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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 15 Jun 1882, p. 3

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 ••-»'sw?t. »"â- " ' f- J f' ri H il i li 11 t^ ,f A WONDERFUL SUBSIAaCS. TIm Cbicfl|K Wmur» Cmdmlit mj â€" **U is eiidoraad bj Bialiep GSoMar. of Cl«v«lud. Ohio, and by mbm of our mo«t honored And rfpo cto J pt i wi i tbrongboat the coantry who k«T« aatd H for rhennuitiM with â- acema wbera ftll otijer rMMdiM C«0«d. We nbr here to St. Jacoba Oil. W« know if ceTtial pexsona in onr own etrele wbo wera aatttnag wHh that dxeadfal B- aeaae, rheatDatiam, wb« tried everythig and »peDt linodredi of dollars tor laadidne wkicli proved of at benefit. We adried tiiein to try Kt. Jaeob'a Oil. Some of them laoitbed at ns for faith in the "patcut atnif," they chose to cal! if. lloweTcr. we induced them to give it a trial, and it aceomplisbad its work with inch a ma|ric-like rapid- ity that the same people are now its BtroDge«t atlvocates, and will not be witbcut it in tlieir house on any ac- conut. Mr. Joel D. Hanrey. U.S. Collector of luteitial KevcDue, of this city, has spent over two tltoneand dollars on luedieiuc for his wife, wbobae inffered dreadfully from rbeumatiam, and with- out derivine any bem-fit whaterer; J«t two bottles of St. Jacob's Od aecom- p!i«bcd what the most tkilful physician failcl in doio;;. tVe eould giTe the names of hundreds wbo bare been cured by ibis wonijerful remedy, did â- pace ptrinit us. The latest man wbo has been made bappy tbrouKb the uae of this valuable liniment i« Mr. James A. Coiilan, librarian of the Union Cath lie Library of tbia city. The f jllowinij in ^(r. Coulan's endorsement: L'.MO.N C'aTU01.1'J LiBkABT ASSOCIATIOJI, 1 CmcAuo, Sept. 10, 1B80. i I n-ifeb tu adJ my testimony as to the mcriU uf St. Jacobs Oil as a cure for rlieiinjatisra. One bottle has cured me ui tiiiH troublesome disease, which {;uve me a great deal cf bother fur a loiii; tiuit; but Ibauks to tba r»iDe^y, I am cured. This statement is du- solicited by any one iu iti iutereuts. Wry respectfully, James .\.CoNLA!«, Librarian. Would you avoid the Biliary com- plaints incidental lo spring and snm- Uitr? Cltarse the system with Uui- dock BloO'l B'tters. It rexulates the liver, bowels, kidneys, and blood, and id the purest tonic m the world. Trial bottk-s 10 cents. At the annual exercise of liiram CoUrge, Mrs. Garfield was elected to the p.uition of trustee to fill the vacancy on ibe College Board created by tbe death of bcr husband. General and MrB.Girficldatoue time taugbtclaases side by side in Ibis institute. Ague and all JJalarial and Biliary r'jni|diiiiitH are most promptly cured by tbe great blo(jd.ckauing, liver regu- lating tonic. Burdock Bluok Bitteru. It acth on tlic iMiwels, liver, kidneys and blood. Trial bottles 10 cents. Tbe Commissioners of Emigration* New York, have adopted report se- vi-rily ceniiuriug tbe management of the ht(aiu.sbips Senieis and Surrey for ill ireatuieiit of steerage passengers, and