f ilr ?â-º 1 i.r i»; i Iii' I â- 1 P TtTMrtt, 6re« Bfice R^y. Change of Time. GOING SOUTH. Oven SnuJ, d.-pfttt o.T" u.m 8 -l' p tr. Sl»rkl-«!e 6.2" am. 5.f 2 p tn. Fle«(i(â€" I'tiil'ricf Ti!!e IS n.in. 6.1 ;• m. l«aiU.'ic "i.iPia.m. 5.17 p.m. T«««'w»'er a.l.'i 3.1it Ilu'/i.i on C.IC 4.i5 MimDtKrrt 6.37 i.r,; Onunrriiile .. 8.27 7 15 C'aletlon Jiiiialicu ItAiH 7.',i TuroDU), I'uioo St'ii.I0.3i ^m. i.^•^ p.m. DESTRDCTIYE FIRE InHarUtle. llioss $4000. gUAs J:A» Gtcta vss «1 Rn t:0lk.ot4etc«irt and the grondsoB of Dr. FMBCia G-.iilwu. Jr., who lor maBT jMirs mided in Ut»«».H-Y. All the niiJe mflOibera of tfae fAmih- up to the haX two MbewtiouftVcroonasct ed wittf-llie moliSfl pKfeaAm, the jassotsin* great gmudfathcr having I been phvsician to the then King of i^^^^- theM».geBtl«»»"» â- "" • ^% • tPtiin*».1ftie'!PrEsi3ent'3 nrarJerer wma ' â€" "-- Great Conflagration bom abont fortj en? y^n a(,o in the ' ' ' bt«t« cf Iliuoi^. Hi« father, L. A. Giiitetn. resided at Freepor*,, Tl Brown's Sawmill DEMOLISHED. GOING NORTH. Toron*.o '1' j». 7 3'i a r.i. C'i)«^loii Jucctiuu '.t (H •â- Orai.».'fcT:IIf 10.jO •• Mon'.t l'crt«: 13.1^ " HmiTiirt^m 1.' .IS " TfCHWrntifr '.I 'li â- • Kaciali 11.12 •• 'lti«li'Tlor»AI".ilie ll.:il •' :Urlt(UI.- II '..-, •' Owt.N i^â- /^.\^ 1.1.^ •• 4 ?-' p m. too •• H.ro •' 9.1 •• J".!.' " f.(n " n:i) " » 5.-, " A mixed tram nill algo run lictwcrn Toronto and Owen Sound. Stc time table. ldjILni) wkaggi:, THURSD.W, JULY 6 (.i;i.Y i,x.\a!i;a'ii'»ns. I Tlio riiii;;inl •â- :. imin..tions of r.;-j(li- flfltts f.,r icl;..f,! t ic!i( .-, i.-, hot t;iki;ij,' pLic; a: -.veii SjiiuJ. Ti.o i t' r -t tak -ij i,j tlr ,,' cxiunin itl in.s is in'.on- I nfie.l tJiis y.ir tlir')i;jli t\i' f,it\l t!;ut ' Oi;it iliiii f x;i:iiiiiation iaii(,r.- li.iVu I hoe-n (I.-.'avr 1 i:i tiM:, it frr.ii tiiis bOC- tion to .Ml' iriii-. clir-f t/Am,] in-jn-c- ' tor of Cn- y, nt Tii unlnii-y. Tan i, i a vfry .-'iK.ii: mr-.'Ui- f„r lii owik rr ff til' i:i](r.:. 'j':,ciO d..carii-,iii.s| than Jui.c " S .in .• â- f ili..c,.;..Ii l-n^.-i j Jiaiil..' :.i til irpaj) r; t .Mr. Ii-vine, i who on r.r nb itl' tli • :M,1i M;,' |i ,,' .1 thfci.i t i'ii riihiiiv. V. 'ii !â- lij ii'if ret' iv.' I till r I uTiIj. Yesterday (Wedi.esday) moroing at aboDt 1 o'cluck the people of Uerkdale were aroased by tbe err of n» riEZ Qaickly msliing cut, the brightness of the living flames inforxed them of itfl position, and thns in sn incredible short lime iinnlreds of the viliagers w^rc aronnl the osnally busy works kuown as brown's saw mill. It was at once erident that it war impossible to Bava the mill, and tbe assembled crowd speedily proved tiicm Eobic volaulecri t j tavo the adjacr^nt pnipcrty. Mr. Joseph Lamb's property, Icing withiu 2.5 foet of the engine house, â- wa3 in greatest danger, and was being rapidly made • Fa'.I FOR TBE FIRE FltXIi, and throusli this property, all diy wood, the lire would soon liave reacli- .^I'i'I (it, I/Ut for tlic bl uost fi:pcrhu- ii.«n tfToi t.s of thi oiav3 este:nport fire brigade. Tliis Luilling. cu-l others a;ljoining canjjlit tire Kcveral liineH, ih;; ruin it now prcbont.s speaks Ion lly (f (he des- |ycri;te efforts inadj to Have them. Tiie fiery einders c iiae down :u a tliiek sliowt r over the 6f)iit!icri) part of tlie viling,-' r.iid v. /uM bfivo dor;p ex- t Jioivu d iiua^i- liu â- the dwcl ii;g3 not been v.\ll ruauled by u.^ii with a good f .â- ^iij'piy of v.-.it.r. l-'oitiiiMt-Iy tho i.i,:,'ht was t.ahu. «ii lat. Mary r,,it. foil. Mil, 'II V 'it tM ».• •::il I: ,: i. 1 111,1 it .â- .:â- •. l.r.M. 1,1 .z 11. lb i-,,:i 1 1, n â- :.. .1 .M. I'iic (• in. .M...;.s .\ii !.•.-. \\liit.-, an I liiis t'.i,-,i!,er will sli(.\.^i- hiJ fa'l -u 111' r. tho s the f ict tliat a prc\ioiis cvlII- Chat lea, tli»!n nx'een yeara of ago.lelt in order toj^iu (beOi^eida Comma Dity in Ne* York State. The fathw left his flcw associates in ifew men ths, Ihe son remaining among them f r sercral years, ofter which be led a wandering life till s.ome six years ago when he s^rt ap at Chicago as a law- yer in a very poor way. He was known as a man of fnir acqiirements, bnt of bad repntation, and an accom. plished botti dead beat. Fcrtber in- quiry into his career proved him to be a thor.mgh hypocrite and a black- mailer. He tried the Jeclnrinff career as a means of supplementing his pre- carious income, and started as a Se- cond Advcntist, bat was hardly a sac- cess in this line cither. His sister married Jlr. Oeorge Scoville, cf Chi- cago, a lawyer, whose name has since been iu every one's mouth, owing to Lis having undertaken the defence of the a.