•^^uu t â- parrot, Corn, S' ^•â- al tJiat we 1,1 ^• Tobacco, ^eaical Hail "Sy MORNrNG (#»*, Jnc! County Bu*.- U'ju tUevear. Nopa- ls '!i all w^*-*" T ^\ Pf'^« •itli"'" P^J"" °P L- P'PT .„, the Tears sub- .1 all arrears are paid '"' ofthep"""'"'"** â- »--„rs •'""â- "' p*^'"" "y* I*' 'lie for the Tcara sub- rf J^P'" " '" "'"' f ADVEBTISISG: " ..ISO 00 ^J«*^ ;... 27 l* ,io. 15 00 iJ- ' 8 00 i • 4 00 ' msfrli-m â- • "i „,,.(;.. tiK^Tl"""-- lo ' ;n-trl.o:i • • f bI j:'-^^"" '" ,urcd bv a ^cale of solid f^Jrrri.nt' «i:liout specific r r. v. All trausitorv adver- K'l ";•]:'" 'tliec of publication ^.'i.,. Wtiue-'lav preceedint' JJb rr;iNTi!G jeicri'i't:'" executed with "",:t,|i:'fli :it the Oflice of J^Pt, MnrkJiilc. [•, i;l i(.!:;'i^ TBOPniETOB. tsioNAL AND BUSINESS i, RECTORY. l^i-oiilc A AriiiHlioug, £5 Surgeon-. Accoucheur c. ^^UJ(•;J Hall; rusidtuce af ' 0,1 Cal 17. H-^" Iv '^C Just r^nijii Jiirl. I w--f;Ci\ !i-ip to inform tiie cit- niiii-i. Su Ti.l uij'l 111' surronnd- '.,.,. h- ii" 'II 'â- '"••' the serri- '" ^- V KM'.iir. 1.,I).8.. Silver '"'.. 11' â- • il â- â- IrKfi of I)ental 'â- [.:'â- â- "â- 'â- """ Fillincs a Speoi- r ,_ v.'3 ii|" II the Mouth tli€ 1 li.jii" I'"" I'erfornied. Office I.r'rim"'"" 'f ' "' f"'"R Store. n,jJ r, line li:j?Mlar trips, of 1,. " i i-- Kivfii. T. F. Brown, jopr.BON Dentist, (i:it irill beat M.\RKDALE .1; .. for One Week. FJUMHs i Shingles, Iomptly Filled, •"•""'.vcw. .u:;,^*^ /i B E R. '2 Shore. McNEA. •â- !7-tf omeS iietvourPhoto-rai.Lsof j:: I •.'I. OolJanil Amnion). i" .;ti i:i"rted on UhMmt Base. iiiiure â€" I'erfict Kit. e.i Witliuut i'ain. Ll.-;i ;,:! 'â- .-.r.-n'.e.i Witliuut i'ain £csjal. ,;Ni.'i \Mi SOI.K ITOFi, IS NOW ^i\ I â- ' it: 'I'lin;; tu all kin Is of law liiVi.-. at Knv'q Hotel. liii;^. I..-. :Ju.1. IM.SI. CA. l'ro*t A Frost, kRlSM US, AND ATTORNEYS- AT |j«, r.( r^ in timiicdv. Convey Jtc t'v'ii Siiiinj, have resiimad at â- •: 11. mli^ e â- i|i' II every Tliurstlaj' as .1. \V. rr.nsT, LL. B. :.t\ 1 r..«ti Atlorniy. 1 .1. TIVHHOll, fiMsn.l:. M\-1I.K \MI)EP. REG f'liainiiv. .\ i.irv l'iiMi( Convej-an V III l.!M) Ar -;i\ iKll CKNT. 1 i.u II s..,,ii I. Ill .il.. r's Block s' 1(1 I in .\f:irki| i' ovir MeFar- • • ell lii'ln .III I .Saturday every 57.1y ir:iv»i-A florfi^on, ii.i.i.-i 1 1 li:-. .M i.R 11 ()i!s, «;oNVET- :,..! ., .*.-. .VI-. K* 111 u.iiii .s.Hind. PufferiM Block, I v. ;f.'« Slore .m.l in MARKDALE. .V .1 M I ,11 iaii.l's btoie ou TbursJaj :;: i.i. i 'rli ». I'k. i'lri I- t • \- til on rea.'ionable term^^. â- iM I i; il.K' DUKC.VN Wo RISON rkii" ' ii.il 1." 1882. 79 Iv •apher, Flesheiion "kI li:nlarcin' as lieretofore. .111.1 other Frames, and Frain* y Low Prictn^ Call aud ' iii-xl ly voiir oMfrieiid. BULMER. CAEDED n Mills. t Yours â- •' i i-c .,i" nnJ H I':,Tli:rson. i;7-tf. EHOUSE t-^ and Shoes, Gto- t uill and well \ed every A replenished ^vith or Produce. UU^rrUitnraa*. I \\ (II. Srown, ij;K' II \KI:1A(;F, LICENSES, Ac ' ill. -r Ml B. K..tc. t'K i:, t .11 all its l.r.iuches promptly I i ;â- I-, irefully oxeeiitcd. 1.. to Lend uu Real Estate ae- S. el. 18.S0. 1-y \lr'«:iiil4-i- Itrown, .!; if Mama;.'!- I.i.'euses, Firo and I. â- 'â- - 1 'iranee .\;'i'nt. '•luinissioiiei 'â- V, \i- I iinyivaiirei' ami Licensed •â- 1 • I the t'ountv of (ii. y. Fanners, lit-, re; I I.anil Sales, runctually at- â- C :â- .ih 1 .â- !mr;^e» made very moderate. .o-w!le. S. pi. 17. 18S0. " 1-y ». M. ialbraitli l" rp\l IK ANli (;knkr\l l.\nd A;. ,ii. v. I'li.tin-foril Station .\Hction I'.r. 111. 1 111 all parts of the County. 'l-'il hr iiiMi.sioii. li.iti's moderate uiii-. Ih.-i' ail 1 Siwinjj Machines; also "' 11. i 111' 11: -iiiil Tiei-s. Vines, Agiicul- \«iV^.iii. iin;s, and Maehinery of all .111 • :\ â- Vil,i.,i,i-i,...,i. .l,in. -ll \nl. IS BELIEVING. GENTl.;.Mi S. li Mill want a first-cliiss |Buggie or Wagon mckenna'mason'S ItARRIAGE WORKS MARKDALE. It'-.viaii -imIv â- , ,.u with anything from a Lumber "Wagon r.p to an Extension Too Phaeton. T.I l.