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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 25 May 1882, p. 1

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 ill' I w r il I I I I '^iB' STAKBJJtt. LOCAL » Orr4i£R NOTlCEt ' â-  â- -»«â€" â-  â€" Tliv Mvaf ta Mtaut i* a» lifvfy m •«-e.-, oui* m -re • fwciitr (•â- iiK Lui I Skit j-ist ncdvti M McFarLnd'a, will be »tM dxetf. V4C«rUjv,t]i« Vinni|i«g iucendiuy, b-w Umu »«ui«uce4 to iii« peciteotivy f r ft'UrUeu jrmnt. Oar report of Uic Qiweu'tt l»u'tlid*y ct-hunuiou at lCariitl)ti«, botii by tlM ••o-rfai aaU Um L.A.6. Uuuc^rt. UeiMtf «! BoiiMr lu« b«eu soaunitted f»r tri*i «t Winuipeg lur ubt^iaiug C. P. B. pap«r« Qoiier lalM. pret«Dee«. Owiux to pnra-iof jt;b w»rk, together vitb a iiulitla;, wt* aie coup lied to re- duee the «iz« uf tb« paper uuu-ludl. Ulial'H the matter muL tbe Han- over Putt tuu^i 01 lok b««o trying to mak« aouitt wiUi cuot aud boiled oil f Mr. Samuel binart has a cow which ^ve birtb to two heifer calves on tlie 18Ui iaat, both of wuicu ar^ doing well. Tbe Uayor of lleaford and the Editor ef abont tbe tpicieat P^per north of Toronto are hnving a urely time of it. The marveloat "egs;" has about disappeared, wheu 1 the Meafura Mouitor Hud* a uabbroeoi large en- ough Uj writ* about. The PootraMter-General of the United State* tuu recuminendeU that I paetage ou uew«puper« and y«no- dicalk be abolitthed. A picnic under the auspices of tbe lletboditt church will be li*ld at Hol- land centre ou the lit Juue. Amuse uenta and iuidre8k«a. All hope fcr (iuiteau is uow gone. The court at Wsbhiugton haacoatiriu •d the judgment of the Court below denying a new trial. A postal card was addrcbsed to President Arthur at York ou Sunday, tbreateuiug liim with death if he did not immedm'cly recall Miuis- U.r Jewell aud ul-iumihI the ivla*te uf all Americanu coutinuJ lu Engliiiii duugeuuB. lu couseqiicnce of the reported ex- nteuce of a deop lut agaiusi the life of the Czar and .is giiestH uu the oc. caitioQ of hilt .Mitjtjrity'b orouatiou, it has been docided ty further pt^stpoue the ceremony for a year. The roek ou which the ill-fated Mary Ward went to pieces some ciirs ago itill rears itB H(,'ly head betweeu Colliugwood aud .MtaforJ. Vessel- men give It H wilu hearth, but it should he uiarkeU unt for them. STOICUIOVSBuâ€" la May. the wile BIRTHS. Mr. el* VnOMSL-^U tbe wils ef Mt Jokn Wtlah, €l a' OIEO. FO«TUL-b AtUmmm. « tbr 94(h Ibr. HMimHkitt, 4.4Rk«(r «| Mk. AnkM. rLEMDIO.â€" In BcJ]aa4. on tb* 17tb Msy. U.E.V mtnmi 4a«htaLagMl S yn Md C BM aad ea tbe SM. W.XE^ ealr law e( eco. flMrivg. ^ad C TO. ditndaiiK: LBOOT AND HftPEjf THTHAlfKIKaWM*«»» ««taM«l«p.rt»e»iaD«i»IU,*eaâ€"i«ace»at ALL ME WaatinC** orBawt Ii^rofed Vm Isaf- Tewa er riasg»rr«f«v." EEDS ly. tlw00M^«'^**7 ABOUT 2 LIV ES LOST Smnttr hut aSMferOioa opmad wemnttj has the awakening of trade The ileuford MoMitur was some- what Diiseil laut week, a piir inform- ed its readers where to hud SyJen ham Council rei)orl aud sundry other Items hut ou looking the reader was sold. Mr. Win. WooJh oI Iiu;ilirasia got Lis 1( „' h. ok.j VcMterUyoii hia farm while liiinownij,' It api.eiirs hit; borto t.oi.k fnglit and heiaine some- wlia: ii!i!.iiiiiit^'.abli!, Mr. Woo I has uow hid tliii s.iiue Ic^ broken fjur tiuiPs. |)r. S,ir.ul.j A-.