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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 29 Jun 1882, p. 2

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 k \r aimer '*^, *«•. "«y, and Che. '00 yds. 1^3, '^^ Pan, rices. °°^ beforei led for va-i omplete. complete, Joming ULE. Ilesherton. HINES it ted in with Bobbin Winder, andl ' and are all supplied! cd attachments. term of five years. ORGAN, bck. I- â-  V Jtruction, the style oH ichness of tone, lent, can- I other id five years. r- ler Piano ned on old Mftcbinefl ani] ige. The moat months. Lds from Ow«n Sound TON,! -1 • it" IT STANDARD. ;^J^6ther:notices » ties. ^ets at McFarlandB. pbirts, coi liars, socks vsA ISnglsn^, fm^^lMWiHing in this eoon- JjIcFarlauds. *^' roof bus been token off Wm. Soft patter g^a bard hats, nobby, at cost at Baes. °^^ to ,0^, Cptau. Paul Boynton will shortly T P fl â€" Vour letter is inserted as ^iertiiement. St,.De*are «nd classware »t cost at Batter iKae'8 mud turtle fell at Meaford during ^ercteutbtorm. j.,rt],enwarel.5 per cent below cost jt Butter i Rae'B. jj, Black's bam was demolished by the storm. 55 =avo(l by ordering your clothing from Mcfarland. Xlir- Methodist shed. Eupbrasift.wss blown »croB3 the road. K daily paper was published at Mea- for'j iliinug the election. Another arrival of oranges and femous at Montgomery's bakery. Mr r.rr-wn'H barn. 4tb line Enphra- 5ia, lias been leveled with tne ground. i;. V J. W. Savage and wife are on a vUt to their fiieuds in this vicinity. Tiiriii!' s'^rd, pure, fresh, and true to at the Medical HftU, A. Tur- DLr 4 'o- Another shipnfient of candies and '.^ in all varitiea at Montgomery's Wk rr. Jl^isons and plasterers can be sup- p)*,\ wiJi overalls by calling on Eut- Ur -f ""'• Mr. Tiirson, late of Meaford, says onJnitid'm, Man.: "I like the coun- try w. 11." Ihive yon a lame horse? Call for K 'ndaU's Spavin Cure. Read adver- t:- iiient. Oohow.M.Y., hashMlto]. man $4,000 for Iwi^ • dirt j liiu at)tm\ toi break bar sh»lM4»o^*t»m^B» rfgf^troa Soadtf *odi At^JMvi ^^ deM«d Aat The B«T. John Brown, of Bedford, tdsvoa mlbifofin Straw hats, fnllings erabroidenes, ♦1,' ii,'-.lftcps, cheap cljeap!! at But- ter Mill Rae's. Attention I. every one. Have you _( Hid i.f Kin Jail's Spaviug Cure See ailvi itiseracut. It will da yon good *^o loolt at Mc- Knrl;iiids Dow stock of glasi ware, criciuTV mid fruit j^ns. I-'or selling liquor withont a license I,, on riessis wns fined $1)5 at the Po- lice Court, Montreal. A Mr Milli{,an has returned from MiiMitolii to JJi'aford. to find his home beroft of little ones, and his wile very ill. r.nttir nv\ cr^'Xi wnuted. 18 cents f.r bntti 1 anil ITcte. lor egtjs at But- ti r f.- Ra s. Di not piiss as we mean wliiit \vc ^.iv, every time. .Iff. Smitli, the barber will be in I'lr liirtou S.itiuJay Dominion day wh. lo lie will lu: liappv to wait on th' sf wliu need his seryices. Ev I y nrliilo in the shop will be mM at L-ot f.T ca.-,li at Butter «fe Rae's. |i not lliiuk wc are humbugs and ad- Miti^o what wc will not do. 'riioiii^h Earl Shaftesbury is more ilinii » i;,'lity years of ngc, he this year I. -kIimI iit no less than eif,'hteeu May iniiliiiys at Exeter Hall. Loudon. \\i: liavfi just received a copy of the in"~t i«ipnlar piece of music ever pub- li~lii 1 III tins country, called the "Vcr- ili. t MMrcli," ci'inposed by Eugene L. i;1m1,.' hoots, shoes, slipm^rs. ties, tweeds, prints. co!tons, dncks, linens, towel iiiu'^. small wares, and a lot of articles ui will -not mention at cost at Butter A's. TLis is a terror. Try it not again. It makes us warm to read it. "Per- '^piration is with us again. \Veihou;ht It would como in the sweat, by-and- live." â€" Mirror. The contract for the erection of a fi;iiuo sclicol house for school section