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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 18 May 1882, p. 2

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 Tug of w. to CO • w hi Pi Iâ€" •• CD 03 ^K td O Kr- O CD S*^ O MO §? oofed c â-  o CO 'ounds 10c. rton ERTON. s. Denims, .21 prices. ION that I have ill the villa- sherton, and surrounding rl A R Ij B S Ifactured in Wilson B Lifactured in ow the only said Ma- ory. Every mteed. M-irpp. Organs and .11 represents me m r Sewing Machine* Stationery Business on; a full stock wiU ^STON •ON, {.:'â-  standM, '^THE^_NOTICES ^.;acl.. at W. F. DolU .7.n.l c3ll«r buttons at W, „..nbeC3 3ear. of ftge [^ 11 sortu of candle* at ' '^as cheered op his depar- '^^LSouforN.w^o'-kMon. amn" »Dd cleaning » ^•^ T"a"t guaranteed at W. J/M'"" will Uvii-i- not be in Markdale to attend court ia jla I" „f (imallpox are report- „.Ulie jiliysiciaus opine i, .Iviii'-,' cut. loads of 2-ft hard lee. cash, apply to riKTi"' "' to pa? W. J. McFarland is the highest price in rTvic- f' any qoantity of wool. ,;,!,!fd this week, througli o u; rll ,f Mr. .J. S. Black, to give aii-lics about Gleu- •,he Outario stat- wui commeuc- .V I,,... ,f.ssi .li o ,1,,. ,,f the Queen s Printer ba- ,!,.:i '.:'/â-  â-  â-  I ' '1 •v:ll ,,]iive s at tbia village (â- ;licr(; were any pros ;,njp witli 4uy of the ,.v re-1;-" ti jn'l the wool b'lt SO direct to Mc- \,.,iv "•'"'o! where you will ^d'everr time. ..: fnllclith8. twopd^, vaiii». direct from tW..J.MrFarland'8 fi»r cash or wool at T /n-i. ' r lir,- .l-m )o'cioii 1)1' provi'les I \.iuls:en. *•'«" «i»-C- |j(,"n,lr'lnii !, bill also iMit ;:xcl Ksi 11 iVoin the .,.• fiicii is of Miss Miiiuio • I pl'jitsed 10 leani that BJie n!; .1 si-iy mujh improTed iu She li '-^ commouced duties list.i id iii tue Post OQics. .;, t I press we hear that Mr. ^;s III ' i'-iy master ou tlic T. 1 15. llv I l^i'"kt; Ins arm while iicu' tins place. Dc. ih' arm. Bobert Olivar, of M-'*at)etbon, bM built ft MW fruaa d««uiug. 8«mii*l Baa*j 1im errec;^ • *w flonr lAore on hit prABUsaa. Mcdaogh Md brotliar. oi Mdanethon hava eaoh erected » dwelling. E. B. Grey is bnilding a new frame boQse OB hia lot in M«lancthoa Farmers are all busy seeding, oon- â- equenUy baainess is dull in g ne^ The great auction sale of William Nelson is being continued every aigbt tbis week. Messrs. Ciiarles and Samael 3Ce- DoveU will take possession of the An- glo-Auxricau boUl on 6atttrd«j, the 20tb inst. The Uelanetbon Drainage Bv-kw has passed its final reading of tbeeoan- eil, and has now become law. It vill be proceeded with ac an early date. Henry Uunsbaw. of Proton, has built and completed a new fram barn It will be rei^embered that iir. Mun- shaw had his barn and oratents all barut by fire last harvest. â-²ndre'T Crawford, of Proton, h built a new frame barn. One of the b«8t signs of the times is to aee the farmers throughoad the townships building at this season of the year. Isaac Traynor. P.L.S., together with Konold, McAulay, and Mr. Wardel have gone to the Northwest to survey the Dominion La Als at a latitnils about one hundred iiith of Touchwood Hills. Some of our bardy people will be bold enon^'h directly to plant their flags by the «ideof