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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 11 May 1882, p. 1

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 I: I lEWBPAPBB LAW8 â-²ar iMiKee: IMpooiiUte to I P»^«' Irom the hi. ••Mthar, or whotiMr Ve ha* nbaoribad or t M. M rrspuuaiti'a {or tbe pa/ "7. If aar rrr«i.D mlr« h' V*pm' diaeon- •inBMl. Ix-aiKt far kit arraaracM. or the aM-b«r vmy twH iiie (• m^wI it aatil pay- M«nt ia awH*. wkI eoUeet Ui whole amoant. ^Ji^i*r it b* taken fron th« oAea or not. Tnrr^ ran b* n' Ufal diasoatiniiaoat aatil 1 ^MTut ia made. DniTDALK MAKCET*. UHION or METHODISTS. At tb« Mt^bodut BpueoiMl CooIk. enc* tba rabject cf anien with othw MMtbclMt boctiM WM iiseus««i, ftod it «M a;|wrMit tkat • steon^ Wliag ex- ists awaag niiniaUr«*ii.l bHgr ill fc Tor of noion. Nu baau wm (ormiUt- 6ii but Um aetHMi takMi oMy b« trm- tidMred a «t«p in Ui« rigUt dirietion. Tba Dtble Ckristiaa* au 1 tbe Piimitii* UothwKita arc nwJy fcj fidl into lio*. and an praparad to aaita oa aqpitabU tanaa. Tba Canada MatbodiUs are kaowa aot ta h» diapnaad to plaea any Mrioaa obataela in tbe way of anion, •ad baoea tbara ia good pro^Mct ot tbe POLITICAL lORDER. VmrA F«e«cri«k CaiT HOHfflBE TRASEDY IN DUBUX. SSOOOO REWARD. A tanibia trajedj oeanrred at Oab- iin un Satardajr. Lord Fradmek Cav- andisb. th« u«w Cbicf Becretary, aad Jr. Barke. Un.Ier fc»acret*ry, were a»- â- aanaatcd ia Ptuenix Park abuot balf- |Mt4t acvaii e'c'oek. Tuay left tba Un- der 8Mr*tary a ofiaa to walk oyer to t.^e C^ uf Uucretary'a roai irnea to din- ner. Wbau wiUiin oim baadrud yarda Chord* Dh^ctory. Cnn CnaucM.â€"a'Oit^ aexl, at T CwoMB.â€" 8naiar '« » T Toaac ItarVa Ptjr. Ifa M« •• Ocanal Prayer Mirtiag TtaMiaa. «- M. A. MeDIABMID. faatrr. Wi.«», P»1I, No. 1.. ^nmt.tiprii«" 1.. Barley Pea* Oati Bu;;m ltfU Putatoa* Pork S.. 1.. 1.. J.. MAUKDALE. Plaar Kpring Wbaal pet bulb. da. do. Fall Barlay UaU Paa* Pntttu«» Butter, per ll ' KlUf, per do* Pork, dr«w«d Baef Gf^e'e ]^r lb Iunkt. p«r pair Fo«U, p«r pair Tufk»-y«, p«r lb 8ho|Mhian Ui.l.-. (•raM M«d, May Wool (ireao Apptos, «r. bualiel Lard Tallow 6.00 to 6 25 BOW 1.19 U 1.25 do. 1.15 to 1.33 M 0.40 0.74 0.59 O.IS 0. ' T.60 6.00 0.(17 ' 40 ' 0.00 0.07 ' U«0 7.25 ' 1..50 • lao n.7s ' 0.10 • 0.05 • DrT Cord Wood 1.7" 0.45 0.75 0.64 0.16 O.I2i 8.00 6.00 0.00 0.40 0.00 o.oo 1.35 7.50 30O 14 00 n.OO 1.00 0.12 0.07 «.('0 ^- r n ., « ... ,-_ of the PhKiiix muuument tbcy ware amaleamatioo of aO tU» 3««tJoJ»«* attacked br f«ur wearing douclj- in Canada befora many ' ij^ta. It i» sappuaed tbat Ur. Borku Tba action of tbe aavaral; waa firatas.«ileti,aud8Ubbed tlirongh tba heart. Lord F'rcderiek Cavendish att«mptM to defend him, bat lie too wa« stabbaJ by tba aasaaaina. Tbey repeatedly plauged their knivee into the throata of their victiou, and banng cnt tboir threats, they got on a car and drora rapidly from the Park br the Ctiap«lizod gate. Lurd Cavendish 'a arm wa« broken. The ueas ipr^ad rapidly, and created tbe wildtst ex .•1.1S tofLSO Ofaorebea â-  .64 to .n anonal Conferescea yet to meet will Sa ' fS !** "fl awaited with anosaal iuterest. • .16 to .16 ' .to .U| 55 to 65 I ' .7.50 to 7.76 SAD iCCIDENT ATBABBHEAD "»♦•"" MILLS, MABKDALE. Tbe baay village of Markdala .