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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 7 Apr 1882, p. 2

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 Tn' 4»y. STANMKD^ ym/ ^-Yoi"'^^ NOTICES •*: plocg hing fjfts o"ninaeneel. â- yjj wtatiier tbi« week ^pgper f'^r =**^ '" P*' quarter ill be neat and ,.,tor.» iuMarkdale i" waut to get ft Dew n like to hear from our ' *ai« correipomltnt. ^j l,y orderiug apriuff suit* I'!^, to Kejnolds Sons. â-  riM i Him road. 2t.j«ad to tln%htMi â-  waqCUlmi fnntlM (Ml luiWWonsfada roa4. â- iillM 1.1. t Clan* Job W»rk, go to office. MarkdalA. are offering ^t from the oWest aSl cjn safel recommS, Ind mspect my sttyt ' lalk. Don't faiuj';^ "y. â€"I. I W^PARSONlJ Uy and Clover SeHsaF process Linieed Mcll ♦ 2.50 per I oo lb,. ^e," Duni ;eijIjIngoi |j^ Hruwu it Sou, ar* ruuning \,i^vt uull uiiiht ai.d day. •,4 ?V1» '"' *^'""" Nuts and '•"*°^';t M^ii't-'juiery-s Baker*. "^T^t Green liM sold liis fiarm of *^^ •• P,.wcr8 for f 1,660 tf* to Mr. av Uruieri to k'-ep tbe ewes ll«!ll tn\ indu llie cold iu r f^ik- Tljo tiuwt U.iug iu tlie " .- r f.^Jmpc«Ivcs, for «.«'« lt i.tsite llie .^ Api'lv iit tlji« otlice ^r i^ ,_ KKsli^rtou- tht-y 'nake tlie ",vp ;iie 'I « [jj.^atDiJH-. „.,)l !• Ml jl,. r.rA-im-i'l- i,l«br.c.."ri" "• .Try It tiiitl ., Tiiruiito, iivu of Liin'.ine. tlif lilje »i,t « tf-t'c '-in-uhir ' t lip ,..t .-â- â€¢v!i- •' !i.f :•!•' I" tlil- ,^-,.1 •' Iji.'S rf.ll .111 Ijlt'41 :a:.:.'*tli-:: •Viii. Dooncw credit Mb te ia«i..t»ttWiremiMt tf Xri SbM, lot ai. eon. •. Bpiiud. Htock, implements, Ac. Tlioa. Smith w31 be in Fe«beit.,|. *^yy ,„. ^^ r.xt M..Bd»y. ti. de b-ir •• :n^, Qde...n Arnold l^a. A^ «a. nbHTing. •Lampjew^ Ami Ufem^Jk^'., cb«r^ wul. «ii«.ih.^t^»i«u k.,ifo he will be glad to ee't • eU froiu ' ujli l*^'" « Tuera w«^^ utiier who need hie eerrioe. Shop next "'«*»«'*4ai^fc*. The jfe after W hoare door to Pkabert.. Bake«^ ^** S^^" *~^' fcT"*^ ' «°* Tha by-law tor $7.iS00 fur tberya- "sa â-  eu l^ proreoaent-of Wiarton Harbour, wae Ib Mrlicutbof Afcll altaiA evwj pwaed oa tbe Utk alt., by a aiajori^ tJ* 7*""^* ^** rel«ble Blood of78U.l,,L„au»ouutwitbtbeG.,- i2;^fct^JtL^;:Jl,?3S^; *T *^.i?^ .f $36,000 ana Railway »^ Can,.i.pauou ^r.. ^eT^t ditftctjy on hU the aeeretiiu»j tiieir pntgatiT* aoticu oaJMgriog ofiall im- pantiM bcm tlie ayateru, the'T lorifo. W. BEKKfON MeehaniHil dtte. aid of $7,600 will rery ipaterially in proTe the harboar at Wiakou. The Meafbrd iiirror says, Ulenelg agricultural aociety'a officers are push ing gentleman, aud to tbetr energy Mai kd»!e will be indebted for as fine fair gronnds and place aa may be found in any place the site in the Provinct. What is Lai dine Ask any farm t thraaher or mill loan iu fact an man who mas machinery aud he wiil* tell yon that it u the only oil which will wear equal » Ciutnr Oil and won't gum or clog your ^achiuery. A celebrated prraehar laakirs the re cotniueudation of Ayei-'s Pills a mat-jl**^** lerot rolij;ious duty. Wuen p^'ople ij^tte, ar«iSJMioa» aud dyspeptic, wbat thuy "KKs 4J»^. 