^sassin. From hia wife Gniteaa was sp?tdilr divorced on the croand cf cruelty, and after living for some years iu Chicago, h» went to New York, otiJy tj return to the former city iu 1870. He theu prcL-ssed to become converted, and began lectur- ing under the auspie^s of the Young Men's Christian .^sssociatiou. His next step was. to try to firm a Syndi- cate to buy out the Chic:igi luter- Occan, and run it as a nev.sjuiper o.i tlie lines cf t!ic New York Herald. This project fell to tlic ground, and with it whatever pretensions to re- ^p ctaLiility or decency Guiteau ever possessed. He s:iiik lower and lower iu the pociiil scale, every now and iliea bcmj, heara (f in some uew lino or another. F.r instance in lH79he iib'ished a bo -k i'l Chicago, eutirl. J, "Tlie tnitli.p. c'lcpauion to the Eible, byCliarles J. Gaiteau, lawyer, theo- ian, and lectin er, i. 1 ook fir every j inu to ropd." The book, whicli w;s a icrazy prodi!e*io;i, a mi.xtuie of bias- I pheiny and hyiociisv, was a f lilare. On Ba-*iy )-t the B«. J. W«d took advanta*. of the eoi«««icemeDt rfUie 6tli year of his ministry here to take* retroapeotive view of the work accomplished dsring his tentne ol ol- fiee. Taking for his text the words of Moses. " Consider tbe days that are .. These words are Lorn the sddress of M««s to the Isr»e:ilea. in vhi'^^J* itiir," iV 'ivi r, t-t" I.fl.'n i. 1, r-'.m • nil l/i II j' I I. f h III II r .1.1 U' ' 1 'ill !;. •. u:ii I.e ' v.ii'i rn:ii 11 :.,]" •â- inf. I !• I 11 (f 111. 'iii y v.ir..,l ii.it .ly druVf t!i .1 ' •I 1/ ' .1.1. i at ll I II -i.il.,' eandi-lut' a at.- lli j tliat .Mr i;rj\v;i iiaj r iiow.d t!-e insu- I raiiec\ only a few days ago, but has j not yi.t rceeivid t'ac new jidlicy. lie I " ok tlio ta-ly tiiiin fir Toronto on 1 Wi'dnes l;iy inornicg. I In any c...,.' tli'j Iii.ss to Mcssris. G. ]* v.;i and Son v. ill be vtry Luivy, but few copiis having be 'n soLl, about IHHO ll.. d;sap. ar.d f.HiiChieags 111 1 lUl t. ami ilij ni't r, -iij'pear in a public character ti'l July ti, ]H,S1, tha day on ' v.bieli he lir d tlie fital shots at Tre- i eudcavonred to t«ch a ^^^JVt^ H from a cousidtratwa of tlw days that are passed. iu«U« Sofih cousiieration is veiyprawaw* when wish to become aeqaaintad witli ilM posirion we occupy. wletb« we ai« progressmg or receding m the "reat boBiuess of hfe. " The scientist, tbe politician, and the business man alike discover tbcir present pontion by a calm considera- tiou of the days that are passed And as it is with them in temporal thmgs, so should it be with us. as cbristiaas, in spii itnal matteri. This day seemed to me to bo an op portune time to turn oar thoughts.in- to this channel, because to-day I en- ter upon the fifth year of my minis- tration amongst jou. and ma peripU of four years there should be founfl sufficient matter of interest, by a brief coasiOeraUon of wWch we may put m practise tbe principle contained in ih* UXt. T i Little did I think when I cam* among you that after four years I should still be here. Yet so it is aui these four years have quxekly passed away, a mixture cf anxietv, weariuess pleasure, and profit. I shall always remember my first Sunday's ministry lu this place. It was to a meagre con grcgation in a musty, cobweb- festoon- ed delanidated log buildiug. without music or choir. To one used to mag- uificeut "ciiurches with musia .lud other things in kjcpiug, cuch circiim- staiiCL^wero anything but cheering. Yet finding aaong you true ana loyal children of the Church, the hope was cherished that a better state of things could be brought about. With hearty good will wj Het to worlr, and we have ureason to beashaiue.lof the result. Uur church building an J its surrouud- iiigs are second to uoue for a long dis- tance arouLd, un 1 oiu choir occupies a like posiuon. Trus we have a dtbt of about §000, which will require a sjcoul subscri^^iliju to remove it, yet 1 fuel sure it wifl be only uecessary to place a statement before you, and the cise v\il; be tidy and cUeerfulh negligent that tney are mg them at home. ti,me have b*n tute fam'ly P-^ye" J^^^.