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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 4 May 1882, p. 2

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 Sif' ^RKDALE 3kintowu^ ms in Dpe^ 5, Shirtings, 4c. id Canaciiaui -ilor. Ready, ap for cash, q^ at right prices. he county. Builders shot the .rkdale, pisaiug WM Boll Lm«D for Tow«liii«. e««»U« wj jvaM Brodi* MMfbid toai, fi.. our prinU at 6 ••nU » y«d, Mr. H«r7«y Hill. eoudacUr on Um J (i. 4 B. k»» tAJiw* auu) kim»«tf » ' jl iMk two to c»toh » fiih on Tt»««- ^y_ out to lioo" »» o» "*^ •"*• *® **** iioff. Tbvi. bproule. IUT«r«H»Ul. M«rk- j^, bu liie «»» •xt^«»» ^»"»J{ ihtd iu On J. ,^a.i fwm |10 to |86. WMtadtopurcLftM a good Moond- ^^d oookiug »t«v«. At-plj irnmadi ,t,lj, Mr, H«Bi7. SUndard Offic«. M«j day e«l«brat«d bj h«a?y anow- iloim »l Markdale, and tharmoiuetar iown w ztro. Vannor aaid 'iwonio btio- V«Dnof i» mixing up aoma awfully .njix«d' wealbtr for tha 24tl|. Wm. Douglas ia bnildiag a board {•a«* in fr*^"' •' ^^' "" adjoining 5eiri«t f«Ter ii very pravalant in 0*«n Soaad aavaral daatha hara o«e«rr*d. gar*ka I ibont all nanafacturara, aMbiniiti and mill nan »!»•» tbaj Int trr Lardm*. B«vnolls Tea* ara tA# katt. Try tbrlr 50 cant Tea. Mr. B. Wright'a flock of ihaep was iaertaiad by 19 lambs during tbrvu jiji tbis waak. On* dollar is supposed to buy mors goodi at ClieaptiiJa tLsn ut any otUt-r Hot* lu Markdaia. •*#RE E18T OBBT wyi '•«* te^ To iUpHk0.nMb«rtm. OB Fridi^r. Ow 19th inrt.. •« Oo« •'i*nk» fkM^if«^ the pqrpoM ot «lKtiag ^*'P«»^S. DATEa"6- By Ordw ol Iks FiMidMt, WM BBOWH. Sw. ^O Ifa itdaia. My 8, 1 881. VPMPPIH Va!a«» of PriMv^lla $2atlS5 Faft of Yittatr^ of Markdal* WJK^ ViOacaof Flahortoo ^M^ FledkwtQn*PiiocviUa*U $11, OCX' Viliaga of Eogauia $S1,^7«) Balaisea fcf Arlametda ip. $821 66o mrm uli (MwakftatttM Staadud Oftet. Markdala irill raetiTa pronpt •ttantioa. 86100. BcalEaiOa ' i4i.Ba«iUll $W7.775 $l8t flt $87.S76 $1^ $5a.8H $fi8.8M 9V lf0 Total A jaaam anl $I,058.iOO JoHa ^BrrsT, Markdale Police Ncrtice. Notice is hbseot given to the Householdors of the ^^^Hof iJGtftKOALE to have their Yards and Outbufldings thoroughlj cleansed, and any noisaiice removed heior^ tbe i^Sih^dsLy ^~Mny, ss the iMSfEciu* -wiH~tm-th«t^ate exa- mine and inspect taid Yards, ^^c.^^tqd where aeccssary put UITO tBICS €Y HARDWARE 1 f.v lyatora ia V^^falrf t kaaptnc tlia I ROS. MDlXAftKY, S£C., Mptng UM J. JO. Eii^ N. luse," Duii( SELLING 0] gains. Bargaii le North-West. remoTe to Mauitoba saw tff«l iissuitad dtoc-k, consistmgof 8, Boots and 8h( ing. Millinery, C-, SAtiUFICE. ona-fide sale ever offer#l ock of goods must be loliT l'"*!!!-!!! JProduce. I SON, Propriety 1 Beautiful faces are tho»a that waar II Biatterj not littla if dark or fair, McFarlands Bonnets. Tbsre art no lass than tan grass aidsws la Markdale, six of whose hus- btodi are in Manitoba. i Wilmot Pickle returned from the North West last Saturday. Ha thinks more cf Outario than evet. The Markdale stores close at 7 p. m. iharp duriuj; the summer monthii, bsTiBj! cuinmuue«d IsL May. S!