e\]iri'K9a lio|ic that tbe House Bill pcii'lin:.' in the Senate will bo passed tbut hueb' discs may be prqxsrly dealt with. liipb'liciia, that terrible scourge of the lu-L-suiit "lay, :it!acks ebietly those wbobc vitiilily i.i low and blood iiniiure. Tbe timely use of Burdock Blood Bit- tern forcst^ill.s tlieevilH of inipuro blood and Kuvcii ili'ctor'b bi.U. Sample bot- tleii 10 cents. SiilurJay iiioriiiug a break occurred in till: rthui voir ut I'ortliiiid, and a tor rent of wall r poured through Vauglmn htreet rrobsiiig Congress street, then down tbe bttep bill to Grove btreet, pioii:;liiiig a cliuHiii ten feet wide, and i-anyiii;,' away p.ivements, curbstcues, uiiJ fiuiiil sliado trcrF, flooding several cellars. Nobody was injured. Daiu- Mgo :f.").U(»0. Six million gallons es- caped in thirty minutes. AViiat i~ l.ardine? Ask any farmer tbraslier, or mill man, iu fact any lunn wbo riiii.s niaebincry, and he will tell Yuu that it is tbe only oil which will wear «'i|ual to Castor oil and won't guni or ring yourmacbinery. Sicli lloadaelic. Neuralgia, J)ys|)ep- hia and Constipation relieved and cur- 'ed by the lisc of lr. Carson'sStoinacb and I'uiislipiition hitters. Try tlicm. Tl cy are si.Ji! and etl'eetual. Sold by all ilriiu".rists. A. Turner Co. Agent Markihilo. and (i W. Parsons, .\geut, Dnndulk. The grand outlets of dii-'cnsc from tbo i-yst'iu iiro tba skin. tli4 bowels, and the kidneys. Burdoek Blcod Bit- ters IS the iiiost safe, pkasant and ef- fectual pinilier and beallh restoring tviiic iu the world. Trial bottles 10 cents. Th' only fnTo and effectual medicine that acts at uuee upon the bowels, hver, bkui and kiduevHi while cleanse* tbe bltd and ^tnngthens tbe system, is Burdock Bluid Bittors, the ^reat Vct;otahlc lieiiovatiug Touic. Sample bottles 10 cents. Cbaut,'cnblo weather is tryinsj to tbe system, nndrring it more liable to dis- ease. A.^ a preyentativo of sickness useDr. Carsou'ii Stomach and Cou- atipation Bitters. They purify the blood, cure all Bilious Stomach and Liver disorders, and give tone and stren^'ib to the system. Price SOcts. For wile by all Druggists. A. Tur- ner ilo. Agent, Markdale, and G. W. Parsons Agent Dundalk. PoisoKEi) BT A ncK Hoass's BaCATB. â€" Samuel McBride, of 02 Edward street, Toronto, died after about a week's illness. A short time since be was asked by a friend to examine a aick horse, and when looking into its .mouth [inbalid its breath. He imme- diately, as be said, felt sick, and with- in a day or two was sufiering from typhoid feyer, to which dissMe hisdeatb tsattribntcd. The deceased firmly be- Fievcd that his disease was derived from tbe horse. $200.00 REWARD Will be paid for the det^^tion and con- Tietiou of any person eellioK or deal- ing in ai.y bogus, conntvrfeit, or imi- tation Her BiTTEBs, especially Bitters or preparations with the word Hop or Hops in their name or connected there nitb, that is intended to mialead aid cheat the pablic, or for any prepant- tion pat in any form, prataoduig to b« tlie same as Hop Brrrxss. Thie Reu- â- aine have cluster of Qbsbm Hom, (nsiice tliis) pcipted oif the vliUe labd and are IIm fsnst and beat leJimnc on e*rtl oapeeially fbr daey, Liver, and Netvoos Diaeaaes. Bawtn of aU â- ttac a and of ail prateadal kirmv3m» or reeipea of Hop Diftaâ€" p^bliakcd^ ia papers or for dUt, aa tbar arc fHada aud swindles. Whoorcr deals ia any bat the gennioe will be ftotc Mte^ Uop Bmus Mrc. Co., lUcfacstcr, N.