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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 28 Apr 1882, p. 3

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 ' !| â- \ r 'I i • r ' It â- i IbMi TDCELT «di will be r*-opMMd eo SaiMLiy, Ap. BOth. ftt luk'f-pMt uiiM o'clock ia Um Mt^raiag. Let«U iB*ke an eaniMk •Smtt i» b« piMtak. ecaaderiug nci- tk«- bad itMda. or bad wmUmt, b*- wBM M aacfa dptfiM BiMni « good OBUBWMtaMBt. â€" Paruh M agaiino. TlM uuiimI \mUj UMixj of St. Uagfa, Mszwall wm hold oa Eartor Taoaday oraDing. Ber. J. Ward m tha ebair. The Tostry elcrk'g report •bow^d balance ^p Ofierfeory A/c |28 ^. 9290.0S bai bof^n la d on addi- tion to cboreh.IoaTing fSS7.S6 to pay. The warden* wn-« re-cl;cted, also tiie vestrj clerk. Caretaker's salary waa inerMs«U to $15. Vote of thanks, tacellMrwitb flO.preeautad l7 congre- fa t ioa (Ihroagh the energy et If n T. Bee*; to Mias Bark for bar kind serri- ees as Orgauist. Ifei8n J. ft J.Clark were appoint«daaditorit. The offertory has increased from $18.23 in 1878 to $97. OS iu past year. In several things there is a marked improvement in this congregation. Parish Maga- 1 Vine. PRINTING GOOD AND 4;U£AP, Standard Office. Markdale. 1 FouiPd s â- -"35i rf » mi' hear: ofi,to. OH, Our Premium Wk have mat^e arrangements by which we are enabled to give to every NEW SUBSCRIBER to our paper and to old subscriber* PAYIK6 IN ADVANCE, a copy of DR. KENDALL'S "Treatise on die HORSE n MACHINE ffORKS. We aia piepared to «zeente all kinds of 'fiirtiing and Bonng, WITH General Lathe Work Done in s practical manner. PLOWS! And Plow Points win receive our special attention, knowing tbroogli practical experieacc ih.- beat cIlu o. Iroiia for tuck. Thisis a standard work, containing an Index of Diseases, which fti^ca tlie MAXWELL CHiJRCH BUILDING j syinptoms, caose, and tbe best treat- FUND. BacBiPTS. As per A/e. rendrJ, Feb. Mr W. Clark Collected by Mr MUes Mrs E. Linlty MrsJ. Maiill Mr David Madill Lamp sold Table Door Balance owing £xPK.ClITt'Ba. 9276 25 2 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 ft 00 1 80 76 76 827 8« $617 91 As per A/c rendered, Feb. 588 05 Turpentiue ... 96 Blaeksmitb. Ramsay ... 6 00 Loan cf Screw Jxcka- ... 2 00 Mr D. Madill, tfamini;, Colling- wd.2. Eugua.3, Mkui. 1. 10 00 400 ft Piuk COO It Ueu^l^ck PUuw Nails, Trimble 'g 6 00 S 5U 57 8 1^ mcnt for each a Table, giving all the principal drugs used for tbe horse, with the ordinary dose, effects, and antidote when a poison a table with an engraving of the horse's teeth at diffsrent ages, with rules for tellmg the age of the horse a valuable col- lection of receipts, and much other useful ioformation. It is a book iLat s'lould be iu the hands of every far- mer and owner of a horse. Now is the time to subscribe, or fur old subscribers to pay up, aud get tbe book. A PERMANENT CURE FOR LAME Plies PiscMCS of Uie Kia?«y«. Bladaer and LKSUBlTuLE KViDfc.NcE GIVI^« «»- "** HSloii, April 20. !««»• ncfVLBiraa.