«autirul ftet are tlmse that g«. On kindly ministry to and fro \\«ariof McFarland's clipper. s "Tbe r«i(«oB I jot my WagRou at MiKiDua, Mason's becaune they give lb* b«iit wH^'gou for the price." UcCmII llroe. A Co., Toronto, are ml* mAnufactureiH of Lardiue, the kMt lubricator ltuiwu. Try it. Th« Rp«l! ot eold weathe*' I'as crea- t*d a d«maii(l for wood, oui iil» ha^ tompletely disappeared. Nuflced, Lirg« qiiHiititit'B of tiex •â- â- " biun;; ibippcd lic'in the T. (r. iSc B !iue ti- the G. T it. and oiliiT railway*. ill! Mouuie CO inorUCFd couc^hiu^ UArdl*) sliotel. Canfield, ana before b« could leave the table he was (lead. Jcsli I'iIIin(;s says that a mau who Mu'fi.ii niihout telliui^ lies is about as pKi ai any man i;ets to be in this »otU. £«aDiiriil tlioulders tlios that bear Ctsliuitrs and silks selectedwitb care By UcFarland. Gladitoce liAi not rcJueed tbe in- ODittx ai w\s expected. He has P* a tax on wheels. His budget "K-ai a iurplus. Ur. Joseph Lamb bla ksmith is pnparioe o erect a Dew blacksmitli pncea, Mil« store â- q^rior boote of Maaan Go's. MaoafB«Uiran. ArriTala tUu wedi from aUaaMhip Paiiauui from Livarpotri for W. Me- Farland. 1 J. Bbapabii ia maniilisetariiig â- ooM Tery fijte hnnbar wagona, demo- erata and buggiea tbia aeaaon. He shippad two lambar vagom to tha city of Twronto last wai^, mad* order and has orders for more to b« shipped shortly. Ha recently eagag- ed two more ffaatelaaa mechanics, will now be able to til orders more promp- tly. Intending pnrchaacrs ahould not fail in giving D. J. Sbanabaa a call befcra leavmg their ordere alaa- where. Money will be aayed by ao doing. J. Noble, of Markdale, amployed at Hatcheaon's saw mill, Tara, met wibb an accident on Tuesday that will give him a few day's rest. Ia takiui; the last board from a log, he put his left hand upon it to keep it in place, and retaining bid hold a little too lonf;, the saw caught him juat unc^er tha thumb, inflietlug a naaty woand. New Lace Buntings. New Mantle Cloths. New Cretonnes. New Lace Curtains.' New Carpets. New Brilliants. W. J. MeFarland is the only direc. Importer doing busineu in M^rk- dale. We are enable this week to publieh the assessiueat of Artciuesia t -r the prefout year, tUe figures nir^-n by the assess r eualde auyone to form re- Intive Tallies ul townships aa.i to this end we trutit boou to be enabled to give the figures for other townsbipa. The nuptials of Prince Leopold and Princess Helena of Waldeck were eele brated with ereat pomp at Windsor on Tharsday. Tha bride was viven away by her father. Thf Queen kissed the royal couple after the ceremony. The first case of fraud in Manitoba lots â€" but not the last â€" came before the court at Kingston the other day. F.H.Corrigan was charged with fraud in connection with the sale of the pa per town of Whitemouth. He com- prised the matter witb the prosecut r •u.i iius suice been arresteil »' {•'l'e ch" rges. A D^Ktardly attempt has been made to a88a3Hiiata Vanderbilt and Cvru' W. Field by means of pxplosiTci neat bymai' Oie of th« raissilsR pxidoded iu the trail] a 'd their existence wa* discovered. Ifyoa wanf one of McEenna Ifason's d niocrats or busgies yon had better look sharp aa they are selling faster tlmn thi'V can make them. What's the reason Because every one knows their work is the best. went into frca in All the hotels wer The Scott Act H«lton yesterday i cl«ed. Mav day was celebrated at Nia^ a Falls by a heavy snowstorm amt cold w»ath*r, the fherniomet»r registering 86 ° This is more of Mr. Yennar's doing. HANLAN AND TRICKETT. On the bosom of the dirty, randdy. Thsrnes the Hanlan-Trickett raea waa T' wed on Monday. Trickett won ithe tost for the Sur- rey sidf. Hanlan's oars were first ia the water, rnwinir 88 strokes to tha minute Trickptt was rowing well, and 'or 1st mile Hanlan only cot one length ahead. Increasing his advai.