No. ir township of Euphrasia, has Irrn awarded to Mr. E. C. Large, of tlii. place. Mr. Archv Doyd returned last wck liom Montana. He will go back to Montnna shortly taking his wife to bis new home. Mr. Boj'd informs us that i;iiik r.iuttie is damg well at Mon- livua. \. /;. AU classes, creeds, colors, flit lids and foes are requested to pay • iir L'laiius against them before the lOtli .July, as we wi'l not be responsi- M lor costs after tliat da.te. Butter llic Menford band is no exception to the rule for bands and choirs. Where two (.r three are gathered together ll' Its the de'il in the midst of them I " nmkc their harmony unharmonious, Jiii.l ili.cord of concord. On one occasion when an English ^i.-it- r to Rome I'sked Garibaldi what I'ii'i.n Jie beluved in, the General iijiul: "The religion of humanity: 'fit' iiliuion Christ taught by precept autl example." Thomas E. Davis, bnilder, has the Contract for the new Pi-esbvt^rian (.hurcl). Markdale also for the brick frit^t n.ill, PricevJlle. This live build- er hn- built and completed the brick- work of three buildings in 15 days. -Ittcnlion Elections are over; excursions to Toronto are the great topic now. tut RuUer 'v: lias would ask the peo- |le to couie and see them for the next Iwenty davs and get bargains in ail tie lines in stock. Miss Maggie Cunningham, teadi g •f the junior department of Markdale ^hool, daparted this life on Taesday '*st, 27tli inst. She was a highly re- spected, amiable young person, and a »pceial favorite of her pupils. Her N '^as peace. try, is a saoeeaaor to John Bon; aoUior of Dit in his pastorate. aoA is oalj^jbe minister dial efamcli lias ' crganization, 2fi0 jaars ago. Importers in Markdale are rnj proad of thi name, bat the eoantrr is getting nied to Uie sham mew and will not swallow all they say. Batter 4 Kae do not import andlieCce tbtef are willing to let all dassBs hw, jiu4 by buying their poods yoa^^it vinced U»y are liot ' Mr Essery, who went out ^riUTthe Primitive Methodist Colonisation Co. to Qu'Appelle says, It ia safe to eon- elude that all who are at all eomf(»t- ably situated m Ontario had better li^ contented with smaller gains, and «a' joy the comfort of h#ine and i*D4| than come here. â-  •r-r " "• R Tf-L^" ' Tj JrX Mr. W. T. Bpeers,' wMe i«S8ing through Owen Sound, assisted taking the b(jdy of John Campbell, a lad about twelve or fourteen years of aga. oat'of the lake. From all appearances he had been drowned some time. The affair will be investigated by the au- therities, as the boy waa never veport- ed as missing. Old Maggie had fully her own share of Scottish prudence and economy. One bonnet had served her a dozen years, and some laaies in offering to present her with a new one, asked whether she would prefer silk or straw as material. " Weel," said Maggie, ' 1 think I'll take a strae ane, it'll be a mouthful for the coo when I'm thro' wi't." The performing of statute labor is now being vigorously carried on. We may reasonably expeck a great im- provement in the roads, as the rais ing of the assessment bab added large- ly to the number of days of labor to be performed. We believe that the statute labor has thus been increased some 200 days. Some outwarj and visiUe si^ sbotild ht i{eea for tb^ array cf figure*. ' " '^^ Guiteau appears to realize bis terri- ble position more keenly as the end draws near. He still maintains that he is the inspired servant of his Cre- ator, who will protect him. His bro- ther, who has not abandoned all hope, will present another appeal for a reprieve until an examination as to the assassin's sanity has been held. Hio sjiiritual adviser, Rev. Dr. Hicks, asked the prayers of bis congregation for the unfortunate man on Sunday. CoLOMx, Mich., Nov. 4, 188(1 ^JDy. B. J. Eeudiill Co., Gents