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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 29 Jun 1882, p. 3

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 I r t â- j r it i I M Eorekal s^xMt afl mMmfaetaren, macbiuists and mQl men wbcD titer first try LarJine. Maritime TIi* bent way to tbortao •ale is to stp adTcrtMUff. Lnrdiue inr.cliinc oil will a/oi gnra or frtfZtt, ami wears better thn-aay otUr 4iJ i tht- market; AA tmr local dcakr and take no other. A Koronatobaliiit fell from a tliird etory viindcw in n Pennsylvania town au'1 vrn^ not nvxakcned; but sLe waa bariti! t'lo ii.xt d.iy. C ii.i -is e-ict'l nt iat filKng decay- r'lTnil, but ••ItABMKY" jirerebta l!ie (1. c; y, triiil;«'8 them t^ltile. and 1^,.!.' â- â-  I " 'i'o 1' Vi;blc. 5 cmt saiiiple. •rrt,' aLed Tom. "vlint dofs tli« t'ml.ef mean by raying that 1 most J ;ivc iiilieiituJ iny had t'?iB;»er. " "She 1.1. ant ihat yon ur.- your mother own bov." Our Premium Wb hcTe inada arranceoMDta br vhirb ire ar« mtbied to girt to NEW SUBSCBI3EB to oor and to oU ambaeriW^ ^£fjfS(Q IM A.DVANCE. a eory of H /^^ DB. KENDALL'S Treatise on the HOI^ and His Diseases." .â- â- ri TLsi8 a atandard work, eovMtaiag ac Lidex vf Diaeaaea, wJiieh ipreirli^e fmfiovaM, esoae, and tlia baal i wm t meut for eaeh a Table, giviog all tiw principal Amga uaed for tfao bom, with the ordinary dose, effbcti, and- antidote when a poison a table with All f »rms of f'naal weakness, stip- j.rts:ioii, in-c^'iiLiities and jiaiuiul iieu'dri are tff'Ctiially louiedicd bv iv v •... ii ;he,'!n'i.,«.yHt.n,renf,vat«r.!" eugraviag of U|e horaet teeth at J',.iri-..:i iJiooJ J;iUci;,.'liff^reut ages, with rules for telhng tl'lOccii.-.. -Itkeagaof the horse; a ralnable eob Tb. Irat rcfrfar {rfciflathe llain '"^^^f ° •f 'TT^, ^T^^ f'.bn. SoutJ."\Vestrii fed wiuuiptg^uBe'uliufcnnHian. lt«»otk«.« 'i'it«ir'l»y, :icil rs'.arnod Friday wi'.b the l^st carl aI oi gr^in bro;{ht by r;iil fijm S m'liern Munitobi. •"â-  AVoTiM you iiv i 1 tlie I'.iiiary crm j.'u; .;. jfjrikttul :» f^pring and finm- j!i( 1 ' 'itai t- 111' hv.^teui with 15ur- «':ocl; I.I' ill iJ'tti r.s. *7\ rff;i'ilatc t)t Ir.r r. I ow.U, kitliii vh, au'l bluod, and I, tlifc I nr istt-ric ):i the world. Triul Li.ttl-s 10 rci.ts. â-  loo'd be ia tke hanSa of ^v^iliir^ mtr and ownftr of bot8#. i Now is the time to subscribe, or for old-4(^ciibat s to pay up, and get the ' '», I've Ml.^. .J.I.Lr.- 'l a li'-rrid cold.' eaid 1 '.o- f 1 and i!'i-fd, Mrj 1 l.'i;(j\t I V(,- t:ikfn no b ss tl.iiii tiiirtyni ' Miicbs, and I btgin t J i'i\ like ;.n Kiiiccopuiiiiu.' A;.i;r? ni.l li ^l;l^u•!:â- .l aii'l Biliurj â-  ii;; 1 il w :::'â-  i. i ;.!