I t Ass ,B»IJ»B£» [XH 41 nOK?ll?IO "lu irt=*' ii..'UBtft: utjr il (i-^ativ*- ti^otka, •ii "•-' til* jiis or â- il) _:.l all â- rreages !•• i,;.tii.n of ihe publiklY J ,„ii..-rs withuiit p«yia« i-ibir for Uit-yeais iiub- ...inpiT witli th« roles. Vr.UriblNU: »50 60 »7W IS Ou 8 UU 4 00 M 15 74 .1 jbJbi.'"" iii».itio«.. "â- ,,[ .ii-truou iir-i iii-t-rtion.. ,.|IV0' iIU."l'""' • «• • • ' ,( .,,^rliii pcr4iu« riii.n. t:rt Boot^ t^ Basheis Potuog, ^â- ^â- ^,^^, o""' • ^_,. I, 1^- reckmeil b.T th« ttrtiviicl ly 8 wtaXe ol suUd '",-.. M nr- â- niilmiit specific I ,, „: ii-iii •. till foibiJ mad ... .\,in;4ii»it.ry aiWortige- ],' t! r â- *•â- • "f piii'licntion of ' !• Tij ir-"" '"""liiiK jfrticewi 'â- '"i'lrrLEDSiB. Proprietor. ici2aj r» 4 -^5$ J^tl aoT 1^ Bt^"'PEa ANM CONTuIcrOB. (.ton, .. '"J brHi^ PUu,teWo« j*,t;«L" " atteuOoJ to 1^ tf«ta oe e4laa|r7. KatimAlea on work free. Dondalli, ^to»oer 2nd. l+iX. E, ONT., Apumm::f§8^. ttt^llEf ^%ffl8f HfiNTW^ri o6rt»t- i-i^i -if :^^r?^^*^a ttsi3.1AL 3U8lifESt ' :;lCTORY^ _^ „ulc A Aiu»-»lron», BANKERS^ IN Urge or small amo\iati«,mt.«U gooU endorsed notm, ..- «« secnriijr. or on iii.:i Ai.coutteuj' rv-ii-'^aoe st l-T wTaM' v1.|i ll'OB, IS NOW J ,;-.u. lii.;,' te al Kk 1- I--1 all kinds at law Hotel. C4. |r. -I »^ OSlc» » AlToliXr.YS-AT 1, I liUMtM, Luiitcj 'M. Ii^ve resuinoJ at :i averv TliurKUay, as J. W ,.|I;OV Faoai, Id,. B. 1 INTEREST AT 6 PES CENT. Allowed on SaTiug- Dejjosiss •**nr«ft isH.i.a anil Collectong made eti all foiut8. at lowi'vt rates. Wn. LTJCA«. Mai ager. 2 1, VXB Spteember 23. 1830. F. F. TEEPLE8 1 -vre A: J. nAKi^o^i, ,TFi;. U A 1 1 1' A.NDl)Ei REO Public, ConTeyan ;.«h- t« n. iQd^ 1 1 #01 -Jltfifr- RlVINfi 11 ^;,ji.: Ml .\r si.\. PEi; CENT. „•, £1:1. Ill Vicker'a Block 1. |:ii \l.iii.ilule, oTer Mui'ar- :i li ,.. and Saturday every oi.lj |(rra«or •! llurrison, [,,.^..-.(il.KlTOHS, CONVEY- CARRIAGii WORKS, inl. DuSerin I :• hik! Ill Block, a I; V...1.' M H R K D A L E M 1 .11 Tariied. P*«:»;iy. .M ire UU TliuraJay ..-.1;. il u;i»-'ii:illf terms. .1). N A.N JdoBBIBUM â- l^•^•-' Ti-\j ^il Custom iM '"" *-. Il liUKS, The siiU'ciiber iis 'ifi.arrd to fcnpjily (h. I'ubi.c w.tli WAGGUNS. Di: MOCU.VTS. iiL'GGl...a, bLEIGUS, GU ii'ljiiS, IMV. SLElGlls. Tofclber witU a!! kimU of npairs in wood or iron ou short notice, at rei.aouable ratea. F. F. TEEPLK. Uuu.lalk, Sfpt. a:i.!, ii~'i. i It RIEWTISM, iiBuntlgia.Soiatiea.Lumhngo. ' Meekaefn, SorenatM »f th» Chttt, Souf, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swoll- figs and Spraint, Burnt an^ SeaJtfs, Gonoral Bodilj Paina, T99th, Ear and Ihmdaehe, Frosted root and Ears, and aJI othef Pains and Aehea. ... ZT""' •" .•^•' *V»it «T. Unm On, «^Jk^««k«T. ebMii aul pattlT* jnwf tf 5 IXrKtioaa in lUrae lABgoafM. •OLD BT ALL DBDQI8T8 ATO DBALHI i KEDicrra â-². VOGIXER Je CO.. GTOOD PHOTOS To oom« AT ONCE and Kiye luia a tnal, fur tod»^ia.te^be Suited *3 tlieynevip wisTo BeTofe a. I»"A11 i«or and cheap work deapiaed by him MODERATE PRJCE8. Is hif motto. All tlK Po^ariar 9ylc* made »f J. L. BROWNE, Orer the StaaUard Office, Markdale. REHOYED, REMOVED. isu CON- i. ia.-2er Seiriag III V ij.ifk. Li Security, at ft pei J. W. RowB. prnti^trjt. »«• for cask. Alto ^s » ;e for «o-.d8 ai t «Da.i lafk In TH08. HANI ALE oor Factol ir. Jaiii«-« J. \Vliil«, to ti. ' .iiiiiri'U, 0»ftii Sound. :," v: 11!,, Ui:VliUi liOtSK. 4M1. â- 1 iiii' iH^l We'iufiiUuy lu ;. ;. i. " .. if iirej'jiruti to ptjr u i'i:. I I r I i.i'i' 1 ii|juii tUe niouUi u( i'i u.iii ' uiHunor. autl upon ,1. I V '*\ III. tSi'uwu, :!Eil vl .!,'.l\.ii. U«;KNSK,-i. ..)• â- " 1.. :!..*«. • i ri^O Vlr\:iiii' Brown. 1 IS LDINGS, ;, â- ;â- L'p\V B-ATTONS, and Shingli 'raers Prompily • t'lo ;.