tho imaginary north pole. Touchwood Hil's is not the place we wjuld select for a sura mcr lesideuce. A hundred mile« north of it will not be a ver/ warm spot RECENTLY, IN TORONTO OTfr 1000 physicians and sufferers, visited Dr M. Sonvielle of Montreal, ex aidesurgeou of the French army. He will be at the Anglo- American Hotel in th.s place on the 24th May. He will have with him a supply of aperoiiK'ters. iiistiiim-jutR usud for the cure ofcatai'h, hroucbitis, asthma and weak luu^s. Physicians can try it free. Piirtie!* not nble to s«e him can have all lartu-ulars fifm head ofiSce. 13, Phillip square, iloutreal und bnuch office, 75, Yoiige at. corner King at, Toroato. GLENELG STATIbTIOS. ML, 1881 rluaUwc olacrea assessed ,^ Nnntkov acres oleand L. ** ftjiSMifeiail on nmi proporty. ..^.. AasMnient on personal pronevtv 4S600 ±~*^^^^^^^^BnB»*^i^ *•..••..,♦,*.,, ..,, 4797SB prions in flamilie. rmted CO rull 87S6 Number of cattle.... M t066- " ***'• â- '••^P--.... .•'.••.....•.••**•..••••..•...,...*.„. .^ #tfT9 do. do. bogs ....^^,.^^„..^ 1489 "^o. ao. uorses '..... •.v,»....»..m'«....««^ 938 Children between 6 aad 16 year* .,, Children between 7 and 18 ..^,4i.i Children between 16 and 21 ........T. Births in 1881 Name* on roll 9Qf Acres in Ml wheat „ Acr^ ploughed in the faU....' 887fi7 46900 T0S88O 8788 8874 4880 ISWl IIM 1088 486 78 44 888 1488 8880 .A MINTYRE TEA! TEA! TEA! A. M*INTYRK TT.g\i.T, n-o-vix, i^oiix. McINTYRES The Be- Action is now estab^faed CEBd t he e go wd ga^^o^ J. GABDINEB'S for LIQUORS 1_LIQU0IS1 McINTYRE'3 Cig^ars, Cigftrs. McINTYEES Coflfee, ^oflee. McINTYRE'8 I MEAL! McINTYBE'B Pork, Pork. Pork. McINTYRE'l rrea.8, rrea,«. laiaoB Steie. Ajid erarv thing kept n in a first-daM Qreeery and always on hand, cbxat fob cash. CfSOCttBtttS^ Toronto, 6rov Bruco R*y a; .;;iu !â-  ,t 1- I -It. lih raiirlitt. Hold a I 1 .1 ')f wliat apinarcvl ,1 .-, t' .1 31 •'•' When ;i I ou! only hb.iut a 1 I' .re iouii I lit for use. liiis I- ma d 111 r tliaukti .-: :ii â-  city CjuhciI oi ,i. ^- ni:;ralH!»tory r solu hill lio.iy at ilie â- ; ..'apt I'll her timu Maj- l: (1.^ wi! 1- lu return titk- â-  II '.i\.iiiu»ilay lifii, »:.:. Ai oa tiicir liue. \\ ;ii:. .-^â- i-.iy tiifV will ic;. s ui a faro and II I iLi r mrdday '.iiM.'s ;aa bocoaiiug d .Sti:e~!. An ub- .1 .ii,Mi up ut Puks- .u .i'tny, an i a hoinb rir:i. oi lluchc'sttr, :-. Li.i .11. O'.Kis, airl ,:, -vffUiii i.ii 1 purify ..1. -••, 'if Ir. C usijn's iMti'ii bit!' r 111 â- y ' 's. A. TiiriK.- .Li.i..' OSPREY. The Manitoba fever i% dying out. Fever and other diseases dying out to some extent. Osprey h»s plenty of mud just now. haviug ha'l three days' rain aud some SU'^W. Mr. J. \V. H. Milne hast arrived from the Kiii^'hioii Uiiiveriiiiy to spend bin summer h'diiiays at h^jiiie. T!»e earliest 8 1WU grain is scarcely to b" seen abovo the ;,'round ytt. Fill wheat loiikiug bstcer ou account of the r-iin. It It said that thd R^v. -Tolin C'lis- hohn has entered au action for five th ju- s.iiiil dollars d-imajjes for libel publish- ed ill one of tha Collingwood papers last winter. GOING SOUTH Oarea Soand, depart 5.15 a.m. Kacktord 8.4 1 a.m.. Vats -ortli 6.55 aja. \r«ott 6.03 am. i'iia»3ford 6.17 a.m. Barklv 8.3 a.m. tf