• )!i:ii'!y curtil hy ii.' ;;i. ;it II '• ' cl'iuiing, liver rr;jn- l;;"!- I :., â- , i; I, !â- .•',; JJlook iJiltcr-. /t !!' • ':: ti • i ' V, N, 11 .1 r. liiiliK y-. sihil Ia'j i. I i-i;;i Ljtlki JO cnti. L BOOT AND Bi;ElV! ar^i***'""" ETBuncnio ., 1, » no •- -Tl U»f«(«a^- aJ '-^ N£WifiiOlrti«llPf« t*TtT pegged, 9 jiiiiimi. „ .j t,,. SHOULD SEND FOR V» iifum tbin»nP tl»e fanning community that .. l ., ,:uuU «;» t » Choice atock of ** ^t pDOOv:.^ 'V "^^•^- F«S?r?»^fi»'^-' CATALOOTIB SENT ON AUCu^tti ted edtQ, mer Seving Jadiis av Store. r-*?.CX \A vaiftK'iH ' "^^ii^^O ' UAMBIIDV I KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. [.r â-  ]jr. i Tlt«t mo*t MQcreasAil -RrMiedy ev.-r (liscov.rfj, lit: it u ocrtaiu in ita tiflectt ami doe^ uot lilistir. ltE.u Pi .* Delow. J. r iiH 1 H ii»te Kendall's Spavin Cure. j lUiJiLTdN, Mo.. Juue 14, lH«l. B. J. KtsiiALj. t Co.,- (Jonts: â€" This is 1 1» crrtify tiiat i have nited Kendall'd Spavin Curt, and liavc (ounil it to be all that it in j rucomnjcuded to be and in fact more too; t. r. i:bj scourge oi I have romovoU b? usidb the abovo: CallouK â-  !i!!.i(l:s clilf.ily tiioise I I'Oiie Spaviii.s. lling-bonf, SjiIiutH, aud can i'i"f. i'l•l^^l'lr Ins a ii v. cnrl bsby, ;iii.l al'l ' ii '.n!y a f.-.v v. (fks.f.lJ, it rii.' 1 1' ::!.! I '.i;:c 'â-  ;, !i -c \i!:,i.iv"i l..wnnilbl'x!imi.ilie.l"'""'" '•^'â- "'J' *»^ recommend it to bo .1 • I |. 1 i.i II' tlie b«-t til nK for anybonj' Kiibstance I have 111. •; 'I.V -• ol I'llCH.. Ii.cj', ,^,.^ „^^,,_ ,.„d i^^^e |..i^ aslhave 1 i I Ml- Uiet \iUof iiiijiUlL' blood I „„„I,,. ilijit ij,_v study for vrnra. I. "or' I'iils. ^Miujili,' b'lt- I ItpKiw-ctfaHy j-onr«, i;.u l.rl' )r-.. I. -J lil..-tolia\v! ' • !:. 'lU kce, my buM I I.' I' iuLii out lato at i d Li iio luaii 111 the J' V. Cia3T. FROn Col T. L. Foster, "Ini N.isTci'VN, Olii,., Mav 10, 1880. ., It .... .1 U i.oiuau 111 the; "" ;-";M'A';-.v(o.,W,ta^iv.ada 1 III r n: ,!iJ,i I liav. a poll'.-C- j „ ,.,. ,„^,|,iv, \,^ had a larKC bono *n*i on ii;.; i. one jomt and a Bmall one on the other which I iiiadi hiin very 1 unc I had 'im under the ' I. rliii' ' A any t inner ili.r^r" of two veterinary surgeons wliich fail- IJu,. I,. 1-, .1 I. ill ill. Ill, I.I licl any I 'il '" '"re liim. I \va.s one day readini; the 1,1 .11 V..1., ,.1' ;. :i:i;. .V, ai.l be wiif i';lv'rtis.m-nt of Kendair» Spivin Cure in the I hica^'o I; rftri-M. 1 determined at once li w ,.A V I .Ill wbicli to try it. an 1 rol oar drui;;,'iRt In re to send .