-iv from them Is to B Factory pcration. ' "' dies -for Sale. "ley art 1. .th (ir.ictical workmen, and ii:|.l,.v non« but â- 'PRACTICAL WORKMEN Tlnv -naraiitje their work *«ona to Hon,. f,r l.i^^jitncss of Draught anJ Superiority of Finish. •"y «» nothing but First-class White Oak lot Wat-ins, (ii.il th:iee Extra Second rowtU HicUe- y for hght work. T"""iiense amount of work turned ' DnLf '^*""' *^**"""' *lioP i« sufficient proof of the wide reputation they enjoy for domg good work. I* BEST H Tnn CHEAPEST ts Tnr END "or chtap work we positively will not take. ^J'^»"cftionnvcu to He-Trimming "" «Pwntmg aU J»s.ses of Carriage Work. S»ti«fi«ioD suar^nteed (or No Pay) in H0R6ESHOEI NG "HOP^On MilfRtrcet opposite tD SproulcM Hotel. McKE.\N^ MASON. VOL.2 .--No. 44. Wm. Lucas Co., BANKERS, Money Loaned IN Urge or small amottnto, at »11 timM, dm pood endorsed notes, or on eull*t«ial aecuriiy. MTEREST AT 6 PER CWT. Allowed ou Savings DepoiJU. tS'Draft' isnned and CoUectiona nukde on all points, at lowest rata*. W.M. LUCAS. 1I*naser. Spteember 23, 1180. 2-I7 F. F. TEEPLE'8 CARRIAGE WORKS, DUNDAI.K, OMT. The subsciibcr is prepared to stipply the public with WAGGONS. DEMOCRATS. BUGGIES. SLEIGHS. CUTTERS. BOB-SLElGHx. Tofrelher with al! kinds of repairs in wood or iron on sli.,rt notice, at rodsouable rates. F. F. TEEPLE. Pundalk. Sept. 2nd. i881. J-lv HAIR CUTTING AND SHAVING ON Every 'WorUiiig Day, liy T'liomas Smitli, fcS" Orde-8 filled for Tomb Stones. Markdalc. Julr 21. 188L 4.5-3m. GEORGE NOBLE, INSURANCE AND LAND AGENT, LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of Grey. AoEXT for the folloyvin;; reliable Companies CITIZENS' of Montreal, AGRICULTURAL, of Watertown. and TRADE t COMNflSBCE, (Mutual) of Toronto. A number of Choice Farms for sale, also Village Lots Auction S3l»s conducted in Town or Coun- try on Shortest Notice. Charges moderate. Bills, Blank Notes, and Stamps provided. GEO. NOBLE. MARKDALE. May 20th. 1881. 36-ly $2 Watrfi'fc mcmwmavnts.nn, WhtteawtalRantliirOM* |-.. ItntUtk.u Koli)«6. Boll 70MIII ChMiMTitaiid bMl Tor Ttturown nttf nr «f«riiln iv« pt|rpaae% Vklar St« Ckt* Joseph Gibson, PL.UN ORNAMENTAL i» r^ ^4L ss T ii: I* E «, WHITEWASHINGâ€" C.\LSOMINING in Shades and Colors. All work gufjanteod. Charges moderate. ^lai-lstltvle r.O. 87-113 T. E. DAVlJi, BUILDER A CONTR.^CTOR, (Stone and Brick). After completing 13 buildings his season is still on the track and is still proparel to do all kinds of stoue and brick work, plastering and tuck pointing. Those who contemplate building will find it tc their advantage to give him a call. Residence corner of Brown and Sproule Stetes, MAaKDALE. IC-y T. B. Gilliland, PROV'NC'L LAND SURVEYOR, EUGENIA P.O. Orders left at the Stantlard Office, Markdalc will receive prompt attention. 8G 100. A FuBUC Me; nxo sbou'd be called of the cilizens of every city, town and village in the Domiuiou, to consider what should be done to preveiit tlio hair from turning Gray â€" and falling out. If this important qiiestinn rectMVci their earnest con- sideration they would unanimouwly dtcide that science had at last dis- covered something that would atiswer this purposeâ€" and furthermore would recommeud Ciugrtlese Hair Renewer as being tliis somctling for restoring the hair to its natural color, and pre- vent its fallnig out. 50 cents per bottle. For sale by all Druggists. ^1^ ^^ ^^ a week in yotu' ovtn town H?^Sft£S5 outfit fiee. No nsk. ^D ^^P ^^P Everything new. Capital not reqnireil. Wc will furnish you every- thing. Many are making forttujes. Ladies make as much as men, and bovs and girls make great pay. Reader, if you want a busi ness at which yon can make grmit pay all the time yon work, write for particulars to H. Haixett a Co., Portland. Mauie. SALESMEN WAMTED. To bcgm work tt once on sales for Fall of 1882, for the Fonthili Nurseries, THX LABGKST Ilf CAlf ADA. â- Head Office- -TOBONTO, Oirr. Brauch DmcEs-MONTBEAL, P. J., vti ST. PAUL, Uim. NURSERIES, TONTHILL, ONT. We oan rtart ua additioB to oar aliMdy lM«« force 100 Additional Canvassers, And want men who can give fuD time to tiM busincaa. Steady employment and good mI- aries to mcoessful men. It doea not m t ttO what yoar previoos -oeeapfttion baa been. K you are wihing to work