off bis bead. Ho didut stop to pick it Rp, either. It li said neatly all tbe yonng ladie» n; that section of tlie towiishrp have t i

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