\ I. III, .-.I' In I '.. Ii,. â- â€¢ ' ).l il I a I ir (ill and won't ' f.,r it, th.y Ordered three bottles; I took them ' â- . MJiiail.llii I V. 'all nnd Iho(ii.'lit I would 've it a t}iorough I trial, I used it according? to directions and the .111' '1 i'.r a I'li.-^iri|itliill the f' '"â- "' '^-'y H'e colt ceased to be lame and I 1-, 1,111 •• i 1- my v.ii I'" 'â- ""'â- â- ; ",•"â- " "j-^j'lM'i^red. I u,ed but one I .Ill b'lttli aii'l Ilia f olt s hulls are as f/te from 1 Mill .ii.ii I yon llunl; lie i,„„,„ ,.,„, „, ,,„„,„,, „, „„^ ,,^,^,g j^ „,g 1" Well, ye.-. rjilKd stat.-. II.' is entirely enre.l. The cure was â-  lllolik I ..111 J I 801110 so II uiaikiibh 1 it 1 let two of my ueinhbors 1,1 ;,| I;.-, I liasi till- rem.. ni; two bottles wlioarenow liasi till- rem.. II '11/ It. V.rv K sjiectfullv, i J,. T. FO.STEK. Kendall's Spavin Cure. UiN..ii.iM,l)iit., .Ian. 17, 188'2. I'll- M. .1, Kkm'AI.i, A Co., (ient..: This is 111 iirtify I have used Kendall's Spavin 111! bi.ut;l,t froin ' i;. Williams, drun^iut. 1:1. 1.. ii.il_'.i, I)y |.i ji. 'i u I .II.' 1 aiiil iir I ' ii "11 St'diiucli ".. i '-.:' 'i IV til' 111. ,.1 I ' l :l!. S.l'l b\ '.. 1 i-.i., r ' (â- " A lit. tl'.il.^ ili-.,.\;.jMit, I Wiiit'liain. Unt,. and de without hesitation I |iioiii.uiiie it to be Hu invaluable remedy for thieiii. of Sp.iviiis, Kiii^^bones. or Ciirb». I ' '1.1. I in ' o.,ii, Old 'i.sed it on ;â-º s],aviu of several jeaiH ' !iv '.ltd iiiiei.'nt ](.•'_;'""'"' »^l»ali it completely removed, and I |) • .. "i ,,, (,, .;.iy ||, l7 • â- ^" aar.h tsay it will remove any Spaviu, â- â-  ' ' â-  Ciiil. or K.n^'lKjiie it projierly used. 1 Itave 'â- ""'•' ' ' â-  ' t- "'yi aUo reeomriiemied friends to use it, whn ba«e 1.1 V • 'I" 1)1- It, I iliiiii' M. with I'l rf.ct suieess. I ghidiv make I I wcr. liii.iiLis ali.iilt I "" l'"""' '""' '»""*n'**'*r any .jaestiomw I letti IS sent me. ' ' Yours Aic. Ill t: ,f di- :. (iKoKOrBRVCK. i.iii. til. tii»e!s, Kendall's Spavin Cure 0 III .VIA !V FLE'tll. I'm 1-1 k l;i.:..d ilit III il. I.- lilt and cl- i r. .Ml I. .liil-,i;o :. ill,, I !i.itlU- ill I 1 \\ rsT HNosr.rmin, Vt., I'eb. 1.5, !881. I'll II. .1. KiN-i.u.i. iV Co., dents: â€" Several • i.ths 1,;-.. 1 injiir.'d my knee joint which I ;^ • 1 an 1 nlar|.'i'nieiit to grow the size of I V. limit and e.iiisi' 1 iiie very severe pain nil i'l' in :it, ••tiuit till- tan. fm f.iur or fiv.' weeks, when I began •â-  i â- â€¢ In 111 a J.oet ' '" "â- '• K. iidaH's Spavin Cure with the most I ,, ||, ,|„ ,11 I eat. I 'â- â- I' -f"'"rv nsiilts. Il has entirely romov- I I ii 1 ' " " 'Il' al.iigi inoiit and stojipe'd thi'lamenes.s •' .