your sucoeiis is tl- most certain. The baat laferenoes required. Api^y to STONE k WELLIWOTON, KunwTymen, ToroB*o,Ont. 80-IM THE NEW ARTIST MABKDAI^, ONT., JULY 13, 1882. WHOLE No. 96. Cordially invites all thoae wbo an lovera of GOOD PHOTOS To come AT ONCE and give bin a tnal, for to do so is to be Suited as they never w^ere Before larADpoOT and cheap work deapisod by him. AND MODERATE PRICES. Is hiE motto. All the Popular Styles made ky J. L. BROWNE, Over the Standard Office, Markdale. ^â- â- iBMr^ iiiUM^wm EOBT. ASKIK, Has opened out a Flrst-Class Furniture AND UNDERTKING ESTABLISHMENT, And therefore has supplied a want long felt, esjiecially in the Undertaking Line. COFFINS, CASKETS. SHROUDS, and all FUNERAL FURNISHINGS, supplied on the shortes notice. A. Si:lenlil IIt»nrse for hire at moderate rates. fuenTtuke! From the Common to the Best and Latest Styles, in everything in the line. Call ill 333 fjr yo'.ifselvn. ROBT. ASKIN. Onion Carriage Works. All work manufactured from First Glass Material In the Latea' acd Best Improved Style, and finished with Ens-lisli A^amish. Painting Trimming Rigs will receive prompt attention. All Repairs executed in the shortest jKissiblc time consisteut with good vrorkmauship. Good Work a Speciality. Remember the Shup. opposite the Cheapaide T J. SHANAHAN, Proprietor. Markdale. Dec. 2nd, 1881. 64. T^T" -A. ItT T B 3D, 5,000 CORDS HEMLOCK BARK. THE Undersigned will pay for all sneb Bark, delivered and piled on hne of T.. G. A B. Railway. 93.25 per cord, measured and paid for at point of delivery. For jiar- ticnlars and contracts, apply to D. L. VAN VLOCK, P. O. Address. 215 Jarris st. Toronto. March 28. 1882 80-lOi i#t»i«. REVERE HOTEL, MAKMiOAUB. T. SPBOUIiE, Proprietor. THIS pepokr Hotel haa had a lanre ad- dition added to H, tborooftMy refitted, •Bd i« now sMond to nona in tb« eoanty. Good (tabling and attentiva ostler. Fir«i- elaaa aeaooimodati** for eoaimaivial travel BEST am) COMFOBT to shb BUVFEBINO Br^wHS â- •â- seiMM Piftaacea ^g, aqial ior i«lM*ilif.pain, both inter- imA cad extemaL It cnrea pam in the Side, Bad or Bowela, Sore Tbr^wt, Bbeomatiam. 7ootbaehe. Lnmba^^ and any kind of a Pain or Aehe. "It will moat lurdy qnieken tba Blood Bad beal, as it* Mting powar ia won- imlrd." "Bfinm's Hoaaahoid Paaaoea." baiitf aeknovledgedas the graatPaip Behev. •r, and of doable tba tirength of any other a av«y iSfy^hami^iar um wh«i wafaUd it MiMrii *ba^M* '^â- •^ â- % '" ^^IhtfStaiaafc. •aiTdbu "« U»da."«M is for aala bjr aB atSSeaaUaboMia. ff^li if «l"«w AekMnvltii NEW STOCK The avbaerikar baa joat fiiiliaiill a New Btoekof Liquors, Of tba best braada- Idqnor in its pvrity ii a bmtAi to the invalid bat tbe cotm a Aleo- btil eoaids^ ia ita adoltantion. I ksm bow on Laad a f aaUty of Wine,' *^ Rum, Brandy Whisky Which cannot be eqnaUed ia MarkAtie. My Bum' eanaot be ezealled tlda side Toroato Those wishing • pore Wine for CommBiiiaa Service will please give me a eiill. Teas Coffees, Sugars, Raisins, Currants, c., PORK, And every other article in the grocery line kept constantly on hand, and of the fresbest variety and bebt brands. WILSON BENSON. Mavkdale. May 24st, 1882. C ^ORGE WILSON. Wholesale and Retail IBUTCHEEll BEEF, POBK on MUTTON SUPPLIEP. from a single pound to a whole carcass, at the lowest market prices. FISH FOWL IN THEIR SEASON Farmers having Fat Cattle. Sheep, or Pigs to dispose of will do well to oall at No. 3 Bums' Block, opposite the new Union Block. Markdale. Oct. 2Jtli. 1881 EUGENIA Grist, Saw andLaOi Mills Having mads eqtensive improvements in my Grist Mill I feel confident I can give good satisfactioii. GOOD FLOUR ALWAYS ON HAND. Chopping one Every Day. Custom Sawing and Bills Filled on the shortest notice. LUMBER AND LATH ALWAYS ON HAND. Cherry, Butternut, White Ash, Black Ash, Basswood, Pine and Hemlock Logs wanted. 69iy. M. AKITT, Eugenia. AaENTS VVAJSTJiiD. -Big pay.â€" Liuht Work. Steady Emplovmeut. Samples free. Address, M. L. BTRN, 46 NauEsau stree New York. 20 WARNING! There is great danger of tak- ing cold from wet feet. If yoo want to Guard Against Sickness! Keep your feet dry and warm by procuring your BOOTS I â€" FROM â€" KAY THOMAS. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Med- icated Cork Soles, all sizes, kept -n hand. Bemembrr the place opposite the new StAyABD Office. 49 THOS. MATHEWS, EaraesS EsiaikaT! MARKDALE. EVERYTHING IN OUR LINE KEFr ON HAND OB MADE TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. LIVERY! IN CONNECTION. "mAEKDAIiE Meat fSaxiBt. A constant siqiyty of Fresh Meats! on band, at tbe XiO^veHi Liiving Prices. Orders solicited, and deliv- ered free to all parts of the Town. Fanners having fat stock to dispose of, will please leav^ their addresses. TERMS, STRICTLY CASH. FRED. SARJEANT. Maikdala, Mardi », IMS- «Wy liEiii: RHinUTISH, Mm$rdp», Seiatiea, Lumbago, Bmekaeha, SoreiMst af the Chatf, Gout, Quinty, Son Throat, Smo/f- iiigt ttH^ Spraias, Burnt aad iealdt, Gonoral Bodilf Paint, Tooth, Ear and Hoadaeho, Frettoi Foot and £art, and all othor Paint and Achat. â- o FlMantiaa oa earth aqul* St. Jieni Oia â- â- a Mt/V, mtrti, aimtple and ek««]» Xateraal Kcaadj A trU utaiU bat the oompanUnlj trifltnc ontla.T of W r«at*. and vttrj m». tmtmtmf with p«ia caa have duap ud pMlttT* ftott af iti •UlBH. nndioBsia Barn T«mm«s. 80LB BT ALL DBnoOISTS IVO DEiLEU nnfESionrE. A. VOOELEB ic CO.. The Poet's Corner Lines on the Death of a loving Brother who Jell asleep in jesus. Our dearest one from us has gone. He's left to us a lonely home, He's gone to live with God above To share His grace and sing His love. We loved him dear, he was a child. Who was so patient, meek, and mild. But God. who knowctb all things best, Gave tutc him eternal rest. A truthful child he always was. No wonder we do feel his loss In heaven Alex, bow doth stand And sings God's raise at His right hand. When unto Uim afHiction came With patience he did bear the same. We all with tears did crowd around But not a frown in him was found. For two long weeks lie suffered much. Which did our hearts with sorrow touch. Whan from his heart hu blood did flow. But nothing for him we could d }. How hard it w«s, dear friends, to see Our dearest oiiem agony. His little body touched with pain. But not a word did he complain. He called his father to his bed. O. father, will you raise my head Bis father his dear one did kiss. Be saw that death was in his (ace. He called his mother to his lonm; He said dear Jesus take me home. take me out of this distre.ss, A heavcnhkc smile came ou his face. 0, mother, come unto my bed. For 1 do want my bible reaid And then what will I read for you He said tliat anything would do. Two christian friends came him to see. He asked if they with him would pray How precious was in one so .voung The love of God it was so strong. He called his sisters one by one. Kiss me goodbye I'm ^oiug home Now. brothers, come and kiss me too. His arms around Iheii' necks did throw. He turned his face unto the wall, Sarah, Karnh, he did call, He said b» cood niid tli'U turned o'er; Ho raised his he td. Oh. one kiss more. 'Twas half -past six, at break of day. His spirit took its flight away The angels then did hover round. Another angel they had found. Although from us we miss cur dear. How little time we will live here Wliy thould we weep and mourn a friend That's came to such a glorious cna. No doubt we miss him from our side. For he was all our joy and pride We loved him dear, it grieved our heart When our dear Alex did depart. And now one vacant seat is left, We are of our dear one beref i We miss him now in every place. We miss his geu'.le loving face. There at the table is a space Woich usod to be bis little place. And when his clothes aud toys we see It makes us weep most bitterly. He hea now in the cold, cold clay. We feel his loss more every day On earth no more we'll see hia face Till we meet him at a throne of grace. May God prepare us all to die. To meet our dear one up on high, A happy meeting then will be MThen we our dear one there will sea. The hour of mv departure come, 1 hear the voice that calls me home At last. Oh Lord, let tronb'.e cease. And let thy servant die in peace. Mabt HcFmBSjAXK. mn won. PaRTIL Chapt^ xvn. THX SCAB OH TBK TUfTLK. 