fM », ,â- 11 i li I in I TboM kllNied with waak hmcs, 'MWpiliTfT. or teaagriMirt at tb* kida^. dMuld pnevn ftpaekaceof Dr Canon't LiTer and Long Com- poond. Each 60 ceot package makes three pmto of byrap. li n a vahia- bla eoQtetioa of rooU. h«ha. and barka, and ita teaalta are wondarfol. For t ale by all drocgisU. Torner, ageot, Markdale Par«oiB, agent, Duodalk. A Dew caretaker at the Zo^ trod on ttie alligator tail to sm if he waa alive. It waa, and the caretaker aooo foand himself in the pond, having been whisked thitlter by the caudal appendage of the reptile. He rea- peets the alhgator'i tail, and atasds clear. An honest medicine is the noblett work of man, and we can aware oar readers that Dr. Fowlers Extract nf Wild Strawberry ts not only reliable, bat is almost infalUble to eare Chol- -sra Morbos, Dysentery.Canker of the '-^luacb and bowels, and the various Complaints, wboae attacki HI 'f.^n sadden and fatal. TJi'^rn vivjold be little or no sickness ;ur::.^' °.ii. hot months of July and Aujf 'i -t if L ry one would take Dr Car- •• â- â- '• .Ji and Onstipation Bit- V prevent aod cure all de- of the stomacL and bowels ' ge bottles at 60 eents by all Turner, Markdale Par- dalk. ' .1 ,. 6tX) excursionists visited Tor- ' â- â- ' :fom along tbe line of the T.G. .. i on Friday last. They visitedthe Zoo. Our Frendnin Wb licve B«^ •rrangesMBii br vrhirb we are enabled te give to ency NEW SUBSCBIdSB to oar paf« and to old aobwnibara PATIMO IM ADVANCE, a copy of DB. KENDALL'S "Treatise on the HORSE and His Disease." DtTNDALK BOOT AND SHOEJf ,Xwn«fVIBa«sri SEEDS lOfST â- â- state Iks f«s«» »• Thisia a standard work, eontaining ao Index of Diseasee, which girea the symptoms, cause, and the beat treat- ment for each a Table, giving all tbe principal drugs used for the bocae, with tlie ordinary dose, effects, and antidote when a poison a table with an engraving of the horse's teeth at diffarent agea, with roles for telling the age of the horse a valuable col- lection of receipts, and much other useful information. It is a book that sjoold be in the hands of every far- mer and owner of a horse. Now is the time to sabaoribe, or for old subscribers to pay up, and get the book. 01 Boots aad Shoes ewr t««*^ •â- *•' The Wild Strawberry plant possess- es rare virtue as a cleansing, coding, astrint'ent, ' antcseplic, and healing medicine, and when combined witli nthfr valuable vegetable extraotfi, as in Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw- berry, it is an.nnfaihng remedy in all liowel complaints. Clergymen, if they are to do good, inuttt b]:eak plainly. Dayy Clark, Druggists, lUnfrew, write us June 8rd. "We have sold F')wIcr'H P'xtract of Wild Strawberry for a number of years, iind find noth- ing equal to if, for the purpose for whicliit is designed." Dr. Fowler's Kx tract of W ild Strawberry cures all kinds of 13owbl complaints incident to Summer and Fall. The rann O'Hricn, arrested in Ven; r'7.uel.i for connection with the Dublin murder turns out to be an impostor. Ho wanted to get a free ride to Eme- ralU Iblc. A RRWAHnâ€" Of one dozen 'Tp.AnER- itv' to liny one sending tlie Ix^t four linn rliynic on'TF.AiiifKHY,' the remark- able little from for the Teeth and Mnatli. Ask your druggist for ad- dress. Nonrly .lO iloallifi occurred at New Yock ou Tuesday through the cxccs- bi\'e hcnt. Till- linn of J. it S. McEachcii, D'uglas, writns ua June Ist, saying, *• rii'To IS not another preparation we cm iicoiiiiiieiid with so much confi- ilenrt- jH iJurdojk lUood Bitters, as it iiiviiriiihly givoi tli^ best of satisfac- tion." iSurdock Blood Bitters cures nil ilisonses of Blood, Liver and Kid- neys. 