-T.- â- nn Qpjr Premivm Wa hava wbieb «• ars maUcd to giva to NEW 8UB8CB:BEB to oor andteoU â- aboaibaa PATHH} DI APTAMCE. a eopy of DB. KEHPiXL-S "Treatne on the HORSE and His Diseases." Tbs ia a sJaadnid wark, e^tamiiif ac ludrx of Diaeaaes, which Knt» tba symptoms, caosa, and the beat treat- ment for each a Table, giyiog all tha principal drags osed tat tba bacaa, with the ordinary dose, effMts, and antidote when a poison ' a tabla with an engraving of tbe borss's taetb at diffsrent ages, with ndea for talltag the age of the horse a valoable eol- lection of receipts, and maeh other oaefal informatioo. It is a aodt ttat s'.ioold be in the hands of srary far- mer and owner of a horse. Kow is the time to sabieribe, or for old subscribers to pay op, and get the book. DUNDAIiX KENOILL'S SPWW CURL The BiAat aBceeasAil Rease^x eT«r ducoTered, aa it 18 certain in its effects and docs not bbstcr. Uiad Paoor Baiow. Kendall's Spavin Cure. Hajultom, Mo.. June 14, i881. B. J. Kenuali. Co., â€" Gents: â€" This is to certify that I have u(ed Kradall't Sparin Cure, and bare (oand it to be all that it ia recommauJad to b« and in {act more too; I liavt) removed bv osiug the above: Callona ISoue Spavins, King-bone, Splints, and can cheeifally Mstify aud recommend it to b« tha bast thing (or aDT-L-ooy subtlanee I havs •ver used, and have trieid many aa I have made that my study (ur years. Uerpectfally yooni, P. V. CBI3T. FROM Col' T. L. Foster, YoL'NusTowN, Ohio, May 10, 1880. Pa B. i. Kendau. Co., Genta: â€" I bade very valuable Uarabla'.anian colt that I prized very highly, he had a large bone sp^viu on one joint and a iiaaU one on the other whieh made him very 1 uae I had him nader tha charge of two veterinaiy surgeons which {ail- ed to care him. I was one day reading tha advertisement of Kendall's Sptivin Cure in the Chicago Exprest. I determined at onet- to try it, aud got our draggist here to send fur it, they ordered three bottles; 1 took them all aud tliouglit I would give it a thorough trial, I UBed it according to directions and the fourth day tliu rolt cpased to be lama and the lumps have disappeared. I used but one bottle anil the cult's limbs are as free from Inmps aud as Hmooth as any horse ia the state. He is entirely currd. The cure was so remarkable that 1 let two of my neighbors have the remaining two bottles who are now using it. Verj- respectfully, L..T. POSTED. Kendairs Spavin Cure. WiMoBAM.Uut., Jan. IT, 1*183. Du. B, J-. Kknuai-i. Co., Gents:â€" This ia to certify that I have used Kendall's Spavin Cure, liou^'ht from C. B. Williams, druggist, WinghaiD, Uiit,, and do witliout hesitation