'I tell yon madAm, yon slwll not 'ABdltellTon, 8ir,l««/ir ' *La4y Daugorfield I repeat it, yoa •lutll not go to that disrepa table wo- â- an'ii bouse in that disgaatmg dress.' •Sir Peter Dangertield, I repeat it, I Wl go to Mrs. Everleigh's masqotr- •de in the ooetume of a page.' And tli«n licsbaDd and wile stood still, and paused for breath, and glar- ed at each oilier, as much mora dsrot- ed bvAaods and wiies will do attuaea ia tiw oiantal rslatirDS, I am tald. 'Don't make a greater fool of your aair. Sir Peter Da^erfield. than aatwe has already made yon. It's do affiur of yovrs. Attend to your bogs and horrid erai^ng things, yoor ^Mats and yafD* gamUings. Oh, yes. Uoow wbero you were the oigtit yoa mw tba Iâ€" be I tor* viUt'kar totMsre aitb yo^ amnaamanta â€" be gooa eMOfih not to inttrfsm iritlt mina.' *To« m«an to en to Mra Etrerlaigh'a â- aifaaradai Yoa otcan toiro in mala attire! â€" ^roa, ttie molhrrdT tw-tehil. dreni â€" a woman thirty-five yeara ul •ger 'How dva yoa nae sack iaognage as that to me If I never meaut lo go I abonld go now. Five-and-tliirty indeed I deny it; it ih a base S^kti- hood I I shall Brt be thirtr-ooe natil next birthday. And Jtall go toMra. Everieigtra, and afca/f gn as a page, joat as Kur â- as Thnr*lay itigfat 1' *And a'itL Majo.- Fmuklan.l, Gina- Traf 'Witli Major Frankland â€" a gentle- man at least, wuo docs not insulr laiiias t their f icee hy oditus false- hoods abnnt tlieir age. Thirty-five indeed! I have no more to say to %no. Sir Peter Daagerfidd, only this â€" IrfmH!" â€" •Very well. Lady Dangorfii-ld.' â€" he was yellower tlian eytr â€" ho was trembling with passion 'then hear me. If you go to Mrs. Everleigh's as page to that man's knight, then â€" remain with M'S. Everleigh â€" dnn t come back h»?re. I have endured a god deal I will not endure this. Go if yon will; I shall not lift a finger to prevent yoa; but â€" bntdon'toome back. Scarswood is mine the mistresses of Scarswood have been honorable women alwnys; yon shnll not be the first to dwell he- neath its roof and disgrace it â€" that 1 swear!' For once in his life he was eloquent, for for once in his life he was dignified. Miso Bemcastle • had made th« dresses SLd now my lady went to try them on. The d'css lay spread npon a bed â€" a shining vision of carmine silk, white white ostriih plames, gold braid and black diamonds, as she lifted the sev- eral articlen that composed the cos- tun e, and held them up to glimmer in the sunlight. Millmery was the one thing of all things earthly, that must clostly appealed to tui.s woman's soul. 'Oh ' â€" a long inspiration. 'Miss Herncastle, your taste is ierfect â€" per feet I never saw anything so lovely. And to think that preposterous little 'oaronet says 1 "lall not wear it. My lady Finks into n chair. 'Do my hair. Miss Herncastl'^.' she said iiupaitientiy 'I shall try it ou at least.' Mi'S TIiT!ic:i8t1e'sdift fiiig rs got to work. EmhroiJ rj' costume innk.ng. hair flieRS'iig^iKitliiuf^ scuiel tt come amist, t ilnseihf white fingers. 'It is lovi-Iy â€" li.vc;ly.' my lady re- spoi.'ile' stiU st.tiiiijr in an ccs'nsy; •but. Miss [luincautle. I have already toll you Sir Pctei- ha* t:ila-n it into his imhrcile lit'ad to obJLct â€" to (ibsolut^ly foibid. lie calls the dress (lis;.jrace- ful â€" nou sense â€" and Mrs. EvLrkigh disreputable. And you have no idea Low disagrrcoabl-^ and â- dbstinate Sir Peter Dangerfield ciu bo whou he like."!.' 'Have I not But I tliiuk I have. Men have peculiar rotious on these subjects, and with a man like Sir Peier, it is much easier to let him have his way than to do combat. They never yield an inch.' •Give way. That means to give up the idea of the ball â€" to submit to be tyrannized overâ€" not to wear this ex- quisite dress. Miss Herncastle, do I hear aright ' 'Yon hear, bat you do not nnder- stand. 01 course yoa go to the ball â€" only â€" let Sir Peter think you don't. It will be easv enongh to deceive him. II may involve a few falsehoods, but yeur ladyship will not stick at that. Yoa go to the ball in peace, and he goes to bed in* peace â€" and what he Level knows will never grieve him.' 