-t the liiuh. AlMMit oiiotiiitli of tlio nnmlior of dii^h m 'tiiiikdaln w.iiil i l,e aiui'le tor the seiuiiiy of the villa;,' noith-r f o; pu.'-..ciiL'eis ii'ir I'liuistrians are free hoiii ili.; in.d.-t of the snappish ours wiiii II infi ;,t till* rtreels. Tiic.-.i inu a 4 nmiiher of sli )il- (ly -l,.ili |.! g.ui.,' tliiouj^h the couniiv, ll.e-iii;tli fiT.iii'ib right and ItlL I)oii L (!..ilu:ih thiiii, liiit |ia- troiii/a Villi. Ill ri'li-«iit lit lioaio art doing^.s i,i a liL,'al way, in whom yon lai; iHt c nlidcnce. Tlio i-jni«L lias put in iin appaar- ano-. (lot ii[) iMily aii.l l)'jk in the uoiillierii kv. It can he rt-;ulily seen 'V'(li u [Kill' of u'oo.l glasses. It has an mill ,11 illy h.ijit licad and Ion.; tail. It. will sh.iilv be a inagni- bceiit ilj(\.i to tliu iihK.mI eves. l-fap y«iii will iiol oivur until 1K84. liul .Miirlui.ild gills alile to siippr.rt hushiiiii.-^ sjioiild not Wilt. Tiierc are a go.idly nunihii nf tl»«! m lie sex iii thf mai'iat wliu li can In- s.ifelv ho )k- j vd a., "low f )r cMsh or country pro I «luc;." Tile livt ly Mpiifoid Minor, which I when opi(ji;iiiiCy olfir is cxtriiuely down U|)oii Its conteiuporarios say's oar .MarUJa'e lodge of the A. U. U. W. tvi hiive a "convorzionr" in Ju by tiM bivakuigBpof tb« long •od dreary winter opened, when tbe news was receiyed of tbe toes of one of tbe finest propollers that ever steamed out of Colling wood harbour â€" the pride slikeof her nnfurtnnate own- ers and crew and distressiog as the lost! itself is; it is ccumpauied by a fhghtlnl hiss of baman life. When tbe iwen Hountl was between Kilkmeyand Mauitowauing Bay a small boiu was seen eomiog oat of the fog whieb had settled orer the water. It was manned by a number of iuduins and Andrew Jobnstou^nate of the Mairitoulin. lie reported tiiat wheu his boat was about four miles from Mauitowauing Bay it was dis- covered to be on lire, supposed to baye been causeu by the explosion ol a lamp in the after-eagiue room. A rush was I at once made for tbe UfeboAts, one ot which was filled while being lowered. The tackle broke, and tbe occupauts of the boat were thrown into the water. The Xortkem BtlU was speedily de- spatched to the scene of the disaster, i haying on board the President of the j Compauy, Mr. Chas. Cameron, Har- I bor Master, Lockerbie. The weatlier was all that could be desired, and the lake was very calm. Fast time was made by the staauch little craft, and Killarney was reached reached at 11 p.m. Here tlip inhabitants wore con- gregated on the docK and anxious- ly talkiuj, the matter over. It was stated that the Mamtuulin 'lad burnsd iu Mauitowauii'g Bay, aoout Tiiree miles out. Tho watch was beii.g changed at the time. A lamp iu the lower eugiue room burst, and the fire spread rapidly. The chief engineer. Win. Lockerbie, let her have a full head for shore, and then jumped ou to the wale. He hung to it until he neaied sliore, wheu he waded in. He was biidly burned about tlif ears and bauds, as wna also tlie captain Mr. Itobt. Heujy had been drov^ned. He WHS sjcu hy the assistant co ik, manfjily swinimii.g towards sliore. Tlio lietlt iinived off the sceue of. the disaster at, i.haut i.'Ad a.m., when ' 8^eue of (icVrt station wis reveale SHOULD SEND FOR J. SB siill Is ihs tie ailh tbs a M â-  krgestibeslSelectGdstoGk Davis' hssm