'I'lu.' CaiKi'Ia .\tlHntic Uailway will shortly be opened for traffic. Trial triji last uek. For a long time thero has been a neei for just sm-h a liuimeut as K':ii- diJl 8 Spavin Cure. Mr Jiiines Smith, Rama, has about ♦he best field of wheat in Ontario. It â- nsiirt over .six ftet in heigth well •ars. 10 Jy for Sea Sickness, for iu of the stomach and iiker of tho stomach and s and heinorrage*^ ' and of bowel complaints, v'ild Strawberry is iia- icific. .imily were poisoned last '.ug strawberries that had • .n near some currant 1 which some hcUibore had â- 1 .ukli'd. V*. n. Crookflr, Druggist, of Water- v.u, under date of June Ist, writes iiat "Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild otriwliorry eaniiot be surpassed, when allotiur rou.edios fail then it comes to the re.scue, and 1 find the sales hurpo and iiicroasjui:. " Wild Straw- boriv positively cures all Bowel com- plaiiit.-*. TlieT.d.A B. Ry. continues to make rapid proinrss nothing proves this so much as (he trallic returns, whiclt are now nearly {400C per week more than last year. C. M. Moseinan k Bros.' office is tho head-centre for all prsminent horcemen of New York City. In a letttr of recent date says "We are perfectly satisfied that there never was anything made to equal Kendall's Bpavin Cute, nor can there be any- tluog to take its place, aa it removes the troa^le, and no remedy can do more." Bead wlvertisaaent. .» Horse owners canipt lAord to ov- erlook the wonderful flieeese of Ktn daU'« Fpavin Cure. BILIOUSNESS. A fnrrod tonsrur, bad ta«te in the mouth, nausea vomitiog, variable ap' petite, ullernale diarrhoea and ooetive- neaa, famtnesti, wearin 88, yell )w cask of "eyes and counteuauce, inlieatee aiikuw biliary trouble. Jaundice is a dangeroaaiMeaae, it is an oyerflow t k*A bile A the oircnlatixi, any ot Umm symJinu should be remedied without delay, and Burdock Blood Brt»«»» is the remedy upon wliich yon â- •y ""XfelT l^ly. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. Tbe Btoat aacceaetal Beaie^y ever ditteuvereil as it u certain in its effects and does not blmter. Bsad Paoor Below. Kendall's Spavin Cure. Hamilton, Mo.. June 14, i881. B. J. KxMDALL fc Co., â€" Oents: â€" This u to certify tliat I have used Kendall's BpaTia Cure, aod have found it to be all that it is recommended to be and in fact more too; I have remoTed by using the above Gallons Bone Spavins, Bing-bone, Splints, and can cheerfully testify and recommend it to be the best thing for anv bony substance I have ever naed, and have tried many as I have made that my study for yiiars. ilesjiectfollv yoius, â- p. V. CBIST. TROm Col* T. L. Foster. You.NosTOWN, Ohio, May 10, 1880. Db n. .f. KENtAi.i, (t Co., Gents: â€" I had a very valuable Hambletonian colt that I prized very highly, he liad a largo bone spavin on one joint and a small one on the other which made him very lime; I had him under tbe charge of two veterinary surgeons which fail- ed to cure him. I vras one day reading the advertisement of Kendall's Sp:«vin Cure in tbe Chicago Kxprens. I determined at once to try it, and got our drug;;ist here ti ^end f(.r it, they ordered three bottle.s; I took them all and thou^^ht I would give it a thorough trial, I used it according to directions and the fourth day