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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 29 Jun 1882, p. 1

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 K^ .n F \i I' v1 ' :! 1 I J If 0K. fr TwMta, 6rt« I Iraet l'|. Change of Time. GOING SOUTH. 0-»«n Sonnd, depart S.W a.m. 8 43 p B). I;irk Ule 6.2» » m. 5.03 p.m. ln««:jTt°iktPrkt.-ville 6.i8 a.n. ^^.19 p.m. hiiu.Uiik. 7.09 a.m. 5.47 p.m. Tee^waUsr 5.15 S.IO Harrinton 6.1C 4.^6 U»iui( KMre..t 6.37 4.5.; OraiiyeiUIe 8.27 7.IS Vaiflon Janation 9.«H 7. '.2 ^Turouto. Union MtM.lO.S-j a.m. 9.41 p.m. GOING NORTH. Toronto l»-p. 7.35 •.m. 4.85 p.m. Calodon Janctiun 9 08 •• «.00 " frai.»?«;Tille 10.00 " 7.00 " Mount Fcrerrt.... 12.18 " 9M " HarriBton 12.55 " 9.13 •• T«eK«at«r 8.26 " 10,15 " DunJalk ll.U " 8.04 " FlrHhiTtoiulPvUle 11.39 •â-  8 80 " Markdale 11.55 " 8.45 " OWM tiovnv 1.15 " 9.55 " A miied train will also rno between Toronto aud Owen Sound. Bee time table. EDMUND WKAGGE. General Manager. MAJtKDALE. Flour 6,00 to 6 25 Spring Wheat per bush., new 1.20 U 1.25 t'»ll dcj. do. do. 1.14 to 115 );•â- '!• y ).r,.' â- â€¢ 0.(10 0,u- 0.3« " iJ.3« Teas 0.74 •• 0.75 TotatoRs. 0.75" 0.75 Mntter, iMr lb O.IC " 0.16 K^-'-, )-•» •'•" 0. • 0.15 loik,drei»!.«}d 0.00" 0.(J0 lJ.;.Tf 0.« " 0.00 111!.;, 7.25 " 7..W Or.-m seed, 2.5o " .H.OO li.iv 12.0' '• 14 (W W.M.I 0.20 " 0.00 'ir-iM .\j|i/cH, (*r. bushel.. 0.75 " 1.00 J.irl 0.10 " 0.12 Tull-.-.v 0.05 '• 0.07 lr V Cord Woo.1 1.75 •' 2.00 DLNDALK MAJtKEi'S. Wi. .It, ':,\\. No. Will at,.Spriii«, " Jiarli-y " I'.an «»atK " Jiutter Pi.tiitocs " V„k Hay 1.. 1.. 2.. 1.. I.. 1.. ..»I.l- to?1.15 .. 1.20 to 1.25 .. .55 to ;5 .. .72 to .72 .. .40 to .40 .. .16 to .le .to .15 75 to 7i .. 0.00 to 0.00 7.00 to IOC. AmonK man^ •ill nil I III liimhilTiiiii IiTTi ehangt oi faiif* to kmr fat r|ghi Vid a bdf iiMiHt, jhiilliH rf» iniembaaff timn w^ dl thft dai4 nulvaya «f Um aBiitiwt It has baen tharoa^il|:,^a^ped,tha nl- lu «toek ttUptfld, lo lbs gaoge, the track laid thioaghoat vitb saw steel raile, the baildinga along the fine mwratfed, long â- tntdm Mwiw ed and nearly all tb« old voodao Wid- ges bare been replaeed bf irn atmetores maliin oa â- oKd ataiia foandatinna. XL* road aov fcwanto a far ddEerent appawaaro to what it did nndar the "ttamw g aa ga** a few months ago, givicg onnuataksUa evidence that no expense baa spared in making it in avaty gi sp s et • first-class road. A number •/ gentla men, incladmg Weaars. Wm. HeO' drie, president W. Bunsaiy, viae president E. B. Osier, W- Thocap- BOD, B. W. Elliott, and W. Hope, di rectors, nnder the eaeoct af Mr. Ed maod Wracge, chief engineer and ;Deral manager, have jast eonplatad their inspection of the line, and ex- press themselres aa well satiafied with the results. Noticeable among the many improvemeuts may be a.ention- ed the new iron bridge which spans the Humber, and ihe extension to the present wharf at Owen Sound, where- by increased facilities are offered for basincsd to and from points 9n Geor- gian JSay and Lake Superior. The propoocd new elevator (capacity 100,- 000 bushels) to be erected in Owen Sound shortly will materially add to th!8e facihties. Judging from the present state of the railway, and the pecnliarlv favourable position of Oven Sound at its terminus, there is no reason why it should not soon become u very important highway to the groat North- West. The whole of the works in connection with the change of gauge and re-constmction of the railway have leen earned ont nnder the direction and supervision of its present general manager.Mr. Wragge. â€"Mail. \}^y THE â- â- â- â- 'â-  OFFICE 15. IJJBBHEETON. \m\ i29i)4. FJ.EbllEltTON. ,rrrrtril vhlij fur tlif Standard Spronle, t'lrihertun.l It. J VU nr, JKT l.M l*i.riii Wheat per bush., I-.. II do. d... do. i;...i.y dill, I" MM I'..t!lt'.f1 Hiitt.r, |iirll y-i^A" I:r ill./. I'oik, dru.HBi'd i;..r UlilcH JInv "1 .m-.tliy HL-oil W....I Liiril T11II..W tfl.OO t. 1.20 to 1.15 •• 0.01 •' 0.40 " 0.74 " 0.75 " 0.10 " 0.15 " 0.00 " 00 '• 7.25 •• i2.