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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 28 Apr 1882, p. 4

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 ftTi**" '""'"'â-  I •!» r â- lock of "•♦•fcr^ N ""^ lI.VfcBTISINO: Ti??- " ....»50 50 Mpe'-^"" "â- â-  .. 47 no "• 16 (Vj 8 (Ml 4 no yor,. a .-No. 84. ,1.. [SING M^ Millet^ Carrot, Manuel Corn, c, 'WF.Il BEED8. ' **•«* I |l^' Soaps. Fancy g::'^^] Chemicals. Ld Tobacco. ii»^ '„,,«„• nation.. »5 f,r-t ii,^.-rt:.ii l»r liu« t.iW'K'J,"'.,: iM-"Ttif.n 3 rEK»"' -•..,. to l..;r«.-koM.-.n.T the ,1.-. â- !;•'"â-  l\ v«*^' \^^ „! -* Z .j\..^iv MARKDALK, OSIT., MAY 4, 1882. *« siwsSr lint t VI0LI.V8. ITAlU* BtltfNOS. hm. •*'r."',i.!i-v^ tiiiforbi.1 .Md «â-  " ' â-  " ,..r," 'f I'ul.lirHtion "nv ,««'" ,.,-'.;iivmoni!t!?prHceeia kiKf' '.,; ^iT ;::..;k l'r..!.i.-t..r. c • • ;7^I]^U BUSINESS pr«- .A'^coucbeur }: .. H r«.i""tir« «t 1-T Medical Hall. [.ted Oil Cake just receinf; Iale: SHOE -I IMtroua;;, I Leg to tBM„,„ iciedsloc pVING OAIL i|' B H.:s. call and g*t tktm. ' •. •'..-. â- â€¢UITOIt. IS NOW 'â- â- '"â- ' ' • .» sU kin's of law ;., K -v iiot.'i. •-i\. 64. (Hi ri'»»' y-M \^•|•^l!N'^TS-^T ., I 1 M 1 ••rv. C'lii •â- Â» I â-  1 ri i^'p rp-i"npl nt .. ,, V -V Tlvir; 'tt. r« ' \\ 'n -iT T T, K • â-  ,, • -VT ,, V .! I-'""' .. •â- .:... .â- â-  • '..F" I .,„ ' Si ui U.v ever;, 57.1) .â- ,.oi- ?. 'l'»rri*OIl, ' • 1 iroiJS.r-ONVKY. ,, ' •â- â-  1 ri'ifP-riri lil.ick. .â-  11 â-  " ., T II « •• â-  ., â-  1 â-  â- â- li- I, ll \N Ml)'" •'â- "• Wm. Lacas Co., BA NKE RS. Money I^oa.ii«»«l IN large or small amounts, at M tioiaa, n good eiilora«d notas, or on coU«(«ral H!nruy. INTEREST AT 6 PER CENT. Allowed on Saringa Dcpoaita. e^ Drafts isaued and Collactiona mad* an all I'oints. at lowem rates. Wm LUCAS. Mabagar. Spleember 23. 1880. 2 ly F. F. TEEPLE'8 CARRIAGE WORKS, DVNDALK, 0.T. WAGGONS, Th« oub3ci;Ur .» pripn-.a to rapyly !»»• (â- ubl.C '.v 1 jliccclU'.K^on^. All Custom WorJ i. |3i' Sowing MacliiiHS «i' r 1 »«h Al»o tha 'i» iin'I (iiw»r. â- 'â- * It t'OpU'i IhIIc Brrt sb4 tkm HOS. HANBURT. 1 ATIOH tcls d Pricoi. i)i» •.».«». â-  • ;,i. KS- ., c, '.-. 1 ;.,,,,,â- '.,.. iiroin;it' •• ' 1.. inl â- '!. l; •' H.-^tiii-" se- .- ,• ,T,,-.. J- •.li\:«;iliT Slrown. ,.; • M â-  i-'-, l'"ir" and. â- , ll ..iiiinissiiMiPi • ,.. .1 mill I.iri'ii-icid 1 1 iv.-v l-'iirmiTs, j^,',, 1 1. 1 1" ini-tiviUv at- U. il.«alr:iit!i ^lâ-  ,v 1 ^K i.i N:.r.AL i,\XD 4. • U ' :. -ill. I -iMti.iii. Auction 1 I'f tlif oiiiity. ,,„. l;.-.-*iii."!.Ta!«- ^I.i'liiiits also .(, 1 V.iK"^. .^irricii!- ^,, ... '1: â-  i.iiorv if all kituU at,' ,: .\m 'T 1*-*\. .1. ... H;M«, â- â- ,[..â- . â-  .â- â-  !â-  i\ INlI.vr. T.ANl) ' ,, :• ll' mill ii:i I 'iilintir. â- ,' \i,, '.,'â- â- . II 'â- â- ill-' |iiiri:liii-i-d f ,1 L ii-l -Siirvi ..-. riii'ilc-- Uankio'p f..-,..l..' •â- â€¢ ' iiii 1" •'•' '"l' I'laiis, It, III ri'"ii^ ,»â- â€¢.. !•' pit ;ii-. Sill vi-ys â-  i.f ;i~i lifiv ii\r y^Ts. I am •.. •.: ' V ' ' MA 111 -• â-  I'f acroril- vj â-  i ,.i" iMi'l r'.-tiiii-it)?-' H-. ;rj H- Ill-" 1ti 1 "N.x.firic.r.ioii- h.l;.ii 1. tiin.islir.l oil iiiii.lica- i 5j.„.-. 1' s iM â-  â- .-â- â- It iiili-n-t. ,.... â- â-  .,ii li. .1. lu.vni, ii: » :. 11/ iv ii'.ii iiJi-'lto ^â- "â- â- , l-T t 1. MVIS, • M :. A â-  -1 i'M;. Sfi.iie in-I â- ' • i.t l.ulMiMtrx ^^ •'..' ,, ' 1 Ilk iiml i* still ^B..T-i-.. .li Kill- 1111 I I'riok • «â-  m- • â-  i.i.'t;lin;,' TliKse Bl ';â- â- â- : â-  11 â-  A 1,1 tiiil ll It llieir 1 l-i* .: I....A11 iiii.l S, roale DKMOCRATb, liUGGIES. nl' SLFJGHx, p. :, '.: !,i;i I-. f i.jiliiis iu wood ,. ,,,. ;i r-, ll- I ..iinlile rates. r. F. teeplp:. llll,.;,ili...--l't. -J.:.. 1 '1- 1 iv RafflOYED, REMOVED. â- ^*' J C. ATKINSON, TAILOR, HaviiiK rciiiov.'l to A.'ain Stroct, is now pre- pared to KU all ovdo: s o.i the shortest pcssible LATESTâ€" Fashion Plates llECKIVEt) '.IKiiUL-VULT. CII.