(gener- ally free from accident* and ecuaations, t, 1 X _ii J citainent and eonstemation ui the city. wa. on Saturday evenmg laat .tarUed ^^rd Spencer aud tbe vice-regal party by tba newe that Mr. Henry Boyce ^„eju«t going down to dinner at the who rente tbe farm at the old mill,! lodge when the new^ was e^nt them, had met with a very painful accident. Lord Cavendish only arrivtd in Dublin Some time since Mr. Boyce bought a " '^^""•i' •^'â- "««n.'»V"" '^P??" ,. • i_ i cer, the new 4x)rd-Lieuteuaut. He m4r. at Fleshefton on amvmthome ^^ ^^^-^ ^^-^^^ in.talktion cere- with it be discovered that it was tbe j mony in Dublin Castle, and left there aame Least which some tune ago was with Mr. Burke, hii fallow- victim, owned by Mr. Ben Coleman. She i •*rly in tbe evening SEEING IS BEUEYIHG. OBHTLBXEX.â€" B joavast a tet-dasr Buggie or Wagon eaUat MCKENNA A MASON'S CARRIAGE WORKS MARKDALE. Tiny Baa aapply yoo with anything fraes a Lumber Wagon Of to am Excension Too Phaeton. To boy from tbeai is to SAVE .MOI^EY They are both practical worl employ none but PRACTICAL WORKMEN Thay goarant je their work Second to uoue for Lightnru of Drso^t aad Superiority of Finiiih. They nw nothinf lint Fir«t-olw' White Oak for Waguni. and tiiiies Txtra •..coai Oiowth Hickory for li,'jt work. Tba immeuae amoant of trork tanied It is stated that oat af McKenua Si Ua9iu's tiiop is anAcisnt D Ds Tg^toibeitontJBitli a^«^ S*°^^ comprising E H C^ o o PRINTS WHITE GREY COTTON S, ' rrw^'^DS DUCKS. DENIMS. GINGHAMS TWBEIg^ D u OJ^^ SHEETINGS. c. 4 stylish Hat^ Fresh Cheap. ^Scc. ;*l.^ GROCEBR"5r at Right Prices.-- BOOTS SHOES from the best Manufacturers. .o proof of the wUe reputation they enj'y for doing guoi work. was known to possess nearly all the !•«"• J***' "'I'^K woycles m the p-rk /. 1 1 !mw the attack and the murderers, vtceH horse-flesh is heir to. A waek or ^j^,^^ „,^, ^j^. ^„,^ „, j,^ .j^.^ r„7APBsT ,. th. BND so ago she was Uken sick .inflamma- ^i^.te. Many pe. pie «ere with '" f " f^*"vJy^ ... .. ,1 1 1 J *^ 1 #.1 t\ Po^rohesp work we poffltiTeiy will tion we) believp and as a matter of i lo a few haudred \Avd* uf thu scene of j j^^^ ^^^_ court-e mt diti .e was provided for her. ^^^ assassination, but no one apiiears KLESHEBTON. iC»rr»et*d weekly for thf Standa'd ty Jt. J Sfroule, Fleihmon.} do. do. Flcur, p»r bVil â- . Hpriug Wheal p.-r bii'li Fall' do. Karley Ohii Priti I'itato«H Palter, per lb. EtrttH. P^^r loi. Potk. lirfr-^st.J. Ec^-f Blic.'pitkiut Htflei HaT Timothy •••d. W6..1 Lard Talow tC 00 to • l 19 to • 64 •• 040 â- â€¢ "74 â- â€¢ II jj •• â-  o 1« ' â- â€¢Ji." 7.5(1 •• "l (M) •• (I Kl) •' 7 2." • I'iM â- â€¢ 2 Z'l •â-  'â- J-2 â- â-  II lo •• 0.05 â- â€¢. 02." 1 2." 1.23 080 0.4.-, 7' 0(V1 o.ii; 0.00 8 00 6,'i. 1 J 7.-,i' 110 3(Xi 0.0" 0.12 0.07 810U TOUONTU. Her iiluesa reudered it desirnhle that s'le six'j^lQ be kept in a s'Jindipg po- sition, hut the iiiL-linatioo of th6 beawt was to lie down. When Mr. Boyce ia- tered the stable on Saturday evening to administer the dose, he went be- hind her aud with h rope or strap hii her to make her rise, irritated at his lote^fereuce witii her rent, the mitre tttiuck h»T 'eet lip in the air aud hit iir. Boyce in the face comjile- tvly smubhiijg it, and knucking him against the wall, thus inflictiug au iiijiiiy to tbe' back of Lis head almost us had as liiK face. Dr. Ai tuslroii}; was at once Sum- moned aijil rontiiiues to attend the .{lutifut. Thi) latier itiiunins uncon- aud lb still ill a very critiaal con- to have heon near enough to interfere. The aesussiuatious aie attributed to tile Fenian*. The iissassius were seeu ' eutcricg the park on a car, and driving rapidly along the main road, and from all accounts they must have ancouater- ed their victims as they were crossing SHOP â€" On Mill Street opposite t'j Special attention given t» re-Trimming and liepa ntiag ail classes of Csir.agc W^rk. Satiaf^a'iioD guarantad (or No Pay) in HORSESHOEING CARSON PRICE, HOLLAND CENTRE. Whoat.f.ill pm baiti WIkiiI, si'jiiig. ilo lUii.y, Jo Out,. ' ill. J'«a.