- vpl*. of MarkdaM ami *-:»ir. I '• I! (â- ..£. oii.l h"'»s tv €loss *«*â- • ' «iii II fu ar» kM'p a fail StMt if UMBE e North Shore. D AND UNDBiaSlD^ ilii 1 1 l.i.fiiii- l-"ire and â- 't tl I • i-u ;. !...;. i;,rl ' • *- .iii.-fl- li 1.1 L.t'ttti^rii !• ' ' ..m Ml uft.'y i'ar.iurr*. .1.1.1 Mii-s. I'linctiuily »t- .« Ul.l U V'.T* tUO.lf^lkit.. 1." i-'-i. " " I-y J. C. ATKINSON, T.'\1LUR, HaTTDg removod to Main Sti-ect, ia now pre- pared to fill all ordei s on tht? shortest possible iior;cL LATEST Fashion Plates HECKIVE1) r.i;LiL"L.\iiLy. CHAKGKS MODi:K.\rE. Sitisfi3li3i ^imM ROBT. ASKIL,, Uiia upeued oot a Firit-CIaas Furniture --.\M UNDERUINQ ESTABLISHMENT. Am' tberoi„re ha- -u- pr'sl a want long felt, espotiallv iu tiie UiHlc-rtukhij! Line. O'UTINS. C l.-.X" S. W. BENSON I *««l4n«e a ii^tU bo;. ,.^ ^, vei7 foBd of 4ie i aesi to throw as!a» th« OiHM m mother in r^iTt «(, Took a knife and eat 14. ffl^, S^jiag,â€" Alw^a «tt jawr pio-a.iist Si«t. Tkoagh a I'u^ it maj prTfoke, Theie's a lesson in thv joke. And it took effect upou m« from the first, Aad-yoa'!! find this alw^e tniaâ€" LiJi 'Mitit ealmar e^ee jKtall new â€" kJ ,, .. â- This mj mother's Rood adnoe, Sas been oft beyond a priee â€" When hfe'i troubles hare appeared at the wont When from daty I would flee. Bight acrous my path I'd aee. This warning â€" Eat your pie-crost first. *- ' When tTe felt inclined to ahirk That all-impoitant duty â€" work. And to yield to pleasora's all-abaorbing thirst; Then my mother's'roice I hear. Falling softly on my ear â€" Sayingâ€" Always eat^our pie-erBst flr^t. n HULK No. »4jSf.oiaKs,.aL:; a«U lias eu Land and for ale rIx of a firat-claHs arti- F'H.E eslrl We may look upon this life. As a scene of Uaily strife Aad wo each uijiy thiok our o\7n share the worst But 't»ill lijjjten ewry load. As we paas a.ong the road. If wc always eat the pie-crust firt. There are hazards to be rim. There aie duties to bo dune â€" Which are lighter if eucouutcreJ at the first V Then with nothiug to annoy We Our pleasure ma? enjoy. Haviag wisely ate our pie-crust first. Markdale, W. M. CLARK. April, 1883. 'Kr. iAMxs Str«*t.Ju1j In* Minoi t^iankalur jroqr grnciotw re Mumhranw- « UiiUiMa u,«« for TDut cujuuiiiiguisiy^tiua. I »U1W with 7WJ 09 tua miUituooa of tii* 4tL. Pruiu wh*k I bear of it Scartiwood Park uiuM bo a IwreiHUi j^^^Jm^ but would uot au/ piMie W ttat wliwe yoawara? ., ,„,„,. .; 'DaroUilj, Lacjr t^ecya "feWVa" rjria fl«Add. llie rnlawue. florid atjl«or ootupli- meut. uia famiiiM^ity^tLa «aa* la- tXAtueo cf tii« wniax^-gnUaU iik» •ouie diacorUiuit nois^ 01, h,, owf». She looked up reptoacLfuJIy. 'Oli, Giuevi-a 1' 'Aud, oL, Qnecnia ' with a short lauifh, but not lookMnj rouud ftom tha stand of gueiuer-ro«-s over wluclt •ba Wd»leudiug. 'Yoo sue we will not be moped to deAtli down here, niter all. Aud we shall haye two geutletueu mor» than we counted vu lor our lawn partj this alteruoon. I wonder what sort «f » cioquet plaver Sir Arthur ia. |»jr the bje.' 'Giuevra. I Wish ym hadn't asked Major FraokUud down here. I ile teet that man. Sir PeUr id jealous, odious famiiiar way he addies- •! Taraambct ' a«a tha ^ari pWaSf •*»ttt alw d.d uof Baterh «•' vatr grimily. Sb«bae • wgtM u^o(^ hut not s„ft,i^ t. ^^^ maTrJl h»»*erica. Quaen.e, I ru .oibg to tJ iUllon^yOtt b,«* Wh* cotots «D day?' »*; rat. ni i^d •Yea wip«i' BooaiaaiueJlT. ' *^* 90^^^ axto Ca»Uf4M4, DJJlord.,,e«..lgi^,vra. 'I l^ye two yr tbrea uymoxiui^ut T wl.U iu would etWsnte. Q.re*,uie, wfier* "are you goatg ?â€" it wA «.«yt daiaiu «m m tartauL' 1 â- ., 'I m fo»c to tU â- â- fwry. Laa' 'out^n OTar by this tim^ ^.,.