'ON. ' l°^er Stock .^ *o Done yds.3sre^ "" range ol p^c^^ Tflfi 'standard. J^arJuneSth. 1882. Mother notices ^pn;,tv council meet this week iv council tbii week at f.Po'lI M" -% retnrii'»(l fom ew ..: ,, i,i ' .^tKck of -watches. ,• „ Sf'vo for saleâ€" cheap. '.Sr.Th.b. llenrv. Standaju) r /ifti line latlis for sa'e at Mc- •*tw-oiv. .MarkeLile, alw 800,000 EOld ^, Pol! iiifonii- tis he lini 131)0 wort 1 "f watches shiee Lit *lfom N'.v \oik. Vrton i^i':i hat.sw(,rth. ,;,,. i„t"!,ti 'ii 'l the i- N. (V.-11! â- •'••• t ' I'""" ""**' ***"' i.lac'e of the Maui- BIG FIBH IN THE Skvni Reoaon, of tJiis tora, «m out P^^^tt on Ford'8 mill pond, h* hooked^ "' ourmoiis iisb of some^eeQhi â- ff*' which gave the Une a pow^ml jerk, briu^iog the fislieramn ii^ about t«D feetof wator.and, .rh»tia/tO'« strange Btill, cRDgbt Mr B. by^" ^oo^ and it was only bv 8ap«!rhai^° efforU that he extricated himacJ' f^^^ the mon Bter' grasp. It mst have bacn the King of fiabea in "' waters. FLESHESTON OHfiESB TACrORY. .â- ;t'j the K ;j )U is drfiwn the new ..jvtliii- t:il"t 111 fti:(.flitr column. :es. Kail the new«t^^ "g at right and selli 'Ck before led for va- mplete. omplete. 'ming!i V' Highest Prioei f^ ITLE, Jherton. IThurston, ul Sewing Incxt week I • V ' X ,j: »*•â- â- "â- I JenJpr' are ;.,u-^ i'l r.t Kl'l ' •* Tj t'.ie fill Mme tablu in Ivirt'i • iV' »;i-- f' Mr. Ga-rett. the originator of the Cheese Fictory, has faruished na with some TffJ interettioic inforoiatitm ra lative •'o the maoofactare of cbaeae. It hyiQg been aneer«d that it would |) more profitable for the farmer to !! iir^ be in MarkdalelAeep Iiisuulk for making batter, than to Divitiion Comt i' j by having it liiade into cheeae. it is more profitable f jr the farmer to send his mi k to the factory to be made in- to c'.ieese, because â€" Frsf,â€" In the six samoier montlis an ordinary crw wdl gire 8000 lb. of milk. becond,â€" 3000 lb. of milk will make 800 lb. of cheese and 112 lb. of butter. I ThirJ.â€" The aTerage price of bnt- a,!;cl for in another i t*' " 16 cents per lb. and the aTerage erecti )n "f a frame i pr'ce of cheetie is 10 cents per ft. S S. 1" Tp. Eiiphra- Fourth.â€" Theruf)re, the milk of an j on'iuarr cow, for six months, if made into butter will bring the farmer ?17 92, and it made iuV) cheese, will ,, I bring lum $30, or expenses paid, $27 ir„„lav .vciJi^ next. „,„^ Mir.-iu- a clear gam ia favor of ' ""•'â- ' 'â- '• the cheese of $9.03 \â€"kdcance. McI.Va. late rf I'liffvire, It is worthy the attention of some .,!ji(.ii fniu !it W 1 irtdii two: enter|)riaiii» individual or indiyidaals, the tstablishment in Markdale of a cheese fictory. buch an establish- ment would pay well here. The f»r niiTs are becoming more than ever alive to the fact that cheese m«tde in factories pavs bettor than the home ' mani.fiicture of butter. A V Novelty Cim- •lil's outcrtHiMiiont Dunclalk. JDMt vilt «C C. Muckuka bwnhw linfc to,ft Mm. T^ eoimng«lM|ioQ ia tha f^oend Mr Ciwrtord, of Owen ttonod, is BMmed to Wm BebecM JuLurtcB, of Melanctbon. O- B- Middlaton is excavating his cellar in preparation for the boikliag of hia now atom. Wm. Nolaon, mercbanf, has sidd uaariy