-i," do Kyi-, J do loTcr S»,'i) ilii Drenvil liii(fi. [ii-r liMI liiA belli, itlll'l i|'liirliTS limf. i|ii,irtir^i *liii-k«ii'.. pi-r pair J-'.iwN, ill, Iliirk-i, |»i*r hrncH itVftr, i-afll Turk .vs Bmi-r, !llr^•(â-  ri.K-i Iliittr. tiili iliiiry f'l'iltir, sinri I'Hcki I K'Ji'^. fri-sli, |iir il'i/ K^'^â-  |iiick(l A|ii.|.-. pi r l.rl l*'il»ti«o^ per \ttin •" OnioiM. piT bag.. UaT .»( 3' to 1 :« I. O 8 to o -iH iij o t-a to o 82 III 4 70 to a '.o to ' 1 to 1 oo to o I't't to 4.' to (to to ;â- ' to .10' to oo to to 00 to o 1.' to (Ml to 2 â- â- . ' t" 1 ;to In I -JO to ?.l 3' I 88 O 'J3 o .lo. O 'i Ki i 'jn 'J â- 7.-, oo diliou. The uiare died within 2 h(^ur8 the occurr'^rtcn aii(^ was probably great paiu ut thv tine. THE EDITOR S TABLE. of O (Ml ' (I 2.T i o Id; O ili on 4 (- 1 ;i." 1 -Joi lo r,3 t« l-J oO Tst TH imjiroven. Its notes ancut the recent carpenter's strike arc vary ' ooi muL-h to t-lie point. :,! I OiR Little Onks is u neat well got CO I up nioiitiily of 25 pa^jci. It is well J' "' I illnftr;ited and very interesting fur i-hildieu. Tub Dailt StkTtsKL reacljes us f r ai Pnnce Arthur's LauJiui^. It is a 4 pa^'e papar, noatly got up, lias a good adv-rtismL; palroiiaue. It merits and dest-rves success. PtoTirBEHQLK Ca.nada â€" Nos. 5 and G are to hind. This work continues to reiicli the hisjli standard of art promis- ed by tiie puhlisbers. The e ugraviugs are nbout the best ever cut iu Canada, and (he letter presj equal to anything we have seeu done iu the Dominion. Tub American Agkicultubist is one of the best fariuir'H paper-s published, HUil sliouli be in the hands of every as:riculturi8t. The information it cou tains month after rat^nth, if actpd op on, will save ten tim^s tlie subscription. ^l.oO per aonum will secure it, or Thursday. May 11 ^. J POLITICAL MIUDER IN IHKL.VM). The i1ir«»l iiiiiifortiiue which has be- ,1 1 IIJ/ i clubbed with the St.\nuard $2. fiiljiii iiohappv Ireland for very many yars ofcurred Saturday eveniiit; in luijliM, wlion Lord Frederick C'av- ^â- tu1l^ll. the nowl^ appointed Secretary WAITING ON HEIl MAJESTY. In the lord chamberlain's depart- ments are the roistreHs of the robes, with a (.aliiry of jB500; tiio groom of the robes wiih £'800; (and a clerk, a mes senger. and a furrier as assistants,) and eight ladie. of the heilchamber. The duties of the latter consist in waiting on her majesty for three separate fort- nights a year. Follnwin? these in rank are the eight maids of honor who tske their turn, two at a time for one month, to attend on her majesty. Tbe situations are quite honorary so fir as work is concerned. The salaries ol thu maids of honor aud the hedcamber women nie £'300 ]i«r annum each. CANADIAN LOYALTY. for Ireland, and Mr Purkc the T'uder- Secri'tury weie foully assassinated by niiliUowii hands. Throu'h the length and breadth of the civilised world a thrill of horror arises at the thought of siu'h an atrocious crime. It muit inevitably be that Ireland, already under heavy burdensâ€" shtiil siift'er for this tragedv. It wdl check the tide of sympathy towardssnlTering Ireland To the Dntisli (iovernineiit It i.-. a sad dis.iiter. Till Cavent'ish was aj'puinted Ireland had been iindi-r roercivc measurer her leading men were in prison, and the disturbed por- tions of the couutry were kept iu ordi.r almost Sk the point of the bayonet. With r^is'er's rei^ignation lust week came the rolea^e of a nuuibsr ol siis- pects, and further eouciliatory niea aures were m cont*auplatiJu. The reij:n f terrnr was over, and ju^t as the Run was breaking ttirougii the dark clouds, this dark traj^'edy i ccurs. and throws tne couutry back, bs Daviit aays. fully teu years. Eve'v honest Irishmen is luteresttd in thix matter. The grand oil Snglish maiixion at I'hatsworth niouriiso\e one id the brightest cf her spu^ the w itrr hos ' board the tenantH of tbe Duke of De- vonshire 6p-ali v\ h 'jIi ' mis i L Frederick, fhe wis ;eL gl ah n t on »....