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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 11 May 1882, p. 4

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 NDS OF kflc THE Field! â- ns.ifd recommend thl!!^' "•' t nn- stock I?- (.anlen and fC 1^0:1 t I;ii 'ich 'y. to call. W. PARSON^, ^! C! ^r Seeds I (. I' s^. salway, Lmsced Meal fj i"T 100 lbs. taaeainct |«, lU ijAIL\ 'l4ni. J I *Vork '1 !ll^ -J -ikt THOS. HANBURY. ;iTl citlS Prico«. 1 0$^ ^t lH'M»i« f'"'"' ]â-  rCBUIBB* yeBf FBI OAT HfOBWIltO ,„ ,,„e to meet the early ai»;l»- "°° ilie i«i^ Coirity »at.iBt- Iiitflliff*--"" ' Matter? »'id [lentil K""'"' i.,n «1 '" i" »'"" month*. »^50 .„ Tt 11 tl,; eT,a of the y^«r. Nr I*"' """r.^V.t at tbp option of the publish ' «r. â- -"" " i,,„nao»r» without payine ^»^'^^',rl.rr ;-•-" ' '^^ rJr. .ttb. In-t nctiv* WANTEDi *n JOO* On*c JL-- *50S0 "• I ilo ,c *v' n'..l«r. fi^^t inumtioii ** F»fij i---r»e"*- "i~'Tlion rT*^ .-^t^MlinM, first in=ertir-«.. F«'i«eincntin«ertion...... '.,. '11. r--. first insertion per line •'"vV'.^'H.-epnsnt insertion. T'"""'"',; .nnUnre,! bT -al» of .olid •P*""" â-  1, ..ti«r.mpnt witbont sperifir ""â- â- " w 1 ;,. ;.nl.ll-i. tiVforb'l »"'1 " ' '^-o^i' i"»' All •rm'i'i'orT Hiiâ€"-""^- ""'"".. li. "iiUl.e office of puMication by "'"'• ,) .11 "le Thnrsd«ymorninKprpc««a L-.h- r Ii â- .ijl-'-Htl'n. "• c 'â- \' I'.CTI-ED;E. Proprietor. 17 0 15 '1., 4 no 5' 15 7« • 3 noFESSIONAL A BUSINESS DIRECTORY^ "or-. **?•••"'« Ami»tro«», ^j,s f-rfeon .Acconcbenr VOL.2 .--Nq. 36. *K MAKKDAJ^E, ON'l\, MAY 18, IBSa^'^- r* J**^ V .* WHOLE No. 88. .ymfaf^'^t^ flg-^tjffO Wm. Lncas Co., BA NKE RS, Money I^oaned IN large or noall •rnonnU, at »U timw, Oa good aiKloraed notoa, or on •oUsUral -«:«riiy- THE HEW ARTIST INTEREST AT 6 KR CENT. Allowad on Saring* Dapoiiti. etc. ,: if.ii'-sl H«:i: r«»i'^iic« at Jfi.UiO. • £r0al. JOa •*• "»l«"^H"L'A!f. ATT..1 "V .^SI) SOM'-ITOR, IS NOW „ i.'f..,' to «n kina. of la» ii-i;,.- At Ksv"b Hotel. T5' fro«t Frost, ' nS AM ATTOHNKTS-AT si citor. in (hHrcevT. Convey O v. n Sonn.i, Imve renraefl at (ifli-c open .Tery Thursday, «8 (• Fbi'st, LIj. B. 1 P' .1. W i.wn AttorneT in.P.lS TKR. MAS TF.B XNP PKP. BEO a 'liRnet^ry 'ji is'l.V T't I.K.Nn .\T SIX PKIl (.ffiwii (iv..'n Sonnl. in Virker" B'.ocJt 7,- -tt Si- ri.'id in ,ii.| â- Â« Sfi!" Oil Fri 4 rcasor .7lorri«on. t»-,: KTKns, s(lI.I•ITOI:5•,coNVET- J niiccr., A ••'â-  0, ,. 1 m^ 1 Sotinl. PnfF.rin Block. ,1,- W V V .•!'-• Stor*' lin.l in MARKOALE. 1 .\I'F:iiliiii'rH Store oi; Thur.Iay of »nA\ we.k. ' to 1. ii'I on rcnsonalil HCDrafta i.aaed and CoUeetiona mad* an all points, at lowest rates. Wm. LUCAS. Vacacar. Sptaeinber 23. 18A0. 2 l7 W. BENSOH Hm «ahaad and for nla niaaf ftxat-elMs aiti- V'RSftH F. F. TEEPLE'8 CARRIAGE WORKS, Notary Public, ConTayan CENT. r's I5'.oc MarkUlr. oTer MeFar 1 lav and Satiudav erery 57.1J 0.» S.VI t»nn' Pi-NXAS MoanisoB 1." 1MS2 79 ly UtiorrUanroii*. t til. Brown. .; M :. 1" I \( K I.ICEN.SES, Ae „„„ .-, W. W.fii-. ,,,^. ,,, ,, t- '...inelK*!" proiapt'j .,•..1 .-iir.'r'Mlh ••â- .â- â-  -ir";!. :,. !.â-  I.eni on i;.-!il ICstal" 'e- •\:«»ijl«"r BrowB. 1 T r Al"iit Ti. t;.^! itrau !.»•-, Kin* and .iinniissioiK'i Fjic-e'i-ipd 'il-.v Ku!!n»rH. 1. ..,,.-,.i".!lv It ir"iVa' 1-y Tba anbBciibar ia prepared to inpyly tha public with WAGGONS. DEMOCRATS. BUGGIES, SLEIGHS. CUTTERS, BOB SLEIGHH. ToRelher with «1! kinds of rf pairs in wood or iron on short notice, at rehsonable ratas. F. F. TEEPLE. Dundalk. Sept. 2ud. 19»l. 11t REMOVED, REMOVED. J. C. ATKINSON, TAILUR, H.•lvil:^' romovod to 'tain Strpot, is now pre- pared to till all ordi-; s oti thu blioi test posaibl.- notice. Cordially inTitei all thnaa who are loTera of GOOD PHOTOS To com AT ONCE and (.