batal(p ^f^.T OfBeetsaadfceee^v bie i^ t int » Hw att. T^'-^'^* •5 DAILY *. S^P- -â- *«' NEW 60008 AiHTIIfl C/aU and S^e 'Fhem. a« still suaslastwiag tbos* eelebratsd rrsoeh Kip Boots, eri Boots, aUbar sawed or penad. a peeialty. All Custom Work a^ gat tbea. 0^1 Repairing promptly attended to. Warranted, Farms for Sate and to Let. We desire to inform th« fwrning comnunity that we hav. i • ekoioe stock ot "•'•ictm. *^ hatfmg bhe 4? Ssdiapoae «l ahoold eoaaoU ae. GATALOOUS SBMT OK APPLlCATttlK 8al« mt •.-J?' t~-'t»!a»t«f^ I keep tbe Celebrated Waozer Sefig lachioes Conatantly on hand, whieb I sell vary ehaap for aash. Ala* tbe I0M:IIVI0N^ ORCwAl^fl which are onriTsUed in beauty of ton* and powar. ^^ All kinds of ram Piodoea taken in axchan;;* /jr goodi at thaOnnJalk Boot aad Saee Stora. TH08. HANBURY. ^odslk. BeptemWr Sad. i8«i. i^a Vin kTrMBd ercry TkaralV. «1 -*" be prepared to enairte Deeds. l!!!LrS!j^^.,*c..-e.tly.u.corr.ctly. Advise e. l-fal po«t. Also to attend te aU the diferent departments of say buui free. la every department of my ness and Fair Dealing. boainasa mj asotte ii Tkeroogh- __-._.^».« w k«ar CHABCES LOW l^rvaipt retanis naade UOBT. DAVIS ConTerancer. Commissioner in B.R.. Beal Estate. Loan Insurance Agaat J aMPBI8IN0 Clover, Timothy, HungEkriaiiY t.^«».« Grass Tares, c. MiLet, Carrot, Mangel Corn, c. Wa weotd alao ramind tbe publia in itaneral that we hsv« tM i OABDEN AND FLOWER SEEDS. *••• Stationery, School Books, Patent Medicines, Perfunj. Dyestufis, Paints Oils, Toilet Soaps, Fancy Goods^' »«^. Pure Drugs dfc Chemicais. •tea, Coffee, and Tobacco. Kii« "Glasgow House," Dundalk. SELLING OFF. SELLING OFF. Bargains. Bargains. Bargains Bound for the North-West. tiie that told its own tenille tale. The boat liaJ been beached about three miles from Mamtowaning, on tbe Wik- wcmiliong shore, her bow being m about twolve inches of water, and the stern lu sixteen feet. From the eourse the bunt Lad teen takiii it was evi- dent that CuptainCaiupbe.' had piloted the boat to the iiearost [iractiCHl point of l.inil, and wondurfnl presence of mind and t-kill must. have been used ill ewapiii^' a very (lan'en)Us shoal dirtctly off Five mil.; Tomt, close to which the Maniloii'iii ran. ISlie was burned rij,'ht to the water hne, and the remains of the hull were crisped on the inside to veritable charcoal Tlic cnf,'iue and boiler stood in their'^. and the h. Id wa.s filled with watei. holes liaviuf,' been cut iu the ^b.ttom by the crew in fighlinj; the ^*""|llanies af ci- tliu boat va8 b.'aciied. anil Kv ivihiii^' was ajipiicnily burned to u-silesbuc-s, cicept perhaps the ma- chiiitrv, and a few almost valueless articles of friijht. Some cattle on board had been roast»-d to death and thrown overboard, poi lions ot the car- cases being taken away by the Indians. Tbe cliief cuginer says, "It was be- tween Iwelve aud one o'clock, the sec- ond engineer had had his dinner, and came d iwu to relievo me. 1 went to my room, washed myself, and was put- ting on my coat logo to dinufr, wheu the soond engineer came running aud told lue the bjal wa" or fire. I went outside aud rusliud to the ponv engine to start It. At that time the mate and s, coiid eiiiiini-er weie enoeavoriU" to get the hose dosvii. I was four feel lowei than them. I had the overflviw of tbe po y open for tome lime, and before shu -ting it off to lorce the water 1 be undersigned bavinc: determined to remove tn Mauitoba now offers whole of bis large and well assorted stock, consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Ready-Made Clothing, Millinery, c., AT A GREAT BACRIFICE. FARMERS MECHANICS' ESTATE, LOAN AND DUNDALK?