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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 4 May 1882, p. 1

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 trrr t inMljr M â-  'i I ' J' ft ;#^: •^ •OlMOtOUTH. UiuB. 4.10 ^a. CMao. 4.1tp«. » â- â-  â- â€" â€" -^ CtTa^m. 4.n«.M. SSli:- *2**- *^*jF-. " ••45 • M. §JK p.m. •*-^^ Tjj,*. f^JS: ^TTJâ€" •'»•-. •J-p... "i^- „«.4(«.a 1lMa.a. •M%.m. TJrp.a. '^•"-•^ »W..«. 7.«ap.«. •«•.*. rstila. Sf*"" 10.1«».M. MTpa. WMnkhdga lO.MftA. t.OAp.a. !J«*^ ««â- Â»Â«â€¢... 10Jf«.». t^iii Jfc7- innm.m. t.ISp.B. S^**" 1067».«. •.SSpa. Iwwto. Caiea 8t'a.ll.lf aa. 9J« p.m. QOINO NORTH. 4«-^ ..^^ T.lfka. 4 10 pa I P " ** IMmjt. 4.MBa J£*â€" • 1M •• 4J4 " Weodbn4M «.04 •• COO •• Mono Boad.. t.if •• kja m CbaikatM 9.K •• 15 •• ^»«» t.U •• IS .. ifn^ tJT $M •• »•?•»» t.4i " 6.M " :Orui«aTi]U JmM ».«7 " 7.00 •• ;Z«anl io.»7 " 7 iq .. JCro^bw'i 10.11 " 711 " ~^i^ low •• 7:»4 â- â€¢ »oJ»Ut 11.04 •• 4 06 •• lf««" 11 ao •• 4.11 .. Fto^hartonAP-Tilla ll.|« â- â€¢ g y, .. "f'"" 11 5« " 8.55 •• J'O'Wy la.lOp.M. 910 " Williuniford la 91 •• f j| ., ♦ "»«" 13.S4 •• tJ4 •• CUu»«wtl» 19.40 " 9 45 .. •*»»•••â- Â» 1.11 •• 10.14 .. VETBODOft^ •CattteJ of aad MUi4(7 buhl g»i 9.89. lUdii«»,' r flMa, matnuMBUl Biaa*c, ra-id'-rwl by Uie Choir, If ms Uu^ml Brj*., MiM Bud/, Ur BrovM. Mr. E. 8. Bai BMbtfds. Mr. Me •rd Phillip. Dohny ths inUiyal, • 'ti^fffn- MnUtiou took pisM, For wMPlwo TMnpMt th« Mcthodirt L. A S.h»r« bcea vorkiiic on » badiqailt to riM fimili for the partanag* fand this quilt u oompoMd of a Damb«r of- trf •Of alar patches of XaAej rej|twlll and whit* linni. Oa tba ^y||Up^etkiis ara wriU«n about MTn^ya, the etrnan of #Iiieh hara paid^^. aaeh, and ihn« $50 har* boen added tTtha innd. The famous qailt being now ccmplete, Mr C. W. Batledge was de- pnteJ by the L.A.S. t4#pirMeat it to Mn. MeDiaraid, wile of the pastor. The Ber. N MeDiarmid bneflj thank- ed them for the present, and asanre'l UVSB, EID5ET. AMD BBIOHr» PISE.\8S. A nM^cinf that WSAuif. end LiTcT eooajHamli. and pwwe^letx»otthMHiatofa 4J lii abjireall yaoa. 9nA • nabiw Hep Bittf r4^ and |iMH»fMf oa* "I ymr urigbbiatK. t^bo mn b«eu byik Ml!;iiFOBD BOAD. Mr. D. Walker has bonght eat Mr G. Oraham's stand. Mr J. Var'iag has the eootrart fcr the re|Muriug the atoiM sehool heusa. Only two terders wen pat in. Borne stone work is neesesary to keep tbe baildiag from lalling down, thia is be- ing done by Mr Fanl. Mr J. Strange is mnning Davis' saw lll«lfiUIC£ AN0 UNO A6EKT IJGIIME0 AUCnONEEB fiir the Oâ€" %e 0»*9- n fcr Jw taOa^nliMi*' Cc lâ€" » .elM»lMl. ^jgBXffOHrOM^ el Ws**'""' "" V ^*- o(T«aal». AaaMlNraf CaMtoJU^na* «* â- â€¢'"' watiaa Bal-naiiiiili»*»* **',^ tn«««h«rt«tIiotMB. Clir« â- ?** ' BOk. Biaak NotM. aad Rtaaps pw««ea- GEO. NOBLE. MianAU. »«T 9001. 1»1. ^^ '^â- ^ *t "1 Bnsinees booming at the Eclipse aaw mill, all hands busy. Several new frame barns are to be meted here tlus summer. Mr James Rowe likes Manitoba well so In, be was fortonate iu getting work as soen as he arrived. A Frsuc Mestizo sbouU « tbem that the time they had 'pent in called uf the ciuseus of ev»ry city. Markdale would alwaj«^ to Mrs Mc Diannid and himself foU of pleasant reei'llections. The L. AS. desire to thank Mr E. i Wilcox tor writing the names with indelible ink. ICarre«9^ttkfitce. ICoTiCB. â€" We wish it Jisidctl; onderstADd thst we do not hold ourselves repouBible (or I •• '»«*»K '»' somtthiug