proiiuiuice it to ta an. iuvaluable remedy for the cure of Spavins, Itingboneii. or Ciubs. I used it ou a boue spavin of several year* growth which it completely removed, and I can safely say it will remove any Spavin, Curb or Ringbone it properly used. I hsvs also recommended friends to use it. who Ijave done KO with perfect succesx. I gladiv make this pnbhc, and will auswar any questions or letters gent me. Tours tr. GEOKGE BRYCE., Kendall's Spavin Cure 0.\ III .TIAN FLESH. West Ewosbuboh. Vt., ?eb. 1,5, 1881. Dii. B. J. Kendall A Co., Gents: â€" Several mouths sKo 1 'iiijarcJ my knee joint wbiob cauMH) au enlargement to grow the size of a walnut and caused me very severe pain all the time for fonr or five weeks, when I began to use Kendall's Spaviu Core with the moet satisfacturv results. It has entirely remov- ed the enlargement aud stopped the linenese aud pain. I liave long known it to be excel- lent for horses but now I Know it to be the best linimtnt for human flesh that I am ae tiuaiuted with. Tours truly, T. P. LAWRENCE. St. Joan. P Q Oct. 37, 1681. Dn. B. J. Kbrdall Jt Co., Gents: â€" I liaTc used yonr Spavin Core with great sacceFs an spavins, curbs and tpliuts. 1 know it to be a good remedy {or ringbones, bone (pavini, cuts, gitUs and aU kinds of huaeueas and other difficulties about the horse. One of my men sprained his ankle very badly. I sppUed Kendall's Sgiavin Cure and I never saw any- thinK work 'ike it, he was well in a few days. 1 know it to be good for man as well as beast. I procured one of your Treatise on tbe Horae, by mail for 25ct.':. and I think it wa* the means cf aaving me 9100 on one horse that I treated according to the directions given in yoor book far displaced stifle. Yomrs trulv, Wa.J.PEABSON. Send address for Illustrated Cirenlar, which we tliink gives positive proot of its Tirtnes. No remedy has ever met with such nnqiuUfi- ed success to our knowledge, for beast aa well as man. Price 91 per bottle, or six bottles for 95' All druggists kave it or can get it lor you, or it will be sent to any address on recept of price by the proprietors. Da. B. J. Kzhdau. Co., Bnosburgh Talb. Vt. Sold by all LYMAN. SONS k CO Wlioleaale Agents Druggists. Mantreal, P. Q. FABMEBS, Look to yoar interests, and get Sargent's Patent Load LUdng laduse this season. It will save you ont or more handn every day yon are draauig in, aa yoo don't need a man at the front of tba mow to pitch it back. Yon can pitdi from the load a yon are pitching down instead of up. Yon can unload in half the time, and with greater ease than ia tbe old way. Agents wanted in evorr ooaaty. Wm. 6ABOENT, Barkelsy P.O. or, GroTcr k Innee. Mail Boildiags, Torouta 84-87 The ezamption of aavenl iadiTida- als from typhoid ferar, which recently pravailed very larf^ely in a Weatara town, waa dirtotly ti^oad to tbe foot that tttey maintahiad an eroaBeat ptata of health by the oao of Dr. Car- aoa'a SttNna^ aaA Qoa**9**"" Bit- tan. Tbis laadnftiii bU. â- aaMBCihobe, and aav babad of all drualali. Price 80 