[ p,^] aajB tto one can uaka dolls' draaaaa withtbrekiUIx-aB/i. • Jn.:-;' ^^ She laft tb« a; vv\r_i»u'»: .X.. Wirt.4 reom. ^L*dv Dabctr- tteld look«l atUr. tiiau »; h.r unde.. wita a malicious smile. *•• 'If yoa NalJy want Caefl 'td maAy i 1' X ' ' •' -1."' râ€" '-i â- ; •• â- • "'--^-2 71»e Queaa n«a cetnnM.1 t^Juagf '.MarkJaVa aU^KaJu ret] ute iuuut- iliat* atleutiou. " -..T '^•' ' " •"'â- iTi li^a •"•^0M 0^'»)i3 •I intarasl ou.l^us. ' ' id«M I "»• -1 t Sir Al thnr 'J regetna, «ll jour iueml ^® ®*°^" P'"' *♦ " Toiouta aJyaur diploniaey will ba rwqaiKed! trade is the cause. CONSISTING OF SIIliOUDS, 7\ini?.^i and all runHssHiriQS, suiiplif.l nil tin 1 .1 !. t^t hiri- at,iiii 1 lorti's Moiice. ra;(-8. Teas Coffees, Sugars, Raisins, Currants, c., .\:id evpry o!':ir article in tbe grocery line livpt cuuniaii.lv ou hand, and nf thx freshest Turiety and be!t brands. wm The si.d jTon too, aud liii hoirid, coarse, couimoijpiacc oouipliui«nu. Any place must be a puradiae where vou aio Ball! Wiiy ito^wii't hutry to be oij- giual at le;iKt ' •Ladjr Ctcil Ciive is pleased to he fastidious," ifltortc-d Lady Daiigerfield, Le«nu« a ;juuidtr-io»e to pieces. 'Who is ori},ajitl uow-a days To be on- «mal means to be ecoeulricâ€" to bp«c- e.ntrio is the wcist pt ssii.le style, only alhiwabli) iu poets un.l lunaucb. Major Fianklaud bung neither, only ll.,n. «;:ilbrsiith, â- :.i\ I _o •" 1.KNK..AL LiX;. ^iii'i ' ...i â- i.'it j:i. Anc'.ii.n .! I'.-ir; of the OUMty. ii'.ii II 1 ll.itei luo leiaiir. I; 1^1- I: I S\\.ni,' Mui'liiiies ai.-to .Dli.. :â- !.: l',.!--. VillK*. Aijricul- ijii-ai-U 1 â- .Maiir.uery of all k^iius lo»'i.r.]. 'au -J' /»Sl. i;t«v. It eisiis mapaar. 'HOS. MoiSJfi^ RTAW • ionable uni Stafle J. 4;. viittK, â- •â- AN)' ruDVl.NCIAL LAND I. It • i:^:ilsiuan aiid Valuator, ' Hiniiif.' purchased if»iUi.,i~ \,.r 'iinit-.- Uiinkiu's â-º «.«lii.f f ' â- ml liel.; Note-.. Plana, luv. M t ,vi- "t nil lii.^ Siiivryf ;ii.^ 1:.- .n-[ nfty-live years. I am '.iiiuiki? N, \.v8 ill strict aecprd- •!«.;â- .. r:..i;iu« and Estimate' »i.iij( full., r. .lis and Sptiiticatiou lllicc 'i i • Iiriuslied on applica- I'ltv 1. It s ytvr cent intHrtf-t. •"Mtti^i. it with li. J. ULYrH. will hv I 'jijiily attended to ' lNS.1 l.v T. D.AtTk. I'l^ I' I (i\ inA( 'lOi;, (Sio'ie and ' 1 iiiniiiciMR .H linildiiiKH Mil lilt' track an. I is still iiil of stone and Inick I tnck poiutiOK. Those I. tug will tlud it U their Ill a call. brown ann S-roale "^â- â- 11 IC-v IS«»ii»**3nl«i* tlie t*lact? NEXT DO ;ll 10 NELSON'S STORE, iundaik, Nov., i8di. l3-fiDI. i^eat Market Meat iupplieil wholesale and n'ta.l "II i- '.!i .!â- â- -l.. i Pu-l.tl).... », "'O:' iuf!,(,. 1, r;opT,. 1 iictvU. EYERE HOTEL, 'SPBOUliE. Proprietor. •(Ter .t( ' P" ui.ii ^i'lU J.,,,. 'sno* .,.,.,.1 I'mui.,., Tfriu* .1. need Pri***' 1 lius had a large ad- ... I i.rouj^hly r.-fittel, ' iiu If in the euantr icinivi- o-tler. t irnt- tiir i-o'uinerciat travel- 9i.00per«tov. 17-ly i.... 1. â- AL HOTEL vm loes lu erery 3CI OF .i***^' â- T rVO ' " .i.iio.k.,i 1- "" .1 Ac. 1 L"*-' *i,i, til, 1 e Liar and lard.) St tiie m .. ket a{^ Swwh.,,!!.!.^- ituuittriitive Uotler's I'jus. ATKINSON, l-ropr.eter ••â- l»t, lsv„. SAVEYOUnOMBINGS. W«JJ' .J^ofXlia^.u!, JT*-M to w„, k â- I'UlIs »u,l 'I'tl.f 1. "irct- Wi» SROO' btgs to anuLonee to aud vicinity liiat ahe up hair combings into urls, terms luoderatr U'â€" idiuce corner ot M.: o|.porilr Mr. Bowes' â- 1 ^li^ _^,i,l iMiKuptly attended U. -^ fi i-ThurstoHZ. SEvVI:;g MACHINKI^ ••^' 11 .- L i J. PLEJdE .N 1 b. r.ruiaâ€" i^jjjoral. H. Pi (). -t- li.l •d t" ail V' t'ltrt' o • r 11, I '111 flic town. .FUBNITUKE! i'rom lIh! iiiiiuon to the Sesi and Utsst Styles, in evervthiiig in the line. Jail til â- â- i • I • â- • • KOBT. ASKIN.' Un?or rrr-'sjjp V/rrks •»i "itii bh'^p oil M-iiii Street.. P. S. â€" FKriu'Ts liaviii p to dis|i sue l"t till Mlicil. ku'iw. nI Ca!ti' r s ii Wiiuld do well t" is I will pay i-ash for W. T. RUNDLE, Dunrhilk. .Iai HAI.