\RGES MODliKArE. Satisfaction Gnaranteed Itemembei- tl»e riace NEXTDOOB TO NHLSON'S STORE, MAIN" sTUF,;:r. Dundalk. Nov., 1881. 13-6m. 1)1 ?slxVV,l*. Meat Market: :i::.!:;i"^t:;; Meat supplied whcle^ale and letuil Irrv liil«. a;i GlasiJre; VE MONEY I i-i- o l'oa*e." m BROWH 1) l.l«i. pZnZ HOTEL, 3?r.0U â-  :. Vi y^vieiOT. I :^.i I :l 1 iri;' lil- • i^iilv r tUlfil. ,1 I.' â- â- â€¢ .ii-itv .. -l-. .it- â- 1 I-. i; 1 ivi'i â- "" i.;; •!•!• '.\ IV. 'T-ly i'n(»li' lto_iiin-i I tiir itii I bir I 'll Ml 1 kv\. at M tl I's N I'r â- '.. Or.lers i-allpd for moHt deliver- pil to ;iny part of the lown. ^ll p oil Mniii Street. P. S. â€" Fiiiiu 18 luiviiii; ii" cattle oi -lii-'p to ilisiiiis.' -ll \\.i;i!.l .1(1 well t.i let me k» 'W. iis I will piy »-isli for sllcil. \V. T. BUNDLE, Pmilalk, !aii lS.S-2. T .\ K i: ^^â-  -^ R n i n g. J, N TO I. AKN 'lti\,;(l ITING. I..1 11 ni'i' work im- ET. 4Ma. HOUSE '•'•""' :•.: M ikiai... Oit 1,000,000 gs Wanted! Itt!„';i^"' " Ai.r i'i;i;i'.,i.i:ii ^6st Price In Cash "I. â- -•o,.J Son nit Saw Lol's â€" "" ail .- invood. •SiXDs OK I.FMBER KEPT O.N H.VNU. "'â- "frf on Short Notice. â- 'ilanM T^Cil »"«-.'Cn iiai I ;,, custom sawing. M, " •« G0O.1 limber wanted. f' S. EROWN SON. •111. l.-.-o 70-tf. 1 ittad ' eouoo r .j_^ .^iOBp£Dj^^,jQ .\1 ptr^'Di! ill e t.e.1 to tlxuiider- sii,' t"l â-  itlur I'.V note â- " b "'k nccount Bi" •i-e'juete.l "to (wy ;i"i -^'ue, on or bei..„ ,1j,. 1st, ,i,y if Mny. cUierwixe til' sum. ..vill l( â-  |,l:ucl in suir lor c 1- leetion. W^r. NELSON Gla ;,' w I)iii. Ik, Apiil IStli. 1B8-2. One if are, 5 years old. One Mare 4 venrs old. One Horse. 4 vear-* old. One )li. Sv' ar-" old. .\ls(i a qnaitity "ISeel Peas, flail turfshed. • WM. BROWN. Mnrkdal.r April 19, 82. 84-6 HAIR nuTTr;6 and shaving OS Every "Worlci'g Day, '*.v T'liomfi!*! ^^mith. i^ Orde» for Tomb Stonsi. Varkdaie. JnW 31. 1^1. 46-«m. $66; • 'week is yoar wwn towjj 95 outfit fiee. ' 'No rif Everytiiinp new. CapiMU no^ required. W'e w41 famish yon erery thin^. lla-7-4i« maUoK fnrtanes. Ladies make as innch as men, and bovs and (rid* make great p»j. Beader, if yon want a bnm- ness at whiuh yoa can make Kreat pay all t^e time yoa work, write toi y^riienkars t-i B. Halutt a Ca Portbd. Main*. THE NEW JIRTiST Cordially invKet all thoga who ara lorara of GOOD PHOTOS To eomd AT ONCE: and ^re bint a tnal, for to do so is to b-; Snitsd *3 theynevsr were Before 1^.411 J oor Pud cbo'ip worV despised by him. AND â€" MODERATE PRICES. Is I :ir motto. All the ropalar Styles made by J. L. BP.OWNE, Orer tb* Standard OflSee, Markdala. ill. rpHE snbBcriber having rented th* brick "«*udT'P""" """ted with ., "141,. '.*"iatcb Ht the Offioa of 'â- Â«*"*e°ce is prenared tc take 'ereral ""*- I aUa rataa. 3. W. ISAVSN ^â- arkdal*. llaiA Oik. building oppobite Doctor 8)ronl(;'i nrw residence is prepared tc take 'ereral board reaaon ROBT. ASKIIS, ^! -r Iv5.\.I -K. Uii.. .-ii.".!' .! ' 1' i. "ii.-t-riH.»s Furniture 7 UHGERTKKIG ESBBLISHMENT, Ani' '.hi rei..rp ha inip!i"'l a waut lon;^ felt, especiuUv in t!ie CmkrtaUiiig Line. COFllNS, C-ISKETS, SHKOUDS, and all FUNERAL FURNISHINGS, sui'ilii d on tho t-hortes notice. lor hire at mo u'latr r.ites. FURNITUKE i-'rom the Coiumon to the Best and Latest Styles, in ererythiiig in the line. CV.l a 1 1 4 1 f I- .- i- )N- !i. ROBT. ASK IN. ^^'lirr^A^A Union rrrrippr Wrrks Union Carriage Works. A 1 W I li lIlMlliifileturPil from First Class Material Iu tlie Liiteatai d B'si Improved St.we. iiiid fii i^]le.l with l'2ii4lir-ili A'iti'iiissli. Painting Trimming Rigs will ifeceive luiiinpt atteutiou. All Bepair.s executed in the sb'rtest possible tiiiie consistent with good wtrkmanship. Good Work a Speiiality. Bemember the Shup, opposite the Cheapaide D. J. SflANAHAN, Ma.vaale. Dec. 2nd, 1881. Proprietor. 