4 Jn ti.e 'J.^wel of Health. In!p;;i:;^°~ rate tlie Li«er and £idnc7»» purify the StomaBh, cluufe the B|»ela, a^ giy«« Mvangth aud fame to t|sa whale iiy bteM. Try a eoorw of (his yaiualle safe cinl reliable Tflgetahlai pt«pata tion, Dr. Carsou's Stomach and Coa- Btip«ttioii Sitters, Ip rge bottles at 6U cents. A. Tornev *ud Co. Special Ageut Markdale. ""' DUNDALK MABKET8. Wheat. P»U. No. I. Wu«au.tti«iaf,5* *. Barley t.. I.. 1.. â- 1.. â-  ••*•• 'iMn;li ca^e**, the lies! creel ^^ swallow loutiists of tlie thiriy Bugai'-c:atud artic £ in a pill box. Litriiiue uuciiiue oil will not 'igdai or freeze, nu.i weara betti-r tliat aiiy otli r oil iu t!H market, A^k 1 r»I •! H' 1 fi';d ti.kc ufi utlier. â- # iir Uay •lAO to tlJS 1.11 to LIS .M to .65 M to .Ti .M to .36 .17 to 'M 4o aa Ktq £6 7 JO to 'tJW 7.U0 10 leaxi jdAi^KDAliE. J. Fridat, Ap:U 6th 1883. t'lonr 6,00 to 6.25 Spriiij WUeat pei busb.. new 1.16 tc 1.20 Wiii; do. do. do. 1.12 lu 1.16 Tesit, Cotppes Sugars, Raises, Ac., And erery other artida in tb* ftotmy kapt eonsttiaUy on hand, snd of tha ' WtHety andbeU braads. IN LIQUORS! I «aa sopplx a qnality that will defy .iition ia Marfcilalji^ IN PRICES I oaa compato vith tha ttast hooaat in tUA- dale. Olve xne a, OaIU WILSON BENSON. MaikdsU. Tie. Itt, ISSl. C McKENNA MASON ins. Bargair North-West. Iiiove t'l Manitoba now off«n â-  rt^J Htofk, consisting of Boots and 8h Millinery, c., lUIFRK. |;-li4e 'ale ever offertd of i;ould' musLbe std. rj«i-ii» I'lMKliife. [OIJ^, Proprieto] VT 13 "Mr: XT land Expenditure, I 'eceitthe'r, iSSi. i:i?TS 1881. • $194 69 •"• ... 3«43 87 u. 2888 09 l^tiO nt W |)or cent. Jill; -i i*"®^ .x.-« f.T 1880, n 13, .. ly. c^i,. 19 '•i;.fi~ ,iu.i .Sit' *. yjt I'Oit-',. ,.v.d .»8ii!-i« thvr-p ri Ciiai. Uie ,6ictl iij Kii for the ^t-neral eltc- itiiL t li "f June. ,,, ll.i:,iiid». l)(i-ks, in h1! Ii» ^.i..l «t: iIil: ii^hi p. let ill \g i ii li' »• ffickii .\v'.-.l;,'« receipt of $l,fr)iu TuiliauJi'iii, Rvdal Dunk, beinu rii tuiii tu Standard for 1882. [ti ciikNt* of McFarliind's 'lEA ;i.i Miihr.'il)* last week, and one ji[[uOw!i bound. Eiiou;ih Raid. |;,Ltfii:iviia»e your sjiriug goods ,H. F's"-ri Kiijjlisb imiorta- • wnv*, winch he expects next if riii!ei f.«r $1, 5Us fine il»; lr;l u'" id tlav.pur $1, sugar M. aiiid ajM lib irish and clean at 11, 1 u ' |;iip«'|-Kte l'.:iri;;iiiie ;J()(i pairs piu- t». niMLi'is aud Mlsii«?.s,4(Jct8. jitt'iJi ^1, !.fiing fast at' Mc- ;_-ilre5 blurts white and cidour It -iz» aiid Ciiciip.Sfce llieiu. Tiet, .nil tlie iiite»t novelties, at Hut IliUc't. „e;iiigiifct tiiwers in the world ,.'5«iif tiiK l'jl'f,'ut C.itliedral, t;-t, nr 1 'j'livHleul. to 4,11)2 of • oil » 1 .lit 'u i'ens. u'-i'illLiy i,' .