'Bat how ia this to be done ' •In this way,' she eaul. •Write to Major Frankland in London, and tell him when he returns to CastlefonI, on Thursday evening, to remain in Castle- lord at one of the inns, instead of coming to Scarswood. You can tell Sir Peter, if yoa choose, that you have given up tbe idea â€" that Major Frank- land has been detained in town. He will not believe it, of course, but when the night arrives and he does not re- turn, and he sees you retire for the night, hchwill. Once in your room, you dress, of coarse bribe the coach- man to drive you to Mrs. Everleigh's and wait the breaking up of the ball. At Mrs. Everleigh's yon meet the Major; he can keep quiet in the town all the following day, and in the even- ing come here as though direct from the station. Yon will have enjoy sd the ball, and Sir Peter will bo none the wiser.' My lady listened in calm approba tion, nndistnrbcJ by conscientious qaalms of any kind. •A famous idea. Miss Herncastle.' she said, as tbe governess ceased. 'What a head yon have for plotting and taking people in. One wonid think you had done nothing else all yonr Ufe.' 'If yoo writ4 to Major Frankland at once, my lady,' she said, ' I will take the letter to tbe post offiaa waj- self, and h« will get it in time to-iMr- row.' While this conversation wa# gMag on in the school room Captain O'Doo- nell was learmng at Sir Peter's lips tnat Katherine Dango^eld had a sear on h«r forehead. He also learned that ahe died at the honse of Henry Otis, and that her narse, Hannah Oowan. lived at Bracken Hollow. Having gleaned thus moch he went into the library to thmk over bis plans, and there finmd Miss HemeasUe as- leep. He gently lifted the lodt of hair on her forehead, and there he foand, â€" a soar. ' ' m " ' CHAPTfiBXVnL â- osa o'ooimKLi.'s accaiT. When Captun O'DonoeU lifted the lock of hair and shaw the sear en 1^| flemeastlcs forehead, she awoke. Q|. explained that he waa^expenment^Mf in snimal maietism. She saw, mo ngretted be had aothmg ^se to do. Ha then told bor tttat be had seen her witb Henry OtwtLat he. woald naft penait bit MmA Sir Actbar Tngm' MMhoJmL away fottberiu^ vbat •Taa \tMfl4 wo T Baae S****'*^ 'what du v« "klM» Sa^ Haulm ajfl^-aaa ne r « "" lUncattl^f •ndaatly tba s«mm cf aa advaa- torse. H« then told bar that be beard ua Qba "Maisa de Lai,aae is 'leca" what was Mails de Lansacâ€" Itoas O'Donnell to you or bim Sbe asked itim if be knew anything of Jastzoa Daatzeo. •'No" be said "be had aerer"â€" "Theu" said Mis4 Hern- castle.' I tell know tales, I keep my own eeerets and let others keep theirs. After dinner he made ep his laiiid to speak to his sister. 'Boas,' bebegaa, •bow maeh loqger do yoa propose remaining in Sas- eex?; 'Bemain Iâ€" she faltwed 'are yon anxidos to go, Redmood f If so, of aoarse â€" 'I bare ce wish to go until tbe ob- ject that brought yon here is an object accomplished. Rose. That you have some object in assisting npon om- ming to thid particular place I am quite certain. More, pertiaps I can partly guess what that object is.' •Redmond 1' 'Yon have not chosen t^ make me your confi^'ent. Roe*, and I asked for no one's secrets, not even yours. Still you will permit me to ask ana ques- tion Did you ever know Gaston Dan tree ' Suddenly, sharply without waruinp, tlie qnestion came npon Iter. One faint, wailing cry, then her hands flew up and covered her face. •I am answered.' he said â€" 'yoa have known Gaston Dantrt^e. He wa^ a Louitrianian â€" you knew l.iin in New Orleans. He disappeared here at Casllefurd the last trace to be found. Was it to discover that trace you came and brought me here Look up. Rose,' *and answer mc tell me the. truth,' he ordered, his lips set. 'It is too late for farther prevarication. You knew this raau ' 'In New Orleans, before he came here to court and desert like the cravenhearted dastard he was.Kather- ine Dangerfield ' •Yes.' •I said I asked for no one's secret's, not eyeu yours. I do. Rose. What was he to you ' She drew away from him once again, hiding her shrinking face in her hands. 