â€" Accepl thanks for ctrcuiars, which helps us considerable. Wo are selling a large amount of your Kendall's Spavin Cure which gives great satisfaction. We are authorized to atf for Mr. A. H. button, a farmer near here, " 1 have used six bottles of Kendall's Spavin Jure, and curea ^s manj spavins (well marked), oa daffs^ent horses. I consider it a reniedy nevy equalled for spavins or ringbones. Yours truly, ItyNO Gilson, When an old fashioned merchant iu New Jersey came to look over an order, made out by his new-fashiened clerk, the other day, he looked up over his spectacles and said: â€" "Janes, I see you have spelled shugar without the h." "Yes, sir, that's the proper way." "But I have spelled ix with an "h ' for the last twenty-nine years." "Can't help that, sir. Sugar should not be spelled with an h. " "Well, mebbo it shouldo't." sighed the old Plan, "mebbe it shouldn't. I pre sume that this mixing in glucose docs make difference somewhere." The Flpsherton and Markdale Meth- odist Sabbath school excursion which was announced to lake place on the 5th July, has been postponed to the 7th m order to be in a position to oh tain a sufficient number of coaches. The excursion will go on the regular train, leaving Markdale at 6:29 and Flesherton G:43, arriving in Toronto at 10:35 and will leave Toronto 4:85, ^ving 6 full hours in the city. Fare for the round trip $1,25, children un- der 15, GO cents, with privilege of re- turning on any regular train the fol- lowing day for $1.25 extra, children 60 cents. UiM to «( T-!t!i London W.S. HewetsonSCo's ^mainei* Im|kttiti(»i8: Snrpaaa aajttnag yet ofisrad to the p«AIi« fv r Style, Quality, and Oh«apiies8. Direet %»4^A*^^Mt iMiwfc|tai)is in Europe eonsuitinc of Prints, White Goftdbsj BtMmtH and Frenefi t^shmerea, in Tariona shades also a great variety of Faney and other Dress Goods, in all ths latest fabriea. A jarge assortment of Swifs Lace Curtains, Edgings. Ac The English Beadv-Made Oenta' Clothing, which was so successful in the FaU and Wiatv. will be npeated, in the tateat Loa^p j^tflas. «loag wiUialafg«aas«rkaeat«fa#Dto'fnn»sh(iiie, 46. ' " ' Every Department replete- with 9ew and Fifst-eUssuOooda. Oiye os a call, and see for TounelTer. " • ' • -• c;.-i yZjt^ 4 JT o Sole Agent for the Cekbrat^ McCairs Hew York Buar \c ua Ladies, save money by making your family garmenta from fl»Me Pat- terns. Perfect fit good style low prioe. Catalogues and Fashion Papers free. \A XtiJ- ^to hare tickets te dispose ef will ,^^e to uke them to the offiot where ey were purchased. Dundalk. Fine weather. Crops look splendid. The agricultural grounds are fenced An immense crowd is expected on Dominion Day in Dundalk. Proton council will meet at Cedar- Tdle on Tuesday, July 4. The surrey for the township drains hare now extended some twenty miles. The stone work for Mr. Uanbnry's large brick building is nearly com- pleted. The Queen's hotel is being pushed Corward rapidly and will look well when completed. Mr. G. R. Middleton will have the masons at work on the foundation of his brick store in a few days. Tlie path masters are at work on the roads, but they find it hard to get some of the boys out to work. It will cot be surprising if both the boys and the pathmaslers are brought before the J. P. of ttii* twmfliip."