â- Vllen Mi;Dou;^all ;;.m.ilx.i, Wui. .Mi-Leod, Build- |i-H. .Ltract' r. uud James llitchie ;.\lalilt..b:i ';ist week. â- 'i.:ty .11 flit and straw, Batter eu»vp ifi irvedtli. ir Rpring stock kiiul'l till' ublic to examine Piicefr.MU il»Jts to $3.00. »(il«url,; Assebor J. S. IMack, :b I^Ti'Uge this week, lie is rais- fi«A«iiiuituiriom W te 100 per tour iiriutr yewrs. U. J. Sh ii) iif Uiiii^n Ca^i'iiage Work-, 'i.'a k 'al-^, is tiuain;; out 8me very od wMk, in lact, tins is his «•] etialit r. Ha his just reciov.' I an â-  rdff II in an old cust mtr o;i Maui- •.â- ulm Miiii1 !i J.Vinocrat 'Vu.^^in. i.' v.iit.r::," i' Air. rli .nal.a'i's \V')r\, r««ivs; '•Ti, wliio'n yoa seat me ti ;i l' •â- c'iin;{;;e tH'W far «llri;r- '.â- â€¢r !â- â€¢ aiivi-'iiug *1'.- on the M.unl i.i- ;iii " :-ifc" .ir 1 (mI .irtist, ilr iiiuwn.-, i* p ..'ii .,; ':â- â€¢.; tins ipriuj», -unt is lur^iing out as good pictures as his coiilreres In tha cities. Ho lia# ju-^t snlimilted t j us a proof-copy of a new phot )iirapli of t:i-. En.ijlish Churub, Mnrkdale. It is remarKab'v sharp f.r an outdoor picture, and it lias a beau- tiful tone and finish. Ua is taking some splendid ph )t0'^raph8 iu his gal- lery over the Standard Office, Mark- dale. A PrsLic .Mketing should be called of the ciuzens of ev»ry city, town and villHge in the Dominion, to consider what should ha done to prevent the hair from turning Giiiy â€" au(J falling out. If this important qufsriiiu reco:voJ their eurnest con- sideration they would unanimoH«ly dt.ciii«tiiat science had at last dis- covoiwd soinethiu" tliut would auswer Barie tat8 Paas l*nlAt(Hb. ...••••«, BuUev^r lb. r^KK^i per doz â- Pork, ire-. -ed IJeel ii^i3e per i' Duiki, 1)0! a'r It) wis, pf r r-iir Turiiry pt.' I" i 1) SUft-pbhius HiiLx ....^t- ... (ira-is iemX, «l«v n-..)l Clreen Appes, ier. biiKhel. Lard Tnllow l" Cird Wooil .6U U..S6 U.6» 0.50 U.16 0. I 750 6.00 0.07 0.40 U.OU 0.07 UaO 7.25 2..o 0.70 .1.86 0.70 i.6« 0.18 O.I2i 8.00 6.00 0.0' I 0.40 0.00 0.))0 l.fiS 7./.0 300 13.0ri ' 14 00 0.22 " 0.00 0.76 " 1.00 0.10 " 0.14 0.07 '• 0.08 1.7« •' 2.(0 I'J.ESHERTON. (Corrected veekly for the Stayida'd by K. J Spriuli-. FUsherton.) Fbu)at. April 7th. 1882. Flcnr. i)er bbl »6.00 to O.OC Spriag Wheat per bush., 1.12 to 1.16 Fall do. do. do. 1.12 " 1.15 0.60 " 0.68 Barley Oats Pf..s Potatoes Butter, per lb. EgK»i per doz. 0.36 " 0.60 '• 0.50 " 0.16 " 0.12*" tbl»X recom' urw'i'i- â€"-UMl. ilMftd Cing^laae furtLar l«ae Ha ijaurA w air Hon I as beiuij; this somutHug fur restoring the hair h) its natural color, and pre- vent its falling out. 50 ceuts per bottle. For sale by ail Druggists. Polk, dressed 7.50 Beef 5 00 Sheep-skina 00 Hides 7.25 Har i2.0 Timothy seed 2.50 Wool 0.22 Lard 010 Talow 0.05 TOiiONTO. 