-ive bim a trial, for to do so is to be Saitvd *3 «ieynev«r were Deg ore ly All poor end cheap work despised by him. L AT£ ST â€" Fa'^.liion Plater. L.U.LY. :^I T,^ S! :i Mi i»: wit .•.-•â-  ' »â-  ' \\ aiiiviiu H*-: i 1) • »r f.-l- w â- â- - til • |4- I:. 1 .. â-ºiv« • 8 nivi .\ ;. â- â-  â-  1 1.., ;â- â- â€¢'â- : 1- 11) t [.. !â-  Miiji.- i- ' 'â-  1 11 ' 'â- â- â- â- '/* I.: iu ill" uai--' ai! 1 1^ K.ill .:' km 1^ of .sloii- an i liriC*. 11 i 111.-' 1 o.'ilin;;. riuiiu l.:i i lav will lliid it U their ' iM.n ii :all. • â- â€¢ ..1 I'.io-vii aid S;'ronle r, lli-v M Mo t: at; Marke ;ifp)iiic.i vvli itta'l •!o-.ale rnc I 1,000,000: Lo.5s Wanted! 7' llM i: I'HV â- .IKF.I.S AUK PKEl'ARi:i aid GlaLSf 2Jf8 Highest Price \n Cash I i-.rictorT 1. LAVE MONEY! ^m BROW" W.l ,. ^oo 1 .â- .1 un I Siw I :w s^.ft «io i. S OF I.U^IIJKR KEPT (I.N H.\NI :./ nil Short Notice. »i 1 aid to custom sawing. ;,wd t iinbiT wanted. S. lUiOWN SON. 70-tf. A Vi»l"N(i MAN TO Ll-.ABK 1 kl.WlNU. STONECVTTING. â- ^Il.l lN(i. to loiii.iiincc work im. i'.y to lAV!.;;n,iil.l,.r. Miirkdale. Ont ^. i"!; i'i;[NTlNG t-v, 'â-  1, -.iriptioii extcuted with "'â- i'-- a ,iia^cb lit the Office oi necc- :!ad a inrcc ad- •i;;,ily r-LUuu 1^1 li.e ctiiiuiy ter.,ni " " â- -.. otic;. ftsl- **• T*.*!! 'â- *"""'"' "' ooaiiueroial iravei 'â„¢- #1.0© per 4aT. Or.lor.^ csIIp.I f t 'li'l mont delivei- -l M aiiv part of the town. ^li T '• MfHi Sirfet. r. S. â€" F:ii:ii rs havii.c Int ca»tle tt Khe_'|) to (li5p'isf "f wiiiild do well t'l :»?t'in' ku iw, as I will pay cash for 'iUCll. W. T. RUNPLE, Diuidalk, .Ian., 1882. HAIR CUTTING AND SHAVING Every Worlti' g ray. mith. '«â-  Orde-s flCeu for Tomb Stone*. Markauio, j^iy j), ih81. iHSm. $66i ' ^pek in your own town %o oiit\t "ftee. No risk. ENerytoiug now. Capital Mo, requrei;. We vvill fiimish j.)u every thing. Many :.; making fortunes. lAdie-.! make as much as men, and bovs and (rirls make great pay. Reader, if yon want a buKi nets at which you can make ^TPat pay all the time you work, write for pnrticniars ti H. Halxett a Co Portland, Mains. Boarclei'sj 'V\' anted. rriHE subscriber having rented the brick J. bailding opposite Doctor Sproule's new residence is prepared tc take several board ers. Uood rooms and .;ood meals at reasou able rates. J. W. LEAVEN. Markdalo. Uareh 9th. GEORGE NOBLE, INSURANCE AND LAND AGENT, HCENmEU AUCTION! Eh For the County of ore.'r AsBHT tor Xhti fodowin' rrjit";.;' C i«p"nir CTnZKN8*, of Moutrc, AUBICULTURAL, oi W .;-«.. wn nua TiADE .k OOSiMK.l-.C-r ..V::i: â- ;:!) of Tomnto. mim\m rf Oholoe Pa'-:.:' r.-^r ".i ul-^c Villa);e Lotp Auction SjUsscou"Uicltd .n X^wn oc C^a try un SUorte.U No iiw. Ch4J-;:f ' 'yderute. Biiji., Biatik N ivcs, lUai .Staiaijs i-io. laijd. GEO. XOHLE. Markoaz,!. Ifav 2iith. 1881. S6-1t â€" AKD â€" MODERATE PRICES. la hiE motto. All (he Popular Styles made by J. L. BROWNE, Orer the SUndard OiSce, Markdala. ROBT. ASKIIS, I%f^vllvtA.L.K, Has opened out a First-Class Furniture I AM' UNDERTKING ESTABLISHMENT. Ami' the lia- ^uj'pliod a want loily felt, espfciallv in tiie Undfrtiiking Liuf. corriNs, t;.tbXETS, SHUOUDS, and al! FUKERU FURNISHINGS, CONSISTINa OF Teas Coffees, Sui^ars, Raisins, Currants, Ac., And erary other article m the grocwy Una k^ eonatantly on hand, and of tha freshect Tariety and be»t brands. IN LIQUOllS! I can anpply a quality that will defy 4omp«. tition in Karkdala. sii;i)'li .h.' â-  loi ti-s no. ice. l»!«- 'AUl FURNITUK Sty!? Tf1 V.