64. TO FARXIERs BREEDERS. Having, purchased the Short Horn Y.arling Bull, PRINCE ROYAL, No. 225. Vol. 7. Canada Short Horn Stock l!e;,ns'ei, qot Dv KELSO, ^664, Vol 6) D-.II1 EYELA by hRlTIoll PRINCE (2799) grauaum LADY CHAR- LOTTE, by GliADBTONE (1481) gr. p. di.m Mar a br Duk« of Arkell 11238). A iimi ed ^umbgr of Cows irill be iakeu at $4 60 ench for aeaMm at his atsbW -IJoit-lia, nurtix fiOot Torouto Road, Artemesia. M. D. IRWIN. Owner. N.B. â€"All MumaU clutrre(i for and no ItisntaDce gnaranti*ed. i^ooeM.^ wmof^K bark. IE â- UntfcrBi|fne*-wai paV Iwr lift each Bark. daliTered and p6ei m litM ctf T.. CERIUliliEIY. RHEUMATISM, Kmralgia, Sekxiiea, tumbtgo, Bmtkatk; Stfntt of tfA* C/i«/, 6cui, Quinay, Sore Throat, Sm»/U ingt and Sprains, Bunt aa4 SeaJdt, General Bodily Paint, Tooth, Eaf and Headaoho, Frcotod Foot and Ears, and all otbof Pains and Aches. Da FrasmtloQ oa aarth aquali $r. Jkmm Om m a aoA* t'rr^ tint pit and rhtap fcunal BuiMlr A trial aniaila but Ih* aoapaiaMTaly lrUlln( aotlar of i« Caats, and aTtrj caa aafMaa w1* paia can hara akaap aal paitUT* gnaf af Mk Dlraetloaa In Kirao laagnafaa. •OLD BY ALL DBTTS0IBT8 AID OEALIII ,. H HEDIOIIB. â-²nrOGIXER Be CO.. BatHm4r*.Ma..V.a.M W. BENSON .jas ou Laud and for «nlp a first-claat arti- rl« of GERIES The Poefd Corftsr ^«TnTTi;i» ON-T^fE-OCOJOBOS ori-u^ ;iH ri! cr Lrz*i£ A^wttfa. • W^not p^iynU, ttiOTuHj-oar traMiUM, fiM|»b^acftBMfroB i.rtha«ay; Tbongh when lifes b 'ust wasopeniaf, Bnnti' forth Hke baaationa inff Tone' ai br djd'iAltaigbty fl'6ra, mtlWod by thi» )4aiit nf tine, -â-  ,, „ Kvw asi 1 angel faaada trancplantolL • Bluoanin^i iu a Heavealy clime. ' â- -• Ct« !. 4r ^moi'â€"no St i2iii •: ll 'iii' I bM h '.,o !• 'I »•«â-  • Irf «rhiitt'»*y !a.».-9hiiiito ti'dti A le«u liiiil oinfertNl ladt yo'r, aud of h ' ttacTowly liife 1if«9 imU bo«ti ~s*vi'd Lwt ott:i^« iteac. Um HH-k wf-wiUl Bci- li]tlor. i^A *V»lit dulRii niKu hi^ with xlir 11 CTioa. Ho fo9tht •;^aiti't "44ir?i)l* OtMn M»NHt^'ai h»«ould, th^n," joat as a lance hofld had pMroed biia,- a boracinau iia«) riiiJ«H: liouru Itl(« rha wind, aud with a riugittg Eagliib i««n raacb it iu grtt ^t^^^ta, a w mka. tON.lI.S Ti.MG OF Teas Coffees, Sugars, Raisins, Currants, c.. Anil every otJ. or nitii' in tlie pvoopry line kejit c^u-ianth lu hai d. and »f ihs freshest variety ami ii'«t brands. IN LIQUORS! I can supply a quality that will defy omp«- tiliDU iu Matkdt.le. IN PRICES I can com] ete ^riih the best bouses in Uark- da e. jJive me n. Call. WILSON BENSON. Maikdale. Iu U' "81. S McKENNA MASON CARRIAGE WORKS MARKDALE. As the spason of the year is approaching that Slf.i.'hsiiud Cnttfis aie wauteil. we wiafa to intiniiite to tin- firm -rs and public in general that we can sipply them with any tiling tli'3' waiit in ilia: line. uch as l_ong Sleighs. Knee-Bobs, Blccli Bobs, Deinocrao.«?, Square Box, Portland, Swell Body, aud Double-seated Cutter OF ALL KIiDS AND STYLES. As wa nse aothiug but firit'class matarial we can GUARANTEE SATISFACTION Call and Inspect Tour Work I on hand before purchasing clacwnara. CAPEFUL ATTENTION GIVEN TO HORSESHOEING and General Jobbing in every lin*. bHOP â€" On M'll Street opposite ta Sprottle's Iiotel. id paid (of at nowt of 4«bv»ry. For par. "" â-  enntnwta, apm «, D. L Tan viiOCK. p. O. Addreaa, 3i^ Urn» TtKV^ IbMliM.lMt.' •»â- Â»Â« S2 ««1.M. WMMl •«. ImlulioaitoMW. S^IMnMfU. OiM HH a O Mt tM T««'«w«M«arii n li H »«p«r««a»a. lar1te WARNING There ia greftt dan^ar ol talt- ini; outd from wet teet. If yoa «aat ta Guard Against Sickness I Seep yoor feet dry and by' frpooiriBg jOTtf rBQOTS I â€" ttLtm â€" KAY THOMAS. Though yoor tender hopas are 1tli;;btad Tboajb-ytm'v* feUxfikskion'a^rol 'Waap. oh, iNiap