*_ • • A c nnt y iiaper latelv announced mourns over tbe loss by such d«sUrd- (»!„ .i^.fh of a fnnn-r in the neighb.r- ly means, of the man wh., is uow ' hood. The all^gad defunct granger bang laid iu the lural churchyard of j "« "P to the oflSce to know why tba tbe model village of Edensor, iu the the road. Robbery coald not have been th^ir object, as nothing on the bodies was touched. A boy named Jacob states that while birdnubtiag in the park he saw a group of men as if wrestling. He tbourh thev were roughs, aud did aot pay any aileution to them. He then saw two men fall to the ground, aud four others jump on a car acd drive off at a rapid pace; he could ni't give' any description of the men. A gentleman named Ma- uuire and a friend, wh« were on bicy- cles, shortly before had passed Mr. Buike aud Lord f rederick Cavendish, ou their way along the main road through the park, aud ou their return journey they found the Chief Secretary lying in tlie centre of the carriage way and Mr. Burke prostrate upon the pathway. Botli gentlemen were lying in ureat potds of blood. They inform- ed the police at the Park Gate station what they had seen. The police at once proceeded to scene of the mur- der and conveyed tlie bodies to the hospital. Mr. Purke l:ad stabs near the heart and his throat had been cut almost comjdetely across. His clothes were saturated with blood aod al^^o torn, his ^lovcs were torn in many {laces and his hanils bore marks sug- gestive of a fierce eucouuter. Lord Fre-lerick did not wear gloves. He Liad been stabbed iu several plaees about the cliest. One wound wax throu;;h the right lung aud peiietrsled deeply. At the time of tho dreadful occurrence the park, as might be ex- pected on a lovely evening, was crowd- ed iu many places with people. The murderous onslaught must have been short, terriffic, aud decisive. Many persons were sitting and walk- ing within a few hundred yarde and and yet heard nothing of the affair. No arrests had been made up to two o'clock on Sunday morning. All the a vatlable torceof constables isoul searcti- ing for the assassins. There is great excitement in Dublii the crime is the most daring, assassination of moJeru times. The day had been murk-^d by a most cordial greeting of Earl Spen- cer, aud people were congratul iting each other ttiat a brighter day had! Sproule's Hotel. McKENNAMASON. Joseph Gibson, 1'I,.\1N i OKNAMENTAL x» 1^ uV ss T ii: i^ hz w, w m ra ^vasqinoâ€" galso.\£ining iu Shades and Colors. All n-ork garjaoteed. Charge* moJerAte. Mai-litlale I».C 87-113 NEW GOODS. AT THE POST OFFICE NEVy STORE, GOODS. FLESHEETQIf ISotice. I her«liT fordid all particK tmBiiuf; nr har- boarine ujy wife. FLOliA BAXTEK, as »he tias Irt't luv b«d aud Ixiard without suy just eause. and I will not be responsible f.^r any debts contracted by h-r. WILLIAM 11.BAXTEB. Glfa.'?l-. May 6, 1.^82. "7 'JO. T. B Gilliiand, " PRDV NO'L LAND SURVEY'S, EUGENIA P.O. Orders left at the Standard OfHce, Msrkdalc will receive prompt attention. 