irkUalu 6.4.5 a m. ?leslieit'atPrieeville 7.05 a.m. I'r»toa 7.1« a.m. DMulilk 7.32 a.m. Skilkarnv 8 02 a.m. Orombie't 8.15 a.m. Laarel 8.26 a.m. Orangerille Junction 8.3n a.m. OaiHOKVILLK. A-rive 8,45 a.m Depart 8.53 a.m. Alt«a 9.05 a.m, Charleston S 15 a.m. tSOpa. S.55 p.m. 4.10 p.m. 4 18 p.m. 4.32j.m. 4.45 p.m. 6.03 p.m. 5.25 p.m. 5 40 p.m. 5.54 p.m. 6 25 o.m. 6.38 p.m. 6.50 p.m. T.OO p.m. 7.10 p.m. 7.30 p.m. 7.43 p.m. 7.52 p.m. 8.23 p.m. 8.35 p m. 8.47 pm. 9.00 p.m. 9.07 p m. 9.12 p.m. 9 25 p.m. 9..'J2p.m. 9.oO p.m. The Poet's Corner ^ht iSivl in ^ovt. A ({iniiJma sts in a 'raat arm-chair Balmj sweet is thj S( ft spriug air. Throiii;h the lattice I. lilaa sba loweil pane, Siie lueg to tli« orcirtrj beyouj the lana. .\:k1 aha catcliei tin „l^*.im of a woman's :k1 aha catc'ae iife Xa it flutte-s ab»n iu the wind's caress. â- r â-  t .» i .1- 1' nii:i j ':i l.v .1 :;r i. r I i ';.-.l l.y t'u 111 '.j 'ri^V 1 ..f .Sua t.ifil, ha« .â- 1 !i f'fl lut lur i:i Iht :ii tiiiit tiK^V llHVrf i ' p! ev.iit til .1. lawl'ui h urs. r II was reciirly 1 • " j 'iiit In the â- .' ii.i-li liad just been I.J u.-i »:liildr-n. S'.)".u 1 li' L,Mii to svvell, and i iv- mifti'lo to per- •i i i.UtleS. â-  to sDine religi- iiiKi.l 'piestiiiu.- Fi'r • i loullv '•iiig the t I'm not 'ish^imeil i 111- is «•• li iiut 'I jir t:i.: Lrl isn't ii.' .1. ;iit • ti.e t '111 ch i I u-ii as pi .w. -â-  iiijunoiis. r.i • !u\-ii' iiaii-i -oils ii- I, 'â- is. .\' Care:, liittci ItlltV'Ht â-  .1 1 St 111 â-  I ill. .ti;d 'll .-• a I uOcts. M.irKdiile. 1! s s!oin- I Ti'eyi 1 ..• liv.-r ' IU ell vtiv I " That child is g! .J ai thu day U long â€" Her lover is coming, hoi- li/e'iia aoug." Up from ;he orchnrd's fliwerv blojm Floats fiagraucH faiut lo tha daikeuiuc ruoai. Wiiire gr.tudiim dreams, till a teudvr grace Aiid u bolter light steal into her face. For Ouce again she is yonng and fair, And twiuiog roses in her hair, .Ouce again, blith* a^i th* lark abore, She u ba: n girl, and a girl in love The years drop from her their weary pain. She i.-i ela^peii iu her lover's armn again rho la.'^t {uiiit glimmers of da.vlight die â€" Biaii tremble out of the purple ky â€" Ere Dora flit-i up tne ^jardeii path. Sadly Hf raid of gran- Ima'a wruth. With ri'se red cheek and fly ng hair .Shi- MestUs driwii by the old aruicliair. •' G a ulma. Dick »iy«. may we, -may I ' T..e ..Jicriiig vo c4 grew stra'-.stely suy liiii ;..rant:ma presses the little hand •â-  Y«-, mv 'leare, 1 uudsrstaud " â-  He m\y havo you, dujling " Not in vain Iffl'l ;;ranl iia draamel she was young Mono Boad 9 45 a.m. Bolton 10.00 a.m. Kleinbnrg 10.12 a.m. Woodb.-idge 10.35 a.m. Hamber Summit .... 10.32 a.m. Kmcrj- 10.37 a.m. Wtstoa 10.50 a.m. Cirltcu 10 :)7 a.m. Tiironto, Union Sfn.11.15 a.m. GOING NORTH. Toronto di;p. 7.1."i a.m. 4.10 p.m. ;Carltoa 7.33 a.m. 4.1'8 p.m. Weston 7,41 " 4.36 " Kmery 7..53 " 4.43 " jilumbt-r Summit 7.59 " 4.64 " Woodbridge 8.06 " 5.00 " Kleinburg 8.18 " 6.13 • Bolton 8.31 •' 5.-J6 " MonoKoad 8.45 " 5.40 " Charkstou 9.15 " C.12 " Alton 9.25 " 6.22 " On^NOEVlLLE Arrive 9.37 ' 6.35 " Depart 9.45 " 6.50 " :Oiaiigevillo June 9.57 " 7.00 " ;Lauivl 10.07 " 7.10 " JCrombio's 10.19 " 7.21 " Slulliurno 10.33 '• 7.34 " Dunlalk 11.05 " 8 C6 " Proton 11.20 " 8.31 " FleshertonAPville 11.36 " 8 37 '• Markdale 11.55 " 8 55 " JBcrklv 12.10 p.m. 9.10 •• Williauiiiford 12.21 " 9.21 " :.