^ nUTTI 1839. :6 AND SHAV!NG Every Worlii g Day. i-^ Orden til:.-.! for Icmb StonBS.: Uark.iai? .I.ilv 'I li^xi \h-*m k UGTUsli TO Y0UN6 MER Olt THE LOSS OP M A N H O O Wl liiive reciu'tly pubfished a new lition of Ur. t'Hlverwvira eK'bratPd E^say on the radical and uerrous DeWtoF, ^^eBtal and Physical Licafiacily, IiupM^BBpto Marriage ei4s., weoliiiig froi.i t-xru ^H|H^u tjs-i ilci-, in u 8 ale! .nv^I^, on!r 6 eR.. Tii.- c-.- .il 1. 1- â- ..aitiaf. mJdBa.aWLtmtj. Baeay, ch .n ;. oiouaiiates, from thir;y yBarg*'8ucces»iui ta-adiac, UAt alarming con dangerous use of internal medicines or th* use of the knife pointing out a mdde of cnte at onoe siuiplf, certain and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condii.ou may be, may (rare himself cheaply, privately anri radically. laa'This Lecture should be iu the hands of every youth and 'vvery man inthe land. Address The Culvcnvell Hedical Oo,. â- "' :: 'jj49l AaaSt^Nrtv r*rk. Capital 11 »v..fv UaBAtio.N .On. »-m\ 0.\ U '.O^ 11 Itfl! frWi â€" ,â€" â€" erytoinjj uc« II-.- aaii-i^j iT/«J f-i'i' i tiling. da y art- ma!. makti as :uiu-u as iu«* s make great payi .iMsauar, •! yny araii.^a ^l i.e~s at Wtucu yoa can uiake'tfrtat'pay all tbf tima yon work, write lur pjtwinnlars t* B. BAUMTt A Csb, Portland, Mauss, Oiiion Gsntge Â¥/orks. A 1 w -• !. ii: niifaoturel from First Gl^ss Material 111 :ii.- Lnt. at HI 'i Btst Improved St.. "e. uii.l fi; ihlit;! with l^n;jr!iIi ""£i.i'ni«!!8li. Palifffiig Trimming Rigs will receive prompt utttdiuou. A 1 Sepai.ra exeoi ted iu the shortest possible till e cooaistetit with god workmanship. \.^.-:r_ IX LIQUORS! I can supply a quality that will defy eompe- tiiiou iu Uarkdkia. IN PRICES I can com; ate vith the best houses iu Mark- dale. Oive m« a Oa.ll. .\CX MOBI PaKT II. CHAPTER V. THK GATE FALLS.' BaaiNs MX thd Markdale. I • WILSON BENSON. 1st. |a81. • Good Work a Speliajuity. Remember .bo SIiip, opt osiie the Lheapside ©. J. SHANAHAN, r j'l ~~ " Proprietor, Markdola. Lae. ^d, 1S8I. 64. TO FARMERS k BREEDERS. UHviiig p'^niba «i tbe Short kloro Y arhug Bull, PRINCE ROi'AL, No. 225. Vol 7, C'li.aJa. biiori Horn Btotk tj{ w *. :ao.. «y i.L. j (iid4, Voli;). XJi .»' Lii. oy vJiidi'iflti PIili.L'i. 'l27S)f) g .1 .t.«H«t^JU«A»itâ€" XlllAR. L(^i"iE, by UliADbTuNE (144(1) sequeuces may beradicallv cured without the I i: g. •' «»! M«r a by Uukf^ -of Arkril .. r ,. ---',1129). â- •-â- 'wV'l:,-.:' k iimi el •â- siWr :«/£lMk^ntt.l«lt lalefl^r^lll SO aacii.ibr-iwtfsfn ai. bia R «^ Avumei H. D N$3 -^S «amH VduHr ed forandni "-l/fnu' 'U i- LCQjtia 1 ed. siifl-^jMrf'EBiS'risa: â- ^iW* ctWWW Jw^" "J^ a*'*Pi»aeaa McKT^NNA MASON CARRIAGE WORKS MARKDALE. As the season of the year is approachmg that Sltiighsand Cutters are wanted, wa wisli to in lima lie to the farmers and poblic ia general that we can supply them with any thing they want in that Une. such as Long Sleighs. Knee-Bobs, Block- Bobs, Deraocrat" Square Box, Portland, Swell Body, and Double-seated Cutter OP ALL KINDS AND SlYLES. I' he gaspad â€" ' As wa Bse nothini; bet firsl-elass material we can GUARANTEE SATISFACTION Work I Call and Inspect our on h» d before purchasing elsewnere. OAPEFDL ATTENTION OIVKN TO HORSESHOEING anu General Jobbiag iu eveiy Un*. hHOPâ€" On M'll Street oppoaitf to Sproale's liotel. "-i S2 I- I s^ w. iKiHmuti ^^ i »^ WARNINC! There is giwat danieer of tl^ ioK cuid frim wet feat. If yoa want te i, .^-.