tjM hopajosa -^ %ui yoM- ifear dlKs ar« wiOt dod.; He who 'vnfftfrod little children" ' Preaaed them kindly' to his breaat flmilaa apon yoar little ahildraa, Ktiia-ad into heavenly reat. Little Li£zie*a lift yoar boaoms, Flad a mother's fonde.nbraca Safe wittiia the arms of Jeiaa, Liapti« God's radeaming grace, Ifom, and draary night and noonday ftriaf and loneliness oppress, Yoor fond cir^ has been brohaa M^ught on earth eau a'er redress. ETery boar is qnicUy morning. Sands of time wil aooa ba mn. Grant that yauiuHebvcu may mee: them, When yonr earthly race ia rnn. Gently flow's lifea raffled river tll towards the sea Sometimes bods are nipped in openieg Others may maturer be. Did you pray the Heavenly ather Viewing oft hor slumbering lie I"or a choice, and heavenly blessings? God has hearicened to your cry. Ia nrt this a ]glofiou answer Bkssed answer to your thouisht.*- Freed from aU onr earthly sorrows ' Happy, happy is iier lot. You in lore, no doubt, were wishing, She woald grow to life sublime Pictured out a nappy future. Hoped that fortune's snn would shine. Far too pure, aud mnch too prvcioup Ood had thought her. e'er he called. To endare the earthly harJtihip, Of a coU ungunial world. Kow your anxious thonghta will enter, Not on worldly fleeting things. God has dravm yonr hearts to Heaven, Where the clad hosannah ring*, Ood by this severe bereavement, Testiaes his gracious love, fiinds youraearts more closely to him, Fit.s your ku1s for heaven above. Through the furnace of sffliction, God h'*B called on you to go. "Whom he loveth," "He afflicteth," la this bJlowy world below God «an pour ti* oil of comfort Ok the ^piri; wounded sore God can seoibe the wcruy mor.rner Look ou kim for ever.uiore. Artemcsia. i L SatiafartiaD Gnaraoteed. Mad- ioatod Cork SoIm. all sis«e. kaft f?a hand. Bemaashrr the piaae apsoaite the new Scara 0«oe, pakt il Chapt^b VI. Covdnutd. SOMETHIMO TKBY â- TBaMGK. And your pic-nic is inevitable, I snppopa, Ladj Daugarfield; aud one mutt go aud grill alive, and yawn all daj, and get one's complexion destioy. ed witli the boiling seaside tun, aud call [leasure. You mean well Gine- Tra, but your ceaseless pleasure ex- cursions grow to be ceaseless bores. Lady Cecil said all this in the slow- est, softest,, tone of voice. She was lying ou a sofa, iu a loose, white morning robe, her bionse hair, loose and out of curl. Yon laziest, you most indolent of mortals get up instantly and be off and dress. The carriages will be here in half an hour. The picnic is inevit- able, and you were one of the firs^ to organize it. Well, if I must, I must, I suppose. It is to fine this morning, that 1 am certain we will have a storm before night, and come nome drenched. Half an hour did yon say, Giuerva â€" I shall be ready. A week had passed since the after- noon of Sir Arthur's a£.d Major Frankland's arrival, aud a rery ani- mated week it had been. Lady Daii- gerfield never grew weary in well-doing Thrre had been long excu-8ioua to roias, Tisits to gipsy eneaapment, awn billiards, boating parties, croquet and drives aud gallops to every inter- esting spot for miles around. What did Sir Arthur think of Lady Cecil, the greatest flirt of tho seafoo. No one could have told; not the yonng lady, certainly, his manner was calm, friendly, and genial, but far removed from her experience of bve-making. Not her father, watch- ing him, turtively, impatiently be bore himself towaicJs her wiih the dia lent eoartaay. Would he propose, or woald he, after another week or so, say, 'Good- bye, Lady Cecil,' in the same cool. graTt, antmilinx way in wbieh he DOW laid good taorniuf and good night 7 Cecil liked it. and Uked hkm all ttae bettat for letting her so tnaqniliT alone. She was pretty, and freah and bright, and knew it frae from yoxuty aha waa ecHiaions of bar own great baaoKT* *o •!