\rnott 12.33 '• 9 33 '• Ch'itsworth -12.40 " 9.40 " tKockfoid 12.53 " 9.53 " OwLN SorsD 1.16 •' 10 16 " FEIlOPiRON HORSES LARGEST porting and Breeding ESTABLISMHENT â€" TBI WORLD. FARMERS, Look to your inUresU. and get Sargent's Patent Load Lifting Haciune this season. It will sare yon one or more bands every day you are drawing in, as yon don't need a man at the front of the mow to pitch it back. Yon can pitch from the load as you ace pitching down instead of ap. You can unload in half the time, and with greater ease than in the old way. Agents wanted in every county. Wm. SARGENT, Berkeley P.O. or, Grover Innes. Mail Buildings, Toronto. 84-97 NOTICE. That Yonng Durham BoU ROB ROY, wUl aerre Cjws this Season at Duudalk, on Lot 231, Con. 1, 8.W. T. and S. Boad. in the Township of Proton. PEDiuaKK.^Canada Short-Born Stock Be- gister, Vol. 7. ' KOB KOY, red. 196. got by Sir Thomas, No. 178M9, dam Strawberry, by Heather Jack. No. 4349 i{-dam White Boss by Courod 54 8 gr-g-d Jenny Liiid by Yng. Honest Tom, 135U." .t.lso i egistereuin new lintish American Herd Bo'k. Ttnuii: 91.00 at time of Serrica 91. C5 if not paid befoie the Ist ol October, CHA8. MoCONNELL. Proprietor. 1 10 f BAMERS.â€" SIX FKAMEBS wanted until harvest time. Higheit wages w ill b- paid Apply to Proton. JOHN OOTT, Iniatogue P.O. e.i .\U lUn â-  -avs the lii prts- -l':l 'l i.i.i tne p.'Opif, wiiM ii-p '-itio 1 to wiiiihiKi 1 1' ' ii'c 111 tlici â- â€¢ eud.-a- !â-  til. l)iibliu assassin. it '.s ^| WHS used '•â-  1.1- '11 disc ive^'f^d. ' liv. 1 li uiiiii 1 siirviil- '"... tilts tiie po.icc ap- |r"i,':oss towards cap- 4,. 'â- â€¢â- 'i\\- u llii;;T ,^f J, ^^. ygmj^jg eome ' â- '-â- 'liii ill I'ur midst tryinjj to • 'i?;i:-. e'o.. of alleged supe- â- â- ' ty ii.l "y'lnilerfnl cheapness â-  '.^ P0ill;ir.' suliciling orders "' firms iu the cities, put in '•Nr;i:,ce semi-occasioually. •»it,-.;aou sliould jiot be couu- • Th y ii^itiier pay taxes ;p t!i«! \vt;;lth of a town. On ^•""y tfitfv lujuie our regular '-^»itluiraw much of our cir- -; !.»pit;tl. :^E'iiiied C"mmin?s from Har- Z'l" boss ou a gravel train of '^u L. H. radway was run H./.Pj'vel tram between Tara ^*f'l OU Monday last. His «y, "'"ed from the body and V "'"*i'e fearfully mangled. [â- ^iou the track on a sUep r T*' seen by the hands '».â- -'â- "• l^ebrakes were pnton, t^M ,^^*t"^J- l^ut all in vain. ^H, '"^^'^^ pit but a short 'ioi^ ' *°d is supposed to have "' »«!ii L '***^^ "" position flu' "^i b! impossible to stop y ;« ...I a ;ii u'ig c .: i lie philo-'oiiUT of a girl I Tak« iliu w....(.^ trea-urea, â€" its nob.est. j â€" best.^- Aiid leve Will outweigh a^i t}je rest." And through the casemeut th« moonUght cold, Stre.ims on two heads â€" one gray, one gold. ADVICE TO SOME OF OUR C0RRESPO^DE^TS. Avoid all painstaking with proper names. We know the full n«me of every man, woman aud child in the Dominion aud the merest hint at the name is sufficient. For instance, if you write a character sometliinK like a drunken figure "S" aud then draw a wavy line, we will know at once that you mean "Samael Morri- son," even