£ IN PRICES I can compete irith the best houses in Ifark- dale. Grive me a, C?all. WILSON BENSON. Mavkdala, Tee. 1st, 1881. • GEORGE WILSON. Wholesale and Retail IBUTCHERli BEEF, PORK OR MUTTON SUPPLIED, from a single pound to a vh de carcass, at the lowest market pricei^. FISH FOWL IN THEIR SEASON RHEUMATISM, H^yralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Bmekaeh9, Soreness of the Chozt, 9ouf, Quins/, Sore Throat, Swell- ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frcsisd Foot and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. 99 rriBantiao o. Mirth wjuxls St. jA'-nas Oik ai a *oft, awrr, aiwiple and cheap Extcni;il iemtij A trial pntaili but tb« aompaiMiTnl; Mftnc oatlaT at (• Cat., and arery ooe rtinrring wtlh pain can kara cluap aod poaitlra piovf at lia iWaa. Wra ct loa. in KlaTao tanpiai^. •OLD BT ALL DRUGaiSTB AHD CEALESS IK mDIOIHE. A. VOGZXER Sc, CO., MaUUnom, MtL. V. B. M WBO ARB ABoTKKELMNO IN HOCOB WOSK. Union Carriage Works. All w.irk mannfticturoil from First Class Material lu till' Lrttcat ai il Best Improved Style, Biul firislicil with Painflng Trimming Rigs will leceive prim[it attenlion. A:l exec tel in the sh rtest possible tiu'C isistent wir,h j.!. il workmanship. Good Work a Spev iality. Rememlier the Ship, op.iosite the i hetipsiJ*- D. J. SHANAHAN, Proprietor. Markdale. Dec. 2ud. 1881. 04. TO FARMERS BREEDERS. Having p â- rcha.-el the Short Hon Yearling Bull, PRINCE ROYAL. No. 225. Vol. 7, Cauadit SIkti Horn Stoi' Regis- er. got i-v KELSO, (66-4 VolO) Dim EYELA. it)y liRlTIoU PRINCE (2799) glaud^tam L.\DY CHAR- LOTTE, by GliADSTONE (1481) gi g. i.m Mar a bv Dtik" of Arkell 11228). .\ imie.t nmbr of C w,- Vi- he iikeii fl '•.: if I. Farmers having Fai Cattie, Slieep. or Pigs to dispo-ie of will do well to call at No. 3 l)u'-n«' Block, opiositc the new Union Block. Msrkdale. Oct. ar^h, lfi(l EUGENIA Grist, Saw and I atli Mills Hn.npin.ida rqtoiis'.ve impiovcraentu in inv (ir;st Miil I feei conSlcnt I cau give coihi Butisfrtct'ot;. GOnnrLOijnALiV^YSONHAND. ^\'i:)pf)i:i:^ Dons Every I'ay. I- F.!!, !J ^!:;EH A:] i .Vi!! -.I'l AVt SALESMEN WANTED. To begin work at once on su.If-s for Full of 1.-8J, for Ihu Fonthill Nurseries, L.ABOEST I\ CANADA. Heap Office- -TOKONTO. Ost. Branch Officks-MONTI.'K M,, i' Q, and ST. PAUL. .M:nx. NURSERIES, reNTHiLL, ONT. We can start in adilitioii io cursliiaiy i:iij»p forto 100 Additional Canvasccrs, If yon eannit in the kitchen Bftke the pie and eo»k the meat If yon caunnt oook tha victoala. So t1»t th y'U be fit to eat. Yon OAK sit down to table With yonr knif-^ and fork at play Ton can land a hand to help thtm As they atow the food away. i WQlSIf OM. PART II. CHAPTiCX VlII. BBP.MOKD o'D'IMNBI.I.. Miss Herncastle st'i d like a statue iu the arch. 'Lady Cecil,' she said, 'Lady DaugorfiatU has Beiu me iu svr.rcii â€" ' She broko (iff suddeulv; she had advanced a step, and perceived tlial Lady Cecil was uut ftlune. I wai not aware â€" ' 'Wait â€" trait. Jlisa nemcastlo ' Lady Cecil cxclHimed. 'Lady Daui-.r- field si'iit YOU ill s-'arcli of lae ' 'Yes, Lady Cecil, and tliey are wait- ing for ycu. Thtro'ii the music' 'You play, Sir Arthur, do you not?' Lady Cecil tiirneJ tn liiiu, and then perceived ki i) eaziug iutently at MiSs Herncastle. He was woudcriut; who shf Wisâ€" this tiiU, majestic woiiia.i. Laiy Daiigeiti.ld entered. 'What •u t'hrth are you all doing here in tha uiooiiliglit Liidy Cecil had sped away like the wind uirjiidy, aad MiusHeiucustle fol- iowe 1. 'Who is that?' asked Sir Artl ur. 'Who? Do you mean Mita Hern- 500 MEN TO BUY WATCi!E3 AT W. F. D OLL'S, 000 Men and wooien with weak aad faS- .BC erea to buy Ijas«iaa m (erna' Kpae**M.«i, •o only be an ;: j.i -r W r. ioU.a«U a^at for SCarkdAla. KUauetiur. »ul CraaMlk. New Gftit il fv»rv Um t indadng silver and r.iert a-1at»l 'Uttn^ Cotartid and Bright Odd J«« liar?, DiaMeal an J Wad line llinga. Ar., *. Alae VIOLINS, ITALU.N ST«LNG8, tm. Borne .ple:fdid Oig*as fai .4ir';heap at W. r. Hoi.. Wat«h IiUi«iri»g a sparia'-y, all wan (oarauteed al M' F. li'« W.F DOLL. Ma kdaic. Fab. t«. IWe. fcT-lv She looks more -hulf fi. And want mm who can five fiul tinu- !