\i"ll" â- l"Y ;â- '"â- ' aii.l 111, 11. 1 have long known it to be excel- in lia I lilt- I. 1,1 I.. 1 lio:e. but n 'W I Know it to lie the 1 I il "" r. lie IS ;,"'iiii.,' 1" -t liniinent for human tiesli that lam ac 1 :. r iiial â- ^uliatails,!'"""'"'"'"' 1 â-  V.'Urs tralv. T P. LAWUKXCE. • !. â-  "'".• niedtiilie Sr. .(.iiiN, 1- y Oet. n. InHl. ,. li[i"i: the bouels, I'l: H. .1. Kkxhu.i. A Co., (icnts; -I have i i i.i' wlillc ileaii.-~e "".1 your Spavin Cure with }.'reat suece.-s on ' I -paiii's. eurli- and iidints. I know it to l)c i.;,:isi!i,^\si.'in. 1 I • '• |."i iii'ily for iiiigl...iies. bone (-paviiis, I I'lt:' til' i^li'at cut-, ;;.;;â-  Ill, d all kin.Isi.ilanieuvssatlJolher â- â-  .ilil;;; -1 I'll!!.-, '^^aiilple 1 I'n alt :.!ofit the horse. One of my men 1 1 ~|ir.,iiii ,1 Im nnkl.' xery hailly. 1 applied Kinilair Soa.iii Cure fli-.d I never saw any- tiling work 'ike it. he was well in a few 4fcy». I know it to b, L lod for man as w.ll as beast. :i • it h. r iiu[in. uiul .„,H-ure,l pi:- of your Treatise on tlie Horse, it- r" tl: I' L;iii!iiii^ ol by mail for '.Vt-. and I think it was the means cf K.iuiig me V10() on one horse that -, v lulu' t.ikinc: down SELLING OFF. SELLING OFF. ' fO r • .»^ -» -r I Bargains. Bargains. Bargains A Bound for th^ North-West. Wr- â- H» " H Ibe nndersig.^ having delermincd to remc»» to m»lob« ^o4r^ 4flkn ftie ' ^hole of his large and well assorted stock, consisting of Df^ Go^ds, Groceries, Boots and Shoes^ Beady-Made Clothing, Millinery, c., AT^A GREAT SACRIFICE. »-?* 1^. (^i* This is the only -genuine bona-fide sale ever offered tc the public. The whole stock of goods [must be sold. Y ^^J^ ii-© o# Farm Produce. Wm. NELSON, Proprietor. Duadalk^ February ?8Ui, 1882., 1 TAILORy Wi KJed »n»^ ithePtibU.her.and [•"I!. P*rr^ ^rthe y»" :f • ";py^th the rules. â- â€¢Â«-:^uâ„¢.Ko,^^ -,i. }:'.•' 'I â-  .ill IK •' fKi (â- ! v1" ,*« LMwaa, Mort«a«M, «Jm «•. "^-^.-" j_.^n«iU of my boiiiie»- Alao to rttend to »U the different departmenu oimy __^ ire*. I„ „«y *ipart«-nt of my iKudiN- «V « ness and Fair Deahng. ii^galiKU iBybauni aotfer; r othy, an Grass Tares, o. ' i:".-* .-. ^metU ^,«^**«-j^i»*.,^*i*^r*" prompt r*uam aia^e. CBABOES LOW. â- â- â-  ROBTa.PAVlS.^- • -R-R Real Estafe. LoMi liiBTmmce Agtnl Cbnyeyancer, Commiasioncr in B.R.. Real JS8t|«e. x^w. FARMERS 3 WECHAMICS' ESTATE. LOAl^ A3flb ' ' DUNDALK, -;. 9^^?^^- Conveyancing done with cire, neotneii ind deipafch. Millet, Carrot, Mangel .oa'T-'-V r ::::.. io. .J:r.fir.ii;i^rtion;. -\^^iu^ertiou.. jer of 1'°*=^^ bv^^cal.