^, 1- The Toters* list (br Proton will beiff" the hands of the council at their next meeting, Jul/ ^h. Oar thanks to Mr. James Cavanagh. clerk, for tha neat and legible manner in which he got up the copy for the same. Ml. John B. Marshall has made special arrangements to have a danc- ing platforra on the agricultural grounds on the 1st oi July. It is ex- pected that those trippmn the " Light fantastic toe " will faavp an enjoyable time that day. An old resident has joat pasMd away in the peraon «f Jin. Dkgtlft Feigusou, con. 15. For a long tune she had been afflicted with a cancer in her breast. Some twelve months ago she iuderwent an operation andrfer »^ time it was thought the canMr had been snceesafnllj taken out. Again, however, it grew and at laat eaased Atteatigo is drawn the iidffcrtise ment of tiia epQectora iot.6tad 7 side road near Kimbsfley. They will be in Markdale in a lew davs to secure the promised subscription for the im- provement of this road. The town- ship of Euphrasia has come forward and with a sum equivilent to the col- lected amount backed up this most desirable improvement. Markdale will be benefitted greatly by the labor that is now to be put on -6 and 7 sideline, and the sooner the money is paid in and the work completed, the sooner will the benefit of the improvement be felt. Let the subrcriptions be handed in liberally, for it's seed sown on good, ground and will bring forth plentifully McFarland's tea Is valued by me Â¥vT I think it snperior, With nothing inferior It serves me, Preserves me And never unLerres me. When winking; And blinking. Or sinking Or thinking. His tea is worth drinking. Without any shrinking. Buy it try it drink it. Says the San Franeiseo Netcs Letter: The anticipated arrival of the Princess Louise is crealiug a good deal of ex- citement already in the higher circles. "0 my! ain't I just too real gladt" remarked Miss Coupons (late of Paris) to Miss Headlioht, who was calling on her tbe other day. "I never see a real live Princ'ss, did we, ma, when we waa in Parse?" "Gueas not, daughter," responded her ma, as she forced on hex pale kids with lip-moiatenad iB ger and thumb, " 'uless ye count that one we see in ^hat wax figger shown in the Shsuki tlUzy." "O pshaw, mal" interrupted Miss Coapopa, "she waan't no real live and kickin' Princ'ss Uke one." "Thats so,' observed Miss Headlight, abstractedly examining her Montagues in tne plate-glass mirror at her elbow. '• Well," eontmned Miss Coupons, "we're goinj? to give her either a banquet or a reception. We ain't decided whieh, but we're first going to find out at wbidi -enter- tainment she'd most likely wear her crown, see " Course you're going to entertain her?" "Well, ire ain't sure yet," replied Miss Head.'ight, 'aswe'Il call or not, till we bear from Lord Bopeep whether she's in good society io London, for pa heard her hosband, Mr. Lome, ain't rich a bit.*' WIUYOU^ QMUtl • teie of Dnpepalj»or Bllfoaaneaa for 70 cents? It is awfiilly unwise to neonize un- der the many ailments aiisinsr from py«P«Pfio, Indi^stion, Disordered Stomacband Itlrer, when this offer Is made to yon In 7onr own borne in all sincerity. with an absolnte certainty of oarlncyou. ZOPJETsA (from Bnudl) cores JOHN NOBIiB, MAliKDALE. GMERIEKXSMITH HORSESHOEING • *A ifrEClALTY. ' ..^30 **/ isj iOifS Tenders fwDrainajt WOBKS. SBiXiXD nansBS fnr Drainage" will b« leeeiTed at the Ottee of the unieamnMi, op tiU IS o'dod J r^e -.CI B0» on Monday, the Srdday ef Wy, 18M, lor tb* drainage of a portion of tbe Township of Ifelaoeihon. Tenders may be for one or more drains, and to be a«oompanied with the name« of good and efSeiant sureties for the due per- formance nf tbe work. Tbe lowest or any tender aot neeessariibr aeeq»ted. i Flans and Speeilloationfl of the work aiay be seen at the ofllee of tbe nndersiiiied. JAME8 BBOWN, IfelanotboD. June M, 1889. Clerk. iS-4 tutttia ^* â- n^BSrlWIk nMffMBKm SSurMM M Mmmof aturmmi, mntu nuumi, or nttKm, -; â€" ' â€" â-  â-  â-  ' T*' .i";, C.A. lC(0fl4l Sr^»^ JMIw^.R£i:TAJiL.