86 100. IV y T I J E. The UEFORil CONVENTION OF EAST GREY will n-eet in the Town- ship Hall, Fleiherton. on Fridsy, the 19ih insi., ai-Oue o'el .ck, p.m for the purpose of electing OFFICERS, •electing Pdrliam, ntary CANDI- DATES. ?iC. -., By Order of the President, WU. BROWN, Sec. Markdale, May 3, 1882. The best value in DRESS GOODS. Thegreatest variety of PRINTS. The Best Stock of HATS and CAPS, Ducks, Denim^ Ginghams, Shirtings c. Boots and Shoes for the Million. GROCERIES, Fresh. Every line complete and selling at bottom priceb. ATTENTION NIL DESPERAyOUM. QRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. riliiE UHEAT ENGLISH 1 l.E.\lEDY,anuufalUn; C'lre f(ir Stiuiial Wi akne.s, SperuatoriLea. I;iij tency, a.iil all di*e.ise thut follow as a seiuonce of Self-Abme ns 'os-i of Momnry, Uuiversiil Before Taking. I^as itu.le, Pulu i'u tUo Back 1 1 T I 1 rr T Tr • Uiuiiu-s of ViMon, Premature old age, and daWueU for Ireland. lue L..rd-Lieu- many otlier Di.Heases lead to Iiinniiitv or Consumpticn ind a Pre- mature Grare. KJ^T ull particulars in our pamphlet, which we de"sire one. Tlie Specific Medicine is Bold by all Druggihts at • l.Oi) ))er package, or six After 'lUkmg. packages for »o.OO, or wiU be b. nt free by mail on rectipt of thn uiomv bv alilrcasinx THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., ^â- ' loroLto. Out., Laiiai'a Archibald Forbes, the great war cor- resiK)nHent, recently related tbe follow- ing incident: "I was once lecturing in Canada and in the course of mv lec- 'ure I di'rcribed the attendance of the Queen upon the Prince of Wales when he was go near death's door at Sandringhnm She strolled up and down unattended in front of the bouse. My audience listened spell bound, tut a tall, gaunt man iutermpted nip 8;iyins., 'Stop! this loyal audience will sing God Save the Queen!" This ".H- with great fervor. At the by'Mr Blake, and MrV Otto li^evalVM clme of my lecture the s.. me ganut fig- flU. the Secret ryehip. tetiauf. Earl Spencer, was walking in the garden when he observed a scui- tie going on in the park. Ho thought it was only a brawl, but gave direc- tions that a policeman should be sent '° oe^'ipee by maii to every to gee what was the matter. Little did he thiLk that his two intimate friends aud chiei advisers were being butchered befvie nis face. A common hack car drove up, and four rough-look- ing fellows jumped off, tue driver re- maining in his seat. The assasxing rushed on the victims with daggers and iu a couple of saconug the awlul crime was complete. The tiagndy is denounced in the very strongest terms by Parnell aud bis party. On Monday night a man named Moore was arrested on suspicion at Maynooth. He almost fainted when arrested. He returned from America last last Friday, answero the descrip- tion of one of the murderers, and has a numbur of wounds about the body. It is reported another arrest baa bean effected at Eddare. Several arrests were made on Tues- day and yesterday. Tbey are not of great importance. Earl Spencer returns to Dublin to- iay. The Under- Secretaryehip filled ore ftr.8t and proposed that I should I repeat that portion of the lectors re- Ken iog to her majesty, and I bad to i repeat it." pretty, piotuutiqua 0'u ohire. ty ol Derby- false repo^'t wag pnblisbed. Tha edi- tor replied: "Well. Mr. R- wa took your own word for it You pwore laat Tbnr^ay that if yen didn't come up and pay that tbrea J 1, J ,, ,. ., years" eobscription bill by Satnrdav yon Lord trederick Cavenuish was the „ou,j ^e dead. Ag vou didntcome aeeond sou of the Duke of Devonshire to tima, you sae, wa "havo your own and brntaer to the Miifu.s of Harting voncbera for your demiaa. Wa gave tnn. Tbe Cavendiidi family u sacoud J^" â-  handsome obituary, anyhow .1 r .u i^-Bâ€" floug down a SS bill and left to none in tho peentTe for strength. _.»»