- of sol. 1 J«l measured by^n^^^ M-- ' tiU be P^W^^^'";;;„,.;torv adver ordingl" *^"«.^ „( uiU'»«'0" ool 27 l0j 1." 001 8 ool 4 ool .-.01 i:l Tol 2" I f| ek OB the We wpnW lito remind the public inpenrral that we hav » „ â-  OARDEN AND FLOWER SEEDS '"«««( ui" -JiH OFFICEâ€" Ont door south of Anglo- American lIoUl. Dondalk, September Ist, 1881. lly. 1882. Stafibnety, School Books, Patent Medicines Perf Dyestuffs. Paints Oils, Toilet Soaps, Fancy S"' Pure Drugs Chemicals 'Tea, GofPee, and Tobacco. A. Turner Co.. Medical Haii N.B. â€" A Qu antity of the celebrated Oil Cake jast r cation. jOD PRI^TINO descr.ptio.i e^*^^^"'^^j{fi,,e ' nd 'espatch Ht the om^e iONM. I^HO BU81HESJ DIRECTORY- ans.surgcou^.ivcco lUU; resiJel.ce 1 Medical |Hon'«- ie. Sept 1 18S0. MARK DALE Sash and Door Facti feftJtI. B. !nrllii»'^^- "v^ASPSOt-UIT'li- .,^ Office- at »^"\r"' â- â-  gnj^ 1-1 '^T'^i^* «'""•• /S Sol.cit.ivs a- t I .•â- â- â€¢â€¢ 0«pii â-  ' '• ' ' Office "1" â- â- â- â€¢ If Tli;:r-.l faosT. C!"wn .Vtioii ,I.\\. 1 SPRING 1882. Great Novelties. Wonderful Attractions. AT THE- TORONTO MOUSE, SASH, DOORS, USTl J. iwi**?*^^. Not.ii- ^^,^;,..(•..n^.•^. BLINDS " • MOULDINGS, â- '-,";â- â-  HOLLOW BATTOKS, Lumber, Lath and Shingles, Always on Hand. Orders Promptly Pilled. •rot^Ni'^-^i--^ 'â- â€¢â€¢'• ' ,__Owen Soi',l._.',\ "â- â€¢â€¢' lore, on I'ri.t O aal s.t-' â-  Crpa..oiA Mo; i •-.•' ,ve. A' v.\. l'.-a SYDENHAM STREET. -, •; f Marklnle, .July 7, 1881. r ' IT' €ftOCSft£$$^ .A M'INTYRC TEA! TEA! TEA! A. MI'INTYRE ^F^lovLX, X^loTj.r, no"Vj.x- 1 McINT^RE'S ' "• 1 ••' t,'r;ii. !,i ii (iiic litll ' 'tir l..t:i halili I a Wiiuaii .us iiic ,iui.'Ll.; t.lii/. ,n' 11 Ills iiiuuc; he's I il... I r ,1 .V 1 ' I. .\ \i I' lello'A-, "Oil ' "'â- """ I'l OI dill;: to the ilirecti'iiis given iu ' y,uir Ix-ok f-.r ilis/iliued RtiMi Vouis truly, WM.I.i'KAnSOX. Senil address f.r Illustrated CiTCalar,\vlii^ ' vc tli.nk (ives ix.silive proot ef it« virtues. v., atl 1 1 i.-. tiyilig tu the i Ni r. iii.',l. lias ever met with such uti|ualifi- â-  ir.i' â-  lialili' ti ilj..,. I "l sin r. to oar knowledge, for Ijeast as well â-  I 1 '" nmil. I Priri' M |.er lKttle, or kix uottles for 95. .-. a.,:, -.1 ai;il^ "" .\;i ,l:ii,_-;.ts h ,ve it nr an t'ot It tor you, i y luirirv tlie j or it wili b? sent to any ahiress on rccept of I'ii'i.s .â-  iiiiacil :iiidl"'i" by tlio proprietors. Db. B.J. Kendall .s. ..-.l -IV.' tune iUld""'" "•""""""" """' J V nil. I'ricc oocts. Sold by all Druggists., ;i i'r, i.'^ts. A. Tur- I,YM.