(l •* S-.'.O '• 0.22 •' 0.10 " 0.05 •• 6.25 1.25 1.15 O.Hl) 0.40 0.75 0.75 0.i6 0.(X) 0.00 o.mi 7.50 11.0 (10 0.12 0.07 SAD ACCIDENT. TOHONTO. H II.' it, (nil, |ii-r I'll h SV II.- jl, r|.MII;," it.l i:nl-v, .1.1 .1.. r.-. .1 r.-..-, ii.i l-.v. 1 S.i-.l .1 Ill, -.1 li..,--, 1. r 100 llw.. l.-.-f. III I II I iiuiirtrr.s 11.-. -f, fiiri' iinurtiTs I'.iltl.-l-. Iiirt'f n.lls r.lllir, tiili iliirv I'.ittlii .i..r.--i.M.-k. il ...... K--.. flr,ll, ).ll ijiiZ I-;-- .|..i.-i,.ii .\|!il.-s I'l r 1. 1-1 r ii itiw |.. r hfi;' 1 1 IV Wi.i I .^I 21 to SI 25 1 :iO to 1 35 Ii2 to ri5 O ]H to ".O O H» to Ho (t 70 to 75 1 70 to 4 'JO .11 00 lo U 00 'J (lit tn 10 00 00 to 00 1 1 to 17 (HI tu 00 o 17 to 17 o 00 to 00 2 5;t to 4 00 1 50 to 1 50 .to '.0 t» 14 oO .00 1 J to 00 30 A distressing accident occurred to Mr Marsiiall Beard as he was going home with a load of lumber on llon- (liiy eveuiug last. It happened about 'i iiiiles from Markilale.wheu descend- ing a steep hill. The lines broke, aud he nt once lost all power over the horses, it is supposed that in at- tempting to get 9ff the load he slipped and fell the two wheels passing q\'" over his leg, bursljing his knee-joint, and breaking the leg above the knee. His daughter Ellen, who was also on the load of lumber, escaped nnbnrt. Drs. Sproule aud Armstrong were im- inediatfcly sent for, and dressed the limb. Dr. Bernhaid attended on Tuesday. It is doubtful whether it will not be necessary to amputate the injured limb. lLP..wko ifMr^M to dtvidsod af f fw and 8 per mbI tbew f i fl. to make wp Oa talunfromtlM 79 Onuid Traak maamgt. U doBotjieUtb«p«r iiwtimti wUak nn m n m is • tiv* daAeMDBj i^iieli timQ b* • Sn* efaarge p^yafaU 4« of tlMMmiafaflf s«iba«IMat y«wt. i« m aiditiaul SMwity far tba nfnlw p^jMotof the 8 per eant. diTidnd ea Oraat Weatom Stodt. nd the pntaetioo of of tba 70 porwnt appropriatod to tb« Oraod Trank, whan a defldaaoj oe em in tha 80 per eoat. aMraiaff Oraat Waatam, tiM snited eompuij will U at liberty to a^y neb portioii aa may ba pnrmaij to mak* (ood the itOmmej from tba present raaarre fond of tba Oraat Weotem. HUNGABIAN GRASS FOB FODDER. A large crop ol good fodder may be secnred-npon early rye ar other stob- ble by Hangarian Graas. The groond sbonld be fvepared as for oats or any other grain, well manared, and the Hungarian sown broad cast and har- rowed in slightly. The seed may be sown as late as ths middle of July, about one basbel per acre, bat the best resnlts are obtained from sowing in early Jane. If it is desired to haye green fodder for a number of weeks in aotamn, the Hungai ian seed may be sown at intervals of a week or ao for upwards of six weeks. The ripe beads of this grass contain a large nomber of hard and sharp awna or bristles whieh are uritating to the stomach of animals, especially horses. This trouble can be avoided by eatting the crop soon after the heads mature, and before the awns have grown to fall length and become hard. This grass wHen cured is equal in feeding value to good hay. If there is a demand for late fodder, sow some Hungarian dar- ing the present month. â€" Imurican AgrieuUurut/or July. MAI; K I-.\ I ,lv l' )ST OFFICE. Til.- .M;ti! ^r MM-iiibJo Post Office rliis -s ii.s fi.liiiw* rnriiMlo M;iil clojcs 7 ()•) p.m. 'iiiiii" Suiitii -1 }!0 p.m. •' Ni.rtli 11 :tO p.;n. fhviu SiMiiul Mail 7 00 p.m. TIirRSDAV, JUNE 29 .M .\ 1: K 1 )ALE CA riLK FAIII. MIRACLES. n; 111 i'-:.-i' tli;i ;.i-i \;i 1I-. I 11;' I ;l .