^_x t.Z^ -_L"_r " *^ '" ... ' I vitboat takiBff a rweipC or nitanng a word. Lord Frederick Cavendish waa in- terred in the famdy yanlt at Edensor, a village on the Duke of Devonshire's Cbatsworth estate. The Government offer a reward of £10,000, also £1000 for private it fur mation. Tba family m.ittu â€" C»vaudo tutus â€" in eautiou.w.-is somewhat disre- gardad by the laut lorJ ut tbe bat mo- nent. Wa Uka to aea a main refnae io ad- u â-  t 111 vertiaa in a home paper, and then trv Ho » an consistent memier ol _^, Ji*^ T .^ *u /,i- cv 1 -J Q 1 to gat a abare of the trade which the the Ghorc.ifLngU«d,8uDday school I p^per brings to town; bnt above all taMhe.r, OM.srant visitor among the thing* we like to wa a rich, misarabla yoor'and iieedy.and oeeaaionallj acted man, who will not Mbacriba to a homa •a lav c der. Hw widow ia giatar of ?*»*" •'"•J" n»oagr to b* aroond ia 1 i" 1 ..I « «iâ€" j _itimeto read tba papar at the exp«nsa Lorl LyvtUton, of Hagky. and »» ^^^ it li^bT «, ^-onomioal. ^oman worthy of brrhaibaad. thrifty and pwf»«i*iw, y^ k«w. A Ftbuc MaxTDia alionld b« •ailed of tba ciuxens of every city, town and village in tbe Dominion, to consider what ahould be done to prevent the hair from turning Gray â€" and falling out. If this important qneetion recnvod their earnest con- sideration they voald ananimonaly decide that eoienoe had at laat dia- oovered something that would answer Uiia ptirpoae â€" and fartlermore would reeomiBMid Ging«2e8e Hair Benewer aa being tbis something fur restoring the hair to its natural color, aod pre- vent its falimg oat. 60 eaata p« bottle. For aal* by all Dmggiata. Oca eantla yontha aadviewaalMart breakers will bear in mind that a daan shave and a noUnr earl of tba hair, in tho ktaat Loodon and New York stylaa. ean be bad fron Mr. H. licCatetawm. a* tba " Bayar* Hom»," SPi:.CIALxNO'lTCb:S. REST A.-D COMFOr-T to thk SUKtERlNO Brown'tt Household Panacea hasnoeqial for rolieviu paiu, both inter- nal and external. It curei a;n in the Sid« Back or Bowels, Sore Throat, Uhenmatism! Toothachfl, Lumliaj.^o aiid any kind of aPairi orAclie. "It will most surely quicken tbe Blood bnd beal, as its acting power ia won- derful." " Brown's Household Panacea." being acknowledgod as the great Pain Ueliev- er, aud of donble the strength of any other Klixer or Liniment in the world, should be ia every ta-nily ha-j ty for use vYea wanted "aa it really U the beat reni.iJv in the world for (;ramps in the .Stomach, and Paina and Aeliev of all kinds," and i for sale by all BruKKists at 2.5 ceats a bottle. 2(J.1t Mothers Mothers Mothers I Are yoTi disturbed at night and broLen f your rest by a sick chUd eufferuig and crying with the excruciating pain of enttinc teeth I If so. go at once aud get a bottle of MBS. •WINSLOWS SOOTHING 8YBGP. It will relieve the poor littl" sufferer immedi- atelyâ€"depend upon it thore is no misUke about it. There is not a mother upon earth who haj ever nsed it, who will not tell you at once that it *U1 reg-'^te the bowels, and giTe rei-t to the mother, aud relief and health to the child, operating li«e magic. It is pi.r- feetly safe to tie in all cases, and pleasant to Me sute, and in the prescriptiou of one of ihe oldest and best famale physicians aud nnrM« in tbe United States. Sold every, where at 25 cents a bottle. 