for rebtori.iR town and villase id the Dominion, to consider wliat sboulJ be done t- preTent the hair from turning GrHj â€" and falliTig out. If this importaut queHti'iu receiro'l their euruest cou- BideratiuD they would uDammouHlr decide that RCience lial at. last dis covered sometliiug that would austver this purpose â€" and furtLermore would recommeud Ciugalese Hair U^uewer TH08. MTHEW8, MARKDALE. EVEBYTHING IN OUR LINE KEPr ON HAND OR MADE TO ORDER ON SHOBT NOTICE. LIVERY! IN CONNECTION. MARKDAl i: May Has the largest and best assorted stock in town. DET GOODS. I am showing aUthr latest designs in Dress (}( â-  have large Stock of Prints, Duoto, Denims, Shirtings, jjc. •;» a magnificent range of English, Scotch, and Canadian T^ i w; Suits made to order by a 'first-class tailor. Eeady. Clothing in Suits^«j|f single garments, cheap for cash. Hats in great variety at Bottom Prices. .- GROCBBIB! tfaa opinion! •xprssseJ hj our correapon Jiats ANSWERS. Thursday. May 4 RAILWAY FUSION. Kothing beaeftu general trade like oppeeition. Notbiug paralvses trade like uonepelr. So long as there was no probability «f the araalKamatiou of the O.T. and »he O.W. K.ilroads. it mattered litJe whether the T G.4 B. was worked by •ne or the other of the two great hnee. liut now tliat the twe main traffic arteries of Catisda are nniUd, and the T.O k B. remains one of t!ie fsw independent hnf,, tb» neo'ilo, net only of this place but all along the hue. have very good reason to rejoics that tbo maw of the ^rsat railway mo- nopoly has not swall.)wel up this line. The peo;,le most watch and do all in H.eir p.wsr to prevent any amalgamation as would engulp the T. O* B. Let the G.T amaUamation open a line oounectiug this section with Its mam arterv. aod to this end we a ay work heartily. the hair to its natural color, and pre- vent its fallmi; out. 50 cents per j bottle. For sale by all Druggists. Some time during last sara- mer an agint came around selling a I patent spriug tooth harrow. Tbii ' barrow w:ts left for trial at various I fariaer gu a recommami. which eveutually proved mb order, an 1 i many who iunoceutly sigukd haye uow to pay for the harrow. Uae of tbe victims, steadily rafusws to pay. The caaa will be decided at court. A. V. Kimberley.^It is not a very St'^rious offence t'r bovs to play at bal' en Sundny.bnt it i* illeta' 'for them to do so. Tnsymay hApnnished tor l»o«8. but wherever left tbe so doing on complaint made" to a i^ag-'l"" ""i"°*^ " "'«' istrate. J. T. Ponoja. â€" Tmpitis^nm'^nt for debt does not now exist in Canada. If a judgment has been obtained against jou in the Division Court, you ';an b" examined before aju-lga.and if on such examination the ju^ge :binks you are ahla to pay somethini; on account of the dabt, he may order yoa to pay so m'lc'i par lu nth, and if you di4bey the orJer and do no "bow gooJ cause for your disobedi â- nee, you )i,ry b«^ 'v.ui»lied for such disob'diwuC' b/ iaipria:iiiu't:t. GEORGE WiLSOJi. Wholesale and Retail ;BUTCHEH!I BEEF. PORK GU MUl'TON SUPPLIED. (rim 1 single pound to a vhole earcsas, at the loTeat market prices. FISH A FOWL IN THEIR SEASON Frmrra hsvinK Fat Cattle, Sheep, or Pifjs to di -pooe of will ilo well to cill a* N». S I'.iiTid' Block, opposite tha new Union RIock. Markda'.e, Oct. 991b, Ifltfl Fresh and cheap in every li e. TE./\S a specialty. CROCKEKY GLASSWARE Stock complete at right prices. BOOT^' SHOES The best selected