^ ^*Ks"1;rieBy Save w. reviewed ^e .U^Sat«e,Uei. It remams for as'wfco bate lookdd m lb* teen faults in otfrgelvs, to see w_» ^-eeiy retnoTaJ, •" Tro^d give m. a ngat jadSBJ an thii^ f'T ^^^ "*^ â- '^â- JSpj^gjuplLk pal a«|»w radical and tm pennansnt cure wilbont J ?^. U^ .• entsto Harrises, Ac. {ivm ezeesse«. aealed OBvelope, ou.; ',i» oQStiate*. 'smiss^^ bom thirty Voters' List, 1882 UUNICIFALITY Ok TtlE TOWJT BHIP PaOlt)N. (JOUNTY OF GRBY. ,. Notice 13 hereby given thai I have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in the third and fourth W^ • tions of the â- ' Voters' List*" A^. W copies required ly said sectionio be so transmitted or delivered q^ "the bst made pursuant to said Act, of ail per- sons appearing by tha last revised as sessment roU of the said ;Mauicipality „». _»„ or internal medicine* or the use ^tbe knife pointing out a modco| " „.,..^ â€" ich eve^y sdtacr,: no ^mdj^tttLlm should be in *eiifids«« â- jjfjjjjlf aaa nv«7 man u the land. Tbt €ily«neifi Itdical Ct.« p.O box 450 4t Amn St^ !««« "••** POST ISFMl 5T.ESHEET0N. Trr «MhOOD_. RESTORED. M.\rvKDALE. Flour 6,00 to 6 "95 Spring Wliedt per bush., new 1.20 tc 1.26 do. do. do. l.U to 1.15 1 1.1.,' v.as :ii,'aii.st, the sjiread of the fire. I 't-! oii-iu is nnkiiu'.vii. The mill la.l b.,,1 insured fo: ;?1200, but tlir. ,i,i,,a Garlbll n. the Wa.hinston d. I'.i.y r.in (,uto:i.laao ao. It is said I pot of tin llaiii'nore ami Put .mac ' 1, -1 ,. .1 eon; liai.way. llis t-ubi-eqiiLnt cceer is a too v.e'l kno-vntj ueel further no ' ' tice. 1 ir. i.ili- over 'rati T, I,' 1 .ss ' and Ui â- til.' d. .-' .\ n ' i.feiVp' fi .e. til ;reatlv h -.illi;,' v. ill siffer .i; -t;..]! of tin lui'l. -iI- •• f i.aiids ar.. tLiown oul â- v:.i u' toe â- V ;â- ; y .- f: A We ];r â- .1. 1 r .\vii, that i-i :.'![ cl. ar on the iiii'l ri.NC I I i 1. A ma: t'.i' ).... 1. 1 1 li-r' hul :ll' li' r I'iic ' s.ti lit (i ill .. 1- -;ai. t .w.ir.Is tiio j-'eailv hit i'.;r:li iu liielit f .; •'â- nrnv :;v 1! I"o.' .) .li:i --â- 1 ill tlii • c S TONvi'lj:^ l-'r city of tht. hiiruilcsj Jc\\ ill.' f i:l..n i ,:,' Matika, v,li.. j A LCVi^.SICK .SWAIN. Alfred Pdrehuient was before the I Toronto mugistr.it.s ll.e otlar day, chr.r;:" wi h att inptiiig to cimiuit suiei le. ' [e v.as -ent to the hu-.pital. and tiiTe r.cAavJ from the i.h'cts of the liuilaii::u he ha.] taken. He tiien cscHp.'l.'aMd lias 1. L on reeoru the cause of Lis vo^s. \U v.ms baUy i caught iy the c'.:irais of voliiig la- j.iy.b'.- 1 in... 1 tl.at hl.o v.'i.t f .r a b'lat sail vvi'li a r.va!, tli-ii iliv^M-tiiJ j v.-i;ii 11 v.'..rlil wlii..!i ctiuld c-.ntain a girl « iio v.'jr.ld bai ter nway his true heart f .r a l -at .- lil, lie determiaed ' to leavo i;. IM !l .11. 'i'ii. Ii .., dea\.. ' till.-: •II '•â- • f t.. Ml .1 lb- 1 (il !: A: ll. II I, 11.11 »vi';i I ti. -I 'â- •*â- â- i 1... t .;.i. 1 it i.ua • .u^a ..I !l .1 e r- ' :ine i .1 ' b.ca.;., l; .--la. I I.:. -I D-c, :â- .... .1 ,-:-L 11. â- a t I ll., â- .:r i;;.-,.i 1 y -; in!c) i.iy i 1 :.; ..f li.,l 'i.. :i i;...v ;.i .!i;i Natik' I can- y I .;!;,':i._^ was c.it v.i: i a cli^.lii r ;,: ill â- â- :â- a biiul cf pja- cf liiy ll 'Ui"^. I p ..., â- . On f),iii'i.;ry s nie iif till- iiiiaijs 'â- ill. Ti:.-.- iIiml;. b'l' aa! ]..,•:.â- .] Ui i.i,. iato the " ar irii: d-.i .1 a- 1 '.vas i.i my night siurt, a i.i]i r ,n;id i.iy n«ck, ftu.l i.ae I'j a tree. Wiicn ncarlv ' e :i ):i. 1 1. i. t lae iL'-.vn and d. •.aaii.i..il i.\v n 1.1 y v.as. 1 r.fi^cd to 1:1, '.\.. il :.ol11C f 'h.jin cut out •iituo V, i:l; a pair f ,-1;. ars. I i:a st to lit ath. " ' la. a va-'arrc.-tt(i,l.:it it k-cius o cuavlctlon c .all be laa.ie as NatLk:i w,..., nna'ule t.) tt stiff "by w nl as ti.e lav.- rr.j iir;s. Tauj i.-L-e I WKAiilLil Wl.-?i).JM. j I'alerth titiel.f'•pl.|l'l•,.babia;i.-s•â- (.•Il.M.f tl.e lai.t Ua. fi, anlv.la:iblj â- .fii.ir^of til.. I :)rtcvl S;aitb ti.jvi.rn- ni 111 is la .