•• busiiM'Ss. Slca 'y criijilovni'"' ".n 1 ;,'n â-  i aries to sttcce-s^iil in?ii. XI li- .s '..i n wliat voiir provjdii' oc'i; v ion ':!i- 1 -i. you arc niliilip to work _vni;r sn'ji-..-- i: mot c«rtuin. Tli.^ bci^t iffiTL'iice- r '"' Apply .0 STOXE WEII,I\(;Tr;:v Nursef-iiicii, Toii iito. 'â-  -â- " ' St)-;: MARKDALE ti.-. Mll- i'il.. l'l\ r.:. v.;.;*- AfU. B u-^ Ami ui: H( ijiloik L."i -.vKn' ,1 M .\K1 XT,. Eu 'cuia. A' Ot'iMT^' vVAiN J'KD. Oig pay.â€" LI •-•lit WeiSi SlJ-itlj r'uiiioviofcnt. s,. 1! ip.f.f» Ad. 111-.';. M. L UYUN, â- J6 Khmosau strff Kf« York 20 WARMING Tliere is great danger of fak- ing cold from wet feet. If yon want to Guard Against Sickness! Keep your feet dry and warm by procuring your BOOTS KAY THOMAS. castle â€" iny governess " •Yi ur gvveriiess like au ciu'-ress.' '.\h-uidly tall, isu't she giniiti'-s. Do you like Mail wmuen Mi^s lleiiiciiitle IS to (:Sai:-,t io liig'.il in ti;u tub tai.x â€" ihat i whv you 3ee lifcr iicr-." The di«'.i9?d bill room had b:-eii fit- ted ill) as a ihcat.e wltii stag* ana s.'ai" A hell tlu'Lled ana the eiii aiii went ut Inn-yard, pump and lni'ie Iroiigli all true to nature, on the s=g!i 'Scnrs- wood Anus.' Enter Buots, (Mitj r Fraukla'id,) a hriish in one hand, .1 geiillcuM:/s W'G-li"K*'u 'u the other, in a tta'" f s'dihiquv. Ilo give's yon to nil iir.s autf he it* iu love with Sucan, the lurm i I, and Fan- y, tin,- cli mib-'r- iiiiai'i; and in a qn;iii(i..ry wliioh to I luake M.S. 13. lots. Eiiter Fiinn.v, an I oint;l ••'•' purpi'.gcs immcitiatel'j ciiaue. Biiotri 1- -1 ill.- poirt of pi"p isiii'i 10 the ch.'tuilieniifii i, v«!icu th^'lo cnmeB a .•-hrill call for 'i'juiiy.' and f.rit Fanny. Ye3,I»o;.ta lik.'s Faiiuy he^t â€" will pro- peso to Famy, wh n, eoicr Susan, iLaJy l)aii';e)li- Id,) til' ;, trip- piii-j jauutiy io.Wi-.rd, hcniiug a tray of tundjl.i; and ll.tliLlv siogiiig a Boots' alL.iiiicfc i£i L-liukv'ii. M r* loyo pa-.J-*:!* t; ke p'lrr^ Siis:in is coy â€" Nlirie! K Mid »i;irn;i-.hes " Do«u lads ihc ti 'V, sinas'ii gee-* thfi f-lis^. B lids U.I. A liHVf I'ji:!' Li.3-, Sn.ati j'ajis hia f -c M'lt irr.liitv;il)'y oil uJ e' •,'^v.w.i. ' i.i-.wlc a loud biibH voice (.'â-  mio^ i..:-.'i.i;i, comrig " Ill t-- s 1. ']li2l;» ..llC" IliOi'l' 'How !:ap"y c u il i he w.tli iitlcr, weie t'ot-iler i.:;i. cllinilC" a'.v I v." The ailence uf awe txtd ex;ieet»tion IaIIs apou tiie andien .e. 8!t glid4s ae-irer, nearer: the If a the da{g«r. h«r pa|e lace awffll, vengeful iu th' Jim liglit. Tha Friind of the Peop c looks up fur the first time, but it is tH late. "The Avenger is alaioat apon him, the fcIeaminK dagger is nphfted to strike. Sir Peter Dngerfield be holds the terrible fnca of Nfisa Bem- castlc; he sees the brandished knife, and leaps up with a shriek of terror that riiigH tlirouob the house. A thrill of horror goes throng'i evtryon* a^ the cur*ain rapidly ftlls, 'Good Heaven she has killed him I' an excited vo:c« says. The ligiitp flash up, the band erashes out the 'Goarde' Walt^' but neither lights nor music can overooma the spell that has f.'il'eu upon them. •Who trat that ' evei-ybjdy axke â€" 'who played Chailotte ?orday "Ouly Lady Dantrereld's nursery governesa.' â-  Behind the scenes tlie sensation waa greater. Pale affrighted '.r Peter kai rushed off, and into thu midst of the actors. 'How dare y;.u s.-n 1 that wtman to me " h« cried. 