the colt censed to be lam^ and the lumps liave disappeared. I used but one bottle Riiil the oilt's linils are as free from lumps and as .smooth as any horse in the state. He. is entirely cured. The cure was so remarkable lliat I let two of my neighbors have the remaining two bottles who are now using it. Very respectfully, L. T. FOSTEIi. Kendairs Spavin Cure. \ViN.iHAM,()]il.,.Ian. 17, 1H82. Rb. H, J, Kknkai.i. a Co., Gents; â€" This is to certify that I have used Kendall's Spavin Cure, bought from C. E. Williams, druggist, Wingham, Unt,. and do nithout hesitation pronounce it to be an invaluable rem(4y for the cure of Spavins, Itingbones, or Curbs. I used it (^n a bone spavin of several years growth which it completely removed, and I can safely .say it will remove any Spavin, Curb or Binglione it properly used. I have also recommended friends to use it, who have done so with perfect snecess. I gladly make this public, and will answer any qne^tious or letters sent me. Yours r. GEOBGE BRYCE. Kendall's Spavin Cure ON 111 mAN FL.ESH. West ENcjsBtROB. Vt.. Feb. 15, !881. IIr. H. .1. Kksdali. a Co., Gents: â€" Several mouths ago F injured my knee joint which caused nil enlargement to grow the sizf of a walnut and caused me verj" severe pain all the tinu' for four or live weeks, when I began to use Kendall's Spavin Cure with the most satisfactory results. It has entirely remov- ed the enlar:jpraent and stopped the lameness and pain. 1 have long known it to be excel- lent for horses but now I Know it to be tlie best liniment for human flesh that I am ae- â- luainttd with. Y'ours truly, T. P. LA WHENCE. St. John, P Q Oct. 27, 1681. Pn. B. J. K:niiall Co., Gents: â€" I have used your Spavin Cure with great suecerson spavins, curbs and splints. I know it to be a gooil V, un My for riugLLue». bone epavius, cuts, gall- HM'l all kinds of lameness and other diDicultics iil'out the horse. One of my men sprained his ankle very badly. I applied Kt ndall's Spavin Cure and I never saw any- thing work liKe it, he was well in a few days. I know it to be pood for man as well as beast. I procured One of jour Treatise on the Horse, by mail for ^.Vts. and I think it was the means cf saving; me f 1U() on one horse that I treated accordiu/ to the directions given in your book for displaced stifle. Yours tmlv, Wm.J.PEABSON. Send address for Illustrated Circular, which we thii.k K'ves positive prool of its virtues. No remedy has ever met with such uuijualifi- ed si-.eccss to our knowledge, for beast as well as man. Pritc $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $5. All druggists have it or an get it tor yon, c r it wilj be sent to any address on recept of price by the proprietors. Da. B. J. Kendau. St Co., Enosburgh Fall.' Vt. Sold by all Druggists. LYMAN, SONS 4 CO.. Montreal, P. Q. Wlii.lesale Agents Messrs.Heroii SHamiin Having started the Eugenia House, Hope to lectiTe a ahare of pablie patroaa^ The Eogenia Uoose being dose to The Falls Oflen great attractions to those who are fond of SCENEBY. aa well as to those who delight in .A. IV O I^ I IV O, Aa Ura riTw hotk ah»T« and Mow Um FaUs aboonda with SrECELED TBODT. Hessr ' Heroa.