-:• tti.biy kno-vn. i'.ut qaite in v.-..,l kiii.-.v:i IS I'r .f.J.ll 'rnr, 10.. iuctii r .; 'i.-.st ..f tiij .Mi-s;s ip].! \alky, \vli sj coi;trihiiti^:i to his t'lvo.i'.c tta ,v hao given l.-imun al- luisl iialiuaiil ri'piitalion.' Ua a re- «â- at i.e:tii,. iliriaigl- the Northwest, il.j l'.-..|. r-i r hid a i.fiir.-.v escajie ir..!ii ih? â- ,ii,ii.; c lis .•jaeaces of a Ml ilea ' v.. ly .laa^i. r u- i.iaiss, ti;.' p irtii-iil;ir c'l \\iiie:)«,t tluss r.-.f^Ts ti: ••I'll, tl ly iiiir coachuiiiiLj my eonrs.- f 1 -cVi es at lJarlia:.'toii, L.wa, on the -1.U of ]).(. 'iaber List, I v.as .•=e:;:i' 1 v.r.ii a sud Icii attack of neural- .^â- ia ia the elie-t. giving nie cxf riiciat- in iai. O.J Dari ;g the four years pa.stour con- ;.-r.'gatiou has iucrea-L-d four-f .Id, aud our coiumiuiicauts from liiue to fifty. Ii'S'.ea I of seeing ihree-foui'ths of the c„'aiioi without prayer books, c 'ust^qaejtly taking li'Alo or no p.irt iu tae s.jrviees Leyond listcn- iii,' we have by fur the larger portion of our c.in;iregafi u bringing aud ns- ing thi-ir books, thereby rendering the serviixs more hearty, and conS'..queut- 1 ly more j.rolitable. I " Our Sundav scho.d also keeps pace jwitiillie lest. Tiie attendance has i r.t' adily iucre.:s-il, the diseipli le is ex ctlleiit, tiie teiichers slie-v gr.at into- i\A ia tiieir \\ork, aud tho pupils ac- • ki'/lc their Kssoas hdrly weli s that tJie risin:: gL-iicration are growiuj up t.) becoiac. we- trus"., int.jili^eut and s!;-ietly 1 .y ll .--(rai iii«d diujhtersot t'.ie ;^riii.l nil c.i!irilii: aud iipj^talic CilUlcIl of E JL'l ill l. iJy iKLiins of the Suad.i'y schoollih rary a laste f.r waolesoaie and lu- struciivc liicratuie has Lccn Cu.Uva- t. d. All tills fjivcs '-3 much cinsj f jr gra!i:u le to the (.river of all g.'oJ, and also iiisp res us wi.h hop? fi r tlic lu- tur.' h'lt th:;t oar imji- f r l.e lat iro be fa!;y re:il.z. d it i- nec.ss.iiy to euiisihr the iLiys ill it are p;is: tVuui another Stan. Ip int. 1:1 iiu"ra 10 tue ihht on the eliMich biil iiiiLT. We have no cause f.r aaxi ty, fr s.ver.d have s.ii.l tnat wln-n a II liui: .stiitiiu. ar is jiut L. 1' re them, their s.t"iid nuhscrlption will be ready, ihit we all kii.j.v tiait it is ii.t enon^'!. to liuve ago III and siibstanMl c.iiirjli biiiliiii--. aa.l suitable cluircli L'rouad.s. rail Barley J.65 U.ats 0.38 Peas 0.74 potatoes. 0.75 batter, per lb 0.16 Ekjj;s, per doz 0. Pork.dressea 00 Ueof 0.00 aHe^ 7.25 Gr.'iss sosJ,. 2.5o ' Hav 12.00 Wool 11.20' Grei'u Ajip/e.s, per. boshel.. 0.75 L:ira 0.10 ' T.illow 0.06 Drv Cord Wood 17? ' rUN'D.VLK .MAKKET3. 0.00 0.38 0.75 0.76 0.16 0.15 ).«0 0.00 7.5b 00 14.00 o.co 1.00 0.12 0.07 2.00 „„ ,S^d^i«-S™»i»-*5«S""^-^^ to be enUtled to rote in the said Mu- toJf^SXS^^' nicipahty st elections for members •" Legislative Assdmbly, and at Munici- pafelections and the said List was first posted up at my office at Lot 22, CcD. 11, Township of Proton, on the 4th day of July, 1882, aud remains there for inspection. Electors are called upon to exa- mine the said List, and if any omis- sions or other errors are found there- in, to take immediate proceedings to have tbe said errors corrected noopr^' ing to law. JAMES CAVANAGH, Clerk of siid UuiiicipfkBy- Dated this 4th day of July, 1882. PIMPLES. I will maU (Free) the rwipe for a Bimplc Vbobt.*blk Balm tliat will remove Tan- FBBeKLKS, M^ffbES and Blotches, le*ve ink tSe sEIu soft, clear and T)eantiful also instructions for producing a lux iriant growth at ha.r on a b«Jd head vr. smooOi face. Ad- Co.ss, encioeiBg a 3*. stomp.Ben. TandeU 6 A-.dre Bee 1 kman st.. N. 1. Gold Great chance to make money. Tbo-c who a always take advantage olV.e po.Ki cbanc«M lor rnakinp money that are offered, Rcnorally become wealtby, whUe lhos« who do not improve such chances re- main in po%erty. We wart many men, wo .nca, -boys and xhis to work lor us right in their owu locahties. Any one can do the work properly from the firot start, rhe bus- ine8.s will pa^;^ more than ten times ordinary wagps.j cpenaiTc outfitCurnislicd free. No one who S^ptafidls to iaal;e money ropiJly Tou caii'#i»v«te .your whole timt in tlie work, or orly-jrom' sjiarisBBoments. Full informa- tion aad all that is nasded sent free. Addree. STiNsoa ft Co., Portland ICaine. VMicat, Fall, No. 1. Wheat, Spring, " 1. Barley Peas Oat.s Butter Potatooi I Port: Hay 2.. 