• waa proud of her old kame, bat parMoal eoncdt the felt not Bieatsured by Sir Arthur's man- ner, aba let bpraelf grow friendly, and pl«aasnt, and familiar, aa it waa in bar genial natara to be. She got Aw wu tdf Imt alilta, walked and talked witi) bim, and found, he eoold talk wall. Baeoald tall bar, of fair, fore- ign landa,or Aaatralia and its wonder* tel hiddac vaallbâ€" (rf bright, bd«f, ^rawAtlMitio eitieaâ€" of Caiifrmiiij whara be had lirod amoag oaoapa aad miuaa. and recklaaa mea, tb* twati^ hitfa-^yto world, who if Omm ktt okto»j ar for fold. B« toldkar oC41fMn. Winn ho I Tirii vug^'an thiir. I cau'i li wlauce., V • I. I lesari;' at W|Wi iad wi^.'e'u«.-« Boak^ kliaitef. 'v te/*"1'^* Ori^aefw jiaJiefcaap at W. a spMiai^, oa"e ' "'• F. IM"a â-  aou liep^'riug'a spMiai^, all r-nvaatMAat tV.jr. laaa Feb.Si*. DOUk dnd L t oa ntiki f It. Ladf-CeciMâ€" ♦)» chner had laid about Iiini, ilKht aud left, like' a liin. Whftra-ever that flashing blade isH, an Arab bit (he diisy Then.faint aud-aidi trauBiloae (^fefood. he reelMl from the aa^ldle. 1 and Opened bis ayes in his own quar- ters- iaAlgien. 'And the gallant En^liahrosn wlio jav^ yoa 7' Lady CecJ breatlilessly .staked. ....- Sir Artbar twileil. • -^ t* 5 The gallant Knf^lislitnan waa an Inahman. A very tiger to fight. His name was O'Donuell. Aa he pronounced tho name he looked at her bat she was gazing at the summer sky. 'And he knew yoa,' he said. 'Yes,' I'jady Cfeeil's tones had ofaaugcd a little but she turned now, aud the brown eyes met the gray ones quite calmly. 'Yes, I did once know a Redmoud O'Donnell â€" six years ago, I think â€" in Iif land. Hs mon- tioued knowing me, did be 7' 'By the merest cLaucc. in one dny I eaiue across very hauJsoiau copy of "Miirmion," with your name on the fly-leif. You Lad lent it to him it appeared and it never had bteii re- turned.' 'Captain O'Donuell seeais fated to save psoplo's hves,' said Cecil, laui^ii- ibg 'lie saved mine from drowning. Did he tell you No That is like Ilia reticouco. Are you awaie he is iu England ' 'Np I a^ not uri)riseJ though A fine fellow â€" a wrtliy descendaut of his once princely huus*.' Laiiy Cecil said nothing, but that night at partiug she gave Sit- Arthur iier hand with a kindly cordiality nhe had neyer showu before 'He grows en one,' sh" said, to her cousin. 'I begin to line Litu.' Ginevra shrugged her shoulder. 'So much the better, dear, fur all cencerued. Thirty thousand a year is a powerful inducement, I must confess though ho dosun't grow oa me. He's a prig â€" who glowers one eat of ouuteuance with his great eyes, aud who can neither dance nor play croquet. I bate clumsy men. The sole mn, owl eyes Lady Daugerfield spoke of irritated her bey- ond measure by tho way in which they watched her animated ilii talion with Major Frank. aud. A flitting mariied woman was an anomaly he could in uo wise nuder.'itaud. He and Lady Cecil had erowa friends. They ivere a great deal to- gether, aud the noble brow of my Earl of Ruysland Iftgan to clear. Cecil knew what she was about, of course she wasn't (;3ing to fall at hit feet the instant he arrived if he wore a true knight he would be wlliug to woo aud win so fair a lady. With her cha:iuing face to plead his cause, his charming fortune to plead his. there could be no doubt as to tho is- sue. Sir Arthur. Lady Cecil, tho earl, aud a young lady lu apple-green mus lin went together iu the barcuehe. Lady Dangerfield drove Major Frank- land iu Iter pony pbsetou. The rest of the young ladies followed in a bar- ouuche, nith t iro cavaliers on horse- back the only married lady of the party being the baronets wite, who played cicerone Sir Peter did not go. It was an iuieusely hot day. Not a breath of air stiired. 