all bia goods. Miny baisaias have boon given. A large aombor from Dnndalk at- londod the Amrncau eireos in Otaiife- vil. TooadaT laat. Dnndalk is to have a brass ban^. We wi3b the promoters soeceea. A Iraaa band will enliven the village. The 14te rains have been of great value t^ Ibia eeetion of the eonntiy. we have aa fxoel!ent growth. Good proapoets fur the bay crop. Our township eonndl had a large aaoant of boeinees to attend to last ^{onday. They sat deliberating upon the afUirs of oar township for foorteen boors. We notice tendps called 4af the boilding of the acnonhoral ball, and for fencing the grounds. The matter is pUced in tLe hands of an efficiont committee. Scdtt CMliflle^ NOVELTY CO. Monday Next. Ailmissioo^ 35c. 3sc. Notice to Contractor^ SK1I£I TEKMEBS aM»fMr4 to Oe 1 «Uni8Mdeii« sajrssiwa EUGENIA. â- iliii. "â- ' V. i.i li â- « wci.'hc'l 4Hi':b9. .::, i iitui bthcjidcJ. -1 '• rre;i'i-i' nn the i I asi's " iii;iy be had •â- .'.s I'Hi-f^. or free to J I! V 1:1 aJva'iice. .1^! t:i:i' ilio "K^nlall n'W H'll.l l,v 1.11 of !•â- --.il 'Irn r'-ji^ta ainl a proiiiiii.'iit retail coui'.cil iiiut tills week ;•) 'ua.l. Tlie pravel road an i 'I ' I' vyiii- ol the county ..-. .If I'f iiif m 1^1 iutcresiiii;: GRAND EXCUILSION TO TORON TO lliO-M iMaRKDALE. ,.i run i;i:i'i toM lils diiurlifer iiiiiiio I to Well; hf woulii r. .Siip li'MViif 1 t!.' art, :-li ;.l Mrt \r,'h I f. The management of the Christ Churcii hundaj School, Markdale, has or^'anized what cannot f.iil to be a •jraiid excursion to the me'ropoHs of Uiraiio â€" tiio f iremrst city in the Do tuiiiiKii of Canada. The trijj will take |.iiice (.11 Ffi lay, tlie 16th Juno, and .vill iif run on the new time table â€" 10 ui.i'utcs earlier tlmn present time. This mujt be borne in minJ lest on drivin.:,' ni at C:-l-5 it will be di:-cover- ed tiiat t!ie train is a long way on the road. Remember then 6:29. It has buen isrraiij^ed so that just six hours cm be Kpeiit in Toronto, the longest tinio over possible for a Groy resident to spi nd in Toronto in ons day and yot go up aiid down the line in the h Mill 1-^ .!i nf Ilolana sami! day. The (rain returns in good '-la C..-.V iVom C harlt'sj time for the people, from tiie country li r \\ CISC bar; lU" (â- ' of t!ie con- iiiiidv(rtL'rtly â- s Richardson u s \v' wiiicli III- ' Til' cow has :-.V'i liiT-r ch'vjs. ..r tin: uoliec :f .;illi..lll I- H.-!.-l.!:iy if'ii' 1. 1 III 1 1" Hid to Viis ;l lit( I'viiion. lit! may ' iiiiiipi" liut he •i •â- ! Ku-.s .n t!if â- I- 1 â- l! I. » I |- M!.011. to f;ct iio;ne at a decent hour It will arrive here at 8:45. The comfort of thii p.iK.soug.'rs will be du'y looked af- t.r il) th.; committee, who will do all his bed. ' " tiieir power to make the day as en- idcd im- I Joy^ble as pos.«ible. Special arr.ingi nieuta have been made to visit the Z'lO, whero will be found tlie best col- lattion V ild beasts, birds, rejitiles, c., in iho J)uininioii. Amoii" the latest arrivals at ilie Zoo aro tiie following: rartiT sijalio, pair of high hilders. Il ar ciihs, two pair of pea fowl, I a i^cacock. A tank lias been con str :ic!