'Why did yon not tell mj that she was selected t) play with inj ' The well-bred crowd stared. Had Sir Puter g aie inad Th«y louked af Lady D;m;;erfi"ld, pale with anger atd mortificttion; al Lndy C^cil. dist. ^ss- cd and starving to expliii;i, and lit iJiss Heincastle hcrsa'f.srauding calm, mo- tioulees, self-pos3-'«sel a-* evrfr. Tiny quieted him in some vray, but he 'brew off his Marit-roho and Kfr tlw aiS::'D- bly m ..i.sgust. MiKS 'H-rncaatlrf woui i have followed, hut Ludy Cecil, her gentle eyes qu'te flashing, forhade it. 'Nonsense, Miss ilorncastlo ' Be- cause Sir Potoi' choo ••. to b i a lr,ter u-al "oose is that aiy reuson yo.j should suffer lor th- f.lly? You act- el spieudidlTâ€".-plonJ.iy, I sty â€" y I'l- j are 11 horn aPtro-«s. lieiiy ilDiight •• Goo- ^c. t'.eur, .h; 't vu think it'e !or a moment you had Ktabb-i hi u j »ath.r t eat u ilter with Facts and Fanciat; i e» I dare do all that d th beoome a mail. Who date do more â€" i» uoae. Guiteau is no louder a'bired to re* ceive visitors. MaeoD, it is auderataod, will be re- leaaed immediately after OniteMi ie faance4. The entire p--iulati'^n of a town- ship on the lala of S»ye uava decided toemigr2.te to Catiad* The Jewish refuge ja who h'.ve arri- ved iu CiueinuaM are in leoelliou against the local relief cmioitte«s. The Grand NatixiDil Lotterv Bill was withdra-»u iu tha Quebec Le|iala- tive Coancil af^er a Ktormy debate. The Tara Lee has ha 1 a long sc^s ueM. Uufnrta .aiv in this matter. «r »aja the council ij, but li'tle I'liai- I'ai* Id uot alu^e "G«.'orge, U" getting a ong gll6aSâ€" ahe saVK mo-:'*. " ia y: itr aweeiheart "Preity wall, I I lie -d!! I call -any A ;etition is b'ing circuUt'd a*king for a 8t,ky of Ciinteau soxecJii ii until a e mimiesiou of eijj«'t.s has deter- mined as lo his sauuiiea::. Uea 'y rai:ifl h.ive son. L iWi°o;ic' an: ludjao I. Tiie trli. ai iu some aik'.riet». lui'latet Jack- JlA^'.it: 'Jouutiei, re Ci'o.i is destroy- You sijall lu.t go up a ul m .pe ii youi rorui â€" you suall stiy play p'ayed onl. Si he. e au sej the Arthur, am use Miss Hcricasile wLiiI I dies* lor th tableau of Rebcca aal Rj.vciia.' Sir .\itiiur olioye.i, witn a smile, at "he pretty pcremptoiy commuid. He w.a." Hiraugely Rtritck nith this ta'l, mijc'slic young woimn, who 1 'oLcd as an exiled qu.^en' iiit;,'iitâ€" who sp.J;-} in I a viioe that waj bs the ti nsic tf the spheres, and wh wis orly a nuisirv ' givermss. Ch. rlotr:; C iiday her'^olf; c'luM never luxu lo; l;'d one wint ii" rj 'â-  Tt^pu niir? teiiilile, v,i'h ihs tijhfted kuifc over the do'^mad head ef riie ty- j rant. â- Priiiiit mo to l.\ad ym to a seat. I ?ili-8lIefiicastlo,:iiii!a 1 I'Aini.' toeiidor.-e 1 Laiy Cecil's worla. Voi a.-e a h.TH '.cfvf E.s. • Sh-9 smiled a Iiltle and iic- ceritfcd his prdffeieJ arm. Souio ot I thf; ladies shiug^^ol their s' rs I and exchang -d gl iuc,;s. A jaut a:i i ' a g"VtrneBS ' Tiiey talkfdcQmirto,ny.lacee,of course â€" discussed tiie d-iff^rent tithlcnux, aui I when the curiaiu lell-iipiii Iho tiiiaie, le.' drew her hand wiil.i i iir;ji ouce iuoiP, aiii] was licr tscoi't hrek 'â- '• tli«; ' deliciou-i ja u ecotiuiiiical. The .am: h )tu. '•.to, love; {•â- fecr does for Till Bnlish Govern :ncut ha« made an appiowriation f -r tiie purpjse oi c iqniry into t!i» que-ti vj of opuiatives em 'iitiug lo Ca :a la .,:ii the United Stnte^' A'll'W c'iJnia. t i Itjj T.:libr!i J es- tat-, livi 1/ III Calif r» i«. liai be^-.t ricognized. it i a«id. hr ii.."c d J sei- v.f.ils if t'l' T:i li'vij!! â-  ::ir«. T, « the Veli-al'lr Sii T. ., V. l-evt Bur;.' as-l 9l inmaie I'f tie j^i-r- A kiudlr rr'.iiem- bi-aiie if the Jijd' f C.iln ah u cleave a retaii ;â-  uf hia :r â- :] auch a fate. A nephtw .f ii at pi'csjn: ' l!0'..'» at til I'j/ The umallp T. cxs^M at 'ii laorare increasing, hut it .i, o.ipod .,:at, witii tho pi eoiiulioiis i;ik.n