*^ Ontario. A. Turner Sc Co., Meaical Hall. N.B. â€" A Quantity of the celebrated Oil Cake just received GonYayancins done with cart, ncafntss md despafchs A. G. HUNTER. OFFICEâ€" One door teuth of Angle-American UtM. Dundalk, September l«t, 1881. vtr. 1882. SPRING 1882. only genuine bona-fi Jc '-.ale ever offered Xt The whole stock of gcocls must be sold. This is the the public. I'enxiH Ca*«li or f ai*m fi'ocliice. YTm. NELSON, Proprietor*. Danialk, February 28th, 1882. 1 TAILOR, SYDENHAM STEEET. I 436s Great Novelties. Wonderful Attractions. â- AT THE- TORONTO HOUSE, M A R K D A L E Sash and Door Factory SASH, â-  â-  v^ DcOKS, ' ^r .BLINDS "-^v ,;i MOULDINGS, â-  â-  â- ;; HOLLOW BATTONS. ' â- â-  %-y 1-KAMtS Lumber, Lath and Shingles, Always on Eand, Or^iers Prompily, FiLed. Uarkdale, Jnly 7, !S81. rpo f BAMEltS â€"SIX FUAMERS wanted JL until harvest time. Uiglicat wages will be paid Aiplv to Proton. J0"h.\ GOT T, Inistogne P.O. a 'coiivirziinie iii Jiiur. Wo woiti.l hliB t.. know whiit kiua of ,,*â- ' ., •â-  an aiiiindl tliis i.-, tliroii-li tbe liose, I called to the mate I aud suioiiil eugiueei to liuriy as much 111* .Minor .sHjs a 1 lesbertoii l)oll as tbey couKl. I did uot leceive auy recently iMn.lins.-d $1000 worth of auswer, ana 1 crawled up aud found jewellorr Ir .m bvwtzirUiul This tl.tre was uo one there, I sui.pose the same D.ll wlnu one of Marlidiile tlamts drove tL em off. I took bold of eiior-. tic citizons is now on Ins w..y to tltc bo^e and felt alonj; it for the uozzle. New ^.irK tbu watch miikt'i-s ' and Jouud tbuie wab none on. I then of llial city. It is Will to have such dropiK-d tnn hose aud went to t)ie tide men as .Mr. Dull aimuij; us showius of the fjH'i^way, about six fpct from so much activity and enterprise, not oijiv docs Mich an Olio benefit himself, tlie wliole !aco i-s benefited by his in- dustiy atid energy. Mr. A. Mclul\ re returned last week from tho .North West. He speiit three wptk.s in the jirairio province and IS very favorably impiessed with tho apjHaiauce of the ccuntiy. Tbe Water is i,'A high, buing up to (.ome of the biidses iiinier which steam vessel pi«si» when the river i.s at an or- dinary li*;t'])t, Mr. Mclntyre visited brandon, St. Vincent, i'oriaf^c la Vrarie. l-.ini'r.ion and Winnipeg. Iu the liittir j'l.icp bo saw several of those who recciit'v left Markdale. A man imiun lobii Cam, about (50 ynsis ol age, died 'Jiii morning at j Markiinle. I'ain has lived in this sec- tioii st)me 20 years, and recently he liyed nea.