stock in the county. PRICEVILLB. IHE RECENT REVIVAL. What his become of our Prieeville correspondent 7 " Mel " sends the fjliowing kttr from Prieeville: â€" So far as the news papers are con cerned it would almost sesm as if the village among the bills had roUvd down into tbe Saugeeu an 1 dtsappear* ed. Such however is not the case, aud the time m«y not bi lar distant when the syndicate or Grand Trunk Rail- way whistle will be heard belljwing a^oDg our valleys and when the din and hum of our workshops will awa- MARKDALE To the Editor. Hu-. â€" I observe in your last issue a ken all latent forces into activity, and third note from a "Constant Reader HANLAN. Edward Uaulan has again carried off the laurels. U. has so thoroaghly beaUa Tuckstt. ihat we scan over the list of the list of the world's oarsmeu aud ask whence|comes his next victim. In Uanlan, Canada possesses, not on- ly the ohampion aarsman of the world fcut a professional athlete who has shown himself proof agaia.t UmpUtion to do what would net him a fabuloua amount of money, lit has prwved himself honourable, proud of his cour.try, and anxious for her good name. Canada may well be proud of bin. MAY. May thinks has come. Au Englishman of hawthorn blossoms, the buttercups, daisies, primroses, and May.pole aud May Queen belecked with wild flowers. The CanatUau expects to see the Rra«s showing a bit of green, and see the fall wheat with- out clearing snow off the ground to en. able him to do so. Tbe Markdale mercfaant long ere May comes has a Koel display of spring clothing straw hats take thi place (jf wraps, furs are newhere to beseen, e'en the old bus man discards his buffalo, and every- body creeps more or less out of tbe shell with which winter lias encasi-d them. But what a dissapiutm^nt. Tbe weather was too cold for tv» n the waimcbt politician of Markdale tj sit eu a stump aud talk p-litics. PARLIAMENTARY L.\.\GUACiE Som« of the members t.fPi.rlia.on' na using pretty stD.Mg langu^gi' Their spetc!-^ bristli- with coarse woi^ds, and the i i.ited r.-ports i«nii'll strongly ofsiilp'iur T lisc n iiaidlv be ssid to be I g.) J XH :.ol6 • t relative to the recent revival. I thought your answer to bis hr^t coni'iiunication â- â€¢vas fnffici»ntly clear and ai he is not 8ati«fiad with your answer I am led to sippose that he must belong to some Baptint denomination. I know there are some )iiMiB»cing chrisiaus wh'i Miild tbt opinion that no cunvcrsion is 'eiiuine unless followed by immersi'iii m vvator; maintaining that tli:3 is tliv •inlr truly christian mode, although â- Ley ciiunot prove solit'.ry iu-i^ance of â- iuc'i '"ip'isni from the Ni'W Testament or from History f ir the first 200 years of tbe christian. era. It occurs to me that "Constant I Re^.der" may be one of this class and would like to do a little proselyting so as to gtt others to think as he thinks, and as I bold that the sprink- ling of^ater over an infant in the name of the Father aud of the Son and of the Holy Ghost is a valid christian baptism, I have no objections to discuss the subject in a friendly way with him through the medium of you.- columns. YourB, W. the smoke iudi.