\N. SONS i CO., il.mtreal l.t Ut'i.ll'i, aiul i i Wholeside Ap.iits •elit IhUlll.llk. I â-  â-  â-  McINTYRE'H UQUWSI JJQIORS McINTVpES Cigars, Cigars. Ooflee, CoiTee. MEALl MEAL I NKAU McINTYRE'S Pork, Pork. Pork Teats, rr'e^.ts. And every tiling kept n in a £rst-class Orocei? and Liquor Store, always on hand, cheap for cash. iftOC3$Ctt3t0« o It 8 Prices astonishingly low in every Department. Highest price for Dairy and other produce. Markdale, May Ibt, 1882. Wm BROWN. The Sabacriber wkbet t3retnni tbankf. to the people of MarkJhlc' aud vicinitT. Iw lU very liberal patronage they have given liim in the past, and hope- 1 v eVj^- iii.biM to bnaiaeaa to merit a eotitinnanoe of the same. I have now extended my business jtnd will in future keep a full Stxl of P INE LUMBER. Direct from the North Shore. A^LIj sizes, dressed and UNDKESSET), All I£lii€l« ori*ln,in and l'^«nc3 Xurning Done in a first class manner. cers ^s in t»»eii h'Ui Y \V. life's SlOH-.i" 'I' MARKDALE ,w..i.Mit"^:' â- ";^ .^ idav of ""•"" â- *•• "â-  unds to b-n'l • â- â€¢' • ' nt.vsoii. y. â- kda\. Win. BiM»wit. .,„ii.r m "• '•••*^ â- . ..:, -i;:" tveyauciuK i" kU il» Lra"" I'" THOS. McNEA. Markdale PUMP Factory. MAKER OF ALL KINDS OF PUMPS, BR©P VALVE PUM?S, CYLINDER PUMPS, CISTERN PUMPS, FORCE PUMPP, ' '""AlscTXtrC KmpS OFreON PUMPS SUPPLIED. Satisfaction enaranteed oa ail my work Uie proof of it is fonod in tiia fact that I am doing a larger btiuDcss now tliaa e\'er waa done io Maradale m the Pomp btisiness. Remember the stand, 1 do6r north of Ratledge's Ilotel, Sydenham Street, Markdale. Markdale May 27lh..l881. 3:11 Great Excitement dii Markdale OTEB lax LABOB ABEnruA oir SPRING Zc SUMMER doods -AT- "CHE APS IDE." P.Q. I .: ,a... ^:.l.l a Maiiubik' man fARMKHS. Look to your interests. I't ,.:;i!,- r tl," .tiir .lav. this isthcl ami get Sargent's Patent •-. -? :.;,. c.i' .;.'â- ,• I'll' 1 tvir i-UW. tlie .., j't I .1. il i lUv 1 .Ti'.f ts are soatVectiuii- ati ll.'V c ill .ii't ec't aiijt'i'HjJ be_ tUiVii tlitl.l. •'»((! !.!:\v.\!;i"»! Load Liftini Hacliiiie It will-teve joa one d tiJt^ j every day you are cr.i\^ing in, as you don't need n, inan at tl c front of the V l-v t aJ fiii- !bo '.elPi Uoii an.! ton- m^' to pittU it baolu- .-i'.^iM«w*iieh i.o ..'11 r.ii-y inrtort .srliinc or .u-al- f f*'3'ii }^** lo*d as y(« 'a'rA pluhing iii.^ iu ai.v 1.. :;ii.-. naiiit -ifeif, or lu.i- do^vu instead of up. I'ou can unload lari.'-i 11. 1 I'lTTiis, .specially Hitters in half the time, and with greater r prp| nr atioiis with the word Hop or cw* 'ban ia the old way. I I' Ill tlicir name or O'liuectod tiiorc j Agents wanted iu evelrv couaty. Wm. SAiiGENT, Berkeley P.O. or, (iiovtr Si Innt' Mail BuilHogs, Toronto. «4-97 villi, tbr.i i.s luiiin'led to lULsleiid and .