^llt'l^ui ;ll While t'lwn.s and villages around mill nlxiiit lis lire .stuiiiling still, or I'liiiiji-i .-.liiiiiig l).u-k\v;ir(ls, Markdiile Is cvi'r mill "iiion iii.ikiii,i;a nipiil stride la :i fi.ruaiil tlii rctioii. " I p 10 tin- III. I 111 I't th" lim -s." is rl'c mosti) 'i|"i win. li III 111 -t if Iii'i- '.line's llio mII.t :u; :i!i.l ii:iis m ilii-s ]irogrcs.s. ri:o l.i.t s!i |i ill tiit- 1 i;;l.t ilii'x-tiiiii is • ill- --tiiltliNliMiriil ill tiiL* v:lluge of :l 1" ii'lli- iA'Y. It is a suliject of t ii.' liliitUi iiii 1)0011 lu Id ,-ii I'l';, wliili siiili a iciM'il I'l 1 II 111 M lUili^' ll.solf. It l .^llt'l^ui ;l! luimilllltlllg ti" .Mllliiihllo pi. I'll- t.i 11. Ill til' name of tliiii Aiil.ii'.- iUi.l l:i:it i.i' Fiill .-'.â- ii'i'i 1- In. U- il !..,. ilur ill liirc.i.iiity r.iiiucil i.r tlio i.-'!,ili!.limoal il" i-;itlle I;iit8. Yit SO It is; WaltiTs Falls is up to Murkilalo iii this respect and pluofil on the siimf footius:. However when anything uf this sort is ttikeu in hand htio, iiu pains are spared to make it succrs.-ftil. It is one thing to have a fair and another thing to have a successful fiir. Let this be made a benefit to tl.'c villige, and increased iiin-iiicss cannot fHil but result in in- ci'eas/d prosperity. Tlio f.nmors oJ the noi^liborhood will iloubtlcs be alive to their iutere.^ts iu iu;ikingthe uiiist of this new attrac- tion at MakdHle. Of late years the farmers have been eutire'y at the mercy of buyers who eo round to the farms, aud who iuriri.ibly have the sad news for the fai itier that such aud such " is goiii;; down." With the bnyers meat is always going down, but when the same bayor turns vend- or, meat at once goes up, aud the re- sult is the cattle buyer tias been en- nl led to pocket gxnl round proceeds. The cattle fair will, to a very great cx- teut.remedy this evil. Competition will regulate prices and the farmera will thiu secure increase 1 pr .fits. "Do you believe in miracles, Alon- zo " tVell, we sbonld preacb. When a man can sit down in a New York restaurant aud have brook trout, spriug chickec .venison steak,and reed bird served off the same old soup bone, we are ready to take in any miracle yon ever saw in print. Be- lieve in miracles When tlie Ameri- cau farmer can put a quart of straw- berries in a box that won't hold a pint of sand when almost any coal dealer Ciin make seventeen hundred weight a ton when a common looking clerk can measure a whole yard at one sweep of a tbiity three inch stick when a ten-pound block of ice looks small alongside of a four-ounce hail stone when any barkeeper tarns water into whiskey before be opens up lu the morning when yoa aan put out a fire with illuminating oil when soap fat stalks abroad aa Al cloyer-fed butter, when yoa find a miraculous draught of fishes in the .sky-hhic milk; when a committee of wouD-ii lit a church fair can make a Liiirrtl of soup with one cove oyster wlitn â€" do wo believe in miricles, iluuhtitig Alonzo It is an age of miiuclcN. The world is full of mira- i-lus, or overrun with rascals. You may accept either interpretation. â€" litiiliiiijton llaitkeye. TUE DOLLAR MARK. There are a number of theories for the origin of the sisfn of the dollar. One is that it is combination U.S., the initials fur United St4ites; another, that it is a modification of the figure 8, the dollar being formerly called a "piece of eight," and designated by the character 8 8. The third theory IS that it is a combination of H.8., tfae mark of the Roman unit while the foa tb is that it is a oombination of P. and S. from the Spailish juto durv, which signifies "half dollar." In Spanish accounts pe$u is contracted by wiitius the S over the P and placing it after the sum. But the best origin of the sign is offered by tlie editor of the