'I knew we would grill to death â€" Lady Cecil remarked 'but where is the use of warning Ginevra when she IS bent upon anything The three children survived tho Fiery Fm-oace, and we may survive this, but I doubt it.' 'Don't be so plaintive, Qneenie,' her father interposed 'you'll sarvive? It's warm,* Sir Arthur remarked, looking at the fair lily face beside him; and there's not a tree, not a shrub oven, to ward it off. Suppose wo go in search of verdure shade- 'Yes go by all moan Queenie,' mnrmun^d the carl and wheii vou have found that oasis send rae back word, and I'll join you. Sir Arthur proffered his arm â€" Lady Cecil took it. Giuevra and the major with the rectoi's daughter had pui off to sea 111 a little boat Squire Tal hot was making himself agreeable to the young lady in apple green muBlin; the rest had paired off. It was not unpleasant being alone with Sir Arthur. In company, as a rale he had nothing whatever to say But alone with an apprecia- tive listener, lie could talk well-^on all oubjects. Ho spoke oi things high above the reach of moet of men she bad met,and Lady Cecil beiLC a young lady of very fair intelleet, appreciated him. Tfaoy liad gono on now for nearly a mile. He waa telling her of a fright- ful gonlla hunt he had- once had in Afriea, and jnst at the moment when the climax waa reaehed, whan the gorilla came in sight, and Lady Ce- eil'a eyea and lips were apart, aod braathloea, ha atvpped as if he had been ahot. ' Lady Oeeel,' he eried,' it's gmng to rata.' Patter! one gre«t drop, tfae size of a pea, ft»ll splash on Lady Ce- oil's startled nptumed face. Plomp came another great drop on Lady Cecil's pink parasol. Oh, Mdi a flimsT shield from a rain-storm, aad Lady Cecil's Paris ha«; had coct $iSP only the week b«fare, and Lady Ce- ' irs.soiUMer dreu was of Bwiaa moa- 1 la aJid laee, and her brotua aEppars ^rrt6 (heir g^ rooattM, deKgfatfal fcr df^ aand and sunsbina, bot npt to b« tllMgbtoiin eonneetion irith aam- ' What ahaH wa do f sha «uUa- ed. I don't mind gattii^ my death of aold in a draaehing, bnt to go back •ad Ima tb« raq 9lMltar«d, bo te^H r»u you iiiij?' •Carta iuhr I cae run," atiBWercd L* fteine BLuinke. lii. dear how fast the dr ps ura coraiag. Naw. theu.Stf ArUinr â€" a fair a4 %tid no iav«ir ' And then, loith a^^, merry lauxh tbe hanghly, hanOaome UUa' of the asfteoii gathered ap hnr'fl iwinjf. llitaky akiria, bawiag lier brivfbt head, sped away lilu a dier before the alarm. Sir Artliur ran, too; oue may be ever to di;^'n:ed. and yat scamper for their livJs bjfore, a thtindcl: storm. And Lady Cecil laughed, aud Sir Artbor laughed' and f^stc' faster, faster fell the drape' and iM) years if ordinary ecquaiutanee culd not lave brou^lu them OM near tog.ther as at ,lhat hour. Oa and ou' fastar and yot faster, the raiu pursuing th^m like un avaugiug fnry, a great p'ul of thuuder, booiniag above their heads. Dlnckor and big- ger that great cloud growb; patter, paitt-r, falls the raiu; it will be dovni ill torrents directly. The tall chim- ney is reached, trnd it pr-jvee to be a house! Sir Arthur fliu^s wide the gate, and they sktirry into tho gar- tlen, thickly shBlt#i-«d by fi-i-tvees, an.l panse at last, wot, pautiug bidatliless ly. laughiujr, and louking iuto Cich other's flashed faces. •'1 knew I could beat you. Sir Arthur is tlie fii st thiug Lady Cecil says, as well as she can for her throb biug heart beats. 'Ob, what a race Aud my poor p.irasol, aud my lovely hat â€" spoiled! 1 can't see anything to lau^h at, Sir .^rlhur â€" it vai ,a beauty thoo'^h you lauyu't.lmve hail soul enough to appreciate it. And iry slipjiers â€" see ' It was a most dismal aud' greusnuL place, ' Goodgt'ucious I saul L idv Cec- il what a flash andâ€" ^oh â€" Hvaveus Sir Artliur. did you ee tha: ' He followed her eye â€" to the freut wiudoive of the hou»c â€" -just n.!iLU«i to catch a glimpse ef a w.