l-y i' r cuucil He en: ii; r » ::i. ri'-.s V\ lU r,ke m ,J ijy, ii« Marble Works Monumntsjoifiuslcnsb! And every Jcsevipti'-n of "cr.:eterv •i.oik executed fn FIRST-CLfiSS STY im i and at reasonable rntps. Orders Irft â- â€¢ shop or sent by mail will be proiai tly tended to. Satisfact?on Guarant::c t'ie S ini.:'t. If '^d'l !;;iuk-.'r al t?i Si! -an; :i he mini' a Sui-;ui,he »v!ll Lie:ik his heai' in- Fanny, '(/h, why Ciin't u" bc'ii? XiiC hi svl :illt- is Ii 'th.' Tl 18 11 the spread « f tlin liia siieia'ilo ext:»ut *.]l â- â€¢ â- .ei lo any con- 1 rj,-euii"l. dr.i\\i:iL'-rooiii. Dm v- li lowei. Satisfaction Onarauteed. Med- icated Cork Sole" all sizes, kept on hand. RememW r the pl..c« opposite the new St.o'iail OfSee. 4». THOS. MATHEWS, ImesS EsiateaT! MARKDALE. eju.'). fo- a«Ti-- r il e-iiSu lii^ .1! â-  "' i' Owi-vr. EVERYTHING IN OUR LI!JE KEPT ON HAND OR MADE TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. LIVERY! IN CONNECTION. SJwp next tlmr in lltifre lintel. W. A. J3HMST0H, Prc^ Markdale Aug. 10th. 1831. â- I' ..EOETABlj' I V ^ICILIA^' Baa been In eonataat naa by tbe pnblie for OTer twenty yeara, •ad la the beat preparation ever iBTented for RE8TOB- INQ OBAT HAIR TO ITS TOUTHTCI. COIXB AND It anppliea the natural fbod aad color to tbe hair Slaada witboat atalnlns tbe aktau It wlU Increase and Udckea the sivwth of tbe hair, prerent ita blanrJiIng aa4 falllae; off, and thaa ATBB'T BAIJNSM. N li â€" Aii ' ii;..i'Beiiar-,'?ri foi »nu n isr'.!ii •:•? 1382 5.000 cnuSyW^'Mroa Lints T 1 BMTi. "0. B.'BaJway, «S 25 per c.rd. BARK. I raea^iarvl For tMT- aiiii pa.'I foi at i-oint of delivery ti nlam and cAtrKCts. aofjy to D. L. V.\N VLOlX. P. O AdtlmxK, 315 Jarvis St. Toronto. MAEKDALE Meat Market. A ?flnaUnt supply of Fresh Meats!, on Liand. at ibe i Liowe t I'iviag Pi'ices. ' OrJers «;oIiciter!, and deliv.- ;. ered free to all parts ^f the â-  Town. Farmers havinij fat stcck • dispose of, wili please Icaye their addresses. TeRMS. STRICTLXCASH. FRED. SAKJt.^NT It ItehiBf, •ad Daadnfl: Aa a â- AIB DBBSSIHO It U vary •aalrable. glvt^ the hair a ttaeas which all Ufeaavathe haad â- a healthy, TIio State /.ceayer and Chemist of Moss. anr'i leading Phyai- cians endorse and leoom- mend it ai a ^mt tnnmidi inmedi- WHISKERS 1 ta a BBOWV mt te «M » it 'MaOy ap pU ei. mA L.lcs ai'-l tl;- rn!n ^-xr up agaiu. '\.u oasis iu thcd- scitf MiUi tliu bnck}j,r';ui)d. Group ti ^edouius in ili? I i.^'aricf. A huge ma;il.. \\»h li lel wi;li gold i.-.!! occupies the ctn- Ire, â- â€¢!â- . I^aslein dignitary fits near. Tho Es-steru dignitary is Sir Arthur Tn genua. Au Eastern darcs^M ap pioacheF, her loose hair flowing, her beautiful bare arms upholding a stone pitchor on hei head. She sdaams be- I 're tr. Imd the dignitary. lets down her pitdxr into the inaihlb wdl and humbly nffers my-l'rd to drink. Sec- ond syl'iiible, 'Well.' curtain falls. Curtain rifes to stjiniig s'raiut. Y'ou are in 'inaib'e halls,' pillars, cui tains â€" .liid a great deal of dmp c:y. Enter a inajcstic fi'.,nue i'l eo.i altirc. (Mi'ji r Ir-.nlikiid.) He is a Ecotclntuu. He i.s in love again aid soliloquizing, lie loves s' me bri-lit particular star far abo- o his reach. Como what n.ay, he is dfel€nv;ine to win her, tlit-uoji lii.s jmt'i to her heart lie through caiiinge and blocd. In the di^ti«i)t'e he ifijie.'i hiiothcr couit gallaut. Tlie*i;jhtsbrii;i.