â€" I Ond that Tonr P«d« sie giS'^t^satWiion. .^ wiah you »- „«.Be.l sale, for w valuable a remedy ftsr DI.c.«» of the Kidneys^ 'g'«Ji,^E^. Prices-.chaa-i emL w^OiKgeti^J^ J2; Si)«ial PaU for Chronic »Sois«, «»• Ask Tour Druw.Bt for IVmpalet and 1»««- Sniais. free. Sol.i by A. TIKNEB *: C'O^ WarUO^. TAiiK- H-Ai to., Owou bucd. â-  ' i â-  J. W. KLLIOIT. Ciiat-wirtb. SIEPHENS McCAKKQLL. Mea^erd. M. urCHAKDijON, Fltijierton HfiNBY paitEKk Pai**" I: n ff.l7 91 CURRENT KXPE.N'SES ACCOUNT RacKiPTS. Offertorius $97 02 Lamp, Ac. sold 4 60 $101 52 ExPrNDITURK. Mission Viinl, 4 cuU ... 4 88 Al}{'m» Missi'us 2 97 Widows and Orphans .. 1 «9 Misaionsry Meeiiug 2 40 Fainting Fund 3 85 HiilliDK Fund 25 25 Uur»n Coll-ge, Cdl. .. 1 58 R., Maxwell's services. .. 6 00 Wine 1 75 Repairs to Organ 10 dO Insurance 7 50 Stole $2 Ftnce lumbt-r $H 5 00 Box Stoves, Sugar Kettles, Land Kollers, will reoeiTe our {attention. We also intro; dace our new FAMILY MANGLE! to the public. Thiit new machine will mangle Linen, Cotton, and Woollen Goods, givin^^ them a beautiful smooth and gloitgy appear- ance. It also improves the clotht's, whereas hot irons injure them. We will also manu- fsoture CAST-IRON GRAVE TABLETS! with or w.thout marble slab for name, tc.; alio Tomb Railings, Pall Pilliirs aud Orna- mental Ca-st Iron Chains for same, also all kinds of Hallu-ler Kailings, lit u«e Fencing â€" plain and ornamuntal, Machi/iery Briss Casting* of every dei^criptioft, Brans Bells, large or small. MOFFAT BROS ifiikdale. Nov. 1881 A« pleaaant to t.^ko. Oontrja thair owa FirjBtive. Is a « fn, s'lri' auJ eOectam* tiftTVT€t ot worm* in CuiliirenOTi ^%^- MiT Sundries 5 U, lialuc. 38 08 28 70 $101 62 EUOE.N'IA FALLS. At tlio Vestry medting Mr. Akitt aud Mr. K. Oooper were re-appointed wardens. KNCJLISH CHURCH. CCRRKN r KXPENSES ACCOUNT. IlivIIPTS. O.Tfi'tories as psr stagazino f 11 65 EXPENUITI'RB. Rent $3, Vood 50c. Washiag Surphoe Mission Fuud Balance iu haad $3 50 1 00 1 10 6 99 $11 OS BR11HT8 DISEASE. DIABETES, KIDNEY. LIVJIB OR URINARY DISEASES. Have no fear of aov of tiiese dis- eases if vou use Mop Bitters, as thej w Jl prevsut aud cure the worst cases, even when you liava been made worse by some great puffed up pretended earea- In the mrnth of April almoat every one requires a good and reliable Blood li'urifier. AVe know of none ko Kale and effectual ax Dr. C irHnn's Sroiurteli and Constipation Buter.x. Tli-'V act directly ou all the s •: li" t:ii. j purgative acti»n mr'-yiii:; S â- ^"t in-' pnritiss fronj_^ttie systtiu, -iiev;o rate the Liv«r at: i Kiimys. hHh.; the Stomach, elsalisf tl,o H \t'-, h u ' five strength aud t"iie t" tlir «^'llO.'l â- ystem. Try « rourxi' J -Iuk vuiu..ii i safe aud relinble vogeti-.t'l-^ prup.i:*- • tioo, Dr. Car«oii"s Sl.iu.atli au.l '?i.ri stipation Bitters. In liirt,'e iK!;ie.« x •0 eenU. A. Turi:er aud Ci.. Sp-.