1.. 1.. 1.. ...tl.lJ to $1.15 .. 1.20 to 1.25 .55 to .66 .72 to .72 .40 to .4(1 .. .10 to .If .to .15 T5 to li. C'.O to 0.00 .. 7.00 to 10.0. FLESUErvTON. [Corrected wrekli/ for the Standard by R. J Siiniiite, Flcsherton.t ricnr, j-or U.I Sfi.OO to S'l.riug Wheat per bush., 1.20 to Fall I3arlov 0:Ui â- Pe»3 Pi)t:itoes iJiittfr, peril). i'-S'-^s, per tloz. I'li'k, dressed. r...uf Hi.los Hav Tiinotliv seeJ. Wo..l I.ar,I Ta low Uo. do. Jo. l.l.i (l.iil 4) 0.71 0.7.-. O.lti 0.15 0.0..I 0,1 7 2.) 12.0 2 .I.) 0.22 10 0.05 f..2." 125 1.15 0.80 0.40 0.75 0.75 0.16 0.00 CM 0.0(1 7.50 14.0 o.lM) 0.00 0.12 0.07 :oi:oNTo. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The aivertiser, havmg uccn pprmtlnently cured ot th^tdneid rtixeuse, Cousuiaption, by a simple remedy, is anxious to make known to his fellow fufferexs the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a coj.y if the pr(«cri]itioii used, (free of charge,) witli lie directions for piejiairing and osiug the saiue whicli tlieywill tiad a stntis Cvre for Con- sumption, .VSTHMA, BnoNcniTis, Ac. Parties wisliiuf; the Proscription, will pleawadilrcss, Ifev. K. A, Wuaon, 149 Ponn St., Williamsbnrgli, N. Y. 29 Ij SPECIAL NOTICES. Mothers! Ilcthei-s!! I.Iotliers Aie V'U diftnibe:! at npht nTnl broken c f your ri. .t by a sick cLil.I ntferii.g and crying with the cxcrnciatinf- pain of cutting leeih If ^o, go at oiice .and ;-" a lottle oi MRS. V.i.\.SLUWS SOOIHlXCi SVllUP. It will relii.-,e tliC p:)(.r littb' .-uifertr iriiiiiedi- ately â€" deji.iid ujion it thoie is no inistnk)- about it. Taeio ir- not a mother upon iiiith who La- ..-er nsi 1 it, win. will not (ell yua at once tli.it it ,v;ll r.-g â- -ite Jli l.i.wels, and give rc^t to tLeinotlur, and relirf und health to tlie cLUil, iii'tratiiig line nia.'ric. It is ptr- f' ctly saf.. to ue in nil (.a.sf-.nn.l ph'a-ant to the Ktnte, an 1 is thi' presciiiiti.ni oi cue of the ol'U'-t a!i 1 list f. uii!e pliysicl.^.ns and nnrsm in the TJniti d St-ttes. Sold evei-y where at 25 cents a bottle. ?01v S^ring^B.nd Summer st I^^ow complete. 'All goods pe. Bought chea^. X My Stock is second to • in the cpunty for Quality, ",m i, »,. „ .â- J » '"'^^v, and Che, I am offering 5000 yds.^i Summer Flint?, Fast Colors. l"„ii ..., ;,... L.1, range o! p. f .â- 'aoro yds. D-ess Goods, in pj] ti... \- „. ^â- t -Newest Fj^^ Full line of Staple :^^ Drf Goods, c., at bottom pri 9^. fjs't -Proton tp. to*"' f\ W- Tarsons- ^•*^" xy^^f^^ F°""' N( â- ^orsdai '?Tot of beautiful 1-- ^e weight of GUI' -V ^fgr^-t variety of .au.'.K, Vn-oTrhee.c«rs.-i.an, expected. liie crops there N rto -\\i h '^^^" there .i shown..' H, crops tncn. 'V oUy «»» present. hnc f"'« r- .,inec al:h..u-!i me ,aminHvio.iof(:u;- T it IS not" Tlnv.iler 111! ll iccs. In the Millinery Dopi.i shewing a most complete sir selected with the greatest )c!.; of f-tic, a prices. •.tl Examine my Stock befo purchasing. City houses rivalled for riot}! of style. .^ 1 1 ii \\ Grocery Stock complete. Hardware Stock complete Business ^J^mSx Bocmingl' 3Vs that It v^' » abranc lovoriHo sound, pure Liquors at Mcd.i^-1 Fresh gr'(^•V'•='•*\„\^^^' V resh stravvb-rrics lU T isb par^J- sonvthiu;: â- ^u t;V:e their v â- • ccssiuon;- '• Tuc banxst rt not ver- •.;-•.* f„^»,lielpl!' fill bfidear :ii i -1. W»irri:i.- ' • \^."' kg years of -• ' ' [osiueii^- ""•'Vii'" cript. -Vpp.v =•' ^â- Mr. Mdntv. 1;^ ' jents t..hyv. 1.-^ iveredthv-e.-i. :- _,gto•.llo^.â- v.h. V..1 \a order Edward 1!..v.'hm pv i^ustial.^i i;» »'•• " ' RtofbislKi.l'.h- 1' V 1' .â- d t • GIVE US A CALL. .\nyQnantity of BUTTER, EGGS, AND ^VO;.y -•'-•:-5t Pi-.ees f^ R. J- Toronto House. Fiesberton. rran!,'C 1. 1^' •-' We nrcplei i,p to precs) thi. O- Vuildthe .av..ndl 1- â- Wn assured lb:.' 1 ^- â- ai.i.uiii...-' ' • â- i\\ 1 been buraucc A prop' fmer holid.tvs â- ing tlie I »hh' iieijatived city. Guiteau W" died tin^^'iT.L' (il .ry.-rl llil '-I'-IO f 111 :j liai.- :iry. .J â- ;T !â- • Itl • I ;i ni ).-t preventing hreatli- 80, fill to 'V.i:at,f:iil, per bnsli Wueat, Hiring, ilo B irK y, do Oats, do P.