(.'d f r tiie alligator, and the rep- tdj is c ij 'viiif, liiiiiselt rather better n ulun lie was cmficivd in a box. Late backward spring. The leaves on the trees are late in badding into full le^f. Every appearance of an abundant crop of fruit. Peaches are a failure this year. Mr. John Plewis, miller, Kimberley, is all there. It pays to get good flour in any family. Will sooce one explain why onr speckled trout bxi disappearing every year, it cannot be on account of the number caught. Where is the Game and Fish protection Society thit was organicrd a short time since or have we a fishery inspector perhaps he might enlighten us somewhat. wiH be raMvUe* UiVMi- denee. Lot Ho. S. Con. 11, Tovnkhlp af Sa- tibnwi*, ontil Setordaj, the 17th dajr •( Job*, np to 6 o'tinA p. m., for Ae •rMtioa of s taune Bohool Bonf« for School 8«e ion No. U, Township of ICnphraaia. PbuM Hdd speafieatiooi may be wwn and other infonwtton had at the rasktenee of James Stiinon. Esq., Lot No. 6, Con. II, TowDBhip fd Enphraaia. The Tru«tee« will sot he bonad to aeeept the lowest or aii\ tender. By order of the Treatoas. JAMKS STBUTHSR8, See^. Enpbraaia, Jaiw 6th. 1883. 9U-1 REIOIED, BEIOVED. ItR St i-jalts^^' AND OTHERS, wm ADCttESS the ELECa?ORa of East Grey as under f '.^y Ittn« g MSLXirell lo Thornbury 12 Duhdalk tj nockl^rn, Kotninatiori 14 Hop*ville^^:- i • rj Shelburne """i* Hornings' Milltf Red Lion, Ospref â- ..« Town hall, Melanc- m--.^' thon at s p.m. tf Gedarville, Proton 7 All Mfcetiligs, ekcept those marked at 2 p,fti, will hi ' held in the evening at 7 p,m. '^: li J. C. ATKINSON, TAILOK, Having removed to Main Street, is now pre- pared to fill all orders on the shortest posaihk notice. • t, -LATEST- PBCTON COUNCIL. it '.lins â€" •A 1: Il IIm iiiitor 111. lard. He is s 111 till; reiri -ii lo to 1 i tlic wha'e -U' 11 Il.Li 1.1 I oi! r U' .1 â- , Do .1 â- â- I l)i-. f tV- .-i' r ,V (â- 1. mil ciir IS Sloiiiiicii 'I'rv t'.i. 111. I. S.tl t,y '.•lis t:i the one u-ii swillowL-d Jonaiiâ€" though rl: ns" ' tik if.-ai! is li-ivejirovc'd their knowledge .liiimloi inldiCiil liistoiy ly talliiiig of Jonah uhcoii- 1 and the whale in the Zoo -^incs tlip I 'cted t .ivrrval of the huge fisli. The siie of the wriiilc may be imaj^ined when we say tli:it some 25 or 30 children have s:it within the jane rf the leviathan. Tlib comiuittoe wi 1 rcndorall possibl" â- riiiaiioii respfctiiig the trip. We sure n great inany will take n^l- inu'e of it to visit the great city of l'iniiiioi). il" tickets ate als3 available from â- ^i'l iti'ii. i.r t'.ir.hcr particulars see tha adv. oil kluM ;il? ' " in I fee vai the â- :,-t o-s -.r i f\ \vi:l he !i liist. Til.' r p;i t, â- Mill: 1 ;al liii'ic W.K lio an i â- 'â- â- ' in â- Mil l|Mrs M will j ;id .\ir. 'I'ow 1. '.- Itttrr ill M 111 '-.|':l\ 111, I IIIL' 1'«1P, I I: ol tP HtlliHlt. \Vc i I'l I lr. Tow â- (â- IS on'" of' I -111; or |I wiiti-r.-? in Vi.r- ' d'li!" hi- iiiivo-u :at!0!i 'Mil Ir )l U'liat liemlit 1.-. K. .