^'^amlin can safely aesare the public tbat they are deter- mined to do their utmost to please and McrnNoodate all jomert: Tbeflr board and accommodation shall be of tbe best, and tfaey are sapplied with the Tery best brands of LIQUOBS, having resolved that the Bar shall be properly attended. Also Good Stabling. NEW 600D8 ARIlVINfi DAILY Oall and S«e Tliona. BooU, eithar aewed «r pens' a ipMiaUy. Repairing promptly attended to. All Curtom WoA Warranted. I keep the Celebrated Wanier Seiing lacliiMS C«,,tontlyonhana.'bid.IseUT»7eh-apteeaah. Alsoth. I0M:I3VI01V O-RGAffM whieh are tmrivalled in beauty of tone and poww. .-a gh«» AU kind. cy««ftodao. taken in exchange for good. a. U-Dundalk Beet and SI- S'"' TH08. HAHBURY. Pnndalk, Sepiwnfcer Sad, i88i. " SHOULD SEND FOR Dam Mafflnii Galalogiie Farms for Sale and to Let. W« *••» jkl inlom the {wmmA Lumuiuurtyik^ "^^^^ • choice gtock of " ^njl Those h«»«i likeHfop«ti- todJspoeso* CAIALOGOT Snrr W AFMJCATIOH. TAILOR, SYDENHAM STBEET. AacOMi Sale* c*i „ „'i,dwfllb«pw|iare*»««M«»«'*^*^ to an iha difcwBt dsp«tiMi»«» «* "y b"*«^ of ay bMiMSs my Mtte ii TbsfM^ asss aad Tair DsaliBC. .â- 4m:te«. Berts, Aee^mto, *«n '••ll«««« â- â- CHABOES IOW. ^f COMPBISING doYett Timothy, HtO^ariaal Grass Tares, c. W* woaW alto remiod the public in Reneral that wt "LZ^tl, I OABDEN AND FLOWER SEEDS '^l* J Stationery School Books, Patent Medkiow Perf„ I Dyestuffs. Paints Oils, Toilet Soaps, Failcy gS?) Pure Drugs Chemicals Tea, Coffee, and Tobacco. MiUet Carrot, Mangel Corn, c, »**^ •-. and ProTiDCiai J OF ^vEuax.xc do. f- ' ••^e*. first i«"'"«| uent lui of li' lth« nnmber ' 'r^apied mca" °^ Idvertiseri ihJw'S.iesiisy p| c' Markdale, July 7, 1881. 4S4a. ;|»OCftK$3$9« A. M'INTYRE TEA! TEA! TEA! A. M'INTYRE rrUO-CLX, F lO-UJ E^lOVLX- McINTiRE'S ROBT. DAVIS* Conyeyanoer. Commissioner in B.B.. BeJ Estate. Loan Insnanee Ag«t FARMERS tt MECHANICS' ESTATE, LOAN AND DUNDALK, Ontario. C^ivoancinc dan* with cart, laatMat aad datpateh. ' A. G. HUNTRR. A. Turner Sc Co., Medical Hall N.B.â€" A Quantity of the celebrated Oil Cake just ^^;^„u ». v.... t] Sur^ooat .Accf ,., ' arc. OFFICEâ€" One door «m» of AngUhAwuriean H«UL Dnndalk, September 1st, 1881. LIT. 1882. SPRING 1882. Great Novelffes. McINTYRES LIQUORS I_LiQU0R8 McINTYRE'S Cigars, Cigars. McINTYRES CJoffee, CofTee. MEALI MEAL! MEAL! McINTYRE'8 Pork, Pork. Pork. McINTYRE'8 rreas. Teas. And everythingPcept n in a first-clas.i Grocery and Liquor Store. ' -^waya on hand, cbeap ros cash. €%(0$%sx$a HARVEST TOOLS ' HARVEST TOOLS Harvest Mitts. K. J. SPKOX7LE, FLESHEKTON. Has just received the balance of a veryextensive Stock, and is shewing Bixford's Celebrated Scythes, The Hamilton Patent Thumb-and-Finger Barley Forks, The celebrated Wrastin Grain Cradle. Wonderful Attractions. .AT THE TORONTO HOUSE, M A B K D A L E Sash and Door Factoi SASH, DOORS, BLINDS MOULDINGS, HOLLOW BATTONS, FRA)| Lumber, Lath and Shingle Always on Hand. Orders Promptly Pilled Cameron " (jold Fill.";- ' ' T.N " ti..' y- tion» op*'" liar' -uES'^-^^-"'^^""' Io»» t:»l « " pr. T. F. Br| Artificial .- Hatiiriil-H'l'^-^' T.-.tlil. '" *â- Ceo-*' B AinusTi'.i"-!* -o- oncers, Vc. Sol • 1"" O-.v " ttni-' A complete Stock of Forks, Rakes, Snaths, Scythe Stones, c. All Goods marked at lowest figures, and WABRANTED of best Manufacture. One Ton of Preserving Sugar now received. The price will surprise you* Grain, Butter, Eggs, Wool, Sheep Skins, or an other produce bought, and highest market prices paid. I wanTa large quantity of Butter and Eggs, before the 1st of .