^man's face at^ she pulled some one hasiilyaway from the panes. 'That woman do you kuow her ' he a«ktid. But Lady Cecil stood like one s'j-acU dumb. 'Do you kuow her?' he repeatod- 'It â€" it is â€" it iti â€" .Miss Htrucastie? 'It is Ginevra's governess. An' that other taee â€" that awful, gibburiug moutiiiugface she drew away. Ugn! she shuddered aud drew' closer to him. -â- ' GTo up to the h.i'tise oz..«Jt Portagflr ,... H*Jl«l '•^* li lUwPto 6a • 'Suppose 'WO audiuTiisti^ate. Tiiey fled through tlw rain to the houee. Crash weut Sir Artnur's thmi- der ou the pauvls. The doir yi.lae.l to that tremendous knock aud df open, an^ tuey btoo4 fttcatface with a lall, gaunt, grim old woman. 'I beg your |)ardn, ma'am,' the baronet baid; I iiidn' tuean to force an entrance iu tins -May. Will you pu-mii t.iis lady to eutei?' 'As you've I'Unt the door open al- reauy,! kuppose you tuay,' retoi ted the old woman. She pointed to a couple of wooden cah rs, then went oat of the rjo[a,and upa'i,aii's. ' And then thre came from dowu those taii-« a long, low, wailing cry, so wild, so uiieartl.iy, that La'Jy Ct-Cil, caught hold of the baronet's arm aud locked at him with tenified •yes. 'Did you hoar that!' she gasped. Yei, Sir Arthur had heard it. He held lier uaud aud likteucd a h^avy doi r slammed above, then perf.ct sileueo fell. -Let ue leave this horrid h /Use and aud that harsh lookiug old woman, exclaimed Lady Cecil. 'I believe the place is ULcanny. I piefe: the rain.' ' I must iii8i"t upon your remHiuiMt; 10 minutes 1 /Uger, when the storm will have ceased. That was a strung^' cry- â€" like someone in ureat pain.' The old woman re entering, sai 1, '1 hope my raven didn't frighten the la- dy, he do scream uueannly. That was him.' She glanced at them to see if this was too much for their credulity. Sir Artiiur|!mili)d. ' It did startle us a ittle. Your ra veu has a most lugubrious voire. What place is this ' 'Bracken Holhw.' Lady Cecil started. ' Aye your ladyship, a main lonesom place.' Do you live in this lauely place by yourself ' Not quite, your ladyship aloue most of the time, but odd days a yonug womua from tho town oumes to help me redd up. Ye will havu seen her, mayhap, at the upper win dow as ye came iu •AVe did catch a {:limpfe of a face for a second at one of the upper win Jows. I suppose you are rarely iu trnded upon here as we intrude upon you just now ?* 'Ay, rarely, rarely. I mind once,' â€" she rocked herself to and fro and looked dreamily before her â€" -I mind just oQoe afore a young couple got ketchad !â-  the rain jnst an ye did, and came here for shelter. That was six years ago â€" and there's been many sad and heavy changes since then. He was rare an' haudsome that day. and she â€" oh, it's a qaaer world â€" a queer world. •Lady Cofil. the rain has ceasedâ€" I think we may venture forth now. Oood-day to yoa, m^dame, and thanks for the skelter yonr roof has afford ad. Ho laid a aovarign in bar skinnv hand. '11. fine g«nt1eman and firea with hia money, and she â€" ab. it'a a beaatifal faea, and it's a proud faoe, but there's always trouble in store for them aa oamea their btadt ao hif^h, and then haoghty eyes always sheds moattaata. A fine gea*leman and a baaotifol Ial|f r hot (basa'a tronbla â€" troablt, trouble-' f»a9 All's the world'^i^atag*. And all ib« m*p aud t^^ian Jl»«.r«;ly playt-rs. 'â-  I .i» lu » f -;Fotal mzlifoo tf 9ie aan. May 17.