\ \ve;it I"i- IS iig it iii'Ti •â- ,Vl'Ilt.lt!.Vc 1 villi; to the li..l!c to dis- ol siikiifss Ti;:: ;.i:- i nt dijownug acci- jl'KN 1 at Cl LLENS lake. I â€" Hast wociv we gave a more extensive acciiuiit of the drowning accident at I'liileii'rt lake, than other papers, and wi' ;ire now able to give a Bhort sketch of t'iic accident by which N. B. Gner, Km|., luerchaut, of Prieeville, came to an iii.tiint Iv tiia. I Oil the iiOth ult., Mr. Grier, accom- â- _ pa;iif I by his liitle son of ten or twelv" suiuuu'is and .Mr S. Scott, of Glenelg, went to Cu'ib US 'ake, and obtained the ;isj i.f a sKilT, or punt, for a day's 1 ti-hing. All went well until about 4 j o'clock in the afternoon, when from I Ilv.r n;i •111 /.I IL3 Ti "=Vl 'I I, r*. I 'â- *â- E.-l; .Tiie: '*. II the I I '.111;-; St' tiiacii and -, an I give toiu' and -: 1 1 lice 50 ts. ,\,.,,_;/i,i-;. \. Ttiiiicr Mai ka-d.-. ii'it of sevi r il iiiiiivi.ln- i 1 f. vi r. wliic'i r c. nt y I :n 'ul iy in a W estoi n I ::y true 1 to tlio fact ' I'.iii;.' Ml I :;o1!piiI ' iiv till' use of l)i (.'.i: 111 (.' iisMp.iti.iii Hit- I I o'nacii ami Con- siiiiie iinex]!ained cause the boat gave Tiiy inify the a sudden lurch niid upset the fccu- paiits into the water. Mr. Sco t siioutiid to JI' Grier to make for the sh.re, while In? righted the boat and assistt^d y. ling Cinerin geiting into it, \\lii!c bo himself caught hold of Ihe 11 of the skiff and slowly drifted with the wind to shore. Ho was near- ly two liours in the water. In a sill rt time a larste number of men a-Si.mbled, and not for some time was It known that Mr. Grier's body was missing. Mr. Scott sconis to have taken ir for f^raiite I that Grier cscap- "•• '••* 1""" â- ^â- '^-"•«- ' ed safel to shore. On the arrival of the crowd, however, it was clear that ilr. Ciiier had in some manner failed to reach a safe lauding, and at once Ubou a ft-w hastily constrnctel rafts the search was made and kept np the entire night by the light of lanterns and torches, still, it was not until the following day about 3 o'clock, that the 111 !ii.- sniiii.) ot .Mr J. L. I^'J'^v was found, partially wedged be- i. oiiiM.I' VI, w.rs'ie.-ia'lv "^*^*^" "°® debris and fallen timber '•'.. i:. a ci 111 t' ait, aiiil^^'H'*-"' surrounds the shoris of this 'lS. r.. taMv liiat cf the I 1*'^; 't '"'^^ o"" " '*^et from the shore. The body was placed ou a hastily cous^rucfel bier, and conveyed tj Mr. McAlei.r's hotel, at Flesharton station, where the Coroner pronounc- ed a n inquest unnecessary. The Cause of the accident is snppoa- ed to arise front the fact .at the boat leaked badly, and requ.ed to be fre- r.fiia"..' It ocjurivd on j quei.tly bailed out. Doubtless, in the (, â- ^Iiy. and was- discovered excitement of fishing.thie was neglect- • 'i 'iiniaii name 1 Jas. Gauley. od, and tho least change of position jjTfi^iu; t.y n ported the matter at 1 from one side ot the boat to the otiier ^^« station. The train, which w.r;.y f, ctus^ the burned eul f-yt.p;,, laud the â- • .-.1li;us of â- II- m:. r.. r I "III! !!..;_ |-' vr; â- . a'ld may bo had of i Il •".;) c nts. A. Fur .M irluiale. I liris; "iiureh, Mark- j • oil t'.ie war path " i views of the Kiiplish ' and t xt'M'ior. Tiiey j trio I f views rf the •• snidio of Mr J. L. '"•â- -H i,' â- fr.Of \„ -l 'r. ,\e â- '11, ..1,\ ... "fcj. at J;ieeii:s wiii.M Ih is the •V are r.i"i l.n le u r-. • 1! the T. (i. warJel 15. It J.