0.36 0.70 0.55 '0./8 0.00 8.00 6.00 1.25 7.50 14.0 3.00 0.P1 0.12 0.07 ::i«^e2 L. •♦«: Uti TTm^ m. 8PRIN %\ *- '/* An Automatic Reed Origan.. :^-rit UJJ^ )t CtlU POST OFFIGS^STORE; r /^ " -â€". i^^w ,-.r /.:/: ».., :t '-}.- Jr-'iV-V" £â-  I 1* -T-^T" T^r, BTiESHBRTtjSrr"-*^-^- =^*.~ « •VBlMsVtC mar new •« ealle-J a e«Mr-atadl'4atTe»'rt. I. '.ois t i« 1 to tlta fall!â€" I On«B, bat the uii:mo muat lie maiimnlaU bv rn »ri:-'t in vaXt-t .« y^t- daaeiBiHta etia OaocuiBTn iiju thaoUtci hand eu;iraly ni«K-h«i .vil ii !•â-  actii-u^aaA at a triCiaf aapanaa it sau ba mada !• tamiidi aa aiUaaiUd aapflV «t a!. El.iU of BSMa. â€" riwlo Oiafta." '^Tkc OiBMIbcUC is indeed a mawesl «oa4ar. It i* a aeaatai* «»«4 o.«aa ».ik and melodioas a tooa as the Cabiuet ftfaa. It surpass.;- tu« Ci w: 0i aa t\» that tha iguoramos in music Cftu play it at well a* tbt xat-mi «r«.-airl sb«d |wr Tn OaemseTTB ia strong aud aocnrmta in ita â- tachaaiaist aad e .«^.i«Mai j !•â-  liahla to gat oat of otdor." â€" Jifoatrcol Gaxttt*. **TllM Ovpateette i tha moat parfeet aatomaBa muaiasl iaatrmBaaa yat iafeaft^ ita lapartoria u onlimited, tha toua is lasutrkabiy faod." â€" i f a a trw i l rtar. *^ ' -~*" Prices, $10 tir$l$. CMahfasM W. F. ABBOT « CO. 1 TO M« TOLTIOERVS STBCEY, M ONTRE KJ^. Sole Mannfsctnrwa eM^ate nto ea. Ca W. ROTLEDC^ Agents Msrfc ii lU, coii. •nu. I... 4. 234. cons. 23 2;l. 24. con. 0.79. â- i.'i. con. 11. 1H79. H.-.. c-.n. 8. lH7i». to. con 14. 1879. c .11 14. 1879. ... :. t-.....12, 1879 80 MX s lot 2 on. 19. 12. I 5? 29 ^14 » 10 91 6 79 29 ' «, 25 !•' 9 89 ' 9 8S 15 07 aOd 26 5 70 7, 12. con. 7, ^5 00 21a 84 521 s per cent. School '• ••• â- â- â-  30 00 COO It S.S. 8. Proton .irs, ... A H. ENDITCBE. $7749 «7 t NTS. 218 8* â-  801- 2* '•â- " 130 16 â- â- ' • 8698 15 ••; 191 00 870 00 • 486 90 ;;; 540 » ;hers ol audit m ""'^Va*, rhe Slat day o' ^^***^ 1 ofii- bir. awl '3«w iiiue tiuie table i.-i expiotel ^u.tofont llie tirU of May, when ^^wiilruu Irom Oweu Sound to ^itj ip «u liuur lotis lime than at Ut. h »re i!loa.».-d tn have our old pat- Sir Hirso B'ils call making ar- Pmettts fnr ilie present ssaaou. hiiUiiileavor 'i give iiatufaction, •!ll»l)i»Rt. Ill shows, ro near at hand au" l^iiaeri aud lueuhai ics hav.- :iin! BuUer k liave I'lii^ to keep (.ut water, auvl wear p»iji]see tlie'.n. h»«»«n of sprin;:, McFarlaud [â- 'jW tui." inilliiu'is. Miss B-ard, '*icft urk-, li;t\i: r. tvrnel fr lu ^*J'•"»ltll Mii;.e lc\cly_thiua(t lu ' **^*. Crtll and 6ee them. I'*fiijm Mil kialc, Ap.'il SOtb. "iu-t n s :..!â-  .! o'lr dtliuq se rwre. If jijjy ^jg jjjj^ prompt in -b' uii. til.. ;^^. »,,,,n,,^, ,,,, Ui'!i"cv P'»i'«to.i^,., Latter Ha:' "P'-d ttit/i the chance ofgettin-: .