-J.n! I KENDALL' bFAV lli UUREs Tbe nio»»t aaccessnil Remedy ev*r discovered, as it is certain in its effects and does not bhster. Kkad Proov Below. FROM THE ONEONTAPRESS.N.Y. Oneonta, New York, Jan. 6th, 1881. Early last summer Messrs J. B. Kendall 4 Co., of Enosbuigh P'alls, Vt., made a cou- lra«t with the publishers of the Prtfi for a half column advertisement for one year set- ting forth the merits of Kendall's Spavin (^ure. At the same time we secured from the firm a quantity of books, entitled Dr. Kendall's Treatise ou the Horve and his Dis- eases, which we are giving to advance pajiug subscribers of the l're»s as a premium. About the time the adyertiacraent tirst ap- peared ir this paper Mr. P. G. Scheimerhoru. who resides near Colliers, bad a spavined horse. H» read the advertisement and con- cluded to test the efficacy of the remedy, al- though his frreuds laughed at his credulity. He bought a bottle of Ktndall's Sp«yin Cure and commtnctd using it on the horse iu ac- cordance with the directions, and he inform- ed us this week that it effected sachacomplete cure thattu expert horseman, wboexamincd the animal receutlv could find no trace of the spavin or the place whore it had been loc.iteil Mr. Schermerhoru has since secured a copy of Kenuall's Treati.-e of the Horse and his Diseases, which he prizes very highly %uJ would be loth to part witu at any price, pro- vided he could not obtain another copy. So much for advertising reliable articbs. Kendairs Spavin Cure. New Hamburg, Out., Dec. 'iatb, 1881. Mr. F. H. .McCallum, Dear Sir :â€" The bot- tle ol Dr. Keudall's Sj^avin Cure bought of you last.-6umraer gave nit the utmost satis- faction and perlormed a wonderful cure upou a uiare mueteeu years old belonging to me. whicli was badly snavinec! for tea yiars. She was so lame that 1 could hardly get her to move. Tbe lameucss is entirely gone after using half a bcttle of the cure, and she is like a young horse Again Yaars truly. J. F. Both. FROM A PROMIiNENT PHYSICIAN. Washingtonville, Ohio, Juu« 17th 1880 Dr. J. B. Kendall A Co., Gents :â€" Beading your advertitemeat in T-irf, Field and Farm, of Kendall's Spavin Cure, and havin^' a val- uable aud .speedy horse whieh had been lame from spavin for eighteen months, I sent to you for a bottle by express, which in six weeks removed all lameness and enlargement and a large splint from an' horse aud both horses are to dav as sound as colts. The one bottle was worth to me one liuu.lred dol- lars. Kes.nectfully voiirs, H. \. Uebtolitt, M. D. Kendall's Spavin Cure. *».% liCn i t LE9H. C. A. OWl Tailor, b MU'S, MARKDALE. t3r Special aftf ntion to Cultiriff.^gj BurdotK B KQ^P WICL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, 01 Zk IN ESS, DROPSY, FLUTTERINQ OF THE HEART, ACIDITY Of THE STOMACH, DRYNESS OF THE 8KIM, BOWELS OR BLOOD, DYSPEPSIA, INDISESTIOM, JAUNDICE, ERYSIPELAS, SALT RHEU.V, HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, And every species of disease arising froflt disordered L VER, KIOrt.YS, 8TOMAO»i If j'lii want a yo'ir Order â- witl. Perfect Fit leave C. A. OWEM, MAEKDALE. G. GRANT. 