=^i^;.: ills u,i; ' '« r mMiiiitrtd that a (•lio,t time y a..e r.ecuirfi 'in the tr.ick n lit- i. ':ii Af caii-sod the nccumulattd W4ter iia the I boat to rush to one side, and being a 1 Iv io'.S class of boats as easily capsized birch-burk canop, ife bdieva this was i:ie repair- j to tho piiSicii j di' l»i of time. Tlie r.iil- the real cause of the catastrophe. fcJ;^'0»Pa:iv have very liben.ily eci "^n *H I'l'scufea (iauley wi "Oif^lU fer his frx-.rtioiis a t m 80 promptly reporting *i I'levouiiug »n acciueut. JS'^ci.t m BO »^ ,_^»« C'jconrascmenl to the line Ijy^"" tltu- July to the very ut- The funeral took place on Saturday, altendsd by u large c^ncourse of sor- rowing relatives und friends of the de- coased. Tbia malaoeboly event lias cast a "eep shadow of gloom over the entire eoininnnity, and wajoin with them in oilering oar condolence to tha Laroaved £|UiiLv. Proton Council met as adjourned Court of Revision for final revision of Assessment Roll and general business at McDowell's hotel, Dandalk, on the 2nd June. Members all present. The following changes were made in the Assessment Roll Lot 19, con. 8, valuation $050, lo James McKennall as tenant lot 15, con. 14, valuation $700, to John Brown as tenant lot 17, con. 16, valuation $700, to William McNalty as tenant; lot 21, con 17, valuation $4U0, to Jsmes Moody as tenant lot 13, con. 8, valuation $350, to John G. Peer as tenant; lots 21 and 22, con. 10, valuation $650 each, to Robt. and John Ringland, joint owners, and Wdliam Ringland, farmer's san. In the vi lage of Dnndalk Lots 84 and 35, blk. U, $33 each, Geo. Scott, owner; lot 7, b^k. B 4, blk. E, $30 each, and lots 11 and 12, Main St., MeOonucli's snrvey, ^80 Mwih. John Little, owner lots 1 and 2, blk. G, $30 each, Allan Henderson, owner blk. G. $50, 12 and 13, $30 each, P I trick Connors, owner lots in blk. i il, ^oO, to Duuc:hu McMillan 9 blk. 1 1, ollK), G. H. Midlleton, tenant pt. lot 1, south of T. G. B. Railway, Thos. and Peter Glazier, tenants 13, 14, and 15, wtst T. G. B. Radway, John Gilmore, owner 25, n. e. T. G. B. Radnay, Mc.^nley's survey. Rob- ert Montgomery, owner pt. 231, west Main street, $200, Robert Black, tenant; 85, McAuley's survey, $100, Jitmes Deans, owner 80, b k. H, $30, A. G. Hunter, ownec 229, 3rd range. $600, A. G. Hunter, owuer 220, 8rd range, $400, John Allan, owner; McCullougb's Hotel, Charles and Samuel McDowell, joint owners Thomas Robinson to be taken off as farmer's son, being assessed for lot 218, range 4. Cariie.l. The Assessment Roll was tnen final- ly passed and certified to. An order was isoued in favor of the Clerk for one qaocter's salary to July 1st. The account of C. W. Rutledge, for printing amount $18.90, was ordered to be paid. Wm. Ferguson, P. S. Inspector, was paid $5.60 for service* tt referee of U. S 8. No. 10, Luther. Pioton and Arthur. The pay-sheet presented to Council by Yf. F. B. Howlett, Engineer, en- eaged in drainage survey, S. S. No. 1, Proton, (amount $44 6U) o i behalf of se'if and others employed, was ordered to be paid. .