^^i. Guard Against SiclcnessT Keep your feet dry aad warm by procoriiig yoor SOOTS 1 •»/»' i:;» iX KAY TIIO*IAm. S ' sfaeiion OUmaa lss i "*- Mie.. V.01 k Soto .. aU si»w. kefS inTtaiMl. ^«wa»brrjh,jrfiee For one niomsut ho thought dead had arisen for one moment â€" he stood speethieos and spell-bound for ooa brief, horrible momest ha thttught he saw Kathorin Dangerfield looking at him auross her own grave She made no atteuipt to speak, but stood with her icy i^aza fixed upou turn â€" her pale, chaugtless, marble faca. lie was the firsi to bra^s the silence. 'Miss Ilerucastle you!' Her eyes left him and ha moved. While they were rivit«d upou him he stiiod as one under a spell. '1, Sir Peter I'â€" the low, soft, sweet tones lingered like music on the ear --' and 1 fear I have startled you hf ain but 1 mevei- dreamed of seeing jou here.' 'Nor I yon. Wi'it brings you, a stranger, to this place of all places, Miss Henicastitt, so soon after you: arrival *?' He asked the question angrdy and saspioioasly. Surely there was some- thing ominous aud ainiater iu this woman, who looked enough like tha daad girl to have been her twin sister, and who yisited her grave so speedi- ly- Idiss Herocastie drew her mantle about h«.r tall, slim figure, and turn- ad to go. 'I came out for a walk. Sir Peter. I have beeu in the school 100m all day, and I am not used to suck close confinement. I asked my lady'a per missiion to take a walk, aud she gave it. I am a ra^xd walker, and I soou found myself here, lue town behind. It looked so peaceful, so calm, so in- viting, that I entered. Tlis lonely grave attrasUd me, and I waa reading ihe luscuptiou as you came up. If I bad Known it coula have muttered m any way â€" that 1 would have uistuib- •d any one by comingâ€" I should not have come.' She bent her head respeclfully, and moved away. Dressed all in black, moTij{g with a ieoaUar|y swift, utHae- lesSpf gliding step, she looked not nn- iikey a phaotcra herself flittering amqng tba graves. An 1 in what au emiitioiilaii, level moDOtoaa aba had spokan t as a ohiid rapaate a lesa-jn leaiiuad by i-ot#. iim atood aud Uiobad a'tar her, darldv, diatraaiittUy it aaeiuad phui- nbia enuBgh but that biddeu ius. tiu^ tbakeomaa tu us to w*ru us oi dai^-«r. told him aomethios wrtfBg. '^o ia aha ' be lapeatad â€" 'who is i^NTr, Faoagli Tika Katbahua to be liec^iwitt. m»Ut. Wbo la aba ' Ue sto^f«c|' nw idypt l y.. 'finough lik»' Ks*h*riiia t»be bar twin aister!' And why not â€" ^jsl^y no.' batliecuiea u* tar '^tit, was t^tert te %ny Katber- iaa.(ie^e( b'**! a sister He knew u(4^M.~^alarer or 4ter fajxtily, lava. wbiA'AiB^VaiFMOr ab^ae to teiil- EiOb -, ei}|ii»4i^btlMtv« a Oasan aistaia tor wloftt hv dt aba aTerknew. A gtasffi ji^EM i^ )ua ^yea ha aatl^a tMtb w^X«iDBMaif.hif.old h»U-4V: l o ai ^tt v lion. 'Katherine is dead«au bwiaac -fXt^j^ang era kBfr^jlM iwd M^ .â-¼o^M(^o'«^".(Ua ;iu^l%Baca8t)e, 4o tat.- lli fitd.oitf 'Qt^caaUe^aMiridM^ •iiia^iuMffli^Htt^kA's hare for, b«fi;r liaB^'fliiiMK^b^iihleet' ^M^uberria.'-I*]/ Bansarfiaid aai- •A well-dressed idiotâ€" ' 'Only au everyday gentleiuanâ€"au- swern my note of invitutiou iu evoiy iay Btyle. You ought to thank mo, Quteuie. Who is to euterlait Sir Arthur and to take him off your bauds when you tire cf him? tveu baron- ets with thirty tl.oujAud a year raav pall sometiuits on tL« fnvolons mind "f a young lady «f two-and twenty. Your father will do his best- and 'Uncle lUoiil's bftct, when he tries to be ent.rtaiiiiu..;, mymis a good dual but stile MnjiT rranklanJ will ba a (,'r«iat auxiliary. Queenie, I wonder whv you dislike him so much.' 'I dielike all mere club-loungers, all weli-ili-iisscd tailors' blocks, wrjiout onaiJea iu their heads, or o;ie hot. est, manly le ling iti their hems Jasper Fianklaud knows Sir Peter hates hiiii. If he were a right feeling man would ho come at ail, knovriue it?' 