-:i-, do It.vf, do Ti.ev r.;..uir.; to I e k. pt up botii i.i.ke "-1""' f f^" "' „ •.; • -, ' ' I l.'r"..sed hogs, pjr 100 lb are h.| CiVJii in Us oW:i v, ay h-.n.,' i!..,.f. i,i,„i ^. ,,,,.[,;â- ., foils, cr, It. d iin i lieriiiC; to (i !. niid ' B..if-, fje q.j;irtcrs wii'Ist II.' acetpts thLlii 11 al;.!*-- i.s i'lttcr. 1-Hrg.,.r,,i;.^ to liiiv." to? c:il-e and keepiii- ol til ui, i^""" "" '""'y .. :d .1..0 all otaer ihliiys oil re to the ' e,,,, f,..,,. ,r., j,,^ I Most lli_'h, they micrlit to he (:is fa- Kggs. pricked a.s it i% posib.e) witliout bleiuish or ' ^Pr'"'*. per brl I (--jiot. There out not to be allowed a ' j""»'"«3 per bag. I cobweb or a f-p^ck of dist i;i the! ..$1 24 to Jl 26 ... 1 30 te 1 »' (I 02 to Co .. 4S to 50 li'ircl- nor a weed ia th.i c'.rareh lUV I l.-.d; Til i;...;. hit â- â- .UI:. paiu .My piilse. iisiully iiitoii-.e iiau.s.3a of the stci»: ich !-WLUt f .Vrti-Ld iiiy I litire b.. Iv. Tiie att^r-ud- '»=' 1 liy-^.i-i.iii c .ul 1 di iivtiiiiig t re i '"-â- 'st. iiie.)L'VThl with '""•odT^erf'.r 1'^-""°° ""' iieeeptable tT Gol, and rheaiu:;t::- piiiis-I would try it. I f;^';^fl'j^"tb; ^ffk^ 'hich the we.ilth 1' " " â- '"" "" ' ' ' Hav. Wool. NIL DESPE RA ND UM. GRAY'S SPECEFtC MEDiCINE. ri-'..!-: (JiiKAT i;n(;i.ish 1 P.KMKDY.an iinfa.iini cure for Seminal V.'eakncF, Siioruatonhra, Inipotenov, and all di.seasos that fol ow as a sequence of Self- Abuse as loss of Memoiy, I'nivorsal Before Takklg. I.:is itude, I'.iiu in tbe liack Dimness of Vi-ion, Premature old age, and many otnor I)i-ea?es tlat Ip.n.d to Ii (I K2 to 8., or Cousninp.ti n pud a I'lc- â- " l" '" I" mature Grare. Cs"Fiill pai ticn'ars in our pani;ih!i.:. vlii.h we desire to .send floe by nm;i td.veiv one. The Spi.-itic Mi\l:ciie is gold !»• all Druggistn at '"" Sl.oo p.r j.i.tk.ge, IT xix Alter i'akiiiir. pa-kapis f,,r f r,.oo. or will U- sent fiec bv mail on riciipt i.f tiie moiny by a .dressing. THE GRAY limiWil CO., unity 4 70 to 4 90 ..n 00 to \1 00 .. 9 0(1 to 10 00 00 to II 0(1 14 to (I 17 00 to (I CO .. o 17 to 17 o 00 to 00 .. 2 5J to 4 00 1 50 to 1 50 ..10 50 to 14 oO ...00 10 to 0O2'J siuc'eaed, lUid n .• Id, cl.wmny i-wiut ^.•â- ""'"^*- "" '» remove a blemish from the ehaieli, to iip.i.ot a weed or pi ice j au ornain I tal plant in the cluireh I Church Directory. rye'iu. Af.er siifleri::'V7o° threV "'â- """""""V'" 'â- °"""' "'"" " ' )urs 1 lho,;-!itâ€" as I had leeu u-iiu- ""^^ ._f ""^^' "" ^^'^l\ ^^^^ ,?^ "i-" "'"" CHUHcn.â€" Sund.ay next, at 10.30 7. Sunday School 2 30 .Lints t:itar:it a of Iry It. luimicl hu-n-e t,' 1 II :i I, I" liii; I i.OVINCIAL LXlIiniTION. "M '/• 1 â- . ii. '.11 â- iui oj t; pit. -I Hi I lio- 1.1 I r. I :i. N .\-a '^.otia, N\-vv lirnns u.ek, l.^d IVi.:. K.hvard'.s Isia: d »i!U !;..! fx:ulir.s t.) the rroviiici:ir homo. i;i bt.LoiiirJ, ::nd have not beeii i iur this y,;; A .LTMiit of $1000 "â- """"^â- '1 Biuee."â€" St. Louis I'ust-Uin- v.irl L. n:.i ;..-tj M i:.,t„ba t.) -isi.ist in 'â- '"""'• ___ ^^^_ he"iit, and SoDO f p:ich c ' vc-:iam'il maiitiire i-iivi:ic:v r"'I'"" There ia cnon.!,'h honey that pocs to _.«. |w.iste )or want of bees to gather it, ,.,!.â- 1- ,. |t swcetea all th*? pie fsa; .- th. ^atl l-ranciseo .\,M-sZ.f/^r.-' •â- ' iest and m.-st p..lis!ieJ jiay ai:dnn;.;ht eno-i^ili to .-..v.r my chest, with ti.e i j" "'=;|"'«'^- ^^"'1' 'f ' U i^ u.-t il. and in.phed it. The reli' f was al- ""r*^^-"" U" di^nrty of kin- or priest lu .st i.i-tautane. us. I;, e.„e hour I ' '"i'f ""'f"' "â- was iitirJv free Jmm jiain and wo I'd " â- '""' ^^ 'Crvicc may not b'e as have taken t!i.tr.iin to till a-; app,,iaV ^iKf!I"i.r,-^"""'"' "r'°"'"""'"^*'?^"'i^^^ i.u:it that ui^at in a neiglihorio!; town h.id my frieud.s not .iissnaded me. .\.s it WIS. I to( k the iiii^ht train f jr mv J. WARD, Incumbent, Meihodist Carsca. â€" Sunday. 7,. Yo'ing Po..p!fcs Prj-r. Meeting Mon. 8. General P;-ayer Moetinj,- Tuursday, 8 N. A. xicDIAB-VID. Paster. 1-ly Torcnlo, Out., Canada A Croocl Clianee. HOUSE and lotHor saleâ€" lot 1 2â€" corner Mill a..d Welli'ipion Strc' t~. .Mnrkdale will lie sold at a harpain. Ai.ply to Georcc Walker. H..Ua„d, Mi.rkd.de P O or to C W. i:LTLi:i(iK •32 3 bTAXDARD Office- ahvo for Gods h.onor, yet H U of fh..