^^aS* Ttie Reeve isnued order for $4mb f or of T. G. Brougth, Sec -TrefkS. S. ^o. 12, as per resolution of Oi^- cil. John McMurdo, Tp. A8so«b«r, wss paid his salary, $76, and $5 for post- age and other expenses. A grant of $10 was ordered to be expended on l'7th sideroad, con. 8 to 11. A grant of $20 was made to im- prove the line from side road 210 to 220. A grant of $10 was given the line on the 2nd and 8rd co-ia., opposite lot 28. One bnndred dollars was given to improve the 22nd sideroad from 11th to 6tb ooca. Fifty dollars was granted on 87 sidtroad firom 12th to 6th eona. A grant of $75 was made on S7th sideroad from 7th eon. to townline. Thomas Mniball, lot 22, con. 6. was allowed tu become a separate school supporter, he having become tenant for said lot and being a Boman Cxtho- bc. The Councillor of Dijieioo 8 wm instructed to let the job of building a bridge over Baugeen Biver on 12th sideroad The Reeve and Depnty-Beeve were ^ipointed a oommittOe to inspect the to^e on bo«n4aiy line of Lather and Proton with view jal rtbeiUuif sa(n to report to Coaneil at ita next moeting also the Council of E. Lath- er ho- rofaaeted to meet the above committaa on a date to be fixed. Tba Clark to notify Dan'l Ferguson to remove the temee off the road al- lowaaee ft|^KMrte lota 1 aoi 8, eon. 19, and Biig WiIao. pfth ma atei r oT (he beat waa instructed to hare the said fMieo lemovad. The C^«•eA •^onm'«d to m9 aft Oedarriiie on the firafc itmiaj {HH) Joly, at 10 a. BB- Jab. CmMiam, Tp. dexk. Fashion Plates BECETVED REOULABLT. CHARGES MODERATE. Satisfaction Gnaranteed Remembei* tUe Place NEXT DOOR TO NELSON'S STORE, MAIN STREET. Dundalk, Nov., 1881. 13-6m. Greai Cause OiJtuman Misery ISTHE LiOSS OF MANHOOD â€" v We have recently pnbiishpd a new /^SKALViiitiou of Dr. CrLVEBWELL's Cele- ^â- ^^'Y^-^BR vTEP Ess.^Y on the »-aiicaI and pernian«nt cur« (without medicine) of Ner- vous D.'hility. MfiiitaJ ami I'liysical Inc-ipaci- t.T, Impediments to Marriage, c., rtsuiting from txce-^sep. t-s* Price, in vealod envelope, only 6 cents, or two po- tagc staui;i». The celebrated author, in this admiralile Essay, clearly domoii8trate», from thirty years' aaccessfiil practice, that alarming con- .lequeiices may be radically cared without the dangerous use of iiileinal medicines or the use of the knife pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. l:s"This Lecture should be in the hands of every 3'otith and every man iu the land. Address The Culverwell Medical Co,. P.O. box 450 41 Ann Si., New Tori- From Markdal(^ Flesherton. ,, L?|*il of Christ Church Sondaj^^hool, Markdale, and j St. Maty'sBonday Soboo^ Maxwell, on FRIDAY, JUNEK^e, 1882, Leaves Jfarkdale G.29, Ileab«rton •.48, airiviag Toronto 10.85, returning from Toront3 4.86, eharp, arriving at Flestierton 8.80, Markdale 8.45. allowing SIX Hours in Toronto. TICKETS for Double Journey f i 25 Children under 15, 60 cents may be had at Markdale at Mr. A, Turner's Druf? Store at Maxwell from Mr W. B. Hamlin and at Flesherton at Mr Fawcett's, Advance Office. Tickets may also be had at the Stations on the morning ot the Excursion. Special arrangements have been made to visit THK ZOO John Gardine]?, Dundalk, con- tinues to astonish the natives with low prices for, Hardware. It will pay you to give him a call, examine Goods, and get prices. S."