'Was he a lover of yours ' She made a mute gesture of asscnt. 'A fiilse one, of course ' 'Heaven help me â€" yes,' A pause then â€" 'Rose, did M. De Lansac know ' 'He suspected. He never knew ' •Did he favour Dantree ' 'No he forbade him the house.' 'And you â€" you, Rooe, O'Donnell. stooped to meet him in secret â€" to make and keep assiguatious. You did this ' 'Redmond ' she cried, with a greit gush. 'Why are you so hard, so hit- ter Why do you judge me so harsh ly I was yery young I did not know what distress meant, and I â€" I â€" loyed him with all my In^art. He said he loved me, and Iâ€"- oh.E'diuond, it is nine years a{i;o â€" 1 believed- him. 'The folly of tht past I could for- give the folly of the present, no. That vou took a gnl s fircy fLr a man's handsome face, and were the dupe of his false words, mit,ht he ovp] looked â€" is very natural in a girl of eixtaen. That a woman of five-aud- twenty should still cling to the mem- ory of so dcspical'le a wretch, still pursue him, and drag me, in my ig- norance of your sdcret. into that pursuit â€" that I cannot loigive.' He arose as he spoke, angry ex- ceedingly, wounded, grieved inexpres- sibly. She stiized his hand in a sort of desperation, and clung lo it. 'Redmond, you â€" you don't under- stand. It IS not that. I don't care (or him it is all I can do tj pray to be kept from hating his memory, whether he be alis-e or dead. It is thatâ€" that Iâ€"' 'Redmond ' she cried, 'who has been talking to you â€" who bas told you this ' 'Miss Herncastle.' he answered. 'Your secret, it would seem, has all along been nc secret to her. She bade me ask you, two hours ago, what you knew of Gaston Dantree.' Miss Herncastle ' she could re- peat the name in her ungovernable surprise. 'Miss Herncastle,' he ri'peated, still very coldly. 'If I were in your place, I think I should come to an under- standing with that lady. It was Hgainst my will I ever came to Eucr- land. If I had dreamed ot your ob- ject, I certainly would uever have set foot iu it. But I trusted Hose O'Don- nell. That is nil over now â€" it is only one other les.soa added to tlie rest. When your inquiries concerning Mr. Gaston Dantree arc at an end. let me know, and we will depart to France.' Again he was turning away, hurt, angry, grieved beyond words to say. Again she caught his hand and held him fast 'Redmond brother â€" friend Oh, my God, why will you judge me so hardly I have deserved it, perhaps, bat â€" you break my heart. If you knew all I have suffered, you might pityâ€" you might forgive.' He withdrew his hand, and turned sternly away. 'I have told yonâ€" that paat I could i aa p a e easily the preient I cannot.' Aad then he was gone. 2:^ sat woundedâ€" humbled' â€" silent Theu all at once the recollection of Miss Herncastle flashed upon her. She had told him â€" she knew all. All I Rose O'Doroel turned white and cold from head to foot. Did Miss Hern- castle know all She rose up hurriedly and looked down tbe lighted length oi tbe spa- OQS drawing-rooms. No Miss Hern- castle was nowhere to te seen. Should sbe seek here in her room Rose foand her. •Miss Hemea'*le ' •You calle4Jliss O'DonneU V •I called Miss Herncastle. I wish to speak a word to you. 1 will not detain yen an iostent.' aa the gover- ness shivered ever to little in tbe soft "'C^jtA" """ hoars ago you 'wde mylp^ber ask me what I knew ot l-nstnn Dantree. Miss Herocastle. ia ay.^nta I aak, what ia you know?' •Yoa jn^lx.}rjflb oe. to^auswes tbat ** fc ^e«» own fciik. aa4 T-^ak^wir WW 8, â- twODouu*!, iBiiee hy ika» OMje-jaa |#efM: to be kiMiira.' *Sb« adii f *e vbkMMlflflHT two words, oaM a stefaeatar. WK eyee deligfaUng, her {.ee wfaMr wbitev- *ltws Hetveastk.' ^be eriadV 'Stat do yoo UMan f What do ye know f) 'This I' (be voice f the guvvraee* roes, hn OMmtb grew aet and atem â€" •" tkttâ€" that iTQaelna Uentms b» mhw, you are Oastuu Dantree 's wib !-' [to..oo«T«ca..].