90-1t iiTGoiisuMPtivEs. The advertiser, taaving oeen permanenuv cured olthatdreaddijease. Consumption bv a siinple remedy, ia anxioiu to make known to his feUow soiTerers the means of cure. To all who desire it. he will send a copy rf the preeeription used, (free oj charge.) wfth ae ifareetUMts for prepabing and naiBg theeaae which they wiU find a seaa C«r«B for Cf-a- seavnoa. Asthka, BaoxcBrng, Ac. I^wties wiahiiig tbe Presoriptioa, will Pjsaeeaadiw-. Ssr. B. A, Wii.oa, HO P«ui St., WmiamdNDgh.X. T. aWj ERRORS OF YOUTH. AGSKTIiEKAK who sut«rr«l (or yaar- team Rervoos DRBILITT PBBMA. TCBK DBCAT, aad aO the sfeata o yooth. M i ai l i w ili m WiU ferthe sake « s^Mmt htmimtj, isad free to alt who aaed k, S leeipe end ilireetkiaa for """ring the llMila "â- â- ' '~brwfaieh he was eared, Markdala. wvAiaK to yrotft bf th« adveefiMn AMti- aaaaeaa n y siiliisilin â-  â€" Imi ^^Ji^ Meoea. JOTKBTdGDE; This is to certify that I have secured full control in the villa- ges of Dundalk, Fiesherton, ana Markdale, and the surrounding country for the C H A E L E S EAYMOND SEWI NQ MACHINE, manufactured in Guelph, and the Wilson B Sewing Machine manufactured in Hamilton and am now the only authorised dealer in said Ma- chines for said Territory. Every Machine is well guaranteed. The best Canadian and American Organs and Pianos are represented. W. F. Doll represents me in Markdale, and keeps a good stock of Sewing Machines oh hand call and see 6o«k and Stationery Business will be carried on by me in Fiesherton a fiili stock will be on hand in a few dayfc g-J ?*"â„¢***' Look to yaar Interests. Markdale Police Notice. Notice is hereby given to the IlMiivcluldcrsofthe Village of Markdale to have their Yards thoroughly cleansed, and any nuisauctj re :5th day of May, as the Insi'Ector w ;I mine and inspect said Yards, c.. a-ul uh. the law in force to compel sucii cleansing;. • Thos. Mui.i,.\kky, ^-r.c, May 1st, 1882. I.!! 'iitbuildms C I n.i]l)ef('re tk I hat dateeu- ixcessanptt ill;. ire Police. TO tHE PUSLia The Subscriber ivspectfii Fieshe^toi '• mtiMivr- are fully stocked v.-uii v • Mieral vio d-, .-.. and will be coiistantlv rcicv.-.i ,^ .• DKYGOOD ' U\\WW\ CROCKiri?Y, ,.L\ BOOTS, GROCER IKS, FRESH GROCER I E.S a spc .\I1 Kinds of Farm Produce, C-.i taken in exchan^je for G«»ods. In spectfull solicited. My saw Mill .1 Liu operation. All kinds of Logs purch ised the Thousand or on shares. Wm. tlesbarton station, Dae. 28, 1881. I ;:- stores «t «\V.\KE, PKOVl-IO.VSifc lUy at this .-easoB. Iw.^od, .-ind Saw Lop pca'i-" oiiheGooJsf^ ,• I-.i!ls. ism"l Sawinji doat ff HOGG. *M ABK DALE Sash and Door Factory SASH. DOORS, if 't*^ 'f"i-'^^'itH â- *• H. L. THURSTON, FliBSHBRTON. SSJt ttCMw A] rTadk 8a-fltai. ^V BLINDS MOULDINGS, ^^ ^- HOLLOW BATTONS, Lumber, Lath and Shingles- Al-ways on Hand. Orde* Promptly Filled. ,nJ"' ici»i«." fori TU SofaMrilMr wteltM tantota th«ik» to the people of Markdsle *^-^ ^^^^ T«ry Ubwal fwtroaa^ Um^ haT« given him in the past, and lioj*-' tj « to BMiit • eoQtinaMiee «( tbf name. Ikara now ntandai my baain«sAnd wiU in future krei fuU SWek*' PINE LU Direct from the North Shore. I Alili SIZB18, DBE8SED AUD UND A.U I£iiul« or Plain and Kancy Ikaa ia a int-«lM* man"' rj-ur»»il»f THOS. McNBA- •WN:- jifj^ 11th. J88S "o ^5l NOT tCI [*â-  taa will eora yon. I», laa inll nriy yoa. I ta« wiU trntor* 700^ N».» what yoo nd'i taa will strengtben y^ f^ aaw itoak af f*u« at MJ "^IfU wiJl tio*^ i» Mar kdj priaoaM Louisa wUl arr _; OB tha Mth. *-« taa. from 20cU, to $1 â-  fre«. Buiter R*e. of tl»« iVm«r« »re objeclij fi^hiaS oa tbeir lauds. lass 000 piano wa« the Prince j â- Ridding prwant to bis brolbj Wetbodtft L.A.8. intend to ^f tin DufferiuHaii on tbe 241 ytraw bats nearly g\\ *]|^ and Bee Uiem at ButUr to make a bot-boaseâ€"Leii rmat ch y baiidy for the baby Markdale Lodge A.O.U.W." giving • Converraaioue ou I Joa* 1* dollars ••'•'I ly orlering y â- aita »t McFarlaiid'B, a p'.i steed. „ pan, crock*, butter ran*. '}« lo P*' cent. le«« than con 4 Bae â- â€¢ outbreak of amallpox at Wm I Oct. Seventeau perbou« il [tbediaeM* â- ooew Be»trioe is to he mat rJ £Arlof Fife, a bauJeouu-. ck%1 r nobleman. L Preabyteriaui of ltIaikla-« on wiUi tbe builjin^' of tli ^rick eburcb. fl. Matthews, late of \V(«iilN baa pnuhtiscJ llis Mon B, Cbats worth. [Saitimore nurse ritl |tiiK|i*(1 thrJ down a baby's throut. She fonder restnuut.