1 .1 a:' ..t 'iov ,; b vuD 1 1 .nPAVI.S • Ul. p^a. 'r:ile lui i w vi riTe-.uiM- i .lu, «• •i I y i I.S.. va â- â-  afffitei i:i t'le ie.-ist it doe â- n.-. !i Ijuinun Ue Ij has lo'.iOi. that -KHNDALL S 1 as -iirti lent irmgili ,u :u; !â- â-  cure ih, '.vers casrs â- ill-. i)lM\ons. Ilo t-Lates, â- I- i„ui, iie-o „ieii are not .irl"i!4v liiiiiueutb. Mi.;- r bin ou ih' contrary re- st. Ju!-s r 1^1., Oct. iTlh. 1881. AgeaU, H' reals' i'r r. J. Ke.u, ,:;^ C ye;ir a^o i tell m lue riii, was la'h; huit lu 'be lip m. STllIe u:tK!i â-² CURE FOR IIEADACUE. iie ...n ...1. ...-.e ^f, I I daiis Spaviut^iie Wbai pbyeiciau na« eve' discoTerea 1 iw.ce ,. aa: f .v.i • aim for headacliv? Echo aoiwers and it etfeciej a 1 BOO*. But Burdock 131ood letters bv '"â- " '•"" « •• aiu their purifviui;, iuvif^oratiug, iitrTiu.' (ropartietaffo«ii» fare in nearly every •aae. The Lealtli giving priucip'ea of thia FKinedv are aue^aalled by any ainular preparaUoa ia ihe worltl. THE COMET. Already the comet, now approaehiaf tbia aartiCwi||^^Afi^oBa«rral valoeity ••â-  ha aaan r Army'*WUJi a pair of ftret- 1 ,].•«... Tha eoeaet u aappoeed to b« distant tha a«rth iaO/:)00,000 ni'ea. tnt king oa at the rate of 2,000. "000 miIm apM7 t««aBty.foflr honre. (H Iha IMh i««i* Mm eomat will ll« ••iy 10,000.000 naila^ from th« ana. MMl 0.000,000 rn9-«ha«aith. Uhaa •â-  uMwlly hri«U hai^l Au4 • USm eiraigbt teiL -It vOl b« a OMcaiftMot pPf|a9t wa Ij. ui- ;â€" Ai.iat a onto .Si.-.u,' ice auo â-  '.IU. wh au e.xusc. ' .V'i v;i: J ;. reuie- rvli' :.,: i 1. e.i Ken- 1 aiiphel £ (a i.stieiigtu efi» .i.iriii^ l,i ' vJclobe; .:.,t cire., I iiave .s:;ic' ii'.e rn.ia .••.u.ciiess. 1. IS very \ Kr ;)...; w^i; ;ii 'oea-t. luors truly, CaasTaa K. Oaaaa. Kendall's Spavin Core. li sura in its effects, luild in actions â- â-  it does not blister. yM it is penetnUint •• powerful to reach erary deep seated paoi or to rsmera any bony g«owtb nr othar anlarga. maots, ^aeli as spavins, spJiata, eurba, rin|{- Ix^ues, callous, swelliun and any laiaeoess and all enlargements ol tha MN^ " limbs, or (or r^euaatisiB in mao jraie^aiv pnrpoiMi for which a liniment is oaed for BMn or beast It ia new kaewn to he she hee* l i w wt lor man ever aaad, aetincaaiU aad yetaataia in its eleets. ' Send addraatfurJUoatiatea jl Mh r ajiieli m» tuiafc'givâ€" " s i 6 *» ya«ofr e( aa vi i t as a. Till liMsij )tm irif "' â€" T~ili •aAaawM* to oar kMa«le4«^ farkeartaa wdeaaww. Prieafl par kettle, er «ia boMtaa for U. AH Dr^pata have it or ma get it (or yon. or it afll ka saut to a*y addf^a an reo«pt of Hiw to tWartjiriitnes. MLB. J. KK»- 5S.Ioa^ CZ a â-  rtOB, vt. aOIsX HY AUj DRtJOOISTB. CU. iteiitaeal, P.q,.