though you may think you mean "Lemuel Messenger." Always write on both sides of the paper; and when you have both sides of every page trail a line up and down every margin, and back to the top of the first page, closing~3Foar article by writing the signature just above the date. How we do love to get bold of articles written in tbis sWlel And bow we would like to get hold of tbe man that sends them. Just for ten minutes Alone I in tbe woods, with a cannon in our hip pocket. Military oouflict in Egypt is immi- nent. iive meo-of-wat have been sighted at Alexaadha, and instnietions bave been scot to prevent â€" by force if neeessarj â€" their eatouBM uito the Juubw. M. W. DUNHAM, Wayne, Du Pago County, llllnoU, V.S,JL (35 miles west of Chicago.) Inr{nn the pant 17 monthn 3SO STAIi- ZJOys AlfD MAKES havr bren Itnporttt from FrttHce to this eatabltthnteHt, beM# MORE than the combined intportatiOHt oil other impoi-tera of Draft Uoraet frmm all part* of^ Europe for any tut* ffear.. Oit'-fiffh of tbe entire nmnber of Import- •4 Firnat Borai-f in America can be seen oa his farm His Importatioos bav« included tbe Frlze Wmners of the Vnlveraal Cjepomitlon, faris, 1H7H. and nearly aU tbe Prise Horses of tbe Oreat Shows of France ainoe bl* imiwv* tatiouB outjan Tney alao catried oS the boaoca at tbe Centennial, 1876; and, at tbe Ortat Chicano f-air, tSSt, Mr. Dunham' Her* of PBRCHEROSS, (In eompetUlon with the larfient and ftnn*t collectiaa ct Olydrt- Jalea ever shown, conslstinK ot tbe cnriae win* ners at tbe Great Shows ot Scotland aad En- gland,) was awarded the Grand Sir*m*taMM» t^iie at flfiOO and Grand Gold Medal, too 1'AOK CATATOame aeN* WBKW •M apptiration. Cont»i$u •9tr 40 lUmw tration* and tlu) kfatorw ofjk* Pui akiisa raee. Order " CATAZOGUE X." EVE RY LA BQB BREEDBR EVERT NEIQHBORHOaD vme a raaoBSBOM sraixim BCAIIKC tbtrty yean' trial baa damea. VCW AU«C atiatod that when bred to tte eouaaon marea ot the eoontey tbe laodaee is aoore ouiacm, are eaaier keapara. better wwk- an, and aan tar more moBay on the miskll IhsM aor oiha* ' â€" ft Bomm,^ Mortgage Sale OF FARM PROPERTY, IN THS TOWNSHIP OF HOLLAND. Uuder aad by virtue of the provi- soes atd contained in a Mortgage made by Charles Allen Johnston, and subject to the condi- tions which will be read at the t^e of sale, there will be sold by Public Auc- tion by MR. ANDREW WATT, Ajctione.r, at RUTLEDGE'S Hotbl, MARKD.\LE, in the County of Grey, on SATURDAY, the 27th day of May 1882. at Two o'clock, p.m., the lollow- ing FREEHOLD PROPERTY, vis The South Half of lot No 13, in the 12tl) concession, ol the Township of Il lland, in the said county containing 93i acres more or less. The property is distant about Four j miles from Walters' Falls, Eight miles rom Markdale. Eighteen miles from Meaford and Thornburv. and Half-a- uiile from Harkaway P.O. and the nearest school house. There are about 80 acres eleamd, au ' 5 acres shopped. The siud property will be sold sub- ject to a Mortgage held by the English Loan Compnny, of which fullparticn- iiirs will be giv-n at time of sale. TERMS of Sale.