â€" at Bednced Bates. All First Class Coaches. Marndale. June 6, 1882. ato^ai Br^i»^« I1 vVH-Iil ^LE Foundry -AND- HAGHIHE WORKS. We are prepared to execute all kinds of Turning and Boring, V .S'CILiA^' KENEWEjJI Ha« b««ii in eenstaat use by the pwbUo for over twenty years, and is the best preparation eTer invented for RESTOB- INQ GRAT HAIR TO ITS TOUTHFin. COLOR ASD LIFE. It snppllea the natural food and color to the balr (lands withont staining the •kin. It will ini3«Bse and thicken tbe growth of the preTent ita mâ€" ki»|. 1 blllac e«r, and tkos ATKBT BAIJirxaS. 'yriTB. General Lathe Work Done in a praotical mannar. It cores Itching, Emp- tione and DandmS: As a HAIR DBESSIMO It la Tery desirable, giving the hair • •Uken so ft n e se which all admire. It The State Assayer and Ohemist of Man. and leadinc Fbyri- eiana endona and nooiB* mend it as a ^reat tnomnh is mem- NIL DESPERANDUM. MAfS SPECIFIC MEDICINE. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY, an nnf»:lin7 cure for Seminal Weakness, Sperustorrhea, Impotfncy, and all diseases that fol ow as a sequence of Self-Abnse as loss of Memory, Uuirersal Bakn Tlddai^ Las utude. Pain ia the Back Dimness of Vii^ion, Premature old af;e, nnd many otner Dii e ase s that Itad to Insanity or Consnnipti' n end a Pre- matnre Grave. IS"Fnll particulars in onr pamphlet, which we desire to send free by mail to every ons. The Specific Medicine is sold by all Druggists at tl.OO per package, or six After Taking, packages for ?.5.0i, or will be sent free by mail on rectipt of the monty by addressing THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., l-Iv Toronto, Ont., Canada SPISCIAL NOTICES. BEST un COMFOAT to m SUFFEBINQ PLOWS! And Plow Points wHl receive onr special attention, knowing through practical experience the best class of Irons for such. Box Stoves, Sugar Kettles, Land Boilers, win raeeiTe oar lattention. does ear d We al90 iatio FAMILY IMMLE to tke poUie. This new itie»Jiifwi wQl Linea, l^otton, and WooUen Goods, gJTisf then a heaotifal smooth and (j^qaqr appear- ance. It alao ianoves the elotfces, whswee hot lions injnreuem. We wS alao fjctom CSMRON GfiAVt TWLtTSl also Tomb Bafliar'PaU PiUen aud One* milsl Tart Ii«n Ckrius f?T mmt, also all kinefBalwHSrBaflinga, Hoaae Vsoeingâ€" piain aoi onianiental, Madunety Biaas CaBtii^ of vtecj di. scriptioa. Brass BeDa, faima or " MOFFAT BROS. ©UCKlRGHMIS X,y^ WHISKERS WMI ehaage the beu« te • BBOWK •» BUICK at diaerattoa. Beteg Im ••• it ia aMily mnUm4, »â- Lfsltti7cQrMSHA,l.l SiUbyalDasiaMtar a Hoaaeliold Paaacca baa no e^nal for relierin^ pain,, both inter- nal and external. It cures pain in the Side, Ba«k or Bowels, Sore Thrat, Khenmatism, Toothache, Lnmba(;o and any kind of a Pain or Ache. "It will most surely quicken the Blood and heal, as its acting power is won- dertoL" "Brown's Household Panaaea," being acknowledged as the great Pain Beliav- .sr, and of double the strength of any other Bliser or Liniment in the world, shonld be in every family handy for use wken wanted " as it really is the best remedy in the world fortyiamps