- tage. he began his «ld antics stopping dead in his rowiu);, surveying the landscape. Trickett waa pulling in good form. The wafer was rongh, D A I' 13 oor Factoi and the sprav came intn^he frail shell, "x'P by the Hide of tha oU oue,w,uc h Hanlan coolly stoppet^j^ bale out the l«»ill dsmolisb. I water, whilst the Cornntalk' was pnl- u T f J »» T^ ,, ' lirg away ill the p-ar. Hanlan's an- ^iir^J.hord of "Mount Royal farm- tjj- ^„^ greeted with trfmcndoua *â- *' ef oxen on Thursday last ebeering. He won the race by about '*^" i» i«iys to raise gDod cat- i a furlong, an1 then went back o seek " ui also to fe») ^^[i, I the Australian. Having found him Ti.. T /^ r. II and got even, tuer »-ade another rush .DINGS, .LLOW BATTONS. and Sliin^ fders Promptly Jlll^' ell. Will lu future ^,. ^„j Ji^ri\Hu reached a«and deliver in Toronto without i«j^hs ahead. tt«acbar;;» insrchandiue upon which '*C« 18 usually periormed. I'u b«tterto buy fish at Mcln- "••'lliat someon* else haa caught ** to have to be fished up out of *• Siiij,,n after slipping off a log. "^•" i» a dispute in tha Conserva- ' "mp a, to th •WaJJjo; e can didate for the "••â-  Vis thought this matUr •"•Mttlsd at th« convention at Mark- •k. t'le goal two -- ...ahead. Ham^ ^,g nearly Bmothertd by tbe crowd, p.^.ing in to shake him \yr the hand. At c, abridge Music Hall our Canadian oarsmh, ^|^g presented with a handsome and eova^ diamond ring. SUPPOSED BENTINCK MURDER fell attendance of thoae interested *• eelsbratioa ^av p«,ple«fllaTk*aa»r^ lib* paa* lU in Jntarak"** aKdII umbe North AND XJNDBSSS lOS. Mc^ of the Queen's • requested at the Rerers '^^ Friday evening 8 o'clock. "»«er. Sscy. |»J^- eu::.h. barber, will be in Jr^° °*" Monday, fair day, to cutting, shaving, shampooing, h? ' ^^"^P "•^t door to leaher- r^Baisry. '**•«• somewhat plantifol on the 11^ " '»*nksif tbe-'old saying is I •'««ii speaks of a fishing red as »r* "-^nn at one *«»»Ur May 1st, i88s. Thos. MTJiXARKY.Sec.VViltage Pffic*. Markdale PU^^tP Factory. eA hh^r ».^ Wm Miller. Bentinck tp. son of the John Miller who was accused of the mnrder of hie wife last winter, has DOW met with an nntiinely end. His body was found in a alashing, th Head mangled with bloody wounds, and he was pierced with a bullet, his slothes baing bnrasd with tba pjwdrr. At the inqoast tha partwalars of tha finding of the body wars slicitad, but aotbin# as to how Miller met with his death. Peter Weis, th* fathsr-n-law of the murdered man has bean arrested. His old gun baa baao disooTsred wranebad to pieces, but having rvidently been rocaatly fired. Waia is a Garmao.SO years of aga. an i bean a bad repnta- tioa. A neifhbenr spoke tbe fealinits of maay wboabasaid that itvoold be no loss it tha MilUrs and Wmm wva wipad oal. Tbre«tf Wcis'U.-^aghtars nre aadsr wrote tbe ^^^i^**^ â€" ana of thara the Tiotim's wife â€" and a pp ea r att arl y iudifferant as to ttiair pootHMi. At the poatflKwinn ayawioatiwi bf Dr LandorloD, it was ahawu that tba ^^ daaeaaad oama to hk daafcb br a gva-, iMi^H %*T*"«rs shoalj read maik. " woand hafiar Mstsnd hia badk^ ^|,»Jd maardly digMt the MartT »-«»« »«««»• *• «^ 'wt»caiaaa«rfh.r ««i«,« I I I iw ealr abowfc t? y end and a fool ^^ Saturday a crank ^^'^^"'•'•••cretary that unless him *« Kai Boaey ho would shoot a hl*'" wid Priaoa L^^uld. t »^ wrested. •?