oante. A. Tb» nar kCo., agents, Markdale. G. W.Paraoos, Afaot. Daadalk. or A a BOOT AND 9HOE JH 1^ ERCOSE I^ibeslSeliiGlGiliitoGk Oafis' inolli Ca' NEW fiOfIS UIIVIII lAILY aaslffl CbV Oall suid S««e Tliein. thoas adebrstei ri«ieb Xi»*Boeta. sail Boots, stthsr sewed or pegged, a fsiisltj. Repairing promptly attended to. AH Custom Work Warranted. " r JL. I keep tbe Gelebrated Waiuer SefinK Iidiiaei CoMtantly on head, which I seU very cheap (or cash. roj*ii3viopr oR*AN» which are anriralled in beauty ol »0M sad power. ,^ m^ ill kinds •»anaP.e*..e»ak-iae«Aaa«. tor rwU at thaOaaiJk Boot aad Shoe **•" TH08. HAHBURY. Bndalfc. Septaaker Slid. IWI. '^^ "Glasgow House," Dundalk. SELLING OFF. SELLING OFF. Bargains. Bargains. Bargains Bound for the North-West. Ibe ondersigoed baTing determined to remore to Ifamtoba now offers the whole of his large and well assorted stock, oonaiatmg of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Beady-Made Clothing, Millinery, Sec, AT A GBEAT SACBIflCE. This is the only genuine bona-fide sale ever offered tc the public. The whole stock of goods must be sold. Terms Oash or Fnnii I*roluce. Wm. NELSON, Proprietor. Dandalk. Fabraary 28th. 1883. 1 TAILOR SYDENHAM STREET, ICarluUla, July 7, 1881. 4S-6a i]ft0C»t36S» .A NI'INTYRE TEA! TEA! TEA! A. M'lNTYRE McINTYBE'S LIQUMtI_LlQUORSI McINTYBE'S Cigars, Cigars. lIcINTYBE'g McINTkRE'S MEALIMEAILIKALI McINlTRE'S Pork; Pork» Pwk McINTYBaiil ' Teas, rt'ea*. Aad niii[tlijj|||ii|ii n in a flrat-eUti Groee^ and liqmm Store. always on baod, obbat jga ciaa. »•â€" saa At the lowekt rates. PLAIN AND ^, EXECUTED WITH atiacf: Q ^i. n '•â- ^' fr«* .-I'v aiidX)«*^ â- .^ j-v*rr ^*r^. SSIM U y^^- SHOULD 8EN0 Farnw for Sale and to Let. r; *â- Â»â- '• ,.•'» *v.T»-! rut aJ5 oJ »(;â- " wtUI free. •wMw â- â- Miwiii ' **" be prepared to eaeoote Ibo to attend to an the differwit ds|i«rt««»B olBsy Ib nta dspait^ent of ac b'wia*** ^^ " P*:. • :^;;' MSB aad Fair Dealing. ' ' ,, Aeconta, *«.. ©•Ue«te CHABOES LOW. flaOca ConTsyftncer, â-  ipOBT. DAVIS, CommisskU in B 3.. Beal Estate. Loau Inaaranea Agwit FieliiFlowerMBS .•_rH COMPBISING *,i ' i-v Clover, Timothy, « Hungarian *...;:., .o-D.\i Grass Tajres, o. MUiet. Carrot, Mangel Corn, (Sec. FARMERS t^ MECHANICS' ESTATE, LOAN AND DUNDALK. Ontario. CMffyiMiMc im wHh cart, iMlMtt ni dttpafchs A. G. HUNTFR. OFFICEâ€" Om So0r mitk tf Antl»-Am*ri€m Htttl. Dandalk, SaittaBtber 1st, IMl. l.lT. se^ Wa would also remind the pnblic in pcupral tbat we have f„ii GARDEN AND FLOWER SEEDs! 'â- â€¢^ Stationery, School Books, Patent Medicines, Perfum-, Dyestufis, Paints Oils, Toilet Soaps, Fancy Goo?' Pure Drugs Chemicals. Tea, Coffee, and Tobacco. a: Turner 8c Co., Medical Hall N.B.â€" A Quantity of the celebrated Oil Cake jast rec« I 1882. SPRING 1882. Great Novelties. Wonderful Attractions. -AT THE- TORONTO HOUSE, :L^.^:Ee:^3z .