-8 f.rih a per- f ct liov. I of j. nloiis furv. He ap.f?lr. phizies lliis ilisl;;!:! rava'irr an 'Ileury Stnart, King of Sootlmd.' In r!c ditit:ir;ce you heir musical femiuiiie haighter and talking, a sweet voice IS siu^jiig. The dark gesitleman iu the rapier 8t;ig.o(r.i back ap.ic-, n-ys in a whisper au'iible n'l over the room, â- 'Tisj./-' The Queon ap- piriichcs with hor ihrce .Mi^rits. She looks lovfly. It i.s Lady G cil Clive, ill;ng, jewel- studde..' robe robe of velv t. Maty Stuart cip. Mit is smiling- sheis exqaisite- sho holds out her hands with 'Ah I mv I^ord of Pothwall and Hailes, y-.n reie.' The noble doffs his plumed cap, sinls on one knee, and V:U the fair laud to his lips. Tableen Of course the word ii • n.,i/,u-rll.' Then followed othcis and in one of them Miss Hfrncastle appca cd, bv hor own nqunst and the so'icitfltioii of Lady Ceci' It waa Cuarlutle Cor day and the Friend of tLc Pco| lo..' Sii Peter Dangerfieid in theroleif ^f«^at The curtain woiit rp. Ad degant apArtment, a bath in th« cei tre, »ud in tbe ba^li tbe bloodthiistr moneUr who ruled fair France. A deak is plao •d across the tub: he wri es as I.e aits •in tha bath; he Hgr.e death-«ninuitB by thr dozen, and jlrat- with 1 elliah -siiliati-.n ovAr his w. ik. "'htrr i«Mi altcrration irithoat â€" some on' it-uau nr n seeing him. Tlii dt^r slowly r»" *fmo oB»- »Io»It enters, the Krhtf go elowly do^ro, PKni-darfcaeee rah s the ac n, th«b nd plnva th. aw- •«! Buie f Ion OioTAai i before the 8tat« e ratera. A tali f.mal- iignre lid. t. in, 111 a tmiHap black r^^bc, ah* *wijr fbrvtaniâ€" »l»«(j, riewly. IP. lia4Ca..MSHA,l.i glic* Htr *»»« #1- ly pal.' inrrtH to the «q. akbic a iaAm.-it. Clutched iu the i'»W« trftl^t fall a.T. #,i. g rob«' \ook i^ « locg, Ai9^, ffewwDg it$gek^ The h'tioiiot di'i i;ot ilutM-e. Hold' Hcr.icatiile to a seal and titol; ' another besiue lu-r. Vi'uat it tha*. iu'eifcstfcd him i i he"-, lu wtuuleied â€" ' lie tvas interested' stra.ige'.y. Not her ' 'oenut;-: n;t h- r c nvoi-.'-a-i .n. But sU-; WH-* c^ev.T â€" Rv i w';ai wjnljrfi.l eyra she hadâ€" Li'isht, de^p solcun. Shi' was drobRC'-l in whit^-l -ni^ht â€" i i vl.'ad white, w.thout jew. 1 or r.!;b:'n. I Htr black hair Xas Ir udodundt-'iii'it ar-uu 1 her â€" m it^ lackn s- a ciusterof scurietfu'L'hbias sh'ivv.i. Fr-jia her ccuversatiou he :nM n karaed that she was more than a gove:'ne.'is. She ' was l.-aruedau 1 sjoieniiit cynicil. S r â-  Arthur expr':Sed Lis wonder liiat a ' young lady coi.ld be so harua*idprae tica' I •A. young faly I na;" jov tu-.h!. .\il ' the d.ffeieiice in t:ie -v. orid, S.r Ar- thur. A world f suiii-h lie and h au.y ro«c toâ€" well- an c tTs dangntor, s.v -- iixiks a Vi.ry pl.ioti.y and-gruesouu- place heeii thr..agh a giverueoa' ^ren-u tijieetacle^.' He was ptijilfd. i .tcroK;ci â€" a dan- ^Ifi'oUH bei,iii.}iii'g. He' hiig.rad by her side iieMrly the wh- 1 cvt'uing. Laiiy Diii:;tr;icKl lobi.c) ou ii tur- pris- auU i'liiignatio:]. 'Que; inc. 'thtre is that f.?rwaiJ creali'.re, the g.jv.-i.ii.w-, .icumily inonopol zi'ig S i' .-V tiiii lii is.i .e night. '1 don't care. L.. i.i*:.g;Tii iiiss He iicislk- m.-i;, ul .;â- ! .i... i â- : until doomsday if sho_ i-i.-i .-' s. i ir* ed Sir ArtliHr'i 'H uu»:' .•..• i'.;; .i.r ,i, obeyino or.ieiv. I 'iii:.-k ii;. i- • -^a ^y enjoying hims.^:f f r .t!i« fii t '..i-o*-- since hia ariiva:- *•« iio"'V f. i... c' he ko'iig. I ai"».iyt taxago!.».:i. a clevt-r won an â€" Ui» 1 ii-el«i.tof it. What a pty 'he lou't a"-, ..i-.s daughter -th,.' 'b jus;, the W'.r; .; ].^ ought tomsrrv. Lady i».4E^',rft Id, -had he" J.* a exCitiiiitiit. f r 'he preservrr f Ler l.fe le'eu i"o'h;.i ami waj ac:u,ii." no* in the ronms. LirJ Ru.\sl:in m I h m hv el •My good lcllo«, he hat mustC'Ui'j. My Lrtdy't= • xpieaaitnia of cr.Uitti.e were 1 '^uei/i' .ind il-.v.jn^' L.r ;«« cuer w.-^s h^tt r io- i;iiijf iha.i «-\en he had Bupp is'-d, b tt.r. ib -kiug iha • tajor FrackUnd. •Aud now, luy d.;ai'.* h» -aid li!ii.