*^'»«rs dioulj road maik. â€" MAKER OF ALL KINDS OF PUMF8, DROP VALVE PUMPS, CYLInDEB PUMPS. CISTERN PdC^ â- : FOROE PDMPf, 'â- â- ^\£jj' v, !«», ALL KIH»8 OP IRON PUMPS'SUPraKij." Satisfaetion ?naranteed on all ray work tba proof of it is found in tba fact that I am doing a larger business now than aver was dona in Ifandaia m the Pump business. Rsmsmber the stand, 1 door north of Ratlsdgs's Holal, J: r 1* â-  .*rr Sydenham Street, Markdale. Cut Nails $3.19 Olinch Nails Sets ier lb. â-  â-  Barndoor Hinges, 6c. per lb. Xjogging Chains yYcper Steel Spades "•90c. Hay Pork SteelHoes â- ^i y Mannre Fork eOd; 60o. 80c. $100 t Clerk's Office, Township of Proton, April 24th, 1882. The council of the Municipality of the Township of Proton, will meet as a Court of Revision for this Mu- nicipality, at John A. Scarlett's Hotel, Village of Hod«. ville on the third Tuesday, (i6th day) of May, at the hour of ten o'clock, a.m. on that day. JAMES CAVANAGH Township Clerk. FARMERS MECHANICS' ESTATE, LOAN AND L ' DXJNDALiK, Ontario. CoRYeyaicliic doRt with cart, iMtittt ami dtspafch. A. G. HUNTRR. OFFICSâ€"Ont itr futh •/ AnfU-AwmUmm MtUl. Dondalk, September 1st, 1881. Ur- SEEDS! FOR ALL KINDS OF Piel(l.Flower(6dGnU GO TO THE Dundalk Druiv Store. IMPOBTANT TO FARMERS. I have just purchased a large stock of all kinds of Field. Garden and Flower Seeds direct from the oldest and m*st reliable dealers in Canada, and can safely recommend them- Farmers will do well to come and inspect my stock. I ke. lieve I have the largest variety of Field, Garden and Flower Seeds ever imported into Dundalk. Don't fail to call. Yours truly, O. W. PARSONS. p. S. â€" A large stock of Timothy and Clover Seeds alway: on hand. Also a new variety ci Potatoes for seed. I hav« just received a half ton of new process Linseed Meal f»r feedin2 horses and cattle, cheap. $2.50 per loo lbs. Dundalk, March 7th, i88a. Mortgage Sale OF FARM PROPERTY. TOWNSHIP OF HOLtiAND. Uniler aad by rirtue of the provi- soes aid conditions contained in a Mortgage made by Cbarleo Allen Johnston, and subject to the condi- ti ^T pf wbioh will ba read at the time of sale, there will bo told by Public Auc- tion by MR. ANDMW WATT, Aactionerr, at RUTLEDGES Hotbl, Markdale, in the County of Grey TJ"^y^^^"' ^* '" 4y "'"" £s7^^i^:Li ir.s;.^Lc;' ,.«.*. 1882, at Two o'clock, p-m.. the lollo ing FREEHOLD PROPERTY. Tis The South MaU of lot Mo 18, in the 12th eonQao«ion, ot the Towuship of Holland, in the aaid county containing 98^ aoraa more or less. The^jnroperty is distant about Four milps from WalUrs' FaOs, Eight m3«f from Markdale. Eifhtadt milea fsom and Half-a- EUGENIA Grist, Saw andlath Hills HaTing made eqiensive i inp i u fe m eats ia my Gnat Mill I feel eonfldent I eaa giro good aatiafaetioa. GOno FLOUR ALWAYS ON HAND. '.0. and the Chopping Done Every Day. CaRtom Sawing and BiHs FiDad oa the ahortest notiee. LUMBER AND LATH ALWAYS ON HAND. WhitaAah, BlaeV Ash, HentloekLo I691y. M. AKITT, U Meaford and Tboraboris mile from Harfcaway r. naareo* sohaat-hoaoe. There an about 80 aereo elaazwd. and 6 aores ahoppad. The aaid property wiU-ba sold sub- ject to a Mortgasa bald hjr^tha Ebfliah Loan Company, of whieli f u 1 partieo- lara will ba firpn at time A aale. TERMS «f Sala.