-ate from afar th« place where are cuaceutrateJ the en- ergies of a Luay people. Even no V our mills are ruunin.? day aud night and making fir«t class work our loeroliants are making quick sales aud fiir profits, afid me- 1 cbauics of all kinds are working hard froaa dawn till i!ark. The Farmers put in an appearance on fair day, and return homo with their iwckets replenished with money received in return for their cattle. Pragiesn is also noticeable in the Btea ly habits of sobriety among the! people. I Business and industry laave no I time for indulgence in profitless em- ployment. All this inJicates gene- ral prosperity, morality and happi ness Are yoa a martyr to headache Sn" fer no louger. A remedy is found iu Burdock iilood Bitters. It regulales the Bowels, cleanses the system, allays nervous irritation and rebtoreg health aud vigour. Sample bottle 10 cents. Marble Works MoDiiiniits, Tombstones HARDWARE, PA;ENTS, OILS, 6c VARNISHES, give me a call. Builders sho You can save money by purchasing your Goods at the Toronto House, Markdale, WM. BBOWN. 88 86 And every description o! Cemetery executed in TTork FIRST-CLASS STYLE and at reasonable rate.' Orders le't at the shop or sent by mail will be promptly at- tended to. Satisfaction Guaranteed Shop next dnor to fterfie Hotel. W. A. JOHNSTON, Prop. Uarkdals Aog. lOtk. 1881. 4«-1t NIL DESPERA^DUM. CRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. r What is Lar line Ask any farmsr thrasher or miil man iu fact any mau who runs machinery and he will tell you that it is tlie oi.iy oil which will wear equal to Castor Oi! and won't gum or clog your Machinery tbeyoungme-jof :: o. *«sy and ,,.-4 -x.^,.-. foond i;i P..Fhia.^!.t wher ah u. liftlDent cauuo. ax. itif il d •!• t r^ V. » If. Kot oftei. .a .1 c .. ...:. i«i .:. Markdale. .V.i ..â- â€¢â-  ' e"" ' iV •Id woman ol «_, • 'J vv â-  V wroteafsv »e.».. r._. -.5 u 1 IU •tet* uf great p v. ri) LoiUdllu ..â-  U •bwlate •urvntU'iiâ€" ii-.lrtst .-^ .-•-'^l-- txj. Wer* " .- hiatotj. H«. ... ' ijik't â-  e BMda •ouif. rUble as it am berof kiuu Ui: « o •^ ' an g]«d to l»ari. » » ...oa «f tkeoldladyaio. •*â-  Om (Mtf teansn 1. OWEN SOUND. Tiie 63rd AooiveraarT of the I.O.O F, was cslebrated on by the 0. S. lodge, 180, by attendinj; divine ser- vice in [he Methodist church on Sun- day evening. Tbe service was con- ducted by the Rev. B. W. Smyth, of Port Kljriu. Tha church was filled to its utmost capacity. The Manitoulin returned to Owen Sonitd on li*r r»tun trip the Saulte on Monday. The Francis Smitli left â-  n Friday, with full load. Mr Roberts, of the firm of Kobortsou and Roberts is gone to Wiiinipig to join his partner, Mr Ma'sau is als' gone thither to rscon- uoitr*, and if suitaMs hang out hia sliin;leas barrister at-law. A great cn)wd â- tnessed the departure of this favourite stuamer. Th- Campana will take np take up rai 8 !or llie C P K. The T.G- B. have tbe contract for e'lVfriiig rails for C. P. R. at Owen S Miiid. ' A ih • Di»i-i m Court on Mcnday ..f ....r. ,.i -j i IS* â- ( Clrasor vs. tiiv â- â-  .: i -j •! â-  va h ara. Jo.m Crea • .^ w J a 'i.s f am on »irvice8 s • t ..I .io^i ..1 iiie ate iuves- ,-.: y.-. ik.n, .ii ,„ witti uoiuination â- k rs, rii., B.^Aid deny eu^aging • I 'i: -h-tt It mng a Crowu '•:,» -la .. • .1 4S tile ptip«i .-•'r VI p.-.-. .^ cia m IS f«r $100. "..'â- .ui ir»...j*m. D. C. Cre « • â-  .::f. â- â-  is. slaaa a fur tbe .1. J. IS. .-.i.,m14 i's n:^w eteam luij^a l..ii.rpriM? hiis i^rired irom S :r:i:£. I is oi tlja fiueat aud â- : .4.1.1 '..I Urn aiicaui bargee on â-  a. .