â€" 10 per cent cash' it. time of sale, and the balance with| interest at the rate of 7 p«-r cent per nnum withi» 30 days thereafter aud hjOii such payme:.t the purcliaser sliall be entitled to the couveyaiice. and to be let into possestion. There will be a reserved bid. For further particulars and condi tions of sale, apply at the Mealord or Thornburv offices of WILSON A H-VANS. Vendors' Selieilors. Dated April 30 1882. BIRTHS. He CLOCKLIN.â€" In Gltnelg. on the Ttb inst., the wife of Mr. Edwin McClocklin, butcher, of twin daughters, on* atill-bom, RTEDWILL.â€" In Artemesia on the 13tb ° inst.. the wife of Wm. Stedwill of a daogb- ter. MILLEB.â€" In Glcnelg on tbe 9tb inst. tbe wife of Mr. Samuel Miller of a daughter. DIED. BBOWN.â€" In H(dUnd on the 4th mot.. Elizabeth wife of Edward Brown aged 83. LEND. â€" At B«rkely on tbe 3otb alt. only Child of Mr. Joseph Lend Merohant aged S yeara, WALKEB.â€" In Holland on die 14th ivat., ^A brouehi is, Franeia, son of Andrew Walker Aged 4 years 4 months. THE IRISH TBAGEDT. The efforts of the police have fiiilcd, and failed most signaUv in tracing the assassins of Lord Caveadiah aad Mr. Bnrks. In spite of the verv greet re- ward for their captare and the utoaoM (fibrts of tbe detectives aad constabu- lary, the atmssins are stiU at l^a. A «reat number of arreets bave baaa made, bat noMuag hu ctfa» to UgM «f any iaportaaoe. CARRY THE KEW8. Near Tilsohbcbo, Ont. I have beet ailing for years with BOiona. Bess and Dyspepsia, and waa reduced to a more akeleton. La t faU I weighed only •« poands. I waa induced to try Z0PB8A by Mr Tbomaon, (of tbe firm of C. Thomaon Co. dmgKiata of this plaea.) aiid. many tK.wka to bim. I am now an entirely new wonan and weii^ 134 pounds, tbrou^ tke «ae of this new eompomid. MBS. ClBOIiimi FOBBES, Dec 14; 1881. Wiie of Mr â-  O. Forbee. The abeve letter fa a trfr spee imen of vety aoaay b«nK eonstaatly reestved. The writer is of the bluest reepeetabOttr, and can easi- ly be eomownieated with. ZOPK8A fa not a eoie-aU, bat we guraa- teeittoene Dya«epeia la ito asaav and aU BUioos or Uver treoUee. TIm is bat 7C eeirta. ead ea abeh »d of sad eooatry dsafars everywfeare. Beapeetfully. ZQPEBA CHSMICAL Ca W.8. bkW. hardware! •min Vi ft c .i«i n iad !^ tV-' ^â- ^ie-*fca«S«St^K;afc.ifc,.: ^jP'irtg^ .i *.^*^ r. !â- , v!ait Cut Nails Clinch N ails Sets per lb. Bajndoor Hinges, 6c. per lb. Ijogging Chains 7c. per lb. Steel Spades " " 90c. s^irnu ,-»*â- , 'i**^-' Hay Forks Steel Hoes Do. Axes a Manure Fork 60o- 50c. 80o. ♦1 00 Gold Medal White Lead, 25 lbs. for $1.50. All other Shelf Goods at equally low prices. A Select Stock of Farmers' and Mechanics' HARDWARB Always on hand. ' -• TERMS STRICTLY CASH. I .. •" Always on hand a large stock of Tin, Sheet-Iron, and Copper- Ware of my own Manufacture. STOVES of all kinds at Bottom Prices, :^ Gardiner. DandalL or TBS Treasurer's Receipts and Eipenditure, roB THS Township of Euphrasia, For tht Year ending 315/ December, 1861. RECEIPTS. To balance on hand, 81st December, 1880 Cash received from J. Clugston, collector for 1879... Thomas Jordan, do. 1880 James Anderson, do. 1880.. Thomas Jordan, do. 1881.. A. J. Pachanan, do. 1881.. Non-resident Land Fund Clergy Reserve Fund Lsiid ImproTemeut Fund ... Union School rates Taxes from con-rebideats On N. R. R. bond Licenses For Law expenses From Magistrates' fines W. O. Smith k Co., Tnarnbury Note of hand ... Sundries 19 43 200 00 356 60 901 01 4327 85 6716 00 1124 G4 83 45 81 13 1313 23 42 98 424 00 76 78 112 67 18 00 600 00 100 00 36 67 MARK DALE Sash and Door Factory SASH, DOORS, Total $16885 64 EXPENDITURES. By paid schoolteachers $8044 94^ %* Roads sLd bridges 1668 47^ Municipal grant ...