â€"- visible ill NoitHTAfriea' ' _i -• • £ggB are 50 evntsa la Prauif^ An IllwaiB parrol nuisauee 72 years, A big stir is goin^ on in Durhai* over thefowuship-|MrinM(r.. â-  The T. G. Si b. are bnildi'ig a aaW bridge near loroiito. Mr. Sleswick, ptjeaosaes a c.w that roc«utiv gave birth to twin calves. The Reeve of Okpri'v ie being over- hauled by Um i'leahartou Aivauce. He needs ii. Thenewbeil for St. PiuJi eathe- dral, Eug., is too Inrge to go by rail, a special carri.ijrc t.»L«» it by road. AdvektIjiso \m to biiaiuess what food is to exib-Unce. It should ba regular, adequate awdvaried. 'flios Cochia-j. n»p roiUO-tu an at- tempt to elo|« with a luam. hut with a 1 'e a Jy married woman h.: ,m» euccoss- iqI tho next day. The Proton council will meet afaia ou Thursday 11th May next, as a Court of iieviiinii, ou the draioaga assessment of araiu..;r aectiju .Vo. 2. A young man uaLi*d A'ez. Barry of Renfrew, aceiddiitaliy aaot himaelf iu the back with a r v Iv* th^ ball .-ut ring the lung. No hop* ia enter- tained of hia recovery, A contempora'-y gays that "criminal rtspouoitii.ity i« tiie p-ycholopical poa- fibihty of iiie elRcuiJioiisuci-s of the pa ual code. ' \\ e should think so. ^Vhat's your ooinion Mr., IVthidout T. G^it B. says this line is uot iu n-iy way mixed up with tiie fuson of the G.T and the G.W. The hue is clea^r now, said he, and we lutoud to keep it so. The Englisli shareholders iu the G. \V. aie iiuaaiaioue lu Invour of fusion with G.T. It. In .Montreal there ia ;jieiit jubiUtiju, but in Ontario it is looked up-;n as a huge monopoly. Air WiiVtH, Ass. Superiu Leu lent of G. T. bays. It is quite likely the G.T. ivili beouia the T.G, B. Au American inventor propjiesto luilite thtt water powor ut 2iiiagarp Fails f.M- iteooratiug elcctrieity for lighting cities 400 or o')0 milaa diatauc. ' .â-  The Prince of WiJes, in writing ia au altiiim, njb his luvourite name for' a woman is Louish, hu fu.onnte liibh- '4s truffles a Periijord, aud his aim in lilo Uot to do anyihiiig to hurt tba fc. 'lings o( auolhoi. Tho Princess of Wales' favoarita liuiiie is Dag mar. hoi favourite dish is Vorkshire pudding, aud her aim in life to luiuu her own busmoss. During serrico at au Enghshcharttb in Eugiauilâ€" uot Canada, we know better "lore â€" (be organist, iu view of tue recent attempt on tli ' Queen's life commenced to play thd national anthom. Tho yicar stopped him, and before all the congregation dietuiaMd the loyal masieiun. Meu who recently went from King- i^tuu to work on the Oudordouk con- tract compiaiu that they are deceived^ that the wages, though high, are swal- owed up iu chirjtss upjj t lom. A Maikdale boy came home frontf school very much excited aud told hia lather that he believed nil human be- iugs debCeudeU frcm apt s, which made the old mail u) mad that he replied augriy 'Ttiat may be the case witli you, but it aiu't with me, I can tall you tliKt now. Tho (..diowia/ is siu-gjstcd as aa improvement upon oie of last week'a Fancies. \V heu you lose a needle on the floor, the quickest way to find it is to get the MUbbaud or tha hired gir) to take off shoes and walk about. li will sharpen thei^ ap. Ma BYâ€" Who had that little lam Had Tetith as white as snow She alwayfl bra-hed ibohs twaea a daj TaaBcaAr" j-iu. know. With The following is the common treatment for a horse oni of condition (lu fact all h')r8es require like treat- ment this time of yeai a good Paig' iug Ball following by a course of strong tonic powder. Thane ace both to be lial in Zock's Tonie CoE^mand aud Blood Mix',ure, as each paokage contaius a tlironglily good ^Wging hitll aud over a i*o(TBd of atrenif Tenia Powder. Ask your liiifnisi hiiiii it. A, Turner atnl Co. Speeifi, ,AgMiit- Maikdale. TIMELY WAIiip^ji. Now is tha season fo^ N^^V eelUb and di^treaeing eongbs. tra*! tlMB with Hx^yard'a Pectoral m(«iin, ik jn.4«r-fc* th.» *reBinflu«i4a,a*thtna,Br«^.:%haot- m atqr* m »«'^iiaf «oiigb* bK«K*iittitH»d»4»f almo- I nary eompUunto leading la aoaaonf* TO BB COVTOroCD. UOU. t* 1 -...vv â- ^.

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