• 8 i I't Druwu, Alx. Speers, and ' J ' C4.f it. uae le'utnt^ from li J ). ai. well of the t u' ai.i w4V« Uru sttikiiig aome In tbe month of April almost every one requires a good and reliable Blood Purifiar. We kuow of none so safe and effectual as Dr. Carson's Stomach and Constipation Bitters. They aet directly on all the secietiouH, their purgative action carrying off all im- puritisB from the system, thev invigo- rate the Liver and Kidneys, purify the Stomash, cisause the Bowels, and giya strength and tone to the whole system. Try a course of this yaluablo safe aud reliable vegetable prepara- tion. Dr. Carsou's Stom;h aud Con. stipation Bitters, In large bottles ai' 50 eeiita. A. Turner aud Co. Special Agi^nts. Markdale* IHK GREAT KXGUSH KEMKDY.auuurailiut cnre for Seminal Wi-akueas, Speruatonliea. Iin|)otenCT, aud all ilist;ae' that fol'ow as a sequpnce of Sei[-.\bu-«e as ?08.( of Memory, Uuiveraal Before TaUog; Las ,itude. Pain in the Back Limue:.8 of Virion, Premature old age, and many otner Diseases that lead to Inaanit.T or Cousiiiuptitn aud a Pre- mature 0rsTe. »S"Full particulars in oar I pamphlet, which we desire to send free by mail to every oue. The Specific Medicine is sold by all Druggists at f l.OO per package, or six After 'taking, packages for ».i.o( or will be b^ut free bj mail on reciipt uf the raoniv bv addressing THE fiRAY MEDICINE CO., 1"1t loioiito, out., Cauail-' Laraina inAohine oil will not gum or freeze, an.i wear.' btt«r that any other oil in the maiket. Thousands auff-r untold miseries from Nervous Wtakness, Pain iu the back, and o:her distressing symptoms arising frem disordered Kidneys. Bur. dock Blood Bitters is the sovereign remedy. Trial bottles 10 cenu. Mg uu^^a. ..^. SPECIAL NO'HCiiS. BEST ANi) COMFOET to th^SUKFi:i;ing Brown's Iloasehold P»iiacen has no eqml fir rnlifvinc puin. li.t!i inter- nal and external. It curoH pain in the .^iJe, Back or Bawels, Sore Throat, Uheumatisra. Toothache, f.umlia^^o and a:n l.irij of a Piiii or Ache. "It wi;i most Miitly quicken the Blood i.nd be«l. as its uniting power is wo" derail." " IJroaii'a Hoii^hold Pauace'a.' being acknowledged a-» the ureatPa n Hel st er. and of dniible the uirftigtU of any o:her fcliier or Linimeut in the world, should be in every f-v a;ly h.-indy for use wVen wanted " a.-i it realiy is the best remndv in th« world for i.rdTnps m t'le .Stomach, and iUin* and Ache- of al! kinds." and i.« for sale by all Druggists at 2o cents abottle. 3(i-lT Mothsr-s! Mothara!: Mothers Are you dist'iiotj at n ght aud brol.en i 1 your rest by a sick child snfleriug and crying with the cxcrusiating pain of cutting leeth! If so. gr at once and get a bottle o. MltS. WIN.'^LOW.I SOOTHINU SYKUP. It will reh'cTe the poor little sufferer immedi atelyâ€" dep. nd npon it there is no mistake about it. Tiieie is not a mother apon earth who faa-i ever used it, who will not tell you at once that it *ill reg-'^te the boweU. and give rertto the mother, aud relief ana health to the ch:ld. oiierating lise magic. It is \k.i- fectly safe to u-e in all cases. and pl^sant tr the state, an 1 m t*i^ pre^cTioWt.i of ne of ihe olde-t and Iw-it fertt^ile'phrsielans aixl Qars s in the Unit d .stutt-s. ' Suld every where .it 25 centa a bottle "0-It TO CONSUiiPTlVlS. The advertiser, banng ueen permanently cured ot that dread diiease, Consamption, by a aimple remedy, is anxious to make known to hia fellow pufferers the means of cure Tc all who desire it, he will send a copy of tbe preaeriptiou used, (free of charge,) «itb be directions for prepairing and using