^x MAEK DALE Sash and Door Factoi SASH, DOORS, t; blinds •V ;; â-  MOULDINGS, • •• HOLLOW BATTONS, Lumber, Lath and Shinglesj Always on Hand. Orders Promptly Filled. Prices astonishingly low in every Department. Highest price for Dairy and other produce. Harkdale, Ms; Ist, 1883. Wm BROWN. Markdale PUMP Factory. MAKER OF ALL KINDS OF PUMPS, DKOP VALVE PUMPS, CYLINDER PUMPS. CISTERN PUMPS, FORCE PUMPP. Alac, ALL KINDS OF IRON PUMPS SUPPLIED. SatisfiMtion arnaranteed on all my work tha proof of It ia foand ui tha fact that I am doing a larger bnsioosa now than ever was d«ofc in Marxdale in the Pump buaineas. Kemember the stand, 1 door north of Rutledge's Uatel, Sydenham Street, Markdale. The Sabscriber wishes tj return thanks to the ix-.'ple nf Mar:;iUlc «i.(l ticliilT, 1»| very liberal patronage they have given him in tht j-ust, and hui^s ly clo« tmm business to mi .it a continuance of the Knnic. I have now exteudod my buEiii^s.'^.arKl wi!l iu future- Vn\ n fr.i; Stock of PINE LUMBER Direct from thelNorth Shore. A.LL SIZiiS, DEESSED AND UNDRESSED -A.11 I£incl:« ol" Plain and l^'aiie^ Turninj l)oue-in a iSrKl class luaL'iicr. THOS. McNEl Markdale Mar 27th. I8»1. rti \^ Great Excitementlin Markdale OTu THx jjtaam abbitau of SPRING tt SUMMER Goods AT ' "CHEAPSIDE." DiWBTED DIBECT FROM ENOUSH MANIJFACTUREBS, coMBnniio or Dress Goods, Cashmeres Muslins AUdudM. AUoobra. ' LatMkP.ttenu' Brilliants, Diapers, Cretonnes, Scotch and West of England Tweeds, Diagonal Coatings, Dress shirts, Ties, Ducks, IenimM« Oxiord Sbiridn^s, A KQBBY STOCK OF FELT HATS. 8TBAW HATS » ABUNDANCE. FuiTidnes of GROCEEIES rmw»ndFwA. Alwabige Stock of ' BOOTS ^aiTlD ©SOBS """SsswARE. -^ HENRY FOSTER OH, HEAR. OHHEAR. OH, Squander jonr motier if ycu want to. if not, get veurPLotograpbiof W. BULMER. The People's Photographer, Flesherlon k^ tVha Is again preparet to Uke Pictures, and do Coininc au.l Ki^lnrpinp as bertiotot JEaarereeetTuit abrge stock of MOTTOES and Motto ami otlier Framf*. uii ^* vMags, vbieli we can, and mean to sell at Remarkably Low Pnces, Ctf •* I seenre bargains. Bring along yoBt pietores and have them coi.itd ar d enlargoa i yonr Mbiai Fleeherton. Mat A 10. 1881. BULMER. m I GET MY WOOL CAEDBD 1882. mm 1SS2. -AT THE- Dundalk Woollen Mills. .â- â- â- â€¢â-  Where do you get Yours MARKDALE USE ^^LES. BUTIffiDaE. ^oprietop; 9kfi» Tba] vitkaU hi^pai«tetlMlr« P. 8 â€" Parlios indebted by noU or book accouut wiil pl«a« " '*^' ••tUe «t one*. .^ â- '• â-  â-  ' " W. H. PETEBSOfl' SUMDALK. Dee. M, MM. 6'i-*i. ARTEMESIA WAREHOUSE ' '5 ?•£-.£: »HEitTO]V RTATIOIV- Dry Goods, tfaf^are, Crockery, Boots and SHoes ,„ceries, Provisions, c. Stock kept full and wen li.'l-'?*^^ assorted with. new goods received every /% • 4 ., week. My BRANCH STORE at EUGENIA replenished with New Goods every week. For iaie Cheap for Cash ot PfO^^^^' --^fSlj MY Saw Mill and Shingle At LITTLE FALLS are in operation. iiumbor. Lath, Broom Handles for ^7 .- ^Y MORI __ the early • *^ L^ and ProTindsl IJsay- _^ a 1.60 in three ma ia "^SSe ead of tte year. iâ€" "T^option of the pnbUiL «^Jj^pEl. for tU* yel â-  *45?^omplT withUieJ *^^ OF XDVEBTISINC* cohg-nT'::" ••••••â- â-  • jiTio- *^- ••;::::: ' .ndundeV, first i"-^'"" '•^I«nent insertion .....