- Cookstown. Yes^enlay be ' cam* to the villajje, and here like inaur another, he imbibed too much whiskey thi:i is supposed to hare caused his death. It :s uot yet kuowu wiiClher au in(]uest will be held. If ft hat, csp, or suit, you're iuten- dio^ to buy. If wise, to M:F.irlani's yott surely « ill hie: For his goods aro fir^t c)as8,ani his pi ices Ko fiir. That none iii the twu with him CMi compare; If you wftii.. a dre^H, ntantle, or bon- u«t to ^rnnd. Those it ilctMrUuds, beat »11 in the land Be directly iiU|oi U from atrey o'er the sea. Tlw bMt of u!l gu\l«, wh«t ever they be. the engine. I noticed ptoplo in tbe water already, particularly a man a I woman and child. Saw the captain I had the boat pointed for r hore at ilime, aud tie question of course arose 'in my mind whether she would reach shore. Thmking of this I ran back to I the engine, felt for tbe lever of the throttle, lud pulled it open. 1 could j not open it all the way, because it was set with a thumbscrew, which tigUteu- ed up as the lever c«me out. I ran a driulier. if so the farfaapa tou bwit tia C«a if ^nrUfiMfi 4i Me'a Meletr!y ynii' mi* llw s.i.-itra ui«1 HirtOM ar* Ibf boct back to the gangway, pulled off my boots, aud crawled aljuj the wale un- til 1 came to a fender, wi -n I was assisted to the proii; deck. Then I noticed that the first mate was Itiyiug to lower the starboard boat, I aud being unable to swing her clear I I look hold of the after fall aud help- j ed the mate to swing the boat tlear I of the chalks that she sat in. The I mate told me not to let the boat strike j tlie water. I followed the boat down j to keep her off the promenade rail, I and shove j her off until my wnd of her I was about four feet irom the water. I I was standing ou the main wale at the time, having my acia around a tender, and the hoe in m} disengaged hand. The immense crowd whiou jnmped into the boat either carried away the forward tackle, or the aaritt, when 1 immediately let go the after tackle, as the boat tamed a ocmplete somer- •salt. acd the hn« nearly swept me off. I clung to tbe side an^il the boat Kreanded, when the jar shook me off. I fell into the water and waded to the ahcre. Wbia I waa haaging orer the tide I aaw people cootinnally paseiug under me in tbe water. I espedally notieed a ataa swimaiing ontwanU, after a woman wIm had drifted behind, llie conpie were aamd. I alec noticed a man cling- ing to tbe side who bad Lis let arm and hand in the fira. On landing, after ga«tia» ail tibMe wbi $200 00 REWARD I Will be paid for tbe detection and con- viction of any person selling or deal- ing in ai:y bogus, counterfeit, or imi- tation Hop Bitters, especially Bitters or preparations with the word Hop or Hcea in their name or c 'Uuectcd tlie:e with, that is intended to mislead and cheat the public, or for any prepara tiou put iu ar.y form, preteudiu,' to be the same as Hop Bittebs. The gen- nine have cluster of Gkeen Hops, (notice this) priuted on tbe white label and are the purest and best medicme on eaitb, especially for Kiilney, Liver, and Nervoas Diseas«8. Beware of all otiiers. and of all pretended formnlas or recipes of Hop Bittebs published in papers or for sale, a« they are frauds and swindles. Whoever deals u any but the genuine will be prose- Prices astonishingly low in every Department. Highest price for Dairy and other produce. Wm BROWN. Msrkdale, May lit, 1883. cuteJ, Hop Bittebs Mro. Co., Rochester, N. Y. In the Spring of the year almost every one requires a good Blood Puri- fier, more especially in the month of May. We would earneatiy advise onr rotders to try T)r. Garson 'a Stomach and Constipation Bitters. A few doses will soon Gonviuce yon that it is tbe best remedy known for affections of the Stomach, Bowels, LiT«r, and Kid- neys. In