London Whitehall Hetiew. "It is taken from the Spaniah dollar and the sigu is to be found, of aoasse, m the associations ot the Spanish dollar. On the reverse of the coin is a rvpresenta- tion of the pillars of Herooles, and round eacii pillar ia a scroll, with in- scription 'Plus Ultra.' Hiia daviee in course of time degenerated into the sign which stands at preaent ibr the Amcrisan as well as the Spanish dollarsâ€" f. The seroU aroand the pillars repreaanta the two serpanU sent by Jano to destroy flarcalea in his endl«." shirts Sprmg-and. Summer Now complete. All goods personall THE FARMER'S SABBATH. AM UfPOBTAMT LBOAL DKCISION BENOBBKD BT JUDOB Buonas. A decision of considerable interest to the farming community, involving an important legal point, was render ed by Judge Hughes at St. Thomas recently. The case was an appeal from a judgment given by Squire John- gon, of Springfield, against Nelson Chambers, a Molabide farmer, for having violated the Sabbath day by gathering and boiling sap in bis bush, contrary to the form of chap. 186, revised statntes of Ontario. After heanng the argument. His Honor gave the following opinion: The statato declares that it is not lawful for any merchant, tradesman, artificer or me- chanic or any other person whatsoever on the Lord's Day to do or exercise any worldly labor or work of bis ordi- nary calling. To convict a man prop- erly it must be shown snbstantially that he violated its provisions The boiling of any sap on the Lord's Day is unlawful for any person who pur- sues the basiness of a sugar maker, which is what I suppose would be con- sidered a breach of the law â€" it would not be an offence for which Nelson Chambers could be convicted, unless it also set forth that be is a trades- man or artifioer, and that as such do ing no, be w%s actually in the exercise of snob, his worldly calling or work. In other words, I do not think tbat if a professional man or any other per- son not described in the statute were to go out to the woods on a Sunday and tap trees and gather and boil sap and make sugar as an amateur, tbat he could be legally convicted because he IS not one of the persons against whom, and their pursuing their ordi- nary vocation on Sunday, the statuto was aimed. I think, therefore, that for the want of this necessary all^a- tion the conviction must be quashed â€" not for its want of form, but for the want of his necessary allegation. The conviction is quashed the question of costs reserved. News from Ireland is oi an alarm- ing character. A force of drilling men marcbed throogti Armagh on Saturday execrating the Queen and singing rebel songs, and afterwards drilled. The authorities are satisfied tbat a serious attempt to seixe Dub- lin is projected, aud have taken pre- caations accordingly. In Cork sarioos riots have taken place, and the gene- ral dislike borne by portions of the Irish people against England haa been deepened and intensified by the rash snd treasonable uttoranoe of Mr. Healy, M. P., in the commons. Matters in Egypt are aasaming a more threatening aapeet, and the gw- eral feeling in England is that mili- tary intervention vrQl be necessary at Dodiatant date in order to protoei British mterests. The safely of the Soei Canal has eaoaed creat anxiety to the Home OovamiaeBt, and spsa i a l prseautions bare been taken to pro- tret tlte works aud oflUiala. The saltan haa gnarantesd Arabi perfsei inunncitT, and eonfemd the of the lie^jedie npoa btm. It thon^t that a fareifo fane i* landed in Emi the Khedive will be laune- diataqr aneated. The eoOfereBoe baa diaooMed and oQBflnMd tiM BfMn' saaeramty. ,.:^.u^.iy^li^u, BaatbeaoM" dark ttet Wh««M*rioak stiftMB reahifd **Tbe7 eoogbt bar Ifaa* sight And they 8oa«bt her next day. And they