'Certaiily, when I invite him. Add again Sir I'tt.r I I wish Sir Peter wa» at â€" Qu.)euie,you have had an ex- cellent bunging up under the care of that wicked, worldly old dowagur. Lady ruth, hut in some iliinga you, arc as stupid as any red-cheeked,, but- i-err-mrtkii.i; dain-maiJ. Tall;iiiv' of iJias, and feeling, and S.r Pwter's jeHlourtvâ€" siK-ii uoiiseuso I I marri- ed Sir P«t..r Dan.i^ertidlJâ€" *iu), «i-.u- out «ice).ii.,n. I beliLve he I3 the m.st inlaubsly stii.il aud disjigeetible httie wretoli the widy earth holds â€" when 1 did limi tiie honour of inarryiug liku, I did it to kecuro lor lujself a pleasant home, all the comforts aud luxuiias of hie â€" and I class the society of pleasant men like Ja.sper Frankland, chief among these luxuries. He is the best figure, the tes( style, the best bow, the best walzsr, the best second ia a duel, and tha best scandal mon- ger from here to the "Srfeet shadv side of Pull Mall." If sir Peter deesu't like friends I ask, then I would re c .miatud Sir Peter to keep out of their sight, and make hiuis'lf happr in the 8 .ciety of his impaled bugs, and dried butterilies,aud stufftd toads. Congenial compauiokship, I should say â€" oit^s of a faaiher, etc. By the way, what was that long discourse you and he had last evening about Natural philosophy ' 'No, ghosts.' answered Lady Cecil, gravely. 'He heiieves m ghosts. So did the great Dr. Johnson, was it He isn't quite positive ybt that Miss Ueriicabtlo is imt the disainbodicd spirit of that pour girl that died here. Aud he says there is a place three miles jffâ€" Bracken Hdlow, I believd â€" hauntea to a dead certainty. Now I am goiut; to see that house the very first opportunity. Sir Petor gravely Hirm^ that he has hpatd the sighis and seen the sonuds noâ€" I don't uiean that â€" the other way â€" ric« r«r- »a.' •My opinion is,' said Sir Peter's wife, 'that Sir Peter is in a very bad way, and that w« ahall be taking out a decree nf lunacy against him one of these days. Sir Peter may not ab- solutely be ma.i, but iu the elegantly allagcrical language of the day, hia head's not level.' Whit isjbit about Sir Peter ' in- quired the earl saantanng up. 'Mad is he, Ginevra 'Poif my lii« I al- ware bought ao sine* ba committed hisorowiring folly of marrying you. Pray, what ban be done lately ' 'Nothing mora tiian tbe Right Hon- oaralla the earl of Ruysland has d.'ino iiefore him â€" talked of seeing ghosta. He takes Miss Uarnraatie, tbe govar- ness, for a ghoat. So did yoo. Now 'Uncle Raoul, whoae ghost did yon take her for ' She shot her worda back apiVifnlly eaotigb. Tha aarl'a little satirical i«fta were i^t ta ba hitiuc sometimes. She looked at him as sha asked the qaeation, but my lord's counteuanoa lever chauged. Like Tal'eyrand, if k'on bad kiekedihim frrm b^faid his faoe would not aLow it 'Doea sba Skar an iraaarthly ra- aemblaoee to aoma lovely b«iag, lor- ai and loat h*lf a oratory aRw. my .«Mdt 1 foresee thuly tbottsaud trambiiog in tha balance. She it inclined to rabel â€"talks about being sold aud the rest •f it. As I said to herself, in spite of lier admirablo britgiug up, bar tdta« on some suhjecU are in a deplorably erude aod primitive statu." She shall inarry oir Arthur,' the earl responded serenely 'it is written â€"it IS destiny. Her ideas liave noth ing whatever to .4o with it; Mai ii there be any point of worl.Jlr liiidui.ss and polish which lady Rutll limy Lav. omitted, whoso competent at you my denr GineYra, to leach if. T I anl at peaceâ€" my only child ia iu s.tfe hands. Write out our li.t quickly my d^ar. I shall be lutt a« it i..' His nii'ce lausrued, "out h.r syss flashed a little. It was diamon 1 cut diainoi;d always between tha worl It uncle and quite as worldly niece, and yet in their secret haaits they liked each other, a:.d suit.d iSch otbrfi- »ell. Lady Cecil reached the sihool room Less ne wura just ended, and Miss UerncasUe stood lnokiiig wearily out of .he window at the insllew after- noon radianceâ€" fs^ged and pale. Ladv Cecd glanced at her oo'mnaisioua* Uly.