-'.1 ' tl.' juiMif, tr fi-r any irej'iirrt- ti. 11 1 ;;t ill a'.y funii. leltudiiifj to ho til.- sa:;ic a*; IIih* I'iitkrh. TIip gcn- lili'i- liavf iliisf.r I'f (irn:KN H.ip^. • 11 !titi- tl.i.--) prii:t';d on tlic ul.itc label ala irjin typhoil fovtr. which i-eccntly iiiul :irp tiic pureat mill it' i^t medieiiiei ftrtvailed very largely iu a Western oil .ittl' e-pfii illy r»r i\i lucy. Liver, I t.jwn, was directly traced to the fact and Nuivons liso:s't, l!a«rnre of itltl tliat they 'mamtaiq^ ab cx«ell«pt otbeis. nod of all (iraloudcd furuinlas I ftate of health ^y the nse of Dr. Cftr- The csemp'ion of individu- i«r rcii[H."s of lltp HiTrtU' pnblislied in i';iMers or ffr sal.\ a*; tbev are I'rau.ib iiii'l ni«idks. Wlioevcr deals ill any i)"' tlio ociinine will bj p.ose- •Utc' II !â-  I-l.TF.B? Mko. C.., Ilicbcotcr, N. Y son'8 St unach and Constipation Bit tcrs. Tfiis medicine is pote^ ir^at* hie, nou -alcoholic, and miay i({lM ti- all droggists. Pace 50 canta. A. Xv- ner k Co., agents, Markdak. and G. W. Parsons, Agent, Dnndalk. At Shortest Notice. 7 Orders by Mail or Wire pr executed. 7 IMPORTED DIRECT FROM ENGLISH MANUFACTI^BEBS, coNSfsnKa or Dress Goods, Cashmeres, Muslins, All shades. Allcolora. Latest PBttaraa Brilliants, Diapers, dretoimefif, Scotch and West of England Tweeda, Diagonal Coatings, Dress shirts,^ Ties, Docks, â-  i "i i-j"' lOeBlnlkMv OJdord 'Sbti^it]ig:s, ^^-i .. A NOBBÂ¥ 8XO0K OF FEIj: ititS. SMbLW HA.T8 iiu«)AjiCB. Full IMes of d?ipGBitpi§,,;. "' NMriMt Fresh. MunLhagȣ*fackai: OH, HEAR. OH, HEAR. OH, HEE o Squander your money if yen want to. if not, get yourPbotogvaiilis of W. BULMER. The People's Photographer, Flesherlon â- Who is again prepare.! to take Pictures, and do Cop^-ing and Enlarpinjr «~ herelolore. KR.A.!%f KS A IS I FR, J^TStl^ l-^lXIXtiS. Vfe are receiving alarge stock of MOTTOE S and Motto and ..tlier Inam s aul Â¥ra» Fixings, which we ean, and mean to sell at Remarkably Low Prices, C«il »»ii â- eenre bargains. Bring along yooi pictnres and have them copied ard enlar^'ed bv vour nli! friend Flediertoa.kaiohlO.tMl. OWfcmfcj^' a,..Vtoaiide..r.Iiii'v' ^. â- â€¢ â-  -M iiey to Lendo-.i K. • lEkdale. Sept. iV â- '**-"• " Aiexaiulrr U; •»••*..'«• JUKUot Marr.a,-. I •- • I^.te li.-uraiii- â- \- "â- â-  " â- ^, U. .Vr. l'' ^1 I,.iueer{orth.--..a.M.v'V ,a.its, aad l.«a I S^^" ' _^ to and ehar." s ni ..i fcicevUle.,l..f' I .. 1 .\ul ol ucTioNKv:!