sooght bar la vaia Till a week paaaed away." But she had lowB away with the wings of love, to return no, more. A couple were seen the eyening she dis- appeared porehaaiag tiehets for Buf- falo, and as the yoang lady answered the deeeription of the missing school girl, it is sappoeed they were the iden- tical couple. O"*^ BareanofiB 14 B. A. for Lota no asatter what his ooii**»»^y2;j^^ â- aafatka»tf0 4MMmm9tm 90^ IxHigl^ cneap. $17 10, ^.MlhMBSe PERSONAL. Mr. W. J. Speers, armed on Tues- day erening fro«n Winnfieg. Bev. A. and Mrs. Flint havs been visiting their friends In Artomesia. Mrs. Flint remains a law weeks. James, son of Mr. John Hamilton retnmed hwt week from a trip to Missouri, Arkansas, for the benefit of bis taealth. He is still Tery deleeato, not having improved daring his ab- sence from home. He left with ns a sample of (bis season's pota^oe, tar- nip aud apple almost fally grown,from the state of Missoori. OLENELG. The council met at the town hall on the 16th inst. COUBT or BBVISION. Appeals were heard and assessment roll amended as follows: â€" $120 tor personal property added to John Sullivan's assessment. The personal property againet Don- ald McDonald, John McPberson and Alex. Martin struck off. Francis G. Cole entered as tenant for part of lot 9, con. 9. Maurice Doolan, jr., assessed for lot IS, eon. 10. Samael Overfield entered as tenant ior West of lot 17, con. 4, aud South part of lot 17, con. 5. Adam J. Bo^Mon entered as eccu- pant for lot 12, con. 7. John Delamy for part lot 9, ccn. 9. Finlay McRae as owner for south bairiot21.cou. 6. The roll was then finally passed. couMcn.. A letter from the^roviteialTreasuer respecting the the Land Improvement Fund was road. Mullarkey, Dunsmoor. â€" That the R^eye and Clerk are hereby author- ized to sign and affix the corporate seal to ao agreement in duplicate be- tween the town of Dnrham and the township of Glenelg, respecting the sum of $8660.90, that amount being at the credit of this township in the Treasury Department of the Province of Ontario, being proceeds ot sebool lands and desenbed as "Land Im- provement Fund," and waa an asset of this township in 1867 bat not aTulable at the time. That in 187S a portion of the town- ship of Glenelg was incorporated with the town of Darham and at the tune of said incorporation and financial set- tlement said amount was not taken into account, therefore the town of Durham has filed a claim to a portion of it, and tbat the amount be appor- tioned on the basis of assessment for the year 1667 as instracted by the Ontario Government. That according to said assessment the town of Durham is entitled to receive $879.09 and the township of Glenelg $8271.81 and that said agree- ment be forwarded to the Provincial Treasuter with a request to pay over the amount to this municipality, and that a copy of said agreement be en- grossed on the minutes. Gamed. A copy of a resolution from Arteme- sia council respecting a grant of $100 for the town line on the gravel road was read, hot no action waa taken in the matter. $20 was granted to Olaiialg Agri- cultural aocietj, and $S0 to Soatb Grev Agriealtoral aoeiety. Thomas (tDonneU was aaid $1 JO for repairing bridge on Dnnuun mad. The following granto wwe oiade to roads and budges: Ward* 1, Sand 4 $400 eaeh. and Waid- Mo. • $Ma Boad petittona laid over from last meeiing wet* leftned to tha tmi earn- S ' opeant t«MBLotatf«ad BAyaaktaftobe If and 84, eoB 1 N J. BatherfMd was aad $10 on eootraet, "STT^SKrio erase the Taxe. .^t^Wellington .t W. Feter- â- ^TMaxweU waspaid$80for bis aervioo as Assessor 1882. Aunabella McDougal $21 •» » *»"?;;:" trTVas instructed to oom- munieato with the frn»if^ ^« Credit Vafley Railway eo. wij the view of uidncing the f^Pf "7 *^„?