- j P„Ksi,TrEn.AN CHraeH-Sabbath 10 30 7 same uqtm-e and dilT^-rs only iu decree ' »"»iu lo.ao, piyii I r .-:iu! I5EES ON THE FARM. u .\, I 11' Tiiis V.duoie. .siiortiv, t, -,;, .i_.;. a !i.;,Min.-t 1 nil! I. r. ns n ir ri\i :;•,.••' itii'j.li 11* r to.' .!.--,: pSnv wrl h,. (• .;t:pi. â- tiaip-FAi u, i!:i,I i„.l.,.,l honcv-haivcst. It ia â- .:•;: 1 Mii-Ii .:ii:.i!.ii..T â- •"""k.'l .Mi-s(oupens(I.iteofP.ari8) best api.arists that a few cok ' I.I. r:o iMi, ,i vciy ' -Miss Heiuhi-hf, who was calliujj on ' place -ive better resnl-s than cak:s aud ,., ,. • ciokas that are h:ikeJ. Up-ju ncarlv Ii.. ant.cip::o.d arrival of thePrincLSs every ei_,-bty acre faim there is euougU 1. icse is ii-i.iting a good deal of ex- j"0-'«'J' see:etfd by the flowers e icu ^i: cit. m. lit a:nadv iu the hi^dier circle." j^"" '" '"fiish its owners with sweet- â- O niv! «i..t I just t.o"rc 1 H-d i" f"'" .l'°"" " honey-harvest to ' I-"" I.m.rr-l.n.vAsf T^ •- .admitted bv our louies iu a a large Ml antidote Iur tlie other day. '•lutver see a real '"""'•^' heref-re if the bee.s were â- id .~ui;buriis. liv.. Priuc-.ss, di 1 we, ma when we ' **^""""" ""'°^'" '"' '"'""'ts at each !•'•,; '^.;^""".\wa» III Parse?" -(•ucssuot dnn»h'er • ' "'â„¢; '""â- ' '°"J' ^^ ' "^^ """ "f .atiniper! suov.unnjru er, sweetness wa^tod. To be sure, there .vs. N i,.;:i,. • rrpr.„.ic.i Iur ma. ns she fcrced on are, and probably alwavs will be peo v.ith i-.t tli.ir,hc.-pi!c l.:ds with lip-moist, ned 5n- pie who make n speci.ilty of bee-keep- t,ili...... .• „ .. • -.*'" "â- "â- " "f:;f«"*l t'lninb, "•nk-s ve count that I ""^•'""Jng their hundreds of coknies; ont on Vr Vl i '"""•'•â- '" ""' "••? ^ve see in that was "fig^'cr shown «°^ ^^^a' i^ a^l "gl^t it i.s to such per- n.i. I.... I' 1 :1 ir.iu l:d in tlic n;.jh/,.v /â- .V/;/,.- 'Q pshaw, ma!" "^^"^^setimt we areindebtedforim- Sabbath School 2.30. Bible class Friday evg. 7.30. Flesherton Town Hall, Sabbath 2 30 Sabbath Schov.1 1, A. WILSON. Partor «a i„e Nothing Like Leather. â- •'1 " IIIIU I first poinsr to find oin jit which enter "lill Urig-s; i:io wi. t (,,rl (iivip.ia'e a \^T\ 1 T ' -^j'l"n^ms .ilhis- 1 crown, .cc T Course you« t-nmZ ra.cd. A i.u„'edy of Love and To- u.tert..in her?" "Well re afn rthir^ out by any Uoiseller • qnnrtcr. Look o.it f,.r i;.' I \rr.i.. .-.. itc Tlie book will I vet,- replied Miss Ueaji«bt •' s..ew.th(,n.,,.\,V,«„af call or not. till we be.or froa. ^^^ •^0 eheerf.ily handed i Bopeep whether shes in good soeiely er-in exchange for j in Louden, for pi heard her hn-band, " '"'â- " â- J XJni-^rnc, aint ncii a bit.' from ci-anlic faith of A'jralium which we a'l admire so much.' Gol dots not call all men to prove tiio r. a!iiy of their ilevoti..us to Him- sell by dyin- lor Him, uo. He requires the greata- number to prove the g-n- uineness oi their f.iith bv liviug"for| Hiin in small things as' well as iu i-reat. During the days that arc pass- attendance at cbnrch h i.s been very largely increased, yet tjere is still much room f.r i.-nprovt-mcut, many being satisfied with au occasional ap" 1 M M â- Ji erhf% pearance at public worship. I gee IW UfeOO, them in church to-dav, but I do noti MARKDALE. feel at all eure when I will next see i NOT TO BE BEATEN I them. How different this from the practice of onr Lord, "As His custom .„ ' 'â- ' was He wen* to (lie Synn-roTne on the ♦ '^y^^ "ho m«y !,»»« hsd Ibe aistewl Sabbath day." St. Luke IV 16 |°°«.»«,laj '««n born barefooted will bear Our .ser.-iccs have h'enU. ;„..«,. !«t'^„^' '^^I'l^J^J^' ^^--^ «»•«. 1«^K ler ever services have become much I«t and best stock of leather ever before larger than they used to be, and this I '""e^t into MarkdaW.consistingof Spanish IS ngain cause for thankfulness vet ' "*-.^'*»eh Kip and Calf, and are now pre- many take little or no part in tbe s^r- ^.Tlt^^T^, l^A^Vl^ to the fioeat td and pnuKlU. "*»««« Baa been In eonataat '«• by the pabUe for over twenty •»«» U the beat piapMBtlon erer ioTented for BE8TOB- ING GRAY HAIR TO ITS 's^jawarm. couou and UVB. llilUcllii " The frrni'.v l Egjpt '"'•• ":- gan'^inn^ l.«,'" ' RUlt f.