«hai^ Undertaker â€" ANDâ€" CABINETMAKER Has DOW on hand Coffini prices. of all sizes and for hire, charges moderate. UNDERTAKINC promptly attended to at- all hoars of day or night. Also a fall stock of T. fllLBORH CO., "?Sk%mT9. Cold Great chr.iice to make money. Tliofe who alwiiys take iiilvjntftge oft e f;oi i Li.:ii^esfor inakinu money that are offered, (ceouHUy become '.voiltby, while those who ilo iioL im^ruvj; sue;} eliauces re- main in pf^veity We w:!pt nr.iny men, wo men, boys niul girls to work lor us right in their own 'oeslitips. Any one can do the work properly In.m tl'.e lir-t start. I'he bus- iness will pav more tli;in ten fines oruinsry wages. Expeusive .utKtfunii.i';. C.I free. No ons who engage.' fails to tun )cu money ropilly You cau devolo jour nhoL- time in the 5\-.rk. or oily your spare inoim iit^. Full iiif ^ima- tiou and all t'aat is i.erd"' .sent fru Addrsa. BTiMtoM Co., f o*th«d Maine. FLESHSBTON HarnessBhop. CORDON Has always on iiaiul a f.II iissortmenf of HEAVY HARNESS, V/IIIPS. SLEIGH BELLS, TRUNKS, HuRbK BLANKETS, AND^â€" SCOTCH COLLAIS AVarranted to fit, and fcade of the very tea tnatprial, and at the LOWEST UVI;G PRICES. BEJIEMBOI THE PLACa RlCHARDSOi^'S BLOCK. J. GORDON. N. B. â€" Oooi Stave and Bhingls TimlMr taken. Flesherton. Pae. fith. 1*P1. 16. Household Fiirnitnre! SrSsS Ordered wcrk of all descriptims eseeoted with the utmost di spatcb. i A ful. slock of I U8t;cand frames which will be sold cheap for Caah. Seasoned Lumber of al "nC% TaKen in exchange for Fomitore. G. GRANT. MARKDALE Markdale, Dee. 2S, 1881. CT-tf QTmRTLIMIG O DI8COVERYI •nrosin. Beet be(0Ta the poUie. Toa can make moaer faatcr at work (or a» uian b4 aa^sUtiKAe. 'OajMetVA^M- ed. 'WawiBalaitjB*. 413 a dey aii fcap vaida aMdeatlM«a^«aiadaat4oasQte.a anaHK, ^»j» wai giria waaSed esai f â- bareto woafcfiraa. Haw ii tlM time. Toa eaa vort ia eii^e liia nrlj ne gira Toar vliote tteato thabaaiacai: Tea eaa Uva at hoaM.apl 4a the work. Mo otber banaaaa wiU^aayyoa aaarlj ae walL Ko am* eaa fail to make ea- TaaaACe., Bast â- â€¢dialas erar Baaa. oc Hope, Buohu. Man- I Dandelion, «ttlaUtiwW»aD4 kUn propertits of sU otbn- Bittsn, Blood Puriflar.LIVM raaad Beslth nirtiiiag ntnfinmm «»aBi iTsfttoi mainam loraitt •^SKSfcr I vomSbtj Icoc aM w^m% I Tsiisd sad psrtMS sn Ihtir • HiTiftrtstkSifStSlttallB. â- aMtmnlait BiiauT oi«aaa, ar wke r» Toots «~«â€"IM «Mâ€" i-Yi. kMkiskwItlKMit intea- wkatyoorl • eiaesooorsal mn, I«B^waitnatfl7oa* oairfMltod ori IS SHT san rear UCsJt t walk* paid tarae â- lyk DoBot I BopBttSMsa raB,katUisFi 'Badaitba •% Ad DO pMOB â- koaid ba wtOuMt tbask nsai otopjin, totaNeo or (TBpM Saaaaop] itek bat if â- sathaas at «i sarad kaadn •• thaj will BMl tsasa Hop B ' Tfla, dncciid â-  da fcbSkfiSSS?"""^- BarOtocBlBSL rJLT S BdTi» i n Ha.Oa«. Notliing Like Leather. HABKDALE. NOT TO BE BEATEN I AH those irtio may ha*e had the aiafgr. a-, -bc^ J*^«*l»l3lcoBai«ti._, Bole. FwDdi Kip and CaMTs^dJi, now ar.. ESt-J*^^"""" I^iios. Geau; /o5i and laea boots and shoe*, fr^i U, i«! totha «neat k d and pranelk ^*^ Sawad Work a Speolaltr "d^LTt^r' I-'i-l-epat-u.;^ M. M- lf«T j/» X«W-e,iaH.»tk.mi. ^^' v ' joor moiMT 1 .your PbotnfraplM I BULMEK. The Peoiple's Photographer, Who ia acaia pnparaa to take Pletares. aad do Copying and Enlarging a. heretofore. Weareiâ€" ^.alargeatoikaf ^O^^^ '^JtTt^t^TJ^' 'olTZ RxingB,whiehweean,aDd«MaBto aeU at R«markably Low FnceB, u«w " •^rS^ 7-r ,if^ and hare tha. aupled ard enlarged hjrf^ Mb^_ BULMEIfa Fleeh«rtoii FWHH^.