•" " "Utile's ..f (i)its moi- ;;*'»"lao.J, II r,-u: eciable la-m- '^fac* L )iiu v. Ontario Wl-.i-htc 1 ^atuc l.y couimittiuv; U)i;.;pry Gto. Wright is about moving r'^t. Mane and will aell by â- "u^iwu. a.;.w and household '" Sitiuday tUe 25th, at one Teuna. over $4, six mouths. ^â- ^ t*eeds to fii the largest r i)«n, by the yard or m.ide to "•ciieap as any importer iu cftu furnish, we guarantee I "»«n you waut a sui',Butter attention is drawn to Messrs *Dd Cos advertiiiemeut on Dundalk. TIo8. Speers is going into the car- riage making. Samuel MeDonnell's Revolver ac- cideutaly went off ou Monday, the cunteLts euteriug his baud. The $2 bonus which was Lo have been given tiie employers on the T. G. li liy. has not come to hand yet. Mr. Byrues is refitting the Dunda'k hotel. Mr. Glnzies is having his new pre- mises fitted up and will open a shoe uhop shortly. Mr. Far.ell has sold his feed store. .John (lardiner is going into the Hardware business. Messrs. Nixeu and Hanbury are ex- pected from the prairie protioce en Friday evening. Spring goods arriving at Nirons. Hewetson has a fine stock of 8pri.:p t; ...ds on the way froi.i Eugautl. ...^ At thi« i-ensoii of'lheyear the sidip w tiks are more or less put ont'of.^ihtce fioin ;!,e winter frosts we liope ,â- , the police Inislees wiil to them and have th- m lepaired as early as possiiil^. It would " weU or he m'nl)er,'« -jf Township C-Miiicil *hen travnliut' tbvouah the TowrKhipto'k'ppp a sharp liok rnt liS t' th« state of the rmd.8^ as it. is ei-ier to set^ at tins *^** on o' tlie year tha part. d the n-adfi t!iit r. qiii'f nvst attention and x '•ir- ... .-' Wlieat,fall. per bush *i Z9 u ai so Wheat, spring, do 1 25 tc 1 30 Biirliy,- do 76 to 82 Oats, do 44 to 43 Peas, â- -â-  do 75 to K2 Rye, do 82 to 83 dover Seed do 4 50 to 4 70 Dressed hog."), per 100 lbs... 8 00 to 8 25 Beef, hind qiiartera 6 60 to 7 ,00 Beef.fore quarters 4 00 to 5 'OO Chickens, per pair o 45 to 60 Fowls, do 45 to 60 Ducks, per brace 50 to 75 tieese. ach 6' fo 75 Turkeys 1 0.» to 2 00 Butter. Urge tolls 23 to 25 Butter, tub dairy to 25 Butter, store-packed ' 00 to 00 F.KBS, fresli, per doz o 15 to 16 Ekrs, packed o 00 to 00 CAMIAGE WORKS MARKDALE. As the oeason of the year is apiMbaatuac that Sleiphs and utter* are waatad, w,a wish to intimate to the farmen and pahlia in general tliat we can supply them with any thing th«y want in that Una. such as T-onf? Sleighs. Knee-Bobs. Block-Bobs, Democrats, Square Box, Portland, Swell Body, and Double-seated Cutter OF ALL KINDS AND BlYLBB. As wa Bsa nothing bet firtt-elasi material we can GUARANTEE SATISFACTION Call and Inspect our Work I on hand before purchasing eliawnara. CABEFUL ATTENTION GIVEN TO HORSESHOEI NG aud General JobbiujJ^y* avery lina. iiHOPâ€" On Mill Street opposite ta Snroule's liotel. K. J. SPHOTJIiB.' y. .1, .. Hewi AdVeMseinent T tyr-bJi-j g ^HE "LONDON HOUSE, DUNDALK -: Bargains. Bargains. Bargains. o This is the right house to get bargains in Dry Goods, be- sides getting