£: Foundry! AND- Dyspepsia and Bllioasneas. A 8iiis'ie dose relieves; a sample bottle convinces; a 75 cent lottle cures. It acts directly vpon the Stomach, Liver, and Kidneys.' CleansKO?, Correcting, Bev. â- latinsr* Baptok jtlr*» enernr and Tim to the Brain, Kerrey and Mntcle, simply by worlc- Inir wonders upon tbe Diges- tion, and elvlnff activity to the liiver. Cat this oat, take is to any dealer in medicines, and get at least one 70 eent bottle oi Zopesa* and ttU your nelg^hlor bow it acts. It is warranted to enre Dyspepsia and Stk* iot THX Famx. â€" In articles we^pa^e all, that )(ieed be ' The "ticket-scalper's" occupation is ?one. The Dominion Act for the 'Ufpreobion of his trade comee into! her d^tii. Ms. h.«r,/un«d Jhe Bev- ^ffeet on Saturday next, ted peo^ ^%»SUt«te4t«|ffiUybJ Thinhino last spring, said in favor of thHining fruit, and cited j j,,^ gabbajh school to^k the chaurand /. ,^. »?* °f I -- ' ^-^^ "-- '^-- -* the operatian. Those wlio thinned About 1,500 people from portions of Grey, Simeoe, Pee), and York tripped to Guelph on Toeeday. lliey ware supplied with loneh in lbs larc* bam at tbe Experimental Farm, and afterwards madea tboroetb io^wetion of the institution, both oatside and* in- side. At four o'clock the parity f* assembled in the bam, where Prineipal Mills explained the eooraa of instrne- tion ana the natiire of the objeets aimed at by tbe institution. Other speakers expressed the hope that the institution would still continue to ao- oomrlish in the fntnre as iseat gqoi in the interests of tbe fknaer as itliad done in the past. The party left lor home at six o'clock by (^rand Trunk special. At Matkilaletht special tram arrived between 1 and S o'clock a. m. A very soeceasful Sabbath school picnic was held on Tuesday last in the woods adjoining the Methodist Church towoline floUand and Eni/hrasia. Swinging, games, and social conver- sation were indulged in until the time announced for tea bad arrived. Ample justice was done to the good things provided by the ladies. After tea Mr. EbeneMC. Moore, superintei^eot of wewi^a »AA «««vw* -vm â- *â- â- â- â- 'â€" -q -- â€" â€" -, â€" s'-m^ â-  JsatBoefs" Jo ih^^^eM»of, peaches, peara, and apples, sopu after the iruit bad set, thonnh at the time they thouoht thfty w«»s thmaiag se- verely, now that it has inersaaed in sise, am aorptised. at th« abocdance of firait on their treea. It is rarely that ev^ BfiVMWerisn^ enough 'fiftM wKtaOmillg; h^vIcCs' nevei do, and it ia often oeeesiKy to g J CMT thi^tMMff^l^he9 the M is hdT gTtfWh Dr monr at this tnte we can see, what is not amnifast whan the fruit is wu}!^ aovj^pecfection in the totn^pt V0i§t'$^ pAcially those wliiel will become one-sided ny the crowding, and this should be kept in mind at Mi leB«^br 'trogifrVtfll c^^1i0gy$ singing, recitations, dialogues, sua addieesca was d i sp a t c h ed. We notic- ed our townsmen, Messrs. Sproale umi-McFadamtiwfeto.Uie front in hnmocTona and instmetive addreeees. Pfoeeeis Mar*y $», to ks iHVi«(l to- wards pnrohaaing a library lor the ing mpidfy, bj^ the aid of the Ikeqaent gi^ial shgwera, and the eontmoance -^^ _^ â- *- 'gif antrireather. grow va elusters, " ' the fattvr feet removed. In thia, as well as all ^•' thorsold othesopcilhti^n^ODtrses^SOsae thou slMill^ patintB-llialwdrk. Tt and legitimats id isa direet twelve vpMBBtfls OT ^ssn eF â-  â- â-  new frait. !niose who bavs aa eye hrtfaei'^^^ an interesting sermon to the 8f0 pi» IfiT Ifciti BWW, •irf Twllit psople who had as^mUed at her|cMsleKS grow whste a m^ one u b«ttar^-ril««mi«4fffpfrsrNfk dFood prices are being paU liiir fiat caUle and sheep. $48 was paid for a fat cow Ust week, and Mr. D. McAr. of$S.8Si. for an sM s eaad wi-s :.rL J.U Three bad oat of fiveJ who are intending to compete for ^minmsat the a«ttg«j«ows^^ biai large aambsr of n^tloee sight of the^fiMl that iSiBning ^^,^„„ ^^ empkncd loailia« aiing .