^" te»] their line through this Munici- pality from OrangeviUe to the Geor- ^he clerk was instracted to com- municato with the Provincial Trea- surer to find oat the amount of monev coming to the Township cf Osprey from the Land Improvement Fund. The assessment comirittee, clerk and assessor were each paid $2 per day for examining tae A Roll, and the Road and Bridge committee eacb f ^*Th» 'eo«B«a expended $14 prowl- ed the Townahip of Melanetbon gives an equivalent to open up to«m hne opposite Lota 76, 77 on town line M. A 0. and the elerk was mstruoted to notify Melanetbon council to that ef feet Council adj. till Jane 15th Arrangemento are now eompleted for running now line of boats between Owen bound and Baulte Bte. M«ie, ealling at intermediate ports. Two fine propellers, Afrtca and Ca^i/brnw. will form the hoe. It will be run by theO. 8. and Northwestern Despatch Co. ^^^^^^^_ Church Directory. Cbbut CmmcH.â€" Sunday next, at J0.80 7. Sunday Sebool 2 30 J. WABD, Inenmbent. lIxTHOMiT CarnicH.â€" 8nnd»y. 10.30. 7 Yoang People's Pryr. Meeting Mon. 8. General Prayer Meeting Tliursdav, 8 M. A. McDIABMID. Pastor. PaiBBTrrauK CBiJ«cB.â€"S»bb»th 10.80, 7 Bsbbatii School 2.30. Bible oIms Friday erg. 1JS». Flecberton Town Hall, Sabbath 3 80 Sabbath SehnU 1. A. WILSON. Pastor PIMPLES irjm 5 Bee-1 kman st. ». x- Mf'ilocl^ 'is second to dq^ in the county for Quality, Variety, anH rv I «m offering 5000 yds.lte. Summer Piints, Fast Colors. Full range of p jjQOO yds. Dress Goods, in all the Newest P v^ Pull line of Staple pand Dry Goods, c., at bottom prices. ' nd collars,* *•* JTicrarlandB ^f !»•* **•" *^'° ba"' '^bard bats, nobby. 'llinP^ulBoynton^n '^pa^Yourletteris. Jivertwement. tat****" „ f Tmad turtle feU at Meaf. l^,ecent«torm. ,^ButterB»««- J4,. Black's bam was deu. the 8to"°- saved by oracring you jJcFarUnd $6 ea^' from Gold, Qteat ebtfiM to make money. Those who .^ ,^_ always take advantage Of »,;» good Aanees for making ineoey ^t ^offe%d.generaUy become y»l'l7;J^« tboa* who do not improTe such chances re- BMn in poverty. We wart many men wo men, bo^and girU to work lor ub nght in their own locaUties. Any one can do the work properly iKwi the firat start, l-hebus. inesswillpay more than ten times ordinary waces Expensive outfit furnished free. No onf who nigagea fsils to make ^onoyr^vfy Yon can devote your whole time in the warn, or only your spare moments. Full »nf orma- tion and aU that ia needed sent free. Addres. SnMoa Jt Co., PoMlMkd Maine. In the Millinery Dept.I shewing a most complete stock of all the newest selected with the greatest care, and sellino prices. Examine my Stock 6 itr* purchasing. befo; 'r? Notice to Contractors. SEALED TENDEB8 addresied to the un- deni«Bad and addreasdl " Tander for School House," will be reeeireiat his resi- denoe, Lot No. 8, Con. 11, To«iahip of Eu- phrMia, antil Saturday, the 17th day of June, up to 6 o'clock p. m., for the erection of a frame School House for School Sec. ion No. 16, Township of Euphrasia. Plans aad specifications may be seen and other information had at the residence ol Hmet Stinson, Es^., Lot No. 6, Con. 11, Townshto of Bupbrasia. Ibe Trustees will â- ot bekonadtoaoaepl ttis lowest or any tender. By order of the Tmstoes, JAMES STBUTHEB8, Sec'y. EnphrasU, June 6th, 1882. 