^ •You look weaned to death. Miss Hernca^tIe I »m afraid you find the Misses Dalryinple tsnilile little Neres in pinafor.H. Dj you go out for a walk, and Pearl aud Pausy and I will go and dresKtho dolls under the trees.' 'But Lady Dau(.'fcifitldâ€" ' 'Lady Daugerfirld u in tlie draw- ing-room yju can ask hVr if yoq chooseâ€" she will not object. I am sura you used a walk. Come, ebil- dren, and fetch your whole family of dolls.' To he continued. Tha com»i i^ coming at the mta af •2,000,000 uiilas a di, ' • ",J. The comefcis coming «at iO~thi#' ' flaAfa; then tebcies the crmek ol doooi., Becf-stealfirsfra gomg«ip.t«»17 and Export"' CUEIST CHUKCU, MAllKDALE. REV. J. J. MORTON. Every seat was filled m the English Church on Sunday evening last, to lis- ten to the Rev. J. J. Morton.who some years agj was the iacumhcut at this place. â- â- The Rev. J. Ward read the prayors, and the Rev. J. J. Morton read the lessons, and preached. Prior to tha sermon, thn rev. gentleman said that he wished to say a few words to them, and espreis ths pleasure hf felt in itgain coniiijg among them, nud the more so in that hi found this fine church erected iu Markdale; I. helped to console him to see and hear of tueir prosperity. It was wun great regrut th.it he le:t the ceugr^- gation hci'i. and he always felt th*t he had left warm and true frieu is in the parish. He bad reason to be thankful that he had spent soma few years of his uriuisiry among thom. He was pleased to learn from their rector, of their growth spititually and temporally. The rev. gentleman then preached from 1 Tim. 4. 8, maintaining th»t no one enjoyed this life so much as those who gAnmenced ou this earth their l:fe of happiness. Tho nearer we lived to God. the more should vie enjoy the legitimate aud real pica' sures of life. Plump firis are coming into fasbioa agam. That's xood. Thegiils aboai Maikditle will take the lead iu tmi« fashion. Tbe raiom-ce3 of the autboritias «t Winnipeg for the accommodatioa of in-pouriug amiKrants is altogetbar too limited. A lumour is current in iVinaipag that the Can. Pac. Syodieate •!« na- goeiating for tlic piircha»f of the Man. aud Stb, WesUru. Peo;)lo are said h got tL'eir 'arm* brfikoij, find receive o:livjr iujuriea while fighting fr a plict- a; thi hotai tables in Wiuni;eg. I take my tex di.-* 111 r itn ;. skid a col'.Hiied preacher, rmm dit p I'tion ob scripture wsrs de P.M'Ji PmiI pints hi* pistil to the Fskians. A (lergymau says, "A t img wanisa died in my neigWbodiuu d yesterday whilal was preaching the irospel iu a beastly slate of iutuxicati^u. Miss Kiudliu. ol CLicag*., recently married a mAa named V/o.ui. This ia what may he called a iding fuel t.i tha flame of love. " Kiudliu â€" Wov»d. ' A Maikdab mm trtdes a $7J watob f r a $45 g'lu, payi $3 'or repniri and then exchanges it fra $U0 horse, which kicks a $28 c iw to deatti aud thou dies of a broken iieai't. How much did thw man lose "' The Grangers purpose having an excursion from Durham, to tiie Modal Farm at Guelpb, ou tire *i3d of June. Far4 $1. About 1*200 ex;ursionists is ihj uuiiiber estimated for Dtirbam station on the ocoasioK "There is nothiiv^' down." said a retired SLtiEPING LN CHURCH, Soon after the Rev. N. McDiarmtd