the very latest English and French fashions. Vjfhy Because they come direct from the manufacturers, thereby saving all wholesale profits. ir^J3e'and^ee our Dress Goods, fashionable and fancy, t« ' tS^Oe.' per' yard. Come and see oar Cashmeres, from 25e to 80e «r j4. Come and see our Ladies' Cloth Coats, irom $1.50 to $10 The largest and best stock of dry goods srer shown in Dundalk to select from. See our Scotch, West pi England, and Canadian Tweed*, ' f rtflB'XOtf to $l.fiO pec yd. A splendid assortment and anoqnalled "â- *" V- i* «- in quiJity and style. See our Jate importations of Gents' Re?dy-made Clothing, Londoa mede Overcoats, style and fit unsurpassed. Ui\s ca- bled for another case. Also a replete case of Shawls, Flannels and other goods. .-., -o Large consignment of new and fresh G-oceries just^delivere^. A. fine and delicately flavored Tea v.hich 1 can sell at 8 uounds I'er a dollar. I am determined that our fi lends travelling ever the desperately rough rovds to Dundalk shall be re paid fer thair trouble by getting bargains in every 'department. Crockery, and Glasrware Department, which is now replet* trit^ -every necessary. Handsome China Tea Setts at $6.60. Handsome Glass St^tts, price fiOe. ' • BUY WHERE You CAN BtX CHEAPEST. FAIR DEALING AK» NO FAVOUR. " .^- W. S. HEWETSON. Dnndalk, Jan. 19tb, 1882. It J .-'â- â-  Apples, per brl 1 00 to 3 00 Potatoes per bag. Onion.i, per bag... Hat 1 15 to 1 25 1 20 to 1 iiO 9 00 te 15 oO eEORE NOBLE, INSURANCE AND LAND AGENT. LItENbED AUCTIONEEE or the Ceunty of Gtsy.* AoKKT for th« foUowinR reliabla Compaaias CITIZENS' of Montreal, AQBIOULTtJBAL, of Watertown, and TRADE 4 COMMbBCE, (Matoal) of Toronto. number vt Choice Farms lor tals. also vdlageLp^s ,,, Auction S^les conducted in Town «r Conn- trv on Shortest NoUof ,. ChaigeR modarata, CilS. BUnk Niptes, s«4,tj«amp« pro»id«d. '.;.„, GEO. NOBLE. .M.iBKDAL« May 20th 1881 S6-1t WARNING Thera is great danger of tak- ini; cold from wat feat If yoa want ta Guard Against Sickness! Keep your feet dry and wara by procuring your ZBOOOTSl KAY THOMAS. Batiafactiou Gnaranteed. Med- icated Cork Soles, all sizes, kapt c-n^iaud/ Kemembf r the place opposite the new SxAKDAaa •: â-  Offiee. • FARBII RB^JVIECHANICS^ ESTATE, LOAN AND DUNDALK, ' Ontario. iMYtyaielii; lit wHh cart, ntafiin t and detpafdik A. G. HUNTKRv DoBdiiU. BapUmhar lit. IMl. TO THE^PUBLIO. The Subscriber respectfully intimates that his stores a Flesherton Station and Eugenia. are fully stocked with Cieneral Go; Kis, suitabie for the season, and will ije tonstantly renewed as required, consisting •! \.tr. NIL DESPEkANDVM. h-A THOS. MATHEWS, luBSsS Isi^liaTI MARKDAL^' aRArs tPECinc medicinl r p HE OBE AT ENGLISH 1 BEMUDY, an nnfailinj eure for Semiiud Weakneis, Spermatorrhea, Impolaocy, aud all disease^ that fol ow as a sequence of Self-Abnsa as !ass of Memory, Univenal Ben Taktagi Las .itnde. Pain in the Back UimoesB.ol Vifcioo. Premetiua old age.: and mau otner DiaeaMS that lead to Inpaoity or CoDsumptit n »ud a Pre- mature GrsVa. or Full jj^tfealacadn our pamphl.t. which we desire,, to send dee by mah toeverr. one. The Spccitic Medicina is sold by aU Drugpsta »*• â- !