90-1 SPECIAL NOTICES. Tha committee on the Glenenas bridge contract presented their report whioh waaadoptad. $10 waa paid eoatcaatora «f Okft* cioas bridfla bamg fit lata 1^ amowrt cf a o o faa at, aa tba mA wtm Boi«oMaeaariiBf to Tim aaaaaaor «aa fail fMaa $6 for distribvtiae ncflieaa aad $11 for Mrrieea tafoind hy tbateMi- Mot d i«riaaltwa. ^^ Tha aoeoaatt of 8. IL Mafitoiak A ifoa Jot road aarafwa ($f7J0) wm paid and ft«« aMiaaftba tfcaalsrifa timm â- taliaM*7(94J0««a|«S lU tiaaamr la d«^ pOOat LMdlflBMraBaai tnd to tk^ af wa laflvaT dahitwta aeaovi. CoBBca adioviMd lifl A^twt n Notliiiig Like Leatber. Mothers I Mothers 1 1 Moth era Are you disturbed at night and broken cf your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the cicmciatinR pain of Getting teeth I If so. go at onee and Ket a bottle ol MBS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP. It will p»lieve the poor little sufferer immedi- atelyâ€"depend upon it there is no mistake about it. There is not a mother upon earth who has ever used it, who will not tell you at once that it will reg-Wte the bowels, and give rett to the mother, and relief and health to the child, operating line magic. It is per- fectly safe to use in all caseR.and pleasant to the state, and is the prescriptiou of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Sold every where at 36 eents a bottle. M-lv City iiouses rivalled foxv^ riety of style. " Grocery Stock complete. Hardware Stock complete] Business ^^^ISt Booming!' GIVE US A CALL. AnyQoantity of BUTTER, EGGS, AND WOOL. Ilighert Ptw, }^\ R, J. SPKOULJ;! Toronto House. Flesherton. tt.,. .en... tb. ro-i- ' Bcr ft Oo- another sbipmct .-f • J^ in all vantu., at M bakery. Masons an.l r'a-t- "'";,. .,^a%.tb overalls by o«V JerAB**- Mr- Cnrson. of .M.;^. of Brandon, M.-.n. -l ' try wtU." â- pnv.^ yon IsMK'li'"" Keml.iUs Spavin Cur.-. tjeenivut. Straw hats friHin- «ag!n:.:.l H-os. ihoap ' ter aiul r"i^' "• Attention ' cvcrN- on Jieara of Konvlall sdvcrtisfmcut. It will .le Fon R'^f ' I Farlnnds new stool; ol cr-K-Ucryandfrvulju- Fov sellinR li.]""!^ «;"" ' Leon riossis vv=. ln.-l ^-^ Jice Court., Montr, al. A Mr MilU{,au lias nt 5. rmi| c'.if • Si.iMii Itauitobato M' M. M. M*LEOD, IIABKDALE. NOT TO BE BEATEN I All those who may have had the misfor- tune to have been bom barefooted will bear in mind tbat we have just received the larg- est and best stock of leather ever before brought into Markdale, consisting of Spanish Sole, French Sip and Calf, and are now pr« pared to mannfaetore Ladiea, Oenti, Iratba and Misses boots and shoes, from tha itoga to the finest k'd and prunella. Sewed Work a Specialty. All work warranted. Invisible patehiwg aise donehete, M. M. lki£OD. ltarUal«.S«)l. IMk IMl. to MNSUMPTIVES. The adrertiaer, having been permanently cured ottht dread disease. Consumption, by a simple remedy, is anxious to make known to his feUow soileren the means of enre. To all who desire it. he will send a copy rf the prescription used, (fne of charge,) with he directions for prepairing and using the same which they will find a soas Coai for Con- •UKPTioa, AanufA. BBoacRrm, Ae. Parties wishing the Preaariptiea, will please address, Bev. E. A, Wikon, 149 Penn St., WUliamsbnrgh, N. T. M-ly Errors of Youth. A GENTLEMAN who suflerred for year- from Nervous DEBILITT. FBEMA- TUE DECAY, aad aU the eflaeta oi youth- ful indiseretion, will for the sake of snilering humanity, jend free to all who need it, the reeipe aad direetiona for "'"g the simple remedy by whieh he was eared, Bnfferers wishing to profit by the advertiaet's eiqMri •aaacaa e an ny addraiing in jobmbTooi NIL DESPERANDUM. BRArS SPECIFIC MEDICINE. THE QBE AT ENGLISH BEMEDY, an unfailing cure for Seminal Weakness, Bperiaatorrhea, Impotency, and all diseaseii that follow â- a a sequence of Self -Abuse as loes of ACemery, Universal Befioa Taking Laadtode, Pain in the Baek Uimness of Vision, Premature old age, and many otber Diseases that lead to Insanity or Consnmpticn and a Pre- mature Grave. BrFnll partientart in oar pamphlet, which we desire to send free by mail to every one. The Spedfic Medicine is sold by all Drnggista at • I. 00 per package, or six After Taking, packages for IS .00, or