- line m.tcbhie oil will not gal eze. «nd we;irs b^ttc'r that m oil in the maiket. tn't forget that IJulter .v 15ao aj y«t and will {.'ivo biupaiiiii for tf ;20 days that will aht.niisli you. rints, cottons, dreua gomlb.fliitu. •U HpllaodA. are at c(.jt f r ilj ;tw«nty dkvs at Bullar i Ua trxm. â€" I" poetry U'^l w 1 'A for "way" r. aJ • M y. " t"'aj â-  lor"m»rn:ug" rv.ol •wainiii- writs for tbe pencral .!.(ii.i been printeii. aiiJ «ro in t'J of tbe Cierk ot tbe Ciowu ncery. Vin. J. Morro:v. Josei'li tis'lr-i; Joseph Cir.ihuiu, li; Ti:iri..i.i!| jjlauitoba on Frulay. I l;t »« |tb« lakts route. jents dress bbirt.'s. collars. ii s. t straw bats, a lar;;e pi:i' i;ty OM from aiid ut joins 1 1 ikiy m titioD at Bulttrjuoi Itu-- oportant to a f;w of lu tnen the last tiiue vif iisl. y .11 I" We mean what wo n-.tx â-  w. .; inot forget it. Butter i l^a • Mr. TboB. Ii will. Artf-nx s:h. Lm which ga»e Lirih. u few ilny- .-i;. |19mgs by that famous •Ilo.i .1 '-^ •r' the property of Mr.JoIni M. IClotbiajr at co^( an J jt r. "Wu dimj eb has proved the te^l f t v- ml hnal will conviiic' y u to Iimvp v. at once hefore t,t,i-.c-" 'â- '• t!i tBatUr B%l'b. Illeport has it lliat .-x inr:.: r D(l becamo so cniii;-'»i ;»' 1 while ttorkiiiji that !.c t 'â-  1- ^p and fibot at ibem I.' iwu a poor shot. To prevent fevera, 1 ilious c Iih. mi U; to tone up the Hy»'t'i:i an I iir: I blood, try a c jurse of Ir. Chi hoi J ~»ch aud constipation hitt»r bottles at 60cts. .K. Turuo." Ageats, Markdale. I AUthrse painful and distr s^ing Tiss and irro^^ulmitie-! ]«• nim ttnnale sex miiy b' proinptlv ctir. r Burdock Blood Bitt.n,. It 1. • «T«y organ to a healtiiy acti I bittles 10 C6nts. Thoaiands suffer nnloll nii» li^ I Nervous WiakiioRs. rnui in tl â-  •' other diBtrefsiiig syuipt. IR from liaor.lerfJ Ki-lii.-vs. Unl Blood Bttfe*, is the 80V.I-.1. Trial bottlea 10 ct-nta. '^Mi is Lardine Asl: niiy faring ' or oiill man iu fact hii ii\ niBa machinery ami lo- 'viM i« ' **t It is the only oil whicii ai â- â€¢" e^oal to Ca«tir. ()i! and wuu| ' « clog yonr Machinery *»• yoB a martyr to headache "' Si "^fto lougcr. A remedy is found â- â€¢â- p«k Blood Bitters. " It rejjuhi-* ..'°° *«1»- cleanses the svbt'ni. all.i' l^ffwopa irritation and re*htor»s h. 1 Tigoor. Sample bottlc'lU cut* lM» » ^*^ jnst receive] a letter fr. IhL ' " "° took hi8 dcia] iBk **»rkdale a few weekt aj, '^**ny friends will be pleaae.l r^* • ana family are well, lli â- â€¢â€¢Eociieater, N.Y. ^f**** wishing to refurnish aftl JU* cleaning try McFarland s f\ 2Ir Lw '"'^»'S, wall paper, crj ^2^«»»lc Unens, Uble nankins, 11 fJ^V *•*!• oilcloths, stock laiiJ I ^•"fcplate at IfcFarland's, ^J^ld BiaB aged 80 years. namJ ^J|^'^»e*f jrd. Grey county, wi -*â„¢* ^•lland Assizes for the 1 r**,»«Jri aged 16 years. Tlie â-  â- â€¢Tried and has children •*• Tba verdict was for a\ «â-  Wwa c corpus has bee| "•• York commanding te prcdaee in court lil â- â€¢Â©â-¼tile, whom be in charJ *ingfrom her boBbauI bis wife is partially i^ .iMid that little lamb M white as sunw tbain twice a di " j-a kueir.

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