the aaato which they will find a scbk Citbb for Coh- smmoH. AsTRXA. BaoHCHiTia, Ae. Parties wishing; tbe Pres/tription, will plaaaaadibrass, Bev. E. A, Wii„on, 149 Pann at.. Williamsbarxb, H. T. 29.1^ A lar^e Consignment of "GlaSgOW HoUSe," DuD SBIiLING OFF. SELLING 01 Imported direct from the Manufacturers. Bargains. Bargains. Bargai Bound for the North-Wett. THE "LONDON HOUSE, DUNDALK «? ^W. S. HEWETSON. At Lindsay, Victoria, an interesting due bill CMC was fought out at the as- sizes. Thi-8 Ft^e held bill given him by Alex. McAlpine iu 1875. McAl- eine swears he paid tbe i-ill tiy cheque and F.'e. not iiaviug tli- biil with hiiu promiseil to Sind it round.' S im-; liiue alUir, lliey qiHrreil6.1, aud Fee tureitt- uued to c jl.ect tha bill. He swor" iLo uheque paid another account. Ver- dict fur McAlpiue. All three paiuful aud distrtssing di aeaxas and irr-igulsrities pe niiai to the f -male sex m;:y bb promptly cure 1 by Burdock Blood Bitters. It regu- lates ayery organ to a healthy action. Trial bottlea 10 eenta. The following is tbe common aenie treatment for a horse out of eondition (in fact all h rses require like treat- ment this time of year) a good Porg- „,-TTWl»aV-l, .â€" ., ing BaU ^J • «nr,e of ^^^^' I^b'^^^IIST^: strong utme powder. TbeM are bolh XDM DECAY, and aU the e«ee*a of rostb- to b« bad in Zock'v foiiio Cocapoand fnl iadiaerntion, will for the sake ot «t*»r iM aud Blood Mix:nre, as each paeka^e '• bmriBity. jead free to all «bo need it, the coutam. i throngMr go^ p,mii£ »«^IVff «»?""" '"»•»*« the sibmJ* ..all aid over a i of sU,£^ :;SSX1^^ ' ^^ ^:LJ!:^S Powder. Ask your dnifgist Moot U mos caa e m ey aiiaretcBg in MrfMTMK- A. Torav and Ju. hy«d*l AfMt Umn 1oaHB.oava(. I* ERRORS OF YOUTH. MAEKDALE Meat Market. A constant supply of Fresh Meats! on hand, at the Lowe t Living Prices. Orders solicited, and deliv- ered free lo all parts of the Town. Farmers having fat stock to dispose of, will please leave their addresses. â-  TERMS, STRICTLY CASH. FRED. SARJEANT. Markdale, March 33, 1882. 80 ly SALESMEN WAm To begin work at •nee on sales tot Fall ot 18«a. for the FonthiJI Nurseries. TEB «-^««E«T IIV CANADA. H«a» Ovnca- -TOBOHTO. On BaABcH Offkbs-MOKTBBAI,, P. Q.. «d ST. PAUL. Mwa. ' NURSERIES, TONTHILL, ONT. We can BtM* in aMWoa to our already lam 100 Additional Canvassers. *°* " "SLa^^-*^ ' »»• «• the HAlxli^ V «ICu5^ " 'n imnstaa OS* by th* yabUe tor oT«r twewly jmm •Bd Is the baas •var lavaatod fbr BBSTOB- I IlfO OBAT HAIB TO ITS TOVTBFin. OOUB AMD \tswm. f It â- â€¢ppUee the food aad eoler to the hair Staada wlthoM -*â€" iiil«t tha sklB. It wffl â- -nisaa â- â- Â« thlekaB the SMwth aT the katr. preraat Its Ihe undersigned haring deUrmined to remove to Uamtobt att de| wfaoio of hu large and well assorted stock, coniitting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Sho Beady-Made Clothing, Millinery, ic, AT A GREAT SACRIFICE. T\ IS is the only genuine bona-fide sale ever the public. The whole stock of goods must be«i(l| Terms Oa^h »i« Kai-m Produce. Wm. NELSON, Propriet Dnndalk, February 28th, 1882. 