in the Stomach,, and Pains and Aehee of all kinds," and is for sale by all OmgRisU at 36 eeuts a bottle. SO-It Gold.; Great eheoee to money. Those who alwajs take advantage of (. e gouU chauoua for "»t^'"(; nsoney that are offered, generally become wealthy, while those who do not iminove saeb chances re- main in poverty. We wart many men, wo men, boys and girls to work for us ngfat in thair own 'ocahties. Any one can do the woA properly from the first start, llie bos- insss will pay more than ten times ordinary wagra. EzpeDsive ontfitiamislMd ib«a. lie ena mho a ngsg s s fails to mskasMDar lafUly Too eah derote year whole lime in tte wjsk, or oxlj TOW spare aioinenti. Full iofi tionaed all that ia Beaded semtfrea. *Ca., Andrea. P J M P L E S I win nwa fPrea) the reeipa for a siaiple VaaettBLs B*ui that will remore Tax- FBSOKUsS, miFLBSaud 8um«BS,kwra ii« thsski]iaoft,ciaar and baaartOel; sIm inaiiiHiiia fw wmleiiiim !â- % IxiWilSnatii of be.* «ai a bald bead ur saKMik faan. id- Ocas, eaflnaim »«• tamp. Bern. Taa4eU4 a*.draSBee4 kmaaat.H.T. STmRTLING 0I600VCRYI LOrr MAHNOOO Motheral Mothers M Mothers I Are yon diatorbed at night and broken rf your reat by • sick child sullering and eryjng with the axemciating pain of cctting teeth If so. go at once and ^et a bottle of MBS. â- WINSLOW'B SOOTHING 8TBUP. It witt i^ii III the poor little snfferer imme^- ately â€" depend upon it there is no mistake aboot it. Tbeie is not a mother npon earth who baa ever ilsed it, who will not tell yon at once that it will reg-'%te the bowels, and give rest to the mother, and relief and health to the child, operating Use magic. It is pt.r- isetiy safe to nse in all eases, and pleasant to tba atate, and is the preseriptiou of one of tfia oldest and best female physicians and niirss in the Unjt Statea. Bold eraty- where at SS cents a bottle, M-lv SALESMEN Â¥AMTED. SEE _FOU ALL KINDS OF Rel GO TO THE Dundalk Druo" tore. IMPOETANT TO FARMEES. I have just purchased a large stock of all kinds of Field Garden and Flower Seeds direct from the oldest and most rehable dealers in Canada, and c?n safel recommend them Farmers will do well to come and inspect my stock I be- lieve I have the largest variety of Field, Garden and Flower Seeds ever imported into Dundalk. Don't fail to call. â- Yours trul}' C. W. PARSONS. P. S.â€" A large stock of Timothy and Clover Seeds alwavi- on hand. Also a new variety cf Potatoes for seed. I have just received a half ton of new process Linseed Mcalfcr feeding horses and cattle, cheap. $2.50 per 100 lbs. Dundalk, March 7th, 1882. He rkat ler Fan of Foin^lll Nurseries, Wean SI addttion to fane ST IH CANABA. HaA» Omotâ€" tOBOKTO. On. Omcca-ICOMTBEAL. P. Q., imk ST. FACL, Mm. NURSERIES, FONTHILL, ONT. already laiga 100 Additional Canvasaen, â- en who ean ghre fnll tima to the Btea)y amploymant aad good aal- â- eaafalM. It doea aut matter jia«ia«s nuiaiilua kaa kaaa. If yotaaa viMaf to aoskyear se is al- .. The haia sMsesBeas reqairad. «XOnB A mSXIKOTOK. M iseijMwi TBwto.Oatt -^t Shortest Notice. Orders by Mail or Wire prcnQpUy ^%*^; ^. ^ecuted. '^â- â- .â- -:t m "STANDARD" OFFICE, Markdale- -r ^^ "%."»* '5?v n