^ ANI' •â- ^::;^' V" ' atUuJ â-  I i-t^v' â- '•;.; ^â-  ,^oldonc'n.n.."" ' lltoos. OrKan-.:...l::;- ;;: ,, Ifnit and Oriia..!.-'.!- 1 1 •_^^- " Imiibni. lai'.s. •â- â€¢â€¢ ' I ktods on K«le. '•^ vd. -Vi',. -•• ' ' Wiliiamsfui't MWs ,-1 T T V â- * 7 T 1 iriLiE-'iil GESTLKMl N U -OU va- Buggie or Wagj URRUGE 10R| MARKOV. '-^ I GETMY WOOL CARDED ^Vapon They can su'ipiv 'i Lumbe Extension- 1 ou JCi 1882. m^ 18S2. To liuy â- s A A^ t: They are boil, 1 1 ;,1 w.,rl.i,,. II AT THE Dundalk Woollen Mills. DUNDAJUC Dee. n, MM. .a. »t jr 1 â-  T »!t \r, P(, :J|^(b«|lX^u;oiito MaMlf»otiinm,,,-, â-  ' '-J j'.i I- CROCKERY, QLASaWABE, HEKET IL a i.,i. I LAWPB, ETC .jj^ Rsi^il;".-) • .^oil woiDoiUTdl.-j.'^MARKDAtlt, ' .-' -..Ut.J,; i.; .* .. ".i* .«-T *\c;» ;^ ,â-  j,., .•r*H.«i-'rtiRri««i*i. »drr:.o-i i^ -l â- 0nd^!rr^â- r^^ tftkvum ri:l^ hOB llT.|«i Ii .IB â- â- '3V'â- :^lIâ- in.^♦*Ti•.• â- .' ' (( â- :' Lff-j ' VC Markdale.^ e'i tr- '• :iij««v'» Xi T'f .â- .t./jrr vmrt i";hf,\ hi, ^^MWLl- toty ft rae stetil liluk Ihrt! Where do you get Yours P. 8.â€" Parties indebted by note or book account will please to call «»" Bsttle »t once. PRACTICAl- V:^l^l^i Thev Kail lilt " ' ' Second to none f' r l.i:' " ' and Sap. i 'r-'y 1 They nse nothin;.' Im F.i I for \VaRon~. ainTtlii Growth Hie'.v".^ ' Theimmi'iiseaii."" I Oct of McKeniia A Ma proof of the Wide le! al.. lor' ;-"••' ' '•'â- â€¢ W. H. PETERSON. 67-tf. Tbb best isTtinl 11! Poor chctip «»"• "• I*' not I ii- â-  if « ARTEMESIA WAREHOUSE ...... .. i -.I,.. -,â- -..» a :â-  Diy Goods, Hardware, Crockery, Boots and Shoes, Gro- ceries, Provisions, c. Stock kept full and well assorted with new goods received every Special attention ^ov. :. ' and Bepainiing all e'.:i--e- Satisfactson u i i' â-  HORSESHOEIj ibHOPâ€" On M'll 'i 'â-  " 1 Sprouk's h'ltil. i McKENNAMA^ iii. ' (. week. Mfy BRANCH STORE at EUGENIA replenished with New Goods every week. i^i Sale Cheap for Cash or Produce. SaSr "Mll'and Shingle Factory • 'â-  .:\1hf;iArltWÂ¥Al.LS are in operation. 1 Wm HOGG. T. E. DA VI!*. BUILDEU CON lU.At lOl'.. JJrick). .\ftcr couipl. -.i; u- I-' hit season is still on lie ii:'k ;iq prepared to d. nU kiii'ls of -•on.- •ork. plastcrin- and tuek i-,..Mtaif *ho contemplate l-uildinu will tail ' •drantage to piv.- luni'U .all- Besidence corn, r of lir.uMi a"' 8»«t«. lUaiD*LK.. »i- gcitcU. 67 oiiij^' REVERE HOI T. SPKOUL.E, • Prop THIS popular Hotel has bad a I dition added to it, tUoroa-Ulj **d is now seoond to none m tb' Uood -»^M1nt and attentive ostli •'•â- â€¢ aaeoaHnodatiou lor coinnn'r m- Tenas f i.oo prr dat

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