«'»» "" ' Powei s. Mr Jos-ph I |- bis sine r.. IP- :ioblv mid "" and"avcl h' I vouring cui-.i:. Gnit.au s hr geoni lniiu"" PieBitl- n' 1" Tbur-day il the rooiii- It lipi" iii a bra-s bii:. the baiol • 1 ' gate at til. "â- ; Sunday cvvui. When wo I gome *2fMt d.-.v e.1 in coii^'M' •eeemeii' \\' township, I I I 1 t -M: :i- I â- Hi- b r..i;. Raymond's SEWING MACHINES Corrie, a passed tlir..; Manufactured in Guelph, arc rU fitted m •.\ 'That Patent Automatic Bohl.in Nickel Plated Wheel and v. with the most apj -roved all i Every Machine ia warranted for a term W:n(ie.' i^* r]:ment?. • five vears. THE /iti were over engaged. MARKDALE PORT OFFICE. Tlie Mail at Markdslo Post Office closes as follows Toronto Mail closes 7 00 p.m: Gohig Sontli 4 80 p.m. ' North 11 30. p.m. Owen Sound Mail 7 00 p.m. vices, from many there comes no audible amen to tbe beautiful prayer ofifered. This ought not to be. we ought ALL with one heart and one voice join in the beautiful responsive senice of tbe church. Oui- communicants have very lar'»e- ly increased, yet there are many who ought to bt eommnnicants who are not so, and savrral who communicate occasion »Ily thereby neglecting the means whieb a lovin? Savionr has pro- vided for the refreshing of our souls. 1)0 we say we are not wortbv, remem- ber "This man receivetli sinners and eatetb with tbetn," "Jesus Cbnst the aams yesterday aud forever." It is very gratifymg to see so many come to the early morning addresses on the Holy Ckmmanion, still many more m'ght mai. ought to do so. .- • Sewed Work a Special ty. 'do'nJUr*"'*^ Invisible patchmgauc IC*rklaIe, Sept M. U. IfcLEOO. 19tb. 1881. Errors of Youth. nil^E DECAY, «Kl all the^S; l^Jt^. haiDlnrty lend free to aU who need it^ recip* aa^ OavKbota for anakinx the ainnl. "»»edy by which he ^k.^^, 8,5Sr! OOOkH. QOQ JOBMB. v 4aCeaa,rt „Tn-V nppUea the natual food and color to the hair elands withoat ataialns the •kJn. It wUl iaereMe and Uilekea tbe rnnrth of the •«*»r, prerent iu faancUnc •»d faUlnc •». aad th«a ATUBT BAU»MXM. It cmaa ItaUi ttona aad Xaadr^ Aa HAIB OBJCSSIMOJttov. dealrable. (ii,!., ttoe brntol â- Uken soOaaaa wUA all •dmlre. itf The Bute Afisayer and Obemist oflCan and leadinff Pbyii. tua endorse and "KARN" OEG Manufactured in Woodstock. For the material that is used in its constructio:;. ll finish, the purity and exceeding; richness i t and the cost of each Instrument, car.- not be snrpassed by any other Organ mannfacturcd in Canada. Every Organ is warranted for five ycr.r?. AN, (â- ?tv inc, ,le of Guit'an gaol prteii."-- wreath of iiuii the asbftSf-iii ;-"' â- •poken, not a "•"' ' .1- ;.- .i" N •• en route to \Vas..i: • been commaii !• i ' .• Guiteaii's raiirl threats against ' i â- A wing of th' ^: iug appeared m '•••â- public piocr--i '• by the nt" i-ni • ' view of ayi-'ii' e •â- the dtmouair::i.' :.- with. Instead ol r.' â- tbe other hu::*. it noised about tjo-t to be A row in ci'i- out twenty pe -pi. ing old ioll w 'i' • one. There is at pr. ranee ol good cr s villedistiict. .\- making good vr •diort and the ye 1 I "**"mg b.id li.tv,- kinds of fruit, • ' betoken a lar.' r â- It- â- I-. THE New York Weber Piano is still to the fore. A. CBenI diaeonot giyen for cash. Full value allowed on old Machines Seeond-hand Organs when taken in exchange. The uioat '""' time Allowed for any aiticle is 12 mcnths. My Unitorj for tbe sale of these articles extends from 0*cu Soim to Shelbume, Grey County. ni WHISKERS **-afi JA «» w The statute lib r :• rell ihroniiii. i ' *emarkablv well ll.i- .^- WMOWing'to thee •• •onBcieutioiiiiLosK, o." ' â- ecrs, we are not p.-i Iwwever, tlif ri;.-iit i"'"' ""-^^ B(bt plac^-as to oVi r.. i -• Ber. Ur. Hicks says (.int.- 'unatkable man and liie never be fully uudorsL .ol by pie. He was not iiisaiK .hut â- brewid and eb"pieut. Ifb'i wmtenU of m. j'nmii' to the puh.ic til. ro ' •tATtiiiii: h vvl -puicu tHURSTON DEAT.F.B, BnUknee and P. O. AdJrew, V .^ M ARKPALE. 4(»«nr»i=,-ir Quite a aens. •- '11 was c Aili» Cndg last .udiy wc- ^MappeArance of ••" •»â- '•' ' **•â- of rev. Mr. Turner. :.g tively 6 and 4 ycii-s. ii.e Jj»ttla loaad walumg ou i XnutklUilway tra-.U, live •f Ailaa Unu^. Wbeu asl **y *ete going, lhe re lyy were going to Wo'dr^t *â- « P». Ur. Turner was V pU«e AUcDdiug the rui