^i^st, for which I am prepared to pay the Highest Price. R. J. SPHOX7LE, Toronto House. Flesherton. Prices astonishingly low in every Department. BQghest price for Dairy and other produce. Markdale, Ifay 1st, 1882. Wm BROWN. The 8abMrib«r wishea t^ return tbanlcfc to tbe people nf Markdkle and ricmiti, Tery liberal patronage they bare given him in tbe past, and bopex by clo»« ttto^l bnsinesa to merit a cootinoanee of tbe same. I hare now extended my bnainess.and will in fntnre keep a (nil Stock of P INE LUMBE Direct from the North Shore. AT.T. SIZES, DBESSED AND UNDRESSED A.\\ liinds ori*ljaiii ancl Vviwoy Xurnini Done in a first class masner. THOS. McNEA Markdale May 27th. 1881. r^f Markdale PUMP Factory. MAKER OF ALL KINDS OF PUMPS, DROP VALVE PUMPS, CYLINDER PUMPS, CISTERN PUMPS, FORCE PUMPS, Also, ALL KINDS OF IRON PUMPS SUPPLIED. Satisfaction enaranteed on all my work the prooCof it is fonnd in the fact tbat I am doing a larger basincss now than ever was done in Marxdale in the Pamp business. Remember tbe stand, 1 door north of Rotledgs's Hotel Sydenham Street, Markdale. Great Excitement in Markdale OVXa TBI LABOS ABBTT ATJ or SPRING SUMMER Goods -AT- "CHEAPSIDE." IMPORTED DIRECT FROM ENGLISH MANUFACTUBER8. oomnmio or Dress Goods, Cashmeres, Muslins Brilliants, Diapers, Cretonnes, Scotch and West of England Twoeds, Diagonal Coatings, Dress shirts, Ties, Ducks, A MOBBY STOCK OF FELT HATS. 8TBAW HATS ABUfflUNCR. Full Lines of GBOCBBIES CBOCKEBT. QLA88WABE, IiA]IP8.BT0. POSTER. Markdale. OH, BEAR. OH^HEAR. OH, HMl Squander jocr money if yen want to. if not, get vourPbotographioI W. BULMER, The People's Photographer, Flesherl( Who is as*a preparM te tdie F!etv«8, and do Copying' and finlargin; a« br«totai Kii^A.i\fKs A]Nr Fit A:\ii: i^^ixingii WearereeeinngalarKestoekof MOTTOBS and Votto and otlierFramot.udl Fixings, which we can, and mean to aeU at Rfemarkably Low Prices, Ctli M seoare bargaiaa. Bring along joxa pietvrea and have them ctv^ ^^^ enlarged by your old timk bulme;| Flesherton. beretofore. a.i,rR«D Vr"~t. Coiuty »'••â- •â- 2\ â- â€" â€" J ,j»^...a' B.UUUSXi i: ' in CUaii' 1 «er, t- •,..â- . MOSKY T«) 1/. • Officâ€" 'v.. .. Pottlett St.; "•â- 'â- ' jand* Siori-, -ii .^eek. BMUilST! '• Orri r- ' ovwNV I- ' MA' Over NV â- •â- • â€" audl'li'l^*.^ "i â- jaf Fill"' 'â- " " John Cm v*-' M;ii»t L.J, 1- -SSTEli (-:*»" li. a. •^•"-T Mctioiietrl-rtl-JV- «4Eeramnti.. «n'l T'*^' tendeit. .•â- â- â- » ••" ' l'ru-"v ' â- I ;»» • F '» 5 AiTui;- lerin H li'-- Eight â- â- 'â- •I'" ' -the »Jvi.mA»-i-.' Oth.nrU' full all' •'â- 'â- " FleahertoB. MaiohlO. 1881. I GET MY WOOL GABBEl) 1882. 1882. Dundalk Woollen Mills. Where do you get Yours p. S â€" PartiM indebted by note or book account will please U c»ll »»• â- attle at enoe. „^^ W. H. PETEBSON. DCKDAIil, Dm. SS, 1881. 6741. ARTEMESIA WAREHOUSE FJL.E:i9i£E:Rrroiv station.. Dry Goods, Hardware, Crockery, Boots and Shoes, Gr^ cerfcs, Provisions, c. Stock kept full and veil assorted with new goods received every week My BRANCH STORE at EUGENIA replenished with New Goods every week. Ww aaJe Cheap for Cash or Produce. REVERlc: •r. sPH^JUi'"' THIS I'T"'" "â- â- Oood sta\.l..v- «'â- •' l,ar«' ni I • â- Oood B«'» "" â- " wfU Mivr â- â- lords; t;t"'.j.j|,,^ Oclol..r:i» ' »- â- K.n. «-«»' (^^i atten- Goods soil ' â- ' Piano. ' fruit »"'l '" â- tar«l imr'-; ' kind»b»t*»" ^Y, I.. i.^ni »!'• •'•*â- To ur:n "'â- "'*• " FonthiU I..%B« ;IT 1 1UAI^»" â- •%.,,. BaA^: j:, U Ol»" ' l.l' NURStRlES. F( IY Wecai slat I ' Saw MiU and Shingle FactoiT At LITTLE FALLS are in operation. LttmlMr, UMi, Broom Handlef fw »f*^ Wm. SOGw- 100 Additioi^ ant n- ,•11 K.U ' ' whatyour I'K" '• ill »i.' to â- TON" k