large bottles at 60 cents. A. Turner aud Co. Special Agents, Markdale. FARMERS, Look to your interests, aud get Sargent's Patent Load Lifting Maciilne this season. It will Bare yon one or more hand^ every day yon are drawiig iu, as you don't need a man at the front of the mow to pitch it back. You can pitch from the load as you sre pitching down iivitead of np. You cau unload in half the tiine, and with greater ease than in the old way. Agents wanted in ovcrv county. Wm. SARGENT, B'rkei P.O. or, ' Grover A lunes. Mail Buil lings, Toronto. 84-97 Markdale PUMP Factory. MAKER OF ALL KINDS OF PUMPS, DROP VALVE PUMPS, CYLINDER PUMPS. CliiTERN PUMPS, FORCE PUMP?, Also, ALL KINDS OF IRON PUMPS SUPPLIED. rac?"tb!?f T Z"'"""^*' °u"" ""y^or" the proof of it is found in the fact that 1 am doing a larger bnsiness now than ever was done in Maradale m the Pump business. Remember the sUnd, 1 door north of Rutledge's llote" Sydenham Street, Markdale. The Subscriber wishes tsrutnm thaulci to the people of*Mflrl;l»le *ti4 TicioitT. ior h very libetsl patronage they have pven him in the ptiBt, auJ li'ies l,_v dost- attmlioi k bnsiuess to merit a ooutiutuiDoe of thr^ bsmc. I h.i\e now extended my basinegs.aud will in future kocp a Tiiil Stock of INE LUMBER. Direct from the North Shore. A.LIj SIZliS, DPESSED AND UNDJiJ^SSifeD, All l-winclM ol*l*ltiiii niil,l'"s»nf;t Titvninjf Doup iu ft fir^t cIass marner Markdale May 27lh. 1881. THQS. McNEA. rtf HEAR. OH, IE Mortgage Sale" or FARM PRBFERTY, TOWNSHIP OF HOLLAND. DISTRICT MEETING. reisaine't off the boat, wa tiil • "• ••mwainn .â- o»-«jij-i vu mi* mim, w» wwiaea Oil O^ P"-â€"- r nrrsnts. nne. tniiiwo, faU the foDowing moraiug to WtiagwMh ilav HrdiMBUftiid. ttie flaniafc There -..-i^-i- t«rei.tT The spring meetiBg of the Owen Sound District, Metbodist Church, was held in thin village on Wednesday and Tharaday of last wciik. Filteen cir- coitB were represented. The financial position uf the District has improved, the Missionary Fund specially so. There has beec a very grati fy ing in- crease in membership. Rev. S. C. Pbilp was appointed to repraeent the District on tbe Statioo- ing Committee. Jiev. C. V. Lake waa appomted on the 8.8. Committee. Mr. Alfrerd Frost,]Urrister,of Owen Sound and Mr. G. S. Bowes, of thnr fillage, were ap|«inted ddeftates general con- ference whidi ia»«ts ia Haailton next Septembei. J. W. Armstrong, of Flesbertoo, was delegated to attend the Mi ss io na r y Commhtaa laacthige A the Tsronto ooofereaee. A resdaiion fisToriag oakm with ether Methodist bodiea was naanimoas |y earned. A reanintion fikToriag the mirodnetioa of laymsB into the mtmsi Gonfenaee waa wanaly ilissnsaai aad earned by a saMdi Bsagan^- The meetiag brake op at 4 p.m Biuketi* "• i»e«Bf prase op as '***•"' ThMrfM. ai;. David ^^ the eloMLg pnmr. Under and by vu-tue of the pr vi- 80C8 ard conditions contained in a Mortgage made by Charles Allen Johnston, and subject to the condi- tions which will be read at the time of sale, there will ba sold by Public Auc- tion by MR. ANDREW WATT, Aactionerr, at RUTLEDGES Hotel, MARKDALE, in tbe County rf Grey* on SATURDAY, the 27th day of May 1882. at Two o'clock, p.m., the lolloW- ing FREEHOLD PROPERTY, vis • The South Half of lot No 13, in the 12th conoes-ion, ol (ho Towuship of Holland, in the said couuty containing 984 acres more or Ipsh. The property is distant abont Four miles from Walters' Falls, Eight mil^ from Markdale, Eighteen mUes ham Meaford and Thomburr, and Half-a- mile from Harkawsv P.O. and tbe nearest schnol-faonse. There are about 80 acree elearnd, aud 5 acres chopped. Tbe said propertv will be sold sab- jectto a Mortgage bdd by the English Loan Company, of whieb foil paitien- laxs will be given at time of sale. TEBMB of Bale.