|)s|ato Bag i»i a Istg* asaqr this year. m gttard on nearly Tailon Orer McFAIWS, MARKDALE. Special attention to Cattily. If yoa want a yonr Ocder with Perfect lit leaye a A. OWEN, MABKDALE. MARKDALE MarbleWorkB Honimmtsjombsfones! ^^^^** faction Guaranteed. 6hop neat door to BtwrrJTsirf. W. I. JMISTOI, Prp Aw. 10th. USlr MACHINE WORKS. We are prepared to execute all kinds of Turning and Boring, "WITH General Lathe Work Done in a praetieal manner. PLOWS! And Plow Points will receive onr apeeial attention, knowing throMgh pi»etieal experience tbe best class of Irons for sncb. Box Stoves, Sugar Kettles, Xjand Boilers, win reeebe Ntr kttflskiioa. We also httao 01108 ooT new FAMILY MANGLE! to tbe pnblie. This new machine will mangle Linen, Cotton, and Woc^en Goods, giring tbem a beantifol smooth and glossy appear- ance. It also improves the clothes, whereas hot irons iajnte ttiem. We will also mano- faetom CAST-IRON GRAVE TABLETS! with or withont marble slab for name, A*.; also Tomb Bailings, Pall Pillars and Orna- mental Cast Iron Chains for same, also all kinds of Ballnster Bailings, House Fencing â€" plain and ornamental. Machinery Bfaas Castings of every description, Brass Bella, Isfge ocnaaU. BROS. -^ fS-lT t MOFFAT MarUale. Vtft. IWl lEMK FMNnUlM 1710O CHOO'S BALSAM OF SHABE'S ' OIL potitively Bestcres the Hearing, and k tbe Only Abeoiate (rur* for I«aess iiu A This OU is MfSSMted from peooliar nmamtA aaall ^ffeite ^sPhaifc, eanght in the Tiflihi I1is"?1ii*asi QtBcBAaoMm Boma- " â- * 'tennan kaows it. of hearing were iiililWsl Priest wore dia- fear MIO. Ita cares were so eeemia^y mir- ,wee paeisUy pro- Bnpira. Its aae that for oral SOO veers "' among the Chinese _^ p ss f a i i. ^o ear ed- drtMattl«»j4tM|^. â- car what «be Beaf say t It has patiofei a adrssla fai mj ease. I have ao â- â- ssithly aohss hi â- / head, sad ataaytU^elaa. C^Mal We wiB start yea. Wta^dy iUb wasasA eMtvwkaM to is«lMtiaM.Teaeaawssk erslve year wfc nil tiwita Ai«w«a.] 'tito at enM » Bi^lMk and ' T Day aiMat, Vew Tto(k.'«eie«Mtl aadyea wBI learfva by ntam a leaMdj that wffl wsWi yen to haar Bke anybody ilina i inpartai kgr BATLOOK JannT. r^fj^jfttt^'Mr*"'^^ ;, Children under 15 60Ce FRIDAY, JULY 7th, 1882. Leaves Markdale 6.20, Flesherton C.43, arriving at Tomii^.o 10.85 Leavee Toronto 4 85, arrive at Fkbhertou H.80, Markdale 8.45. allowing' SIX Hours in TOKONTO Under the auspices of the CANADA Methodist Sabbath Schools ' ' Of Flesherton and Markdale. Tickets can be had from any of the Committee, and ut the Stations. Can return on any train the fol'oAring day for f 1.25 extra, children UOc Special arrangements have been made to visit XHE ZOO I '^^^ most interesting and itstructive place ol Amusement in Canada. Monster Whale, Lions, Bears, Alligator, Monkeys, Panthers, Wild Cats, Foxes, Deer, Eagles, Storks, Fish, c. Take the Children. Special Rates 20c. and 7e. I^ixst-Clsiss -^ John Gardiner, Dundalk, con- tinues to astonish the natives with low prices for Hardware. It will pay you to give him a call, examine Goods, and get prices. SEEDS! FOR ALL KINDS OF FietiFlowerMenU GO TO THE • • Dun daik Drug Store. IMPORTANT TO FARMERS. I have just purchased a large stock of all kinds of Field, Garden and Floirer Seeds direct from the oldest and most reliable dealers in Canada, and c?n safely recommend them. Fanners will do well to come and inspect my stock. I be- lieve I have the largest variety of Field, Garden and Flowci: Seeds ever importra into Dundalk. Don't fail to call, -r Yours truly, G. W. PARSONS. 1) .t-..7.' P. S. â€" ^A large stock of Timothy and Clover See^s always on hand. Also a new variety cf Potatoes for seed. I have jntf received a half ton of new process Linseed Meal for leedaag horaei and cattle, cheap. $2.50 per 100 lbs. mndalk, March 7tfc. I89av " • • " â- 'I.v^.Tvâ-  Jt •-«^,

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