---» j.^ SI. 00 ptr packHge. or MS^ JMW' 'i**"?! packages for «5.00. or will ba ueut free by mail on rec; ipt of the money by addreaamg. THE 8RAY MEDICINE CO., 1 .ly i oroute. U^it. Canada Ko"bt. S T A I LXIH 8TD£NKA1C STBEBHP. DRY goods:, H.\RD\VAKE crockery, '.; glassware, boots, • .: shoes ;. :, groceries,- • provisions, a«. FRESH GROCERIElSj a specialty at this season. AH- Kinds of Farm^ Produce, Cordwood, and Saw Logs ^S^;jas-| tokea â- iji.-exchan,a;e forGdods. lu.^pectiun of the Goods re- spectfully solicited. My Saw Mill at Little Falls, is in lull operation. All kinds of Lpgs purchased Sawing doae kj the Thousand or on Shares. Wm. HOGG. Flesberton Station, Dec. 28, 18S1. 67 Ksrkdale. ialy T, iMl. OWEN SOUND ASSIZES. ..I 'â- M^a •orfipt. -^ *iy are shewing a great *8-er Cards by the best '*nd American makers. One o(E. His Lordship H(ui. Juft^ce Purtop. presided at tl)« Spiing Assizes which opened last wepk. Clark V Mcmillan.â€" Action for se- Incti 'n. V.'rdict for plaintifT. $900. Pr-iivitt V .\l'en.â€" J"hn D Mvitt. of Hd'i'id iave B. Allen, »w^n Soun I note in VHvment f^r tj'ods. Thr- ma- ker • f tii«' note was ont of the country and Allen pr .scented DeTit for ol- toinin? goods under false p»el«nces, but the bill was thrown out. Deavitt noW sued Allen for damages for ma- licious (rosecul ion. Tae plaintiff was non-suited. Wright T GillaJand. â€" Da«™*«nt had said in the DiTsion Court that be could prove the plaintiff guilty of per- jury, hence this aetif^n for slander. His Lordship dismissed the case on the ground that the worda were spo- ken during the nrogreee of the trial. Queen â-¼ Ellia. â€" A case of forgery raising out ol the altering of a grain ticket, increaaing ita face value •omefi bushels. SmteiMa 8 ooonl^. Had It not been for largaly lignad «*«*»«» i iu his favour, the aentenoe WwUa have baen fi year*. EVEUYTHING IN CUB. LINE KEPT ON HAND OR MADE TO ORDEB ON SHftBT NOTICE. HI lOBT T MARKDALE «?*=- HOUSE AIjEX^ RUISSDGE, Proprietor THIS mynU.1 lana Uu ee 'i e T friA hui'ding.'raeentlT «reet«l and fitted ap with ^ijMudini maTimftV" Ba(-«teii»hed in FifstClass StyU Th. Bar is sanpliad with Uli ViiI hm4aa Wlaes. Liq^bts and Cigars, and the tabl. with all th. deUcacies af 4fc- aaasoa. The teavaOiag P*Wie aiay lely upon .very attaotion being paid U their cam- ••â- ^frniailTrafaMk a«e44takle» and attentive Uo.ilar LIV IN C)0»I^i;CTION 1,000,0001 I Best Logs Wanted! ]|arble;9Srorks .