- ... ... ... ... 640 00 Municipal government ... ... 1182 61 Interest on R. R. debentures 1413 00 County rates 1582 7i^ Sinking Fund 1300 00 W. 0. Smith Co., Ttornbury 600 00 B. S. debeuturei 690 00 Printing and stationery ... ... ... ... 214 93 Charities and sundries 1C6 25 Law ex{^eiises ... ... ... ... ... 71 84 Grant to Agricultural Society 60 00 Errors ii. taxes 24 70 Total expenditures $16838 38 Balance eu hand dlst December, 1881 47 26 $16385 64 *^* The sum nf $614.74 of item Heads and Bridges was sou tract- ed for by the couueii of 1880. ASBEfS. Balance on hand, 81st December. 1881 .ti ..m 47 26 Amount of N. R. R. Extension Co., bond with interest ... 2988 IS Non-resident collector's roll for 1881 1077 86 Due on collector's rolls 2608 00 Sinking fund 8629 00 Excess of Liabilites ovt^r Assets LIABILITIES. Sehool Beotien No, 18 debenture Union do. d*. 1 Artemesia, debentoree School do. do. 7 debenture N. it. B. Exteneion Go's debentoree \Lowu ••• ••• ••• " $15194 8771 73 27 $98966 GO leS 00 106 00 192 00 28600 00 $28966 00 STA'iBMENT SHOWINO STATS OF CX)LLECT0B'S BOLLS UP TO DECEMBEB Slsr. 1881. Amoont of James Andersons roll for year 1880 ...$6817 88^ Oolkcted and paid to townihip treaaorer $8084 01 Betomed to Comity troaeorer 8S8 78 'r" Diacuargebyreeolntion of ooaaoi) "" ' 84 09 8817 88 Aaoant of Thomas Jordan's roll f»r tbe year iffiO ... $5996 49 Paid b township bMoaror $S698 iO Baiomed to aoanty ^jer:. 188 84 S882 14 Balaoee to be aa aonn te d for kmami of Thoaaa Jordan'a roU for Um jtar 1861 Paid toAuwadir 118 86 .$6847 401 4887 88 Aaoank of A. t. Baehaaan's rtU far 1881 Bvd I* tom»ah9 $8020 08i 6168 U 8718 00 4M if BLINDS :c; MOULDINGS, â-  .-. HOLLOW B.\TTONS; ' FRAMED Lumber, Lath and Shingles, Always on Hand. Orders Promptly Filled- -o- The »ubB«rib«r wishes tj return thanlm to the people of Mvkd»le and vicinity, ^r fte very libetal patronage they have Riven hiiu in the pait. aud hopes by clo«e attentlea to busmess to merit a continuance of the f^ame. I have now extended my basiuess.aDd will in luti'.re keep a full Si.cW ttt PINE LUMBER. Direct from the North Shore. I A-LIi SIZES, DEESSED AND UNDRESSBD, ji.ll ICincls ot* Plain and F'ancy Tuj'Txinif Doae is a flnt.«laM aiaraer. tlark4ale ICar 3Ttk..tMl. THOS. McNiffiA. af-t SEEDS! We desire to inform the farming community that we have for sale a choice stoek of COMPRISING Clover, Timothy, Hungarian Grass Tares, o. Millet, Carrot, Mangel Wurzrf Corn, 6cOi We woald also remind the public io reu»ral that we have • fall liaa al QABDEN AND FLOWER SEEDS. Stationery, School Books, Patent Medicines, Peifumtrfj Dyestuffs. Paints Oils, Toilet Soaps, Fancy Goods, Pure Drugs Chemicals, Teaj Coffee, and Tobacco* .**• A. Turner Co., Medical Halls N.B.â€" A Qaantitjr of tb* celebrated Oil Cake just r«cetvi4« j^.i â- -.mmnX i

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