^-^j^ PBOTON COUNCIL. TheCuuucii metal Cedarville otf July 4. Members all present. The minutes if last meeUns WarT read and can firmed. Several ooaimuuic itiuns were maf. A grant of $10 was made to improta' sidercad 27. The connty treasurer was reqneste1i to er taxes (arrears 1879) against- lot L oon. 8. A grant of $82 was given to-ii»- prove the towniiue of i!.gremont ami Proton, from con. 7 north, provided the parties interested perform an e- quivtJeut in graOa labor, and that tba kgremoat council supplement this grant to tlie same amount. The reev* to let and insftct tUe work. A grant of $5 was made on cou. 8, from 87 silercad, e, providing the parties interested supplement tba' same by 5 days gratis labor. The clerk was instructed to wi ite to' county treasurer to aseertaiil if lot 80,- con, 8, has been sold for taxes, ao^ by whom purchased. The reeve was appoiuted, in connee-- tion with the warden of Wellington, to let and inspect a blidge ovor the" Grand river on townline Proton an4 £â- Luther, A $10 (jraut was given for a ceir bridge, 7 s road, con. 10. A JIG grant was given to improye the road from Cedarv.Hlc, west to twn«- line, provided the parties iuletesto^ do 10 days gratis labour. A grant of $20 was u-ade 1» S. S. 11. A $10 grant was voted -llh con. lino opp. lot 31. $10 to be expended opposite lot 28i- between 4 and 5 cons., prDvidcd that 10 days gratis labour be given first. Tbe following accounts were paid C. W. Rutledgc, printing. $28.00 A. Ray, rciairing road scraper 1.60' Jas. McEachren, do. V.^S" The reeve, freight on scrapers 4.00 The clerk, postage 2.51 Do. for furiuslimiconsns rctnr'K tolG school sections 4.00' Members were paid to date. Council adjourned nil August 17, at Dundalk. A METHODIST MINISTER CHAR- GED WITH KISSING A YOL'NG LADY. There is little doubt that the gfest heart of the world beats in strong sympathy with those who kiis but. notwithstanding this, and notwith-- standing that Sliclley and other poets have sc bcnntifully ca'Jed atteution to universataliiy of the kiss in naturt?,- ♦here are circumstances iii which oe-- culation is held to be iucxiodicnt and' eycn wrong. ' Once upon a time,' so the story goes, the IJcv. .7. Will )u,'Iiljy was f)r several years pastor of Bloor st-Meth- odist Church, Toronto. Iu 1880 he was president of tlic Toronto confc-- rence. In that year he a-as .issigned to Brampton, much to the satihf.iction' of tie congrcg.ation. ^\h•n hs ar- rive! at Brampton, ho sfjiyed .it Mr. Grahams, the parson.i;,e not being quite ready. According to the state- ment of Miss Graham, he attempted to kiss her on the second .Sunday af- ter his arrival, She rebuked him, and said ahe would tell Mr Starr, her affianced, who was then preaching at Pcterhoro 'He said she must not do that, as he being president could do Slarr a good deal of injurj-. Another time he was bidding her good-night, and took her face between his hands, and kissed it. Air Stan Wiis visiting" at Mr Graham's at the time, and saw tho kissing from the verandah. Starr warmly cautioned him against a repetition of such liberties, Ob three other occasions, the j'oung lady states Mr Willoughhy tried to kiss her, and then she shewed hira the door of the house. She said nothing about this affair till three months ago, when she confi- ded it to a fii.md, who, however in- sistod upon lettins Mr Graham into* the secret, and the charges have been made. The matter is noa- before the Coc- forence. and the enquiry will probably last a week. SAVED FROM THE POORHOUSB For years David Allingsworth suf- fered with rheumatism, and notwith-- standing the best medical attendance^ could not find relief. He ca-ne to tlie' Sciota county puorhouse, and had to' be carried into 2nd out of bed on ac-- count of his helpless coudilioc. After' the failure of all the remedies whieli had bean applied, tbe directors of the poorhouse resolved to use the ole- brated German remedy, St. Jacob's- 0.1, and this was a fortunate resolu- tion for, with a trial of cue bottle,. Uie patient was already betttt, aod when four bottler had ie*n used npon^ him ho could again walk without U»»' uae of a cane. The fveta. as above stated, will be verified by the editor of the Pwrtnmoutb (Obi i) C««napott^ f" M .«r r.- -.•â- --