•â- â€¢â€¢ ^ii-Maent insertion • "ifuSes, first inseriion per lin i^beeine°t^*"'"'" â- , .,mber of Uoes to I- r«kone f^^^DTJd ineasnrod hv a «!ale, «• "*°Idver?i.enio..ts «.iUont j ««â-  tr.uX puWmhcd till foij .i^aJordinplv. AU trsu«:t..rJ »*:f«'^nstbe.uthcoflicof,.uj '"o"c!^V on the Wedm.dny ,.rJ Li, pubhcation. I JOB PKlNTIlvG tf .Terr description execute! [,J:*.«"d 'e^patch at the q liSsSIONATAND BUSl DIRECTORY. ' iy„icians.SurjeoUP,Accot OKFICK M'«»ical Ha'J r. i^ TTO«Nl'VANIS«»Mi ;i Ofliooâ€" at Kr If ';;::;kdsio^Pocj!-'^-' Fro*t A- I'ro'^l. â-º ARKISTKUS. .\NI. MiMlNJ Law, Sol .it. i ••• I ' • ' t,,.r8. *c.. (»«••" s..... â-  .; B.-.-h'-rtiin, DJiiv-;' â- â€¢'••. ' erttoforo. J. 11 t^SO. 'inl^.... .-. N.^-^ 'â- â€¢â€¢â- â€¢â€¢* fM',)Ni-V TO i.::m' .^ r i.^ v;..: Po'.llilt â- â€¢â€¢ ' ' " â-  fc„VbS:.!., ..n.t-.-!.l;!V n-: siiors. .v«-. Af. ever W. I" ^V.liV- :.. • -â-  MARKDALE lovcr v.. I. •-!.-l--n-;;ii." ^:•â- â€¢ ' IsndrWi" ,{,. ail. «...:. Maik.;.i:. .â- .;..â- â- .â-  Gro- iUi4ccUii«i*« ^in. l»io«»- Issn-.r. or .\i\i;ivi\'i ' i- «-,.lll«l;i-- •'"'•l '" "• "â-  â- â-  I stt.,»».Kd to a«id â-  .r.f«ll â-  N. 15. â€" Mum'y '.. Lciil â-  n -•• euritv. .%lox:ui«l«'»" ?lJ '-i ' IssT'i'i; "f M-iv-" '•â-  'â- 'â-  Lift- In-i-.rMK-.. .\ ••• ' ,„ B. 11. »:â- â- â-  «•â- â- '••»•.;.. \l1ctiomH-r fr:-!' tlu- •• llf. ' M,-rclia!its HI..I l.tiivl ^-f- • ' t..u.W. t.. 1..U.I .Ua-.y. sll....l.•^• l^-icovaI.•.V it.17.1---^' £C. 7l.«-.iliJ::»«-' •J AVrTl-^N'-i-' •^'•" • ' '•' '•] A«.-..t.Yn'"";/--='V;il Pales stt.n^-l " » â-  -,V' "I i\yyA% t-ol.l -111 â- â€¢ •»U'"-- • • "/â-  J Pianos. Oivan-. ::: 1 ' â-  â- ' '""l Fruilnnd Orran' ..t.;. J' â-  ' 'f tur»l Iiuil'iii' ••!i^«- ""' ^1 â-  •â-  " kinds oil shI" Wiliiaiu-f.iiJ. .It!' •-'"â-  1 SEEIHG IS BELIEF GENTl.r.M'-N. If J on •â-  1 Buggie orWi MCKENKA f.lAbOf CARRIAGE W MARKDALI They can s-.ji â- ,"' y^ ' Lumber \vag- 111. '• â-  ' Excension Top i" To bnv f'»i" '• 'â-  ' » A ^* !•: i "^1 They are b"i?i |!-.-!i' 1. «uiiil-y iioii' !â-  PRACTIC.M. WOivj TU.\v •••s.v:-.!!' 1 â-  â-  Second to Imii- lor 1. ' aud Siii^ri ••",• â-  â-  They n-;e notliin;,' I'U' for \Va(;iiis. ;iii.l '• â- â€¢ I Growth Hk-Jw!' Theimmnisfaiii" ' out of McKenua A Ma- â- â-  proof of t!:f' -v; !.• .1 ;: i lor dti.iiyr V- â-  â-  The best is m:: f III" M. Poor chcai' «'i" •'â-  i â-  Spocial atti'iition ci^' " â- " 'â- ' and llepaiuliu^ mU iUl-^" "f ' Satisfaction ;â€" .tii.u.;' • 1 ' ' HORSESHO bHOPâ€" On M'll Strt. t tjprouK's li"t McKENNAM. T. E. DAVI" â-ºuilpeuacontuai r llriikl. Mtor c'iiii;i' -i- ssoii is still on ti u:- 1 to do all kinds o^ st k, plastvrinK and tiu' y" ^^^•ontemplate Imildiii.; v. a *^^atage to give biui a .^all. Ussidenee corner of l.tu.. u| ^tetes, UA3KUA.i.b. I'i-.' geteU. MAKKUALl ^- SPROULeT- Pi "^HI8 popular Hottl lia^ uj \. ditia« added to it, tl'.oro^ V JW is nosr second to none n Qeod -litliiiji and attentive **â- â€¢ sjlwiiiiodation for iifox! 1^ •«•• Tcnaa fl.O© t.«T I

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