will be sent free by wail on reotipt of tha monsy by addressing. THE fiRAT MEDICINE CO., l-lr Toronto, Ont., Canada I' IrM' A. Oood Ohance. HOtTfiE and lot (or saleâ€" lot 12â€" comer MiU aud WeUington Streete. Markdale, will be aold at a bargain. Apply to George Walker. Holland, Markdale P. O., or to 0. W. BUTLEDOE *M S SiAxoABO Office. '.!if..r.l. to ti Weft of Ulll« ""^-- '" ' ill. Butter nni c ?;'-:; ^^""" for bnttor and l(i:ts. i â-  what we sav. evcij to. • Mr. Smitli. the '"•• FleslierUu S-ttui-aav wlure hcwi'.lhe those vlio need l"' "" Evcrv arlk-1-- in tli- BoUat'cost f... .-.. â- ' â- Â«' Do not il'iuk w" aiv wertisc what w. v.ll not A\ Thonph Earl Sliafto-l.| than ci-l.ty iii' ' j.rosidi-.i at no I' § meetiugs al h^"^â-  Wk hav.- i'lst r.-.- fBOBtVol»"l'»».r""' lishc'l iu t l.uuu f tl.:l. 11^.1 ,v. .i .f 'UllS ,,^ L-'-uinrv. • I C lUl'Osn diet .Mitrcli, Blake. Boots, ^lio' ^- S'l'O" crints. co'toi. .â- â- "â- ;'â- -â-  ingK. sniiill waros, m.a we will uoi irn-iit Rae's. Trv .11 al c SO-lT fDEN, 4S esdar st 9»m Tarh NOTICE I undersigned aa day 4iasolTed by AD diMa «o»tneted by tha rartMcahi^ ass la to yaid hg Bifltert Mm- sloa. SM s( dia piM vailiss. " ittsaHaafioa^H.Bdtoiaa. (BIOHABD JOHNSTON, IBOBBBT SOHNSTOV. IMs4fliisltthdajolJaaa.UM. -M^ "I'd BulUleJrs. -^ *»•» MM »idii^t.,te the steel .*Mo(th9ltOM, Brisk and OaiT«il«weik W* tlM* etefy asm ia the TOaas «( M... vflhw The fiiiiiislsi ts taath al A; ll«s«ai*asllM«aM^wto itafts nataa. ' ~X«M OO^fT, Kaymond's SEWING MACHINES Manafactured in Gaetpb. are all fitted in witli That Patent Automatic Bobbin Winder, ani Nickel Plated Wheel and are al' supp" with the most apj^rovctl attaciimenu. Every Machine is warranted for a term ofnvce ':r.ti-1 til' Wl'l 11' aft' r that i THE "KARN n OBGA.N, â- ^ llanufJactared in Woodstock. For the material that is used in its construction, the finish, the purity and exceeding riclincss of tone and the cost of eaeh Instrumc.ut, can- not be snrpassed by any other Organ mannfacturcd in Canada. Eveiy Organ is warranted for five years. tvleof New Tork Weber Piao° is still to the fore. A liberal diaebaat giyea for cash. Full valne allowed on old M»el'"' ie«»ai'lin'd^^tgins when taken in excLange. ll^e "«"' time allowed for any aiticle is 12 niontue. Ify krritbty foC Aa sale of tlieee articles extends from Owe" to Shelbume, Grey County. (si H. L. THURSTON Bc«lcnee txA P. 6.' Address DBAIjEB, Larkdale. Ttis is a terror. It makes us warm to r-' £pirationi8WitliUha;,'aiii. it would come in the ^^ bye.'â€" •^"""'â- â€¢ The contract f-r tlio frame sclicolh""^c fo'â- ^ IJo. 16. towuhlup of M been «ward.-d to Mi- • this place. Mr. ArcliV ",oy.l roturj ftons Montana. H- Meataua sliortW »;""" new Lome. M' '• ' • ' Frank Buittic is'4 taua. N. B. y^ cla.--. friends and f»o!' ;i»f r. q^ our claims ISth July, as w ble lor ^cobts Rae. The MenforA l' "'1 totherulefn lja':i:viiii-M two or three y^ :••"' there's the dc'il i" "• to make their hauiK'iy and discord of c nc •ul.j On one occasion v visitor to U:mi»' ^-l";- reliRion lie 'l" h*^"^-' replied: "li- )• •'.^" the reliciou Clui^l laui and example."" Thomas K. VthXi^ /vwjfaft tvt tiiO ue\\i Church, Mfiiktliile il| grist niiH. riictAiUe. «r has built find c i. H work of three buiMinj Attention Ebctiont; arc o' to "Toronto arc tue But r alter .t Ua. w |le to come and si i 'h Wenty dave and ^•t tia lines in stuck, Miss Maggie Cunnn af the junior departui lihool, departed tins â-  last, 27lh iii-t. Shf- iftected, amiable youi •ecial favoiite of h •d was peace. ' • Tha "ticket- scalper! {One. The Domiuitf tavweEsion ol Lis tr |t mm -aa Saturday 'r who h«T« tickets to| lave td^ke them to haj were purchased. -^ â-  m.-^ :M

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