^^ 4^ .â- 4. II MJ I GET MY WOOL CARDED kiidar^ L ovtB^aO. ,ffj»*£Q^fe /» m^^ '*• it A " (â- ' -AT THE- Dundalk Woollen Mills. Where do you get Yours p. S.â€" Partiaa .ittdcbtad b stttle at onoe. DUMDAUC. Pea. M IgTt. Qota or book aeeoaat will pleaae ta aatl bmI W. H. PETERSON. C»MPRI8ING Miiiet_ Carrot Mangel Corn,c, Wa womid atao reinind the puWieinpei.^ral ti,,, _,, GARDEN AND FLO\VF.Il feKEns '•'^l Clover, Timothy; ' Hungarian G-rass Tares, ;c. fetEDS. M Stationery, School Bcoks, Pateiu Dyestuffs. Paints Oils, Toilet Snaps, Kane • G "I Pure Drugs Chemicals Tea; Coffee, and Tobacco. A. Turner Sc Co., Medical Hall. N.B.â€" A Qu antity of the celebrated Oil Cake just r ALL. ]ME1V V^Tanting te Parehaie or Kent laiprored Vkrma. Wild Lande. Towa or Tiilaga Property, in tha Cooatj of Or^ L DUNDALK BOOT A^SD SHOE s'jToke: SHOULD SEND n FOR m -OF m Farms for Sale and to Let. Those hanng like Properties to dispose of should eonsalt me. 8ar«~8ale er pajr. CATALOGUB 8BNT ON APrLICAXIUM. â-  have openrd aa OMce la Ratledire^a Hotel, :Wnrkdale, where I will be foaad every Thursday, and wiU be prepared to execute Deeds, Leaaes, Mortgages, *o., Ac, neatl.v and eirr etly. Advise on li«gal points free. Also to attend te ail the different departmeuts of my business. In ercry department of my business my motto u Thorough- ness and Fair Dealing, â-²ucUoa Saiea coadacted. Reata, Acroaata, dkc, collected aad VroBpt retarus aaade. CHARGES LOIT. ROBT. DAVIS, GonTaTanoar. Co im n i M i rt n 'i r in B.R.. Bcalfstate. Loan Insuranea Ageat IN THANKING my naniaron. am still te the fore with tbe easicmers It paiit rutrous;;* j i; '^tosa^,^. LmtibestSelecleish) Of Boots aaJ Shoes evrronghl into ri, i-JS:!:. 5l ' *H r- â-  i^^M r?» ;ivl â- (^•'•â- findtintil all sJTeaf r^^^^Ube o,,t,on of the p^ r • ""^Jln^inp vew^* wilhc«it i f*-'n;^lXv-m.W-thtl,e| fe;^«;oFl..VEBTISIKO:l Lo'»-"'"V*'""' *• ao ..â- -â- â- â-  -.1 ai^r. fi" iu««rti.n t-.^nhSSTnt i.^ertion I" I .ntaeqnent in-ertion lafn """?^j iusertiou mr l.ue LLA WTi-T""'**^ i.i»-rti..ti ..... the T|iur«l8y m«- i^iT Hf iFEJSIDSAL BUSINEJ DlRECTOHV. s. SprooU AiiM^ti.^i ,^iciana..^v,r^^o-. I Fro«t rris^t. ri,a«-. Sol •'»'•,' "' I â-  i:.;,o.v offi^ •;•â- â€¢ ^- •• • ofor- ., ,^. .... arn Fa""' fcoa-tvO'"""' ' ••" •â-  râ€" J, 'n[»^v»».. Jros â€" 0«. 11 S ••" *t St.: •"VrV-.^ '•! .-i- I Stori' on I- " ' ' C'rfa«oi- ^1 HI :â- :»?. iR\:lsrKl!- '!-l 1'"" • ' ' fanc^rs â-  • •^- „«.... p. \\' .:•.â-  â- â-  " M " v. a • â-  tF„.„' t.. 1- â- Â« JC F«SOR. Q Lr'.rlalefc •!