â€" 10 per cent cash at tiae of sale, and tbe babuee with interest at tbe rate of 7 prr cent per aonam withi»90days tbereafter and opoo each payment the porchassr shall be entitled to tbe eoDwyaoce. and to be let iuto pnesessMo. There willbe are««rved bid. For further parttookn mU asttdk ti'iia of sate. ap|^ al Uie Maaiova or Tboraba iy oB ees of WILSON lVANB. Yenden |0iit(4 April «.10U. Great Excitement in Markdale OVKB THB LABGB ABRIV.u,* or SPRING tc SUMMER Goods AT â€" "CHEAPSIDE." OH, __ Squander yor.r money if T u want to. if uot, gel vourPLiotojrspliof W. BULMER. The People's Photographer, Flesherion Who is again prapare'i to take Pictures, uuH do Copying and.£iiiarK:ni.' »' hcretutn. F^KAMES;! A IN f I^iiA^IJi] TlXINCiS. We are receinng a Itrga atock of ulO T "O 3 S anJ Motto and otliri 1 ranios, ifii ?»" Fixingfi, which w« ean, aiid mean to »sU at Remarkably Liov? Prices, W' •» aeenre bargains. Bring aloof year pietares anil have ilica coj.ied ard enlarfed by rorr oMfntni BULMER. FleahertOD. Mai eh 10, IMl. I GET MY WOOL CARDED MFOETED MicEOT PBOM ENGUSH KANUFACTUBERS, COMSI8TINO OF ^^^^iSSP^**^' Cashmeres, Muslins, "' AllcoiotB. Latest Patterns a^S^^^^^^'^^^^'^^^^^^nnes^ Scotch and West of England Twe;da, Diagonal Coatings, Dress shirts. Ties. Ducks^" t Ienim«, Oxiord Shirttojr. A NOBBY STOCK OF FELT HATS BTHAW tt*^ " '^AB. BTBAW HATS n ABUNDAM(^ 1882. 18S2. -A I TUL- Dundalk Woollen Mills. get Yours do you P. 8.~P*rti4a iwJ*bted Vv settle at r \^0i BinaAU. Dee. ». • «.U"V note or book aecount will pUase t« « H. PETERSON W. 61-tt- le. fc«» bsas X«onto Manofactafcrs" QLAsswAMs. HBNBY POSTEB. Markdale. LA1IP8,ETC. HOUSE ARTEMEStA WAREHOUSE tl. â- â- â- , ;, â-  -V- â-  i r i' Shoes, Gro- TO^jaE, Proprietor best bear M Zlâ„¢"^. »*«fafl L*^**.' " Thelacis elUfcelsIf iifiaaf «etefai Dry Goods. HaHJWshe; Ctbcltery, Boots and .- ceries, Provisions, c. Stock kept full and weii assorted with new goods received ever}' week. My BRANCH STORE at EUGENIA replenished wtth â-  New Goods every week. For Sale QhMH^ for Cash or Produce. Saw Mi]j[ and Shingle Factorr At LITTLE FALLrS are in operation, r •' Lumber, Lath, Breom Handle* ^f^}^ • fls rws"s««» Mattsn mi|f'j 1^ ' " _js»althe eiiae* \r*v^t tw ll* „ at tbe option refusing pap»" ' on YUeio' J If oomtO f^W^ OF AJ^VBBTH I Tear do *» *» 4o do niKter, first insert! ,t*e«jnent ia'^ertiou ' fiine«. flwt in»er( aeM iii«ertion ^Tlinea. ftrst insertion peJ ^^ «abe«yient insertion gather of lines to hr r»e\ Vmmiir* measnred by a 1 4^v^tisenifot8 will ' be po1li»b»vi ti ,,„^Jiofdy AlltrRnsitr M«st b* i° t^' "'""" "' "" »B the 'rhur«iey morn .aeteXtef **^ O. W. RUTLEDGE. Pl (tlONAL a, BUI DIRECTORY. Arnsi Ity ticlasB, Surgeon Ace UaU; I oh' FICK Me«lic»l A^ale Hon«e. )I«rkd«le. Sept 17.1B'0. #OMIV B. nmis.a.j TTOBNEVANn SOI.TriTOlJ kJj- for atuaidiii:; to all Vf bitiiws- Oflloeâ€" at Knv's Hoti IMarkdalo. Dec 2i).1. l^i"*!. Fr««t rroM. A.RmsrERs. AN-n \rr.M, l,a* SolieitiTf m f li.» «h«rton. Ot^^ "P' " '"â- â€¢â- â- â-  1 iretofor*. Coeniy CroTn .4r..: â-º AllKISTEt!. MASTKI! \\r ' in Chancpr N"i;si I'.ri :â- :. lONET TO LKNO .