-id- ly, b fore yon qui '•v.'j'power my poor ftiecd, I think I'il take him to Cecil. They are quite oil fiien In, I asrare yon, and she will be delighted to meet bun once moi e.' They crossed to where she st x^id. the centre of a gay, brilliaut i?roup. She woie the Mary Smart dress aud cap once more,, aud Ixikoil luvel). Iu tha roidet of her laughing re)Art«« Imt father's voic« fell on her eat 'QtMenie, tors round aud grtet at. old friend.' Another t«mm apoke â€" a daep manly tone 'Six yeare is a long tune to hope for remembranoe, bat I tmst even six jono has not madeLa Beiue eUiioh^ largtt the hombleat uf her aafa)««ts.' A sort of sti lp«ai eame oT«r bt-r from head to foot. She tariJAd ronnd and stood faee to tooo with CAptAin Badmoud 0'D;}an«i. ll iii a sigiiifieanl -iig j • irest and sense "f i;i^» .i vii's in L'.ul-i^id, tfi n W.ik'b w-ii4 pro'.^"tod ':r • dier« wl.pu iti^ 'i i;; CBrr:ag.-. â- â-  ti. ;ii.ea»i- ;!v thii pre- ;:i-' li'iuce of liU i.'i' *•.- 1 h«a'r« tc liie 'i'ao pt'AClijiih.iitr I t t riD? elec- tric;!V" ii^sa do .I'lus.r â-  •• j in au A'lsii'U' stcMiiiMhip, lu whic'i electric l-i'U(.'8. ii.^hiC'.i i.i-ie i»vii,g Havre at7ord»d cor-etMiit light iinil Sew "iotk *iis le.-ciu'd. Bitrr, .n Hamilton, •-rtl, wiiAdied i' ;{i'--)ok winter, of smallpox. A man iiftinttd '^tir.-' ill t m'e \\ lyn, -N. Y... iam eo ":.'!!i".i that b iiai comtnitted a ma d"i ill a hi!hi;r r i m in Brantford. Tile liii'S'ioii n iw l^, was he thr" inor- derori/fJoha ii. htg«? T.I! dv.naji OB L.'no Oatario by thd tt'jnn winch has raged for aev^^ral d:ivs 16 innvt r-a lO is. U bar fee have h e I ej«rr;ed «wiy. and bouses under- n ined nKi â- .i-stry-i. Sailors have ii.;h eYp.'i'ieiices, bat lie a r p r;.«d. Im.i »o n" Vfiy r- l'*r n â-  l.5»i if Je"e s 'V cuaiif. sai.-. oi! i 1 'S. fro, :. t: ti •l"^i l.i4les S*n • ii: *. ' irt '• :-v: r â- â€¢iin^; â- *.;' 'â- * ::: .• 1 â-  ' '.,;*•' 1' tbe • 'â-  s .: ... .:!S I .â- â€¢';..;â-  MT.;. r.jf- .; I' .-.I" '.«* .i;*.*.- He U '.:â-  1 Sir r â-  V i m: r • T -.1 two r* â€" " ;. «.-. ^•Ht '-- il. »! .a U iitc-d ,,.- ♦' *â- . t ;e t'l liitV 1 'L' w- oeit: 1 1- h 1 «S-* â-  w •-tllB .ai «. •Jf* •ec. .;•;};?! of •Il* nv, :i!-r' i: f. trees O'-.k-.-d Mil iX t .e I'i, its tv !:: his iK:i.i â- Zh ll.tS 'il •X Alt '.yiK x.y ., .. A 4.. i» c â- ' "«• .li r!lle.i on Ci "'«(*' Id pcHU'l'.S t" iiiS Koidi^rs. C.Uec. eoti.e sniit from « or a s!.»v.- wiiir.' wo-»d is us pu' ;i in!" aa ol-t pito-ifli F-v.'ry 'la'" wr-ins. iik" everyone's iHtu, i.i.r rn .r 'Oi .\:' :.:.';•, and to help I'li'HO I ;i.i-y .c;a-! s i le Ester- br'io' S 1 I'.^ii C'o. i»io i i.' a varied jsa -ririie .! of pe-n. to suit every style "f wri K Al) wli â-  V C liaini b:..^ 'ie; .-:l*?J l.,i li'e ..' uka. Mo., age-l 113 vriirs. i liddition to naviug Waatiiagtou sit* -•••'iTt'iey i H '"â- lel, anr il it water on it. Woeu .:'oi ise it to waiAr your plants every fewd-y*. Tie efftci up'io plants is woa ' -t :. i,i ^•^x.iâ-  ..uciug a rapid growth rf thrifty sboott aid a greater number of thick, riohly tiutel leaves. The members of th* Irish party ia the Hi'use of Commuua *xpre«^ii their ueifei niinatii n to fi^jht the Govero- m'-U'/s bill with gre.ater determinatioQ tnau they have heretofore displayed. Lady CaTendisb has written a letter Ul wi ieh she expr««es her resignation to the loaa cf her husband if his death will king peace to Ireland. Not long ago a achaol teacher not many miles from Markdale Antered hl^ school And found written on tho bluckU srd the ft'liuwing touehin leg. end. "Our toach^r is a duukoyl' Th • papi.s expoetad tkere woald ht » oomhir, d eyotune aud eATthqariH^ hut tho philosophic j; JL igogne eoutoo^ ed himM:]f nitii adding "drivor" ly ilie leneud. Atd e|Muai â-  ith PiCfSTM QflVll, r

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