â- Â«"' NEW GOODS ARRIVING DJIIli C^n-Il and Soe '^i'lK'in. am stil) aanafaataring tliosr" o^;«{rated Freiicii Ki|. B Boots, eitfasr ie«red or j'tg^cd, a "^s. call SEd g«« ti,a J'«c;aitv. Repairing promptly attended to. Warranted. All Custom Wo I keep the Gelebrated Wanzer kmi Mai Constantly on hand, which I sell very di. »p f. r i,?c iito ihs r o -VI I IV 1 o IV Hi. A M lUF.r. oi- -ix '• •; -â-  â-  |C'iOMii-'-i«"»i 'I •'.. U.^'V nvrraiipiiis.' ' â-  â- ' l-viv ^ed"to aii.l .II-' â- â- " â- -â- : • â-  [B._y.ii.» t.' l.'i.! '11 I: ffkcls S.):. .T T •• Alc\:iiidi'i' !lr-J« fcuER of M..ij.:. • ' Tifa lii~ui:iii«; â- .•' ' I. R. Ar. «.i,v. -.^i.-i ^onerr f"i Iih' ••an: â-  '•'• BOt^, «"" •'"••â- I S •• • â-  â-  i\U, â- Â». i-i- 1 â- â€¢'â- "' ' R. .V.tailllM-ltl' JiOTIONhKU AN I 1 [V(!«iit,W;il;auiKl"i-l I »ttfii'i-l ill nil !•â- ' It fol 1 on «'l_l..t'l. â-  «t. flrpiM.s. :i i " .tand Oiiriiiifii" • J ILni'Umti'""*-"' 1: .. N 111 I.. J, .- '"•â- â- ^eh are nnriTalle.1 in heanty of •â- â- .D' Store " P-'odaoe taken in excljai^e for ko U u t rl'ii.U'L B'lOi nil Dondalk, Bavtamker Jnd. isaj. TH08. HANBumr. CO c o €0 "o c LATBJIPOKTiTIi bfipeciaUf Attractive, Seasonable. F;-. -• '-c." ri'iutrfpri. Jan. J. «• iOMINION \N1' !â-  f bmTeyoi' Dim i 'W Itord .ui Mark l:i' Dcial Lkjul Sur\- *• I stocV oT oic'"' â- ts. Ins.riKti"!!^ I within 'he U^l jred to make S'r • thcrewitli. I'l â- liHK Hiil«. I'ii' |uilUuR Bri-li.«^. Honey to l..uiii n' rt by lett»-i '11 »'â- :' lis. will be I'luii' t. 17. IHHO 7 /-â-  ..\r 111 "' M â-  .-.'.â-  I: :it;..- I--: Q IS Gctds Te nand, which we erTf Greatly Reduced Pricei. ;. We offer special raiues in every htip. OUR 8TO( K OF Groceries, Hardware, Croleiv. 2^ GlasKr^l isTcry complete! auJ ^ostomera wiU l^ortiu'nt. ic-.iirt Jl GIVE U9^-i^ALL AND SAVE MONEY 1 ..^' by parehaalng yoor supplies at 'ie T '8 O I- c â€" B 4 aaa â- *' o a O Markdela, Se«a. Mlh, tWI Wm BROWN T. I j^ClLUF.K a • " M â-  â-  s«on i« "itiU ^11 '• arsl to do all kft â- : )ila«lTin_' a!, i ' :â-  I contriDplaU' l«i:: lii •â- '• ulacr lo civ.- hiiii â- i • !^ideiic« cotn,' o! !. .V»iK:-T ^OtilO. lEVERE HOTI .11 A. ..a I* i *.. pHIS |H)j ular I 'i.tion a'l'ied .•• i« now -I'c-.ii I • I "lllbliUJ.* HM.I it PUlJi.- 'il.-,'H. 1 vr '»»t S.-. • 1 â-  rill.-. L'ASn.iiA^ -..â-  BlUCKL.A^ .M.. I n.ASTEMN«.. ;.. .0 .. r^^^ Aw-." l-K. DAVlh. Buii.;, M 1,000,000 is Want( TAILOR, STDXiKHAM STKEET, liafkaaia. My T. IMI. 'M. 4}4a. PBB BUBScniLi:i: Ai i i;. 'Ighest Price in Ci ••y^aaatity of poo.) ••â- .i i S:. hari and at,H wood. KINDS OF LUMIU 1 "T^l'Son Short Al l*ft/ MARKDALE HOUSBrig?-^ â- ttanliuu paid lo ciK-.u. eLM^-M. â- KiT A-^.Uf I ^^ T. ALEX,, aUTIiSDaB, Propriety' ^•B»Tr,'"**'*°*^ timber wan;. G. 8. BROWN •'^»* nth, is*. 2. 701 rtlimi fiOTBL l' iMfa ttiaa atorar briak bailing, rH:ently errr ted â-  â-  iritki^UlbtMiilaaC Wiaea. Li««8 a»l Cigars aad the table *^biU' Iha aSa. Tba tnmOiac PabMa a^ leiy aponfrery sttemion bemxj tet. fliii BaMli aiiai far Cimw^M TrJHM^. The •"U! psiatJ*S5 4 o!S 8ib:es and atteaUT* «•*" ^bJ5 â- ****ip«ioii execiitell tiuj;^" •'•apatch Ht tlie uC

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