\ I .-IX I'J" Offiooa â€" Ow. n %.iiii I.' in V:. I.. nlett St.; sii'l in .Mark Ulf. d'l Stent, on FriJaT au I Satin j r.-. Crca«*or* loi-i-i«i ABRISTKUS. sol.kric)!:: aaoen. Ac. Ac-. fOrncBS in f)w«-i Sinnt. T^-iff. v â-  W. F. W'olf«'« S;i.r» f.n I :n MARKDALE |Ter "W. J. McFarlanii'n Si./rt ou Md Frida.T ol each tvt ck. flgnFiinds to U-nd »ii r.-as.-n.-iMr !â- â- )( Cheabor. Q. C- Hi N' \n Markdale, Marc:' l.' I •^-' |ii»crttattroo». Wtn. lti'o\«ii. rSSCEIl ol' MAKHl A(il. I.I 1.n| CommisKimn'i in 15. li,,V" CosTsifauciu^ ill all iiA lrA:ii'!i ttsaded tc and enrefnily x*ciite'1. N. B. â€" Money 10 Ijcii'i on ll-:i! I.i ',^*r â€" Markdal e. Se;t. i7. IShii. Alexniidor Rroivn. ISSUEUof Mari.:irv I.i.-. n^. -, Life lusurniioe .\^'imiI. •â- in IIl B. B. A'C. C'aiiv._v:ni.-T .itii tnctioneer for tln'(!rtniity uf.!;' .-. Il |l«Tcb»nt' .T'.l I.mi'l Si!--..- i'.i -il |(Bd*f "In atiJ cUarir s in rla \«n Priceville, iicyl. 17. IHst. ucTlosti;i; anm -.. :«. :, Aceiit. Wiit,.aii.'iI'Nl ^.t.i: 1 .ej atti'Uii';,! in iiTT" 1 1. vl .1 oada sold uu Coiun.i '...i. Itm. iiBO*. Organs, anil S. k-u' MmliiiK rait and Orniinvntai I'n â- â-  •. Vuh' ral ImplemenlK.un.l ^lai-l:ii.' le. WJIiaaaford. .:«n. 27. fkl. D linvi uvrLJ'.ii:.. i\* .•â- 1 an 111 in I he lalit li'ty !i_\.- m.i;i make SJirv. ys in ;; ..-i ewith. |*rr;iis an i I J. («. WiiiK OMINION .\N!) I'lMVi.Ni 1- ourveiiir, lr.iin;liisiii in uu 1 ieaford ana* MarkdHl' Ilivi-.j.. Tincial Land .Suvvivi.t « InrL- tir« stock of orii;inal t'iilu N't irt«. Instructions. A "f ali I within he to there Grading Hills, Man.; an Sii Bniliiog Bri1^•l•t,, f-irni^'ie.' -•: Money to Loiii mI i^ i- r tn by lutter, ir left «itii 'i J 'kdale. will c |iioinir:!v .r.;. 8«it. 17. I88(). T. f\VJ*., ^DlLDEB* C(»\II. r»l:.i Brick). After c'lmpl. â- â- .-•.• "•. Mason 18 Htill on ilie ti.i' U i to do all kin-N of ,i.n.- |*ark, pUatcrin ar.J Tnck ;.•â- },•' I *ho oontempiate liuiMint.- »il; ".i, I |«dTaDtage to give liim a oiill. â- â€¢â€¢ideDce corner of iSionn »:, »Ut*' Maikop I. II u: â- Traparedi |iitrl«. flEVERE HOTI niAUiaO .1.1:. |T. SPROULe7 Pro,;,. THIS popular iloUl In- i,.i,i n I dition added u. U. i;-.... i-h.. jwwd inahiiug a,„i «t,.i.i^. ,. |. I ii2"'»»«»ui^t:.M, (,., ,â- ,, 1 «»• Teraa»i.oo 2MT cl:iv. SEEING IS BrLISYll OEKTLEMEN.â€" If you »a! t R lir-t • ism -Diiggie or Wag] ,^ MCKENNA'AMAbONo, ICARRIAGE WOR MARKDALE.! *Ve»n supply you W.ll, HnM ;,ng Lumber Wagon p np to an I extension Top Phaetj Ic bojr from tlif m is to '^AV E 2V1 ir ^^•»e both practical wwkniin, iploy non l.ui WORK Ml PttAf-^ employ 1 *^CTICAL â- "â-  »«' .•^V JUMsntac their v.ork "IJ*^ 'or Lightur* ,.f I)r â- ^Superiority of lii:. :i. ' aolhuig b«t Fir8t-cltts WhiL "UV* thrice Extra KecoJ "«ek«ry for light work. ae sanioant of work turnsa ^â- â€¢A Mason's fcliop iM surtj 2?«T?** 'Epilation they eiij good work. CHEAPEST IK ihe) •Wk we positively will aot take. firen to r.e-Trircii. •U ris ss oB of Cuma«e O s m s te ed (or No Pa- CSHOEI *-**! J^treet opposi AAMASQ]

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