â€" 10^ emt eaah at time ofaale, and tha^-laUaca «ith iateraat at tbe raU of per cent per Hinam wiAiw80d-ys tJg^-IJ^^i^l^br^^^ apoD saeb Jaymant tba pnnlMaar shall ba a«vlad to tb^;teuvayaa^ aadtobeldMito ' wiUbaaiAp*^â€" ^^ Tat fnrtiier partMfid|n and ail tioBS of sale, appfy at (Ska. Mealord or ^horabary ofiMHjf s. 1 wiLafuD* hVans. ^â-  BrtatCawtOf Hbm Wttry IS TBB V9» or MANHOOD We hkvaiwaatiy paUiahod a aMr e( Dr. Cui.vaawau.'s Caaa* 'â- aa«nr.Jb«4T on tite latiiw l jad (wilhoat â- MdkMlaC 9, iKpediaaaBia I* pmaMy I SMaiatha Tlw itywvMBMMJ^ Va WAMTTBD. Week. m: I.. 1m^ Tct^ U^ Week. Msa4r O-old Medal White Lead, 25 lbs. for fl.50. All otheif Shelf Goods 8it equally low prioes. " ^i. Select Stock of Farmers' and Mechanics' TTABDWABEf Al#aytro hakd. :^ TEEMS STRICTLY CASH. Gardiner. â- *â- :-/ Always on hand a large stock of Tin, Sheet-Iron, and Copper- Ware of my own Manufacture. STOVES of all kinds at Bottom Prices. TO THE^PUBLIO. The Subscriber respectfully intimates that his stores ftf Flesherton Station and Eugenia, arefully stocked with General Goods, suitable for the seasoa,' and will be constantly renewed as required, consisting cf DRY GOODS, 'â-  HARDWARE CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, " BOOTS, SHOES GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Ac. FRESH GROCERIES a specialty at this seasoa. All Kinds of Farm Produce, Cordwood, and Saw Loft taken in exchange for Goods. Inspection of the Goods re^ spectfuUj solicited. My saw l^ill ?.t Little Falls, is in tall operation. All kinds of Logs purchased Sawing done hf the Thousand or on shares. Wm. HOGG. Flesherton Station, Dec. 28. 1881. (7 ATTENTION I This is to certify that I have secured full control in the villa- ges of Dundalk, Flesherotn, and Markdale, and the surroimding country for the C H A BL E S BAYMOND SEWING MACHINE, manufactured in Guelph, and the Wilson B Sewing Machine manufactured in Hamilton and am now the only authorised dealer in said Ma- chines for taid Territory. Every Machine is well guaranteed. The best Canadian and American Organs and Pianos are represented. W. F. Doll represents me in If arkdale, and keeps a good stock oi Sewing Uachines .A M'lNTYRE TEA! TEA! TEA! V A. M'INTYRK ZFT.OVLI, E^lOTOX, FlOVLX- McINTYRE'8 McINTKRES MEAL! MEAL I MEAL I UQUOtSl UQUORSI McINTYRE'S Cigars, Cigars. McINTYBfi^ Oofl^e, Ooflee. Aad .reiything kept n in a fint.«Iaaa Orooeij and bi^aet Star.. alwaya on hand, cbbat roa CAaa. McINTYRE'8 Pork, Pork. Pork. McINTYREi a ' on hamd call and sec. Bo*k and Stationery Businefis i^.a will K cutitd on Iby me in Flesherton a fait stock will' be on hand in a few days.. -^I I Yl^i^VC â- a Faimtts, LoA to your Intsccatt. /n^ H. L. THURSTON. 7LESBSBTON. es^e^mm^* X Great Excitement in Markdale oraa Tea loaaa AaairaLS or SPRING SUMMER Goods -AT- l CHEAPSIDE." Dfl'OBTED OUECT FROM ENGLISH MANUFACTUBSBS, oMsnTne or Dress Goods, C^^shmeres. Muslins, LataatPaMvM 1 • • â-  • t I t. I I 'L ...,An, 4 Alleoloxa. Brilliants, Diapers, Cretonnes, Scotch and West of Engtand TweedSf Diagonal Coatings, Drett* shirts, Ties, Ducks, IeiiliiM«« Oxford Sbl 'ttngfai, A MSBT BTOOK OF FELT HATB. STRAW HATS n ABUjrDAHOl, Foil Lines of GBOCEBIES, MawMdlFkMh. Alaaalaqp Bloek of S0078 .Aa,2TqD SSCQ h «.vrt:^ UUUCUBBT. OLAteWABK. HBNBY 70BTBR UkmptoM^

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