^^^^ And ev«y deKsriptioif «d^M»ssJt week rVVHB SVBSCUBKBi} ABS PBXPAKED X tojetjtlM HIgtiest Price m Caelr^ foe any aaaaitittol good sonad Saw ** baid aad soft weed. ALL. WHDB OF LUHP^;^ KEPT ' OK H4»I). f BUls FWed'^im-.^hort Notke. fcnsnesa now before the public. Ton ean make monev faster at wcik for na thaa at anyiiiiug elaa. Capital not need- ed. We will start yoa. 913 a dav uud np- wards made at home by the industrioas. Men, women, boys-knd girls wanted eTerfwhcra to work for as. Now lo the time. Ton can work in Hiare tiaita oply or give toot whole time to the Duaisen. Toa can Hto at home and do the work. No other basineas will tray yoa nearly aa well. No oue ean fa'l U make en- ,ermoas p.'y by encaging at onoe. Coetly oattit auu terms free. Money made fast, easily aui' honorably. Address Taca ft Co., 'Avgoeta, Maiaa. •' --'• h .A M'INTYRE TEA! TfAl TEA! ^A. M'INTYRE n.o\a.r, JF'loiai, S^loTJLX-' McINT\RE'S ..JIuINTYREUS ilWORS I UQttOMt: lfciNTYRE,*8 Cig^ars, Ci^arsC: ^-f ^McDiTYEte^ r- MEAL I MEAL I MEAL I McINTYRE S P6rk» Pork. Pork. McINlYREB .Aad everything kepv-rn in a first-class Grocciy and Liqo.* Btere. '" " ' alwav. on hand. ciiEAr roR casb. CpS0C£8X%$^ GBEAT DISCOUNT SALE -AT "CHEAP SIDE." T«ry neai, is are kap». -^ NBUBY. U«4ii«H' lowiUAi â- J ' '»«wu«, forms oue of 'the at. .^ Christie v D^r.-^em to reoo^ ^^"fiUrkdale. Tuose who ad- t^VT t^.^^^^^y\»^l ^*«»« worW -i,^„u .1 A beads for fmit baxr^la. iWTie oojee*- work should caU and Me gj the price, and xefaaad maebiaa. yardial fat fltirtiff |M0^ s:. !- J^n^lHi^HK liAAI^tha! IBUTCHERM -^ • and at reasonable -.,,_.. dMp or sent by "^l^iiT!' POBK OB MUTTON 8UPFU»1 '•^^T. ' " "â-  ::r^r"Tri»jtis6cuonT^ r^t "t i i »a t f» i "s ' i.-i-" ' LB, BBOWH 80». TO4L !.' '-r« ' " f^i" ' ..i^iV t -iBmrxBt tor piu4 LeSwastkaMel «,i,-jiiiiTN, fm' \ii tilt a,! if «.« 3 Jkir- **•.'â- Â»- â- ;"" MARKDALE,. ,?, GENER'LBLAGKSUTH HORSESHOEING ' A gP ECTALTT. S'TjOfTUNO DISOOVERY! FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS I will offer to the public my entire stock of Dry Ooods, consisting of Dress Goods, Cashmeres, Liustres, Shawls, Prints, 'Winceys, Velveteens, Bmbroideries, Ijadies's Ulsters, Mantles, Twe«.d8. Beadynxade Clothing, I Hats Caps, Oeiit'v Ties, Liinen Collars, lr)eb8 Shirts, Overcoats, x^'ancy Flanuels, Ducks. Oxford Shirtinfs, Carpets, Sec THE A«»fE STOCK WILL BE SOLD AT ' 10 PEIrCT. MSGOUiiT I FORMER PRICES and aivst be mn off by the middle of iCarch. in order to ms^e room |g»4tiy {Spring impea tations frosB Britain, whieh will aiiive about the aOih of Uarcii. TERMS J H If. tha inhshit.ate U Msrt r l s l e aad the sonoaadiiio soaatry fur he v«/ -Uhiaal in whieh tfaiq' hava |j«trooi;cau m^ ainvc awniaeiifiin hyMuts.. ajia hu. « to ii.« a .ai.-V. HENRY POSTEE.^. w:... â- .•«;.'• *0§^-' T^- i^"' â- -*S»- "'â- ^•Sfid i i ii

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