1 ' MAEK DAL^ Sash and Door Factoi SASH, DCORS, aU BLINDS MOULDINGS, HOLLOW BATTONS, FRA«I Lumber, Lath and Shia^' Always on Hand. Orders Promptly Ti^ wtA yifli^^' The Snbeeriber wishaa teratwn thankk to the poople ol MtrkiJ* ^^ ^^^ â-¼stjUbeialpatoeaaaelkey kara giren hun in the past, ana bupM 17 b wsia aw to mmVt a ew i tina aBes vl the same. fiflSMk*' â- y hnrintsi.anil will in future kssp » " I have now It ieMi|ia iou baa been. â- qp^asstaia. â€" • ' If Aipiyto Tha beat i wfirsuu a s wq ain a. STOMEAWKLLmoTON, â- nsaijMM, ToMato.Oat. W-IM ^WHlSKERSj^ Lf.MLLfil,. loaiLti PIliE lumbe Dirsot from the North SWif- ""iSl, SIZES, DBBSSED AND UNT AXL Kind* or Plain ancl Fancy iaa|»t.elass ic»i»«- IteUtWMftyS^tMtl. :ii. THOS. •re I fMl by Veunur was found yiad Tueedajr Bali LiDW for Tnvi ^i5IUy»oide*nd Mr. J«»^ijrodie lielntyre left Mari WJanilPH. »»• "^* "" fl|a oar printa at 6 Jji» far f 1. »t Rejnol II,. ^arrey Hall, eofi J 0. B. kM taken u It task two to eatoh a oae to book it oa anj It off. Tbve. Bproule, Rere j,u b«a Itie laosi ei^ f^iu Orej lir 1)*11 ^** *°^* "" ^ataheefroffi %10 to Wanted to purchase a fc,«d oookiog itove. A glaly, Mr. Henry. S^*" May day eaUbrated g^B at Markdale, and down to aero beM. VaoBor ia mixing up s^ •Btxed' weather for the 2 Wat. Douglas » build fto«e in fro°' •• '« **'â-  tberiliag*. 5oarIet fever is ver; pi Owen Soaad several d| oeearxed. fareka I about all mau Baahinists and mill aeu irat try Lardine. Bey no) J s Teas ara the tbair 60 cent Tea. Mr. B. Wright's of iaereaaed bj 19 lambs du day a this week. One dollar is 8tip]Kje.l t goods at Ciieap^iiie ilisu u gtora in Markdale. Beautiful faces are thoac- It mattera n'lt little if .\. McFsi lands There are no less than videvs in Markdale, six of «| baada are in Manitoba. Wilmot Pickle retorned North West last tiaturJav. moM cf Ontario than evei. The Markdale stores clus B. sharp during the buiniuf-i hafing commenced 1 si May. Beautifnl feet arc t)'te On kindlj ministry t" Wearing Mct'arland s ^ll "The resBOB I jot luv \\| MeEenna, Mason s bvcauve tbe beat waggon for tiie i ir«i McCoU Bros, k Co., t'onj eele manufacturaiN of^ beet lubricator kuowu. Tit The epel! of eJd mc.r.h*-' H ted a demand for wond, on eompietelj disappeared. Nuit Large quairtiti«-s of tif » akipped from the T. (i .11! tbe G. T B. and oiii. r tai.wa) Alex Meoaie co litnuicrd t-| •t Ardlej's hotel. Cantieli. Hnl be eould leave the Ubh- he w/ Josh Billings says tuu' a •an fi«h without talliiif; nci. .t fMU ae any man gets to b« vodd. Beautifnl shouldeis tlos it Caahmeraand silks se1»cied By Mctar| Oladatone has not redusfu •oiae tax aa was expected P«t a tax on wheels, liis ikinri a surplus. Mr. Joaeph Lamb blarksid P'^P^nag to erect a uew blac abop by the aide uT thi old oiei k« will demolieh. llr J. Ford of "Mount \U,yJ '^^•â- â€¢foxen on Tbursdiil •* fl68. It jQ ^^-^ ^,^, *•. aod alao to icm wtii. Tb«T. G. k B. wiU lu futui •Hlkad dehver in Toiout y\ charge mercbandi.? urx^nj • naually perloimed. It »• better to buy fish at •T^'athat aomeons elht- has *•• to hare to be fisbeU up ^^t»«n afuv Blippiugoffi "••w • a dispute in tlie CouJ «Ta •*»»P •• to the can didate jMdhouae. We thought tnib â- â€¢â€¢ '•ttUd at the convention at A idl attendance of thoee intel â-  *fc« eal^ratioB «f the "y • 'â- â€¢quested at the r** on Friday evening 8 o' ••«»tr,8acy. I Bmiih. barber, will on next Monday, fair ds ***â- â- â€¢. •having, ahampoJ ' ••• Shop aext door to t leJ Kik ••• â- â€¢"Mwhat plentiful oq ^«k« if tbe old sayini â-  of a fishing rcl a^Vom at one end and a] C ^^*^«y« crank wrote] 7^ ••cretary that ur .•J* »o«ey he would si •tid Prince Lei «i»atad. j-*» riiooU read mi *?y^ dige«t the Mi 'â- â- â€¢^ la another ool •w

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