had commenced hia sermon on Sun day baoruing, he suddenly stop}cd, aul said â€" thitt it was not vary plea sant for him to see so m.tuy ol the congregation settluig doiyn ci.bfo/ta- bly iu t,iieir pews ready .for a sieep. They might let htm finish his text at auy rate. It was annoying to bim i) have to talk to sleepers.,- THb SECllr.1 of BiiAUTY No cosmetic in the world canimpaii beauty to a iace that is distigured hy unsightly blotchet arising from im pure blood. Burdock Blood Bitters IS the grand paiifyiug madiciue for all humors oi the blood. It luakes gool blood and imparUt the hloom of health to tbe most sallow coimtanauce. A GOOD FILTER. To hare pure water in the houae evary family should have agoodfiit«r. the bealib nud comfort depnids large- ly open the usa of properly filtered water. The liver is the tme filter for tbe Uood. and Burdock Blood Bitters keep tbe liver and all tba seeretory oi^aas in a healthy ooudition. It is the grand blood purifyinf, lirar lacolat- tngtauic R » ' CHILiiLAlNS K These troublesome eompiaints buj ba apeadily eofed by Hagjisda YaUov Oil. Um graat Bhanuastio nnady. which aaan extamel apptiflatiaB JMd aa an ititamst ramady has • of oaalitloeas thaa any You nosembar ahagara yoa satioo iik,ttMi«fldld. AU qoito a atart-^h* diity of her JKhf*!.' it. S5e. like settling mjrc'iaiit m Grey. "When I gave up buiiu.iss I rettled down aud found I bal iV com- fortabia fortune. If I had settled uy I sLoiild not have bad a caut.' A Dutchman fro;a Suihvau droTa to the market at Chalswortii 0.1 :iun- day morning last wi'4i a fui! load of paas under the itujuessiou that "il â-¼ash Zaturday." He hronglit tae load nine miles ^hronj.'h the mad. Eight young gtrlt 11 'st of tbeu above tbe avera^^e in h»aaty, ariived ir. Toronto yesterday morning from Monireiil. In the eveni" thty left for '.he West. Tht»y haj tickets for Wi:ini{«g. aud stated that they war* 'oijg oat prospecting. TliTe 11 a little touch of pceti* justice in the ease of tbe Belleville ho- tel keq^r who gave a strnifer $17 50 fra '20 ciieque, which profed to ha forR d. If ho thrnght the paper waa â- qiiarp, wliT did he not gi^ its fallfao* value If he was suspicions, his d«ty was plain. A girl at Toronto bad a narrow as- ca;e last Mouday. Sha placed a pin hf'tween hor t«etli to hold for a tniuata when so'.neore startled her, and tha pin lodged crosswixs in her throat. Emetics wrra tried, but no i^i«f could be obtained, and the poor gal was in great agony. S-c- then attcmnted to force it drwn. and in doing so broogbt it up. • W» ha»a r"cived No. i of tba Orian- til Caskt, frorr the |)aWi8lier at Phil- a'1e'])hia. Ps. Ttisa ver'tabte easkat â€" ft ca«kot of g*!ins â€" of Kteiatore. Tt is well print*'d on ?: od papAr. Its ooiitente are lively, go-d. pure reading raatt' r. Wo reallv do n-^t kTKw of a better family monthlr. The snbsflnp. tinn is not a ti'ha of t'^e va'ne of th« gems in the casket. A Visitor, m the shape *f immansa and brilliant comet is proroiaed na this Buramer, and is »a)d In ha already visib'e iu the West hv the aid of tba "escrpe. It will attain its greatast mai^ritiide in June, and. amsording to astronomers will Seamagnifioent spa- rtsAle. What with comets and ••lec- tions, wa shall have sufficient to inter- •st aa. Tba law rqn:ras that every paraan who ta'sea in a atray anima! mns^ n«' sify tha township dark nf the tnunid' pality oi tba faot hi addition to adver* iiaing it, girinff as minute dasenptiAii aa poaabla of tba anima' The dark is nqnirad to kasp a list of all tna'i ani- mals. Pa rao ua failing to comply w^Mi thi* proviaoo of law layjttMmsahaa iokjaet a haa^y panaHgf^^feid aoOast tx- iwmm af '-si' lr.aj v...\ •â- •.A â- II